Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 27, 1795, Image 3

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    oa. By tliia operation the army commanded by
General Count d* Erbach, might have been cut off E
from the reft of the troops which defendeu the
Rhine above Dtiffeldorf: but it would appear that,
being seconded by ttte Prince of Wurremberg, he
took advantage of the moment when the French g
were not yet in force at Duffeldo'-f, to aecomphlh fr
his retreat towards the Wipper. There is even a li
report that he defeated them. p
- si
NEW-YORK, November 25. f t
On Thursday lad was concluded the arguments t(
of counsel in the libel of Don Dieg® de Pintardo, v%
againll the French piivateer La Vengeance, Capt. p
John Berard claimant ; and also in the two infor- f<
Illations which had been filed ex ojjicio by the attor- o
ney of this didrift againlt the fame schooner tl
Tlie remarks of the counsel upon the evidenec and b
law, co 11 fumed more than a week. e'
The following we understand, is a summary of the tr
allegations of the parties and of the qtiellions of fa
law arising out of them. I
The libellant alledges, that a Spanish fliip, the ci
Princefa of Afturias, was made a prize of upon
the high seas by a French privateer La Vengeance,
but that the said privateer was furnifhed, armed
and fitted out in some port of the United States,
and therefore pra'ys the dillrift court to rellore the
prize to its former owners. (
The Captain of the privateer admits the capture U
on the high seas, but denies any armament within
the United States, and also protelis againlt the ju- 31
rifdiftioft of the Court. ' P
The firft information also stipulates, that the ,
privateer had been seized as forfeited to the United "
States, becatife " (he was fitted out and armed "
within some port of the United States, within- * v
tent that she fiiould be employed in the service of a
foreign slate, to cruize upon the fubjefts of the '
kinjf i>f Spain, they and yd .it peace with the
United States, and because four swivels and ten 01
guns had been procured within the United States,' ?
for the equipment of the privateer, with the intent
aforefaid, &c. -
The second information dates, that the privateer
had been seized as forfeited tp the United States, \ c
because (he had, during a certain prohibitory u
aft, exported from the United States, certain c .'
cannon, mulkets, and gunpowder, to Port-de-
Paix. ' bl
To this firft fpfornaation Captain Bsrard filed a H<
claim, and to the second a claim was iattrpofed by fc>(
the French conftil residing at this port, denying the tc
several charges aforefaid. —
Many witneffcs were examined, and v great
'nipnberof affidavits werje read upon the hi 5n ' n g )
which had been taken at. Pact-de-Paix and
Belide thequeftion3 of fait which naturally C J C
curred, we uuderltand several law-points were ms e I ]
for the court's consideration, particularly the fc. bi
lowing : ex
1. Whether the armament dated in the I:be!,-It
if proved, makes a forfeiture of the prize, and or
obliges a neutral nation to rellore it to the original jin
owners. • _ ■ ■■ —- >
2. If such restitution be the doty of a neutral t|
nation, whether the lieceflary iiiterpolition does not >'
appertain cciichif.u'ly to the government 01* execu- i*
tive of the country. 1
3. Whether the privateer be liable to forfeiture a
in the hands of a bona Jide purchaser. (j
4. Whether the value of the articles 2
ought not, according in the aft, to amoant to fo, r
hundred and fifty dollars, to occasion a forfc.
The Counsel for the libellant were, Mr. lia
milton, M<". Han ifon, and Mr. 'I roup.
The Counsel for the claimant we're, Mr. de
Ponceau, Mr. B. Livingfton, and Mr. E. Li- j
vinglton. _ I
The pleadings were very lengthy, and it is a- j
greed, that all the gentlemen acquitted themfclves
well ; but as the matter is (till Jub judict, we deem
it imp r oper eithei to llate the arguments of the
refpeftive counsel, or to hazard any opinion ab'iut
the event, as much property and some national
questions are irrvolved in the controversy. We
. are confident that the learned judge, in whose >
hands the causes aie, will do juilice to ail parties.
t* Mods of prefer-ving hitter.
