Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, January 14, 1796, Image 4

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    • vJity or WaQiingtoa.
iGIiEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
A. munificent ( 20,000 and
writing house, calh 30,000 aie
-Jitto 15,000 &calh 25,000 40, cOO
cT 15,000 & calh'ls,ooo 30,000
i i:SS 10,000 & calh 10,000 20,000
r".; 5,000 6c ea'.h s>ooo 10,000
5.000 & calh 5,000 10,000
i i t. pnze of
5,00-9 each, are
,» ill®
<*0 '•' to
t fa
,coo ditto
o ditto
•3,5.61 Blanks
50,-ico Ticke'.s at 8 d'.•!'«»
This Lottery Will afford an elegant fpec.nen of the
iuatc to becretVd in , lhc r C "V of W.imogioa
-Two bc.utiiul vie'ti ons arc. already fete fled for the entire
ronton two of the puM'.c squares ; tfo.n thele draw,
if rs proposed Lo erect two centre-mi l»ur corner
a;" W « pofiible alter tliti Lottery i. sals
to ''oovey tK.-tr wti.-n complete, to the toritinate sdv-niirr.
VV.t, the narr deferred in the feneme lort u llote
Lou -v. A nctt fledaaior. ci ftve per tent, will b mad,
to y the svce-JfaryVf.-nccJ o. priniuig, 4c. and
the j . al: « v. i'■ V nude •, r-rt, oUhe fund i tileri . u tor the
National Vmverfi'.j. to be etefted wt'.htri the City of
'{£3* *Tiie drawing will co(hwcnce as loon as the i. ic.kcts
' r r ■ t „,.r .• Tii~ monrv nrires will be payaoie
in thirty day .-ftcr 11 is
• o.- 'tiu' *•' iSfcilvc it. >nrh»
;u«3te numbers a''
• v..;a
alter tiie rir ■ ,
to.virds iV fou<. 10. *-fnv, " '■'? -ten.,
ed tofnleth- w ,ole b-6. i« • ...s
„f ,hc d, a to i,k f uo the ho,us 6'VC« »» <«"-
The real fecuritirs ;i»en for the payment «f the Prize
are hold bytjw P-.-fidtut and two Directors of the B»r.k
of Colum ia, and ate valued at more than half the amount
of the Lottery. '
The twenty four gentlemen who. by appointment ot
the late Commissioners afliiTed in the mauag:men„ of the
Hotel Lottery are refuelled to undertake this arduous talk
a second time 01 behalf of the public ; a fufficient num
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National University and the ower federal ob
jects may continue to favor the design. The lynopfts of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
lr r 'tution, is already in the press, and wilt be lpeedily
put liftfd, together with *s confticution
A comuleat Plan of the whola of this Important
nftitutior j compiled from a feleSion «f the bed materi
als, ancient and modern, will be fuhmitted to the public
whenever the fame may have gone through such rcvinons
as may he ncceffaryto elTablifh the perfed confidence and
getieral approbation, so eiTertial to it s present rife and fu
ture exifte.tcefor the general pood of America.
By accounts received frem the different parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the
drawing will speedily commeme, and that the care and
caution unavoidably nccefTary to insure a fate difpofa.l ot
th: tickets, has rendered the snort ftifpenfioii lnddpcniabie.
February 24, 1795.
a ~ 1 eodtf
Aug co _ . ,
* * fukets n-.ay be had at the Bank o< Columbia;
of W.ft & C". Bil ii-nnre or (.-ion Demltri, )=ih, of i.iim.'". Boil""; "f Khn llopkuis
R-. h : .«-d Sii' "■■'"•C--""'' 1 ""-
"Mr. Walter Robertfon
BFGS leave to acquaint the Gentlemen, subscribers to
"the print Portrait of Geprfre Wa<hington, Preftdsnt
•of the United States of America, engraved by Mr. Field,
from art originalpi&ure painted by W. Robertfon, that
th- Proofs are ready for delivery to the several fublcrin
ersat John James Barralct's, No. 19 north Ninth-street ;
er at J. Ormrod's, bookftl'.er. No. 41, Chefnut-ttreet,
where til fubfcriWs are requeited to fend their address.
October 27 eotl.
George Bringhurft,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public,
that he has removed from Arch-ftrect, to No. 23 in
north Fifth-fereet, adjoining the Episcopal Burial Ground,
where hfc continues the buiinefs of
Coach waking in all its Branches. »
He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carriages
such a; Coaches, Chariots Ph.xtons, and Coachees; alfa,
Ch-'irs, Kittereens, Gigs, Sulkeys ; and all kinds of Har
nefsj with plated or brass mounting. Ha hath a good
supply of the befl materials, and a stock of the best fea
fonetl wood.
