9,000 U calh 10,000 20,000 » ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 10,000 p 1 ditlo 5,000 St calh 5,000 ,0,000 tljrc j Ca'h ol jo,ooo p , ditto 5,00® each, are ,o,oc o ,o ditto t.ooo io,eoo < 2 o ditto SOO 10,003 f ,00 ditto too 10,000 16 -09 ditto 5° l °> oo ° cora .00 ditto *5 l0 ' 00:> P rui 1,000 ditto *°> oo ° ,5,000 dmo "> M'.ooo 16,739 Pr,,e " 33,261 BlanV-l 50,000 Tickets »t 8 dol'aia > 400,000 Chia Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the private buildings to be er«deear from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu lity. The real securities given for the payment of the Prize .are held by the President and two of the Bank of Columbia, and arc valued at more than half the amount ' of the L«tte«y. c The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of L the late Commiflioners aflilt.ed in tht. management of the 0 Hotel Lottery are requeued to undertake this arduous talk er> . a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficicnt num- P* 1 bet of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the <- _ frkpds to a National University and the other federal ab jeSs may continue to favor the dffign. The fynopPs of one of "the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Institution, is already in the press, and will be speedily publiftied, together with its constitution. . A compleat Plan of the % whol« of this Important lnftitution, compiled from a feledfcion of the bed materi al'-, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public whenever the fame may have gone through fach revisions as may be ncceffary to eftablifb the perfe ' a floor, and Cellars under the obole, with a Pump IVell of ex celUnt Water in front; a large frame Barn, Stabhs, and other convenient bu'klin*s; a Smok-Houfe andftor.e Spring Hcjfe ; two good Apple-Qrchai tli, and one cf Peacbrs. The Fields are all i n Clover, except th , AS Acres. Acres, a ld Lot T containing 96$ Lot 14 containing 1000 n. 2 qaj , I s 1000 3 844 16 it- • 4 806 17 411 of i 5 762 18 1160 6 Boj 19 xooo be 7 % 9fo 40 1000 I 8 iooo 100 a _ 9 1000 W 390 ( 10 iooo 23 75° 11 iooo S4 93° 12 1000 13 1000 'y The trad on No. 4is chiefly beach, maple, bass and elm. c The purchase money to be paid by the following in!M- - 5> mcnts, viz. one-fourth on the day offale; on'e-fourthon the 1 firft Tucfday in April next; one-fourth on the firltTuefday f •P* inOdobcr, 1796; and the remainder on the iirit VucfJay . °f in April, 1797. when deeds willt>« given to the purchaser. e>> Plans of. the different tra&s of land may be seen by ap plying to Mr. Peter Go;Id, one of th« trustees, in Nevv- York; or to Mr. KMvard EJivar 'i, in Philadelphia. ■November 4. m&t. lis N°. 116. " ( DijlriS of Pennfyhania, to wit: t , , T) Eit remembered, that on the ninth day j Cseall' of November, in the twentieth year of t J the Independertco of the United States of A -1 ' merica, Samuel Harrifon Smith, of the said ■ Djftrid, Itath deposited in this Office the title of a , book, the right whereof he Claims as Proprietor, in | the words following, to wit: " A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Relignation," in ccnforniity to the Ad of the Congress of tlie Uiii- , t j, e ted States, intituled, "An atSl for'the encouragement ;ts of leartringi by secUring the copies of maps and charts j, e J and books to the authors and proprietors of such co pies, daring the times therein mentioned." SAM, CALDWELL, Clerk of the Nov. 11, ( law;ui) Oyirict cf fennfyl-vania. For SALE, A PLANTATION about twelve miles Trem this city, in Montgomery iountv, containing 70 acres; On which y °J there is a new stone Houle, two stories high, two rooms on m 'lc a floor, fire places iu each room; ftorw Xltrhen, and stone tllcnt Spring-House over a never failing fpririg of water; a Barn, rine Sheds, Barracks, &c. a large Apple Orchard, and a • are variety of other Fruit Trees; about 12 acres of good Mca ts on dow, and to of Wood Land. Poficffton will be given the ex 6rft of April, or fooncr it" wanted, when the purchaser will other ave £^e opportunity of buying the Stock on the Place, and two Coin in the ground. For furiHei'particulars apply'at'No. Arch-street. Nov. *iaw. 3W. It Kor Or to be LET for a term of years, "ft'" \ N elegant Kcnfe with about forty-two acres of Land <•- ii and Meadow, The Stn»tipn is very eonvenicnt for a Country Seat, or for a pericn Sncljned. to attend the "fed markets. There is an excellent Kitchen Garden, Icc-houfe, S and a variety of Fruit—the distance about five miles from r. the city. For further information apply to the Printer. f November 14. lawtf. PHILADELPHIA, Printed by JOHN FENNO, N°* 119 Chefnui-Strcei.