jLicketts New Amphitheatre, In CaISNCT-STREIT. T 1 " { THIS PRESENT EVENING, 30th November, Feats of Horfemanjhip, havin By Mr. Ricketts, Mr. F. Ricketts, Matter Ling, and the 1 y Mr. Sully. hook: i For the third time in America, whiol N Mrs. SPINACUTA Will ride on could TWO HORSES h W 4 In full speed. j Equejlrian Exertions, the« With a variety of Entertainments and Performances, W ere which Mr. Ricketts declines particularizing. BY DESIStE, Mr. Ricketts will ride a (ingle Horse in full fpecd, and dance to the tune of J-j THE FLOWERS OF EDINBURGH, f „■ in the character of A Highland Laddie. comi , , thy I ' whole tri conclude With r' The PONEY RACES; Or, Humours of Lrrtbr Sands. G f t In which will be introduced the Jockey Hornpipe , - Scotch Reel. tllr f — all c N.*B. Several 6toves are placed in different parts of the Amphitheatre to render ic warm, <0 • c Gentlemen in the Pit are requeued not to throw glasses or bottles in the ring, being attended with dangerous on c confeauences. tit 10 TICKETS and Places for the Boxes to be taken at t h e » , the Box-Office, at the Amphitheatre. we( j • +. Boxes, one dollar —Pit, half a dollar. - 4..*.{—Doors to be cpenel at ha f past FIVE, and Entertainment to begin at halt past 6IX. AT. B. No money taken at the doors, nor any admitt ance behind the scenes. - ; ( TO THE PUBLIC. \ M INI A TUR EPA IN TING-' A Limner from Paris refpegfutly informs the public, fittr that he paints Likenesses in Miniature, in fach un ti striking and pleasing a manner, a< will, he hopes, fatisiy j those who may e.nploy him. His Likenesses are war- art ranted, his fittings ihort, and his terms easy. ' 6 His Room is at No. 2,north Fifth-ftrtet. November 11. _ §'9*- a"' l P. S. As he shortly intends returning to rrance, he yi invitss such I .adies and Gentlemen as may be desirous of ~ ] having their Portraits drawn, to take advantage of the 2> - 1 • prcfent time. rpHE Stockholders of the Bank of the United States I. ar - hereby informed that according to the Statute of lncorTTfation, a general Eleaion for twenty five D.rec- 3- tors will be h -Id at t eßank of the United States in the city 4. of Philadelphia on Monday the 4th day of January next, at 5. 10 o'clock in the forenoon. _ 6. And uurfuantto the Eleventh feent iernijMMn V( Und to celcbrate this Anniversary will fend for aamiflion to either of the following members. James Craig, Esq. north Front-ilrect, to Richard Lake, Esq. Vine-street, - ab< Mr. James Hen Jerfon, north Front-ftreet on Mr. Thomas Leiper, north Water-ttreet, Mr. Gaven Hamilton, ju-i. fonth zd-ftrcet 13 , Mr. Robert Henderfon,Chefnut-ftreet 10 Mr. John Shields, Chefnut-flreet n 'he William A. Tod, Esq. VValnut-ftrect 16 firi Dr. tindrew Spence, loath Sccond-Hrect 126 By Order of tha Society, j )a RICHARD LAKE, Secret.,ry. Nov. 24. *"• p a Le Breton, th SURGEON-DENT(ST, _ on Puiil r : tcelebrated ?Ar. Dubois, late Dent:[l to tl>e King and Rc-i.il Fimi'.y of France, member of tho College and Ac*- cq denri of Surgeons at Paris, ' Keeps a complete assortment of every thing neeeffary to be used for the . > vl ■ PftfeKiMithn of the Mouth and Teeth. ta Patent mineral Teeth ..and human and ivory Tenth ; Den- vo trifice in powder; Opiate; excellent Elixir for fwcetening th tho mouth, and preserving the teeth. He also furnifhes | ie Bl7r?h-=rTOtt-tofrspOf!gET7- " •gf. He lives in Chefnut-ftreet, No. 135, above Fonrth- Rrect. 19. eod - Public Nctice is hereby given, £ HPO' the Stockholder's in the Delaware aed Schuylkill JL Canal Company, that the annual election of Pr.f!- dent, Managers and "tb-r of the Company, will be held-at ti'r Coir.p""iy's Office, near the Bank of the ta United States, in Philadelphia, on the firtt Monday in th January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. t' r William Mco'-e Smith, Secretary. p ] November 27. / lmj j~ Public Notice is hereby given, I, r the Stockholders in the Pliiladelphia and Lancaster £ C Turnpike Comp xny, that the annual efeAion of Pie- n fident, Managers and Oc'csr Oliccr of the said Company, , will be th? Com Office, near the Bank of the United States on the second Monday in January next, art ten o'clock in the fcrenooti. o iVHlinm Moors Smithy Secretary. \ November IZ. ' \v&-timj. ( ' tTstepkens, BOOKSF.LLF.iI axd STATIONER, \ No. 60 South Sf.cond-Streft, PHILADELPHIA y RESPECTFULLY iWforimi the public, that at his Store a the* may be supplied with most of the modern Eu- t ropean and other publications of merit* on Politics, Divini- ( tv, Law, the Belles Lett res, &c. See. Also a great vari- | 2 e!" of ELEGANT PRINTS and Paintings, arti every ar<- I , tide in the Stationary bufinefr; v.