Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 28, 1795, Image 2

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    lawbooks. - S
BEGS to inform hit friends and the gentlemen «f the
bar generally through the United States, that his ,on
cxtenGve fall importation is now arranged, and ready beti
for sale at the fame moderate prices as have tor several C an
years last past so universally recommended them. A< a( ]j t
the lift is too various to detail by public advertisement, j n t
Catalogues are printed, and will be delivered on appli
cation. t u.
Orders from any distance, for a Angle book or an -
entire library, will be received with thanks, and meet teei
vith the most prompt attention. efta
High-street, No. 313, Nov, 17. 6wtaw t wc
■■ -— Bri
Lc Breton,
fjhil of the celebrMei Mr. Dubiis, lot: '' tie King ana llv(
Royal Family ./From,,, memi-r of tb, CiUegc and Aca-
demy of Surj&ns at Paris* »
Keeps a complete aifortment of every thing neeeffary t»
be used for-the 'P e
Vrefervatbn of the Mouth and Teeth, the
Vatent mineral Teeth, and human and ivory Teath ; Den- to
tnfice in powder; Opiate; excellent Elixir tor cit
the mouth, and preferring the teeth. He also furniihes r j e
Braflics and foft Sponges. fht
rt* He lives ra Chefnuvftreet, No. 135, above Fourth
ftreet. Sift. 19. eod. th(
Mr. Walter Robertfon /«
BEGS leave to acquaint the Gentlemen, fubferibers to rit
the prinr Portrait of George Washington. Prefidsnt pa
of the United States of America, engraved by Mr. Fitld, Ra
from an original pidure painted by W. Robertfon, that
the Proofs are ready for deliv.ry to the several fubfenb
ers at John James Barralet's, No. r 9 north Ninth-street; P"
er'at J Ormrod't, bookseller. No. 41, Chjfnut-ftreet, trt
where the fufefcribers are requested to fend their address. an
o&ober'i7 eod " or
ALL perfbns indebted to the Eftare of WILLIAM
WOOD WILKINS, Esq. deceased, ir« requested W1
to make payment, to on
Nnotorw, Xrw-Jerfiy, ( Adm'rs. CO
No 39, J
Philadelphia, Nov. 19. eodtm.
A small Catalogue of Law Books beUn ging to the above be
Estate, for sale. at low prices—apply to Caarles B. Brown,
No. 117, south 6econd-Ilreet. aR
Philadelphia Dire&ory.
THE copy right of the Philadelphia DireSory is fecu- li e
red to the fubferiher, only, by th? late legal pro- „f
piietor Mr. Hardie—therefore, any attempt of EJmuni (j
--->>o, to re-pnbliih this work, tho' under a Difgnife Title,
f jbje&s him to the penalty of the law, and the censure of ra
all food citizens. P-
Hogan was paid by the fubferiher to fnrniih new infor- u
maticn refpe&ing changcs of residence, frc. thii mates rl
h ; t condnoi more blameable than it •therwifc might be
view'd, by T. STEPHENS. "
N. B My Directory is nrarly printed; it Ihall be de
livered to the Pub'ue, correct ;no money will be received tc
'till the work is delivered; nor shall the fubfcribais b* li- tr
able to the purchase agaiaS inclination. o;
Noye~b-r 15. eoa6t.
Mo. 60 South Second Street.
J-J-'HE HTulefale ami Retail Sim fir loons, stationary,
X MUSIC, raiNTS, piL paintings, drawing books, e j
and Fancy articles.
I Tor tie greater emmniMt of eondußing bis bufmrfs rxtemfntl?, t:
• v removedfrom lie. J7, to No. 60 South Second Street,on tb: b
vxflftb —Tt/b.-r- be bas recced by the lafl arrival>, w extenfme 0
co'.'.tßion ofuffil BkL, and the btji StatUna-ry. Also, a variety nts
■tf Sew MufiCy BuiJmryi curious Caricature;, Prints, Oil Paint
ing, Draining Booh, iSV. We. all wbi;b be will fell, ac Ifoal,
for a small prof.t. * 1
T. S. embraces this of port-nit} to aduxncleJge the libera! en- t
couragement be bas alivays experienced from the c.tizens of Pbila- c
Jdpjia—returns bis Kiftfuscer e thank, and fledges bwfeif to vfe f
conlasit exertions to merit continual favor, asui ic have lAsjlore the .
tlati for elegant aad ufcfnl literature.
fune 1-. F C
' — e
THE Members of St. Andrew's Society are requeued r
to attend their Anniversary Merting on Monday, the 30th
inft. at O'Ellers Hotel, at I o'clock, P. M.
