Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 27, 1795, Image 4

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    ■city of Washington.
V am
> wi
I A magnificent ) 20,000 Dolltrs, and
dwelling house, cast* *re
50,000 T j
1 ditto 15,000 iccafh »SiOoo 40,000 g t
1 ditto 15,000 4 ca(h »5,00e 30,000 cx
1 ditto >e,ooo ic ca(h 10,000 10,000 JH
1 ditto 5,000 &cash 5,000 10, coo
1 ditto 5,000 &c»fii 10,000
1 C»<h P r,ie ot 10,000
2 ditto 5,00® etch, «< iO.oco
,o diito <,000 I0,6«.1
l 0 ditto 500 10,000 -
tC 9 ditto 100 10,000
2 oS ditto 30 10,000 cc
,00 ditto 2 5 I °' ooo P r
~ioo dVio »®
,5,000 ditto 1" >s?,°®°
* *6,739 P" lc *
33,161' Bian^i
50,000 Tickets at 8 dollan 400,000
This Lottery will afford an tlcjant r P ecimen of the
private buildings to txrcrtfted in the Citv of Washington V
-Two beautiful defies arc already felt fled for the entire *-
\ont« on two of the public squares ; from thefc draw. V
mgs, it is prqpofed 10 erect two centre and lour cornet ol
buildings, as Toon as poflible after this Lottery is fold, and
■to convey them \*hen complete, 10 the adventuf.
ers, in the manner described in the fchemc tor the Hotel
Lcfltery. A nett Aeduflion of five per cent, will be made
to defiay the necessary expences of prmti'-g, &c. and
the futplus will be made a part of the fund intended for the I.
National Cniveifity, to be eleGtd within the City of
The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets
arc fold off. *—The money pnrcs will be payable I
in thirty days after it is finiftied.and anv prizes for which
fortunate numbers are noi produced wiibjn rw>lve months
after the drawing is clofeti are 10 be confidei«d as Riven
towards ihe-fumi sot the University, it being determin
ed to fettle the whole bofinefs in a year from the ending
of the drawing and, to take up the bonds jiven as feca-
The rei) feenrities given for the payment of the Prize
are held byihe President snd two Direftois of the Bank
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount
of the Lottciy.
twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commifiionef* aflifted in the management «f the
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous taflc
a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficieirt num- P
ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hdped that the
frk|ids to a National University and the other federal ob
jecn may continue to favor the design. The fynopfts of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
Institution, is already in the press, and will be fpeecHly
publilhed, together with its conftifution.
A compleat Plan of the whola of this Important
lnf\itution, compiled from a fele&ion of the befc materi- I
als, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public |
whenever the fame may have gone through fttch revinons |
as may h$ nccefTary to eftabljih the perfe<st confidcnce and
general approbation, so efTential to its present rift and fu
ture existence for the general goo'd of America.
By accounts received from the different parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets ■ I
have been sent for sale, the public are afiured that the
dipping will speedily commenae, and that tke care and
r&ptiun unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafe disposal of
the tickets, has rendered the ftior: suspension indifpenlable.
February 24, 1795. T
Aujj 30 codtf
* # * Tickets may be had at the Bank o! Columbia ;
of James WVft Sc Co. Baltimore 01
Savannah, of Peter Gilman, Boston; of c
Rtchmond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's (erl v .
