Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, January 14, 1796, Image 3

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    q'uaiuted vviih meivaiitile traufaciiiuis mull fee that
a less sum would be inadequate. The fu id Mr.
Parker had in view, from draw the sum
wanted, was the furplas of jnonies granted *from
year to year for the War Department.
Mr. Varnum said lhit he ftiould have been better
pleased, if the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Par
ker) Ukftead of going into a general defence of the
bill, had fpecified the various articles wh'ch would
be wanted, and stated the probable colt of each—
this would furoifh materials on which to determine
what the fom to be.
Mr. Hillhoufe was in favor of appropriating the
sum moved for—if it should not all be wanted, it
will not be expended—but he (hould regret that
the faTiitary objects of the bill (hould be defeated
for the want of fifty thousand dollars.
Mr. Williams wished, if in order, that the fub
je£l fhou'.d be poilponed for a few days, f>r the
purpose of inquiry into the ftaie of the funds pre
paid, also to afccrtai'n more particularly the a
rmnnt of the fpcoific articles which would proba
bly be wanted.
or » j
Mr. Kitehell eoincidcd with Mr. Williams—and
tin- latter moved that hlling this blank bepoftponed
till nrxt Tueiday.
nl f
\ to
Mr. Gilt's prefei red fii'i-.ig up the blanks at pre
fect;, andthu: to let tile biil lie on the table till
the cr>ij-a:ttee of \v>ys and means (hoold repert
further to [fit Ivoufe Sum? additional taxes will
pr^iia L !y he ca'lfd S- • his feifioii. It the blank is
now fi:lcd up,« uie amount of the funds
:ary{.,r th;*.'. -Vet wjil be had, and maybe
•i 1 1»• •i in contemplating the ad-
taken into
di'.ional tax
Mr. Mi'' i ci'.j iVed to Mr. Gile's idea on the
fubjeft. H* i -,n ked-thatif the blanks are now
-filled Hi), the liifuii cannot be altered without a re
co'mint.trw.r, of the bill a the committee of the
»• :i
1 El
Mr. Sedgwick nbjeftod to filling'up the blanks,
he was in favor as a poit ponement for a (hort time.
He enhrged on the necessity of being extremely
cau.ioins in appropriating the public monies. The
funds are already anticipated to a great amount,
And further anticipations will be necessary.
Mr. Vinable moved to poltpone the bill to the
firft Monday in February. Mr. Sedgwick fecord
etl this motion.
Mr. S Smith was against the poflponement.—
He remarked that there was scarcely fufficient time
toprocure the goods, so as to have them ready by
the tim; the posts (hall be evacuated. With re
fpeft to the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars, he tho't it too fmali, he was in favor of
a higher sum.
M. Gallatin entered ir«to a consideration of the
state of the finances, from »hence he inferred the
necefiity of a (hort delay til! more accurate informa
tion was obtained relative to-the amount that might
be granted. He said there was at present no ex
eefs that could be applied to this object ; furplufTes
beyond the appropriations thete certainly were,but
then, these are at present on paper only, and it
will require time before they can be realised. In
the mean time additional funds will be found necef
fary to answer the current expencee, and to fatisfv
the demands on the public treasury.
Mr. Madison after remarking that he had very
little confidence in plans in which the government
takes the plaee ps individual!, said, in order to
mature this plan and jrender it susceptible of the
highefl probable success, he thought a Ihort post
ponement (flight answer a valuable purpose. Ad
verting to the rime necessary to procure the goods
prtoper for this trade, he supposed that individuals
would be the importers and that a few days delay
would not essentially affedt the main object.
Mr. S. Smith said that individuals would not be
•he importers ; government nrtuft impart the goods,
individuals would not import when there was no
competition. He urged the importance of attend
iiig J m mediately to she bufinfs, (Jelays may defeat
tlie-great ebjefts of the bill altogether; and when
that'takes place, the friends of the measure will be
reproached with an expe»five and
ufrirfs projeiS.
