Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 27, 1795, Image 1

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For Charter,
XsISSSIS-. BURTHEN about 1700 barrels of flour ; «SS
fails remarkably fact, and is now ready to receive a cargo TO I
ub board. For terms apply to _ p'y t
% - joseph Sims,
Bourdeaux Brandy, in pipes; J
Bottled Claret, in cases of I, a, and 3 dozen each;
Malaga Wine, in quarter calki j 7>
Shelled Almonds; IM
Jefnits Bark, red and pale; •
Cotton, in bags {
Coffee, in bags and bales ; TO
Sheet Cork, &c, &c. 23d Nov. § whai
To*- Charleston, (S. C.)
R U S S E L L,
Daniel Reed, master, ■»-
the course of ten days, and take freight
moderate terms; for which, or passage, apply to th
Captain on board, at Wa\nut-ft eet wharf, or to Hi
"Joseph Anthony & Son.
November 18. §io>-
1— whic
For Charter,
C*3Ul THE brig
&£|r M A R r, K
John Fleming, mailer, y
aooo barrels of Flour, is now in complcat
n ,,ar to take in a cargo. For terrtis app yto
Gurnsy iff Smith,
Who have for Sale,
Bourdeaux and Cogniac Brandy ;
And a few French Burr Stones. Nov. 14. §
For Jeremie,
(To fiil in all thii month)
> The beautiful new brig
Richard & James,
Thomas Adams, rtiafter,
BUILT of live oak and cidaf, and is her firft voyage.
She 'if intended for a constant trader, and is particularly ?
well calculated for carrying passengers, having mod excel-
lent accommodations, and. conftruitcd for a remarkable
fact sailer. For terms apply to the Captain on board at
Race-ftret wharf, or to Has
1 Who have on Hand,
A laree and elegant aftortment of Callicoes, Muslins,
Ribbons, Shawls, iiinens, Sec. *:c. Nov. 13. jl
No. li» Dock Street, p u t
10 Pipes of p ac
7he very bejl Madeira IV IN E, " =
no quarter casks of Sherry wine, ;
Bristol window glafsof different sizes,
A quantity of best Havanfah fegaie iri boxes,
A few calks of lugar, ■
4 boxes of yard wide Irilh linens,
4 bales of do. cauvafs,
J bales of red, white, and yfllow flannels; Hi
P Q R7 S MO If 7 H,
barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's
wharf, in South wark.
Philadelphia, Sept. it. §•
' For Falmouth and a Narket,
E D G 1 L r, o£
John Hodge. "Aef,
SHE will fail with all convenient speed. For freight
or paftgc apply to A.,
■Maveuiben.o- - -.1 V,i...'■ •• V t
A B I G A />, a
Thomas Gifford, master,
HAS a sreat'paiT «f her cargo engaged, and will »; n ja j
a few days. For freight <>r passage apply -on boat at on
Wilcock's v.-harf, or to 'THOMAS NEWMAN,** R- s att
wharf — ° r
Who has for SjLP.% t5 n
Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, Old *
tainiac Wine in hogfbeads, and seven do®. Mens nifflet
Shirts. oa.a». §
j . t e Arrived per the Snoiu Boflan, James Kirkpstnck, .
Master, from Liverpool,
113 Crates well-assorted Queen's Ware,
4000 btilhels best floved fine bah,
Si. to be fold at No. 1, Pine-flreer, by
James Campbell-
Also, a few boxes well-aEForted Infh Linens.
. _ n _ N. B.
SaiJ Snow for or , char '
trr, cither to tlic Wtfft-Indies of
Enquire as above.
Au«vjl 18. —-
FOR sale,
uSTST*" The Schooner
LYING at Willing and Francis's Vlrarf;;a
new veflel, iive months: old, built or reu ,' j
then 150 tons supposed will carry about
of flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent
accommodations for paflengere. & F ° r
If not fold in two or three days, said veflel wi'.l pro
seed for the state of New-York. ,
Philad, Sejjt. 29.
TO fail in all thii month. For freight or paltage ap
ply to the Captain at South ft-eet- wha-f, or
Peter Blight.
November *3. §
TO lail in fix or eight days —now laying at Morton's
wharf. For freight or paflage apply to the master oh
board, or to KNOX isf H£.NE)EftSON.
November at *3teod.
No. 48, Chefnut-Jlrett,
BEQJ leave to .inform his Friends, and the Public in
general, that he has-juft received a small quantity of the
Bcji Fleecy Hosiery Stockings,
. which hfc recommends to those Gentlemen who make use
of that article to make a fpcedy application for, owing to
the demand there now is. Where ,they will also raeet
with a most elegant assortment of
Every description of Hosiery.
