Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 30, 1795, Image 1

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    Cfwjefte fptaifei) j&iafe
- -- -V-- -VM-» Mtrn
For Charter,
THE brig
BURTHEN about 1700 barrels of floor;
fails remarkably fall, and is how ready to receive a cargo
en board. For tprms apply to
Joseph Sims,
Bourdeaux Brandy, in pijrt»;
Bottled Claret, in cases of l, 2, and 3 dozen each;
Malaga Wine, in quarter calks;
Shelled Almonds;
Jefnits Bark, red and pale;
Cotton, in bags;
Coffee, in bags and bales ; .
Sheet Cork, 4c.- &c. -No-v. ajd- 5
Have for Sale at their STORES, on Walnut-flreet
45 Tons of Pig Lead ;
40 Pipes bed quality Teneriffe Wine f
30 Pipas of Madeira Wine, comprising eich quality,
and contained in pipes, hoglhcads, and quarte*
3 Pipes and 3 hoglheads old Port;
150 quarter calks Mountain;
50 cwt. of Sugar Candy, in boxes of 80 to 9Qlb eafh ;
3400 lbs. Jalap in powder, in 3 cases;
I 100 lbs. of Camphor, in 2 calks;
a caflcs of Copperas;
Englifti Sail Cloth, No. 117;
30 bbls. of Conne&icut Beef;
and a quantity of Mahogany.
A L S O,
JSK3bmS&- BURTHEN fsventy tons, is a good
vessel, and will be Ibid at a reasonable rate, and on a libe
ral credit. November 27. ta,chics
For Qharter,
filst mart,
John Fleming, matter,
BURTHEN 2000 barrels of Flour, is now in cotnpleat
order to take in a cargo. For termsappiy to
• Gurney £5° Smith,
Who have for Sale,
Bourdeaux and Cqgniac Brandy ;
And a few French Burr Stones. Nov. 14. §
• — For jeremie,
(* o~~Jutc trr ~JI jJjjx jjiOTlth)
_ p—» The beautiful ricWTnt s . .
Richard & James,
Thomas A Jams, master,
BUILT of live oak and cedar, and is her firft voyage.
She intended for a ennftant trader, and is particularly
well calculated for carrying pafTengers, having raoft excel
lent accommodations, and ccsftrufled for a remarkable
fall faiter. For terms apply to the Captain on board at
Race-ftret wharf, or to
Who have on Hand,
A-large and elegant affortrprnt of Gallic* es., Mttflins,
Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. &c. Nov. 13. d
Job* Hill, matter,
Tofrlinfix~or eight days—now laying at Morton's
wharf. For freight or pillage apply to the matter on
board, or to KNOX HENDERSON.
November li. *3teqd.
TO fail in all this month. For freight or passage ap
ply to the Captain at South ttreet wharf, or
Peter Blighti.
November 23. §
Jv» £* I V E R P O O L,
ijni THE B* IC!
A B I G A I L,
Thomas Gifford, matter,
HASa greatpluT of, her cargo engaged, and will fail in
a few dlys. For freight or passage apply on board at
Wilcock's wharf, or to THOMAS NEiVMAHfiX. Rofs s
wharf— ;
Who has for Sjlr,
Coffee, Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, Old Fron
tainiac Wine in hoglheads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled
Shirts. Oft. 22. $
Arrived per the Stiew Ho/lon, fames Kirkpatrick,
Majler, froyi Liverpool,
113 Crates well-afTbrted Queen's Ware,
4006 bnfhds best ffoved fine Salt,
& to be fold at No. 1, Pine-street, by
'James Campbell.
Al'fo, a few boxes well-afibrted Irift Linen's.
Said Snow for Freight or Char
ter, either to the Weft-Indies or
Enquire as-above.