Mr. Swußwiek said there was one argument in
fa .?r of an immediate deeilion of the bufihcfs,
w nd not been mentioned, and that was the
pr.-k■ lute of exchange. If a postponement
tas« , «vt>oriiinity which has not occurred
fer fcv.;' 1: I.;-, -.of speedily occur agai»
may be . i.> i. I .:* /u'rf mjury of the public—
A>i«ti!erv.:uU»i tic heeded was, that if we delay
thi hu'inds it p.'ili *~t be pofiible to obtain the
goods in Mr. Swanwick then remarked
' on the jr.-eat delay? attending the proceedings of the
House ; tli- Journal is full of adjournments of
-qiteftioiu fro n day to day, to the great'increafe of
the public tspentes.
e to
■ pe~
Mr. Hillhotife, Mr. Venable and Mr. Giles,
made fume Further remarks."
The motion for a pottponement t« the firft Mon
day in February was carried, 4$ to 40.
Mr. Claiborne then presented a resolution to the
following -purport, That the President berequelled
tocaufe to belaid before the House a statement of
the number of trading houses that will be necefla
, ry, aJfo a Specification of the articles which will he
: was
waited ; at>d the. probable jtmoun; of lite cuft of
tlje articles.
Mr. Ciles objected to the resolution ; he corifi
dcred it as ir.proper ; as it cotild not be fsppofctl
that the Preftdent was better informed on the fub
j:'& than the members. The resolution gaes to
the objects of Icgrflatlon which belong excluftvciy
to the two Houses. The President- will consider
it in that point «f view ; he did f» last feffinn, and
accordmgly sent a finiilar"refolatjon to the Secreta
ry of War—lt is ttnreafonable to fuppofc that the
Preftdent will blend with hit executive responsibili
ty, that of t'nc Le?iflature also.
es of
i *
i one
i the
?ture f
i and
[ col-
M r -Murray supported the general ohje<Sl of the
refutation ; he fuppafn) that the info'uvmtion r{.
furred to wotilj beoblained mpre .fulty 4u<l fatisfae
torlly tn thiVwsyYthap iri any.other.
tf ««-
y the'
"M*. Claiborne ?rt!»rged on the. objefls of his ie
(uluMon; 'lie fupportcd the propriety oftJje appli
cation, and ijififteii that the informauon cuuM no'
be .obtained so fuHjr 'Bfli compleatly fronvany otlttf
quarter. "
- ThfrefohwioTV, ■with coafent of Mr. Claiborne
was altered■ by Ti'oftituting the Secretary of the
Tieafury for the President of the United States.
The debate was further continued—Mr. William
Lyman said it contained a very extraordinary pro
portion indeed ; npthing less than this that the Se
cretary should give an opinion relative to measures
proper adopted by this House. This was a
novel dodrine, highly imptoper to bs adppted by
this House, and which he hoped would not be a
greed to.
Mr. Goodhue opposed the motion ; he said that
h,e fhoald think it more prjper to refer to Rfcidall
and Whitney for this informal ion.
The refi/lutioQ was gjtived by a large majo
A meflVge fr«*n the President of the United
States was received and read—lt contained a flate
ment of expenditures from a fmicj for the contingent
expences of Government—Ordered that the usual
number be pti .ted.
Mr. Giles of the committer appointed to repott
a bill for iin uniform fyltem of bankruptcy, bio't
in a report —this was referred to the committee of
the whole for Monday next.
The bill now reported is the fame with that
which been repeatedly before the house.
Mr. Thatcher presented the memorial of Jona
than Haflings, podmaftcr of Boston, praying an
addition to his present compensation, for rrafons
therein exprtfled—referied to the committee on the
poft-offiee law,
Mr. Christie called for tlie order of the day on
the petition of Robert Ramiill ; the petition was
agam read.
Mr. W. Smith, after dating a few particulars
relative to the arrest and commitment of Randall,
moved a resolution for his leleafe, paying fees.
