Number 1057.J For Wilmington, (N. C.) and Charles ton, (S. C.) TWO BROTHERS, Samuel Marchant, matter, TO (ai in all this week, and will take in freight for one or iboth of those places. FQr freight and paflage apply to Captain Marchant on board, at Market-ftrcet wharf, ok- to Isaac Harvey, jun. January 25. diw. Noi 5, foi th Warer-ftreet. Who has no The Ship CATHERINE, Now lying it Mr. HuddcU's wharf in Southwirk ; burthen 26,? tons : (he is now in readiness to receive a cargo, and can be f :nt to sea at a fmali ex pence, as (he was supplied last voyage in London with "iiany neiv fails and ringing. The tenuis r.f sale will be relfonabie, aiid t:;ile of pay .ment made easy. Enfn vat;on> with TBUcla in formation,drawn lourcei calcula ted togratify reasonable cuHofity ar.d enlarge the know ledge of a country so little known to the other nations of th.e Globe. Dec. 29. 4waa\v. of fit J# f Fer SALE, by the Subscribers, h PEVS'-*TREET, The fpllotvinrr artirlrs of the lafi importation from China, i ;160 Quarter Chelfc Hyson Tea, 120 Quarter Chests Sowchong Tea, 4CO Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, 4500 Pieces Nankeen*. item Her 14, A Cargo of St. Übes Salt, 'yujl arrived ly theJhip &j*le r capt. IVilliamJofty FOR SALE, BY Philips, Cramond £ff Co, January 19, Knives and Forks A. good afiortmcnt of table and dafert Knives and'forks, with or wi:koQt cases, for falc by Rowland Parry, No. 36, Chefiiut-ftreet. LIKEWISE, Plated and Japanned Ware, Jewellery, fine Cutlery, &c. &c. &c. ds dfuil. Plated work, Gold Rings and Lockets, and every thing 111 the Gold and Silver line done at the ihortWl notice and,in {he best rtainner, December 2,8 OFuli fizcfi, from 3a lb to Grape, ■Cambooles, Pots, and other callings executed at the ftiorteil notice, Nail .rods, from iod to fpiXe, Hoop Iron, of alliizes, forcaikc, or cutting into Bails, from a'brad to 12d nails, Anchors, /rom 17 ioolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Caroiiha Pork. Hcrrifcgs Jn barrels, Kiln-cfried coirs uieal in Hhds. and fibis. Rye fl®ur See. *>o be fold by Levi Rollings worih SotL Au\vjl 4 Copper Ware'Houle, No. 2. North Fourth Street. GEORGE y HENRY WESCOTT HAVE just received hy thc la'e vcfttrls Liverpool and Bfrfttii) and which they ari w i'eilUl*r at the moll ruduccd for calh, or a ibor-t crcdit a very large and\t of (h< et Copp km\ Bottpirig, c'otfiprifirig fiiccts fro'ri* 5 ::is from 16 inches 10 5 feet— Alrd a ! : foi tmeiit of the inoft approved ltie;t tiling Coj nr.i:a, 2nd holts, Tin in botes, liinck-;ii>, S.uitu' in opfra, Spelter fodder, pig-hatd, &c. &:c. Jill. % Canal Lottery Office, Nti+r the Bank of the tf.Liud Statu, Ti£ Put»!ic Art informed, that if noni- of the ftigK prizes afe btft on Monday's drawing, the pr ce will-we»*ai!e*i to i'hirt ( «*n i>«4kr% ee*4'i r/ 1 — Vflfcr dav morning} and will be hvgiitr every .week o.i account of the Five Prizes, worth ojic hiiJidre-J. the u find dollars. I prize of. 30,000 S do. i do. TCjGoo I do. 4 do. 2-oco II do. I,GOC - 2.1 do. Sco 50 do. 100 Wit1 s . a proportionate riufhbcr of iz dollar pri%e*i. \£urdUfer* will be accommodated with a credit propor tioned to the number of Tickets *hey take. Note. \ Ch/ck-Bodk kept at the abwe office