<;ity of Waftiington. | — M p SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, is n „, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. ™ k > 1 A magnificent ) 20,000 Dollar., and Albioi dwelling house, > calh 35,000 are the ci 50,000 The p 1 ditto 15,000 &ca'!- 25.00° 40,000 Being 1 ditto 15.000 & calh 1 j,ooo 30,000 exkibi 1 ditto 18,000 8c calh 10,000 20,000 audit 1 ditto 5,000 &ealh 5,000 10,000 p r j j ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 three ! Cadi P llte °t 10,000 p A 2 ditto 5-00* each, are io,oro m#rn l 0 ditto 1,000 ,0 ' 00Q J 1 'IS s *£ 18 ir 100 ditto ~.000 come io ° ?r ?4 prin, 4 °° d Z •• jo - oo ° ± 1,000 d" 1 5 0,000 15,000 dirt© 0 P» frf 33,161 Blanll Ticteii at 8 doK«r» 400/500 ThiTTottcrv will'afford an elegant specimen of the F private building' to be ereded in tfic Cuy of Washington g -Two aeautilul design. are already W(fled for the entire >ont. on two of the public squares i from these draw. V.ev in.., it is proposed to erect two centre and tour corne. of It! buildings, as soon as poffibte alter this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to. he fortunate adventuf er., in the manner described in the scheme lor t ie Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray the necessary expences of prinii..g, &c. and the furplu. will be made a part of the fund intended tor the I. I National University, to be ere£led within the O.y of th Waftiington. . . . The drawing will coiftnaeocc as soon as the tickets Dl are fold off.-: ; —The money prices will be payable I. 1 in thirty days-after it is hniihed.ar.d any prizes for which , n fortunate numbers are no* produced within twelve months 0 f after the drawing is doled are to be confidcred as given m toward, the lund for tire University, it being d.terrnin- fc cd to fettle the whole bufinefi in a year from the ending u| of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as lecu- HI yjty. VI The real fecuritie. given for the payment of the Prize v art held bvth 5 P.rcfident and two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued »t more than hilt the amount of »h- 1..- ■ •v. . • s The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment ot „ the late Commiffionew. affiftcd .h the managemen: 01 the ' Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thi» arduous talk 1 a second time on behalf of the public ; a fulTicient Mim- , p ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the ] — frisnds to a National University and the other federal ob- 1 J jcits may continue to favor the design. The fynopus of one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National InstitUtion, is already in the preft, and will be fpcechly puMifhed, together with its conflitution. At A coftipleat Plan of the whole of this Important . Inftttution, compiled from a fele&ion of the best materi als, ancient and modern, will be fubmittedto tae public whenever the fame may have gone through fach revisions as may be ncceffary to eftabiifb the perfect confidence and general approbation, so essential to its present rife and fu tare existence for the general good of America. j" sr By accounts received from the diflerent parts of tnc Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets have been sent for sale, the public are assured that the drawing will speedily commenae, and that the care and caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of the tickets, has rendered the fhart suspension indilpenlable. February 24, 1795. j n SAMUEL BLODGET. J? Aug 30 tod < f * * Ticket, may be had at the Bank ot Columbia! of James Weft & Co. Baltimore or Gideon Denifon, Savannah, of Peter Oilman, Boston; of John HopkinV Richmond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper', ferfv. A MILL for SALE. m Cc FOR Sale, on private contrail, five undivided sixths parts of that valuable merchant-mill, called Old .' Pennypack Mill, with two dwelling hou'fes, flables, coop- Vl ' er's shop, cask house, and other conve»ient building', with about 20 acres of good lahd, the greatcfl part thereof is excellent watered meadow, the rfmainper garden, orch ard, and wood land; situate ten rfSlesfrom Philadelphia, near the Wafliington Tavern, partly on the post-road lead ing to New-York, and partly on the River road; a re markably healthy