Number 1054. J For Falmouth, and a Market, Jilltt ROEBUCK. WIII begin to take in in a few thrys, and is in- SfaSfi 1 *" tended to fail with all txpeditiop. For freight pr paffjge, apply to Thomas John Clifford, Who have Imported in said Vejfel, and have for Sale. JJcfides thfeir usual ailbrtmenfc of Ironmongery,Cutl«ry,&c. A few orates of Flint Olafs Ware, crates of Phials, crates of cream colsfcr'd Ware, boxes of Long short Pipes, cases of men"., womens and childrcns Hats aflorted, London and Bristol pewter, best Engiiih crown Glass of the For SALE or cIiARTER^ The sb 'P CATHERINE, No»v lying at Mr. Huddcll's -wharf in Southwiirk ; burthen 103 tons.; fne i« now in readiness to receive a cargo, and can be f nt to ica at a fin all ex pence, as ihe wa< fuppticd lafl; voyage ill London with many new fails and rigging. ( 'fric terms if l'ale wilib- reasonable, and time us pay ment made tslj . Enquire of Who has for Sale, Sherry Wine, Dowlas, Irish Linens, ge gars, Belfaft Canvass, Spaßilh Cordage, and Bristol Window GlaiV- find the HOUSE and STORES lie now occupies. 'a;:. 6, PHILIP NICKLIN & CO. Have fir Sale at their STOKES, on IValnut-Jlreet in.■ f, 4 - Tons of Pig- Lead ; 40 Pipes be ft quality Teneriifj Wine ; 30 Pipes of Madiir.i Wine, co;nprifmor each quality, and contained in pipes, hoglhcudj, and quarter casks; '2 Pip 6ls 3 hojjuiead* old Port; 150 quarter cases Mountain; • 50 cvvt. of Sugar Candy, in boxes of So to cach ; 3400 lbs. Jalap in powder, in 3 cases; Xioo lbs. of Camphor, in a calks; % cases of Copperas; Sail Cloth, No. I a 7 ; 30 bbls. of Connc&icut Beef; and a quantity of Mahogany. ALSO, INDUS T R Y, BURTHEN feventv tons, is a good vcffel,"and'will be fold at a reasonable rate, ar.d on a libe ral credit. November 17. tu,th.*fcs ■ For Sale orCharte r, The new (hip SUCCESS, Robert Wctto, mailer', lying at Stam per's wharf; a strong faithful built veflel, fail® extreme ly well, and is a!fo well found ; burthei* 159 tons. For terms apply to Jofepb Anthony & Son. Who have received by laid vefl*t', A few calks Madeira Wine, mould and dipt Candles, and best Boston Chocolate. December 29. ' • ~ PUBLI S H E D, Price Tee-Fourths of a DolUr, No. 60, SauTH SECOND STRFST, STEPHENS'] :jPhiladelphia Directory, FOR 1796. WJT* A FLAN OF JliZ City of Philadelphia. January 18, J O 11 N J. P A R R'Y, No. 30, fcuth Second-f.rcet, Has jufe received a capital AiTortmcnt ef £ap'd and Jewel'd Watches, And many other articles in the line of Watch-Making, which he will fell low for caf-i ' Work of ei'try iifld d*n? as vfuul. January 23. AN fX-EGANT Compting-Houfe Almanack, for 1796, Ornamented with a h:in- *nls refpeiVirig t lie interior parts of tjiat Empire, wuofe i*ilou«Uwjiorii:d-the intVufion of »i>y other: peapjr. rape, Caniboolcs, Pots, and other caftiugs exccutod at the fhortej't notice, Nail rods, from xod to spike, Hoop Iron,,of allfizc ~ tur caCts or cutting into naiis, from a brad to I id nails, Anchors, from 17 joolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of Jsuaes River Tobatco, Carolina Pork. v Herrings in barrels, Kiln-dried cdra rosai in Hhds. and Bbls. Rye Hear &.c, to l>e fold by Levi Ihllin'xfioorth Ss 5 Son. AuJitjl 4 Copper Ware-Kouie, Nj. 2. North Fouith Strctt. GEORGE & HENRY WESCOTT HAVE just received by the !