Mr. Swanwick adverting to the flile of th? pe
tition, remarked, that l)f should be happy to feel
himfelf at liberty to agree to the resolution, as he
certainly should had the petitioner exprefled any
tegiet for his conduit ; but so far from this, he
rather appears to cenfur* the conduit of the houft
—He thought a very different mde of exprefiien
would have become a person in his litiiation.
Mr. Murray said, that circcmillanced as Randall
was, liable to a fubfequcnt profecutisn, he did not
fee how he c»»ld well have adopted a different stile.
Mr. Swanwick said, ihat the remark of-the gen
tleman from Maryland suggested some different ideas
to his mind from those he had befoie exprefTed, he
should therefore withdraw his eppafitioii to the re
Mr. Read was in favor ( of the resolution.
Thexjueftion on the resolution was carried by *
great majority.
The petition of Charles Whitney was agiin
Mr.'Sedg wick moved that the petitioner fhouU
have leave to exhibit to the uep ifi'-. >n of
Siias Pepoon to be entered on the Journal —this he
(nppoied to be the amo»i;t of the prayer of the pe
Mr S. Smith wished to know for what purpose
this was to be done? Docs the gentleman mean to
bring forwatd the depofitioii of Mr. Pepo»n to in
validate the tettimo-ny of 9 member of tbis Himfe !
Mr. Smith had no doubt of h's b<;inj; as guilty as
Randall, jndSt would have appeared (o bad gentle -
To" came forward with all the fa£t« in their pof-
I'efiion. Thr Haute hdS refilled to proceed any
tur'herin relation to Wiiitni*y—and now it is pro
pefed to forward -!epolitton which goes to
nothing (hort ofc ing a member of thishcufe.
Mr. Smith said, he believed such a tranfa&ion w is
never before heard of.
Mr. M*qon moved that the motion Ihould be al
tered to read thus, "that the prayer of the petition
fhouid not be granted."
Mr. Sedgwick was indifferent as to the mode in
which the qudlion was put —He said he Vad n,o
doubt of'the truth of the declaration made by the
Gentleman frcm Vermont; but ft ill hi con fide red
the request as a teafonable one—Whitney wss
charged by the House, arrefled and confined ; the
House has not seen prdper to try him,but has dif
chargcd him He now applies to have entered on
the Journal the testimony of a man which he sup
poses will be «f service to him.—lf the House
think properto grant his requtfl he can make fuel)
ufq of the indulgence with his creditors as he may
think for his advantage. Mr. Sedgwick was not
anxious on the fubjeft, let the determination bit ei
ther for or against the petitioner.
Mr. W. Smith stated various of the
bufmefs to (hew that Whitney's requcft was rea
Mr. W. Lyman opposed the motion ; he ex
pressed himfelf with indignation against the adrtiif
fion of M r . Pepoon, as a witness in this business
who he said was a paity concerned.
Mr. Sedgwick Rated several particulars t® (hew
that Mr. Lyman jvas not correA in his ideas of
legal incompetency as a witness.
Mr. Buck (aid if there was no other motive to
induce gentlemen to rejedl the prayer of Whitney's
petition than a regard to him, on account of the
testimony he had given, he hoped it would be gjant
If he i» actuated by the laudable motive futjgefl.-
ed by the gentleman from Maflachufetts, he was
willing te facrifice his feelings on the occasion ra
ther than be considered as the personal enemy of
Whitney. He had full confidence that the teflimo
ny hehad j;iven on a public account would not be
invalidated in the opinion of the house by a vote to
admit the reque/t of Whitney, and he again re
peated his*ivque[l that personal motives might not
influence the vote of any member.
Mr, Sedgwick withdrew his motion.
'file adjournment was then callcd for.
Previous to the adjournment, the . Speaker re
quested that strangers might not be intiodticed by
the members into the South Gde ef the Hali.—
The consequence ' of. collc&ing round the fires to
of the chair was a great interruption of
#he business of the house by the private
tints, which tpqk place.
