Number i043.j PHILIP.NICKLIN CO. Have for Sale at their STORES, an Walnut-Jlreet IVbarf, 4j" Tons of Pig Lead; 46 Pipes best quality Teneriffe U*ine ; 3<5 Pipes of Madeira comprising each quality, and contained in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter casks; 3 Pipes and % hogsheads s old Port 5 150 quarter casks Mountain ; 50 ewt. of Sugar Candy, in boxes of 80 to jOlb each ; 3400 lbs. Jalap in powder, in 3 c fes; tioo lbs. of Camphor, in 1 ca/ks; S calks of Copperas; English Sail Cloth, No. I i 7 ; 30 bbls. of ConnecSieut Beef; and* a quantity of Muhojany. THE SCHOOWi* INDUSTRY, BURTHEN seventy tons, is a good Vessel, and will be fold at a reafbnable rate, and on a libe ral credit. November 27. tu,th&s FOR CHARTER, The ship Little Mary, J. Benners, matter, and the (hip Fane, E. Jones, mailer. built vefiels, fail fad, and are in complete order to receive cargoes immediately. Fer terms apply to the rnaflgr on board said vefiels, laying at the, fubtsrilier's wharf, or to December 21 For Port au-Prince, direct, THE SCHOONER %■; S. 'W' General Greene, m* 1 1 Jifev,T7> -±£-z-^IM.'£UXX F - EIG H T will be taken if application is speedily made to December 15 For MADEIRA, ÜBSf&T* THE BRIOANTIN^ P E A C E, TO fail in all this month. I 7 or freight orpafTagp ap ply to the Captain at South street wha-f, or Peter Blight. November 23 For SALE or CHAR ~ TER ) The Ship CATHERINE, Nov/ lyilg at Mr. Huddcll's wharf in Southwark ; burthen ao| ton*: Jhc is now. in readiness to receive a cargo, andean be f nt to spa at a iniaC ex pence, as fhr wa,s supplied lall voyage in Londod with many new fails and rigging. The terms cf sale will be reasonable, and time of ment made easy. Enquire of Wha has for Sale, Sherry Wine, Dowlas, Irifli Linens, Sugars, Bel'aft Canvas, Spaeilh Cordage, aad Brill*!. Window GlsXs—and the. HOUSE and §'i'QB.E> he o&w -occupies. J*n. 6. dtf Copper Ware-House, No. 2. North Fourth Street. GEORGE is 3 HENRY WESCOTT HAVE jaft received by the late vessels from London, Liverpool and Bristol, aadwhielt they are Celling, ■at the moli rsduced prices for cash, or a Ihort credit, a very large arid extensive afiortmerrt of Iheet Copper and Bottoms, (jomprifing theet&fron, 5 to loclb. and bottoms from 16 inches to 5 feet —Also a handsome as sortment of the moll approved ftieathing Copper with nails, and bolts, Tin in boxes, &l6ck-tin, Speller in cafe, Spelter fodder, pig lead, &c. &e, Jan. 2 Jamaica Hum. Tbe Cargo of tha brig Peace, Captain Gray-, from the north fide of Jamaica, Will be landed to-morrow morning at Soutbflrtet wharf. High Proof RUM, . -Prime SUGAR apd COFPEE. Novemta-r 9. SHOT, S \] ill sizes, from 32 lb to Grape, Vy Cambooies, Pots, and other callings,executed at the fhortefl notice, Nail rods, from lod to fpilce, Hoop iron, of allfizes, for calks or cutting into nail?, from a brad to I2d nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to ioolb. Jsar Iron, A Quantity of Jarres River Tobacco, Carolina Pork. Herrings in barrels, Kilr.-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls, Rye fienr &c. to be fold by Levi Hollingfrnrth is? Son. Au?jiJl 4 Fer SALE, by the Subscribers, h PZN\'- C TREET, The fallowing articles ef the l.i/j importation from China. 160 Quarter Chcfts Hyson Tea, X.zo Quirti'r Chests Sottchorg Tea, 400 Boxes China* containing Tea Setts, 4500 Piece* Nankeen*. WiJ lings & Franck» v Ssft^tfirx4f fcrom, th£ entry of ilcufc No. 92, South Frort-ftrect, v ftcrday evening, TIVO SURTOU7 CQsiTS, viz. if r^\ NF. of fuperfine forrcjl "loath, douJiL- lirtsltcd, co- U vercct buttons, vJry light i ' - ; OLE JV, a aw iw fljlagetfe of ti»f Ifteto # talis F O3 " Sale orCharter, The new fliip SUCCESS, Robert Welsh, matter; at Stam per's wharf; a strong faithful built vefTel, fails extreme ly well, and is also well found ; burthen 159 tons. For terms apply to Jofefh Antkony & Son. Who hive received b/ said vessel, A few casks Madeira Wine, mould and dipt Candles, and bell Boston Chocolate. December 19. dtf Jufl Arrived per the Snow 80/lon, James Kirkpatrick, Majler, front Liverpool, 113 Crates well-afiorteil Queen's Ware, 4000 bushels best (loved fine Salt, ' & to be fold at No. I, Ptne-ftreet, by "James Campbell. Also, a few boxes well-assorted Irifli Linens. 