for la mination, at two cents each number, or twelve certu for regiirt-ring'. Tlie-Comtfiiflloners now draw 600 Tickets per day. .George Bnnghurft, COACH "d HARNESS. MAKER, jf} ESPECTFULLY informs his friends the public, IN- that he has removed frjm Arel\-ftfeet, "to No. 23-ijr norih Fifth-ftreet, adjbiniti£ the Kpifcopal Burial Ground, where he continues the business of Coach making in ail its Bmrithes. He makes all kinds of crane neck and per ch Carriages' such as Coaches, Chariots, I'hxtons, and GOXclaSes; ;;lfo' Chairs, Kittereens, Gigs', Sulkeys ; and all lptlds of Har ndfa, with plated or bjr&is mounting. He hath a good supply of the b'eft and a flock of the best iea foned wood. Orders from any part of the United States will be du-» iy attended to wicKthe greatsft pun&tiality artd difpatcfr. Uis long experience in bufmefs, hia care in the exeat* ,tipn of his work, and an unremitted attention to the de sires of his employers, he flatters hlmfelf will prove fu'ifir cient recommendations. He has several feccnd-haiid Cirri ges for falfe, viz. a complcat Coachee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian blinds all round; a Phaeton ; a arid a Sulkey with a falling top. All kinds of Carriages fold on Commifilon, and Car riages taken in to stand by the mdntli or year, gjr* Apprentices wanted to the Business, Philadelphia, November %i. t,t,&i*3«.2;■*. SI'ATE of the IV HEEL; 20,000 Sli'jfOQ " By order of the hoard, WM. GOVETT, Secretary wfltt. PUB LI-SHED, STEPHENS'! Philadelphia Directory, 3taw City of Philadelphia. January 18. JOHN J. P A R R Y, No. 3%yfoutb Second-jiree*, Has just rcct»\yed a capital of Cap'd and Jewel'd Watches, A variety of clcrgant CHAI 'IS; And triicy other articles m the line of \Vatcli-Mafcihg, which he will fell low for cash. ;yjT Wcrk of every ki;:d done cs vfu.d. January a 3 Will be landed to-rtiorrow morning, -mv/ftf At Philip Carets wharf. The Cargo of tjie brig&ufanna-, J. mailer, from Havaiina, O Fa— Tierce Ca^S ' ( l ua^t y Jamaica Sugars 51 Bales of Cotton, 11 Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 15 Tpnc of.Logwood ami FulHc, 708 Salted Hides, 40 Boxes S-'gurs, Dee. - By the ftiip ft*dm London, a very extenliVc of Gentlemen s Dress ffiaijlev&thig ; Such as SattirlSj tainbor'd CariieYi Hair, Iviwlelkins, Cafiimers, &c. Bjti Lind.n fuperfins Cloths & Caffiiiiers. lanuiry -6 4' 1 •:>!* it! .Nutmegs and, Mace. t&H ooatii to Uapd, a Final! Invoice of Macs and N :—Lijte wile on hand, • Spci m;>ceti Candles and A G;et)6ral Affdrtiiient of Groceries, Whiftli will be io\dJ r >>v, for cam at No. 96. v. i-.- .r.iit-t?rjLt, cuiv.a of Third-f. net: I" f w tk i -f-ehrf) W A G N E R, Wodleji Dr&per aii3 Mens' Mercer., .Ye. if. Uou? ? 'itrcittjlfireet, H'.g; in to B» jffurtmeiU j>f fuperiTuf^Cloths Siftl CiSx-er.;, Received by thfc ?i£or ftam Ldaj d in," a \'K"t'vtrft ... L'tHi.'nt Ot G'enllittifeiljr ; aiifccbat patnjros; inch us tiittin. BJ!t, Mlplcft b, CaiSmcr, ar.d Mcr&j''Ls, which will yc fold at their juil prices. M'juarViO., • , ... d. 30,0DD 100 j 000 £0,300 ?,5 cd &,oo 6 I.l'rOoii ,J I.SOO Jj£«o Jult Arrived, Pir the BrigsEl'aaj M'leod, and Tk««dnUa, Captain Justice, And for file by the Subscribers, Prime Coffee, 111 barrels, and bags, and some c Oca A. RICH. & J. POTTER . .. li'fio ft&c.v'fet ■ A few Pipes of LISBON WINE, f6r Sale. Jan. 6. . §■ Deo.' 1 2 50 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, December. 