Orders from any part of the United States will be du
ly attended to with the greatell pun&uality and dispatch.
His long experience in business, his care in the execu
tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to the de
sire s of his employers, he flatters himfelf will pravefuffi
cieat recommendations.
He has feyeral lecond-hand Carri ges for sale, viz. a
compjeat Coaehee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian
blinds alliround; a Phxton ; a Chair ; and a Sulkey witK
a ;top.
All kinds of Carriages fold on Comir.iflion, and Car
riag s taken in to itand month or year.
gj* Apprentices wanted to the Bufinf fs.
Philadelphia, November lu t,t,&s3>«.iawdo
Jb'or bale,
THAT valuable and well known PLANTATION for
merly on nrd bv John Ev.<ns, at prelcnt bv Samuel E
yans; lituata in London Britain to vnfhip, Chefier county,
containing abnutfaur hundred and fisty acres—There arc on
liid'l';*n?ation two 'dwelling Houlcs, one stone and brick,
iVaty »«« bv twenty-five, two (tfii ies high, wj'h a large and
Eniiimodious Kitchen; the other a good logg House, suitable
for a tenant,- two large and convenient Barns ; a llone Sprfiig
HotHe; » good Merchant Mill, with bttween 12 and 13 feet j
head ami tall, on a never failing lli.-am the Wiiiteclay creek j
—-flierc sre on laid 'Plantation *bou' 80 acres of excellent ,
M*eadow, alarge proportion of which is well watered, ;>nd <
more can'i'anveniVntly b'Jf'TOadev about iBo Scr<>» is arable
Laid, cleared, the rcfidue is W«od Land. The Land, in
istif the firft'qUalitv in thst-cnrl of the county. The
PlautaW" i^ lo f'' M f ro,n Newport, 11 from the Head of
iH£~, 6-froth,'ftew-L<>ridon Cross Raids, and 5 from Ncw
'Gatden Heiift, on the ricare'll road torn Lancaller,
Eipcli Bottom firry to Newport;
B M the, fuitable'forcithertlpe Elk or Mid
which renders it an important (land. Any
iWV»n.«}elw4u» or purchasing -.will, upon applying to Mr.
CHA?i)lß*El£s,. Within one mile of the place,
Ifce'ilaeweil the lime) and kp >v the terms of sale from the
-tsmfcratSei Hfrtol, in Lancaher county.
No'.'jrr.bci re.
Lriari, for two or three ycurs. —zoco Dollars, fcr
a'tnoftgige on i lurid will lie' giveii aslecurity.
The lan 1 is clear ol uvery incjjinbrarics.
Jan'. 9. d.
»C,o 0
10,0 c J
a;w piizes for which
o ■■ ? 01l >. 1<- I <_»i 0 f. 1 '- t*
PHIuAD2LP HI A, Pk'.s TF.D by JQHiV FENNO. N°* hq, Cbesnul-Strett -Price Eisht Dollar* Pf.h
LAW - 800 K STORE,
No. 31.3 High-ftrcet.
IN addition to his general coUcition of Books, oh hand,
has received by late arrivals at New-York, Baltimore,
and th's port, iram D :biin, a further large supply—
Amq«ig<*M'ich are Bacon's Abridgement, 5 Comyns's
Din-eft, 6 vols. Loft's edition of Gilbert's of Evi
dence; Tremaine's Pleas of the Crown, 1 vols, and
l'itzherbert's Natuia Bruviuni. These, with all other
publications that he offers for sale, are of the lat .fl edi
tions ; and Gentlemen may depend upon being furuilhtd
with irvery Book wanting to form a moil extensive Law
Library, at the fame moderate prices which for several
years pall have so umvcrfall' diflinguifhed them, and
' which his ready sales enable him to continue.
Orders from any part of the United States pun&ually
and thankfully atctiided to.
Jansary I
Delaware Bridge.
r ~P , HE Prefidant ani Managers of the Company for c
-1. re<st«ng a Bridge ever, the river Delaware, at the Bo
rough ofEafton,
Give this Public Notice,
That they will, until the firft day of February* next, re
ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said
Bridge; as alio for the ere&ion thereof, and the delivery
of materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the !
leafV<Soo feet, and mult not be composed of more than
three arche .