country, and an excellent neighbour htod. Thi-. mill being on Pennypack creek, a heavy stream of water, with about IJ feet head atld fall, and the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a vessel carrying 1350 bushels of wheat to lay along fide, and unload into the mill with Evans's elevator in about three hours. The mill house is large and built of flOne, founded on a rock, tilt walk uncommonly thick and'ftrong, (such a piece of mason work i. rarely to be found) contains five floors, tvyo water wheals, and three pair- of the best French- burr ftcncs all running, double geared, witjithfee boulting reels and T cloths of th: firft quality, rolling fcrsen, cylinder, and gj fins for cleining wheat in the best manner, and palling it u, afterwards by an elevator'into a hanging garner; also, ; t conveyers, elevators, and hopper boy, all in complcat or der. There are two large frame buildings adjoining the p mill, which are convenient for ftoricg flour, shorts, casks, \ &c. A corn-kiln is erected within the building, with boulting, reel cloth, and other ncceffary fixtures f»r manu fadturing large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The stream ot water is £0 constant that upwards of 60/300 built els of wheat have frequently been manufactured at this 1 mill, annually. The tumbling dam was built of flone and frame years ago, but the late extraordinary freihes ' have made a breach therein, it cm easily be repaired alto- ! : gethcr with done,'the greateftr part of which is already at 1 hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as ? there are ftvsral good quarries of exc»llefit- ftonc on the premises, and adjacent to the creek; the contiguity of ! tins very valuable estate to Philadelphia, and the easy na- 1 yigition for shallops, With the above-mentioned great ad- ! vantages, and many others not here mentioned, mud be ' obvious, to any pcri'on' who» njay view the premise.. An indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, •villbe 1 made to the purehafer. oh paying part of tli-- money, and 1 giving fatisfaiftory security i'or th: remainder, payable 1 with iutereft in im-alments at such times as may be agreed 0:1. For further particulars enquire on -,he premises of Frances Lewis, Executrix to the elUte of Robert Lewis, ' deceased ; John Swirr, near Buffell-Town ; or Natha- : xiel Lewis, or Davjo Liwis, in Philadelphia. Auguf 31. ' N 0 . 116. Difiritl of Pehnfylvania, to wit: r > [3 Eit rtmembered, that on ttle ninth c'ay ' •"siALI ' of November, in the twentieth year of : L J the Independence of -the United States of A- 1 '— J ir.erica, Samuel Harrifon Smith, of the said Diflrift, hath deposited in this Office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit: " A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's UeCjtnation," in conformity to the Ail of the Ccngrefs ol* the Uni ted States, intituled, " An atTk for the encouragement of learning, by feciKingthe copies of maps and charts and books to the authors and proprietors o* such co pies, during the times therein mentioned." SAM. CALDWELL, (V.erk gf tb- Nov. 11. (la-vjao) DJlria of The Panorama. MR. SAVAGE refpedfolly informs the: Ladies and Gentlemen of Philadelphia that FA- j is now opened in High-street. between loth streets. The Subjed is a view of the dues of and Westminster, comprehending the three tr ' a S- ' , w hei wark, Surrey, and St. George's Fields in the Borougl., with every other objed which appears from the top of the Albion mills, at the end of Blackfriars Bridge.opp. H the city of London, from whence th.s view was taken, such The painting contains nearly 3,000 square feet ofcanvas Cha Beingina circle gives every objed Ks proper Bearing, and ne s s exhibits it in its.true point of compass, appearing as large sups and in-very refpecl the fame as the reality. fone Price of admifiioa half a dolhu Tickets for th, Sealon 0 three dollars. „ , . Panorama open every day from ten o dock in the "/PpRINT of the PRESIDENT of the U. S. fire 18 inches by 14 ; only a few clioics irapreflions Wt : the cier companion is a print of Dr. Franklin. A variety of choice I prints may be Jiad as the Panorama. «n August 31- — asa American Land/capes. riat PROPOSALS 5 F3R PUBLISHING IN AQUATINIA Twenty-B OUR VIE W S, SELECTED