Mr. Printer,
The following extract from the Gentleman's
Magazine for Auguit 1795, appears to be highly
worthy of republication ; by giving it a place in
your paper, you will do an agreeable thinjj to your
fellow citizens of tlie country and will oblige
A Farmer.
The following r»»de of curing butter is praftifed
by iome in the panfii of Udny and that neighbour
hood which gives to their butter a great superiority
above that of others :
41 Take two parts of the befl common fait, one
partfugar and one part fait petre, beat them up to
gether and blend them completely. Take one
ounce of this composition for every lixteen ounces
of butter work it well into thq mais and close it for
use." .
I know no limple improvement in economick®
greater than this is when compared with the usual
mode ®fcuring butter by means of conimon fait a
lone. I have seen the experiment fairly made of
one part of the butter made at one time t. ius cured,
arid the other with fait alone. Ihe difference was
inconceivable. I should suppose that in any open
market the one wsuld fell for 30 per cent moie than
' the other. The butter cured with the mixture ap
peared of a »ich marrowy confidence and fine co-
Ibui and never acquires a brittle hardness nor tastes
of fait ; the other is comparatively hard aRd brittle
approaching more nearly the appearance of talj^w^
and is sauch falter to the taste. I have eaten of
butter cured with the* composition that had been
kept three years and was as sweet as at firPt. But
it deserves to be noted that butter' thus cured re
quires to stand from three weeks to a month be
fore it be began to he used. be sooner opened thefalts are not fufficiently
blended with it ; and sometimes the coolness of
the nitre will then be perceived which totally difap
peais afterwards.
HUDSON, Nov. i 9.
1 Extract of letter from an officer in theweftern army,
: to lis ftiend in this city, dated Fort Fidius,
, Hancock coußty, (late of Georgia, 30th Sept.
: "I am forty to inform you, that a few days 3-
1 go, five Indians came into this neighbourhood as
1 friends, and after getting somewhat intoxicated with
1 liquor, they broke open a chell, for the pur
pose ©f getting more liquor (as is usual for them in
. such a situation) without however intending any
other harm. They then fat down near the houfc
from whence they took the liquor, and got quite in
s toxicateo ; while in this situation a militia Capt.
, with some men came upon them and made them
. prisoners, and after having conversed with them
. some time, tied them, and cut their throats one by
- one with a knife, scalped them and threw them into
- the river. Government has not as yet interfered,
1 bat this aft of cruelty and inhumanity, difgraceful
even to the very savages, calls tor the fevered and
; mod exemplary punifhmfnt ; the Indians will take !
f fatisfaftion, and as their laws require two for one, !
I soon expect to hear of the murder of some inna- :
1 cent families."
, BOSTON, November 17.
s So virulent are the Jacobins, fays a correspon
dent, againlt the Prelident (finding him rather in !
e y h * ir w py») that in the Chronicle of yellerday, and \
j in Edes s Funding system Paper, rhey have aimed
. at preventing the minilters from noticing 011 the ap- '
proaching thanksgiving the Friend of Columbia.—
. 1 hey should have proceeded further, and requeHed
j the prayers of all g»od men, that Jacobinism
j might be triumphant, that Anarchy and civil war
. w ''h all its bloody adherents might pervade our
a land so that they might have an opportunity of
s pepping unperceived into the political saddle.— ,
e Coßtddnptible sycophants ! the clergy of America .