Any person inclined to engage in the above undertak
ing, will please to direA their plans and proposals to the
Secretary of the Company at Eafton.
By order of the Preftdt
JOHN ARNDT, Secretary.
Eajlon, Pennsylvania, Nov. 12. m *v & s
Delaware Bridge.
r T I IiE Certificates for Shares of the Stock of the Frefi-
X dent, Managers, and Company for eredting a Bridge
over the river Delaware, at the Borough of Ekfton, be
ing prepared and ready for delivery, the Stockholders of
the f id Company are hereby notified, agreeably to a jc
folution of the Prefukat and Managers, that tbey call
upon the Trcafurer for the fame on or -'efore the firft day
of February next. And at the fame time p.ay the sum »f
Twenty Dollars, on each share, required by law previous
to the delivery of the Certificate.
By order of the Prejidtnt and Managers,
JACOB ARNDT,yirk.Treafurer.
Eajioiiy December il. 3awtF£.
For tke convenience of ftjth Stockholders as are resi
dent in the city of Philadelphia, Certificates re deposited
with Mr. John Sitgreav s, No. 48/iouth Froct-ftreet,
who will deliver the fame, and receive the payment be
10 be disposed of at private sale,
Pursuant to the iail Will and Te.lament of Casper Gra.7,
TWO two dory brick Metfuages anil Lots of Ground,
viz. No. 100, north Second, near P-.ace; and No.
1 74, north Fifth, near Vine-street—both good for
business, particularly the former. For terras appiy to
LAWRENCE SF.CKKL, or > £l . ecutors .
November It, T 79" ~ ll '' V '
Anerican Land'capes.
T wentV-FOUR V' IE WS,
SELECTED i'rom the most ftrifcing and intereltiivg
ProfpecY-i in the United States ; each #f which
Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive ' 'Count
of its Local, Kiitoideal, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Author tf the " Monajlie Remains and Ancient CaftUts in Great
Britain y
1. That the work (hall be publiihod by Subscription; and
that each S-jbfcri&er (hall engage to take the whole set
of Views, and fliall pay for each engraving. If Mi..k or
brawn, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars.
I. That the dimenlions of each engraving (hail be *4 by 17
mehes, executed io ->quatinta, and publifhedupin paper
of i superior quality. The publication to commence im
mediately j and one engraving to be delivered to the Suh
foribers, on the £rft Monday of each succeeding mouth,
until the proposed series fliall be finally completed.
111. That with the lad View of the series, (hail be deli
vered an engraved tjtle-page ; an elegant character iftic
vignette; a map of the route, connected with the pref
peAs exhibited in the the course of the Work; ;nd an
Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
SubfcriptioHs are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print
fliop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal in the United States.
February 28.
t O K A' Si L. Jb,
A vary valuable ESTATE,
Called Tottenham.
SITUATE in the toivnjhip of Upper Derby, and county of
Delaware, 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia, arid half a mile
from the new IVeJlern road: containing acres of excellent
Land, 45 of which are goqd watered Meadow, 90 of prime
Wood Land, and the reft Arable of the frfl quality. There #rc
on the premises a good twoftory Brick House, 'with 4 rooms or*
a floor, and Cellars under the whole, a Pump Well of ex
celient V/ater in front; a large frame Barn, Stables, and other
convenient buildings; a Smoke-House and jlone Spring'Houfe ; two
gofid Apple-Orchards, and one of Peach2s. The Fields are dll in
Clover, except those immediatdy under tillage, and are so tat J
out as to have the advantage of IVater in each of them, which
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culti
vation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and the vmnity to the ci
ty, it is very suitable for a Gentleman s Country Seat.
<7 be foregoing is part of the Eflate of "Jacob Hn m*\ ileccafed
vdojjcrcd forfale by jVIORDKCAf LEWIS
o<a. 9,*795
For Sale at this Office.
The Conltitution of the United States, price
20 cents
Lad report of the late Sesretarv of the Trea
sury, containing a Plan*for the further fupportof
Public Ckei>it, 75 .cents.
Geimanicus 20. ,
Proceedings ef the Executive refpeftitig the In
surgents ; forming «« j'nterefting History of the
late Infurrettion ia the four Wellern Counties of
Interfiling summary of the events which have
aken place in the Republic of Geneva—written
jy M. de Nivsrnois, 12 1-2 cents.
Twenty-fix letters; on the mod interefiirigfub
je£ts, refpedling the American Revolution, con
taining much information not generally known to
the Citi/.ens of *he United States, written in the
year.l 780, 2 J cents.