A MILL for SAL E. ,
FOR Sale, on private contrail, five undivided friths '
parts of that valuable merchant-mill, called Old \
F.enrypack Mill, with two dwelling house*, liable?, coop
er's shop, cafe house, and other convenient buildings, ,
with about 10 acres of good land, the greatefl part thereof '
is excellent watered meadow, the remainper garden, orch
ard, and wood land ; situate ten miles from Philadelphia,
near the Washington Tavern, partly on the post-road Had
ing to New-York, and partly on the River road; a re
markably healthy country v and an excellent neighbour
hiod. This mill being on Pennyfiack creek, a heavy
stream of water, with about 15 feet head and fall, and
the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a vessel carrying
J3 50 bufhcls of wheat to lay along fids, apd unload into
the mill with Evans's elevator in abort three hours. The
mill house is large and built of stone, founded on a rock,
the walls uncommonly thick and flrong, (such a piece of
mason work is rarely to be found) contains five floors, two
water wheals, and pair of the best French burr Hones
all running, double geared, with three boulting reels and
cloths of the firft quality, rolling screen, cylinder, and
far.s for cleaning wh~ t in the bell manner, and palling it
conveyers, elevators, and hooper boy, all in complcat or
der: There ar« two large trame buildings adjoining the
mill, which are convenient for floring fipur, shorts, calks,
8i: A corn-kiln is elected witliia the building, with
boultin j, reel clotli, and oth r necessary fixtures for manu
faiSturing large ijuantitids'of kiln-dried corn meal. The
stream of water is so constant that upwards of 60,000 bulh
els of wheat have freqaeßily bffen nnnufailured at this
mill, annually. The tumbling dafrt Was built of &one and
frame about 30 jears ago, but the 'ate extraordinary frefhes
have made a breach therein, it can eafity be repaired alto
gether with done, the greatest part of which is already at
hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as
there are (everal good quarries of excellent stone on tb:
premises, and adjacent to the creel::; tlic contiguity of
this very valiuble cftate to Philadelphia, and the easy na-
for fh.illops, with tke above-mentioned great ad
vantages,' and Jiiany others hot here m ntioned. must be
eovious to any who may view the ptemifes.
'An indifputahfe title, clear of all incumbrances, will be
made to the purchaser o» pajing part of th muney, and
giving fttisfaAory security for tlie remainder, payable
with intereit in instalments at such times as may be atjreed
on. For further parficilar? enquire on the premises of
Frances Lewis, Executrix to the eftateof Robert Lewis,
deeeafed; John Swift, near BiiHeff-Tewn ; or Natha
niel Lewis, or David Lewis, m Philadelphia.
Augjj! T, 'i. wicf.
N 0 . 116. ~
Diflr'U7 of Ptnnfyhniii,!, to wit:
1 1 D it icii.emK, red, that on tfrd ninth day
'"seal"] of JCrvt-mbcr, .in the twentieth vear of
L J the Independence of the Unit'etJ ytjtes of A-
' merici, Samuel '1.-rriion Smith, of the said
Oijlna, hath »'epofitcd in this the title of a
hock, the light whereof he claims as Proprietor, in
the words following, to wit:
'• A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Relation,"
ia conform;'.v to tke Aft of the'Coiijrefa of [he Uni
ted Slates, intituled, " An aft for th? encouragement
of learning, Uy frcuringtne copie; of inno».and.cinrt..
and books to the authors and propr : ?t«'irs ot such to
pics, dttritig the times thetein intntionui! "
3AM. Caldwell, i;w;< „/ tfje
No v. 11. DipUt of Pa;rJjhai:ia.
The Panorama.
MR. SAVAGE rffpe&fclly informs the Ladies anl t
Gentlemen of Philadelphia that the PANORAMA
is now opened in rfigh-ftreet, between 10th and nth
streets. The SubjetS is a view of the Cities of London
and Weftminfler, comprehending the three bridges, ijouth
wark, Surrey, and St. George's Fields in the Borough,
with every other object which appears from the top of the
Albion mills, at the end of Blackfriars Bridge, opposite
the rity of London, from whence this view was taken,
The painting contains nearly 3,000 square feet of c»vas. di
Being in a circle gives every objetft its proper bearing, and cc
exhibits it in its tru; point of compass, appearing as large te
and inevery refpeel the fame as the reality. ti
Price of admiiTioa half a dolltu Tickets for tha Sealoa
three dollars. E
Panorama open every day from ten o'tlotk in the w
morning. aI
A PRINT of the PRESIDENT of the U. vS.
18 inches by 14 ; only a few choice imprefiions lett: the G
companion is a print of Dr. Franklin. A variety oi choice c<
prints may be had at the Panorama.
*wJ> 3i- — P
American Landfcapcs.
