The Panorama. MR. SAVVCE refpe&fnlly informs the Ladies and G Tvlcmen of Phila.*ilphU that the PANORAMA is tfm ofienrd in High-ftr. tt,<-en letft'and T ith Arrets. The SubjfcA > a view cf the Cities of London and Wefm;n{ler T cnmpithendh g the three bridges,South wark, Surrey', aixi t. George's Fields in chc Borough, with every otiier object which a;>j9Mr» Iroai t>»e top of the AlSion mills, at tke end of J3!ac"it'rurs Bridge, oyroate the city ot London, whence this* view was taken, The painting contain; nearly .-3/300 tquarc feet of c*uivas. Beiiig in a cir-L p vts o' i;6-proper bearing*, ?.nd cyhih;ic in its true ; mit ot >.pu. ; aa large ajui in i»' ry refpeot the lams as tU'e Y^ality. Fries.ot a tiolla. Tickets for tha Seaton three iu\li,i/s. iV ;>KAMA open every day from ten o'dcck in the me^ J fRTNT cf th PR RSI DENT cf the U. S. 18 .:ch>-' ky 14 ; only a few choice irnprefiions leit: the companion is a of Dr. l-'r«.r.kljjr. A v iriety of choke be fu«i at ths. ?anoraiy>,i. ✓ V- ' m Mr. Walt''" Robertfon BEGS letv; to acquaint the Gentlemen, fubfcnbers t» th print Portrait of George Walu.rgton, of tha c riited States of America. engraved by Mr. fit Id, from an ordinal pidure painted by W. Robcttfon, that the >. cole arc r auy for delivery to. the several fubferib £rs at John me. Barralet's, No, 19 north Ninth-street j. or at | Onrro l's, bookfcller, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, whe c th - (abitriiters are reqtiefted to fend their address. October tj eo d. ON Loan, for two or three years—2ooo Dollars, for whit h a mortgage on Land will be given as security. Ti. land is clear of trvery incumbrance. j™ h 4. City of Walhington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. A > 20,ce0 Dol'ats, amd welitag houfc, \ cafa arp 50,©00 ditto 15,060 St caw 25,000 40,000 15,000 & cash 30,000 10,000 &! ca!h 1 0,040 20,CCS 5. cOO tst caHi io.oco d" ;'-> v s r ooc & cath 5,090 10, coo I v prize r >t ic,ooo , > ■ 5,00 5 each, ?»re / a? \uo :>to jro <• 510 of OHIO ,Cjf dluo ,5,090 ditto 16.730 PrifCl 3-5,r6i B : ets may be had at ihe Rank ot Columbia; oi J 4rri'S Wi it &. Co. l>a!:imore or Gideon Denifon, S*vannijih, c Giiman, Kofi on ; of Jofjn Hopping jK• li'-x'-nd : ar.3 Rich'rd Wells. Coooer';! ferfr# For Sale, r P*HAT valuable ard well known PLANTATION for -1 mejly owned by John Evans, at by Samuel E "'vanf; in London Britain townfliip, Chester county, containing about four hundred and sixty acres—There arc on faj.d Plantation two dwelling JHoijfe?, one stone and brick, fury feet by • "•cr.ty-T e, two (fortes high, -with a large and com'm nHous Kiifcbcn ; the other a good lo§rg House, fuitablc fur a tenant./ two largeand convenient Barns; a stone Spring House; a goocl Merchant Mill, with between 12 and 13 feet head a>»d tall, on a never failing ft,earn the Whiteclay dreek — There are on said Plantation abou* 8o acres of excellent Meadovfr, a large proportion of which is well watered, and more can conveniently be made; about 180 acres is arable Land, cleared, the refidu* is WwodLaod. The Land, in general, Uof thefirft quahty in.that end? of the county. The Plantation is 10 mile* from Newport, 1 1 fr*>m the Head of Elk, (j from New-London Croft Roads, and 5 from New- Garden Meeting House, on the ncareft road from Lancaster, an«i on the di»eft one from Peach Bottom Ferry to Newport; the (ituatjon »t the Mill is fuitablc for either the Elk or Mid di town trade, which renders it an important stand. person dcfiious or purchasing will, upon applying t© Mr. KEN J -\M IN CHANiIiERS, within one mile of rhe place* be Oae-vedihe fame, and know the terms of sale from the iubfcriber.hereof, in Lancaster county. November iq. IVA N / £D f Several Apprentices to the Printing- Bufirtefs. Apply at tbe Office of the Gazette of the Unite J States, No. 119, Chefuut-lirtct. tf Wanted, jb,or o 1 ,000 10,000 lift, do® 10,000 io,Ooo io,ora 20,000 150,0*0 4®0,000 SAMUEL BLODGET. eodtf SAMUEL EVANS aaw, pfiir AriZT.Pffrj. P..