1 Said Snow for Freight or Char ter ' either to the Weft-Indies or Enquire as above. 18. i i'or Canton, THE SHI F WOODDROP SIMS, John B. Hodgfon, commander, SHE is a stout live oak awd cedar built vefTel, jult copper id, and fails remarkably fact ; will leave this port the lad of February. For freight out, or home, apply to Jojtph Sims. WANTED TO PURCHASE, A small quantity of GINSENG, of the firft quality— apply as above. Dec. I. § Nutmegs and Mace. Jnft comc to a small Invoice of Mace and Nutmegs:—Likewtfe on hand, Speimaceti Candles and A General Affprtment of Groceries, Which will be fold low, for cacti at No. 96. Chefnut-ftrect, corner of Third-ftreyt: by feotf) DUNCAN M'INNpS.' JUST COME TO HAND, By the ship Fa&or, from London, a very extenfiv^ affortiruent of Gentlemen s Drejs Waiji-coating ; Such it Sntrns, tanibor'd Camel'* Hair, Mulcflcins, Gaftimetft, &r With, r, very elegant aftarfment of Bc/l Londonfuper/ine Cloths & Cajfimers. Tajiuaxv si. FOR SALE. A FOUNT of BRK VfKR, half worn ; about four nun tired weight. Enquire at the of the o"aactt« of th«-lj'niiti States, No. 119, Chafnui-ftreet. De :ember 3. $ J L 1 Sl' JfLliJj^ls-liAL>, By Thonias Dobfosi, ta. hotft, No. 41, [cuthfj ;ond itrect, DomelHc Medicine^; Or a Treatise on the Prevention and Cwr of Dis eases by llegime; and Sim h Mcdtern with au Ap pendix, containing a Difpeufatovy tor the use of pri vate PraoV.t loners. By WI;/l UM BUCBAN, M, I). Revjfed and adapted to t.e Climate and D'.j-Cji'j of the United |j:ates. ByS.4KUf-L Pov/FLL Griffits, M. D. Profelror of Materia Mtdica in the University of •Peivnfylvanh. In one very learn ' volume oHavo. (Price two dt>ikir& and a half.) The merit of Dr. Buchan'* Domeitie medicine is top well known to need any encomium ; indeed the ery extensive sale rf the original work fpifrtks its worth abundantly. But however well calculatcd for the climate ofßritam, foV which it was originally de signed, it isiobvious that it was net fuHVciently adajtttd t« th« climate and drfeaiit of America. The design ef this improved edition was to remedy th is and. to render this valuable and popu lar work more intelligibje and more ufeful to the citi zens of the United States, and th* improvements U*ing the refuk ef experience and observation, it i*. hoped will render this work more truly valuable and ufeful. Dec. 17 JUST PbBLISHEDt Ami for fele by THOMAS DOfISON, At the Stone House, No 41, South SiCont,l Slrpd. In one bandfome volume, printed witli a goad type, on fine paper, price one dollar, A narrative of the BritiJhEmbaJfy to China, In the year 1792, 179.3, aqd. 1794;. containing the various circumitancei of she Embafl'y, with accounts of the customs and manners ef the Chinese, with a des cription of the country, towns, cities, &c. By AENEAS: ANDERSON. An EmlwlTy to Chinais an event which naturally e» cite&general curiaiitv, from tite ignprarice which pre vails the interior parts of Empire, whose jealous laws forbid, the intrusion of any other peaple. The aoVclty of an authentic description of it mutt at trafl »he attention of an enlightened people. The author has wcurately related every circumfta"ce which caine'jioder his own obfervatioa, with rsucfe in formation drawn from unquestionable ftiurces cr.icuia ted togratify rtafottjiblexuiiafuy acd enlarge Urt know , ledge of a country fojittl? known tq the other nations of the Globe. Dec: 29. 