—Y&izz Six Dollars Pes. Akhum. George Briaghurft, COACH b J HARNESS MAK-fR, RESPECTFULLY informs hi . friend", and the public, A that hp has removed from Arch-street, to li in T' north Eifth-ftreet, adjoining th; Epifcoj>i»l Bmial Ground, A where he continues tlte butinel. ox ' vc I Coach making in all its Branches. He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carriages, p|,s such 1* Coaches, Chariots, I'H." lulls, ahd Coachees ; also, Chaits," Kittereens, Gigs, Sulkejrs ; and all kinds of Hart nifs, with plated or brass mounting. Ha hath a good bro(J supply of the best materials, and a Itock of the best sea- oj , & foned wood. good Otders from any part of the United States will be du- A ly attended to with the greataft punctuality and dispatch. j, eal j His long experience in bulinefs, his care io the cxecu- A tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to tha de- tnak fires of his employers, he flutters tiiipfplf will prsvc fu)S- endb cieut recoaunendations. of hi He has several fecond-hapd for sale, viz. a moll compleat Coachpe, with a coachman's feat and Venetian (j: blinds all rpuni; a Phston; a Chair ; and a Sulkey with the r a falling top. "'Si AH kinds of Carriages fold on CommitHon, apd Car- (tree riagos taken in to (land by the month er year. ■gf Apprentices wanted to the JJufimefs. ,ect 'Philadelphia, November ai. t,t,&s3OT.iawd(J. le S^ BURR MILL STONES ~ Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Factory, in the old • n yinnd-mill in Elmfley's alley. South Secani-frtet, a little I 'elo-w Duel Jlreet, WHERE those who apply may be supplied with stones 3. of such quality as will suit their pijrpofes. Also, , stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifcer ps JParis. A ( He keeps for S ALE, tl At his dwelling No. us north Second-ftr?et, a Jfttlc above Lift Vine.flreet, la Boulting Cloths, A complete assortment of both imported and American c) manufactured for merchant and country «vor)c, which'he warrants good. a r< ALSO, The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE. Ra[ " Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics as they o ' apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all the n late improvements on the art of manufacturing flour &c. ' ' intended to be ufeful to all concerned In building or using }! water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and t] Robert Campbell, booWellers. c Sept. aj. 3tdj>awtf. _, [ New Publications. r : JUST PUBLrSHED, AND TO BE SOJ.P BY Th< John M'Cullocb, e no. i, North third-street, A 1 1. Incidents of the InsurreCtion in the Western 0 parts of Pennsylvania, in the year 1794. By Hugh At; H. Brackenridge■ * 2. A cpncife History of the United States, from the i 1 discovery of America, until the year 1795. « 3. House and Pocket Almanacs for the ye»r *796. Mi. J. M'Culloch has alfa for sale, e Robertfon's History of America, 3 vols, with maps An '' Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding, a vols a 1 Gazetteer of France, 3 vols c d Kincaid's Geographical Grammar, with new Maps, An £ and Plates, exhibiting the dress of the various nati- , I. ors of the earth, a vols i) Guthrie's Geography Literary Magazine, 11 vols, with elegant plates as 1 1- A collection of Voyages, 6 vols, with many plates yea ' Goldsmith's Works P ie d Thorafon'a Works Spedtator, 8 vols. • 4 Hervev's Works, 6 vols. ' Mofhoims's Ecclefialtical History, 6 vols. e Doddridge's Family Expositor, 6 vols. , " Brown's Family Bible, t vols. London Edition. Walker's Sermons, 3 vols. M . t Goldsmith's Animated Nature, plates, 8 vols: A ' Blackftdne's Commcnianes, 4 vols. J Hamilton's Introduction to Merchandise ' Family, School, and Pocket B.bles on s SpellinK Books, Grammars, other School Books, &c. Ed Nov 16 en 1 Now ? übliflied, — By