* TE n a* 7Qff.V FF.VMQ. N°- ho. Ghcsnut-Strut Puct Eicnt Pbr Annum. For Sale at this Office. The Conftitut ian of the United States, pi ice 20 cents. . .. Lalt fepSit of the late Secretary of the Trei fnrv, containing a PlwT'for-the-fttrther ftjpportil Pt'Buc Credit, 75 cents. Germsnicus 20. Proceedings;of the Executive refpefting the In fiirgents ; forcing an intertfting jHiitory of-(the late Infurreaiou ia the four • Western Couaties of Pennfjlvapia. Intertfting summary of the events which hart taken place, in the Republic by M. de Nir*t'no:s, 12 1-2 cents. Twenty--fix letters ;oa the mod intereftingfub jefl.% relpetling the American Revolution, con taining much informa'tinn not generally known to the Citizens of Uie United States, written in the year 1780, 25 cents. Alloa few copies of the Accounts of the Re cn'pts and off he United States, du ring the year 17^4—price one Dollar and 50 cents. December 20U1, 1795. d. LAW-800 K S TORE, No. 313 High-ltreet. GEORGE DAVIS, IN addition to his general colle&ion of Books, on hand, has received by late arrivals at New-York, Baltimore, and th s port, from Dublin, a further large supply— Among which are Bacon's Abridgement, 5 vols. Comyns's Dtgeft, 6 vols. Lofc's edition of Gilbert's Law of Evi dence ; Tremaine's Pleas of the-frown, 1 vols, and Fitzherbert s Natura Brevium. til tic, with all whir publications that he offers for sale, are of the latest edi tions ; and Gentlemen may depend upon being Jurniflied with every Book wanting to form a moll extensive Library, at the fame moderate prices which for several years past have so univerfall; diftinguilhsd them, and which his ready Tales enable him to continue. Orders from Uny part of< the United States puna=illv aad thankfully attended to. Jam-.ry x American Landjcapts. PROPOSALS PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A Twenty-Four VIEW S, QELECTED from the mod ftrilang and intereftine »J Profpeds in the United States ; each as which Views, will he accompanied n'ith a drfciiptive account of issLocal, Hiftbrical, and other Incidental Peculiaritiei By G. I. PARKYNS, Avtbtr ef til " Muafic Xcmnh, ami And,*t Caffta in Great CONDITIONS. I. I"nat tne work Jhall be publiflitfd by Subscription; and that each Sobfcribcr (hafl engage to take the whole set of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving, il Lilaok or brown, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. I. That the dimensions of each engraving (hall b« 14 by 17 inches, executed in and publiflied upjn paper O' a superior quality. The publication to commence im mediately , and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub foriber , on the firft Monday of each succeeding month, until the proposed series (hall be finally completed. 111. That with the lafl View of tfcc series, (hall be deli vered an engraved title-pag-c ; an ckjjant charadeiiftic vignrfte; a map of the route, connected with the prof peas exhibited in the the courle of the Work; s id an I Alphabetical lift of the Subfcnhers. SubfcriptioHs are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print shop, Maiden lajie, New-York, by Mr. Caiey, Book-fell er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellers in the United, States. February 28. j Delaware Bridge. TOP«cM«o4 Managers of the Company for c rccttng a Bridge aver the river Delaware, ax the Bo rough ofEalton, Give this Public Notice, That they will, until the firft day of February next, re ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said Bridge; a3 also for the erection thereof, and the delivery of materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the least 600 feet, and mult not be composed of more than