Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, January 18, 1796, Image 2

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    Risk el New *
£5" To-morrow evening, J mu'arjr 19th, will be pre
sented, a grand general difpUy of
Equestrian and Stage Performances.
By particular desire, the much admired Pantomime of
Harlequin Statue,
will he exhibited ; together with a variety of other Enter
tainment >, too tedious to enumerate.
■ Dtnor* in future to be openc I at FIVE
»nd th* ts begin at 'SIX o'deck.
Th<"re are a number of Stoves placed in the Amphi
theatre rpnth'r it perfeSly comfortable.
•*..* one dollar—>*U, half a dollar.
£5" Those Gentlemen who intend to take places for the
JV>xe«. sre desired to /end in time.
By J. Ormro.v 1 ., No. 4! Chelaut Straet, in fwo vo umes
ne'atly bound, lettered and ornamented, with an'ek
gantpi*hit,reprefcntingCYßUS confultingDaniel,
[Pried two -dollars ]
The Travels of Cyrus ;
In Frtnchand Engltjh.
To which is annexe*.!,
A Difcoarfe upon the'Fheo'.ogy an.) Mythology of the
Trail dated and arranged in the moil convenient rrdcr,
for the ifUinedLite and greater improvement of those La
thes and Geuvlcn, v. Wo wish 10 acquire fpecdily «itner
the ? -nch or language.
By 7. E. M. De La Grange, L. L. D.
Comifeilrr ut Law m rhe Supreme Court of Cape*
France's, and 1 raniiator of J. Moor
Journal m Franco.
Tiiternl trr.tifiati.-ms of the French an 1 English dallies
hav'c loiig b-en a deiuici'atam. 'I'he different idioms of
th<• two operate forcibly again A the ft u dent,
who is frequently bewildered in the intricate labyrinth of
To remedy, this inconvenience, an entirely
new tranflacion* cJqthed in an elegant di&ion, combined
with the improvements in orthography, is here
given, coTrdWnchng verbatim wkh the English copy; so
that the by a finale oerccive the sense
in either langiia # ;e.
The K liter of thjs publication hii spared ne'ther care
nor to-fonder it Worthy tuc attention both of tu
tors and fcholvj- ftiMxlel he be so fortunate as to iucceed,
he will be highly gratified in having contributed his mite
uotxon ofui' iui r\ture,
January 9'
BjrThomas Dohfon, at the Mone honic, No. 41, fouthfc
c'ond ftrr.f,
D omeftic Medicine ;
- Cr a Tivatiftf on the Prevention znH Cue of Dis
eases liy Simt/e SWtcines, with an Ap
pendix, containing a Dispensatory for the use of pri
vate Pvaftitioners.
Revised a*d adapted to the Climate and Dipafes of the
United States.
BySAMutt Powrn. Grjffits, M. D.
ProfefTor of Materia Mtd;ca in - the University of
T'l one very lar%e i-ohune «3<tvo.
(Price two dollars and a half.)
The of Dr. Buchan's Domellic medicine is
too well known to need any encomium ; indeed the
very extensive sale of the original work speaks its
w r>rth *n>ndantly. But however well calculated for
the climate ofßritajn, for which it was originally de
signed, it isobvious that it; was riot fufiici.ently adapted
to the climate and diftafes of America.
The design ef this improved edition was to remedy
this deficiency, and-to render this valuable ar.'t popu
lar work more .intelligible and more tffefufcto the citi
zen* of the United States, and th* improvements
Htir" the result ef experience and • ebfervation, it is
will render this work more truly valuable and
Dec. 17
trench Language
TAUGHT ir the Uniyfrfi'y, norrh F«urth-ftreet, and in
private Farniius, by Lt.IVIS C. VALLONf from P.iris.
/>, pply to him in Cherry-.! Iky, No. 18, or in the Uni
versity, January 14. * ravrjw
FOR 1 796,
Qrnam*Bf«d with a handfrme Front View of th ; State
House, Gfngrcfs City Halls, maybe had ,it
B. Davies's,
No. 68, High-ftrcct.
January 15.
Miniature Painting.
,■ A from Paris refpehiuliy informs the puh
jt\ lie, th-.u lie painr.s Likeness in Miniature, in so
ft'rrV.iiig and pis* ling * ma .ner, as will, he hopes, fotfsfy
th who may oaiploy. bin. His Ltknefles are warraa
tcU, his fittings f.iort, and his term? easy.