Twenty-Four VIEW S,
I Q ELECTED from the moll fliiking and mterefting
e O ProfpeAs in the United States; each ef which '•
- Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
1 of its Local, Hiilorical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
d By G. I. PARKYNS, „
.[ Author 1f the " Mcnajik Pcmaint anJ Ancitnt Cattle; in Gnat
d conditions.
e I. That the work shall he published by Subscription; and
f that each Sirbfcriber fliall engage to take the whole tet
of Views, and shall pay for each engraving, if blaci or
:s brown, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars.
r I. That the dimenlions of each engraving shall be 14 by 17 -j
h mche9, executed in aquatinta, and published upon paper
15 of a superior quality. The publication to commence im
n mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub
'* fcribers, on the firft Monday of each f-jcceeding month,
® until the proposed series lhall be finally comple^fd.
111. That with the la(l View of the series, (hall be deli
vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant charaeleriflic
vignette; a map of the route, connected with the prof
peifls exhibited in the the course o£ the \\ ork; and an
" Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print
' shop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-f:ll-
er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the
a principal Book-fellers in the United States.
le February aB. j
Sale of valuable Property. \
r l ' To be Sold, by Public Audi on,
y On Thursday, the 10th day of December, 1795,
rr At the Tontine Coffee-Honfe 1:1 New-York, at 11 o'clock j
r . 'j in the forenoon, all the right, title, and interest of the
ns j In the following valuable TRACTS of I.AND, viz.
,d ! j. A LL that trail of land containing about 2500 acres, ! ,
a fx. situate in the county of Orange, being part of the j '
mountain lots No. 25 and a' 3, in rhe patent of Cheefecock, j
formerly laid out by Charles Clinton, Esq. deeeafed, ar.d ' .
, t5 purchafedhy the A; nt oi the American Iron Company of
j^ e William Smith, Esq. on the Bth Jay of NoveW^ei, 1766. (
1( j This trad contains some plough land and fwranip; also
0 f Potuckeit Pond and the outlets thereof.
2. All that tra6t of land situate on the well fide of Had
fon'sriver, near Buttermilk Falls; containing loooacres. ,
In this trail there is said to be a valuable mine, some good
swam, and timber land.
3. AH those twq trails situate on the north fide of the ,
' Mohawk river, being part of the Manor of Colby, pur- ■
n | chafed by the Agent of the American Iron Company in the
years 1765 and 1767, of Oliver Delancy, Esq. the one eon
_ taining 4940 acres, the other 381 j acrcs.
4. All that tract of land situate on the north fide of the
Mohawk riv*, near the German Flats; adjoining part of
1 15 Colby's manor, and bounded on the eaftby Canada creek.
,1 j This trail will be divided, and fold in the following Lots,
Acres. Acres.
, o Lot t containing 966 Lot 14 containing 1000
■h- 2 W 15 1000
da, 3 844 16 529
id 4 806 17 412
r«- 5 762 IS 1160
ur- 6 805 19 1000
vv 7 970 20 loco
nd 8 1000 21 1000
ng 9 iqoo' 22 390
ito 10 1000 23 750
llc II 1000 24 930
c h> 12 loso ' 45
13 tcco
wo Tke trail «n No. 4is chiefly beach, m*p!e, bass and elm.
nes Thr purchase money to be paid by the following inilal
nents, y\z. one-fourth on the day of sale: one-fourth on the
'"d firll Tuesday in April next; one-fourth en the firft TweCday
? 't in Oilober, 1796; and the remainder on the firft Tuesday
ho> in April, 1797. when deeds willhe given to the purchaser.
or- 1 Plir. ,of the different tra&s of land may be seen by ap
the plying- to Mr. Pctrr Goclrt, one of the trustees, ie New
'> York; nr to Mr.EJzvar.'i, in Pluladelphii.
r itli November 4. m&t.
r^ c Forty Dollars Reward.