T. STEPHENS, \ fro. 60,fiuth Second-Jlreet, <-1 The curious Prophecies of J » RICHARD BROTHERS. « > p ONTAINING great and remarkable things, not reveal- •*£ > e( Jto any other person on earth. f 0! > This work is interesting to every one. c 0 > Augujl 14 SWJ'f so TREASURY of the UNITED STATES, a. Auguji iith, 1755. _ 1- XTOTICE is kcreby given to all pc'rfons v/ho are or M \ e JN may be Creditors of the United States, for any m '■'/ films of the Funded Debt, or Stock, bearing a present L; ly interest of Jtx per centum per_antiutn, : :r " ift, Tljatpurfuant toaiiA«St Of Congress, paffed-on £| the third day of March, 1795> intitule 1, "An Act q making further provision for the support of Public an Credit, and for the redemption ot the Public Debt, lh - there will be reimbursed and redeemed, on the firft day dl of January ensuing, the rate or proportion of two per pc eentum of the principal of tbe debt or jlock, 1 ay in the Certificates issue.d to tl)e fnid Creditors rrfpec- g of tively. ■ A- jj The f a ;d reimbursements will be made at the li(1 Treasury of the United States, or at the Loan Offices - f a where the said Stock may stand credited, at the close of ■ n the present year. 3d, The said reimtinrfements will be to the _ . ' said Creditors in person, or to their Attormes duly «>- sonftituted 1 but the powers of attorney which may be m :nt produced mull contain an authority to receive the said jr rts reimkurfemcnt of principal, other wife no mpre thm the T :o * usual dividend of interest will bp P?"J ; and ajfhoygh , the two per centum °f principallo be redeemed, (hould r not be demanded", yet. the interest thereon will cease „ from tlie said ftrlt diy of January next. a ~ 4th, Te prevent the great trouble and expence which r would attend a renewal of the Certificates, in confe- J! ,in quenee of the said reimbursement ol Principal, it has ich been determined that no renewal ftxall be made: And 011 further, that the Certificates which may be rffued dur one ing the. year One thoafand seven hundred and ninery fix, in consequence of any transfers of the said fix per 1 cent. Stock, (hall notwithstanding the rcimburfpivieiu ["J of two per centum, as aforementioned, be ex pre tied . vili for the respeCtive fi|ms of the original Capital Stock and All pcrfons who may negociate the Funded fix per cent. No. Stock of the United States, bearing a present interest, are therefore cautioned to bbfervc, that during the . One thogfind seven hundred and ninety-fix, the value or krue amount of Principal unredeemed of ftid Debt ] or Stock, will be ninety-eight per centum of the l'ums and expressed.in the Certificates 1 for Given under a) 7 handj at Philadelphia, the day the and year beforcmentione'd, purfuhnt to cb ufc reCtions of the Secretary .of the Treal'ury, • om ' SAMUEL MEREDITH, r . Trtajurcr of the United Sui'et. I, f. Aug. 24- iawtji George Hunter, Chemifl, At Ins Laboratory, AV. 114, south Second flrtu INFORMS his former cultomm ~nd lUc ou'jlic he has begun the DRUG buftnefs juno„ five plan. He ha» fpr.fale a general iffortment of FRESHDRUGi ' CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS, and PATENT Vp-m ; cines. I Likewifc, p»inters'calour9,dryanu ground in oil . brushes, window and coach glass, dye fluffs, <>;'■ oil ot turpentine, coual oil and japa-., w dl , , ' good. Allum, copperas, madder, ground rcdweodby:!i t head or fmaliir quantity. Ashe imports the (implf > from the Oert maifeet ■, a.. " makes the compofuionj «iid preparations him/el! ' • enabled to vouch for and warrant every atjt.cle of his Laboratory, and likewileto dispose bftfirrh ; t . most rcafonable raui. ' (f3" He wtfhes to fell a LOT of \ 1 the north-east corner of High and tlevcntlj-Iticeii.. „ lt \. ' iiig'7B (eet front on 200 feci on El«v eilt » street', opposite Mr. Leiper's new Buildings—Anrf dII , JU .' LOT on the north fide of High street, near the jU,,, vr "'.l feet front, and 200 feet deep, gotb lots have t(ic * legeof a go teet alley in the rear. Der - '3 1U THE JPRHzs, , A-nd fpeadily will be publilhed, by L At 68, Hivh-Jlrect, ' THE » American Repository, for 1796; '' containing: A compleat Calendar sos Rules for reducing the cur the year. resides of the feveraltU.es. e Lifts of tfee