November v). " eodSt
To-Morrow Morning will be Landed, •
At Stamper's 'wharf", from on beard the
Jchosner Eliza, T. Arnold, majlet,
direEl frotit Malaga,
800 Quarter Barrels frefh BLOOM RAISINS
300 Boxes do. do. do.
300 Jars do. do. do.
400 Boxes do. Muscatel do.
Ixs Quarter Barrels FIGS
13; Boxes PRUNES
50 Jars GRAPHS
94 Sacks Soft Shtl!e<l ALMONDS
100' Quarter Casts MOUNTAIN WINE
jtfe November. dtf
t "george dob-son,
Has jull reccivrcc! by the late arrivals from England, aiiJ
i« now at his STOII.E,
N°- 134,
S 1 Mdrket-ftreef, cornet of For'.rti',
yV Large affortihent of'broad and harrow Ch>ths; Elif
,x\. tic do. K^rftym!?res; Coatings; Blank ,:s;
nels v &c —A«Cq> an clcgml nflnrrni— $ of frorrTfori
t and Manchwftcr printed Callicoes of the ncwell patt:rnb.
adapted for the leafon, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs ami
Pulricats, iKins; &"c. which he will' fell by the Piece or
Package on the lowed terms for Cacti or approved not
J at 2, 4, & 6 months.
November 5. dtf.
Ir isa Linens.
James & Henry Fiflier,
No. 8, IValnut-Jlreet,
Have imported by the' i".ebecca, from DuViin, a large
assortment of
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens,
7-8 brown do.
' 4-4 half white Sheetings,
: 8 9,8 brown and white do,
3 4 brown and white Lawns,
7 f! Dowlas ;
~ Which thfcy will dispose of on reasonable terms, by the
"pidkffjM:, for calh er approved Notes, at 60 and 90' days.
M. B. The abrtve Goods being immediately from the
ManufaiSorics, it is prefum'd they will be found worthy
of notice. O&. 26. t
The highest price in Cafli, will be given for
A preference Will be given to Clsrtt Bottles. —Apply Ho
No. 187, south Third-ltreet.
_ AbrU IC. d
To be Sold,
THAT haii'dfome feat near Princeton, the property of
the late Rev. DbAor John Witherfpoon, known by
toe name of TUSCULVM. It confi«s of a neat well
in stone House, two stories high, with lour rooms
at on each floor, and a cellar undtr the whcile. There are
's attached to it one hundred and fifty acres of Land, more
or lets, and chteliy' inclosed with good and durable (lone
fences.' Of tliefe about eight acres art natural meadow,
fix acres artificial sown with red clover, and from twenty
{a! to thirty -cres woodland. On the prertiifes there is a
" valuable orchard of yonng and thrifty apple trees, a fra
•ned tarn and stables, two corn houses, a gram Ipft, and
irriage house quite new, a new stone milk house, and
rick, a ' r i t a well, and a constant fpniig of water. For
•11s apply to TuomasV. Johnston, F.fq. or the Rev.
f «UEL S. Smith, in Princeton ;or to the fubferiber at
Ann Witherfpoon.
11, Ndum, Nov. 21. *d4W ;
"For S A ~L E,
A STATION about twelve miles from this city, in
county, containing 7° acres; on which
s there is , w d olie House, two stories hisjh, two looms 01)
a floor. Ipjjtes j n each room ; (lone Kitchen, and stone
Spring-H', over a never failing Spring of water; a Barn,
Stable, Shi u JrracKs( & c . a large Apple Oichard, and a
§ variety ofi r p pputj t Xrecs ; about 1 a acres of good Mca-
dow, and tr Wood Land. PotTelSon will be given the
tirft of April. f oon{T if wa nted, when the purchafjf will
have the OPP. n i t y 0 f buying the Stock on if,e I'lace, »>id
Coin in the n( j p or funher particulars apply at No.
R, 37• Arch-ftrce Nov. 17. *iaw. 3W.
rong, Sale.
■ ' >wl "" Or to I £.p c or a terra 0 f years,
ilbmt A** elegant abont'forty-twD acres o^Land
jL\- and situation i s very convenient for
a Country Seat, or 1 ? p er s on inclined to attend the
markets. There is an Kitc.hen Garden, Icc-houie,
1 pro- and a variety of Fruit-f, j about five miles from
the cit). F<> r further l - inat j 0 a apply to the Printer.