Hi roc Hi is dt No. i, north Fifth ftrcet.
DccemSer 30.
V*. S. As he Ciort y intends returning to France, he in
vites fiich Ladies Wi V Gjitljni«n as maybe dcfiroui of
having their portraits drawn, to take advantage of the
j relent
jusr PuhLjsHE,n,
And sot f?!e by THOMAS DOBSON,
' Althi Sine H'jiifi'i No 4[, South Second Si rest
In onebaniUo.iie volume, printed with a goad type,on
. . fine piper, j*ie< one dollar,
A narrative of the BritHhEmbajJy to China,
' In the year 1792, 1793, arid 1794, containing the
various circurts'tlmcts.o.t the EmbitTy, with accounts
ofth-e eu'Ttonis and mannas of the Chinese, with a def
'criptfou of the co«ntrv» towns, cities, &c.
An trf Chißais arlevsnt which
jjtes gsperal cu^iofitv, from the ignorance which pre
vails the interior partsofthat Eirtpire, whose
lawifor.hid tbe intrulion us atty other pe jple.
o£an.»uthemic defcriptioo of it at
'traJl fcc fttmtipft rfan enlightened people.
The author lists tccurately relatedeveiy ciriumftarice
■which came under his 0* 11 c.bfejvatioo, with rim Si in-
d*v*n from iinqi'.cftronable fourcet calctilj
tjsd to gratify wjrteniMfceuriofity and »ntergetht fcnow fo.lirtfc known To the other natrons
af.ribe CHoHfir ' Dec. Awaaw.
ON Monday evening wis taken tway, fn ppofcd. by
mitlaur. fror.l Box No. 9, at the Sew Theatre, a
brown Caiilbfe; Clo?K, about half won}, and an old obc
left, in it* fu;ad. It is requeued the miflalte may be roc
tifted, and the Cloak returned to No. 73 south Front-street.
January -15. ' «.
fa J
A one pair of flairs Room.
En juVc at Wo 6?, fanth Thirrt-ftrret
K. ii. Boarding and Lodging for four Cngie Gentle-
Jacuaiy 13.
A N -S
I*l & tlltfw
■tutcely Vurmjhei'
foreign Intelligence.
CALCUTTA, January 21, 1795.
Notwithllasiiing the furraifeS of a rupture be
tween the Nizam and Pci/hwa, with which the brain,
of some Calcutta politicians have lately teemed, we
have reason to believe that the misunderstanding
that at present fubfills between these powers will be
amicably adjiuled.
The crafty Tippoo, attentive to every movement
that occurs in tlic Indian- PeojVfula,..fondly hoped
that the late iiifurrt ftion in Rohilcttrwf" uvgii: ljave
led to fe'ious consequences, and afforded h!ai an
opportunity of endeavoring to retrieve some fhaie
at that power and consequence he loft in the Jate
war. But hi* expectations being defeated by the
re establishment of tranquility to the Northward,
his only remaining hope is in a rupture between the
cruris of Poonah and Hydrabad ; and fliould their
di.Tetences, contrary to probability, net teiminate
pacifically, he is piep iring to avail himfcif of any
favorable moment far adh'on that might occur in
the event of wai between these pewe s. We have
some account of his recent motions in a let'erfrom
the Mysore frontier, of which the following is rm
extvaft : -
" Tippoo Is aflively engaged !u augilicnt.i'ng an<l
afTembling Ins troops. He is also filling his uu,ra
zines. He has has lately expended iriifrienfe turps
on ant! on the Severn, Chittlc, and
Nundy Droops ; a'l of which he is making" as Itrvng
as possible. Ba.igalorc, an:! ail the m.Uei forts, lie
has delroyed. This narrow fvllrtn of policy is
easily developed. Hill fotts are only iifdfoj as in
ftrutneirtsin the ha ds of tyranny, to awe the peo
ple, For the purpufes of ivar one ground fort is
worth a doz-n of these foriiiied rocks,> Qn account
of the difficulty of placing grain and ilores in the
latter, and removing them from thence as octaOon
may require. So that the fame infatuation that
marked the conduct of Tippoo thro'out the whole
of kit war, Hill continues' to artend.him."
May 6.
Died, .ycfteiday morning, Sir JoHn Rlc.hartlfin,
Baronet, Barrii-ter at Law, one of' his M jeily'a
Justices of tlie Peace—author.of the Pt-riiiin and
Arabic Di&ianary, Avrbic Grammar, and Di flir
tations on the manners and Unifuaacs of Ealtcrn
May 20.