The Officers of the Socicty will please give th ir atten- f
dancc at one—Dinner to be oil Table eiaSly at three. t
It is particularly requested that such Gentlemen as in- j
tend to celebrate this • nniverfary will fenJ for Tickets of j
aJmifiion to either of the foliowiug members.
Jaws Craig, Esq. north Front-street, No. 161
Richard Lake, Esq. Vine-street, - 88
Mr. James Henderfan, north Front-areet, 46 <
Mr. fhomas Leiper, north Water-street, 9 t
, Mr. GaveaHamilton, jun. south 2d-(lreet 13
Mr. Robert Henderfon, Chefhnt-fireet 10
Mr. John Shields, Caefnut-flreet 2i
William A. Tod,Efq. Walnat-llreet >5 <
Dr. Anilrew Spence. foath Sccsnd-ftrect 120 1
By Order of th» Society, j
RICHARP LAKE, Sccrclury. (
NOV.-14. dtTu. ,
OFFICE 9 149 Cbtfrttit~Jirest, between Fourth & Fifth
"STWARRANTED UNDRAWN Tickets for sale at the
W ahovc Office, where is kept ?. corre-it calcdl of j
the rsal value of Tickets fcr public information —aifo,
a faithful numerical Book, open for infpeciion, graiis.
Prize Tickets in the above, Nevr-C a {lie, or Washington
Hotel Lotteries, purchased or exchange d.
K. R A Share in the New-Theatre to be oifpofed of.
K<.vmher 2J. §
A Limner from Paris refpectfuliy intcrmi the public,
that ke paints Likenefles in Miniature, iu such
ftrikirg and ?. manner, ts vili, he hopes, fitisfy
tbofe who may employ him. His LikeneUcs arc war
ranted, his fittings Ihort, and irs term c e3fy.
Hi? Room is at No. 2,north fifth-ftre?!.
November it.
P. S. As he shortly intends returning to France, he
invites f«ch J .adit's and Grfitlemen as may be ticfirous of
having their Portraits <iraWn, to take advantage of ths
prefect time.
|amf.s M'Alpi-n,
T A r L 0 R,
N°. .3 South Fourth Street, *
RETURNS hi* t» bit Friends and the
PuiV ■ fnr i'otir liberal encouragement, a W begs LaistcfoiicJl
a C¥t t 'fnuance of their favors...
Al bis Sbop gemtlans* cs\y be furnijbed iv'ilm tlx heft materials,
andbrue them made yp and fnijbed in the most fcfbionabU mai.ser.
Me itrul tSar.ifuHy resell any order* aad pay a prompt end
pvr.tiu&i attention to them. Oci. 15 2a w
tNTr. i-Si&cS;
11 ! « fffec'ed bv lowering the American alien 2.
to SwS todai/. by raising iMc «on,
of Great-Britain to the American ft.ndard. ihe l»»!