*ate vefiHs from London, Liverpool and Btwllpl, and whWh t'.K-v arc felling at the moli reduced pnecs for caih, oi' a ihort crcdit, a very large and cxtcnfive or (Jieet L\ pjrer and Bottoms, computing Ihects iron* 5 to ioclb. and bottoms from i6in:hes to 5 Kcet* —AMo a hind Awe A- ib;trrjtiU of the tiso,". a r ;pi''';vnl Uica::ji:vg C.'.-y»j)cr nails, ai:J '.fin ;ii box/.-.-, C. .;ul«er ni i:a^i Spelter focld wf, I ji■" »-»viUj txC Jan. 2 C na 1 Lottery Office, Near the ha.iL bj ihe Lhuttii Sloth) January 16- ia, I 796. THE Public arc informed, that if nooe of the prints arc out ca Moh day's ari-. the j->r 00 of Tickets w-K we raifscf to Yh.irtcca I>oil rs, each, on Jay morning; amT w.H bo hi^hui' ev«ry cuf •..u£, o 1 account of the Five fratioaary Prizes, worth due thoufafld dollars. Byortkr cf the Co:ar.i:iuc, Wm. Blackburn, dgcnt. STATE of iht IVIiKEL I pr.zo ol 30,000 ■ i i '°- a do. 3 rfo -4 do, II do. it, do. 50 do. With a proportionate number of 12 dollar prizes, PurcksuVrs will be accommodatud vyith » crcdit propor tioned to the number of Tickets tlicy take. Note: A Ch-clc-Book kept at the -ibeve officc for exa mination, at two cents each number, or twelve cents for ao,ooo - ic-,oco 2,j(00 2 >000 I,COC regiftcri-ig. Th: Cammifiipners now draw 600 Tickets per day Bnnghuril, COACH & HARNESS MAKER, RESPECTFULLY inform! Kjs friends and th« public, that he has removed frarn Arch-street, to No. 73 in porth Fifth-fcrcet, adjoining the Epifcopa.l Burial Ground, where he continues.she business of Coach making in all its Branches. He all kinds of crane n:ck arui perch Carriages, such as Coaches, Chariots, Phaetons, and Coachees; alio' Chairs, Kittei'fcens, Gigs, Sulkcys ; and all kinds cf Hir nefs, with plated or Wafs pioijßtinj;. He hath a good fupfily of the beil material*, and a frock. of the bell tca foned wood. J'■ Orders, frojn any part of the United States will be du ll' attended to with the great.:!! punctuality and difpajch. His long experience in his care in the execu tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to the de sires of his«B>ployers, he flatters hinjl'elf will prevefuffi cient rcioaimeßdatjioxis. Hi has -several Carri ges for sale, viz. a co'.npka: Coachce, with a coaqhmm's feat and Venetian blinds all round; a Phaeton ; a Chair ; and a Sulkey with a falling top. All kinds of Carriages fold on C°inmiiTiqn, and ouefcjre on t'ue I'arae-d'iy/ ' ■ • By order of tbt hoard, WM. aOVETT, Secretary. . Jan. tt'. n it® Will be landed to-iiorrow morning, At Philip (jJ-e's ivharf, ■ The Cargo of the brig Sufatmi, J. Frankford, m;!ter, from, —consistingOOrF—r I*2 Hogfteads, audi y Jamaita Sugar,. 12 I lerces . < * 51 Bales of Cotton, 12 Puncheon? Jamaica Rum, 15 Tons of Logwood and Fustic» 70S Salted Hide*, 40 Boxes * P- t ciw Dec. 3 537 Ho-me^O 459 Barrels, £ Coffee, above 6oQ } ©QQ:b. 224 Bags, j N ' JIS Hog (heads of choice Jamaica Sugar. 