Yesterday evening th<- Recovery, Cant. P. ' -•
way, from Batavia, arrived at het moorings • > !' Ca!
, By Capt. Greenway we learn that a Frcnch brig
had at rived as a cartel with'a cw Dutch priioriers,
from the Mauritius. From this velTel carrying'a
much greater number of men thjn were ftuiiciVnt
to navigate her, and from fume information, obtain
ed from the Ditch pn'foners, fulptcionsarofe of he r
being intended forfome other piirpofc thftn that ot
fervitg merely as a cartel. The Dutch Governor
ordered her to be searched, and twelve guns with a
proportional quantity of powder and Thot beinir
found concealed On board, (he was seized in coufe-
The Chip Hercules from Madras arrived at Bata
via about the middle of March.
We understand that many of the Bengal planta
tions of Indigo, have been lately so much injured
by the looM«, as to render it necefiary. to sow the
f««d afriifti.
A Map of the poll Roads of Bengal, Bahar,
Qr.xa, Oude, Allahabad, Agra, and Delhi, juii
fiai.'bed by Mr. Upjohn, is one of the* mott ulefuj
ixrrformances in this line hitherto executed in Cal
cutta. Ihe Plate, in point of neatness ot engrav
ing, elaims much praise, but its accuracy is a {till
better recommendation.
We apprehend the report of the Niiam having
refufed to nd(urre to the conditions of the treaty of
peace, lately aajnfted between his Highness »nd the
Mahrattas, and that the war between these powers
had heeti renewed, is entirely without foundation.
It appears by advices of the 6th current, from Ma
dras, that the detachment of the Carnatic army,
fervlnjr with the Nizam had been withdrawn, and
din/ftcd to match into the Cirears, a measure we
conclude, thnt would not have taken place, had
there been any probability, of the renewal of hotti-
The conditions on which Peace hag been efla- i rrquefled his, The Dutchman took pol
bhthed l*i ween the Mahrmias and, are not feflion of tlu: (hip, and as if (he had been a re-cap
yet publicly known ; but it is understood that the | mre, hotted Dutch colors. She was carried t<
latter has been obliged to make such conetffions as Batavia on or the icih of Jan. was there ot
mu't tend to weaken his political confequecce > an ' the 27th of June, ami tliere probably (ho ftiM re
rffedt which we the more regret as his Highncfc is ' mains. What fays plain com.non feufe and com
without qnelhon the molt independent ally we have mon honesty on this occafwn ? if allowed a hearing
n India, and as he hasjong maintained a sincere at- I fancy they would fay that the English proper!\
achment toward the-Englifh. He has been gene- . alone could be considered as a rccaptore, th til
ally crnfideted as one of the mod profound politi- ! ought to have been landed ordifpofed of according
ians tin the peiiinfula but the best fyflems of policy |to the treaties between America and Holland ir
11 moll cnnntries, and particularly in India, are<# j f yc h cases made and provided, and the (Hp and
ittle avAilif not fuppoited by refpeftab'e Military ! property allowed immediately to depart. No ! it
Establishments ; for where what is called club law | was-laid before their Court of Justice (if I may
s to decide qnefiions of right between contending j here be allowed to ule the name :) and it was not
late*, the llrongeft mitft prevail. I convenient for them to proceed, in the course of
We are happy to learn, ftorr) good authority that several examinations, farther th"n the Captains
tis the intention of the Marine board to get a birth, parentage, and education. Some
upply of boys from the Marine Acade- (hrewd than the reft, observed that the (hip hav
mes in England ; who are to he regularly brought ing the word Cork upon her fail*, mull be Irish
ip to the Navigation «f this rivei ; and that tliey property. He proposed to wait 11 fit il they could
iave written home for fifty to be lent oat immedi- get evidence from lieland ; but the others, iudg
t«4y for that purpose. This plan cannot fail to i„ K that the crew might be all dot jtnd the (hi"
>lacc the pilot service Hpon a very refpettabW foot- rotten before they could hear from Ccrk, and
"£• j that the cale might delcend as a lega y to their j
| fucceflbrs, did no' approve of this plan. The
In these days, when infidelity is rapidly gaining; held fevera! fittings while Capt. Mackav was dan
ground, and Religion, the bell gilt of Heaven to gcroufly ill of a fever, a»d sent him regular notic
man, has become imfaOuonable, and is considered to attend : when he recovered, it was"not conve
as unworthy attention, wc cannot poflibly aflign a nient for them to meet so often.