fo'-.ier might hate been inconvenient to our rev - du
nct especially finer, if it was not genera., it w»uld hke*
, have form-d in, refpeft to foreign -atioo. an un- dud
• hleaf3Ct dilcriminat'.on in our laws. • . , ,
> T:ie American tonnage duty therefore was let u
s to operate, and by the 1 5 th articlc it u agreed that £
s the British government Ihall tefeivea ngnt to raise orde
the tonnage duty on our vefTvls entering their ports «onf
- !n Europe 2, so as to ™ke it egual to the in o
1 doty payable by their vcffels entering our ports ; ft-p
- and in order to balance the difference of dtie. on fi.te
e oeods imported into our ports by AmericanV by in i
iiritilh vefT«ls, the effect whereof is the (ame as the
1 that which proceeds from an alien tonnage duty : »**
- The article further agtees, that the Brmlh govern
s cent mail refetve a right to impose such duty as crip
t may be adequate to effete thifrcnd. The preceding nat
- clause of this article stipulates, that the vcffeUand con
f cargoes of each (hall pay no higher, or other du- tion
v tics, than those imposed on the lik? vefTels and car- tn t
■„ crocs of all other nstions ; it was therefore neceffa- o; n
ry to refeive a right to increase againit us, tueir lar ;
e alien tonnage duty,'and to impose the counter- Ire
s vailing duty in quellion, as without such Bn
it tion, the fame could not have been done, ui'.lefs by cha
y laws equally operating againit all other nations— ta6t
,*. which would have been nnjuft in reference to .uch the
i- of them as might not like us, have difcnminated rati
0 in their duties between their own and foreign vef- lam
fels. , . B "
. T\m methods have been fuggefled, by which A
nl this countervailing power might be executed. teig
e One by imposing pro rata duty on the importa- fpc<
~ tion of goods into the British ports in Europe by finr
ie American vefTels, equal to the difference between vefl
U the duties payable in our ports on the importation cxc
i. of goods by American or Biililh vefTels. reft
ie The other by imposing the identical duty on the am;
le exportation of goods from the British ports atic
e rope, by American vefTels. which forms the"differ
ii- ence between the duties payable cr the importation gat
>y of the fame goods into our ports by American or ext
British vefTels. _
:s, As the articles imported by our vefTels into the wii
a- British ports in Eur6pe are dissimilar fiom those
ell imported from the fame into our ports, one rule of tra
c- diffe«nce \»ould not effeCt the equalization fought dul
de for ; and as our difference of duties is not the fame tha
lea on all articles, being.higher on some than on others, the
n i and as moreover the quantities and amount of dif- of
U' j ferer.t articles differ widely and are liable to conti- or
he j nual pioportional variations, no uniform average exl
a- ' rule of countervailing these differences can be de- art
;r- : vised ; the coned execution therefore of this povr- coi
•of jer in the method firft fuggefled is impracticable and it
In it ispufumed, must be discarded. rcf
ef The power then, it would seem, can only be am
eir equitably executed by imposing on the articles tie
T S - which wc (hall export in American vefTels from thi
ler the British ports in Europe a duty identically the ob
)u- fame as that which conilitutes in any ease the dif- all
ftrence of duty, payable in our ports, on the fame in
Jt- articles imported from the British ports in Europe, na
on by a British or American vessel—Thus they may clt
ac- impose on tea and other asiatic goods, as well as on lat
or- th« European goods, which we (hall export from gr
jail the British ports in Europe, the identical duty or or
ind the feme sum which conflitutes the difference of co
na- duties payable in our ports on the importation from fa
thence of the fame articles by an American or a th
ta- British vessel. di
rri- The right to countervail our alien tonnfcge d»ty
ted by imposing an alien tonnageMuty on our vefTels p(
so- entering the British ports in Europe, equal'to that
be which shall be payable on their vefTels entering out E
los parts, will continue so long as the commercial trea- S
>rt- ty shall endure, and will apply to any future increase tl
ties of the tonnage duty on foreign vefTels that we may p;
eflablifh ; it is however fbpulated in the conclusion ti
>eo- of the fifteenth article, that we shall abflain from tl
of iocreafing the tonnage duty on British vefTels, and ai
the also fr»m increafitig the difference that now exists p
ries between the duties payable on the importation of \v
her .any articles into our ports in British or in Ameri
ties caa vefTels, until the expiration of two years after tl
the the termination of the War between France and ti
her Great Britain. But we are free to increase the one li
her or the other after tfte expiration of that period, si
ties and the' the British Government will have a right ti
lion to countervail by additional tonnage duties on our
ito- vefTels, any increase of that duty on their vefTels, ti
rto yet they will have no right to countervail any in- n
nes, crease of the difference between the duties payable j t
ner- on the importation of *ny articles into our ports, : c
"uch in Biitifn or in American vefTels, unless by a duty j t
I all common to all foreign nations-; the right rcferved 1 t
inge oivthis fubjeft being confined lo the difference that p
mia now exists will not reach such future increase.*
idee From this analysis of thei-fihar.d 15 th articles, c
the we sre the better enabled to perceive tije truth of . t
this the following proportions.