-hidi he continuei., a« ' ui'ial, to dispose of at the lowest prices. Gentlemen's Libraries fiirntfhed or purchased ; and the i utmoO value, in exchange or cafn, given for any quan tity of second hand Books. Wholel«te Dealeta supplied at the abov» %tore on very 1110-rate terms. \Tay 2. »ff. ! F O R SALE, A rp.-'H; excellent Chair HORSE. He is a deep black, and goes ti.lerab'y easy under e 1 fudi!- - . E' quire at Rsbirt MAdams Livory oahle, m s nlh- Mlev betivee.i Maxket 'Mid Arch-ilrt-. t. Novembrr 23. §iw. NEW-YORK, Sept. 23.' rkhv The following lingular ctrcumflance is copied from t0 an Edinburgh Sept. last. P u ■ Sbmt few days ago, a very extraordinary acci- e ( ' dent happened.to a boy near Maidenhead ; who ' having put some gooseberries and fifiting hooks in the fame pocket, unluckily fwajlowed one of the hooks, and found part of the line in his mouth 5 j s 0 f whioh, in endeavouring to pull up, fixed it in his j n stomach he immediately ran to a surgeon, who could give him rto relief till the following accident happily relieved him. A small hole being made in a leaden bullet, and the line put through it, the t jj f a boy fwalled the bullet, the surgeon held the line, man _ the weight of the bullet loosed th: hook, and both 'j* were easily drawn up. porti enfei BALTIMORE, Novembera6. Now 1 PERPETUAL MOTION. tion HAPPY Columbia, my native country that pof- ; 3j t [ felTes every foil and clime, anil a genius that can f am<; command the (tones of thy helds, and, the trees of j, thy forefts, to perform all theadlsof tillage, and smooth water navigation ! _ flcill My invention of the perpetual motion 01 the 6th of the present month, will fupercede the use of q draft cattle, in almost every instance, the saddle and t»cca turf excepted : It will plow, sow and mow impel all carriages or impede them, at the *ill of the con- £ du£lor—and will work on a variety of . models ad p ra( j , infinitum—and will apply wherever moti- -j s on can be used t® advantage. 1 fliall therefore pe ra ] , tition our honorable Congress to provide me with p re( . 1 the excltifive right of working alt machines by t | ler wedge, screw, lever or dead weight. ons DAVID MOORE, ' wcll Infpedlor of flour for the Port of Baltimore. q :- blig CHARLESTON, (S. C.) November i 6. ct .p, Yesterday the Circuit Court of the United Spates 'j for. the diilriil of Soiith Carolina, which has been fitting since the 26th day of l ift, adjourned af)( j h until the 12th of May, next. low y During the session, the following appeals were ta y argued and decided upon— 1 Present—the Chief Jullrce of the United States, ( a y and the Judge of the dillri£t. gen e Appellants. Rtfpandeiits. Dec. of £' Ship Sacra Familt3j_ do* i () ctl Catholic tuajefty. J th YefterJay Eatt Indian, named Rameceti.was t I K n- committed to jail, on the oath of Mrs. Repon, set- T+ng"~ftHTtrj~rtra* on the night of the 3d lnitant, be- riLt Ntween nine and ten o'clock, an out-honfe at the Q f back of her kitchen in Union-ftrcet was difeovered W 1 to be on fiie ; that after the fire was extfti&uilhid, py about half apoUind of powder was found on tTTe floor ; and that from the previous threats of f e l the said Ramjceti, and his being seen tunning from c 0 the house immediately after the fire was difcovtred, f„l (he had good reason to suppose lie had placed the Tl fire there. be The (loop Friendship, Capt. Johnson, left the th harbor yesterday, bound for the EaftJndies ; she ac is the fir ft vslTel that has been dispatched to that —< part of the world, by Carolina merchant*, from t ; 2 this state. It mufl afford pleasing reflections to ve our citizens at large, to be informed of this circum- ne and flar.ee, and to learn that our merchants, within the p e course of a few years, notwithstanding the vexa- ta f 0 tious interruptions their veflelshave had to combat a j, with, are enabled to turn their attention to the dis tant shores of Asia anS the