from the raoft striking and mterefting Ma Profpeds in the United States ; each at which I Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account , of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities T J By G. I- PARKYNS, to| I Author of tht " MonaJTu Ptrr.tim and Ancient CaHtes m Great Britain CONDITIONS. At e I. That the work (ball be published by Subfcriptloil; and 1 that each SubEcriber shall engage to take the whole let of Views, and shall pay for each engraving, if blar.k or s brown, z Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. ma c I. That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 2,4 by 17 wa h inches, executed in squatinta, and published upon paper is of afuperiorqtfaiity. The publication to commence Im n mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub- Co fcribers, on the firft Monday of each fuccaedingmonth, 6 until the prqpofed series shall be finally complete. HI. Jhat with the last View of the series, shall bcdcli- ;n( vered an engraved title-page; an elegant charaiteriltic |w. vignette: a map of the route, cor.neded with the prol- ; * peds exhibited in the the course of the Work; atid an u Alphabstical lift of the Subscribers. - f Subfcriptioss are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print (hop, Maiden lane. New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell m > er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the ' principal Book-fellers in the United'itates. | ' February 28. £ Sale of valuable Property. al f 0 be Sold, by Public Auction, ly On Thursday, the 101 b day of December, 1 79J, At theToflttaeCoffecHoafc in New-York, at II o'clock nt in the forenoon, all the right, title, and intercft of the AMERICAN 1/tON CO MP ANT, 10 In the following valuable TRAGI Sos LAND, viz. ,n ? 1. A LL that tradTof land containing about ijoaacres, " A situate in the county of Orange, being part of the , * U " mountain lots No. 22 and 23, in the patent of Checfecock, | formerly laid out by Charles Ciinton, Esq. dcceafed, and IS purehafed by the Agent ot the American Iron Company of e " Wi liam Smith, Esq. on the Bth day of November, i 766. , This trad contains feme plough land and swamp; also ( n f Potuckeit Pond and the outfcts thereof. I . i. All that trad of land situate on the weft fide of Hud- / fon'sriver, near Buttermilk Falls; containing 1000 acres ( In this trad there is said to be a valuable mine, some good swamp and timber land. <■ 3. All those two'trads situate on the north fide of the j la ! Mohawk rivsr, being part of the Manor of Colby, pur- . Jn * chafed by the Agent of the American Iron Company in the j ' years 1765 and 1767, of Oliver Delancy.Efq. the one con- j taining 294aacires, the other 3815 acres. , 4. All that trad of land fi'.uate on the north fide of the Mohawk river, near the German Flats ; adjoining part of , Cofby's manor, and bounded on the east by Canada creek. ;'Vj This trad will be divided, and fold is the following Lots, Jid - r • ] °P" 1 ' Acres. Acres. ' f Let t containing 966 Lot 14 containing 1000 , h . % 9®7 15 1000 hia, 3 844 16 J*9 :ad 4 «o5 17 4" ra- 5 76a 18 1160 >ur- 6 805 19 1000 avy 7 97° 20 1000 and 8 1000 zi 'iooo •ing 9 1000 ai 39® into xo 1000 23 75° the 11 1000 24 930 Oek, 13 1000 45 e of 13 iooo tvyo The trad en No. 4is chiefly beach, maple, bass and elm. ones The purchase money to be paid by the following inftal and ncr.ts, viz. one-fourth on the day of faU. one-fourth ®n the and fi r ft Tuesday jb April nest; one-fourth en the firft Tuesday ig it inOdober, 1796; and the remainder on the firft Tuesday also, in April, 1797. when,cleeds will be given to the purchaser. t or- Plans 6f the different trads of land may oe seen by ap ; the plying to Mr. Peter Goelet, one of tha trustees, in New afks, York; or to Mr. EJ-cjrd Ed-u\irJi, in Philadelphia. with November 4. m&t. :anu ; The Forty Dollars Reward. ' T? AN away from the fubferiber, living at Mordington . an( i JV Mills, hear Frederica, id Kent county, state of Dela efiles ware > 0H 'he night of the 27th of Jnne last, a Have negro a ]' to _ man named DENN, about 27 years old, 5 feet 10 or II , a " inches high, of a yellow complexion, and might pass for a „ s mulatto. The clothes-he had on cannot, vrith exadnefs, n be defcribcd, as he made fevetal