cannot be played upon in this way ; they are inde- ■
( P ei 'dent, and will feel it to be their duty to pray
' t for the conftitutecj authorities. Our clergy are 1
really independent. In general, they are neither "
r beggars nor rich men. Their farms arc far inferior
to their parilhianers; but they are known in the
r different towns where they reside, to be men of dif-
ceinment and Republicans-— great were their extr
tions in the American revolution ; and no one can
believe that they are « Old Tories and Jriflocrats"
t now. Their prayer, it is prefuin d, uniformly will '
be—" Peace to ouh. Israel," and puniihment
.to TRAITORS. Mercury. s
1 OBSER t/E in your paper of last evening, uit
der the Richmoud head, that a motion made in the f
Hoiife of Delegates in Virginia, for " leave to t
bring in a bill lei lubjediiiig lands to be fold under f
execution for the payment of debts" was negatived, f
!,- It is easy to fee,how this may nffeft the merchants
id oi this and other dates to whon> the Virginians are £
al knd may be indebted: I would therefore fugged v
>r the coniideratien of our LegiiLture (whicii is 11
al tav about meeting,) whether judice and policy do
>t "t require that a law should be parted excmpliii»,
1- i'4e(tate in this from sale under cxecutioir
fofatisfying any debts that aie or may be due from
e anjof oui citizens to those of Virginia, or their as- c
lign. There is frequency much equity in the Lex
, Tt.hnis. v
r A fuficrer by their Law of VIRGINIA. u
N«v. 37. b
-■ ~ h
aJ for the gazette of the united states. 11
— h
de | M. Fennp, b
_,i- I CAN i£ be true that the Assembly of the State of tl
! ''ginia have lately refufed to make lands liabl* for j t
a . i due to their brethren of the other States ? Those ()
where Republican principles have deflroyed this f
v6 »e of the feudal ant', arbitrary fyllera. Is there ,
m no wer £0 com p e ; Virginia to alter a law so injuri- ''
lie ° ) 11S . their honor, and to their profeffions, while
lU " Tr' z 115 cont ' nue t0 d'' e themielves Demoerati- S
nal j ca ? If the other States tamely fulfer such
Ve ,h" ' ' n ' r ' n S e,,ient °f 'hat equality which form
ofe r T , ' le Union, will not the Virginians de-
P 1 5- thereafter i Will they not bring forward **
C' ' 1 v, r l S' ca ' ta^lcs t0 prove by defceiat, the diffe
re"~e „ C p their Patricians,and the Plebeians of the
ot e , r ? Will not their -Nobles attempt to dic
ta j. O " C t ?ens of the free States, on all political
" a impor. „ ue ftj o nE ? Yes, Sir—if they are tamely
1 1 P ermlltc rp such an important advantage over
hly r r' (of the United States, our children
in v,i. u " -emil!hefA)f theirfathers; therefore
our it is my xe'■ 1. n s ome t hing ought to be
°' I ' e 1 _ ) bring them to a sense of justice
a ® ! '^ ir iood Republicans, to which title
they '' l^ euo i ) \ r , s if thev add to the holding of
fed Oaves the enUilmy hndg •tQ thc of
i Ur . tne ,3te - e ind immoral tendency of the
"ity !aw ' wIC ' P aces % ec ; es of property out of the
reach of creditors oi no
u S'u >e Urn 'u Ptbe too much reprobated,
w '» am ' ;?ongref S from Vilgin ada e 1
10 , hold "P h,! heii A freemen, who defp.fe he- J
one reditary honors, and wl jve # tQ -
ices honor « f th ° rinally Republicans, have r,
for . virtually effeaed the eda, rf Ar;fi - ratic
Nobi.ity. U£ REPUBLICAN.
[ual For the GAZETTE oftI^T ITED STATES, n
i a- ar
of Mr. Fknno, _ la]
■ed, FUEL being so dear in oak at
was felling at 71 -l dollars and h ( j 0
pen a cotd, it is werthy the attent , (he iotfc
ban philosopher and mechanic to Jt for ]ff _
ap. f-mng the consumption thereof. neia] wi
CO- of the ufc of clothcs, and HgrU \ f UI
ftes keep out tfee cold ; whereas tlwy lie
ttle ing in the heat. We should confia ) P an,
be no heat within, th»t tight hot ((j warm %
|' of clothcs would eontriW;%* but little wi ,
een ducing warmth to any object ; thef Qjg ha
3ut fiiould turn their attention to the me . Hi
re- of retaining the heat, by preventing it afo
be- ing up the chimney or thro' any h.les \
part of the house or room, which it wi.' r . ( J tha
1 tly has liberty, bccaufe heat being lighter t
of will ascend auickly by any conveyance, thr
ap- air will pass,* and cold air will supply its ph
below. Thcfe ideas are new to me—l
from the appendix to a late publicßtion, entitled,
")*> flic Millwrights and Millers Guide, by Oliver
us, Evans, of Philadelphia, 111 wlucli these principles
P* * pliilofophically explained, with a drawing and
t3- defcrijjtwa of a Stove ot new conOtudlion, put
as tinj the principles in practice, and which is said
iih to have all the conveniences of other (loves, and
ur- requires less than half the usual quantity of fuel—
in la which I muil refer the reader, as woithy at
ny tention. , FACT,
afc •
»ra ERIDAY eve NING, NOVEMBER 17, 1795.