Alio a f*vv copies of the Accounts of the Re
ceipts ?nd Expenditures ef the United Statw, du
ring 'the year 1794 —price one Dollar and 50 cents.
December 20th, 1795.
I O 5 x 5 > 6
fo'ilh .S
In addition to his valuable Stock, his received by all the
iate arrivals,
A chosen Aflortment. of BOOKS,
I Beaumont's travels thro' the Rhoetian Alp 3, witli large
andfuperb Aquatinta engravings;
I Middleten's Views for cottages, farm-houfes, and coun
try villa?;
3 Lord's hi {lory of Britifli Birds, containing many co-
loartd in a new (iile;
4 Ireland's pi6lur«lque views 011 the river Thames, a
vols "bound elegant, with beautiiul plates;
5 UeMbam'i) memoirs of the reign of Gfcprge 3d. 4 vols.
6 New Annual Register, for 1794; v
7 Pindar's works, 2 vols. Bvo, complete;
8 £ritiih and Irish theatre, 10 vols, elegant binding;
9 Ivlifs Williams's letters, 2 vols, containing in tile
ro Magical delusions, or the My fiery, 2 vols.
I I Nccromaneer, a German ilory, or tale of the Black
Foreil, founded on fa& ;
12 Lex Mei'catoria Pediviva, improv
publiilied in 2 vols. Bvo.
13 The celebrated Mr,./?.?
14 Fables by Mrs. Dorat
done in the best French,*
and Manage%t r
i lutii
«s;•!'£ I*
pnfojis ui Pai'ii ;
a;s and papei
15 Let!
o!i r?*TiCuic'
the S«ciety iul'tituted at Bath, 5 vol
's modern pleader ;
16 Ittjpcy , , ,
17 Montalb'crt, a novel, 2 vols, "by Charlotte Smith ;
18 Andtrfon's commerce, 0 vols.
19 Mof re's views of the French Revolution, 2 vols,
vols, 'oaund;
■snfon's work;:, 3
20 S
: <io' ir f'rncL" in A I'P.ulc.ic.;:;
i- ;,j proi'o for'ciiiMrer.
2 T Ii v* 1 ' !i's t
2- li-.r » 1 s !:*'■ >I>, i
'v> ; i S to .Mtc!: l-lvs, tliL uk ol young
2 3 *•'
% V -! 1
24 Walker's new Di&ionary, &c. <3cc,
variegated Wafers, good
tnd various articles of Stationary.
The I>e ft bfassipg V ax, i! ..
Letter Paf.T.
Some of thr lahjl y*ia"> by 'T. Stephens, are,
I Tke'Royal Captives, by Ann Ye.:r;ly, the milch wo
2 Mystic Cottager of Ch
4 One thoul
5 Bioili-,,
6 Looking Gla,->
7 Literacy Ivliicala..
9 Sentiments on the; religion
fccreu ,
\ ?vtrs Bfirbauld;
oi morality
> r the mi l
Ron of the FftfhionaWeWorld;
_alon and nature.&c.&c,
T. S. has m the pre!
laptcd to the laws of Penniyl-
on Bill* of Exch
He is also printing The Ruins y or A'lsditations $»
• of —-- J - ' ' '-»y M
•, eonuderably lvA ; c
hibuL! i)kifi. It Hi- il be prii,
paper, and wili contain engravings by the be
at prei'ent hi £
Stephens' Philadelphia Directory,
An handfoote pocket volume, containing correal inform
ation, will brfmilhed in a few days.
His Catalogue for 1796, is preparing for the press.
D cumber 11.
And tn be faki by the Editor,
Of the Receipts and Expenditures
Of the Unitld States,
For the Tear 1794.
Printed by order of the House of Rcprefentatives,
Statements of the duties on merchandize & tonnage
Duties on Hills and ipiiiti diddled.
Revenue arising on postage of letters.
Monies received into the Treasury in th»
year 1794.
Payments to the Executive,
Judiciary, Twafury,
— L) part went of War, State, aud the Mint,
Guverarnent of the Wcftcrn Tcmtoriis,* of Loans,
Peafiopt', Annuities, and Grants,
Army <>f the United Mates,
Naval Dcpiatment,
For fortifications of port? and batnours,
Fer maintaining intert-ourie with foreign
nations, light-hcufes, beacons, Sic. foi
intcrcft ou domestic debt, for domeflic
loans, for reda&ion of domestic xlfbt,
French and Dutch debts, relief of in
habitant of St. Domingo.