The Speaker added that featvvvou!d be placcd in
hat quarter of the house sot the Senators who
m.jy fe« proper t« attend the dedates, l>Ut in future
iie t««ped no grangers would be introduced' there as
hau hitherto b«eo the cafe. Adjourned.
Tlmifday, January 14,
The Honfe aflembled this day at the usual hocr ;
a letter was received from the Speaker, inform
in}; the House that by reason of Indisposition he
wai unable to attend his Duty in the House thi»
day—and faggefted the propriety of ele&ing a
Speaker pra lempore, or an adjournment.
The House adjourned
A letter from Capt. David Dewar» of the Brig
Eagle, dated at NalTau New-Providence, Dec.
25th, 1795,
" To Mr. George Sibbald, Merchant in this
City, mentions, that having full! the brig Eagle, at
the Havanna, he took his Daflagc in the brig Tt
legtaph, Capt. Mariinei, and failed from ihenee on
the 1 Ith do. fer Philadelphia, that three days af
ter they were call away on the N. W. end of the
gteat B ahaira Keys, and with much difficulty (avt-d
their lives, and about two-thirds of the specie on
board, 34,000 dollars were got f.fe on shore—and
that after fuffering the mod extieme 7
days on a Barren Key, th;y were taken off by the
Ranger Pmateer belonging to that place."
A letter from a gentleman in Charleston, of the 31ft
ult. mentions, "That Chief Juftiec Rutledge, on Sa
turday lift, attempted to drown himfelf, but was ta
ken out of the water by fonie negroes. It is said, he
has discovered symptoms of derangement for some
weeks pafl."
The People and governments »f France, the United
States, and Great-Britain, have denounced, Jacobin
Societies, having had woeful experience of their per
nicious tendency.
In the Aurora of this morning, the American and
Britilh Governments have this denunciation retorted
r,n them —but France, tho' fully entitled to ihe fame
" honorable mention," is oifcitted.
Surely such partiality is not equality.
At a meeting of the Philadelphia and Lancaster
Turnpike Road Company, on Monday, the nthinfi.
the following Officers were ehofep for the present
year, viz.
Prefident—lfrael Whelen.
Edward Hand, William Sar.frtm,
Abraham Witmer, Jacob Downing,
Richard Downing, jun. Thomas M. Willing,
Richard Thomas, James C. Fifhtr,
Elliflon Perot, Joliuh Hewes,
John Nicholfon, Godfrey Haga.
Trt afurer—Tench Francis.
Setretsiy—William Govett.
On Sunday la# departed tliis life, and on Tuefd*v
was decently interred in this city, Mr. GEORGE
SEA RLE, of Newbury-Port, in the ilate of Ma ;,a
chuieits—'-s merchant of a fair eharadler, and refpefla-
btf connexions there,
J kpew. him well, when o'er his youthful days
The Sun of Genius shed its kint'lieft rays !
£?• The Letter-Bag of the Ship Pru
dence, Capt. Miller, for London, will
be talcen from the Poft-Office Friday
Evening next, the 15th inft.
.13tk 'January, 1796.
BOSTON, January j.
On Sunday latt arrived in this harbour fchaanei
{ndnftty, Capt. Atkins, in 51 days from St. Ma
'ocs, in Fiancc, He failed From thence about thr
13th of November, but brought no newfpapei'6
His oral intelligence is melancholy ; but neverthe
!e(s it isotir duty to detail it. He declarfcs that'affijj
nats have so much depreciated in value, as to ex
change now at the rate of 37 00 for a guinea. This
deprecia'iwn greatly diftrefled and iiritated the com
mon peaple; who, •after they had earned and re
ceived affignats, found it difficult owinjj to theiv
u rift able value, to futfs them to any one even for
articles of fubliftencr. They continua !y exclaimed
against the new which they conceived
the cause of thrir rerert misfortunes; they even
remarked, cc mpaiatively, on their fvtuatioii when
they had a King, and f.metimes breathed a wish
Lr the restoration < f monarchy. They are at the
fame time very anxious for a peace, even with Eng
land. About a week before failing, news was
received of frefh commotions at Paris. Thefc
were other disturbances than those early in OAobet,
which he also heard of; the patticulars had not
been received. The people had not e!*£ed their
representatives ; and notwithstanding the prevalent
no eruption had taken place.