:m " • ~ ~ ' '
_ The Editor of the Aurora in an address to the pub
>t" lie, fyeaks of the fer/eculian he has fuffered in five
:d, years tor supporting a FREE! paper! What an insult
ful is this upon the free Government of the Country, that
nd t ' le proleeution of a free paper lhouldfobjeft a man to
ke persecution ! Is it thro' spicial favor, or the raijd
ne I or rhe gentleman, that the persecutors have all
' | this time escaped legal puniihment ? Why, as fays the
• a Ediitr of the Aurora, " Why is jullice permitted to
sleep J"
maurird} On Thursday evening, by the Rev-
Bilhop White, Mr. CALEB FOULKE, Jun.
to Mils MARGA RET CULLEN, both of this
city. i
111 !
nd I > On Tuesday evening lafl, Mr. CAS
,p. both of this city.
Mr Six per Cent. ------ jfy- 4
, llr Three per Cent. ------ ic/7 1
o £ Deterred Six per Cent. - - - - itJio
~ BANK United States, ... . 3a to 33 pr. Cent.
ica '►— North \meiica, - - - - 50 - 1
Ie- Petmfylvania,. ------
ay —
re Insurance Com pan v North America, '30 £
er Pennsylvania, - - 3
or " —
if- — .
an Bl ig Twins, Keeler St Croix 20 J
r « Capt. Keeler left at St. Croix, the brig Newton, .
31 Dccolla, of Philadelphia.
N t Ihe (hip Governor Hamilton of Philadelphia is -
arrived at Halifax, (N. S.)
PI 1 rSBURGH,November 21. '
rS- The emigration to this cotiuUy this fall furpaf
le fes that of'any other fcafon—and ue are informed,
to that the hanks ef ihe Moiipiiirahela, tioaq M'Kee's
er port to Recltone', are lined with people intending
d. for the ftHlcments 011 the Ohio, a,.d Kentucky. ' 1
ts As an inuance of thtVjicie:;ling profperily of this
re pait of the (t.i.c, land that two or threcyears hnce
II wai-fold foi \cn (liihTngs per acit, will now biLig
is upvvaidsoftlnce pounJs, * '
lo —
111! are Li {to be ij< circulation in Virginia, 1
Nevv-\ i.;L, Je 1 (>.y, and in some of the lower
f- Ctfuntii sos ihi.* lui'e, addreded to the Houle i.f *]
•x Reprcfeutat.vv.-6 of Coitgrefj, praying that they will
withhold (heir aid in carrying iiito effect the treaty
with Great Britain —An attempt, no doubt, will ,
b; niuiieto procure ligneis in this country, but, i; i a '
t hoped, the inhabitants will conhder their own in
terest, and aft aecoidingly. It is admited on all
hands, that the fiiricndtr of the wellern ports will
be of the utmoli importance to this counti y, and as .
if the United States had but half tlie bargain tomake
l r it could not be expedite!. that every at dele of the
: e treaty, would be decidedly in our favor. It there- ,
!' fore behoves the inhabitants, of this country to be
j. filer.t lefpediirg it, until by experience it is pro
e ven to be inimical to the intcreft of the United
i- States.
Haif fir Sa!: at . their STORES, </* Walnut Jlre et J
1£ 45 Tons of Tig Lead; w
\ 40 Pipes bell quality Teneriffe Wine; P
-■ 30 Pipes of Mad in Wine, cemprifing each quality, 11
and contained in pipes, fcoglhodds, and quarter P"
y est Iks; f
:1 3 Pipes and 3 hoglhcads old Port; a '
" 150 qaarKr csflcs Mountain 5 (
JO cwt. of iiugar Candy,in boxes of So to polb each ; ,r
ie 3400 lbs. Jalap in powder, in 3 c fes;
:e 1100 lbs. of Camphor, in 2 calks;
le 1 calks of Copperas;
>f English Sail Cloth, No. I i 7 ;
)f 30 bbls. of Connecticut Beef;
ie and a quantity of Mahogany,
ie ALSO,
BURTHEN seventy tons, is a good tl
e Vessel, and will be fold at a reasonable rate, and on a libe- hi
c raj credit. November 17. v.