Augujl 18. f
ensel a e r,
j. Wendell, master,
and Francis's wharf; a ttrong,
new vessel, five nionths old, built of red cedar, bur
then 130 tons, supposed will carry about 1200 barrels
of flour, is of an easy. draft of water, and has excellent
—modations for pafl'engers. For terms apply to
it fold in two or three days, said vcfleL will pro
• jr the flitc of New-York.
ad. Sept. 29. §
For Charleston, (S. C.)
J|Sij£ U 5 S E L L,
3g|g§g?2 Daniel Reed, matter,
WILL poQtively fail onThurfday next, and take freight on
moderate terms; for which, or paflage, apply to the
Captain on board, at Walnut-street wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony & Son.
November iS ..
For Kingflon, (Jamaica)
-[Ta foil in ten clayi]
i|||[!|X c a mil l a;
Oeorge Irwin, master,
For paifage only, applyt'o the matter on board, vt Bfn
rofe's wiarf, or to
Philips, Cramond 13 Co.
November 28. §
ip° The (hip Sedgley, • (tp fajl in a f«w days for
London) has removed to Hamilton's wharf, whifre she
is taking goods on board on freight.
150 Heglheads Virginia Tobacco;
1500 Bufnels do. Barley;
4500 do. do. Indian Corn;
2000 do. do. Wheat;
iqooo lbs. do. Bacon.
November 26. m&t6t.
For SALE, by the Subfcrtbers,
< Th: folbrwirtg artichi 11/ tic lajl mdiji talim frtm Ctiiw.
160 <Jjfirtpr Chests Hyson Tea,
120 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea,
4«o Boxes China, containing Tea Sftts,
4JOO Pieces Nankeens.
Willings ssf Francis.
Sepjember 14. '3 taw
159 Babels, I Coffee, above 600,0001b.
224 Bags, 3
115 HqgQjeids of choice Jamaica Sugar.
211 Bales of St. Doniingo Cotton,
WillTre landed Monday m«rning, 26th inft. at South
ftreet wharf,
Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ;
Brig Polly, and Scheoner Industry, from Jeremie,
* Peter Blight.
October 22. §
AT HISHQSIEKTf- sr^p t -
No. 48, Chefnut-Jtreet, '
BEGS leave to infojm his Friends, an J the Public in :
general, that he haVjuftJceceivpd a Imall quantity of the^
c ' Best Fleecy Ijojiery Stockings,
t which he reewnmpnds to those Gcn'iemeji who use
of that article to make a speedy application for, owing to
the demand there now is. Where they will Alio meet
with a moll elegant a (fort men t of
>, Every description of Hosiery.
November 19. eod6t.
To-Morrow Morning will be Landed,
At Stamper s wharf, from on board the
fchatner Eliza, T. Arnold, rrtafler,
direct from Malaga,
800 Quarter Barrels frelh BLOOM RAISINS
300 Boxes do. do. do.
s 300 Jars. do. do. do.
0 400 Boxes do. MuscateL do.
115 Quarter Barrels FIGS
137 Boxes PRUNES
50 Jars GRAPES
94 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS
100 Quarter Calks MOUNTAIN WINE
jth November. dif
Has just received by the late arrivals from England, and
is now opening at his STORE,
N°- 134,
Market-Jlreet, corner of Fourth,
A Large aflbrtment of broad and narrow Cloths ; Elas
tic do. K«rfeymeres; Coatings; Blankets; Flan
nels, &c. fcc.—Alfo, an elegant assortment of London
, andMancheftcr printed Callicoes of the newetl patterns,
t adapted for the season, printed.Cotton Handkerchiefs and
s Pullicats, Pins, &c. which he w;ill fell by the Picce or
Package on the lowed terms for Calh or approved notes
'at 2, 4, & 6 months.
November 5. dtf.
OFall sizes, from 32 lb to Grape,
Cambooles, Pots, and other callings executed at the
, Ihorteft notice,
Nail rods, from rod to spike,
Hoop Iron, of all sizes, forcafcs or cutting into nails, from
a brad «V 12d niils,
Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to ioolb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James River Tobacco,
Carolina Pork.