part of our paper to better advantage, than in j They could not then proceed without the ev ;
transcribing the underwritten testimony in favour dance of the (hip's £oofc, who was ill of a fever
of the Sacred Writings, copiefl from a blank leaf, This poor animal (a Caffr.e) was dragged afhorc
at ths end hi Sir William Jones's Bible, and there more dead than alivej and kept in the Tavern at
written by his own hand : Batavia. fur feme weeks before the Court was
" 2Cth Gaoler, l 785". pleased to fend for him. But the Court gains 100
" I „ave regularly and attentively read tik-fe dolla.s by each fitting, which of c ß ur(e it is their
Hoy Scriptures, and am of opinion, that this : intercft to. multiply. Thus it 11 the interest of the
voiumr, independently of its Divine Origin, eon- judges to delay juflice, which, in effect, is the
Vitus myjM uMii.iiiy an ! V.eag' y,purer m jraiity,
more important history, and fit er Hi ains of poetry,
and eloquence, th' Ati can becolkcUd from all; othel
books, in whatever age or they mcv hive
been comppfed.
( Sii/ned)
Sir William, we may remark, has likewise in
troduced the foregoing opinion of the Scriptures,
n:: r'y in the lame words, m one of his late anm
veiLry difepurfea, delivered before the Aljatic So
ciety, and piihliflied in the lalt volume of th - tranf
a&iims of that body; but they fcem to have been
originally written in his Bible, from \v!;ence'the
above copy vv;:s traafctibed.
WKcn a Jones, the pride -of learning and of
fcivitce, thus declares his belief, and conjoins I>*s
opinion, iii support of the authenticity of the
Scriptures, to that of a Newton, a Boyle, a Ba
con, a Locke, an Addifon, a Juhnfoii, iind'fiiany
other pillars of learning, well may the learned as
well as the unlettered infidel tremble 111 Ins want
of faith.
Ey.trads from the Jfiatic Mirror pjlljbtd at
On the 27th of March I landed again at Bata
via—'he focus of d.feafe, the nursery of slavery,
and the capital of erimcs ! to fee the beautiful I
sland of Java and its numerous inhabitants faCri
ficed to tho miTerable counting Uoufe polity of a
few Dutch monopolizers, mull be highly distress
ing to every liberal mind. Their tyranny is'not
co. fined to this Jfland only • it affetis diictlly or
indirectly all'the [Hands in those fcas, and part of
the comnunt of Malayo, comprehending a vail
extent of territory and mass of population. So
Lpiihle have the Hates of Holland been of the un
li«ahi.iue{'» of the-r campanys settlements in India,
that they have not permitted their citizens to enliit
as seamen or foljiers, for that ftrvice. These are
rompofe/l of unfortunate wreuhes from every r.a-
tion lu Europe, woo are driven by misfortune to
the iKctfilt y oi entering m order to avoid flarving,
tr arc kidnapped by Dutch agents under falfe pre.
ar;ic!es of flav.:ry for fs:?e;i years,
wc.i known, that people are eonltantly
tr "P 'jfi in Loudon to trepan E.iJ'"h fubjecis for
toe -Dutch company ; and that they annually trans
port a number of fucll unhappy vidtims, as igno
rance, tr.ifery, or cimes, have reduced to a liate
of atrip nr. Subjects of 'd! the European ria*ioTis,
excepting . ieii»!i, arc to be in tliij motley
gruupe. Thefc together with some Malay soldiers
a.iii the Rcgt, of Wiitem Mir«h, form their milita
ry force ; amounting in all 1 believe, to four or
five thoufandu, a number toaily inlnfficitnt for a
ry otliet purpose, than that of terrifying quiet and
p. aceible Chii.efe and Malays. The
pecnla ion of the Dutch, is only .to be " surpassed
"Y 'heir cruelty and opprefHon, w!~. rh has for a
century «vast exe'ted the indignation of the Eaftcrn
World. So \ nfcijus have tlie Cump.;nys servants
been ps the culp'ibility of their that few
of them have iyer ventured back to Holland.