Indian isles, and to plan 0 f sn - voyages to bring home the valuable produ&s of t j, ing those regions at a much lower rale than they have l a heretofore been furnifhed to us. - l ~ tc I th " KNOXVILLE, Nov. 6, ™ Repulfof the Creek army, by the Chiclafwws. n Extradl of a letter from Opia Mingo, dated Chick- ct afaw nat'ol, Sept. 29, 1795- v :|"l " About one thousand creeks came iri order to as the take the Chickafaw nation. They encamped in i:; yin the of the wood, back of Colbert's fort, to the well of the town. They brought white peo- w pie with them, drums, and ammunition for a long ; tl fiegc ; a great number of them were 011 horseback. j d In the morning they killed a woman jult below j ei iSer Colbert's fert, and advanced against it in a half r; maon ; their line extended half a mile. We met j kof 'hem, (that is the Long Town warriors) gave f lel i them battle, and beat ibem back. Tbs warriors of Big Town attacked and put them to the rout, y '. We putfued thera about five miles, our horse Cm c their flanks, and our foot on their rear, and took r from them all their cloathing, except their flaps, the only clwathes they had on when they made the t r { attack. The baggage consisted of their blankets" c c.' ( ,r e and cloathing (cxcept their flaps) their arfimuni- ( 1 Eu- tion, kettlei and their provisions. The loss of the I ivini- Chickafaws is fix warriors and one woman killed ;j . vari- i arc i we Kave found of the Creeks twenty fix killed, j ' iir " and many must have been wounded. About two hundred Chickafaws were engaged in defeating this d the great army of Creeks." juan- This aiStion mufl l.avc taken place between the 22d and 29th of September. - Ter J Great rmnibers of people continue to pass this place for Merit eitlrjfl (the Cumberland country.) Trave'ileis repoit the *vaggon load to have proved better than was expefled, from its newness. It is believed th'St peace will Ihortly 1 take place r^ e between ti.e Creeks and Chickafaws—the officers ' of government are sfing their utmost effoits to ef ,w. feci it. CHARGE, Ai Delivered' by the Honourable Judge Campbell, to iuj to the Grand Jury, at the beginning of the fir- repul perior court of Waflnngton diitnA, at be, to admi ber term, and to the Grand Jury oi Hamilton Ico* dirtrid, at the commencement of the feliion m *ne p Odtober lath ... vernr A FREQUENT recurrence to firft principles- efce is of great and lading importance. poses In a free government, obedience to the laws mult de)ib be earried into the feelings, the manners, and the merit familiar intercourse of men. j ts j The object of all legitimate government, is, Qn g the assertion and protediou of the natural rights o. |jon man. . , couti The only criterion by which we can eilimate the portion of natural rights, furrcndered by man on ar£ entering foriety, is the ohjeft of the furrsnder. gll j tl . Now, the objea for which a man resigns any por- f tion of his natural sovereignty over his own attions, j s is, that he may be protedted from the abuse of the mo^ 1 fame dominion in other men. _ of tl 7 In a itate of nature the equality of lights is an 1 impotent .theory, which inequalities of llrength and flcill every moment violate. It is called into energy f ' ahd effed only by foeiety. _ •... ine ' Civil diftinfition snuft exist in the fecial body, g 1 because it must possess organs destined for different ( ' fun&ions. un ; o Government is not a fcientific fubtilty, but a t[)e ■ * practical expedient for a general good. __ ecu{ The fame necessity for the substitution of gene- ]ate) ral maxims, exists in poiitics as in morals. i hefe 1 precise ( aiwl inflexible principles, which yield f ther to the fedudtions of passion, nor the suggesti ons of interest, ought to be the guide of public as eme well as private morals. t h; n The law is derived from duty, or from the o bligation we are under to adt agreeable to its pre- j cepts. ; J s The law of nature and the necefTary law of na- " tions, being fonnded on the nature of things, j ■ and in particular on the nature of man, it fol low?, that, this law of nature and natious is immu- 1 j? e table. I | The statute laws of any foriety or (late are mil • table, agreeable to the will of its legislature. 