Number i048.J PHILIP NICKLIN fef CO. Have for Sale at their STORES, on IVelnut-Jlrect IF'jarf, 45 Tuns of Pig I ; 40 Pipes baft qu. Te Wine ; _ 30 Pipes of Mild iri Wine, cemprifing each qtfality, and contained in pipes, hog (heads, and quarter caika; 3 Pipes and % hogfheada old Port; 150 quarter calks Mountain; 50 cwt. of Sugar Candy, in boxes of 80 £0 cach ; 3400 lUs. Jalap in powder, in 3 cases; 1100 lbs. of Camphor, in 2 casks; a ca'fks of Coppera?; JlnsJjifH Sailcloth, No. lay; * 30 bbk. of Connc&icut Beef; and-a quantity of Mahogany. A L S O, the schooner INDUSTRY, BURTHEN seventy tons, is a good yt; he ifl will be fold at n reafodable rate, and on a libe ral credit. November 27. « tu,th-Jcs FOR CHARTER, i~ The (hi ? Little Mary, J. Benaers, ; •r.ufttit, and the fhij> Fame, E. 0: f.'... J on '- s J -n»aft P E A t Captain Salter, I rliis month. For freight orpaflage ap .iptiin at South street vha-f, or Peter Blight. TO ' - _ ply i» t! Kovemher 23 f/'2-vFor SALE or CHARTER, The Ship CATHERINE, N°w lying at Mr. Huddell's wharf in ScathA'.rK • burthen 20.5 tons: (he is now in readmefs to receive a cargo, and can be f nt to sea at a small ex pence, as (he was supplied last. voyage in London v/ith many new Ms and rigging. The terms of sale reifonable, and time oi pay ment made easy. Enquiie of -John Craig, No. 12, Dock-fticet. Who has for Snls, Sherry Wine, Dowlas, Irish Linens, Seears, Belfalt Canvass, Spanrih Cordage, and BnlloL Window Glass—-and the HOUSE a«d SI ORES he now occupies. •> Jan. 6. Knives and Forks A good allot tmem ot table and desert Knives and Porks, with or Without cases, for sale by Rowland Parry, No. 36, Chefnut'ftr«t. LIKEWISE, Plated and Japanned Ware, Jewellerv, fine Cniliry, &c. &c. &c. as usual. Plated work, Gold Rings and Lockets, and every thing iii the Gold and Silver line done it the lWt»ft notice, and in the bed manner. ©ecember 2,8 Copper Ware-Houle, No. 2. North Fourth Street. GEORGE £sf HENRY WESCOTT HAVEjuft received by the late vefiels from London, Liverpool and Bristol, and which they are felling at the molt rtducet! prices for cash, or a snort erf (lit, a very large and extfnGve jfibrtment offlieet Copper ar.d Bottoms, comprising sheets iron, 5 to loclb. »nd bottoms from 16 inches to 5 feet—Atfo a handsome af fortmentof the nioft approved fb'eathing Copjter with nails, and bolts, Tin jnl'wees, Bloclc-tm, ?>pelwcr in casts, Spelter fodder, !k.c.&.c. Jan. 2 Jamaica Rum. The Cargo of the brier Peace, Captain Gray, from the ijgrth fldi; of Jamaica, Will be landed to-morroismorningatSouthjlrcet wharf, High Proof RUM, Prime SUGAR and COFFEE. Nov«mher 9. SHOT, OTlll sizes, from 3'a lb to Grape, CaihboAlcs, -Pots, aridether caftitogs executed at the fliorteft notice, Nail reds, from iod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, fqr cases or cutting into nails, from a lirad to 12d nails, Anchors, from IJ Cwt. to loolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina Pork. Herrings in barrels, Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls. Rye fl»nr &t. to be fold by Levi Hollingjhvortft & Son. Mpjl 4 " *<"» F©r SALE, by the Subscribers, In PLNX-*TRZEr, The foUvwmz article, of the hjl from China. 160 Quarter Chests Hyson Tea* jlO Quarter Chests Sowcbong Tea, 400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, 4500 Pieces Naaikeens. Willing.r & Francis. September, i / STOLEN, From the entry of House No. 9*, South Frcnt-ftreet, y ■fterday evening l , Tiro sußTour coats, viz. ONE of fuptrfme forreft cloath, double breasted, co vered buttons, v«ry light irab colour, little worse fortlle wear.' 