thi* D AN away from the llibfcriber, living at Morditigton
!V Mills, near Frederica, in Kent county, slate of Dela
[]lcs ware, on the night of the 27th of June last, a Have negro
j to _ man named BENN, about 27 yesrs old, 5 feet 10 or 11
.at inches high, of a yellow complexion, and might pass for a
a 5 mulatto. The clothes he had on cannot, with exadluefe,
t , be described, as he made several breaches of honesty, in
,u r that way, on his letting oat. He is a very great sloven
m ,_ in hisdrefs; has naturally a condemned and surly eounte
a(j_ nance, altho' he at times affeils a smiling one ; his visage
. [, e is thin, with large black whiskers; the whites of his eyes
often red : It is not recolle&ed whether he has any par
|]j t tiai'.ar flefh-marks, except on his hack, where maybe
and k' cn ('k®' hght) tlie fs rs ®f the whip, placed by judicial
,j,l e authority, lor house-breaking, lock-breaking, Itealing,
cel j <fkc. as well before, as fincel purchased him. He is pof
snf feffed of bur a tmall (hare of rcafoii or sensibility; a great
wis eovard, the'his looks are devilish, and at the fame time
• lA ' sneaking. As he took bis flight upward* from here, at
the commencement of harvest, it is presumed he was per
suaded by some of the free negroes is this quarter to make
— his escape with them—should he not be in Philadelphia,
he is probably between here and there.
Whoever takes up the said negro Benn, and faenres
[W him in any public goal, so that his mailer may get him
rof a ß^ n ' ® la " have the above reward ; and if brought home
additional charges for reasonable expences, paid by
"aid James Douglafs.
>f a Knv. r. 3taw3w.
m "i 0 be dijpufed of at private sale,
„ " Pursuant to the lad Will and Testament of Casper Grass,
i'- \ deeeafed,
" FWO two .lorj brick Melfuages and Lots of. Ground, '
X viz. No. 100, north Second,""near Race; and No.
• 74, north Fitth, near Vine —both good stands for
10 buiinefs, particularly the tormer. For terms apply to
r CASPER GRAFF, { Executors.
November It, 1795. laW-
Phi J, aI>KL PHJ/1, Pjunteb ev JOHN FENNO, N°* *'9 Ciefnvt.Sired—P r ,ce Six Dollars Per Annum.
BOOKS, Printed for and
Puilifted by MATH LAV CAR aY 5 .
( Price Sixteen Dollars.)
i New Syiiem of Modern Geography : *
Or, a Geographical, Hi/hrutl CommirM Gra,r.m*r ;
ami preftnt Jlate of the fncral Natiau »/ lie WorJ,
The figures, motions, and culiar to each country.
diflances of the Planets, »c- VII. Obfervauoos on .he
cording to the Newtonian fyi- changes that have been any
tun, and the lataft obfervu- whe: s oWerved upoh «>e face
tions. .f nature Cnce the mod ear
-11. A general view of the ly periods ol hiUory.
Earth, confideiedss a planet; VIII. History and angm fa(
with fweral ufeful definitions of nations; their forms ol go
and problems. vernment, resignation, laws,
111. Granddivifi»ns of the revenues, taxes, naval and f|
Globe into land and water, military strength.
continents and islands. IX. Genius, manners, cm- „
Situation and'extentof em- toms and habits of the people,
pires, kingdoms, states, pro- X. Thsir language, learn !t
vinces and colonies. ing, arts, faences, manuiac- i(
V. Their climates,air,foil, tures and commerce. ft
vegetables, produiftioos, me- XI. Chief cities, ftiuiftures L
tals, minerals, natural curio- ruins and artificial curioiities. f t
fities, fcas, rivers, bays, pro- XII. Latitude, longitude, lc
montories and I .'ikes. bearing«nddiftancesof prin-
VI. Birds and Beasts pe- cipal placesfromPhdadelphia -
I. A Geographical Isdex, with the nairics and places a pha
betically arranged. .
U. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
doljars and cents.
111. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from
the Creation to the prcfent time. .
The Agronomical part by James Fergufon, F. X. S.
Corredted by Dr. David Rjttenhohsi.
To vjbith are ad Jed,
tht late Discoveries of Dr. Herfchell, and other emiacnt _
The rIRST american EnmoN, corre<Sl-ed, improved, and
greatly enlarged. Containing the ibHowinjj A
Maps and Plates.