Thole who are pyor are not alle, and those who
are lieu are n«l willing to tetttrn. Lucked togeth
er by a fenfeot common intered, and fccure in ex
emption from inquiry, they have ever been unani
mous in enriching tliemfelvej at the expence of in
fidelity to the Company, and cruelty to the na
tives. Thus confirmed in vice, they have by de
gices become almoil independent of their estates,
tnn weak and too distant for any effectual controui.
The High Council of India, is composed of 8
;r to members, A-hofe numbers extend the lource,
is they divide the opprobrium of corruption.
Their Fiscal is nearly ths fame with our Sheriff.
He has besides, the management of the Company's
nternal duties, and the superintendence ofsthe
mports and exports, which ate collected by the
It is a maxim with the Eatavfans (in which by
he bye they are not not Angular) to tranfaft as
ittle official business as poilible in writing, that
hey may afterwards, if convenient, be able to dif
vow it. The cafe of Mr. Mackay of the Amer
can (hip Canton was a remarkable instance of this
The Cantor was detained and carried towards
he Mauti:ius by the Dumourier privateer, know
ng her to have English property on board. They
vere driven back in a gale of wind into the flreights
if Sunda, when they f;ll in with the Ama/.on
3utch frigate, commanded by Mynlie.r
vhorn Mr. M ickay made known I I' ' ' —A
r l'
It is
,c<*rrHiiifn» . eif-JiJtifcl'e TS«sjr oace ?xpr&«i ira.t
coajil.'entiy, that £;i;k.' Jji4;iok»jr wouid ha«e.-di»i.
One made arpiitjAion to-be left his rt<vutor,
fl*ier offfied t» pftr.-bafe h : rfhin, zud a tbird «a'i;
.preparing an inventory of his -iji. :h'. ®w (o>t!>.:r
yriat difnpjointment the llrerijih of his Conftim
tio<s overcame the difcalc, auij tvn» rel.iolc*,
I'toncd by dim of fretting and 111 u'fage. May i:e
furviv- BlUviato become one proof mote of ih-ic
iniquitous fy flem ot d<.'iii>ei*i'e »mi dct<~i<i[>j£ pio
To exaggerate Batavi?.i> dcpra ity is difccti-'t.—
The I earcr'you come to tWf truth tV in* ic >b""'k
ing will the pidtnrc appear. Tiic Dutch tfcnj!«
felveshavi coufcllid it. The Stages Gaicial of
Holland have proved it by si nding out Commit
flGners to tt'foim abtdet, wluife have
been folong matter of alHii.r nmrm *nd indignation
to the relt of the world. Tt ><t ft \ prihpefe
to treat of in fm; future Itr er J•»mer.n
time let me rcfumt' the dale oi Capt. Mackay,—a
cafe of uncommon ciueky ati 1 in try apprtlui:-
lijii of great injullicc. Detained for 6 months to
fettle b'ufintfs whirh mi; h* la e been r'ooe in as
mtmy hours, fret from Capt. Knval 'o the govern
or, from the Governor to theComm flioners,- from
the Commissioners to the Court of JulWce, and
from them back to Kuval, he c«uM iienhei g*t "his
bulioefs iranfafcted net any vonvhns to (hew that he
had been detained. In con It lint uaxgerof hislile
from climate and relation—foire < f h,6 i iScertt &
men already dead and «th< rs dy'itig-, dvfcrteil by
the remainder, gladtogtt mv?.y from ftirh -,i piai-,
I ftippofe by-the time ihey think proper to jiive
him up the Ihip, he will have no hsfrds to imitate
her, should (lie be fit to go to fen.
It is to be regretted that the opprciTion <,f or*?
man (hould cmbiod two nalii.r.s ; thom-.i-, .it the
pre lent Hate of thing* it may be famctiffiot i-..e».ta
ble. But, it is the duty of every na;ion,on the
hand, to pfriteCl their fnbjctt, and on th? oihci-,
to sive up to puriifhment thole individual?
inloicnceor rapacity have involved them i" dtfi.ti"-.
A man po(Teffi-,ig more knowledge-os the wr.rut,
rr.ore confidence in hitcfwlf, and !c:s Inbittial plia
bility of dll'potitiori tha:: Capt, Mackav, would
peihaps hive met with better treatment. I'lilly
acquainted with h'ia owa rights, he would have o
bh;.;ed ihe Dutch to refpedt them, or forced the n
lu confels that they acted by the rights of power
" n'y, totally, rrgatolefs of eveiy piimiple of jnf.
tice. A mat', in this predicament ought net to l.n k
to hi* immediate convenience, "th; advantage-os
his owners, ot even to his pcrfonal fafeiy. The
honor of his nation is at Hake it he defen's that,
he forfeits ofcouifie the proteflion of his countrv.