'One ota'fscond Yorklhire cloath, double ur«&fted, dark mixed grey color, moth eaten and much worn - . . r T. A generous reward win De given to the perlon who ftalbapprebend tl* Thief an it recov:r the jjcv : For Charieiton, (S. C.) The nzw .Schooner PHILADELPHIA, -Robert Butler, master, NOW lying in.Smith's Dock, "he second above Race-.lreet; is ready te take in goods and having been built for a Facket, Ins excellent accommodations for pafiecgers, and will fail ia a few da?s. For freight or juiTag? apply to the Captain on board* or JOHN S^IIEIjDS, -fan 11. d No. a'l.Cliefnv.t-Sreet. r a ' e or^;lart:er 5 The new (hip SUCCESS, Robert "Welsh, matter ; lying at Stam per's whan 1 ; a Itrong faithful bufit vefTel, fails extreme ly well, and is also well found; burthen 159 tons. For terms apply to Joseph Anthony & Son. Who have received, bv faicl vcflel, A few calks Madeira Wine, mould and dipt Candies, aad befl. Eofto* Chocolai««. Uectmiftr .29. "-J Juji Arrived ftr the Sno-iu Bojlon, James IZirkpatrick, , Majitr, from Ijverpoul, 113 Crates wcli-afibrted Queen's Ware, 4CCO bushels heft iloved fine Salt, Sc to be fold at No. 1, l'mc-Jlreet.bjr James Campbell. Also, a few boxes well-jfiorted Irilli Linens. N. B. l Said Snow far Freight or Chai - ter, either to the Well-Indies or Europe. %t£cZi% Enquire as above. stu«u[l 18. $_ For Falmouth, and a Market, ■jTyJci THE SHIP fjSfoj roebuck. WUI begin to take ia In a si w d*y*.' asd is ia tended to fail with all expedition. For freight or jiaugc-, ipp'ly to Thomas tzf jfebii .Clifford, J Vic have Imported in said Vejfctl* andbavzfar S'jMti Bcfides tiieir ufuat aflortnaent cf I rod nip ngeryXutlcjry,&o A fcr.' crates of Flint Glass Wart, crates of PHjh>la> "cr-'tcsof cream colour'd Ware, boxes of Long and Jnort of, womens and childrcns fiat* afTorted, London and Brittol pewter, befl Englilli crown Otafi of the dilferent sizes from 8 by 12 to 9 by 7 inches, Irtiii's-eye Glass, boxes of Tin Plate*, Bar Lead and Shot, a,nd a quantity of Copper in fhcets asd bottoms. *Thti have iihew'tfe received, . / *n sflortment of Garnett & Company'j patent fjftcnis for Blocks for fhif s use, and other purposes, which arc fotfm( from fcveral years experience, te be a very confukra'iiiii favisg of labour, as well asfavingin the war of cordage, and are now generally used for the principal blocks in new veflels, Also, a few Pipes of Old Madeira WINE [anuary 14, Canal Lottery Office, Near the Bank of the United Slates, January 16.k, 1796. THE Public are informed, that if none of the high prizes are cut on Monday's drawing, price of Tickets will uc raised to Thirteen Dollars, cach, 011 Tues day morning; and will be higher every week er.fuing, on account of the Five stationary Prizes, worth one hundred thousand dollars. By order of the Committee, Wm. Blackburn, Agent STATE of , the IVHEEL 1 pr:2.e of 30,000 3 do. 20,000 - 2 do. 10, coo 3 do. 2,5 00 - 4 do. 2,000 - - 8,000 11 do. 1, cog - - 11,000 23 do. 500 - - 11,500 50 do. 100 - " 5* 030 With a proportionate number ©f 12 dollar prizes, Purckr.fers will be accommodated with a credit propor tibned to the number of Ticket* they take. Note. A Check-Book kept at the ab«ve office for exa mination, at two cents each number, or twelve cents for regifterir.g. The Commiflioners now draw 600 Tickets per day George Bringhurft, COACH & HARNESS