City of Wafftiagton. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, Mo. 11, FOR THE IXiPROI'EMr. XT OF THF: FEDERAL CITY. A maunificeut £ 20,000 Dollaib, and weui-ng houte, caiti 3&,ooo aie into j5,000 & cacti 25,000 Cli.t-5 i,y,'-00 SC CaHl 15,000 i«,cco $z cath 10,000 5,000 &ca'h 5,000 c' ''' 5,000 &cash 5,000 4 t s«coyeach, are it;® 1,000 ' 43 \uo i:«» 4co cUto CC ditto ,co< ditto J,CCO uuto 16,709 Prises 83,£.61 blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dol'.ara This Lottery vfi'.l afTord an elegant specimen of the ivate buildings to be erected in the Cuy of Walhtngfon - Tv o peautiiui designs are already fele fted for the entire ronis on two of the public fquarf..s ; from these draw. ngs, it is proposed to ercft twb centre and tour cortier bu:!d:rgs, »! r oon <>$ poflible after this Lottery is .old, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventur ers, in the manner defciibcd in the fchcme tor the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduflion o! five per cent. will be made to dt-fiav the ntfccfarr experices of printing, See. and the surplus will be made a part of the furtd intended for the National Ui|iverfity, to be eretted within the City of Walhington. (£3* The drawing will c'omraeuce a? soon as the Tickets are fold oft'.- The money pnxes will be payable in thirty days after it is fimthed, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers ate nfot produced within twelve months after the drawing is doled are 10 be confuleied as given towards the, fund for the Univeifity, it bting determin ed to fettle the whole business in a year from the ending ©f il«e drawing and to take up the bonds given as fccu rity. The real fee untie & given for the payment of the Prize are held by the president and two Dire&ors of the Bank of Columbia, and aie valued at more than ball the amount of the Lottery. The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late Commissioners afiifted in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requeued to undertake this arduous taik a feccnd time on behalf of the public ; a fufficicnt num ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the to a National University and the othar federal ob niay continue t© favor the design. The jpaopfis of one of the Colleges, to form a branch of t-he National Iriflittttion, is already in the press, and will be speedily published, together with its constitution. A compleat Tlan of the whole of this loiportant nftitut on, Compiled from a fcie Prolpeils in the United States ; each ef wbifih Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account of its Local, lliftoncal, and other Incidental Peculiarities By G. I. PARKTNS, Aukjor of the " Monajlic Remains and Ancient Cafllzs in Oreat CONDITIONS. ;I. 1 hat the work shall be publiihed by Subscription; and that eich Suhfcribcr (hall engage to take the whole set of Views, and shall pay for each engraving, if bla&k or Drown, 2 Doifors ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. I. That th« dimer.fions ol each engraving shall be 14 by 17 inches, executed hi aquatinta, and publiihed upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to commence im mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Syb feribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding moath, until the proposed series limit be finally compleyd. 111. That with the lall View of the series, (hall be deli vered an engraved title-page; an ele s ant charaAei iftle vignette: a map of the route, connected with the prol peils exhibited in the the course of the Work; a id an Alphabetical' lift of the Subscribers. Subferiptions arc received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print (hop, Maidrnkme, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell er, No. 118, Market flreet, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellers in the United.States. February is, f O JS. HALM., A very valuable ESTATE, Called T iriTT&NHAM. SITUATE in the tmMflip of Upper Derby, and emnty c f Ddrware, 7 i-» mile, from Philadelphia, tmd half a mile from the new Wejlern road: containing yo acres cf excellent Land, 45 of ■which are good -watered Meadow, 90 3 about 5 feet 6 inches high, stout built, dark complex/on, croft-eyed, black hair aru marked with the fimll-pox, had on a blue mrtuit coat and boots. James Lllifon is about 5 feet S inches high, complexion,long sandy hair, and is a native of S:inlbury, in ConneiLicutt.