Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, January 21, 1796, Image 1

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    Number 1051.J
Have for Sale at their STORES, on IValnut-Jlreet
45 Tons of Pig Lead ;
40 Pipes best quality Teneriffe Wine ;
30 Pipes of Madira Wine, comprifmg each quality,
arid contained in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter
3 Pipes and 3 hogsheads old Port;
150 quarter casks Mountain;
$0 cwt. of Sugar Candy, in boxes of 80 to cach 5
3400 lbs. Jalap in powder, in 3 cases 5
IXOQ lbs. of Camphor, in 2 casks;
2 casks of Copperas;
English Sail Cloth, No. 1 a 7 ;
30 bbls. of Conne&icut Beef;
and'a quantity of Mahogany.
BURTHEN seventy tons, is a good
vessel, and will be fold at a reasonable rate, and on atibe
ral credit. November 27. tu,th&s
For Canton,
John B. Hodgfon, commandcr,
SHE is a stout live oak and cedar built veflel, just copper
';d, and fails rorfarkably fact ; will leave this port the last
«f February. For freight out, or home, apply to
Joseph Sims.
A small quantity of GINSENG, ©f the firft quality
apply as above. Dfec. 2. §
Now lyi»g at Mr. Huddcll's wharf in
Southward ; burthen JO J tons: (he is now in readiness
to receive a cargo, andean be f nt to sea at a fmail ex
pence, as fhc was supplied last voyage in London with
many new fails and rigging.
The terms of sale will be reafonaMe, and time of psy
ftient made easy. Enquire of
John Craig,
No. ia, Dock-street.
Who has for Sale,
Sherry Wine, Dowlas, Irish Linens,
Segars, Belfaft Canvass, Spanifti Cordage, and Briilol
Window Glass—and HOUSE and STORE 5 he now
Jan. 6. dtf
For Falmouth, and a Market,
WW begin to take in in a few days, and is jn
tei><*ed to fail with all expedition. For freight
•r paflage, apply to
Who bant Imported in f*ti ftjfet, a* d banc fir Salt.
Besides their ufiial assortment of Ironmongery Cutlery,&c.
A few crates of Flint Glafa Ware, crates of Phials,
crates of cream colour'd Ware, boxes of Long and fliort
Pipes, cases of mens, womens and cbitdrens Hats assorted,
"London and Bristol pewter, heft Englilh crown Glass of
the different Gzes from 8 by j j to 9 by 7 inches, bull's-eye
dafs, boxes of Tin Plates, Bar Lead and Shot, and a
of Copper in Iheets and bottoms
They have likeuuije received)
An assortment of Garnett & Company's patent systems for
Blocks for ships ufc, and other purposes, which arc found
from several years experience, to be a very considerable
saving of labour, as well as laving in the wear of cordage,
and are now generally used for the principal blocks in new
Also, a few Pipes of Old Madeira WINE.
January 14. j aw .
1 ""P Mary, J. Benners,
ma st er » (hip Fame, E.
J OHes > rafter.
built veflels, fail fact, and are
in complete order to receive cargo: s immediitely. fior
terms apply to the maltir on board said veflels, laying
at the fubfariber's wharf, or to
December 21.
Jujt Arrived per the Snow Median, 'James Kirkpatrick,
Majler, from Liverpool,
113 Crates well-«fi~orteri Queen's Ware,
4000 bushels best ftoved fine Salt,
& to be fold at N9. I, Pme-ftreet, by
James Campbell.
A If®, a few boxes well-a/Torted Irish Lisens.
j. S»id Snow for Freight or Char
tCl*' e '^ er to t ' le Wsll-Indies or-
Enquire 3* above.
For Sale orCharte r,
The new Clip SUCCE.SS,
Robert Wclfli, mailer; lying at Stam
per's wharf; a flrong faithful built veflel, fails extreme-
Jy well, and is also well found ; burthen 1,59 tons.
For terms apply to
Joseph Anthony & Sen.
