A)f->£LIrGf.NT Gompting-Houie Almanack, FOR 1796, Ornamtnttd with a handfomc Froi c View of the State- Kuiuc, Congreis and C.ty liuils, mayba had at B. Da vies's, No. 68, High-ftrcet. 0 January 13, CUIL LOTINA, THIS Lay is published, at POLIi'LCAL BOOK-STORE, No. %,'Jauth Front-Jireet. THE GUI L LOT IN A; Or, A DEMOCRATIC DIRGE. A POEM. By the A*th«r of the " Democratiad." " For here the deadly fecjet't told, " Who 'lis that fingers foreign gold ; " That " patriots" ftripp'd to ftite of nature, " Bear strong resemblance to the traitor ; " That each disorganizing fcoffer, " Will take a l>ribe if any offer. " Come then, ye Democratic Band, " Who yearn t' enthral this favor'd land, " To Edmund's dismal tomb draw near, " And vent your lamentations here, '• In groans, as Rachel groaa'd at Rama, ** Hie emit —but—ttb>que fama." T. B R AD FORD, Has this day publilhed—Price 3-Bths ot a Del!«r, Citizen Fauchet's Intercepted Letter, January 13 Canal Lottery Office, Near the Bank of ihe Untied States, January 9-h, 1796. TICKETS to be had at this office (warranted undrawn) ai I" welve Dollars each, except during the hours of .rawing. STATE of the IVHEEL 1 prize of 30,000. 3 do. jo, 000 - 2 do. 10,000 3 do. 2,500 4 do. 1,090 12 do. IjCC'O * s©« , ic-p a 3 do. UjJgO ' ■ J5 do * . -■ ' v -j»joo ' \3t ith a proportionateini"nV"T ef n dollar prizes. The Wheel ivmuck richer than at the commencement of the drawing, and the price oi' Tickets must rif<# in a 'few day*. Farejaafers will be accommodated with a cre dit proportioned to the number of Ticket* they take. By ord«r of thfc Committee. Wm. Blackburn, Agent. January ii. dtf fiote. A Check-Book kept at< the ab»re office for exa •mination, at two cents eack somber, or tweNe cents for re^.'Tering: ihe Commiflioners r. yy 6cc Tickets TO THE PUBLIC. Miniature Pafnting. AI.IMN";R from Paris refpeftfully informs the pub lic, tha* he paiins Likcneffes in Miniature, in so Unking and pleating k manner, as will, he hopes, fatisfy .thote who Tiayemplfly him. His LikenefTcs are warran led, hi 6 fittings short, and his terms easy. liis room is at No- north Fifth ftreit. - 1 Dccsasber-jo. - ■ '' Slj' . -P' S» As he Ihortly i&t£nds returning l to Fran*-*, K# in -vUcs fuc-K L«Jics tin J, Gtotlemcn as may be deiireus of having" their portraits drawn, to take advantage «f the . Portraits. ANY Ladies and Gentlemen, who are defirons hav ing their Likenesses taken, may have them done by applying to the Painter, at No. 112, corner of Union and Feurth streets, where they can be referred t» fpenimens. Qflober 29. eo( j BURR MILL STONES ~ MS'Ja by OLIVER EVANS, at his Fa&ory, in the old wind-mill ia ElmQey's alley, South Second-fireet, a little below Doct Jlrcct, WHERE those who apply may be supplied with stones of such quality as will suit their purposes. Alf®,- stones for gudgeons to run en, and Plaifter of Paris. He keep 3 for SALE, At lus dwelling No. 215 north Second-street, a little above Vine.street, Boulting Cloths, A complete assortment of both imported >n«l American tnaflufa&ured for ~mer<;hant and country work, which he warrants good. ALSO, The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE. Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics a* they apply to water mills with the whole process of, and ali the late improvements on the art of manufacturing flour &c intended to be ufeful to all concerned in building orufing water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and Robert Campbell, bookfdlers. Sept. 25, THIS DAY PUBtISHED, By J.Ormrod, No. 41 CKefnut Str«et, in two vo'umc* nently bound, lettered and -vTamented, with an tle gantprint.repreientingCTßus confultingDANiEL, [Price two dollar*.] The Travels of Cyrus ; In Frmchand Engli/b. To, which is annexed, V Discourse upon the thoo.ogj and Mythology of the AGA N b Translated ?.nd arranged in the mod convenient order, for ►he immediate and greater improvement of those La dies and Gentlemen, who wiih to acquire'fpeedily either the French or Eriglijh language. By J. £. M. lie La Grange, L. L. D. J.atc CoMnfellorat *Law inthe Supreme Court of Cape Francoit, and Tranllator of J. Moore's Journal in Franc?. Literal translations of the French and English •laffics have iohg been a defidcratum. The different idioms of the two