Notice is hereby given that an at- *"
tachment v/as issued out of the inferior oourt of Common
Pleas in and for the county of Cumberland, in the state of
• New Jersey, returnable oci the twenty-fifth day of Febru
ary lad, afrainst the.goods and chattels, rights and credits,
lands and tenements of George Hutz (not being a resident /
at that time within the state of New Jersey) at the suit of
Jonathan Ballinger, ir.dorfee of Job Butcher, which was
levied by the sheriff of the county of Cumberland " on
; a certain Hoop or shallop called the Fly of Philadelphia"
- with its appurtenances, as by the return bf the said sheriff
i will more particularly appear—and notice is also hereby
j further given, agreeably to the diredlion of an ad of the' ~
Legislature of the state of New-Jersey in such cafe made
and provided, that ur.lcfs the said George Hutz fliall ap
•' pear and give special bail to answer the suit so as afore- >
1 said instituted against him by th? said Jonathan Ballinger, /"
within such time as is prescribed by law, " that then and in' T
hat cafe judgment (hall be entered" again ll the said George roi
Hutz "by default, add that the said sloop" or shallop so as ty,
1 aforefaid seized on the said attachmsnt" will be fold for ct)
she fatisfaction of all " creditors who Ihall appear to be tic
justly entitled to any demand ther«on, and lhall apply for ufi
that purpefe." " ,
Dated at Salem, in the county of Salem, ie the said uti
state, the thirty first day of Mfcreh A. D. 179j. tie
GiL.ES, Clerk.
Lucius Horatio Stockton, "> mo
Attorney -for the Plff. J
Fortkifirjl of April,
ut . s, By PETER PINDAR, i'SQ^
aid rWAS at the royal feat on Frogmore Green,
, n j With Britain's gold, uprear'd by Britain's Queen ;
— To charm a court, a Princefb-j- turn'd her .lead ;
at- At length deliver'd was her brain,
And, lor! on Frogmore's happy, 5
Wonders on wonders soon were brought to bed.
Sublime the Pair of England fate !
Staring with moit enormous date,
_ , The family of Orange by their ilde ;
With all the pretty offspiisg round, IO
il). That ftruek the mob with a-zveprofound;
ive Sweet State I untainted by one grain of pride !
'ult And bold befidi them fat each patient jJter,
i,at Carpmeal, and courtly Chtjlerfield, were there ;
i|d M acnamus > " ai -cUdSafb'ry, V ownfhend, jealous, 15
.. The Guards of Englaud'3 Sovereigns—furious fel
:he lows!
t0 With combs, puffs, powder-bags, their temples
In goldert letters, Guinea Pigs, around.
?v- But Pitt and Grenvd/e wcie not there,
111. To wh >m a puppet (how is dear— 20
[lis Want of decorum on a certuin debt,
Kept off the Pair from royal fpsrt,
g_ VVhofe want of manners put the court.
Like four- small beer, indeed, upon the fret.
And now to charm our gracious Q- —and K 2$
Afcendiag on a public stage,
The tuneful wonder of the age,
Bight lucledon, arose sublime to Cng
Ot war he chanted—glorious war;
Of millions, millions, sent afar. 30
To aid of falling monarchy the cause ;
When lo ! the lofty great all fmil'd applause.
Of taxes now the great muOcian sung—
The court, the choius juin'd,
And fill'd the wond'ring wind; 35
And taxes, taxes, through the garden rung.