J November 14- 4 aawtf.
John Miller, jun. & Co.
J\ r o- 8, Cbefnutftrect, 1'
In addition to their aflcrtmertt now received, have on hand
remiimng of the '!'
Cargoes as the Three Brothersss 1 Arethufa from India,
And i»r fele by the package only,
A vzb sty of Bengal andCoafi Goods, viz.
Low priced Coflics 4-4 and 6-4 book mufltns
Long cloths in do.
Patna handkerchiefs Humhumi
Siiirting rauflins Baftas
Blue rornals Cambricks < .
Book handkerchiefs in Muslin
small bales neatly as- Taffaties
sorted. Blue checks
Alfo--« variety of French Goods, viz.
Looking Feathers and Flowers
Angola gloves Paper hangings
Linaps and Linau haadkerchiefs, Cu it able for the T
Well-India marker. *
A fe* elegant Time Pieces. o<£l. <>th. $ fir
Landing, this Day, at
From tile Brandywine Miller, from Bourdeaux, at Wil
liug and Francis's wharf, W
5 6 pipes of Cogniac Brandy.
John h'ixon & Co or
Philips, Cramond, t3' Co.
Novem. i 2. > d6t. _
Just received in the brig Ariel, from
St. Croix,
54hhds MukOvado Sugar,
2500 bushels of coarse Salt,
John Nixon £5° Co.
November 18. $6*
James Tiffin,
No. 70, south Sccon.d street. near the City Tavern,
HAS just received by the late arrivals from London -
and Bristol, a larg • and fl:gutt assortment »f Ladies
and fisntlemens fafiihnabU HATS.—AJfo, a variety of
ttjiildrens HATS of different colourt, which will be fold
on the lowelt tcunV for cash. r
N. B. Ladies Hats tnm'<tl in the newe.l falhioti from'
l.ondun. Oil. 12. § e
F OR S A L E, v,
bnp'trted ta the ship Arethufa., fr'jm Calcutta and C
» Madrafs, a vari.'tv of P
B E N G A L G O JDS; \
l blidV vchiefs,
Peril?, n,,
c.'iuxt".s. i. ...
' To be: l.l'by (lie P.-i.Vige, for approved nctas at
j three and tour mhs, br
No. 44 Dock Street, or
For SALE, by the S.uWcribers,
U Pi.mI'TBEET„ . .
'The follviuing artuLs as thi lUf. importation from China.
16b Quarter CW(is Hyfeji Tea, t
120 Quarter Che lis Soiachong Tca^
406 Boxes, containing Tea Setts,
4500 Pkees Nankeens.
Willings Sis Francis.
SeplembcrJ4. . 3'a.v <
jjr ]
459 Barrels, |> Coffee, above 600,0001b. 1
JI4 Bags, J
115 Hoglheads of Jamaica Sugar.
e 211 Bales of St.Doxi'ingo Cotton,
Will be landed Monday morning,'* 26th jnft. at South
e street wharf,
y Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica;
Brig Polly, and Schooaor Industry, from Jeremie,
Peterßßlighti t
Oilober 22. §
° i John Millar, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Miller,
have' entered into partnership, under the Firm of
John Miller, jun. & Co.
"* They Lave received hy the arrivals from Europe, and are now
spoiling far, SALE,
At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet,
'j A capital assortment of DRV GOODS,
?! Suitable to the feafpn—amongft which are,
ls Broad ap,d n,arrow Cloths,
, e Plain and fancy Coatings,
e Beaveretts and'elaftics, 1
e Rose arid point Blankets,
r A variety of coarse Woollens,
' Manchelcr manufailures,
3 Irish Linens,
t . India' Goods, generally,
.] French Goods,
j All of which they will dispose of for calh er the usual
ir credit. Ojfiober 9. §
lt T7ROM the firft of December next, the annual fubferip-
Jl tion for this.Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS,
Subfyribers out of the City will pay .One Dollar a year in
addition, for inclofmg and direfting'their Papers.
_ Remote fublcribers are requested to pay up arrearages
to the above period; also the half year's advance from
that time—those who do not, will be confidcred as de
ciining continuance of their fubfeription.
Advertifsnwnts ol a ftjuare, or less, ars pubUlhud in .his
Gazette once, for hait a dollar ; and continued at one
cTtrARTER OF a dollar for each f'.ibfequent insertion.