3.1 For SAL E, by the Subscribers, On najbnable terms of credit, 6 Bales of low-price:} Flax and Tow Oznaburgjs, 6 Bales of Englilh Canvai's of the follewil)g num bers, viz. Nd. 4, 6 W'tllings Es 5 Fro nek, November ii. 3 taw. Penn-ftrcet. Asjhetnn and fames Humphreys, CONVEYANCERS, HAVTNR? connect (I themlblvs6 in bufinefa, at their Officc No. 63, Sputh Third Street, next do6r but one to die 'earner of Doek Street. Draw at a moderate charge, deeds, bonds, mortgages, contrada- agreement' memorial*, littitior.s, &c. fr.c. They likewise buy and fell Real F-ftates upon commix - fion r and procurc money, upon loan .on good security. The bufmefs of an Attorney at Law and Notary Pub lic alio tranfa&ed at the said Office by the fubl'criber. Jan. 4 DEEDS tothe proprietors in tiifc'iagency 'ks> in and Holland Qin, in pipes, For Sale by Benjamin W, Morris. /VSSHTON HUMPHREYS. th&f4W ihio company: I'IFTY DOLLARS REWARD. WHEREAS on Friday liight'Ui the ftaßle of J. Whifffi lcs, oil the 010 y ajj. \ PRINTED calicoes 4-4 wd. book mnftlns 6-4 wd. ditto ditto Book muslin Poiket ditto Colored, bordered, rauflin handkerchiefs VQty new fancy ditto Elegant tanibore rtiuflijis Colored work ditto Laced.figured ditto Brocaded ditto Ladies plaids m w&f i«r And a variety of othci Many of the above good: lor t)js Weil-India market. December 23 LOTTERY OFFICE, N°. 64yfo.dh Second-ftretf t CANA Tickets for falc, and catb cr tickets given any prizes that may be dra*yn. ■Sept. 26. B;' the I aft arrivals from London, Aft EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF FaJJjtonabie plated Ware & Jewellery^ For (ale 011,1 eaforlable terms, by January 16, J.amesTiffin, WHOLESALE v c 3" ItETAtL HATTER., No. 70, foutii Scctfiid ltrect, near the City Tavern, HAS jiift received by the late arrivals from Londoa and Brtftol, a large and aiTortment-of Ladies and Gcntlctofeiw faftiionaMe HATS.—AIio, a variety wf Children-? HATS of dilfVient colours, which will b's ibid on .ths.lowcU tcrfns for c;uk. N. b. jLadies Hjits trite I *} in the nsWeft faihica frail London. Co:. 12. A Pririting-Office, complete; {'AtNING t> o Preiles, two taunts.©!' &ong Prl> mcT, one do all Pica, ope tio. Pica, one do. En* g;liTh, one do. Double Pica, oiie do. liaiibte Eaglift y one do. One do. Fieneh Cann-m, throe Alphib£*.s of fctti - )ir.e Pica, seven Alphabet* cf fevcnlme Pica, Flow es#, Cuts, fcf*. All the Founts are.very lafgQ, The ü bove Gifet will be fohj with the of i'evcral As * prentice-, and a .Weil efeahini i N.-wi paper, jn a vM'y fleurimfcig town, about .50 6f Baltimore. The Apprentices have from ten months to (ire years ts> forVv', computing from 16til Scpteinicr wft. The price of the Pri»ti!!g Apparatus, Time N:\vfpapcr EliaMiihriJ»t, is One Pounds, PennfylvanJa currciV- y—one-third to be pai£ down, the tjmain'dur n goad notes, payable 3 months; -the cellar half in fix rao«tn». For further iuicrmation appl<| to thc biticc oi Gazette o* the United States; £jf* ] .fitters (pdft p2U3) attfcnddd to. V>> ce-nber 14, _____ This Day is published, By EE>'JAMIS DAVIEi, ft No/68, Hi*b-JircA, American Rcpoiitory, for f.