J. As for the purpose of encouraging or pro- 1
pirit te&ing the agriculture and of Great t
ight Britain, several of our productions in common with t
ther fimii«rr productions of the other nations are prohi- <
the hired, being imported into the British 1
5 are in Eutope ; we are free whenever our interest shall 1
require it, also to exclude any of the produdtions 1
ton- of the British dominions from being imported into <
paid our ports, extending such exchifions, as they do, <
vcf- to the like manufactures and produfUons of foreign
-the nations.
ton, Should that part ef the twelfth article which ,
teas has not tieen ratified, in its modification retain the
cdu- flipulation relative to the importation of coffee,
1 are sugar and the other productions of the Weft-In
s, dies, it wou'd conflitute aa exception to this pro
position. But as the Weft India productions- are
1 the dissimilar to those of our own country, they would
Bri. not fall within the reason of thefc prohibitions,
;xifls and therefore the exception would be of r.o confe
ritifli que nee.
ories * Hew ridiculous then the argument, if the lajis of
J<y an it were ether wife true, that the treaty Ij tying vpihe
:d';V Governmentfrom future'diftrimination ka: prcfir.ited
eur navigation before Great Britain ? can a refirairU
s the which ti cn!y Co operate the Jhort term cf It.o years
natu- after the termination of the prejint war bavrtbe rri'hty
This 'Jfr3 off ur if ring oar navigation ?
2. -As far the Tike rcafoni, of on pra >
tions are U.Ljed, h common with the like produ
tions of o her nations, to high, or prohibiton""
duties in the Bitifh pertrf in Europe, we 3rf f - l'
likeiilfe to impose Gmilar duties on any of the Cr ,V
dudlions or manufa&ures of the Britilh doming, 5
extending such duties, as they do, to the like p, u '
du&jons and mannfaftures of other foreign na|. ollS
3. As the navigation a& of Great Britain ia
order to extend their own (hipping has here, 0f4.r0
; confined the importation of foreign produ&it, ,s
■ into the British ports to British (hips, and to the
; (hips of the Gouutry producing the fame; th:
1 fifteenth article appears to contain an important
■ innovation on this celebrated aft ; inafmucli as,bv
; the tnoftobvious conltrucf ion of the terms, it gL-j
: us a right to impoit from our own territories into
- the Britifa ports in Europe every article and def.
i cription of goods and merchandizes, which any
r nation in their own (hips u allowed to import I*
i consequence whereof, while all other foreign ra
tions are prohibited and reltrained from impiirtin g
. in their own vessels into Great Britain any goods
. or merchandizes, except those of their own particu
r lar growth, produce or manufa&urr, we by the
. Treaty have a right to carry from our ports to the
. Britidl ports in Europe, not only goods and raer.
f chandizes of our own growth, produce or manu
- fa&ure, but also all such goods and merchandises
i the growth, produce, or manufadtireef any fores t
I nation as as nation producing or manufaduriao the
fame, would import in their vessels into Grcal-
b 4. Should it ever be politic to exclude all so.
teign vessels from importing, or cxporting^auy
- species of goods, wares, or merchandizes, r.y con.
y fining their importation, or exportation, to our own
n vessels ; we are perfeflly free to do so ; with the
n exception relative to the Wei'-India produ&ions
referred to under the firfl proportion ; thus for cx
e ample, we may prohibit the importation of >11 afi
-- atic goods, except in American bottoms.
That these articles treaty leave our navi.