Capt. Loring, from Gibraltar, in 50 days, ar
rived on Sunday, informs, that a fleet was expefl
ed tfcere daily from England, with transports, to
take on board a number of troops, deltined fer thfi
Weft-Indfies, and which were hi a date of prepara
tion. Z4OO Troops were to be reserved, to do
garrison duty at Gibraltar.
Fxtradl of a lettfr from Port au Prince, Nor. 6.
" ]Frelh troops anive daily. Six hundred have
embarkstl within the last three da_ys. As soon as
a number are here, Lcognne will be at
tacked. Mirabalait has been several times attacked
by the Brigands—but, wiihsuit fueeefs.
On Sunday airived in this port, in the ?h!p Oiit
ram, Capt. Davis, from London, Mrs. Arnold and
daughter, fioth the Theatre Royal, Covent tJardcn,
and Miss Green, Both engnged by Mr. Powell,-
for the Boston Theatre, each of the Ladies are tall
and genteel—have an expreflTive countenance—and
move vviih a fyrtimctry unequalled. Mrs. Arnold is
about iji her four and twentieth year. Miss Green
apparently 20. They Will be valuable acquifnions
to our Theatre, iddwe anitioufly hope thrywill be
Other pnfTfnger9, by Capt. Davis, Mr. Tubbs,
and a Mr. Pratl.
Pafftogm in the ZephyK Capt. Cettrge Lane
and Mr. Cipely, fan to the cclebrattd pansUr v!
that name. '
On FRIDAY EVENING, January if,
Will be prefeßted,
A celebrated COMEDY, (written by the Author of
the Dramatist) called,
[As performing at Covent Garden Theatre, with the great
fft apphufe.]
Mr. Wignel,
Mr. Moretan,
Sir George Gauntlet, Mr. Green,
Hon. Mr. Savage, fr'r. Hari. ood,
Sir Paul Perpetual, Mr. Hales,
l r !uili, Mr hrancis,
Ueady, Mr. Worrell,
Waiter, Mr. DarUy,]\in!
Richard, Mr. Biijftt,
Thomas, Mr. Mitchell,
William, Mr. tVarrell, jun.
Croorn, Matter 'Wan ell.
La'Ly Sarah Savage, Mrs. Sha=t>,
Clara Set!! -y, Mrs. Ma /hall,
Mrs. Darnlcy, Mrs. WLttlock.
To which will be added,
A COMIC OPERA, (written by tlie author of the
Poor SoluierJ called I
Peeping Tom of Coventry.
[With, the original Overture and Accompaniments.]
Peeping Tom, with the song of the Little > p
Farthing Rulh light, j
Mayor of Garret, Mr. Hariuood,
Harold, Mr. Darlry, jns.
Crazy, Mr. F and:,
Earl of Mercia, Mr. G'ren,
Count Lewis, Mr. Bltffitt.
Maud, Miss Willems,
Emma, Mrs. Warrell, •
Lilly Godiva, Mist Oldfield,
Mayoress, Mrs. Shaw
BOX, One Dollar—PlT, Thrte-Foutths of a Dollar—
and GALLtKY, Half j Dullar.
(£T The public are relpctttully informed, that,the Doors
of the Theatre will b- open at FIVE, and the Curtain rife
precisely at SIX o'clock.
Placcs for the ttoxes to be taken of Mr. Wells, at the
Front of the Theatre.
TICKETS to be had at H. and P RICE's Bdok-Store.