Bill# of Exchange, &c. Sic. &c,
Statements of balances of appropriations
of monies arising from furcign loans transferred to
the United States of appropriations and expendi
tures, of receipts and expenditures. Appendix,
containing an account of the foreign and domestic
debt to the elofe of the year 1794.
ALitter addrefled to Philip Nicklia and Co. from
Mr. John Hollins of Baltimore, under date,
January 3, 1796, containing the two following setts of
Exchange, wis loft, or taken from the pocket of the
party conveying the fame from the Counting House of
Mr. Hollins to the Polt-Office —The public therefore is
cautioned against leceivingfaid bills. Every precauti
onary step is taken to guard against any villany that
may be attempted to negotiate . henn.
Jno. Smith, junr's sett, on I. A. Retberg & Sons,
Bremen, payable to Philip Nicklin & Co. or order, in
Lsndon, at 60 days fight, for £35° Sterling.
Thos. Turner and Co's. sett, On Kunckel and Reey,
Amflerdam, payable to William Taylor, or order in
London, at 60 days fight, and indorsed by William
Taylor, to the order of Philip Nicklin and Co. for
£400 Sterling.
January 8.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
BROKE Goal, in the city of Albany, on Thursday
evening last, two prisoners, who call thcmfeives
Matthew flsintain, and James Elifon. Plaintain is a
native of France, and speaks broken Englift, is about
5 feet> 6 inches high, stout built, dark complexion,
cross-eyed, black hair and marked with the small-pox,
had on a blue furtuftcoat and boots. James Ellii'on is
about 5 feet 8 inches high, light complexion, long sandy
hair, and is a native of Simfimry, in Conneflicutt.—
The above reward will he paid to any person, or per
sons who (hall fecufe the said prisoners in any goal in the
United States, or 30 dollars for Plaintain, and 20 dol
lars for EUifon, and reasonable etpences, by
of Keniielaer county. ,
Roy, nth Decen.ber, 1795
1, tke lixth edition
!J"s Journey through Holland;
1 vols, with ioo LngnivingSj
ure, planting, See. by
ijinoft nuifecd, aTreatifc
xy oiii
George Hunter,
A: his Laboratory, N«. 114, south Second ftrce.
TX h MS tiii toimcr cuUorr 'inrt t«c pu
Jl lie has the DRbG buQneis . grpn oo'an ?xk a-
live plan
He ha' Tale a general *(Tort men' oi
Likewise, painters' colours, di y and giound in oil, pai'it
biufhes, window and coach glass, dye llu'ffs, iiu.ect] • »),
oil of turprntiue, copal oil varmih and japs>i, warranted
AMum, copperas, madder, ground red w«odbythe hogs
head or {mailer quantity.
As he imports ihe iitnpl s from the oeft mark-ets, and
makes the com pofu lofts , . tui prepara-on* himlelf, he a
enabled to vouch for nd warrant ever) artVcie fold r»stt
of his L»" and like wife to dispose of them at the
moit reasonable \atrs.
£5r IJe wifhrs to frll a la gc LOT of GROUND,
the north-east corner of High and Eleventh-iirec's,contain-
ing 78 feet front on Hand 9.01 '< ton i_.ov<.nth
flfcr-c.-r, oppofitc Mr. Lexer's new bu:;duig—And an-the.r
LO T on the north fide of High Hreet, near'he above, 28
t {ect front, and 200 feet deep, Rot la lots* have the privi
a 30 lec'i alley in the rear.
Dec. j » s-r
No. 46, North Front Street,
E co-pa; tmrfhip of Knox & lUndkrson ex-
JL 'pires this day by limitation. The bufim fs in fu-
.iv will be earned on by David Knox, Jaines liender
h & William Deas, under the firm of
Afti/.v, Henderfon, if Company
All tholie indexed to ti:e former - one:
clofc their accounts as foou as pofftblc.
Have just received per tee (hip Fabler from London,
le gleanings of their fall importation, of
of Cambrics, cambric
printed handkerchiefs.
a beautiful afiortrr
mufiinecs, corded dim
calico'i's, ch;p t- /t?,
&c. &c
Aiioa few box's out)'
meiit of fancy vvaifkoating, &c
THREE or For Thcu'fand Dollars, for winch an in
~~ Kf?Ofiicc ot .'he G-^ettc
fcagcd as fccuiity.
of the United Std
En aire
Fir Sale,
I A v?Ju -' ,>,r ft"™, eontaining from 90 to 100 acres,
ii adjoining to and between the fiavcrford St Weft
Cheiter Roads, no more than (y miles tro'n t::e City of
Philadelphia on the Weft fide of be river Schuylkill.
ralthy and plea&ritvWid the
I The iicuatio:
lowland, and me • clow well proportioned.—
cut lprirfg ct watery and Cobbs creek, 011
An cxc
'.''lili'j then.- z.-
An orchard and bti.i ling fuffieient t6 axccomirio
date d
for terms aiplyto MATTHEW M'CONNnLL
at his nr. ill creek farm on the Hi»»rford road aforelaid.