H»rri»gsin barrels,
Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls.
Rye flour See. to be fold by
r Leni Hollingjwortb & Son.
Jugu/l 4
The highest price in Cafli, will be given for
A. preference will be giyen to Claret Bottle?. —Apply to
No, 187, south Third-street.
A6ri( IC. I
, —— "
Jaraes Tiffin,
No, 70, south Second street, near the City Tavern,
s TTAS just received by the late arrivals from London
t XT and Bristol, a large and elegant assortment of Ladies
and Gontlemens falflionable HATS.—«■ Also, a variety of
yhildrens HATS of different colo&rs, which will be fold
- on the lowed terms for calh.
N. B. Ladies Hats trim*l in the newest falhion from
London. Odl. 12- , §
John Miller, jun. & Co.
No. 8, Chefnut -/hrel, T!
hi addition to the;.- affertmen; nov/ rtxaived, have on hand
. remaining of the W
Cargoes of the Three Brothers & Ardhufafrom India,
An(j for sale Uy the package only,
A variety of Bengal and Coa/i Goods, viz.
Low priced Coffaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muslins
Long let in do.
Pjtr.a h iiiefs Humhuois
-'hrzrmip (jit',...
j'.'rouials cumbucks .
>tS >fc handkerchief in Mwflin
i'mall bales neatly a,f- T« fiat its
sorted.' Bl»c checks
Al/o--« variety of French Goods, viz.
Looking glafl& Feathers and Flowers - __
Angola gloves Paper hangjpgs
Linaus and Linau haadkerthiefi, fuitabie for (be p
Weft-India market. -E
A few elegant Time Pieces. Oft. 9th. § fin
' ! Fr
Imported in tht jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and
Madrafs, a variety of . V
Gnarrahs, i m
Coffies, /
Handkerchiefs, —
To be Sold by the Package, for approved note 9 at
three and four months, by
No. 4a Dock Street, or
John Mille;, jun. an/Hhia brother Alci-jn4«r J. .vhller,
have eifercd into partnerfliip, tinder the Firm of
John Miller, jun. Co.
They have received by the arrivals from Europe, aid art noiv
opening for SALE,
At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet,
A capital ajfortment of DRT GOODS,
Suitable to the season—.amongst which are, Jt
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings, ,
Bsavcretts and elastics,
Rose and point Blankets, .
A variety of coarse Woollens,
Manchester minufaAurcs,
Irish Linens,
ludi# Gdods, generally,
French Goods.
All of -vyliich they will difpofa of for ca(h or the usual
credit. October 9. §
Irifb Linens.
James & Henry Fisher, -
No. 8, V/afiiyt'Jlrcif-y
~ -Have imported by the &efcec<*a, from Dublin-, a large
■ "— affartment of
7-8 and 4-4 ~wT3>»-ti naa j |
t 7-8 Lfo<rn tfa. ~~~~
4-4 half white Sheetings, 1
9-8 brown and white do. ...
3-4 brow't( aijU wlu'-e Lawns,
7-i- Dowlas";
Which they will oijfofe of on reafonahle terms, by the A
package, for cafc or approved Jlotcs, at 60 and 90 days. H
N. B. The above Goods being imm 'diately from the
Manufactories, it is presumed they will be found worthy
of notice. Oil. 26. J
: j , ei
S7E#B£!?S's w
Philadelphia Directory.
THK copy right of the Philadelphia Direiftory is fecu
redt'o the fnbfcrilicr, only, by the late legal pro- ,-
paietor Mr. Hardie—therefore, any attempt of Edmund
Hogtn to re-publilh this work, tho' under a Difgoife Title,
fubje&shimto the penalty of the law, and the censure of Q
all stood citizens.
Hog.m was paid by the fubferiber to furnifh new infor- i
mation frefpeiling changes of residence, &c. this makes
his cond*& more Blameable than it otherwise might be
view'd, by T. STEPHENS.