breaches of honesty, in ' « that Way, on his setting out. He is a very great sloven ' nan his dr'efs; has naturally a condemned and l'urly eounte 't a j" nance, altho' he at times affeds a finiling'orfe ; his viiage ift be ' st hin, with large black whiskers; the whites of his eyes ••ften red : It is hot recolleded whether he has any par 'rll be ticn'.ar flefh-marks, except on nj; back, where may be and k en C l ' lo ' 'ight) the fs rs®f the whip, placed by judicial vahl- authority, for house-breaking, lock-breaking, fiealing, 'reed as will before, as since I purchased him. He is pol les of °f hnt a small fharc of rcafoii or sensibility; a great ewis ef A additional charges far real'onable expences, paid by •ftid James Douglafs. of a Nov. 5. 3taw3\v. r » 111 10 be difpojed of at private fale^ ~ Pursuant to the last Will aad Testament of Casper Grass., ton, r 1 y-'. djcceafcd, 111 ; I 'WO two Hory brick MefTuages and Lots of Ground, menl i 'viz. No. ico,north Second, near Race; and No. iV.rts , - 4j nortlj Fifth, near Vine-street—both good stands for 11 co- bulin'jfs, particularly the former. For terms apply to LAWRENCE SECKEL, cr ) r 'h- CASPER GRAFF, J Executors. »j fin. Notnirhr li, 1795. law. PHIL /i T:E I. PHI A, Tristfb by JOHN FENXO, N e » 119 Cbefrvt-Strcet.— PfciCß Six Dohafs Teh Annum. George Bringhurft, COACH y HARNESS, MAKER, 1T» ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, At 5'V that he has removed frsm Areh-ftreet, to No. 13 in north Fifth-ftreet, adjoining the Burial Ground, jj| where he continues tie buuaefs ot Coach making in all its branches. He makes all kinds of crane neck and petch Carriages, c[j£; such as Coaches, Chariots, Phstons, and Coacheo, ; alfa, Chairs, Kjttereens, Gigs, Sulkeys ; and aH kinds of Ha - Lik n ef- with plated or brass mounting. He hath a good bru(ll supply of the befb materials, and a fleck of the best fui- oj , o , f0 Ordent'om any part of tho United States will bedd- g " A ,', ly attended to with the greatest punduaMty and dispatch. fcead ■ His long experience in business, his care in. the esecu- As tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to the e- make fires of his employers, he fUtters himfelf will prove fuffi- eoabl : cient recommendations. °' ' s ! He has several second-hand Carrugesfor sale, v»z. a moll cempleat Coachee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian jS blinds all round; a Phxt.n ; a Chair ; and a Sultey with the n ' 1 aS of Carriages fold on Commission, and Car- ftrec, riagas taken in to stand by the month or year. )( .jJ f Apprentices wanted to the Business. leeeo 'Philadelphia, November 11. t, t.&sjw.aawdo. D( BURR MILL STONES I Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Fadory, in the old And I wind-mill in Elmfley s ahey, t South Second-fireet, a little below Doet-Jireet, s TTTHERE thofc who apply may befupplied with A W of such quality as wiU suit their purposes. Alto, , stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris. He keeps for SALE, .... th At his dwelling No. 215 n°«h Second-street, a Uttle above j Vine ltrect, j & t Boulting Cloths, of r A complete afibrtment of both imported and American manufadured for merchant and country •fork, which he cc warrants good. r A l» S Oy A r< The Your)? MiUwright's and Miller's GUIDE. f e Containing a system of mechanics and hydrau.ics as they R at( '■ apply to water mills with the whole process ot, »nd all c . 1 la* e improvements on the art of manufadunng flour &c n intended to be ufeful to all concerned m building or using Ah ' c ! water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and t ] Robert Campbell, booksellers. , " n Sept. 2}. 3td2awtf. f New Publications. — 1 r ie JOST PUBWSHED, AND TO BE SOLD BY JT,, John M'Cu/locb, i — NO. I, NORTH THIRD-STREET, C . l. Incidents of the Infurredion in the Western parts of Per.nfylvania, in the year 1794. By Hugti H. Brae ken ridge. r t a. A concil'e History of the United States, from the f discovery of America, until the year 1795* j 3. House and Pocket Almanacs for the year 1796. J. M'Culloch has also for sale, i .. Robertfon's History of America, 3 vols, with maps < i Locke's EfTay on the Human Underftandmg, i vols An •k I Gazetteer of France, 3 vols Bd Kincaid's Geographical Grammar, with new Maps, < of ■ and Plates, exhibiting the dress «f the various nati- An >6. ons of the earth, % vols Cu ' lfo Guthrie's Geography Literary Magazine, 12 vols, with elegant plates id- A colledion of Voyages, 6 vols, with many plates « Goldtmith's Works ie °d Thomson's Works me Spedator, 8 vols. Be i Hervev's Works, 6 vols. en ut " Molheims's Ecclefiallical History, 6 vols. ao thc Doddridge's Family E.