languages operate forcibly again ft the ft u dent, who is frequently bewildered in the intricate labyrinth of phraseology. T© remedy this inconvenience, an entirely new translation, clothed in an elegant di&ion, combined with the modern improvements in orthography, is here given, corresponding verbatim with the English copy; so that the readei may, ky a single glance, perceive the sense in either language. / The Editor oi this publication has spared ire'ther care nor expeuce to render it worthy the attention both of tu tors and scholars; should he be so fortunate as to succeed, he will be highly gratified in having contributed his mite towards the promotion of ufeful literature. January 9. "To LET, Gtnlcrly Furni/heJ, A one pair of flairs Room. Enquire at No 63, south Third-ftrcet. N. "B. Bsar'ding and Lodging for four single Gentle "lc"- January 13. jaw. No. 10. 30,©e0 100,000 20,000 7.-i©o B,oqo >er iay. t. T diw Frttm the Farmer's Weekly Mvseurn " 1 perceive that in all things ye are tie fuperjlitims.'' SUPERSTITION is not confined te religious belief: The Apostle Paul employed it in its broad est feafe, anci the Lay Pteacher, well knowing the extent of iis influence, proceeds to exemplify how men of America, at well as of " Athens," may be, in all things, too fuper(liti«us. Having no farm, but only a small garden, I can not be ftilei Husbandman, the molt honorable of titles,.and therefore know but little of Agriculture. But when I fee a Itrip of ground, with here and there a spire of very luxuriant graft growing on its edge, and wheat ia the middle, like Jof-ph's seven tars of corn, " blasted and thin," I k.unv that the owner dares not think for himfelf. Should you ask him why he sows grain, inltcad of planting the potatoe, he tells you " his father and grandfather before him did so." Here my readers, is an in stance of a " fuperftitioas" farmer; the example, even of parents, will not ju/tify folly, and my neigh bor, Lawyer Summons, will tell you that a bad cultom ihould be abolished. The yeoman who ma nages a farm erroneously, and continues fuperjiiti ouflj to sow by the way Jidi, because his father did, will soon have nothing but an empty garner for tlie officer to attach. When a countty phyfioian talks about lpecificks to " sweeten the blood," and points his lancet tn the collapsed vein of a couching and eonfumptive patient, whom lie drenches with milk instead of beef juice, I Siudder for the meagre wretch, burnt by a hefiick, and drained by a quaik. I compare him to a (late criminal in England, sentenced, not only to.be hanged, but drawn and quartered, and regret that a ufeful member of society is murdered by a mode of practice in all things too superstitious. A fajhianabls man, as the ladies call him, is more fuperjiiiious than those Indians who wurfhip the Devil. A fafhionable man, wlw wears silk liofe i:i winter, and a thick pudding under his chin in sum mer, who rifques. a crick in his neck, by wearing the cape of his coat on his (houlders, and whose dandling knee strings are social n.ith every ragged nail they meet, is in every part and parcel of his dress too superstitious. A young woman, whd thinks that franknefs in speech is a vice of the heart, who laboriously (huns meeting the eyes of man, as though like a black snake, he would lirft eharm—and the* devour her; who neurr calis breeches by thsir right name, and fcpldt two hours when a cafe of ballardy is men tioned, I am certain would make a poor profligate wife, being all things too prudish and fuperfti tiom. No people under the fun enjoy such rational li berty as the Americans, proteiled by a government mild and amiable. The man who acquired this fair inheritance by his sword, now maintains it by bis prudence.