MAKER, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and the public, that he has removed frem Arch-street, to No. 43 in north Fifth-Srect, adjoining the Epilcopal Burial Ground, where he continues the buiinefs ot Coach making in all its Branches. He mates all kinds of crane neck and peich such as Coaches, Chariots, Phxtons, and Coachees ; alftt' Chairs, Kitterecr.s Gigs, Sulkeys ; aud all kinds of Har ness, with plated or brass mounting. Mc hath a gpod supply of the best materials, ahd a ftoctf of the best fea foncd wood. Orders from any part of the United States will be du- Ifcr attended to with the greatest punctuality and dispatch. ' HH lohg experience in bufiriefs, his care in the elocu tion of his work, and an unrehiilted attention to the df fires of his employers, he flatter Aimfelf will prove fufli cient njcopimendations. ' He has several Second-hand Carri ges for sale, viz. a coriipleat Coacftee, with a coachman's feet and Ven®tian blinds all round; a Phreton ; a Chair ; and a Sulkcy With a falling top. All kinds s>f Carriages fold on Commiflion, and Car riages taken in to Hand by 'the month "er year. Apprentices to the Bufmels. Philadelphia y November it. t,t,c^s3^.2aw(!• FOR S A L E„ A FOUNT of BREVIER , half -.torn ; about four hun dred weight. Enljuiie at the Office of the Gazette of the United States, No. tt'9, Cie£hut*ar««fe December 5. 4" , JUST COME 70 HA'NI), j By the fijjjp Faiior, from Lond«n, a very extenflve jSL, . ' afTorfinenr of "as Gentlemen s Dress IVaiJlcoat'ing ; Satrins, tambor'd Camel'* Hair, Mulefkius, T vanlmer?,' &c. "With a very elegant aflortment of Be(I LoncLn fuperjinc Cloths & Cqffimers. AN© FOR SALE BY January 6 Nutmegs and Mace. Joft com: to hand, a fniall Invoice of Mace and Nutmegs:—JLikewife on hand, Speimaceti Candles and A General Assortment of Groceries, Whick will be /old low, for cacti at N0.96. Chefnut-ftreet, corner of Third-flreet: by (eotf) DUNCAN M'INNES. WAGNER,* Woolen Draper and Mens' Mercer, Ai No. 2s, South Second ft recti H AS, in addition, to his aiTortment of and Caflimers, Received by the Fa-ftor from Lon don, 3 very elegant assortment of Gen? (omens' "Waistcoat Patterns j such as Sattin, Silk MolMkin, Caffimer, and which will be fold at their just prices. Jan tary 9. * d. Juit Arrived, Per the Frigs Eliza, M'Leod, and ThtodcKia, Captaia And for file by ike Subscribers, Prime Coffee, la Ilogfheads, barrels, and bags, and lonie C 0 C 0 A. RICH. & J. POTTER IVho havr llkewift, A few Pipes of LISBON WINE, for Sale. Jan. si. 5 Will be landed to-morrow morning, At Philip Care's wharf? Thz Cargo of. the biig Susanna, j. Frankford, mailer, fro:n Havaniia, 14,2 Hogfliead®, a.»u"£ quality Jamaica Sugars 12 J lerccs j 51 Bales of Cotton, 12 Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 15 JVpns-of .Logwood and Fuiiic, 708 Hides, 4© Boxes Segars, Dec. j. 459 Sr' above 600,0001 L Bags, J llj Hoglhcads of choice Jamaica Sugar. »». i Rites of St. Domingo Cotton, Will be landed Moinlay ninrnirtg, 2'.;!; inft. at South- Being the tntire car?b*» or Snow Hclie from Jamaica; Drio- Folly, and Induilry, frdin Jerc'mie, rot i.ilt nv 0-9oVr 22 320 Barrels of freto New-Ergland Beef, 33 Barrel? of Cider, 2000 Pair of Shots, 1000 Yards Tow Cloth, ao Sheets of Copper, 12 Kegs Lard, and 60 Wool Hats. 2aw, anuar 30,c00 100,000 ao,oco 7,500 Dec. .1 2 50 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Corks, in bales, and Holland Gin, in pipes, For Sale by Benjamin W. Morris. December 31 For SALE, by the Subscribers, On renfonable terms of credit, 6 Bales of low-priced Flax and Tow Oznaburgs, 6 Bales of Enghfh Sail Canvai's of the following num bers, viz. No. 4, 5, 6. Willing! & Francis, November 21. 