-tpofitor, 6 vols. _ ' a " Brown s Family Bible, a vols. London Edition. Pl th . Walker's Sermons, 3 volt - , , , r Goldsmith's Animated Nature, plates, 8 vols. M j? Blackltone's Commentaries, 4 vols. A )ts " Hamilton's Introdudion to Merchandi»« ' Family, School, and Pocket B;bles res Spelling Books, Grammars, other School Books, &c. 0 j xt eoast cd *""• 26 £ r Now üblifhed, II By T. STEPHENS, iVo. 60, south Second-Jireet, The curious Prophecies of =° RICHARD BROTHERS. vj 00 CONTAINING and remarkable things,*ot reveal- ct 9® ed'to any other person on earth fa 5° This work is interesting to every one. fc 30 Aug ust i 4 c; TREASURY of the UNITED STATES, h :Im. Augujl i\th, 1795. h *al" ATOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or - tkc IN may be Creditors of the United States, for any » fume of the Funded Debt, or Stock, bearing a present L I 1; mtvcjl of foe per centum per annum ■. g lfer " ift, That pursuant to an Ad of Congress, pasTed on p Z~ the third day of March, 1795. intituled, "An Ad E making further provision for the support of Public C . Credit, and for the redemption ot the Public Debt, a —— there will be reimbursed and redeemed, on the firft day tl of January ensuing, the rate or proportionof twofer a centum of the principal of the debt or Jiock, expi efted =tf n in the Certificates ilTued to the laid Creditors refpec- >e a " tively. 6 egro ad, The said reimbursements will be made at the - " Treasury of the United States, or at the Loan Offices neC* where the said Stock may stand credited at the close of . : ' the present year. oven 3d, The said reimbnrfementj will be made to tht mte- said Creditors in person, or to their Attormes duly r ilaee tonftituted t but the poivers of attorney which may be eyes produced mull contain an authority to receive the laid r par- reimbursement of principal, otherwise no more than the i iy be usual dividend of interejl will be paid; and although licial tht two per cent«m of principal to be redeemed, should 1 ling, not be demanded, yet the interest thereon will cease t p°l- from the said ftrft day of January next. 1 ? rea t 4t h, To prevent the great trouble and expenee which • time attend a renewal of the Certificates, in confe- e ' ■ at quence of the said reimbursement of Principal, it has P e . r " been determined that no rfr.ewal shall be made: And 11 /'. further, that the Certificates which may be ifTued dur- P'" 1 ' ing the year Gne tho»fand seven hundred and ninety &x, in confcquence us any transfers of the fjid fix per Tim cent " Stock ' notwithstanding the reimburfeKient b-ome two per centum, as aforementioned, be expressed for the refpedive sums of tne .original Capital Stock. • All persons who may negociate the t'unded fix per cent ■ 1 r " 5 tock of the United. States, hearing a present interejl, ; are therefore cautioned to.observe, that during the year Ont thousand seven hundred and ninety-fix, the value -raff or true amount of Principal unredeemed of said Debt or Stock, will be ninety-eight per centum of the sums ound, exprefTed in the Certificates [ v' o Given under my hacd* at Philadelphia, the day | s | or and year bei'orcmentioned, pursuant to di to redions of the Secretary of the Freafury, SAMUEL MEREDITH, tors. Treajurer e[ thc United Stales. Aug. 44. Ilw 'tJ' George Hunter, Cbcmi At bis laboratory; A~». 114, jaxfb§*eul)hc uu* he has begun the DRUG buflnefs again on au live jrlan. lie has (or sale a general aiToytmem of F R E S H DRUG S, CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS, «,d PATENT ClNliS. ' UI " Likewise, painters'colours, dry and ground In oil, „ (ll | brushes, window a'od coach gtals, dye (fog's, linfeect ■ oil ot turpi mine, copal oil varitilh and japa*, warr.