Monarchs firft of taxes think : -
Taxes arc a monarch's treasure :
" Sweet the pleasure,
rJ " Rich the treasure 40
Monarchs love a guinea's chink.
in, And now to avarice he turn'd the drain,
That fuck'd a 1 at ion like a fpunge—
is And down to diffipalion's madding train,
Who in diltrefs a people plunge. 4-
— Now to poor France his plaintive voice he lun'd
When, mark ! the melting audit:,ice almolt f-wooa'd!
The fongfltr now zgraucr fubjecl chose
" Who is to pay performers that compose
if. " This chaimiag fete of Frogmore?" were the
d, wor d s = JO
.' s , With much surprise,
,j, And rolling eyes, *
Falls heard [lie syllables, that flabb'd like fword6 ;
lis Now voices came—Mine Gote !—eiuiff, cnuff.''--
L . e " How! how ! what, what ? fluff, lucledon, fluff,
ig fluff. ' jj
" ll'e pay ! 110, no ! mine Gote, we has more wit."
" Go, go to Parliament— ask Pitt, ask Pitt."
With loadedfuljefls, ah ! we fee
a > A ./dfw in the next degree :
cr WsenTmn appear'd the emblematic brutes, 60
Thai kick'd, h«d Jpurr'd, and lajh d their hacks—
' And well with such tame fools the treatment suits,
ii Off gallopM, for royal amusement, the asses
'Mid tke haycocks they fcampet'd and kaock'd
down the lades— gy
n Giils fquall'd, the Court laughed, and the Tack
affes bray'd,
is At 'J l6 ° f the legs the '"mult difplay'd.
t A Couple Icap'd down from liate to the
.. Musicians aud Racers, Tune-grinders and Dancers ;
e Shook all by the hand, whj, in compliment cle
i ver ' 70
d Roar'd aloud, "Kings and-Queens, Fun and
Frogmore, for ever ! ! !"
* The reader will, at the firft glance, perceive a re
jemblaiice between my Ode, and the celebiated Ode for
St.Cecha s Day, by Dryden, and know perhaps to
which he mblt yield thz.pnf rence. In spite ef all the
praises btftowed on Alexander's Feajl, 1 darrpronouns
it, a downright drunken Bartholomew-fair scene - the
;i- P> etr J too > not superior to the fubjeß: whereas the
Pfogmore Gala was of the order of fabliraity • aa d
a. for the mepts cf my Muse on the glorious occkfioa,
(though indeed I could fay a great deal in her favour )
. my good old Friend, the Public, must decide.
f The Princess Elizabeth.
Verse r. ' 'Twas at the Royal SeatA
" 'Twas at the Royal Feast for Persia won."
[" letters, Guinea Pigs, around, j
1 heir brows with roses and with myrtles bound."
Verse si. Want ef decormn.J Not a
invitation was sent from Windsor to Carktou-houfe
\ .olent was the r-l displeasure in the beg.nnhv ; but
l r if' '"Jwwe" e p, 5" o{ Christianity, hopes that
> he flull not be able to fay, like the Liturgy, «As it
' " n ° W ' ™ d ™ry>->al/be, world
Verse 38. Taxes are a monarch's treasure.l
" f liaccli'jt' blcfiing are a treasure,
'• " Drinking is the soldiers' pleasure," &c.
> What a poetical and sublime compliment to"'the mi
litarj/ of that day I
s Verse 5g and 59. V/ith loadrd fubjecfts, ah! <uarfee
1 uTi -i. A the next degree.]
The mighty matter fmil'd to fee,
1 " That Love was in the next degree."
— Dryden.
■ No. 60 South Secoxd-Street, PHILADELPHIA
, o ESPECTFULLY informs the public, that« Se
' the y be /ypplied with moil of the modern e"!
: :! P r of merit, on Politics, Divini
. ty, Law, the Belies Lettres, &c. &c Air„ .. ' / .
• cty of ELEGANT PRINTS and
; " cle , ln the Stationary bufineft; which be continue, as
usual, to dispose of at the lowest prices.
Gentlemen's Libraries furnilhcd or purchased • and A,
utmost value, in exchange or calh J v »n fnr ,'n
tity of second hand Book! ' S quan-
Whole (ale Dealer, fuppUed at the abort Store en verr
moderate terms. on vcr T
| May a.