NUMBER 1006.] SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 28, 1795. [VOLUME VIII. For Charter, TUB BStIG » AIR HEBE, BURTHEN about 1700 barrels of floor ; fails remarkably fall, and is now ready to receive a cargo 911 bqard. For terms apply to Joseph Sims, WHO HAS FOR SALE, Bourdeaux Brandy, in pipes; Bottled Gl*ret, in cpJ'es of I, 2, and i dosen each; Malaga Wine, in quarter cafki; Shelled Almonds; Jefnits Bark, red and pale; Cotton, in bags; Coffee, in bags and bales ; Sheet Cork, &c, &c. 23d N«v. § For Charleston, (S. C.) THE SHIP V S S E L L, Daniel Reed, maftir, WLL fail in the course of ten days, and take freight o £ moderate terms; for which, or passage, apply to th Captain on board, at Walnut-street wharf, or to 'Joseph Anthony & Son. November 18. §iot. For Charter, THE BRIG mart,; J°l> n Fleming, mailer, BURTHEN 2000 barrels of Flour, is now in compleat •rder to take in a cargo. For termsapp'y to , ' Gurney Es* Smith, 1 Who have for Sale, Bourdeaux and Cogniac Brandy ; And a few French Burr Stones. Nov. 14. § For Jeremie, (To fail in all this month) I"" 5_ 'Ilie beautiful new brig Richard & James, Thomas Adarrs, mailer, '' fiU ILT ofl ive oak and cedar, and is her firft voyage. She is intended for a constant trader, and is particularly well calculated for carrying passengers, having moll excel lent accommodations, and conflrucled for a remarkable faftfailer. For terms apply to the Cajptain on board at v Race-ftret wharf, or to RICHARD & JAMES POTTER. Who have on Hand, A large and elegant assortment of Callicoes, Muslins, Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. &c. Nov. 13. d FOR SALE, B T J O H.N C R A I G, No, 12, Dock Street, The very bejl Madeira .W 1N go quarter calks of Sherry wine, Bristol window glafsof different size», A quantity ofbeft Havannah fegaas in boxes,' A few calks as iugar, 4 boxes of yard wide Irilh linens, 4 bales of do. canvass, 5 bales ps redj white, and yellow flannels; PORI S MO U7 Ri gJirnH-EN 2600 barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's wharf, in Southwark. Philadelphia, Sept. 22. i'- For Falmouth and a Market, r*the ship EDGE L T, Job" Hodge, mailer, SHE will fail with all convenient speed. For freight erpaflfege apply, to Philips, Cramond o Co. November 9. '*■ For LIVERPOOL, THE BRIG Z ABIGAIL, .-v Thomas Gifford, mailer, I?AS a great part »f her cargo engaged, and will fail in 11 few days. For freight or passage apply on board at . W ilcoclc's wharf, or to THOMAS NEIVMAN,at Rofs s wharf— Who has for Sale, Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cafcs and hampers, Old Frnn «aiuia,c Win,e in hoglheads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled Shirts. ' OA. 22. § JuJl Arrived per the Snoiv Bojlon, "James Kirkpatrick, Majler, from Liverpool, 113 Crates well-aflbrted Queen's Ware, 4cpo bushels belt floved fine Sah, & to be fold at No. I, Pine-flreet, by "James Campbell. Also, a few boxes well-assorted Irifli Linens. N. B. P- Said Snow for Freight or Char ter, either to the Weft-Indies i>r Enquire as above. August 18. § ' FOR S A L E, uit a E N S E L A E R, ill ySr J. Wendell, maftcr, ' and Francis's wharf; a strong,' new vefiel, five months olu, built of red cedar, l>tir ihen 13c tens, supposed v ill carry about 1200 oarrt.s of floyr, id of an easy draft of water, and has excellent accommodations for passengers. I y . If r?ot two or three days, said veir. i will pro ceed _for tilt Hate of New-York. ' IPhilad. Sept. 29^ •For MADEIRA, T KE ERIG ANTIN E -«SaiissSM Captain Salteu, TO Tail in ill this month. For freight or paflage ap ply to the Captain at South street wharf, or P-eter Blight. November 23. § ~~For FREDERICKS BUR GH, THE SCHO&tIKR FAVORITE, John Hill, mailer, Twhil Hitix or eight days—now laying at Morton's wharf. For freight or passage apply to the matter on board, or to KNOX .