-tt'l good. Allum, copperas, madder, ground rcdw»odtv, ihc - . bead or smaller quantity; " As be imports the fiutplo from lite oefl market • 1 makes the compolitions >ud preparations himfetf he « " enabled to vouch tor ami warrant evetj article h,)d „ ut of his Laboratory, and likewise ta dtfpufe of them it t.S ■ l molt rcafonable 1 ates. 1 G3" He withes to fell a laige LOT of GROIi'ND i the north-east coiner of H«h atltl Eleventh fiicets.conia.i.! iog 78 feet front on Higli-Hieet, and «... fcrt on Eleventh . (beet, opposite Mr. Leiper's new buildinjs—And another LOT oh ih? north fide of High ilrect, neai tt,e a;„ n ,5 feet front, and 200 feet deep. Both iois have U ie utivU legeot a 30 tcel alley in the rear. r Dec. 13. j.j IN THE PRESS, -* And speedily will be published, by BENJAMIN DAVISS At 68, Higp-Jimt, THE American Repository, for 1796; containing: A compleat Calendar for Rules for reducing the cur ,e the year. rendesift!iafey«d&itcfc Lifts of the executive, legif- Table of pounds, & c . redu lativrand judicial officers ced into dollars & cents. of the federal government Summary of the exports in n of the mir.ifters and 4 fufceffive years. e consuls to and from the Amount cf the unredeemed United States. debt, asnual revenue and A register of the land and expenditures. sea forces of do. A view of the finking fund. 7 Rates of postage, and times An ellimate of the imports ? c of receiving & closing the of the United States, Li c mails at Philadelphia. two several years. ] g A lilt of the poft-towns,with Domellic feuties or excises. the difiances of each, on Drawbacks and bounties, the main line, as well as Banks, with rules of con-" cross roads. dusting bufmefs. — —of the federal courts. Officers of the civil govern — of the supervisors of the ment of Pennfylvaaia. revenue. Eflimate of cspencss of do. The mint, and monies of the in one year. U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government eachftate. of New-York. rn A lift of the commissioners Sovereign prir.ces and rc ./j of loans. publics of Europe. A table, fhe, containing about four hundreo and sixty acres Thire are 011 said Plan.ation two dweliing Houles, one Hone ana brirk., forty leet by twenty-fi/e, two Itories high, with a large anrt ftf commodious Kitchen j tile other a good logg Houie, -— — for a tenant,* two large and convenient Barns; a 13, House; a good Meichant Mill, with between te and 13 Icci - head and (all, on a never falling ft;cam the Whiteclay creek —There are on said Plantation about 80 acres of excellent Meadow, a large proportion of which is well watered, -n r . more can conveniently be made; about tSo acres is '' r; ' e e J ent Land, cleared, the rcfidue is Wood Land. The Land, m general, i«of the firfl quality in that end ot the county, he Jon Plantation is 10 miles from Newport, n from the Head 01 Aa Elk, 6 from New-London Cross Roads, and j from ISe.v- Jblic Garden Meeting House, on the nearell road from Lancaltcr, bt," and on the dneft one from Peach Bottom Ferry to NeWpo t, dav lhe fixation ef the Mill is suitable forciiherthe Elk or 0 dl'town tiade, which renders it an important " and - • /J A person deftrous of purchasing will, upon applying, to M - r BEN I AMIN CHAMBERS, within one mile of tl>c place, r P ffC - be fbewed the fame, and know the terms of sale from the th£ fubferiber hereof, in Lancaster EVANS. ffices November lq, 1795. fe of Andover Iron Works > the ij-q be SOLD, OR LET ON LEASE. duly rr-'HEY are situate in the couutiee of Sulfcx and Morris, ay be I in the State of New-Jersey : The ore lies wrthin a ; said mile of the Furnace, is esteemed of the Crft qua itjr 0 • j nthe in America, and particularly' adapted for 3 rSSKi" be'^d "' rt £-£5 Benj.tmiii Chew, or JohnLardner, Phdadelpbta. And oa " 14 — -7- 1 dur " \LL persons indebted to the Estate of SAMUEL inet y A FRAaNCEsr bte of this ctfy, x per ceased, are delired to make payment to the fu* :m i n \ and all those who have any demands aga«A • _ Jtock Estate ' are requsfted to bring mthetr accounts prop rent. a " e sAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, terejl, Pine-street, No. Oaober iS, iroe. Debt aLL perfoas indebted to the Estate of are : sums A H. GIBBONS, late of 'J£S»r . requested to maltc payment; »nd thol then he day demands against said Estate, are desired to UM t, to di- accounts duly attetUd.for to S7' A,t.™ =v „ M tale 1. to the said decc.a 'ed's Estate. ft J1 Arch-ftrect, No. IQ7i Nov. 4- —