1 Map of the World 2.? Hindoftan R
2 Chart of tlie World 24 Africa
' 3 Europe United States
4*CountriesroundtheNoVtk 26 Britilh Dominions in A-
Pole. mcrica
5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Weft Indies
' way and Finland zß*Province of Maine
6 Ruflfia 2j*New Hampfhre
7 Scotland jo'Maffachufctts
S England an 4 Wales ji^CotHieflicut
9 Ireland 31,' Rhode Island 1
10 France 33* Vermont
11' Scat of War 34 «NewYork
12 Seven United Provinces 35*NewJcrfey /
13 Austrian, French and 36*Pennfylvania
Dutch Netherlands 3 7'Delaware {
14 Germany 38* Maryland
15 Switzerland 3Virginia
16 Poland 4 o*K.entucky
17 Spain and Portugal Carolina j
18 Italy 4 i»Teneffee government
19 Turkey in Europe 43*Sputh Carolina
20 Asia 44*Geergia 1
! 2l*Difcovcnes madeby cap- 45 Copernican fyilem
1 i tains Cooke and Clerke. 46 Armillary sphere
: i 22 China _ j
! The Maps marked with stars are added to this edition,
exctuiive of these in the lift London edition. £
The United States Regifler for 1795,
Price 50 Cents. CONTE NT 5. „
Calendar, withthe neceflary Boundaries of the United! p
tables, &c. &c. 1' States. Population n
Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers e
Lcgi Hature Statement of Exports c
Judiciary Pubiic Debt
Department of Stat# Pay, &c. of tke army j
6epa r tn>cfit of theTreafury Mint Establishment
; Commissioners of Loans Rules for reducing the cur- j
1 Officers of the Cufloms rencies of the different j
Revenue Cutters states to a par with ea«h
* Light Haufes other
Officers of the Excise Tables of the number of
* Duties and Dutiable cents and decimal parts c
Exemp s from duties in any number of (hillings e
Duties on tonnage and pence less than -i dol-
on domestic Jar in the currencies of •
Drawbacks, &c. and regu the different dates
lations to be oferved in Tables shewing the value
obtaining them dollars in the currency
General Abftra<St from the ol ditto
reveifcje laws, relating to Poft-office eftabliftiment
fche duty of masters of Lift of Post-Towns, Sc.
veff»ls, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of
See. ei" goods, and the the principal the c
officers of the customs; United States '
to the payment of duties, Eanks /j f
and the importation of Literary Inftitutic/ h
1 goods National Manufavory]
c Expenccs of Government Seflions of the (j>urts y
f for 1794 Weft em Teriijpy r
{ Department of War I
State Governments. g
New Hampshire South-Caroliu? 1
Vermont Georgia f
Massachusetts Order of tiflejn which the C
Connedicut fcveral Stitcs adopted the a
- New-York federal-'-onftitution 1
New-Jersey Table of the Sun'j rising
Pennsylvania snd feting
1 Delaware Abftraii of goods, wares
" Maryland and.nerchandize export-
0 Virginia ed fom the United.States
1 Kentucky fron the ift of October
a North-Carolina '9Q to.3oth Sept. IJQJ'/ -
'j Charlotte 9 tale of truth—by Mrs.. I of the
new Theatre, Philadelphia. Sepnd Ajn«iran edition —
n Frice 75 cents, [The rapid the firft edition of this f
- enterefting novel, in a few moAs is the best criterion ot
e its merit.]
" It may be a tale of trutj for it is not unnatural, and j
e it is a tale of real diftrefs-JFharlorte, by the ajtifiee of a
leacher, recommended to I fchooi, from humanity ra
her than a of kr integrity, or the regularity, 1
~ jf her former condus, is rwticed . from hqr governess, and 1
1 accompanies a young oijeer to America—the marriage ;
c ceremony, if not forgoten, is postponed, and Charlotte 1
t dies a martyr to the inpnftaacy of her lover and treac.h
- cry of his friend.
e . . Tue lltuation? arc 4'tlefs and affijcling-*-the defcrlption
•» natural and pathetic, jwe fliould feel for Charlotte if such a
person ever who for one error, scarcely, perhaps
'5 defcrved so feveret p'unifhment. If it is a ficlion, poetic <
- juflice is not, v e rftink, properly distributed."
e 1. The Mrs. Rowfon. Second Philadel
phia edition. i 7 1 2 cents.