threq arche?. Any person inclined t© engage in the above undertak ing, will please to dire& their plans and proposals to the Secretary Q f the Company at Eafton. By order of the Pre/,dent aml Managers JOHN ARNDT, Secretary, Eaflan, Penalylvania, Nov. 12. m w & « Delaware Bridge. THE Certificates for Shares of the Stock of the Frefi dent, Managers, and Company for ere&iug a Bridge ovsr the river Delaware, at the Borough of Eafton, be ing prepared and ready for delivery, the Stockholders of the laid Company are hereby notified, agreeably t© a re futation of the Prefideat and Managers, that they call upon the Treasurer for the fame on or before the firft day oi tebfuiny next. And at the fame time pay the sum ©f 1 wenty Dollars, on each Ihare, required by law previous to the delivery of the Certificate. By wdcr of the Prtfidcnt and Managers, JACOB ARNDT, jun. Tremfurer. EjJltn, December 12. 3awtPx. For- tlie convenience of fti*h Stockholders as are resi dent in the city of Philadelphia, Certificates are deposited with Mr. John Sitgreaves, N®. 48/l'outh Front-street, who will deliver she fame, and receive the payment be f©re-mentioned. F Uk SA L £, A very valuable ESTATE, Called T rrnTRNHAM. SITUATE in t/jf to-ivnfbip of Upper Derby, and eomnty aj Delaivare, 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile \ from Ibe new IVtjlcrn road: containing »,go acres of excellent Lam.i, 45 of -which fire good -watered Mtad&w, 90 of prime 11 ood Land, ajid the reft. Arabic of the frflquai\ty. There-are on the premises a good twoHory Brick Houfc, loitb 4 rooms on a four, and' Cellars Under the -whole, -with a Putrp I/ell of ex ecllenl Witer in front; a Urge frame Barn, Stabhs, and otbf convenient buildings; a Smote-Hotfe andfone Spring House ;' M good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peach*. The Fields, art alt i„ Clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage of IVater in idyll of them, -which renders it peculiarly conveiiient for Grazing. Thefituation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culti vation ftreeJ—both good (lands for business, particularly the former. For terms apply to LAWRENCE SECKEL, or ) „ CASPER GRAFF, J Eiecutors. November 11, I 795 taw6w Britain," aaw. STEPHENS, BOOK-SELLER, 60, J'outb Stcoml-ltreet, In addition to his valuable Stecli, "hue received by all the late arrivals, A chosen Assortment of BOOKS, AMONG WHICH ARt: r Beaumont's travels thra' the Rhatian Alps, witli large andfaperb Aquatinta engravings; 2 W; * s preparing for the press. De«eml>er ri. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by the Editor, AN ACCOUNT Of the Receipts and Expenditures Of the United States, For the Tear 1794. Printed by order of the House of RejJrefentatives, CONTAINING Statements of the duties on merchandize & tonnage ■ Duties 011 (tills and spirits diltilled. Revenue ariCng on postage of letters. Monies received into the Treasury in the year 1794. Payments t» the Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, Trcafury, D.-partment of War, State, aud the Mint, Government of the Western Territories, Commiflioners of Loan*, Pensions, Annuities, and Grants, Army of the United States, Naval Depaatment, For fortiheations of ports and harbours, For maintaining iutercourfe with foreign nations, light-houses, beacons, &c. for iwereft an d«meftic debt, for domeliic loans, for reduction of domeliic debt, French and Dutch debts, relief of in habitant! of St. Domingo. Bills of Exahangc, See. See. See. Statements of balance* of appropriations of monies atifing from foreign loans transferred to the United States of appropriations and expendi tures, of receipts and expenditures. Appendix, containing an account of the foreign and domeliic debt to the close of the year 1794. NOTICE. A Litter addrefled to Philip Nicklin and (Jo. from Mr. John Hollins ?f Baltimore, under date, Janmry 3, 1796, containing the two following setts of Exchange, waa loJ}, or taken ffopti the pocket of the party conveying the fjiae frnjn the Couutiag House of Mr. liollins to the PofUO|£ce— ■The public therefore 13 cautioned agamft 1 eceivin'g faidTiills. Every precauti onary step is taken to guard against any villany that may be-attempted tonegetiafe them. fh.xl iv'it'j the best m-iferiais, zndbave t!