Who have received by said veflel,
A few calks Madeira Wine, mould
and dipt Candles, and best Boko* Chpcolate.
J)fember q<).
For Charleiton, (8. C.)
The new Schooner
Robert Bntler, master,
NOW lying in Smith's Dock, *he second above Race-ftre6f;
is,ready to take in goqd*>; and having been built for a
Packet, has excellent for passengers, and
, will fail in a few days. For freight or parage apply to
Captain on board, or JOHN SHIELDS,
y Jan. 12. d No. 2Z,Chefnut-.ftreet.
Jamaica Rum.
T&e Cargo of the brig Peace, Captain Gray, from the
north fide of Jamaica,
}¥Wbe landedto-morrawmorning at Souihjlreet wharf,
High Proof RUM,
; N«W*!K9»
©iiHitr of t'u- (Unitfi) Stales
Thomas & John Clifford,
Peter Blight,
A Cargo of St. Übes Salt,
J'ift arrived by theJh'ip Eagle, capt. Williamfon,
Philips, Cramond iff Go.
January 19
Knives and Forks.
A good alTortment of table and dcfert Knives and Fork*,
with or without cafea, for sale by
Rowland. Parry,
No. 36, Chefnut-ftreet.
Plated and Japanned Ware,
Jewellery, fine Cutlery, See. <$cc. &c. as usual.
Plated work, Gold Rings and Lockets, and every thing
in the Gold and Silver line done at the fhorttft notice
and in the best manner.
December 28
For SALE, by the Sublcribers,
The folltnving articles of the lajl importation from China,
160 Quarter Chests Hyson Tea,
120 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea,
400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts,
4500 Pieces Nankeens.
September 14
S H O t,
OFill sizes, fromlb to Grape,
Cambonles, Pots, and other callings executed at the
fcorteft notice,
Nail rods, from lod to spike,
Hoop Iron, cf all sizes, forcafic6 or cutting into nails, from
a brad to I id naiis,
Anchors, from I j Cwt. to loalb.
Bar Irort,
A Quantity of Jimes River Tobacco,
CarOJina Pork.
Herrings in barrels,
Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and BbU. '
Rye fleur &c. to be fold by
Levi hlollingjhvorth ess Son.
Ai wjl 4
Copper VVare-Houle,
No. 2. North Fourth Street.
HAVEjuft received by the late veHels from London,
Liverpool and Briftof, and which tUev are felling
at the most reduced prices for cash, or a short credit,
a very large and extensive afibrtment of sheet Cepptr
And Bottoms, comprising sheets fron. 5 to roclh, and
bottoms from 16 inches to 5 feet—Alfo a handsome as
sortment of the most approved (heathing Copper with
nails, and bolts, Tin iji boxes, Block-tin, Spelter in
casks, Spelter fodder, pig Wd, &c. &c,
Jan. 2
Canal Lottery Office,
Near the Bank of the United Stales,
January 16.h, 1796.
THE Public are informed, that if none of the high
prizes are out on Monday's drawing, the price of
Tickets will ue r.aifed to Thirteen Dollars each, on Tues
day morning; and will be higher every week ensuing, on
account of the Five ftatio»ary Prizes, worth one hundred
thousand dollars.
By order of the Committee,
IVm. Blackburn, Agent,
Ipr : re of 50,000
i do. 20,000 -
1 do. 10,000
3 del. 2,500 -
4 do. 2,000
.II do. I,coo -
13 do. 500
50 do. 100
With a proportionate number of 12 dollar prizes.
Purckaferi will be accommodated with a credit propor
tioned to the number of Tickets they take.
Note. A Check-Book kept at the ab»re office for exa
mination, at two cents each number, or twelve cents for
The Commiflioners now draw 600 Tickets per day.
George Bringhurft,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public,
that he has removed fr«m Arch-Areet, to No. 23 in
porlh Fifth-ftreet, adjoining the Epifcopalßurial Ground,
where he continues, the business of
Coach making in all its Branches.