executive, legif- Table of pounds, &c. redu lative and judicial officers ced into dollars & cents, of the federal government Summary of the export, in t of the ministers and 4 fucceflive year?. consuls to and from the Amount of the unredeemed United States. debt, .annual, revenue and A register of the land and expenditures. sea force? of do. A view of the finking fund. Rates of postage, and times An estimate of the imports ' e of receiving & closing the of the United States, in mails at Philadelphia. two several years, * Ali'.l of the pod-towns, with Domestic duties or escifes. I the distances of each, on Drawbacks and bounties. the main line, as well as Banks, with rules of con crofs roads. duifting bufinrfs. —of the federal courts. Officers of the civil govern * —of the supervisors of the ment of Pfennfylvinia. revenue. Estimate of expenccn of do. The mint, and monies of the hi one year. U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government eachftate. of New-York. A lift of the commifiionerj Sovereign princes and re n of loans. publics of Europe. b A (hewing the proper- Lift of the navy of Great tion of froe persons to Britain, correifted agree - ie slaves, and of naales to fe- able to the latest inferma males, &c. in the U.S. tion. 1 Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of Fratire, with the proportion of do. each. State of the air, an, at prefect by Samuel £- vans; situate in London Britain townft>*p, Cfjefter cojiuty, al- ccmta ' n * n S about four hundred and lixty acres —There arc oil said Plantation two dwelling Houles, one (lone and brak, forty feet by twenty-ftve, two ilories high, with a large an f commodious Kitchen; the other a good loqg Houfc, ' for a tenant; two large and convenient ijarns; a iloneS*... t j House; a good Merchant Mill, with between 12 and 13 fee >> head and tall, on a never failing ft;eam the Whiteclay 'creel —There are on said Plantation about 80 acres of exceTlen or Meadow, a large proportion of which is well watered, and ,ny more can conveniently be made; about 180 acres is arabl ' en s Land, cleared, the residue is Wood Land. The Land, i general, is of the firft quality in tbat end of the county. T otJ Plantation is 10 miles from Newport, 11 from the Hea< » a £ik, G tuna Cross Roads, and s.from Ne Garden Meeting Houle, on the nearest road from Lane „ and on the direS one from Peach Bottom Ferry to Newp«. the situation ef the Mill is suitable for either the Elk or Mi lay dl : town trade, which renders it an important ltand. Ai per person desirous of purchasing will, upon applying to A fed BENJ AMIN CHAMBERS, within one mile of the plat ec . be fk,ewed the fame, and know the terms of sale from th^ fubferiber hereof, in county, , SAMUEL EVANS- November 19, 17 55. aawtf. Andover Iron Works th TO BE SOLD, OR LET ON LEASE. . ' I HEY are situate in the couuties of SulTcx and Morris, U , J. in the State of New-]erfey : 'Die ore lies within 5 ' • ? mile of the Furnace, is esteemed of the firJt quality.of ai; a '' in America, and particularly adapted for making Ste. ® The Furnace and Fsrge, to which belone between iiai -'o'j i j,ooo aeres of Land, will be fold tcget.'ief, or Lafed - ther separately or together: they are distant auout f nnles from each other, and are an object \vell worth attcntiqn of Iron Masters. The" buildings, &c. are in s lich ry reflect c.pfnroodiaus. Fer further particulars aj.ply to nle- Benjamin Chew, or Jol.nLirdncr, Philadelphia, has Oil. 2. 3 taw ! nd \LL persons indebted to the Estate of SAMUi A FRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkeeper, «• L \ ceased, are dellred to make payment to the fubferiber ; j and all those who have any demands., agaiaft tbf l s'\ Ehate, are requs.lled to bring in their accoyr.t« pfP er " ly attested. ' 3Ck- SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES* A6H?g Exeeutor. ent - P-ue-fturel, No. !». r *79*-. alue To be tlifpofed of at private Jebt! Pursuant to the last Will aadTeflament oft umi deceased, TWO two flory brick Messuages and Lot viz. No. ioo, nprth Second, near Ra o di- 1 74, aorth Eifth, neir Vinc-ftrcct —both gp V, bulinefs, particularly tht former. For tern LAWRENCE SECKEL, ot ? Vi. CASPER GRAFF, J I Nrsemker Xl, 1795 - r— —— • "