*m made up and jini/bed in tie mcj fijhionnhie ,*/./■/ ,t. Me ivill thankfully receive any orders am pay a prom pt w at buftftual attention ta than. 08. I ? 2,r> v No. 46, North fr'nwt bimt. 'T'ME co-partnerihip of Knox .& .Hiinpsrson ex i pires this day by limitation. The byfinefs iu.fu' ture will be sarried oyiby.pavid Knox, Jai-nes HenJer fon Sz William uuder t}ie firm of Knoxj iff Company. All those indebted to the farmer concern, will pleaie close their accounts as soon as pof?ifolc?.« Have just received per tne-fhija Fj-ffor frem London, the gleanings of their fall importation,*ill-.' of a beautiful jffcrtmen tof cambrics, caintt ic rouliins, mudinets, corded dimities, printed haadkerchiefs, calicoes, chintzes, &c. &c. Alio a few boxes omice threads, with a f:mll afiurt ment of fancy waiftcoating, &c. Jan. 5 George Hunter, Chemist, .At his Laboratory, A'c. 114, :oath Second fait. TNFOKi.IS tli» ir,vr uiito.,b.. chat , , " e S un t!lc Uiiwii -gum 1,1, 111 tsitil live plan. He hat Icy r rl; 3 «rfnho tv.l maiket :rii raa«c» ihe eonpniit;,,,,, , ;u a pr. p.)#*,,.* biml", i' r • n .Jt>!cd lo for and warrant ever - , aj; c • ;'* ■ • i his Utn.a'o.y, aov -. likcwtie «, a»fp.;':e ol .!„ 'Tjoil : Ciifonai>)c ra'os. He wuhrs to- ft!! a lane LOT of GRopv r, ihe cwmcr ol* Hgh d,.a'nil.'.' A' i 7" : f, °"' "" »n.> «n '„ t th ftreu.. oppose M- W,-,'. »-w ..u:ldin gs -A,u! a, , * LO *' ,>r aor.he . 3 £U *2no k-ei deep. I:T,. j, iJts ~! Vt p ' rj *. ''««>< •3" >«'i »lliy .1, th. res, P ' Ore. 13 TO BE S OLD, ,f*7 '- SB^ T r ' ear the property of the late Rev.boaor John Witfccrfpeo.i," kLJi by the name of TUS'IUTJ? V. TTco'jiHftsof i neat wdl finjfl.,.l stone hoe/i, two fto -1 ries high, with four rooms on tach floor, un d a cellar and sis V ' hQl£ f - , T .! lere att - h = d "> i' hundred and fifty acres of land, more or. iif,, a:*; chi ». iy with good and durable fto*e fences : Qfc th'lc «Uut cio! t acres am natufal si, fowu^th On the r* tWeJlt; '' thiU y acr « woccJaod. _ On rhe pfennig there is a valuabL- V,i charfl.oi voun? and thrifty r.pple-trees, a framed bam an,i .tablestwo co « baufe,, a grain Wt, and Kcufc stone milk-hoiifc, and il'.ar it a mil and a (—u °r c° r tcr , ms apply to ' Tl.«wa» V. Jah, uc:i' c'fq. r lev - ®^ J S- *»». ia P, incetu.i; of tKffiSß*'* to Jfc Tufcu'.i.imi Decntika- 2®. A,V • • ' contain - n .s from 50 to iccarr--. Ch ft B ,n j et 0 and ** w <* n tbeHa V ;,for *con,mo. For terms apply t0 MATTHEW M'CONNFT f r Sste? fa r on J he S&SSg; muiockky Pownfcip, about i i-i miles fiom the rtiid die ferry; or to CHARLES jrflYjS berry-Alley, PWaddphia. J Z " '/Z Notice rs hereby given that an at tachment iir d „ ut of ;nfrrior cQurt Picas m aadfor th; csanty of Cumber Win th,> iw. V New Jerky, returnable on the twenty-iifth day of Felim fL j aSainSt goods ant 1 . chattels, rights and cr-H.t, lands and tenement, of George Hutz (m>; being i rc{id,-n * at that tune within the state of New Jerfev) at Wfuit o' Jonathan Ball.nger, indorsee of Job Butcher, levted by the sheriff of the county of Cumberland " o* a ccrtain sloop or shallop called the Fly ps I'hilad-liMa" I «,th its appurtenances, as by tlx: return of th. said shenfF farther"" partlCularl J a PPsar —'and jiotije is slfo hereby further g.ven agreeably to the diredlion of an aA „f the Legislature of tj* state of in feci, «fc m'de and provided, that unless the (aid George Hut,