He makes all kinds of crane neck and peich Carriages
such as Coaches, Chariots, Phatons, and Coachees; also'
Chairs, liittereens, Gigs, Sulkeys; and all kinds of Har
ness, with plated or brass mounting. Ha hath a gpod
supply of the best materials, and a fleck of the best sea
soned wood.
. Orders from any part of the United States will be du
ly attended to with the greatest punctuality and "dispatch.
His long experience in business, his care in the execu
tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to the de-
Ares of hi* employers, he flatters himfelf will prove fuffi
cient recommendations.
He has several second-hand Carri ges for sale, viz. a
compleat Coachee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian
blinds all round; a Phaeton; a Chair; and a Sulkey with/
a falling top.
All kinds of Carriages fold on Commission, and Car
riages ta)ten in to Hand by the month or year.
C 5" Apprentices vranwd to the Business.
Philadelphia, November H.
Philadelphia and Lancajler Turnpike
January 13th, 1796.
Notice is hereby given,
THAT agreeable to a bye Law of the Stock Hold
ers, Subferiptions will be opened at the Compa
ny's Office in Philadelphia, on Wednefdaj? the 10th
day of February next, for one hundred additional
(hares of Capital Stock ill said Company—Thefum to
be demanded for each lhare will be thiec hundred Dol
lars with Interest at 6 per cent. «n the different instal
ments, from the time they were feyerally called for to
be paid by the original Stock Holders, one hundred
Dollars thereof to be paid at the time of fubferibing,
and the remainder in three equal payments at 3P, 60
and 9 0 days.
No person to he permitted to fubferibe more than
one lhare on the fame day.
By order of the board,
WM. GOVETT, Secretary.
Jan, 13.
Willings & Francis.
w &f.
Will be landed to-morrow morning,
At Philip Care's wharf,
The Cargo of the brig Susanna, J. Frankford, mailer,
from Havanna,
I»2 Hoefhead», and 1 ) „
il Ticrces J First l uallt y Jamaica Sugars,
jl Bales of Cotton,
la Puncheons Jamaica Rum,
IJ Tons of Logwood and Fustic,
708 Salted Hides,
40 Boxes Segars,
George Sibbald,
d No. 170 south Eront-ftrceS.
Dcc. 3.
537 Hogsheads,
459 Barrels, i CofFee, above 600,0001b.
224 Bags, j
115 Hogf)teads of choice Jamaica Sugar.
an Bales of St. Domingo Cotton,
Will be landecl Monday morning, 26th kift. at Sottth-
street wharf,
Beiiw the entire cargoes of Sn®w Hebe from Jamaica ;
Brig Polly, and Schooner Induflry, from Jeremie,
for SALE By
O&ober 22,
By the ship Fa&or, from London, a very exteafive
assortment of
Gentlemen s Dress Waijlcoating ;
Such as Sattins, tambor'd Camel'* Hair, Mulalkins,
Caflimers, See.
With a very elegant alTortmcnt of
Be/I London fuperjine Cloths & CaJJimers.
January 6
Nutmegs and Mace.
J«a come to hand, a fmaU Invoice of Mace and
Nutmegs:—Likewise on hand,
Speimaceti Candles and
A General Assortment of Groceries,
Which will be fold low, for cash at No. 96.
Chefnut-ftreet, corner of* Third-street: tv
Woolen Draper and Mens' Mercer,
v?/ &o, SttdndJtreei,
H »S, in .uJJition, to his assortment of fuperfioeXloths
and CalEmqrs, Received by the Factor from Lo;i-
Jon, a very elegant afTortsncnt of Wajftcoat
Patterns; fuel' as Sattin, Silk \ioleflt'ii, Caffimcr, and
Merfeilles, which will be fold at their just prices.
January (). d.
ju!t Arrived,
Per the Brigs Eliza, M'L'oii, and Theodofia, Captain
And for salef ale by the Subscribers,
Prime Coffee,
In Hogfiieads, barrels, and bags, and some
fTbo ha-jr likei'jife,
A few Pipes »f LISBON WIME, for Sale.