;n B!' ckJey Towninip
die ferry; or to CHA j< Jl'.liVlS. No. i
berry-Alley, Philadelphia lan. u.
That liar, feme Sli IT near Pri> < <■■>
of the laic Rev. Duftor john \V itherfp-j .n,
by the name of TUSCOLUM.
IT consists of a n-at well Snilhed stone house, two (lo
ries high, with four rooms on each floor, and a AUar
nndcr the whole. Thsre are attached to it one hundred
and fif.y acres of land, more or left, and chiffiy enclosed
withgooi and durable {lone fences: Of these about eight
acres are natural meadow, fix acres artificial, sown with
red clover, and from twenty to thirty acres woodl*nd.—
On the premises there is a valuable orchard of yo- ng and
thrifty apple-trees, a framed barn and ttables, two com
houses, a grain loft, and carriage house <?uite new, a new
stone railk-houfe, and near it a well and a constant fprir.g
of water. For terms apply to Thomas V. Johnfron, Efcj.
•r lie Rev. Samuel S. Smith, in Princeton ; of Mr. All -
shall, No 118 Spruce-ftraet, Philadelphia—or to the fuh
ilribcr at Tufculum.
Tufculum y Dicember 23.
200 Lollars Rl \yard,
WHEREAS a certain MICHAEL HinCr, of
Reading townlhip, in York count), on Friday
night lali, -bout the iionr of 10, at the head •>{ an
armed banditti, did brer.'; open the house of Go/per
Gregtr, in the town of iierlin in ftid rour.ty, and
then and there did forcibly drag out and cay offa
certain Catherine Specie, a minor orphan child •(
Peter Spece, deceal'ed, aged about thirteen years :—
And whereas after the utmost pursuit by her friends,
and the rnoft fliligent inquires, nothing has since been
heard of the said minor: And whereas from previous
threats and the shocking manner in which flie was
forced, (notwithstanding her ftrugles and screams)
from the hold of her mother, there is every real'on U>
apprehend the utmost danger to the person of the said
A Reward of Two Hundred Dollars is hr.reby offer
ed to any person who will secure the said IlKt'lCE, so
that process in this country can be served on him) and
return the said child to her friends ; or One Hundred
Dollars for returning said child to her friends. The
humanity of all parents and others is calltd upon to
be interciled in this inquiry ; and any information
as to REVICF. and his party, or as to the said Catha
rine, will be thankfully received by Casper Gregor
and his wife (the mother of the child) at Eelin, or
by the fabferbers at Yorktown, Pennsylvania.
MICHAEL SCHMYSER,") Guardians of
MATHIAS SCHMYSER, j Catherine Spece.
York Borough, December 15.
The different Printers in this state, are re
qaeited to publijh the above until count«inianded, and
they (hall be paid upon transmitting their accounts to
the Poft.Office, at York.
A Commodious Frame Houfc,
Situated in Nerth Sacend-ftreet, No. 145, lately occupied
by Leonard J acoby,confining of a good three story frame,
twenty-five feet in front; a two story Brick building
>ehind, With a Kitchen and offices; also, a Garden plo?,
me hundred feet deep, a stable and wash house, which
■ iasa communication to Race-street, four years of the
Lease is unexpired on the firft day of January next
These premises are in good repairs, and the pur chafer
may have immediate poffeflior. For particulars enquire
of Robert Coe, No, 46, south Setond-fireet.
December I
for hale,
Or'to be LE I for a term of years,
AN elegant House with about forty-two acres >f Land
and Meadow. The f.tuation'is very convenient for
a Country Seat,-or far a person inclined to attend the
markets. There is an excellent Kitchen Garden, Icc-houfe
and a variety of Fruit—the distance about five miles from
he cit) . For further information apply t e the Printer.
November 14. sawtf."
, «iiat
;i,, >> i. i plcr.fe
taiis, with afmall aCbrt-
(1 iot—ws'im
oni the rnid-
i 1-2 m!l!
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the property