& HENDERSON. November 26. *3teod. PHILIP NICKLIN fcf CO. Have for Sale at their STORES, on Walnut-Jlreet Wharf, 45 Tons of Pig Lead; 40 Pipes best quality Teneriffe Wine ; 30 Pipas of Madeira Wine, cemprifing each quality, and contained in pipes, .hpglhiads, and quarter . casks; 3 Pipes and 3 hoglheads old Port; 150 quarter calks Msuntain; 5x3 cwt. of Sugar Candy, ia boxes of 80 to 901b cach ; 2400 lbs. Jalap in powder, in 3 cases; 1100 lbs. of Camphor, in 2 calks; 2 calks of Copperas; Englilh Sail Cloth, No. I i 7 ; 30 bbls. of Connecticut Beef; and a quantity of Mahogany. ALSO, ' ' THL SCHOONER INDUSTRY,., BURTHEN seventy tons, ia a good be at b reasonable rate, and on alibc ral credit. November 27. t«,th&s FLEECY HOSIERY. BARTHOLOMEW CO NO LI.T, AT HIS HOSIERY STORE, No. 48, Chefnut-Jlreet, BEGS leave to inform his Friends, and the Public in general, that he has jull received a small quantity of the JBcJl Fleecy Hojtery Stockings, which he recommends to those Gentlemen who make use of that article to make a fpcedy application for, owing to the demand there no w is. Where they will also meet with a most elegant assortment of Every defer iption of Hosiery.. November 19: eod6t- Tor Morrow Morning will be Landed, At Stamper's UShaff, from on board the fchaoner Eliza, T, Arnold, maftcr, d'vect from Malaga, 800 Quarter Barrels frelh BLOOM RAISINS 300 Boxes do. ,do. do. ' 300 Jars do. do, do. 400 Boxes dc. Mnfcatel do. its Quarter Barrels FIGS X 37 Boxes PRUNES 50 Kegs ANCHOVIES 50 Jars GRAPES 94 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS xoo Quarter Casks MOUNTAIN WINE FOR SALE BY PETER KUHN. sth November. dlf GEORGE DOBSON, Has jufl. received by the late arrivals from England, and is now opening at his STORE, N°" 134, Market-Jlreet, corner of Fourth, A Large assortment of broad and narrow Cloths; Elas tic do. KerfeymeresCoatings ; Blankats; Flan nels, &c &c.—Also, an elegant assortment of London and Mancheftcr printed Callicoes of 1 the newest patterns, adapted for the season, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and j Pullicats, Pins, &c. which he will fell by the Picce or j Package on the lowed terms for Cash or approved notes | , at 2, 4, & 6 months. November j. dtf. SHOT, OFull Czes, from 32 lb to Grape, Cambooles, Pots, and ether callings executed at the fliorteft notice, Nail rods, from iod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for casks or cutting into nails, from a brad K 12d nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to ioolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, "Carolina Pork. Herrings in barrels, Ki4n-dried com meal in H-hds. and Bbls. Rye fleur &c. to be fold by Levi Hollingfuorth & Son. Augv/l 4 2JUJ The highest price in Cafli, will be given for EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be given to Claret Bottles.—Apply to No. 187, south Third-street. Atyril 10. d For SALE, A PLANTATION about twelve miles fr®m this city, in Mootgomery county, containing 70 acres; on whicH there is a new (tone Heufe, two stories high, two looms ou a floor, fiie places in each room ; ,flone Kitchen, and stone Spring.House over a never failing fpririg of water; a Barn, Stable, Shed?, Barracks. &c. a large Apple Orchard, and a variety cf other Fruit Trees ; about 12 acres of good Mea dow, and 10 of Wood Land. Poffefrton will be given the firft of April, or looner if wanted, when the purchaser will have the opportunity of buying the Stock on the Place,' and Coin in the ground. For further particulars apply at No. 37. Arch-ftreei. Nov. 17, *iaw. 3W.. for Sale, Or to be LET for a term of years, AN elegant House with about forty-two acres of Land and Meadow. The Situation is very convenient for a Country Seat, or for a perlon inclined to attend the markets. There is an excellent Kitchen Garden, Icc-houfe, and a variety of Fruit—the dldance about five miles from t],e cit). For further information apply to the Printer. November 14. aawlf. John Miller, jun. & Co. 8, Chefnut-Jlreet, I» addition to their affsrtment'now received', have oa hand remaining of the Cargecs of the Thru Brothers&Arsthufafrom India, And for sale by the package only, A variety of Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz. Low priced CofTaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muslins Long cloths. in do. Patna handkerchiefs Humhumi S]iirtl|Tg.jrriulins Baftis Blue romils Cafnbrieks Book handkerchiefs in Mvflin small bales neatly as- Taffaties sorted. Blue checks Alfo-fl variety of French Goods, viz. Looking glafles- Feathers and Flowers Angola gloves Paper hangings Linaus and Lirau handkerchiefs, fui'able 'for the Well-India market. A few elegant Time Pieces. OA. 9th. § Landing, this Day, From the Brandy vine Miller, from Bourdeaux, at Wil ling and Francis's wharf, 5 6 pipes of Cogniac Brandy. FOR SALE BY John Nixon & Co. or Philips, Cramond, Co. Novem. 18. d6t. Just received in the brig Ariel, from St. Croix, 54hhdsMufcovado Sugar, 2 500 bushels of coarse Salt, FOR SALE BY John Nixon & Co. November 18. §6t. * —— j James Tiffin, WHOLESALE fcf RETAIL HATTER, No. 70, south Sccend street, near the City Tavern, HAS just received by the late arrivals from London and Bristol, a large and elegant aff«rtment of Ladie-s and Gentlemens fafhionabls HATS.