' X Adventures .of Rodcric Random. 2 vols. I dollar and
5c cents, coarle paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine.
3. Notes on me itate of Virginia—by Thomas Jeffcrfon.
Pricc neatl? bound, one dollar and a half.
4. History;ot the French Revojution, from its .com
mencement to the d;atb qi the Queen and the execution
1, ' of Briffot. % dollars.
>. 5. Plowden's History of the BritHli Empire, from May
r to December 1793. j dollar and a quarter
i? 1S an interesting and valuable publication as has
appeared for many years.
6. ]kat:rie's Elements of Moral Science. 2 vols. One dol
lar and three quarters. CC3 j.
George Hunter,
At bis Laboratory, K". 114, sot'.h Sacund
h -■> H»«met cuttxmier* at>d the pu\i ,
tin has began the 12 bufincts aga.ia on aw *1
live U an.
Tie ha', for Tale a general aflortaicnt oi
ciives. "
Likewise, paintcrs'colours, dry and groutid in oil n
brushes, window and coach glafa, dye Hull*, lin ,e 0 1
Oil of iuip» nune, copal oiJ vajnitfj atid warns
Aljum. copperas, madder, giound rcdwnodbyiue ho y
head or smaller quantity.
Ashe imports 'he lunpl s from the oeft majfcci , 2U( j
makes the com portions <md pr-fejfUfrai ion*hin.l u j, t ,
enabled to vouch for and warrant ever) ait OVU
of his Laboratory, and like wife to dispose oi ihtiu „ t t ,,,
moll reasonable-rates.
fcT He wifties to fell a large LOT <if GROUKD
the norrti-eaft coraer of High and ev <«»ih-ik«eei» iC oiir di ,/
feet front on High-ftrcet, and 200 sect o n h! t v „ r ,[
ftre^i, opposite Mr. LttpVr's new build ii)g»—Ana ai lo Vh C r
LOT oa the north fidcof High firm, n?<*r the a (Vf g
sect front, and 200 fsct deep. 3oih lot* h«vc u,c
le§eot a 30 feel alley in the rear.
Dec * 13 it
Ahil fpeadily will lie publiihed, by BE? J f AMIJJ DAVir Q
At 68. ■
American Rcpolitory, for 1796;
A compleat Calendar fpr Rules for redusiug the cur
the year. rencies of the feveralfhit',
Lifts o{the executive, legif- Table o£ pounds, & c . regu
lative and judicial officers ced into dollars & cents,
of the federal government Summary of the exports, in
of the ministers and 4 successive years.
consuls to and from the Amount of the unredeemed
United States. debt, mnual revenue uuii
A register of the land and expenditures.
sea forces of do. A view of the finkflg fund.
Rates of postage, and times An elßmate ortke imports
of receiving & closing the of the United States, in
mails at Philadelphia. two several years
Alill of the post-towns.with Domcftic duties or eicifes.
the distances <>f cach, on Drawbacks and bounties,
the main line, as well as Banks, n-iA rules of coa
crofs roads. du&ing buunefs.
— of the federal courtv Officers of the civil govern
—of the supervisors of the raent of Pennfyivania.
revenue. Estimate of expencat of do.
The mint, and monies of the in one year.
U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government
each state. of New-York.
A lift of the commissioners Sovereign princes an.] re
of loans. publics of lurspe.
A table,(hewing the propor- Lift of the navy of Gre..<-
tion of froe perFoos to Britain, corrc<ftetl sgree
flaves, and of males to fe- able to the latest initirma
males, &c. in the U.S. tion.
Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of France,
with the proportion of do.
eacA. State of the air, and a diary
An alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and weather
ajreeably to the laftait in Philadelphia, durmgei
of Congress. months, ecding ill Sept.
Amount of i/npoft and tonn- 1795.