— The aliove reward will be paid to any person, or per sons who ihal! secure the said prisoners in any goal in the United States, or 30 uoliars for Plaintain, and 20 dol lars for Ellifue, and reasonable espences, by WILLIAM GILLILAND, Ih-riff or RenfiseUer county. 2aw. Roy, 11 th December, 1795 STEPHENS, BOOK -SELLER, 60, so itb Second-ftreei) in addition to his valuable Stock, has received by all the l«.te arrivals, A chosen Aflortment of BOOKS, AMONG WHICH ARE: 1 Beaumont's travels thro' the Rhdtian Alps, with large aadfjpcrb Aquatinta engravings; 2 Middleton'sVwws for cottages, farm-houfes, and coun try villas; 3 Lord's history of British Birds, containing many co loured engravings in » new itile; 4 Ireland's piilurefque virws on the river Thames, 2 vols" bound elegant, with beautiful plates; .? belfbam's memoirs of the reign of George 3d. 4 vols. 6 New Annual Regiller, for 1794; > 7 Pindar's works, 2 vols. 8 vo, complete; 8 Britiih andlrilh theatre, 10 vols, elegant bindings; 9 Mils Williams's letters, 2 vols, containing scenes in the prisons of Paris; 10 Magical delusions, or the Myllery,2 vols. 11 Necromaricer, a German A'ory, or tale of the Black Forelt, founded on fad; 12 Lex Mercatoria Reuiviva, improved, the flxta edition publiihed in 2 vols. Bvt>. 13 The celebrated .Mr-.A'jtLlijj"itliruugh Ilolland> 14 Fables by Mrs. Dorat, 2 v,uls. with 100 engravingsi done in the bell French manner; 15 Letters and papers on agriculture, planting, &c. by the Scciety instituted at Batli, 5 vols. 16 Impey's modern pleader ; 17 Montalbert, a novel, 2 vols, by Charlotte Smith ; 18 Anderfcn's commerce, 6 vols. 19 Moore's views of the French Revolution, a vols. 20 Steverrfon's Works, 3 vtsls. elegantly bound ; 21 Mitchell's tales of inftru&ion and antufoment; 22 Barbauld's lessons, also Hymns in prole for 'children ; 23 Cobwebs to catch Flies, for the ule of young perfotis, 2 vols. 24 Walker's new Didlionary, &c. &c. The bed blazing Wax, (hining variegated Wafurs, good Lettsr Paper, and various articles of Stationary. —AMERICAN, PRINTED— Sime tf tlte latcji PuUUatiuns iy T. Stephens, arc, r The Royal Captives, by Ann Yearfly, the milch wo man ; 2 My flic Cottager of Charmouny; 3 Rural walks for youth ; 4 Orre thousand valuable secrets; 5 BlofToms of morality, by Mrs. Barbaukl; 6 Looking Glass ior the mind, by do. 7 Literary Miscellany, 2 vols. 8 Estimate of the religion of the Fashionable World; 49- Sentiments on the religion of reason and nature,&c. &c. T. S. has in the press, and almoa finiflied, a Treatise on Bills of Exchange, adapted to the laws qf Pennsylva nia, intended for the i)fg of,.every one. He is also printing the Run,s, or Meditations on the Revo lutions of Empires, considerably enlarged by Mr. Volney, at present in Philadelphia. It thali be printed on luintl paper, and wiil contain engravings by the belt artilh. Stephens' Philadelphia Pireftory, An han (Home pockot volunw, containing correct inform ation, will be finiftied in a few days. His Catalogue for 1796, is preparing for the profs. Destmber 11. g W A N TED, A Dry Good Store, near the centre ef business, on or before the ill of March next Enquire of Mr. KJDD, No. 192, Market-Street. January 6. WA NrE D, Several Apprentices to the Printine- Bufincft. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States, No. ng, Chefuut-ftreet. 4 NOTICE. ALSO, EQp. ONJC OR TWO YVAR&, r T~'HREE or l i r 1 Dollars. lor which jin in* JL terefi w ill be given, ana good rear, property mort gaged as fectiri y. Enquire at the Office ot the Gazette of the United Scates. Dec. 12. 2awim. /K valuable farm, containing from 90 to 100 acres,- -L A. adjoining to and between the Haverford & Weil Chester Roads, no more than 6 miie.4 trori tye City or Philadelphia on the Weft fide of the river Schuylkill. The foliation remarkably healthy and pleasant, and the timber, plowllnd, and meadow well proportioned.— An excellent spring of water, and Cobbs creek, c:i which tnere ai e several mills run through tl.e premi js" H ant l building fuiTicient to accomnio-. date a farmer. »djt. For terms apply to MATTHEW M'CONNELL at his miUcrtek farm on the Haverford road lforefaid, in Blockley Townliip, about i 1-2 miles f t om the mid die ferry; or to CH i.RLES JERVIS, No. 28, Straw berry-Alley, Fmadelphia. Jan. 11. diw. TO BE SOLD, That han?!fame SEAT near Princeton, the property of t,.e late Jtev.Doftor John YVitherfpoon, kno-Jn by the name of TUSCULUM. TT consists of a neat well ftniflied lions house, two flo J- ries high, with four rooms on each floor, and a cellar underthe whole There are attached to ir. pn: hundred and htiy acres of land, more or left, and chi»."y encloled with good and durable {tone fences: Of tfccfe about eiyht' acres are natural meadow, fij acres artificial, sown /with red clever, and from twenty to thirty acre;; wooJUnd.