N. B My Direitory is nearly printed; it {hall be- de
livered to th* Public, corredt; no money will be received r
'till the Work is delivered; nor ihail the fubferibers be li
able to rhe purchase again# inclination.
November IJ. eod6t.
Mr; Walter Robertfon cj
BF.G3 leave To acquaint the Gentlemen, lubTcrlbers to g
the print Portrait of George Walhington, President o:
of the United States of America, engraved by Mr. Field,
from an original pi&nre painted by W. Robertfon, that t j
the Proofe are ready for delivery to the several fubftrib
ersat John J'amet Barralat's, No, 19 north Ninth-street; ; t
er at J. Grmrod's, bookfejler, No. 41, Chefßut-ftreet, g
where the fubferibers are requested to fend their address.
Qdtober 17 eod.
ALL'ptrfons indebted to the Estate ps WILLIAM
VSOOD WILKINS, Esq. dtfeeajed, are _requested
to make payment, to
NntiUiun, Uciu-Jtffej, ( ,
JOS. BRINGHURST, jun. ( rs-
No. 19, Union~flreet l J
PhlUdelphia, Nov. 1.9. eodtm.
A small Catalogue ©fLaw Bdoks belonging to the above
Estate, for sale. at low prices—apply to Charles B. Brown,
No. 117, fauth Secoud-ftreet. tl
- a
No. 60 South Second Street.
THE wbdtjate Mrfd Retail Store for books, stationary,
an/Fa(icy article.';.
For the greater convenience of conducing his buftnefs extenftvely a
bps retrieved from No. 57, to Ns. 60 South Second Street, on the r
iveft fde —7vhere be has received by the laji arrivals, an extenftve
cofleflton of ufefri Baols, and the beji Stationa-ry. A[fo, a variety C
of New Muftcy'Bunbury s curious Caricatures, Prints, Oil Paint
ings, Drawing Books, IS'c. ifc. all ivbhb be luili fell, as vfual, c
for a f/nall p> oft. . I
T. S. embraces this opportunity to acknowledge the liberal en- <
' couragemerit be has always experiencedfrom the citizens of Pbila- 1
delphia—returns bis -mtflpneere thanks, and pledges bimfelf to use 1
conflant exertions to merit continual favor, and to have bisfore the t
to lace for elegant a/id yfefnl literature. 1
June 47. F 1
ANY Ladies and Gentlemen, who are Aefirous of hav
ing their taken, may have them done by
applying to the Painter, at No. j 12jcorner of Union and
Fourth streets, where they can be referred to specimens.
Oilober ay. cod
Jamaica Rum.
Tke Cargo of the brij; Peace, Capalin Gray, from the
north fide of Jamaica,
Will be landtd to-morrow morning at Soutbjlrcct wharf
High Proof RUM,
Peter Blight.
November 9. §
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
On reafanahU terms of credit,
6 Bales of low-priced EUx and Tovr Oznaburgs,
6 of Efiglifh Sail Canvafi of the following num
bers, viz". No. 4, 5, 6-
Willings £sf Francis,
November ir. jtaw. Penn-fireet.
The pjrtpcrfliij) of SAM. & THO. SHAW
BEING diifol*ed -in Augnft bul, by mutual consent,
all thole indcbud, wbofs accounts are due, are de
sired to make foeedy payment at their Store, corner of
Front and Arch-Hreet. The buSnefs is now carried on
at the fame place, by
Who has for fate, on reasonable tfrms, for calb, or the
usual credit,
A general assortment of Merchandize,
Imported by the last veiTels frem London, Bristol, ami Li
verpool, fuitablefor the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine and Press to be fold by Sam. Shaw
; O&ober 23. 2aw3?t'&iaw do.
Fresh TEAS,
Of sup trior quality, viz.
Imperial, or Gunpowder
Hyson Gomee,
1 ft qu&Hty Hyfoc,
2d. do. uO.