> age of one y.-ar. Bills of mortality iii Philu!/
Cultom-houfe fees, Stc. of .ne year.
This little volume will contain a nru ch greater compa »,
as well as varisty of matter, than that of the preefdingj
1 year, and will be embellifhid with an engraved fr.-ntis
' piece, title page, "and a vignette faced with a head orna
ment, to each rrrcmth. Tie fcen;s depiiled in the vig
nettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours otthe year. Th;
engravings are'new, and executed with an excellence
Coes credit to the American fine arts.
At the fame place may be bad.
Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, accu
rately engraved from a late furvcy.
' Maps of the United States, and of each state feparattly.
: A valuable calleSion of moi:rm Bach, and a general alfort-:
1 ment of Stationary Wares.
JVcfr.—Thofe who' deGre it, may have I'ne above-monti
osed Maps, or any other, coloured, canvafl'ed, and
s td, and put up in any manner that may be moll conveni
-5 ent, by applying at directed above.
~ OJt. i, lygs- iav.-.
For Sale,
THAT valuable arid well known PL W'TATIOiV for
merly owned by John Evans, at present by Samuel E
vans; situate in London Britain to vnihip, Cr.efter county,
co'itawiing about four hundred and sixty acres—i/s**e arc >»n
said Plantation two dwelling Houses, one flone and brirk,
forty fest by twenty-ftve, two stories high, with a larpe ami
commodious Kitchcn ; the other a good Houlc, jiiuaWe
for a tenant,* two large and convenient 9arns ; a liooc
House; a good Merchant Mill, with bet - « :£n 12 anJ a3
head and fall, on a never failing ll;eam the creek
—There are on said Plantation about 80 acres of excdlci.t
Meadow, a large proportion of which is well wateird, *r"i
more can conveniently be made; about 180 acres is arable
Land, cleared, the rcfidue is Wood Land. The Land, in
general, is of the nrd quality in t)iat end of the connfv. Ihs
Plantation is 10 miles trom Newport, 11 from the H*ad of
Elk, 6 from New-London Cross Roads, and 5 from New-
Garden Meeting House, on the nearelfc road from Lancaftt-, •
and on the direct one from Peach Bottom Ferry to ?Cewpoit;
the situation »f the Mill is suitable for either the Elk or Mrd
, disown tradt, which renders it an impor:ant stand. Anv
person dcitrous of purchasing will, upon applying to Mr.
BENJ AMIN CH AMBERS, within one mile of the place,
' be shewed the and know the terms of sale from the
lubferiber hereof, in Lancafler county.
November Ig, 1755. aawtf.
Andover iron Works
£ r I 'HEY are situate in the couuties of SuCex and Morria,
1 in the State of New-Jersey : The ore lie? within a
mile of the Furnace, is efteemea of the xirft quality of any
I in America, and particularly adapted for making Steel.
a The Furnace and Forge, *0 which belong between 11 and
_ 12,000 aeres of Land, will be fold together, cr leafed ei
ther separately or together: they are diftaot abpttt fevea
rj miles from cach other, and are an objcA well wortli tac
e attention of Ir«n Masters. The building, &c. are in e\
e ry rafpect commodious. For further particulars apply ta
Benjamin Chew, or John Lardner, Philadelphia,
oa. 2. 3^^!
a \LL persons indebted to the Estate of SAMUI L
s J\ FRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkeeper, de
c ceased, are de'ired to make payment to the fu'^enher;
and all those who have amy demands the laid
t- EOate, are requsiled to bring in their accounts proper
ly attelied. _
d SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, AAmg Executor.
Pine-street, No. 28.
Otftober 281 T7QS» •
1- ALL perfoss indebted to the Mate of Doclor JOHN
18 H GIBBONS, late of Philadelphia, uece.le-., -re
reqaelted to make payment; and those who auy
•y demands ag«n!t said Estate, aredefii-ed to brmg in their
_ accounts duly attetted, for HEYSHAM,
" 1S Attorney in lad for Mary O^)boii3,admin:ftratru
to the i=u<l decea ed's Estate.
Arch-ilrs et, No. 307, Nov. 4. 2aa;6t