—All of my curious readers have heard something of his character, all my grateful readers reverence it. Even the eld women of my village, after reading his manly and moral speech, lay down their fpedlacles and dtclarc " this Washington a clever creature Now could credulity suppose that there could be found a folitsry grumbler, in all things lo weakly fuperjlitious and so wickedly ungrateful, as to affirm that our government was tyrannical and its President ambitious? But (hame to th« " tardy gratitude of base mankind," sot only individuals but " tlubs" and " societies'" of Americans, " feeing that by him we enjoy great quietness" strive to calumniate onr chief governor, to turmoil his government and to cause us, in all political eases to be too fnpeiftitious. The LAY PREACHER. CONtINUATION or Foreign Intelligence. From London Papers to the 10tb, received ,lj the Favorite. LONDON, October 31. A letter from Wiftjadcn of the 7th ult. dates, that all the bathing houses in that place are filled with wounded French fuldiers, whose number a mounts to 1 zoo ; and the late conflict before Caflel was so very severe and bloody, that en Sun day, (ihe 14th ult.) aboot 500 slain Republicans remained unburied, who were, however, afterwards interred, leave having been obtained for that pur pose from the Governor of Caflel. Letters from Italy of the 29' h of September, ad vise, that several bloody adliorre have been foagbt by the Auftrian-Sardmian army and the French troops : that in an engagement near Baleftrinothe whole Austrian brigade, commanded by General Argenteau, *ould have been taken prisoners, but for a battalion of Nadafti arriving in time, and deciding the a&ion in favwr of the Imperial troops ; that another engagement took place near Galetto, wherein the Austrian and Sardinian troops, loft 1500 men, but made themselves matters of the mountain neat Galetto, which commands the French camp that General de Vinslifcs ill at Sa vo, and that the infurreftion in Corsica is entirely quelled. November 3. A loan of fifteen millions fterliog is now nego eiating in the city ; and the term 9 of it will pro bably be contrasted for in the conrfe of the next week, though the advances may be retarded for a loHger time. There will be a competition. Mr, Morgan, of the Stock Exchange, is the oftealible contrafler on one lift ; some of the gentlemen who had the loan lad year have another lift ef sub scribers. Whilll the Baron and Baroness Stael hare taken refuge in Svvitzetland, the secretary to the 'Swedifti ErobafTy in France is arrived in London. The motive of his journey to England is not yet known. A letter from Zurich, of the 6th ult. dates 'that the difficulty of provifloning Switzerland with corn is greatly increased by all expo, tation of grain from Bavaria, having been prehibited by the Elec tor Palatine, at th« mod pressing felicitation of his fnbjc£ts. A marniqg paper of yesterday observes, in- con 4 fpkuc*s chsr &. rs, that has rcci.vt. dtfpatchef frem Vienna, of'-the Auftrians having beaten the French on the K'hine. This is the tirii time we ever heard of the news from the Rhine taking th* circuit of Vienna in order to'Vcach this country. One Samuel Cvadife, who had been committed to the house of correction, in Kendal, and there confined as a vagabond, until put oh board a king's ftiip agreeable to she late «&, sent for his wife, the evening before his intended departure. He was in a cell, and she spake to him through the iron door. After which, he put his hand underneath, and (lie with a mallet and chisel, concealed foi t! e purpose, struck off a finger and thumb, to render him unfit for his majefly's service. Several journeymen, of different trade. s , were a mong the moil a&ive of the rabble that infidted his majelty in the Park lail Tlnirfday. . The high wages which traders in various trades are now compelled to pay their journeymen," has become a feiious evil : it renders the matters subservient to their men, in order to have work finiih;d by tbe time it was wanted; and it enables tbe men, by working only one half the week, to spend the atJter in public boufesand skittle grounds. Where high wages really prove a benefit to one sober man and his family, tin y enable ten to spend half thtir time idly, if not mif<.hievouf]y. The memory of man dues not recollect so vio lent a hurricane as t'mphlets and speeches, daily printed, published, and dilperfed with unremitting industry, and with a tranfeendaut boldness, 'in contempt of your ma j«fty'» royal perfryi and dignity, and tending to the overthrow of tbe laws, government, and happy con Ait u lion of thele realms, hare judged that it has be omt neceffaiy to provide a further remedy againit all such treasonable and feditieus prafticcs and attempts : We, therefore, calling to mind the good and wholesome