» Young Hyion,
Hyion Skin, »nd
A few . 3axes of each, for file at
No. 19, Thifd Street, South.
December 10. eod.
Philadelphia, 25th November, 1795.
ALL Persons desirous to contract for the supply of
Rations for Troops in Philadelphia, Fort Mifflin,
on Mud-lfland, Lancaster, or CarliOe, or every of those
places, during the year 1796, are requested to fend in
their Proposals, sealed, to my Office, on or before the
*6thof December the next mon th.
The component parts of the Rations, are
One pound of Bread, or Flour;
One pound of Beef, or f of a pound of Pork ;
Half a gill of Rum, Brandy, or Whiskey.
One quatt of Salt, ")
Two For hundred Rations
One pound of Candles, )
f&slm TENCH FRANCIS, Purveyor,
BEGS to inform hU friends and the gentlemen of the
bar generally through the United States, that bis
Nat the fathe moderate prices aVh Ivc ToHWoSI
past so universally rrcortrr>ended them. As
various to detail by public advertisement,
A are printed, and will be delivered on appli-
B from any distance, for a single book or an
entire library, will tie received with thanks, and meet
with tlie most prompt attention.
High-street, No. 313, Nov, 17. 6wtaw
Bankrupt Office.
] ""pHE CREDITORS of EANKRUPTS, whose accounts
A. have been legally proved, may receive their divi
> dends by applying at this Office, every day from 9to n
o'clock a. m. Sundays excepted.
By order of the Commijftoners,
Philad. Ftme-Jlreet, No. 92,
November 17, 1795-. 3tawi«.
■ Delaware Bridge.
THE President and Managers of tke Company for e
re&ing a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo
rough ofEafton,
Give this Public Notice,
That tbey will, until the firft day of February next, re.
ceive propofaU of fuitablc plant or-medeb idr laid
' Bridge; as also for the erection thereof, and the delivery
t of materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the
' laafi 600 feet, and must not be cfcnpofed of more than
' three archei.
" Any per&n inclined to engage in the above undertake
' >ug, w 'll please to dire& their plans and propatili to the
> Scsretary of the Company at Eafton.
By order of the President and Manager!,
JOHN ARNDT, Secretary.
i Eajlon, Pennfylvania,Nov. 12. m w & s
OFFICE, 149 Cbefnut-Jlrect, between Fourth £?* Fifth
e "VX/"ARRANTED UNDRAWN Tickets for sale at tke
1, V V above Office, where is kept a correct calcul of
the real value of Tickets for public informationalfo,
_ a faithful numerical Book, open for infiftion, gratis.
Prize Tickets in the above, New-C*ftfe, or WafhingtOß
Hotel Lotteries, purchased or exchanged.
' N. B: A Share in the New-Theatre to be disposed of.
' Nwcmbcr 23.
Va To be Sold,
le ' I 'HAT handsome feat near Princeton, the property of
te X the late Re Dodlor John Witherfpeon, known by
ty the name of 7USCULUM. It confi* s of a neat well
1- .lailhed Hone House, two ltories high, with lourtoomu
it, on each floor, and a cellar under the whole. There arc
attached to it one hundred and fifty acres of Land, more
7- or less, and chiefly inclosed with good and durable stone
1- fences. Of these about eight acres are natural meadow
fie fix acres artificial sown with red clover, and from twenty
be to thirty acres woodland. O* the prcmifes there is a
valuable orchard of yotlng and thrifty apple trees, a fra
med barn and stables, two corn houses, a grain loft, and
carriage house quite new, a new stone milk houf«,' and
near it a well, and a constant spring of water. For
terms apply to Thomas V. Johnston, F.fq. or the Rev.
Samuel S. Smith, in Princeton ; or to the fubferiber at
j Tufculum.
/f •
Ann IVitherfpoon.
Tufcolum, Nov. 21. *d 4 , v