He did not go iliere to trade; but was bveiijifit
in as Commander of a central (hip bavins; lilh
property re-capt'iired. He could not theiefore be
looked iipon se fiitjeft to the ioral lau-scr Culloms
of Batavia, but ouglit to hare been difrrtiffcd with
all convenient speed, accnidii'g to the pirtper'fct'fe
and spirit of the laws of nation?.
Tfee eouduft of the Go-rernutcnt ai d Conit of
Juflice to Capt. Baboock, of tie (h•'j> A mcrirs,
is no IJT> ternsvkHblf. I will confine myfelf at pre
feftt to ihe flatcment of a very few fafls, m,d h.avc
it to the public to draw their conclufu i s.. "'l'lie
govef merit !i;id refufed any interference in iheeafr.
The Com: of justice had txpiefsly declared in wri-
that ihi !i jurifuiftioi) did not ex;end ovej: hit)
ftiips, ami tout iiiey weru not a couit compete:,t u»
decide an the-legality ot the capture. Notwiihllan
ding this declatation which appears full ;od fatls
faft.iry, they <Wire«! Rabcotfc, rfier J. Ivi
aba:.d«'.ed his fl.ips and taken hi;. pifTa.-e on hoard
the research brig wi" Bencoulen,. iu outer to pro
reed to bengal, to appear before the n at the ic
qne(t of the En.dhh and D.ilch Cornmndi.n s, to
answer ftich cjtic.iTo.-.a an these m L'ht
think propei to put to hiri, and that this Come
might be enabled logive the two Cor-.mcdou-g ad
vice. This he refiifed to do, as their d:cilion coeM
noi be and lie had -.dready abarvkt<«! his {hip?.
They then detained t ce and .leijnd that Capt.
Maxwell, her cs-mrram'cr wW.dl.i'.dCapt. Babcock
Capt. Maxwell replied that he won hi m>t nje force,
bnt they mij;ht 11-.emfelset. take Kim out of the
veflel, (hould they choofc to do so. Neither of tin;
Commodores, nor the Dutch goverrment ivould
life force to take him out, but they expefied that
Capt. Maxwell wraid nfe force tofencl him out cf
his veffi,!. These are tniuuiia: in which
are thank G»d too lar above rr.y comprehension to
explain. Captain Balxnc-k finding; that Captain
Maxwell was uneasy at the i3e:enti®n of his Brig,
determined to be no longer the caitfe of I;., ::nd went
afliore. N > foyner had he landed, than he was
arretted, and ordered not to go out of the Tavern
—for it is a'.'o a Baltile. At the fame time the
fifcal (was t his a qualm of conscience ?) wished to
procure his ronfent 10 the arreft-j but he dedaicd
that he (übmitted only to superior force. .Upon
; this, and his prefeuting a veiy fpiri.ed retnoiifltaiue
i to the Commiflioners, he was allowed to n'de a
bout, but with two armed Malays in attendance.
Thus was he detained until the departure of the
Bengal fquadroo. WJiat fharetbey had in it, for
the regions I formerly mentioned, it would now
be improper to difcuis—l mav however icmark
that the Research Bug loaded with Rice* for the
fettlcment of Bencoolen, was detained, for weeks
after Captain Babcork quitted her, hut not 1
believe by the Gcverntcentof Brtavia.
AMSTERDAM, G&ober zi.
The day befcie yesterday the. following {hips of
W!:r entered the lexel; the Revolution,
ed by A. Bl<.is van Treflon, Rear-Admiral of the
White; the Admiral Tramp, Capt J. Rynbrancs;
and thejalon, Gapt. Dockum, from the
The English have captured in Fr.lfe Bay thefoU
lowing Eail India fliip*:— the Willemttad-Beet
ftlaar. Capt. J. Kotes; the Geertruida, Capt. M,
de Vries, fe.mrtd for Ba'.avia ; as also the horn*,
waul boilnd fliip the Jonge.fcomfaciirt, The Ihip.
Noord-XloMard, Maealfar, Ceiion, and Standv^f»
tijjbeid.liadfailrj before tjie arrival of the Eaglifh.
The of war the Comet, from the Cape of
Good Hope, con-tnnnded by Lieut. ' Chrifc, ltas
been tarried'into Cork.