provifi»ns which have at dif ferent litpes been made by the wifdum of Parlitu ment for the averting fitch dangers, end more efpe-' cially for the security and preservation of the persons of the sovereigns of these realms ; j Do raoft humbly befcech your majesty, ! That it may be ena&ed ; and be it eaadcd by the I King's molt excellent majesty, by and vrith the advice and cenfent of the Lord* Spiritual and | Temporal, ana Commons, in this prefenl Parlia ment aflembled, and by the authority of the fame, that if any person or persons whatsoever, after the day of in the year during the natural life »f our meft gracious sovereign lord the King (whom Almighty God pieferve and bless with a long and pj-efperous reign) and until the end of the of Parliament after a de mifeof the crown, shall, within the realm or with out, compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend death or defttu&ion, «r- any bsriily harm tending death or dcltru&ion, maimer wounding, iroprifwri ment, or restraint of tbe.p«rfon of the fame our so vereign lard the King, his heirs and fuccefTors, or to deprive or to depose him or them from the (lile, ho nour, or kingly name, of the imperial crown of this realm, or of any other of his majesty's dominions or countries j or to levy war against, his majesty, his heirs and fueecflbra,. within this realm or without ; or to move or (Hr up any foreigner or (Iranger with force t» invade this realm, or any other his majes ty's dominions or countries, being under the obei, fance of his majesty, his heirs and fufceffors ; arid such compaffings, imaginations, inventions, devices; ei intentions, or any of them, shall express, utter, or declare, by any printing, writing, preaching, or malicious and advised speaking, being legally con tidied thereof, upon the oaths of two lawful and credible witnefles-, upon trial, or oftierwife convict ed or attainted by due course of law, then every such person and persons so as aforefaid offending, (hall be deemed, declared, and adjudged to be a traitor and traitors, and shall fuffer pains of death, and also l«fe and forfeit as in cases of high trea son. And be it further ena&ed by the authority afore, said, that if any person or peifons within that part | of Great-Britain called England, at any time from and dzy of in the year during his mafefty's life, and until the end of the next fefliea of Parliament after a demise of the crown, (hall maliciously and atjvifedly, by writing, printing, preaching, or other speaking, express, publify, utter, or declaie, any words, fentfjices, or other thing or things, to incite or fttr up the people to hatred or dislike of the person of his ma jesty, his heirs or successors, or the eftablifhcd go vernment and eanftitution of this realm, then every such person and persons shall, on such second con viaion, be adjudged to be transported for 7 years, to such place as shall be appointed by Kit majeily for the transportation of offenders. Piavided always, that no perfoa be profeeuted by virtue of this aft, for any of the offences in thi»a& mentioned (other than such as are made and de clared ta be high treason) unless it be by cider of the King'* majesty, his heirg or fuccefiors, uud?r November 10. THE HURRICANK. ti!i or I heir irmicl, by ordt ruf thctut table of his majelty, his hens ami luoteffi.rf., re&ed untothe attorney-jfiirral fpr thsiiiKe being, ;o i'oltaolh r of 'the coun/rl learned, to Lis mujuiy, jiis heirs and i'ucc.effors, for the time being'; j, 0 r (hall any perlon or perfont, by virtue ot thiv p-rc lent aft, incur any ot the penalties herein-before mentioned, unless he or they Be pr>»iecuted wi bin months next after the offence committed, and the prosecution brought to trial within tin tame term, assize, or fefiions, or that wlnJi lhali next ensue after filing the Information, or the indiC.- ment being found, unless the court in which the fame is depending fliall, on special gjouud, (latcil by motion in open court, think 6t,t.