4»iaw. Knives and Forks. A good assortment of table t'efcrt Knives and with or Wi:howt cafos, for sale by Rowland Parry, No. sfa Cfacfnux-itrect. UKEWIST* Hated and! Japapned Ware- Jewellerv, fine &c. &c. &c. as ul'aal. Plat< ci work, Go£,d and Lockets, and every thing in tlw; Gold and Silver line cclk at the ffeo? ta/t notice, and in thebeft fiiariiftef. ISectmbor 28 mvrftf TUESDAY EVENING, JAhUART 12, 1796. AND FOR. S \LE BY JOHN HARLAND. No. 66 Chefnut-ttrset m&t m&th6w Just Arrived, Per the Brigs Eliza, M'Leod, and THeodcrfia, Captain Joftice, And for sale by the Subscribers, Prime Coffee, In Hogsheads, barrels, and bags, and some COCO A. RICH. & J. POTTER. Wbi bnve titevii/f, A few Pipes as LISBON WINE, for Sale. Jan. 6. Will be landed to-morrow morning, At Philip Care's wharf, The Cargo of the brig Susanna, J. Frankford, master, from Havanna, —consisting or— 111 Hoglheads, and") n. , r - 1 » Tiert'es J I" 1 "'? J*»*ca Sugars. 51 Bales of Cotton, 12 Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 15 Tons of Logwood and Fiiflic, Salted Hides, 40 Boxes Segars, FOR SALE fer George Sibbald, d No. 170 ftfcith Front-ftrec^ Dec. 3 J37 Hogftcads,-p 459 B »rreis, (Coffee, above 600,'0001b. 124 Bags, _) 115 Hogsheads of cjloice Jamaica Sugar. 211 Bales of St. Domingo Cotton, Will be landed Monday morning, 26th jnft. at South- street wharf, Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe from Jamaica ; Brig Polly, and Schooner Indullry, from Jeremie, FOR SALE BY Ofloher 22 WAGNER, Woolen Draper and Mens' Mercer, sit Ac. 25 , Sout) Secondfireet, H'S, in addition, to his afFortment of fu erfine Cloths and Caffi ner% Received by tilt Faitor Jrom Lon don, a very elegant alTortsnent o G U' 1 mens' Patterns; iuc as Sa.tin, Silii; .ol ft i., C iffiinef, and Merleillcs, which will be fold at thti; juli pric 5. January 9. ,1 320 Barrels of si tlh New-hijgUud lie«t, 33 Barrel oi' Lit! r, 1000 Pair of Shoes, loco Yards Tow Cloth, so Sheets f Copper, 12 Kgs L.ird, and Co Wcoi Hats. FOR SALE BY Samuel Ccates, No. . -= •. , JfIAAC. jam • No, j,.gi»W«*eMif jion, aod procure mon y upon loan on good fccurity. The tufmeis of an .Tttor»ey at Law and Notary Pub ic is aifo ed at tfie fcid Office fcy the fubferiber. ASSHTON HUMPHREYS. th£dYvv Jan. 4- Peter Slight. WINES Of dw flrft quality. 5, $ Wacqr-ftreet. No. 8, North Ftont-Jlrret. Printed Calico and Mullin IVAK V.89&28. RICHARD Ess jAMES POTTER, Have juji received a fypcrb ajf otmcnt of t'>e fdhivzng artrilcty which they fj:r for PRINTED calicojs Cyefttiemen's tic k hafid&f*. 4-4 wd k book miiflifi* New fafhimia'ole fhawit 6-4 wd. ditto aitso Ma ira & hafi kerchiefs Book nluflin handkerchiefs Tambour* d muslins Pocket ditto Chifr lis Colored, bordered, moil in HumiiumS , liandkefchiefs Coii'acs Very new fancy "d'tte h \n elegaiu and f'refl l ! aflort* Elegant tarfthor muslins ment of ribband* and Colored work ditto fai^e* Laced figured ditto Oottort flocking? Brocaded ditto Ladies plaids And a variety of &tker articles, just opened Many of the above goods are particularly calculated for the Welt-Indi* market. December 23 taw Office of the fnfurance Company of North America, December 18th, 1795. THE Stockholders in this Company are hereby in formed that Tuefiiay, the twelfth day of Janua ry next (being the fee; nd Tuesday in the month) is the time appointed by Charter for the choice of twenty-five Direflors, to serve for the ensuing; year.—The Eleflion will beheld as this office at II o'clock) A. M. on that daV* ~ ' Votes may be given by the Eleiftors either in perfott or by proxy j but no Stockholder can "vole at any E lr<£tion for Dirc&ors unUfs the Stock (hall have floocj in his or her name, in the Books of the Company, at leaf! three iiionths preceding the tjme of such Election." In cafe of a Stockholder s votinir by proxy the Char ter requires that " the proxy be d.reflly from Stockholder, ind the vcitebi given Ivy a citir.eii of*thi» Commonwealth." FBEN : HAZARD* Secretary: w&sr f iW ofifo COMPANY. " ■" DF.ED9 to the propri toite in the iwrency Sargent, arc with I homas M'Euch. iv . 