'I he l general law of foeiety is, that each (hould do for * others whatever their neceflities require, and they are capable of doing, without neglecting what y,,, they owe to themselves; a law which all men ought to observe in. wider to Ifve agreeably to their nature, j and in conformity to the views of our creator ; a law that our own fafety, our happiness, our mod r • precious advantages ought to render sacred to eve- : ry one of us. t j, Q Siich is the duty of every citizen : But who ful- tils his duty ? ' j- The obligations that bind us as citizens, are ex ternal and internal. j- The obligation is internal, as it binds the con fciehce, ano as it comprehends the rules of our dif- ty ; it is external, as it is (jonfidered relatively '« other mcft. CO i lt is-t" be that those internal obliga *- ' ysnsTiave so little influence over the miads and ac- • tions of many of the citizens. g ' The l?.ws of foeiety ate of such importance to * 35 the fafety of all Rates, that if individuals are fuf- V t- to trample them under their feet with impa- e- nity, no person can flatter himfelf wi»h the hopes ie 0 f felf-prefervation, nor of enjoying tranquility, p/ ed whatever wife, just, and moderate conduct he may . d > purine. > > , : mt ed Whenever men tnite in foeiety, they divett them- selves of certain natural rights, agreeable to the ,m complexion and rules of the state. Each -citizen j d, fubjedts himfelf to the authority of the entire body. , he The authority as all over each member, efTentially belongs to the body politic ; but the ejtercife of , be that authority may be placed in different hands, be according as the foeiety (hall ordain. . 'at The end of civil foeiety is procuring for the ci >m tizens whatever their nereffities require, the con- . to veniences and accommodations of life, and in ge. IM< m " neral, whatever conttitutes happiness, with the he peaceful poiTcflion of property, a raetnod of ob ca" taining jultiee with security, and a mutual defence jat against all violence from without. q( - bf- In order to perform with propriety, the duties ' an of the office now required of y«u, it is necefTary °f that you should have a general knowledge of the ivc laws from which those duties are derived. The language of the laivs under whicb-yomare- - (r ---to afl, is reftriftive. The criminal code of all j nations confiils of prohibitions, and whatever is not prohibited by the law, meti every where con ck- cetve themselves entitled to do w'tt imjpu-.ity. Thus, Gentlemen, have I delineated to y° u in to as concise a manner as pofiible, the general, max- . I in ims which ought to be ftri&ly observed by all. to Your duty, in this particular, will be to enquire g ieo- where the laws have been violated, either by doing jng ' that which they forbid to be done, or omitting to ick. j do those things which they require to be put in ex low j ecution. These laws, in general, are called decla- half ratory and prohibitory laws. met; Delinquents under the law, are to be arretted, by ;ave j fyftematie process, originating from you. iors The oath of yaur foreman, will point 1 confefs 1 have my doubts. I had rather -!■, the patronage of Congress a while lunger; f it is the will of a majoiity to he in th- fedfrat< vernment, as an independent slate, 1 freely a .^ efee He cannot be called a goad citizeit,who , poses the will of a majority, When ; «6'nftiiuiH«ia,'jy deliberating. The harmony of the prefjnt government, as t» its internal concerns, is very gitat. Will-n }, c . on a change ? Are we not in a prof erous 'i n - »ion ? What is the criterion to judge whtii,,. a country is in a fiuufiflving Uaie or i.ot- • When the conlhtutiwi is obi<;rved, when the law} are faithfully execuved, —Ww*r«i.,ii.J culture flouiifii, the country is undoubtedly a prosperous situation. ' Is not this the cafe with our country ? Yes, in * mod fupereminent degree. Compare the lituatioi of the United States to what it was at the end of " j tjje war, and then gratitude will force. ile(Tin"s of peace of so little confquence with you ? What is the situ tion of your finances? Is your treafu j full of specie ? Have you ships at sea ready to: any a emergency? But were you in possession of all tbiefe things, you ought not to court war. Peace is the blessing of any people, and peace is the very spirit, | the essence of a republ can govern vent. From the different publications I have fcei) in the I i.ewfpHper«, with refpeil to the treaty 1. -,!yenter ed into bet ween the United States and Great Bri- I concei.e the prefentc.ifis amongthcm.il iiinportan u nee the revolution. Remember, Gentlemen, perfection is no! to he 1 cxpedlcd in human councils. If then, you fee any errors in the adminillration of government, apply for a reform in a conflitutional mam cr. Your government is tounded on a ftjiid hafis.