3'w- Penn ftrcet. Asjhclon and James Humphrey r, CONVEYANCERS, HAVING connertme;it of the follow i:ig artel fa) •tvbieb they offer for file. PRINTED' calicoes Oeijtte;vien's neck handkfs. 4-4 w'd. boafc muslins Nev\»firfMqnab!c; ftiawls 6-4 wd. ditto ditto Madras Han ikerchief* Book rauilin handkerchiefs Tambour' Gurruhs Colored, bordered, muslin Humhunis handkerchiefs Very new fancy ditto Eligant tambore muilins Colored work ditto Laced figured ditto Brocaded ditto Ladies plaids And a variety of othei Many of the above poods For the Wefl-Indii market. December 21 A PrintHg-OHice, complete; CON £'AIMING two Prcffss, two Founts of Long Pri mer, one do Pica, 'one do. Pica, one do. En ons do. Double Pica, one do. Double £ iglilh, one do. Script, one do. French Cannofi, three Alphabets of four line fever. Alphabets of seven line Pica* Flow* «rs, Cuts, \jfc. All the Founts are very tav£c. The a bove Qilice will be fold with the benefit of several Ap prentices, and a well eltablifhcd Newfpape-, in a very iiourifning town, about 50 miles southward of Baltimore. The Apprentices have from ten ftibnthtf td five years to jfcrv&., computing from :6th September i a ft.. The price of the Printing Apparatus Apprentices* lime a..d Newfpapcr miabU3uae*t,. is One I'houfand Poundi, Pennfyjva»>ia earn ncy-»—one-third to Ue paid tiown, the remainder n good neporiaMe notes, payable one half in 3 rtronths, the other half in fix months. "Eor •irther information apply to theO.Hce oi the Gazette of the United States, r'y i .ctwrs (post paid) v/llM)e ~t'enJ:d to. DvCCiuln r T J . ' I.orn:itv cji'Kic: C< ANAL Tickets for iae, and ca(h or ticj&cts given for i any prists that may bj drawn. 26 This Diy is published, By EENJAMIN DAVIES, at No. 63, Higl-Jireet, THE American Repository, for 1-796, A coinpleat Calendar for Rules for reducing tne cur- the year. the feveraltyatoe. Lilts of tke executive, legif- Table of pound*, &c. redu lative and judicial officers eed into dollars & cents, of the federal government Summary of the exports ia of the mini fibers and 4 fucceflive years. consuls to and from the Amount of the unredeemed United States. debt, issual revenue and A register of the land and expenditures. sea forces of do. A view of the finking fund. Rates of postage, and times An estimate of the import* of receiving; & cloftng the mails at Philadelphia. twofcveral years. Alitt of the poft-towns,with Donseftic duties or excises. the distances of each, on Drawbacks and bouivtie*. the main line-, as well a3 Banks, with rules of con crofs roads. dueling fcufiiufs. — of the federal courts. Officers of the civil govcrfri of the fupervifor# of the ment of Pennsylvania. revenue. Estimate of expence* of do, in one year. eodtf The mint, and monies of the U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government each state. of New-York. * A lift of the commifHoners Sovereign priijces and r«- of loans. publics of Europe. A table,(hewing the propor- Lift ©f the navy of Great tion of froe pcrlons to Britain, corre&ed agrea- slaves, and of males to fe- males, See. in the U. S. tion. Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of France, with the proportion of do. each. State of the air, and a diary An alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and Weather agreeably to ahe last a