78, Chefnut-ftivet,Philadelphia, and ready to be deliver ed when called lor. A second dividend of the Funds has b en .jficnrefi, which proprietors'may r ceive by a dra.t upon the trcafurer of the company' N. B. dollars are due upon each fhar-e, for ex- of the December 29* i'lic Proraroa MR. SAVAGE reffK'&ffclly informs the-Ladies and G?nt!emen of Phila4<-lphia that the PASQRAM/l ■a now opened in High-llrceJ, btwecto 10th and nth fireeis. Th<* Sutjeft is a view of the 1 iri.-s of Lenden and rchending the three bridges, South wark, Surrey, and St. George's Fields in the Borough* With every other which appears from t*>e ten of the Albion mills, at the end of Blackfriai> Bridge, oppoiittf the city of London, from whence this vieiv was taken, The painting contains nearly 5,000 Ajuare feet of can ves. Being in a circle gives every object its proper bearing, and exhibits ft in its true poiht of compass, appearing as laro-e and in every te£pz& the lame as the'reality. Price of admiffioa half a dofta. Tickets for thd Sealon three dollars. Panorama opeii every day from ten o'clock in th» morning;. A PRINT of the PRESIDENT of the V. S. iS r.cKeshy 14; only a fVw choice mipreflions leit: the companion is a print of Dr. Frank tin A Variety of choice print;. may be had at the Panorama. A"g«J> 3 j, This Day is publifheu, By EENJAMIN DAVIF.S, at No. 63, American Repository, for 1796. CQNT AlNllTGi A compleafe Caienda* for the year. Lilts of the executive, legif ia'ive and jirdieia! oscrs Of the federal government ———7 of the minuter* and cofifii-h to- a»d ftrorii the Unk-ed States. A register of the bad and sea forces of do. Rates of peftage-, and times of receiving & closing the mails at Philadelphia. A lilt of the poft>towns,\vith the diiiances of each, on the main line, as well as cross roads. of the federal courts, of the supervisors of the revenue. The mint, and monies of the U.S. and the currency of each state. A lift of the commiflioners oi loaqs. A tahle, shewing the propof tion of froe persons to slaves* and of males to fe* males, &c. in the U.S. tion. Militia of the United States, I)o. of the navy of France, with the proportion of do. each. State of the air, and a diary An alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and weather agreeably to the lafl a& in Philadelphia, duringp® of Gongreft. * months, ending ift Sept, Amount of impofl and tonn- 1795. age of one /*ar. Sills of mortality in Philad* Cutyom-hotife fees, &c. \ of one year, This little volume will contain a much, greater eompa r s, as well as variety of matter, than that of the pi .ceding year, and will be embeliiihed with an engraved frontis piece, title- :sge, and a- vignette faced with a head orna ment, to each month The l'cenes depicted in the vig nettes, to rural labours Olthc year. Th* engravings are new, and executed with an exceiie&ce tkat aocs credit to the American fine arts. At tlx fatne place may be bad-, Plato* of the city oi Philadelphia, and its environs, ac'ctf* l ately engraved from a late i'urvey. Maps of' the United States, and of each (iate fep-rately. A valuable collection of modern Boots, and a general assort* ment of Stationary Wares. Note.■—-Thole who desire it, may havel oned Maps, or ?.ny ent, by applying; at dire . J*»r»- V . ■■■.'' 4 [VtXLVMM IX. Woriied ditto 301U3W Tl'H ftulcs for reducing tile duf rencies of the feveralftatcs* Talile of pounds, &c. redu* eed into dollars & cents.' 6ummary of the exports irf 4 fueceflive years. Amount of 5, the unredeemed debt, annual revenue and expenditures. A view of the finking fund; An cilimate of the imports of the United States, iri two seVeral years. Dtftn©ftid duties or cxeifes. Drawbacks and bounties. Banks, with rules of 'con ducting hufinefs. OmoerS of the civil govern i.ient of Pennfyivania. Estimate of expences of do. in one year. Oiacei's of civil government ©f New-York; Sovereign princes and re publics of £urope. Lilt of the navy of Great- Britain, corre&ed agree able to the lateii informa- above-menti-* , , and rarnilk i may be mod coirveiu* v- l.abo^