— il Your conltitution and laws are promulgated. No lC man can violate \Jiem, without rendering hiir.fclt ob ' noxious to their penalties. To meet in difoyderly companies—to hisrn ef figies—and to commit wantcn follies, ate the c ~ | works of little minds and of children. I have always j thought the fomenters of firch'fcenes'u ifh to p\:ll ' " | down and degrade other men, that they may build for themfelveson their ruins. How many great and good men have fuffeied fcte, such unmanly cond»6l ? Cicero, n Marlborough, Columbus, and *' s }" ette, mtnguea. f " " me'now ("peak more paiticularly of bur own country ; I mean the Territory south ofOiiio. Was ever any Hate or nation in a more 'ftmirifb- C " ing situation ? The necessaries of life of all kinds, — abound here. The many thousands v.ho ave tm';- grating from the other Rates to this territory, tir.d plenty at a very moderate price. We now enjoy ll " peace from our numerous favageenemies. lm;f?'e '" S the virtues and magnanimity of your governouv.— ■" He waded through scenes of difficulties and oppo> fition, untii he arrived fafe in port. The intbouu. nities of the people here for protest ion, and at times the disorderly cotrdtiA of some of them, affeited " C him, on one hand, like a devouring Scylh- On , cn the other hand, the cppufition of Cungieli to his ' plans of offenfive operations against the predatory > Indians, involved him in a series f difficulties :b ;t by observing the constitution, and his efScij! or- S> derß, which orders sometimes to you appeared Tisrd, he has brought things to a hrppy iflue. We now enjoy peace, affluence and every ihfT >n ing that a petople can covet; yet some persons a mong us are not happy. Is it poflible, that all governments are thcoretri cal ; a mere name ? When we were involved in war, we cepVp'ained of the misfortunes of war. Weiuow enjoy peace, KS and some eourt war. '' Thus have I brought to your view some of the lie maxims of the mod approved writers on govern ment, intcrfperfed with many of my own obferva ai'f 4,r,.,,. i v,„:( a,.. » -= a . of the judges of the fugerior couit in this tcrrito- IS ry. on " As the nature and essence of government :s ar fe&ed by new ideas some people affix to woros,\iM ' will petmitme to contradict the common place iaj ing of the demagogue democrais, that magi.lratei are servants of the people. The inspired writer, St. Paul, enforces obedience to the laws. Let eve ry one of you, fays he, pay a dutiful fubjedioti to ' t0 civil government ; for magiftracv is a divine np f . X pointment. They whorefufe fubjeftton to the reg "a* ulations of civil lociety, render themselves obno?- , ious to punilhment : For civil r.;ajiftrrcy is arme ' - with terror, not against virtue, but againll vice. It is therefore the incumbent duly of citizens la 1 to f pay a-fubjeftion to the laws of civil society, not ' ° merely from a dread of punilhment, but from a principle of conscience. In my opinion, there is no more Guuhie cha on ' racier than a chief raag'ftrate, fitting in the r ia.r P ro ." as slate, executing the laws impartially, amuht a e "!'' free and grateful people. 1 I (lull now conclude, after imprefTing o-j !!1 ° ( nc * minds, with an anxious solicitude for ybur tl,en ness, that order, virtue, and harmony, in a ioeia r slate, are the duty and dignity of man, an >u> a ' ' n events, his wife 11 and fafeft c^urfe. IS. Retiy and /rtfenlmrnl of the Grand Jury of IVufo | ' injton djfiri3. jofed At the close of the terra, in which the for' raced charge was delivered, the Grand Jury ma ftrate following preferment: ifntal THE Grand Jury for the diftrift of W. ■ fills, ton, having heard with great concern, from Hie reports, and the publications in the different Irftive papers, (hat great discontent has prevails i' | parts of the United Statei of America, on a