311 Bales of St. Domingo Cotton, Will, be landed Monday morning, 26th kilt, at South fir oet wiiarf, * Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe from Jamaica; Brig Polly, and Schooner Indutlry, from Jeremie, FQR SALE BY OvlobtF 22 By the flrij) Fu'itor, from Xandor.J a very eMcuf.tfe affortmeat of Gentlemen s Dress Waiflcoating ; Such as Sattins, tambor'd Cuqael'y Kair, JvluleQuqs, Caflimers, &c. mwftf With a very elegant alTortnicnf cf Bed London fuperfinc Cloths &. CaJJhncrs. AN'l") FOR SALIjj BY x January 6 Nutmegs and Mace.. ]aft conie to ha'aw'., h frafll Invoice o Mice and Nutmeg; :-*~Lik4--wife on haaJ, Speimaceti Candles and A General Aflortuieiit of Groceries, Whict v.till be IoM low, for cash stNo.96 Cc-f:iut-l:n:(.t, corner, of Third-lirect: ty - ,• co, f) DUNCAN M'INNES. Woolen Draper and Mens' Mercer, Sit He. :;<» jiw* ■ SecondJireet, TT -\S, in .uidttiqy, to his affortme'nt of fuperfinc Cloths 11 aoi CaSuterßeceived by the Fttflbr from Lon don-, a very iWforiiflciu ol G 'tI T I mc.'u' Patterns j U*i» Sattin, SJk Mol.-fein, Cafilmrr, and Mcri'ei'ics, V hich wiil iUjl »t tfcjf j» ft price*. T.uiu j till Arrived, B/,-sEU?a, M'Ltad, and Captain JuiiKr, I'c.r tl: And'for sale by the Subscribers, Prime Coffee, !i- t r zt.h fcarrjh.'aad bags, ar.d feme COCO A. KICK, & .J. POTTER \ few Pipes ct LISBON WINE, for Sale. Tan. ' 30,600 100, COO. 33 . Barrels of Cider, 1000 Pair of Shoes, I&oo Yards Tow C>th, 2q Sheets of Copper, 12 K.)g» Lard, aad to Wool Hat*. FGK. SAVE EY 20,000 B,cco 11,000 11,500 5,000 anuary Dec. 12 50 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, C»iks, in bales, and Holland Gin, in. pipes, For Sale by Benjamin IV. Morris. eodtf December 31 For SALE, by the Subscribers, Oil reafittabk terms of credit, 6 Bales of low-priced Flax and Tow Ozpahurgi, 6 Bales of- English Satl Canvals of the follswiftg num? bcrs, viz. No. 4> 5> 6. WHlings Ess Francis, Peun iireet. November 21. Asfheton and "Janus Hump., CONVEYANCERS, HAVING conneS d tl.emfelvf*; in bufincft, at their Office No. 63, South Thifd Street, ne*t e ift of March Ufa. Enquire t>t Nfr. KIDD, No. 191, Marfeei-Strcsf. J.ujiary 4 fOK SALE BY Gcorgs $i~bbald, d No. 170 fj-qt'i Front-itrei't Peter Biigbt. JUST COME W HAN Li, JQHN T HAIiLAND No. 66 Civfuut-ilrecc 3 mikt W A G N E R, likezvift', JVbo' b.vv Urdaot r\)ii ,Ktw-£t>gland £&:(, Samuel Coites, No. -Bi, South Front-Street. eod* MADEIRA, 1 SHERRY and [ WINES PORT J For Sale by EDWARD STOW, jun No. 4, So nth Water r Street, •3-taM OHIO COMPANY. Tic dar; ; o of the brig Peace, Giij/a-.i Gray, f.oait)^ poifb. ftdviitf JamiiiM, lV\Uhe ta-motroiM mortii'ij f the city of Philadelphia, and its accu, rately engraved trom a j-ite survey. \faps of the J/mtfdStatej, and of each Hate fepirately. A Valuable e»Ue£tian of modern Boots, aad a general affortj lpint ol Stationary Wares. Note. —Tjkofe who delife it, may have the above-menti oned Maps, or any other, coloured, canvassed, and varnilkr ed, and put up in any jpamier that may be niijft convent ent, by applying at direited ab«ve. oa. 2, 1795- [p'oxi/'ws rf. Rum, Jamaica Tainbour'd Gurrai»& Coflaes