NuMBEk 1070.J For Freight, or Charter, General Wafhingtcm, William Perry, nujicr, BURTHEN 2600 barrels; now in the Carpenter's hands, and will be ready to receive a cargo in two or three days. Her accommodations for paflengers are excellent. For terms of which, or freight, apply to the Captain, or , KEARNY WHAR TON. Feb. 9. FOR CHARTER, ABOUT 157 tons burthen; is now in complete order to receive a cargo on board, and lays the fecon'i wharf below Pine-street. Enquire of Jehu Hollingsivorth & Co. February 8. § FOR SALE, N D U S T R r, LYING at the Wharf of Mr. Henry Vratt; a staunch, good vet Tel; well found; about fix years old, and burthen 185 tons. For terms apply to yofeph Anthony Ss° Son. §jt- February 4. F° r Sale or Charter, The new (hip SUCCESS, Robert Wclfti, matter; lying at Stam per's wharf; a strong faithful built vessel, fails extreme ly well, and is also well found ; burthen 159 tons. For terras apply to Joseph Anthony 8c Son. Who have received by said veflel, A few casks Madeira Wine, mould and dipt Candles, and bed Boston Chocolate. Decsmbtr 29. dtf For Falmouth, and a Market, jy||«. roebuck. Will begin to take in in a few days, and is in- tended to fail with all' expedition. For freight or pillage, apply to Thomas & John Clifford, Who have Imported in said Veffel y and have for Sale. Besides their usual assortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, &c. A few crates of Flint Glass Ware, crates of Phials, crates of cream colour* d Ware, boxes of Long and short Bipes, cases of mens, womcns and childrcns Hats a floated, London and Bristol pewter, best Englifti crown Glass of the different sizes from 8 by I a to 9 by 7 inches, bull s-eye Glass, boxes of Tin Plates, Bar Lead and Shot, and a quantity of Copper in (beets and bottoms. They have like-wise received. An assortment of Garnett & Company's patent systems for Blocks for {hips ofe, and other purposes, which arc found from several years experience, to be a very confiderahle saving of labour, as well as saving in the wear of cordage, and are now generally used for the principal blocks in new vcflcls' Also, a few Pipes of Old Madeira WINt,. January 14. law MEDICINES. JOSEPH HUGGEFORD, druggist, No. 3X9 Pearl-street, la'e Queen-Street, INTENDING to retire from business, will dispose of his whole {lock of Medicines together with a complete Ihop furnifhed, which are of the latest imported and best quality. Any persons inclining to purchase the whole will be only charged a small advancc on the original cost and the terms of payment rendered easy. The purchaser will have the advantage (if he chooses) of taking immediate poffefiion of the (hop and cellar as the house is engaged tor another year, and on the firft of May next he may have poffefiion of the whole Which is an excellent stand for bu siness and no medicalftore better eftabliflied nor more ex tensively connected in trade on the continent. Persons not inclining to purchase the whole may be accommodated with any quantity at very reduced prices. Those persons who are indebted to the co-partnership of Peter and Joseph Huggeford, will be pleased to pay the fame to Joseph Huggeford, on or before the 15th day of April next, as after that time all outftar.ding debts will b« put into the hands of an attorney. New-York Feb. 6. JUST PUBLISHED, And for sale by THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stone House, A*o 4 1, South Second Street. In one handsome volume, printed with a goed type, on fine paper, price one dollar, A narrative of the Bi'itifhEmbaJJy to China, Intheyear 1792, 1793, and 1794, containing the various circumstances of the Embafl'y, with accounts of the customs and manners of the Chinese, with a des cription of the country, towns, cities, &c. By AENEAS ANDERSON. An Embassy to Chinais anevont which naturally ex cites general cunofitv, from the ignorance which pre vails refpe as well as ornamental branches of education are particularly attended to. February ; B S H O T, OFiJI fizts, from 3a lb to Grape, Cambonles, Pots, and «ther callings executed at the fhortcfl, notice, Nail,rods, from rod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for casks or cutting into nails, from a brad to lid nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina Pork. Herttngsin barrels, corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls. Rye fl«ur &c. to be fold by Levi Hollingjivorth Iff Son. A mft 4 Copper Ware-Houle, No. 2. North Fourth Street; GEORGE £sf HENRY WESCOTT HAVE just received by the late veflels from London, Liverpool and Bristol, and whi«h they are felling at the molt reduced prices for calh, or a (liort credit, a very large and extensive alTortment of iheet Copper and Bottoms, compi ifing flieets fron. j to loolb. and bottoms from 16 inches to 5 feet—Alfo a handsome as sortment of the most approved flieathitig Copper v ith nails, and'bolt», Tin'in boxes, Block'-tln, Spelter in caiks, Spelter fodder, pig lead, &c. &c Jill. 2 George