Jan. 6. 4
320 barms ot trelh New-iingland fleet,
33 Barrels of Cider,
2000 Pair of Shoes,
1000 Yards Tow Cloth,
20 Sheets of Copper,
13 K. gs Lard, and
60 Wool Hats.
Samuel Coates,
No. 81, South Front-Street,
fit eod*,
January 9
For Sn!c by
No. 4, South Water-Street.
Dec. 12
30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy,
Cotks, in bales, and >
Holland Gin, in pipes,
For Sale by
Benjamin W. Morris.
December 31,
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
On reasonable terms of credit,
6 Bales of low-priced Flax and Tow Oznaburgs,
6 Bales of English Sail Canrafs of the following num
bers, viz. No. 4, 5,. 6.
Willing* & Francis,
3taw. Penn-ftreet.
November ai.
Asjhelon and'yantes Humphrey f,
HAVING connected themselves in buftncfs, at their
Office No. 63, South Third Street, next door tut
one to the corner of Doek Street. Draw at a moderate
charge, deeds, bonds, mortgages, contratSls agreements
memorials, petitions, &c. &c^
They likewise buy and fell Real Estates upon commis
sion, agd procure xrsqney upon loan on good security.
The business of an Attorney at Law and Notary Pub
lic is also tranfa&ed at the said Office by the fubfcribeiV
DEEDS to the proprietors in the agency of Winthrop
Sargent* are deposited with Thomas M'Eijea, Nb.
78, Chefnut-ftrceti Philadelphia, and ready to be deliver
ed when called for. A fecoud dividend of the Funds has
besn declared, which proprietors may receive by a draft
upon the treasurer of the company. '
N. B. Eight dollars arc due upon cach ftiare, for ex
pences of the agency.
December 2Q.
W A N T E D,
A Dry Good Store, near the centre of Jmfinefis, on or
before the ift of nezt. Enquire of Mr. KIDJD,
No.) 192, Market-Strfet,.
Jannry *. v ix'.
Peter Blight.
No. 66 Chefnut-ltreet.
No. 8, North FrontJlreet.
Printed Calico and Muslin
H*"j£ juji received a superb ajjlrttrc/tt of tie f/lluxusng artcl/.'s,
•which they offer for sale.
PRINTED calicoes Gentlemen's neck h?fndkfs.
4-4 wd. book muslin) New fashionable shawls
6-4 w<s. ditto ditto Madras han kerchief#
Book muslin handkerchiefs T.amboyr'd mucins
Pocket ditto Gurr^hs
Colored, bord'ered, muslin Humhums
handkerchiefs £oflaes &c &C
Very new fancy ditto An elegant and frclh afToVt-
Elegant tambore muslins ment of ribbands and
Colored work ditto failles
Laced figured ditto Cotton (lockings
Brocaded ditto Worsted ditto
Ladies plaids
And a variety of other articles, just opened.
Many of the above goods are particularly calculated
for the Weft-India market.
December 23
N°. Second-Jlreety
CANAL Tickets for sale, arnd ca(h or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn.
Sept. 16
R E '1 RIVE u,
By tb» last arrivals from Londen,
FaJJjionable plated Ware
For sale on reasonable terms, by
IVtilings & Francis,
No. 2i Penn-ftrcet.
January 16
1 James Tiffin,
No. 70, south Second street. near the City Tavern,
HAS just received by the late arrivals from London
and Bristol, a larg» md elegant assortment of Ladiei
and Gentlemens fafhionaMe HATS.—AIfo, a variety of
Children? HATS of different colours, which will be fold
on the lowed terras for c;i(h.
N. B Ladies Hats trimM in the newest fafliion from
London. Odt 12.
Ojpce of Uj£ Injurance Company oj
JANUARY ICth, 1796.
rHE Dividend declared by the President and Direc
tors, for the last fix months, is One Pollar and S«-
venty-Five Cents ell each ih?re of Stock in this Company;
which will be pairi at this Office to the Stocic olders, or
their Attorneys'* duly authorised, on any day after tin;
21 tt in:L agreeably to Charter.