—AIfo, a variety of Qhildrens HATS of different colours, which will be fold on the lowest terms for calh. N. B, Ladies Hats trimXl in the newefl fafhion from London. OA. 12. § " FOR SALE, Imported in she Jh'ip Arclhufa, from Calcutta and Madi'afs, a variety as BENGAL GOODS; Guarrahs, Baftas, Collies, Humhurns, Handkerchiefs, Perftans, Calicoes. To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at three and four months, ty .W.ILL.IA M MAC LURE & Co. No., A 2 Dock Street, or JOHN MILLER, Jun. For JjALE, by the Subscribers, ■ In PT.V.WfiEET, The Jollonjing arti Li uj tus lajl i/rjwl tutivn from China. 160 Charter Ch.ils Hyson Tea. 110 Quarter CUc'ibs Soschong Tea, 4co Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, 450U Pieces Nankeen;. Willi y Francis. O September 14. 3taw 53? Hogfheuds,"^ 459 > Coffey above ooo 3 coolb. 224 iJajrs, j 115 Hogsheads of chojce Jamaica Sugar. 211 Bales of l St.Doatingo Cotton, Will be landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at South ftr€et wharf, Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica; Brig, Polly, ani Schooner Industry, from Jeremie, FOR SALE BV Peter Blight. O&ober 22. § ■ John Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Miller, have entered into partnerlhip, under the Firm of John Miller, jun. £5° Go. They have received by the arrivals from Europe, and are noiv opening for SALE, At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet, A capital assortment of DRT GOODS, Suitable to the feafon—amongfl which are, Broad and narrow Cloths, Plain and fancy Coatings, Bsaverttts and elastics, Rofeaud point Blankets, A variety of coarse Woollens, Manchester manufa&urcs, lrifh Linens, India Goods, generally, French Goods. All of which they will dispose of for calh ®r the usual credit. O&ober 9. § lrifh Linens. James & Henry Fisher, iVe. 8, /'Sahut-jhcit, Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a large alfortment of 7-8 and 4-4 White Linens, 7-8 brown do. 4-4 half white Sheetings, 9-8 brown and white do. 3-4 brown and white Lawns, 7-8 Dowlas ; Which they will dispose of on reasonable terms, by the package, for calh or approved Notes, at 60 and 90 days. N. li. The above Goods being- immediately from the Manufa&orics, it is prefumad they will be found worthy of notice. OA. 26. J LOTTERY OFFICE, N 9 . 64, south Second-Jlreet, CANAL Tickets* for sale, and cash or tickets given for any prizes that may be drawn. Information given refpe Philad. Vine-Jlreety No. 92, November iy, 1795. 3 tawi OT . Delaware Bridge. THE President and Managers of- the Company for e reaing a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo rough ofEafton, Give this Public Notice, That they will, until the firft day of February next re ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said Bridge; as alio for the erefiion thereof, and the delivery ef materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the least '600 feet, and mull not be composed of more than three arche?. Any perfen inclined to engage in the above undertak ing, will please to direct their plans and proposals to the Secretary of the Company at Eafton. By order of the Prudent and Managers, '' r n p r , •XT J OHN ARNDT » Secretary. ' Eafton, Pennsylvania, Nov, 14. m w FOR S A'L E', A very valuable ESTATE Called TtriTTENHAM. CrniATE in tb. townjhip of Upper Derby, and cn ,„, . O f rom Philadelphia,, and half ami - f ?Z, '"Z ?7 aCr " "/ silent Land 45 of ninth are good watered Meadow, 90 0 f # „- " lVwi Land, ond the red Arable of the firjl quality T!ere a < on the premises a good two/lory. Brick House, with 4 nems 1 a floor, and Cellars under the ■whole, with a Pump Well of eellent IVaterin front; a large frame Burr., Stables, and otter foavement buildings; a Smole-Houfe andfu,«Spring House ■ tw. good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. The Fields are all r Clover, except fhoji immediately under tillage, and are /i / / out as to have the advantage of Water in each of the J, which d renders it peculiarly csnnenient for Grazing. The filiation is pleasant and healthy, and from the bbl cul'i vat ton of the Land, the good neighborhood, cmi tb. vicinity to the ci - ty, tt » very fu,table for a Gentleman's Country Seat i* t'V P T ° f>h EJ> ?. ° f JaCot decided and offered for sale ty M ORDECAI LEWIS Ofl. 9.1J9J Surviving Executor.^