> enlarge tl.e time far the trial thereof, or unlcis the dckndai t shall beprofecuted to an outlawry. Provided always, and be it entitled, that noperfon or'perfons (hail be inriifted, arraigned, condemn, d, couvifted or attainted tor any of the treasons or offences aioretaid, unless the itime offender 01 ut £end/rs be thereof" acctifed by the tellimoi.y of two lawful and credio'e witiiefies, upon oath ; which witnesses, at the time of the laid offender or of fenders arraignment, (hall be brought in pcrfon be. fnre him or them, face to facc, and (hail avow and maintain, upon oath, what they have to fay againlt him or them, concerning the treafm or offences contained in the said indictment, unltfs the party or parties arraigned fliall willingly, and with out violenct, cenfefsthe fame. Provided likewifc, and be it enjck'd, That ifiis Aa, or any thing thereiu contained, fhali not ex tend to deprive either of the Hmifesof Parliament, or any of thsir Members, of their just an,, ir.it f: re de m and privilege of debating any mat-feis of busi ness which shall be propounded and debated in ci ther of the laid Houses, or at any Coiifetences or Committees of both or either of. the said Houses of Parliament, or teaching the Repeal or Altera tion) ot an old, or preparing any new Laws, or tke redieffing any prtbi'ic grievance ; but that th> said Members of either of the said Houses, and the as- Cftajits of the House of Peers, and every of them, fllafl have The fame freedom of speech, and ailotlier piiviiegcs whalfoever, as they had-before the mak ing of this Aa ; any thing in this Aft to the con trary ■thereof. inau.y wifetiotwithllanding. Provided always, and be it further that all. antj every person or persons that fliall at any time be accused, or indifUd, qr prpfrcuted, for any offence made or declared to be Treason by this A&, shall be entitled to the benefit of the Aft of Par liament made in the feventii year of his late Malef ty Wliljam the Third, intituled, an aft for regulat ing of trials in cases of treason, and mifjsnlion «f tttafoti ; and also to the proviiions made by ano ther'sft of palled in the feverth ye?r of her late Majeliy Queen Anne, intituled, an ;,c"t for improving the Union of the two Kingdoms. Provided also, and be it e«aiM,.Tbat' nothing io this aa contained (hall extend, or be conitrued to extend, to prevent or assert any profecntion by information or indi€tment at the common law, foi any ofiertce within the piovilions of this' act, otlier than the offenccs hereby declared to be high trea son, unless the party (hall have been firlt psofecuteu under this aa. SOUTHAMPTON, Nov. 3. The weather had been so untifually feveie far some days past, that the further tn-.lai kation »f the troops and (torts, destined for the Weft,lndus, has beep almost entirely suspended. The quantity of private (lores taken cut'on this occasion is immense. Lord, Craven ill particular who has hired a brig for his own carries with bim fufHcient (lock 6f all kinc'.s to supply him for a,voyage roond the wwild. 1 DEAL, Nor. 1 This morning the Ceres, Young, from Virginia for London, drove athwart the Ifis aa of war, and carried away her niizen, sprung her main malt and received other damage ; Ihe is gat into lian.f -gate. PLYMOUTH DOCK, November 7. La Northumberland of 74. guns, taken thefir/l of June, is found unlit for fcrvice, and is now breaking up. PORTSMOUTH, November 7. The whole of tbe armament for the Weft-India Expedition is nowperfeAly ready, and we are to fail with the firft fair wind. The tranfportar are victualled for 3 months, and the officers fteck of prorifions are for the fame pe riod. CO NGRESS. HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. • "• Wednefjay, January 13. The bill, '* to eftablifb trading Uoufes for the Indian Tribes" wss read-the third time, and the blanks therein filled up. The full blank was filled with .the words ere tbeufand, before dollars. The feeond blank was foirthe<|>enalty for carrying other trade with the Indians by the agents, one tbeufand, was insert ed before the word dollars. For ths purpose of paying the agents and clerks fx thousand, was inserted before dollars. 1 lie blauk for the sum to be appropriated for the pmpofej of thi* trade, it was moved IhoHld be filled with one hundred andfifty thousand, before the word dollars. Mr. Williams obje&ed to. so large a sum in the outset of this bufitiefs. It is, said he, ?n fid-venture at best ; when we have entered on the btifrnefa and find it succeed, we may then extend the firpplies; at present he was not in favor of so large a