Ebenezer Hazard, Secretary.
dit. m&t.irT,
January 14,
I• 1J K .'1 jU mi,
A Printing-Office, complete ;
ION rAIMJKG two Presses, two Founts sf Lon TPri
'—l mer, one do Small Pica, one So. Pica, one doTi'n
glifh, vone do. Double Pica, one do. Double Engliih, one
Jo. Script, one do. French Cannon, three Alphabets of
foor line P ; cn, seven Alphabets of seven line Pica, Flow
ers, Cuts, All the Founts are very large. The a
bove Office will be fold with the benefit a," several Ap
prentice'-, and a well eftabltfhed Newfpi.e-, ,n a very
dourifiiing town, about 50 miles fouthw.ird of Baltimore.
The Apprentices have from ten months to five years to
fsrve, computing from 16th September last.
The price of the Pristing Apparatus, Apprentices'
! ime *..d Newspaper Eftabliihraest, is One Thou find
rounds, Pcpnfyhraata currency—one-third to He paid
down, the remainder n good negotiable notes, payable
one half in 3 months, the oibcr half in fix month .. For
further information 2pp'.y to the Office of the Gazette of
the United States.
gj" I.etters (post paid) willbe attended to.
December 14,
This Day is published,
By BENJAivIIN D.vVtES, at No. 63, H&.Jtrrri,
American Repository, for i "796.
A compleat Calendar for
the year.
Lifts of tke executive, legis
lative and judicial
of the federal government
of the ministers and
consuls to and from the
United States.
A register of the land and
sea forces of do.
Rates of postage, and times
of receiving & closing the
mails at Philadelphia.
A lilt of the poft-towns,with
the distances of each, on
the main line, as well as
cross roads.
— of the federal courts.
~ of the of the
The mint, and monies of the
U.S. and the currency of
each state.'
A lift of the commissioners
of loans.
A table, (hewing the propor
tion of froe persons to
ilavcs, and of males to fe-
males, &c. in the U.S. tion.
Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of Francs
with the proportion of do.
each. State of the air, and a diary
An alphalietical lift of duties of the winds and weather
agreeably to the ialt a& in Philadelphia, duringil i
of Congress. months, ending ill Sept.
Amount of impost and tonn- 1795. 1
age of one year. Bills of mortality in Philad.
Custom-house fees, &c. of one year.
This little volume will contain a much greater compa »,
as well as variety of matter, than that of the pi .ceding
year, and will be embellilhed with an engraved frontis
piece, title 1 age, and a vignette faced with a head orna
ment, to each month. The scenes depided in the vig
nettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours ol the year. The
engravings are new, and executed ifrith an excellence tiac
noes credit to the American fine arts.
Jit the Jiime place may be bad.
Plans of the city oi Philadelphia, and its environs, accu
rately engraved from a late lurvey.
Maps of the United States, apd of each slate fep<ratcly.
A valuable coile&ion of modern Boats, and a assortS
ment of Stationary Wares.
Note.—Those who desire it, may have the above-n enti
onedMaps, or any other, coloured, caisvaffetl, and van: (li
ed, and'put up in any mannfer that may be moll conv
ent, by applying at directed above.
Otfl I, 1795.
V [Volvmm IX.
Rules for reducing tne cur
rencies of the leveralflate*.
Table of pounds, &q. redu
ced into dollars & cents.
Summary of the exports in
4 fucccffive years.
Amount of the unredeemed
debt, annual revenue and
expenditures. %
A view of the finking fund.
An eilimate of the imports
of the United States, in
two several years.
Domefiic duties or excises.
Drawbacks and bounties.
Banks, with rules of con
ducing feufinefs.
Officers of the civil govern '
ment of Pennsylvania.
Estimate of expences of do.
in one year.
Officers of civil govsmment
of New-York.
Sovereign princes and re
publicsW fcurope.
Lift of t&e navy of Great-
Britaia, corre&ed agree
able to the latefl informa-