Bringhurft, COACH if harness maker, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has removed fran> Arch-itreet, to No. 23 in north Fifth-ftreet, adjoining the Epii'cQpal Burial Ground, where he continues the buli'ief* of Coach making in all its Branches. He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carriages such as- Coaches, Chariots, Phretons, and Coachee*; alft*' Chairs, Kittereens Gigs, Sulkcys ; and all kinds of Har ness, with plated or brass mounting. Hs hath a good supply of the bed materials, and a stock of the best sea soned wood. Order? from any part of the United States will be du ly attended to with the greateS. pun&'iality and difpatcli. His long experience in bufiaefs, iiis care in the execu tion of hifc work, and an unremitted attention to the 4. 3 taw2m ByMATHEWCAREY, No. 1 iS.Market-ftreet, AN ADDRESS To the House of Representatives of the United February 2, W & fa Cap'd and Jewel'd Watches, A variety of elegant CHAI ,*IS; And many other articles in the line of Watch-Making, which l>e will fell low for cash. Weri of every kind, done as vfual. January 23. WAGNER, Woolen Draper and Mens' Mercer, Jit No. 25, South SecondJlreety HAS, in addition, to his assortment of fuperfine Cloths and Cailime'rs, Received by the Fa&or from Lon don, a vdify elegant afiortwient of Gentle metis* Waistcoat Patterns; such as Sattin, Silk Caflimcr, and Mcriei!lcs. which will be fold at their juit prices. January 9. d. Dec. I 2 50 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, W.sawflo December 31 Asfoeton and "James Humpbreyr, CONVEYANCERS, HAVING conneitcd themfehrris in bufmcfs, at their Office No. 63j South Third Street, next door but one to the corner of Dock Street. Draw at a moderate charge, deeds, bonds, mortgages, contra&s agreements memorials, petitions, Sue. &c. They likewise buy and fell Real Estates upon commif {ion, and procure money. upon loap on good security. The business of an Attorney at Law and Notary Pub lic is alio tranfa&ed at the said Office by the fubferiber. ASSHTON HUMPHREYS. th&f4W Jan.4 DEEDS to the proprietors in the agency of Winthrop Sargent,' are deposited with Thomas M'Euew, No. 78, Chefnut-ftreet, Philadelphia, and ready to be deliver ed when called for. A second dividend of the Funds has been declared, which proprietors may receive by a draft upop the treasurer of the company. N. B. Eight dollars are due upon each share, for ex pences of the agency. December 29. Paterfon Manufactory. AT a special Meeting of the Board of Direlication as above. For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, IN PENN STREET, 13® quarter Chests frefli Hyion ,T/»; roo ditto do. frefli Souchong Te|l; 30® Boxes China, contaiiamg Jmall tea setts of 43 pieces; 400 piepes Bandaness; 4 BaJes.Englifh Sail Canvass, No. 4, 5, and 6; Willings £3° Francis. 3 taw - January 30, No. 8, North Front-Jlreet. Printed Calico and Muslin WAREHOUSE. RICHARD b* JAMES POTTER, Have jujl received a superb ajfortment of the following artciles, •which they offer for file. PRINTED calicoes Gentlemen's neck handkfs. 4-4 wd. book myflins New.fafliionable shawls 6-4 wd. ditto ditto Madras han kerchiefs Book muslin handkerchiefs Pocket dittJJ Colored, bircdered, muslin handker chiefs y Very new fancy ditt© Elegant tambore muslins Colored work ditto Laced figured ditto Brocaded ditto Ladies plaids And a variety of oth< Many of the above goo< for the Weft-India market. December James J iffin, IFHOLESALE & RETAIL HOTTER, No. south Second street. near the City Tavern, HAS just received by the late arrivals from London and Bristol, a large md elegant assortment of Ladies and Gentlemens falhionaMe HA'fS.—•Allp, a variety of Childrens HATS of different colours, which will be lojd on the lowed terms for cnlh. N. B, Ladies Hats trmnM in the newell fifliion froin London. Oift 12. f O R S A LE, A Commodious Frame House, Situated in North Second-street, No. 145, lately occupied by Leonard Jacoby,coniiiting of a good thret story frame, '.wenty-five feet in front; a two story Brick building ehind, with a Kitchen and offices; also, a Garden plot, • >ne hundred feet deep, a fiable and walh house, which las a communication to Rac.-ftrcec, four years of the ficafe is unexpired on the firft day of January next* These premises are in good repairs, and the pur chafer may have immediate poifeffior. JFor particulars enquire of Robert Coe, No, 46, south Second-street. r eodtf December I TO BE SOLD, APL A.TION, in the town of Woodbury, coun ty of Gloucester, and state of New-Jersey, contain ing about oneJmndred and fifty acres; a suitable propor tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A part of th: arable land is in a highftatc.of cultiva tion, and very natural to the production of red clover* On said plantation there is a genteel two story brick house with four rooms on a floor, a good dry cellar under the whole; together with a barn, corn-cribs, and carriage-house The garden is large, and contains a good colle