No. £0, Mirkei-St'ect; and at the Office adjoining the The*
Ladies and Gentlemen are rebelled to fend their servants
to kcrp places a quarter before five o'clock, and order them
ai loon as the company i* seated, to wihdra* ; as they cao
no: .<n any account, be permitted o remain
No money or ttcKej* to be lemrned ; nor anr person, 00
any aceount whatsoever, admitted behind the feme#
Trench Language
i AUGHT in the UmvcrGry, north Fourth-ttfeet, and ia
private Famiii , , by LEfVIS C. VALLON, from Paris.
■p»y to liim in Cherry- llcy, No
Verfity. January *4.
Office of the Infer Company of' Norths
JANUARY Ilth, 1796.
rKE Dividend declared by the i'r (idea: and* direc
tors, for the last fix months, is One Dollar a*d S5-
yenty-Five Cents on §ach ibarr of $tocV4i%thls Company ;
which will be paid at this Office to the "Stockholders, or
their Attorneys, dnly authorised, 09 any day after the
21 ft inft. agreeably to Charter.
E'oeiiczcr Hazard, Secretary.
djt. m&t,nj.
January 14.
United States, 1 /r*
Pen»fylvania Diftritl, 5
NOTICE i» hereby given, that in purfn?nce of a writ
•to me dir;<fted from the Hon. RichardPcters, Esq.
Judge of the D;ftri6t Court of the United States, in and
for the Peaufylvania Diilri<ft,. 4
Will be' Sold by public Vendue,
At the Coff.c-Houft, in the city of Philadelphia t
Oil Saturday, the-fix'tcenth day of this iitft. January,
Tiae Ship, or vefiel, called, the
fflly _ FACTOR,
' ler tackel . apparel, and furnjture, or
£££k'° much thereof as may be nectffary to pay
the decreed to Richard Button, and others, mari
ners, libelants, on a libel for fecmcns wages in the said
Court. By order of the Court,
IVtlliam Nichols, Marshal.
MarlhaiVOißce, Jan. t4. j
For Falmouth', and a Market,
jf-ggjv, THE SHIP
S& 0 E B U C K.
begin t0 take in in a few d*ys, and is in
" *ii / tended to fail with all expedition. For freight
or pafl'age, apply te
Thtma, y J«hn CTtftrd,
Who have Imported In said V'jfil, and have fir Salt.
Besides their usual alTortmect of Ironmongery, Cutl«ry, Ac.
A few crates of Flint Glass Ware, crates of Phials,
crates of cream colour'd Ware, boxes of Long and lhort
Pipes, cases of mens, womens and chiidrens Hats assorted,
London and Bristol pewter, best Englilh crown Glass of
the different sizes from 8 by J 2 to 9 by 7 inches, bull Wye
Glass, boxes of Tin Plates, Bar Lead and Shot, and a
quantity of Copper in flieets and bottoms.
Tbey balje liiczuife recerocct i
An assortment of (Jarnett & Conipaey's patent fyftcms for
Blocks for ships afc, and other purposes, which arc found
from several years experience, to be a very considerable
saving of labour, as well as saving in the war of cordage,
and are now generally used for the principal block* in new
Also, a few Pipe» of Old Madeira WINE.
January 14. Kw ,
Philadelphia and Lane after
Turnpike Company.
January I yh, 1796.
Notice is hereby given,
THAT agreeable to a bye Law of the Stock Hold
ers, Subscriptions will be opened at the Compa
ny's Office in on Wedneflary the loth
day of February next, for one hundred additional
(bares of Capital Stock in &id Company —Thefumto
be demanded for each (hare will be tn ee hundred Dol
lars with Intercft at 6 per cent, en the different in Rai
ments, from the time they were severally called fort*
be paid by the original Stock Holders, one hundred
Dollars thereof to be paid at the time of fubferibinp,
and the remainder in three equal payments at 30, 60
and 90"days.
No person to be permitted to fubferibe more than
one ihare on the fame day.
By o-tltr of the board,
WM. COVETT, Secretary,
IJ, or in tha Uai
* iavr'4vv 1