- — On the premises there is a valuable orchard ami thrifty apple-trees, a framed barn and, two corn houies, a gram loft, and carriage house quite new, a new ltonenlilk-houl'e, and near it a well and a ccnilant fpri.'ii; of water. For terms apply to Thomas V. Johniion, Kjq. or the Rev. Samuel S. Smith, ill Princeton ; of Mr. Mat ftiall, NO.llB Spruca-ftreet, Pliiladelphiu-or to the sub scriber at Tufculum. di-.v Tufculum, Decanter 20. FOR sale, A Printing-Office, complete; CON f AIMING two Preflfes, two Founts of LnngPri mer, one do SUnall Pica, one do. Pica, one do-. Ln ghib, one do. Double Pica, one do. Double Englith, or.a do. Script, one do. French Cannon, three Alphabets of four line Pica, seven Alphabets of seven line Pica, Flow ers, Cuts, \&c. All the Founts are very large. The a bove Office will be fold with the beiriefit of several Ap prentices, and a well eftablifhcd Newspaper, in a very floarifliing town, about 50 miles southward of Baltimore. The Apprentices have from ten months to five ye»rs tp serve, computing from 16th September last. The price of the Printing Apparatus, Apprentices* Time a..d New/paper Eftabiiffinacut, is One i'hotifand Pounds, Pennsylvania currency—one-third to be p.*id down, the remainder n gor»d negotiable notes* payable one-half in 3 months, the other half in fix mo«ths. For further information apply to the Office of thp Gazette 65 the United States. J .etters (post paid) will be attended to. Dtcembcr 14. To-morrow will be Landed, At Hodge i wharf, hum on board the flitp Henry, from Surinam, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Cotton, And a small parc.l of Cocoa. lor fa)e by Conyngham, Nejbit, & Co. ■ Or, Nalbro & John Frazier. December 29. aawjw. THE co partnerfliip of Knox & Henderson ex pires this day by limitation. The business in fu ture will be carried on by David Knox, James Hender fon & YVilliam Deas, utider the firm of Knox, Hendsrfon,, (jf Company. All those indebted to the fcrmtr concern, wiilpleafe close their accounts as soon as poffilile. Have just received per tne (hip Factor frem London, the gleanings of their fall importation, eonfifiinp of a beautiful afiortmentof cambrics, cambric rmiilins, mufltnets, corded dimities, printed luudkerchitfs, calicoes, chintzes, &c. &c. Also a few boxes ounce threads, with a small alTort ment of fancy waiftcoating, &c, Jan. j WHOLESALE & RETAIL HATTER, No. 70, south Second street, near the City Tavern, HAS just received by the late arrivals from London and Bristol, a large ind elegant assortment of Ladie* and Gantlemens fafhional.le HATS.—AIfo, a variety of Childrens HATS of different colours, which will be fold on> the loweflt terms for cash. N. B. Ladies Hats tri -.M in the newest falhionfrom London. Cent of freshdrugs, CHEMICAL PREPARAI lONS, and PATENT MEDF CINfcS. Likewise, painters-colours, dry and ground in oil, paint brulhej, window and coach glass, dye fluffs, linfeid oil' o.Ut turpenu.e, cop.l oil varnish and JJp a K , warranted 4Hum, copperas, madder, ground rcdwaodbythe ho«- Read or Imallcr quantity. As he imparls the fiinpl s from the oeft markets, and makes the compofitians .Mid preparations himfelf, he 1> enabled to vouch for and warrant ever) article fold nut of his Laboratory, and Ukewifeto difpoie of them at thj niolt reasonable rates* ~ " e n w,^cs <° Cell a large LOT of GROUND the nor h-eaft corner of High and Eleventh-ftre.,s, contain u.g 7 8 feet front on, and 2 00 feet on L| C v'","h street, oppofUe Mr. Leiper's new buildings—And another LOT on the north fide of High ftre'et, near the above feet front, and 2 00 feet deep. Both lots h »v« the „i,v/ Skgeol a 30 teet alley in the rcai V Dec. 1 3 FOR sale, A Commodious Frame House Situated in North Sccond-ftreet, No. 14 c V ' . , by Leonard Jacoby, confuting of a giodfhSLv?*** twenty-five feet in front; I two ftoryßricl >ehmd, With a Kitchen and offices: alfl » G tJ ' }"£ me hundred feet deep, a stable and wash hou7e"lhch uasa communication to Race-street f„,„. . I.ease is unexpired on the firft dav' If , ° f th ° These premise, are in good repairs, and may have immediate poffeffior. For Dartio.ltr of RoWt Coe, No, 46, Couth CC " December 1. :*/ a :: r ;; For Sale, Ann Witherfpoon A'o. 46, Iforth Front Street, James Tiffin, eod6 .v, d iot —wfim r_<