~rg6. containing: A conipleat Calendar for Rules for tne cur* the year, 'Ttncicsof the feveralftatcs. Lifts oi' tke executive, Jeglf- Tabic of pounds, &c. rcdu> U:ive and judicial u& ced into & cents, of the federal government Summary of the exports i& , of the and 4 i'u.xe{£ve years. consuls to and from the Amount of the unredeemed United States. debt, anuual revenue and js. reg'fter of the .land and expenditures. fca forces of do. A view of the finking fund, Rktei of postage, ahd times An eftinrate of tht oapprtl of receiving «Sc doling the mails at Philadelphia. Ali st of the poll-to the dift&nces of each, en the line, as well as Tool's rpads. •— of the federal courts. of the super vifgrs of the revenue. The mint, and monies of the U.S.and the currency of each state. A lift of the coriimiftioners of loans. A tabic, fticwing the propor tion of froe persons to Haves, and of males to for eodtf males,>&e. in the U.S. Militia of the United States, with the proportion of each. An alphabetical lift of duties agreeably to Wic lall a& of Congrcfs. Amount of impost andt&nnr age of oae year. Cuilom-hoiife fees, Jcc. i -This little volume will contain a muck greater cosnpa's, | £S well as variety of matter, thas that of the pi .ceding year, and will be embellilhed with an engraved frontis, title i age, ah J i vignette faced with a head oinaf mcnt, to eich month. The scenes depiiied in the vig nettes, aliuJe chiefly to the rural labours otthe year. The engravings are new, and executed with an excellence that ao'es credit to the fine arts. jit tht fame place may be had, Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, aecu.- , rately engraved from a late survey. \fat>s of the United St&tcs, and of each Hate fepvattly. A valuable c«lle&k»n of mtjern 3th, general aijorfr ment of Stationary Wares. —TUofs who desire it, ir.ay have the oned Maps, or any other, coloured, canvassed, and varnjHs, led, and put up in any manner that may be »>oft cp«veo» irtt, by applying at diteiied abpye. Oil. 1, 17 9i* fW' W.vzvj £Fo/. rjMS. 12. JOHN WHITE3IDES, So. 136, M.aket-ilreet. Fr*nl Jlrcet ) and Muilin A T O. 8, Nor to FfOUS£. •VMi'.S POTTER, of. the artcil fftr far file, Gehtlei-nerf? .neck handkft* New I'afliionable. (bawls Madras h;m. kerchiefs I Tambour'd muslins •zu'jtcb they QiiKT^llS- Humliauii Cofiacs &c &c An elegaNt aiid frefh assort;-. ment of ribbands and fatties Cotton {lockings Werßed ditto :r atticles, just opened. Is are calculated R EC E I V E D, IViHings Francis, No. it Ptffm-ftretet. a i< s A L E, THE of the United States, is two foveral years. Domestic duties or excises. Drawbacks ons bounties. Banks, with rule.4 of 003/ during Uufinefs, Officers of th~ civj: govern meiit of Pennsylvania. Estimate of expences of dp, in one year. Officers of chril goy6rnmeu.t of New-York. Sovereign princes and re? publics Europe. Lift of the navy of Greats Britain, corrected agree* able to the latell informal. tion. Do. of the navy of France, do. .<■ State of the air, and a diary cfthe winds and weather ill Philadelphia, duringti % months, ending ill Sept. 1'79 J • gills of mortality in Pbilad. of one year. taw eod6w.