II gation and commerce as free, and secures to us as
1 extensive advantages as have b«fore been procured .
by our commercial treaties with foreign nations,
e will be seen by the following comparison :
"e 1. By the articles before us, the patties ref
>f train thetnfelves from imposing any other or higher
it duties on the vessels and cargoes of each other,
le than they impefe on the vessels and cargoes of all 0-
s, ther nations ; and also from imposing a prohibition
f- of the importation or exportation of any article to
i- or from the territories of each other, which Ibailm.t
;e extend to all other natians. By the third andfounh
e- articles of our treaty with France, and by the fe
-- cond and third articles of our treaty with Prussia,
id it is llipulated that the fubjefb and citizensofthe
refpeftive parties, (hall pay in the ports, haveni,
je and places of each other, no other or greater du
es ties ofimpoftsof whatsoever nature they maybe,
m than those which the nations raoft favored (hall be
le obliged to pay ; aad moreover that they (hall enjoy
f- all the rights, liberties, privileges, and exemptions
le in trade, navigation and commerce, which the said
e, nations do, or (hall enjoy: and by the second srti
iy cle of the former, and the twenty sixth article of the
jn latter treaty, the parties agree mutually, not '«
m grant any paiticular favor in respeCt to navigation
or or commerce, which (halt not immediately become
of common to the other party, who (hall enjoy the
im fame favor, if freely granted, or 01 allowingtle
a the fame coifipenfation, if the coaceflion was con
ty The stipulations in the three tieaties are on theie
els points equivalent.
iat The second ar.d third articles of our treaty wi h
lUt Holland,and the third andfounh of our treaty wiui
ta- Sweden, likewise contain mutual stipulations, jhat
afe the fubjefls and citizens of the fevera! part es (hail
lay pay in the ports, haven*, ar.d places of their refpee
ion tive countries, no other or higher duties or impolts
am than those which the nations mod favored (hall pay
nd and that they (hall enjoy all the rights, liberties,
ifts piivileges and exemptions in trade and navigation,
of which the said nations (hall enjoy. . , .
rri- 2d. The articles before us, after (lipu.Jti g tn-t
"ter there (hall be between our territories, ai d the Ln
ind tifh dominions in Europe, a reciprocaj anJ
sue liberty of commerce, declare tkat the fame .all
od, fiibjeft always to the laws of the refpefiive ceun
*ht tries. The 'introdudory articles of our treaties
nur with France, Holland, and Sweden, after afferung
els, the intentions ot the parties to take eqJ."i ity
in- ' reciprocity as their bails, likewise leave eacn par
ble ; ty at liberty to form such regulations refpedrng
rt«, commerce and navigation as it /hall con\en.cnt
uty 1 to iifelf—and the second and third articles of our
ved ; treaty with Prussia, after (Updatingthe rights ot the
hat i parties refpe&ing the duties and impel s, and the
i freedom of their navigation and track likcw.L re
les, 1 quire their submission to theJawsand usages eU
of ! blillied in the two countries. _
j id. The articles before 11s, in their provifonsre
)i'o- lative to navigation (lipulate, as has been are J
rest observed, in common with our other «*£«"' ''
rith the (hips of the parties (hall not be lubjeft g
jhi- cr or other duties, iban those paid by othef
>rts nations. They go farther and agree to var, r th.
hall rule, so far as (hall be neeeffary to equalize th
ions nage duty imposed by the par. <2 on " , j_
into each other. Our treaty with France ist .only
do, (sni ill which we discover a iim.lar
France had a high alien tonnage duty on
- vessels transporting the merchandize of Fran
l»ich one port to another pott in k=r dc^ 1 ™ m .
1 the had a less alien, tonnage duty on
(Tee, ployed i„ a Gmilar trade :*0 uot equal.y ««
-l». 11, ,h« Of. i, p.^1.1
pro ween us and Great Britain. .-terinff oar
are tonnage daty on all foreign velle b • , u ty
buld ports, Great Britain has a less alien & uea .
ior.s, on foreign vessels entering her ports. m f)ie
3iife- iv with France we reserve a tight to cou .
manner in our treaty with Oreat urita.
fit of a right to sonntervc.i the aiicn tonna
\f,L fed by us. The Object ill both instance h«b
rated to placs the navigation oi the parlies 01
rahi of exact equality. orticles.i!' ll^
jtsr: The preceding exposition of 1 e fi6ns with
tzkly trattd bv the cctnpanfon ofthe.rp
" the w-.kgr.a of our other treaties,