1 r l J he Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the favors
a _ of his adverting patrons —He assures them, that the en
e cruafed, and encreafing number of his fubfcribcrs, is con
|| tinualiy extending, the circulation in the city—lts distant
id circulation is now equal to that of any other publication,
a. Philadelphia, November 3, 179 J.
N°. 64,foutb Secoiul-Jlrcet,
GAN AL Tickets for sale, and cash or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn.
Information given refpefiing Washington lottery, and
id eafh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may be drawn,
or Both lotteries commence drawing September aßth.
he BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot
fe, teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the poffefforsof
in Tickets purchased at the OFFICk.
& Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
had at the above Office. Sept. 16. §
Jamaica Rum.
The.enrgt of the brig Peace, Cay.iJn Gray, ftcrn the
north fid-- of,
IVIU be landed to-morrow morning it Soulhjlrecl wharf,
High Proof RUM,
Peter Blight.
November 9, * 5
For SALE, by the Suhfcribers,
On reafoxablc terms of credit,
6 Bales of low-priced Flax and Tow Oznaburgs,
6 Bale* of EngliHi SaiJ Canvass of the following num
bers, viz. No. 4, v <r, 6.
Wiliings & Francis,
November 21. 3taw. Penn street.
""" The Partnerlliip of SAM. & THO. SHAW
BEING diflolved in August last, by mutual confenr,
all those indebted, whose accounts ar due, are de
filed to make speedy payment at their Store, comet <
Front and Arch-street. The business is cow carried oj
at the fame place, by
Who his for sale, on reasonable terms, for cash, or tfcs
usual credit,
A general assortment of Merchandize,
Imported by the last vciTelsfrom London,Brifiol, and Li
verpool, JuitabU for the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine knd Prels to be fold by Sam. Shaw
o»S©bera3. ■ aaw3*y&i awdbt
Frelh TEAS,
Of fnperior quality, viz.
Impeciai, or Gunpovsder
Ift quality Hyson,
2ci. do. uo.
Young Hyion,
Hylon Skin, and
A ft<tu - Boxes 3f each, for fait at
No. 19, Third Street, South.
December 10. eod.
Canal Lottery-Office
1 Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES.
TICKETS to had at this Officc, and at the City
Hall, for Eleven Dollars and Fifty CeHts eaci:
evtry Day, except during the Hours of Drawing ;
where Check Books are kept for examination at 2
I Cents each Number, or Regiiiered at J2 Cents. Ap
proved Notes payable on or before the 20lh day i t
January 17(^6, will be taken in payment for Tei>
Ticket, and upwards.
William Blackburn, Agent.
Statement of the IVbtel.
1 Prize of , - - 30,000 d»!ls.
5 of 20,000 , 100,000
2 of 10,000 20.0C0
4 oi 2,500 io,oco
t 7 of 2, coo 14,000
14 of 1,000 14,000
31 cf S°° *J>soo
73 of 100 7,300
' aio,Soo
besides the 12 Dollar Prizes.
Note. 25,000 Dollars ought to be jidded to the
above, on account of the Five Stationary Tickets.,
worth One Hundred Thjvftnd Dollars, that- must be
the last drawn.
Nov. 7.4. dtf.
Philadelphia, 2jtii iNovember, 1795.
ALL Persons desirous to confra# .for the supply of
Rations for Troops in Philadelphia, Fert Miffiin,
on Mud-Island, Lancaftcr, or CarliCt, or every of those
places, during the year > 796, arc requeued to fend in
their PrppoCilf, fealei, to my Office, on or before the
16th of December the next month.
The component .parts of the Rations, are
Onepoundof Bread, or Flour;
One pound of Beef, or | of a pound of. Pork;
Kiif a gill of Rum, Brandy, or Whilkey.
; One quart of Salt,
Two quarts of Vinegar, ( _ . .
Two pounds of Soap,. ( For one hundred Rations
©ne pound of Candles, J
f&sijg TENCH FRANCIS, Purveyor.
", Bankrupt Office.
THF, CREDITORS of BANKRUPTS, whose accounts,
have been legally proved, may receive their diVt-'
deneU by applying at iJils_QiSrp, *y.«ry j T >i
w o'clock m. Sundays excepted.
By trder of the Commijfi otters,
1 ? Philad. Vinc-Jlruty No. 92,
November 17, 1795. 3tawi*».
Delaware Bridge.
THE President and Managers of the Company for d
reeling a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo
rough of Eafton,
Give this Public Notice,
That they will, until the firft day of February next, re
ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said
Bridge; as alio for the ere&ion thereof, and the delivery
■" of materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the
least 600 feet, and must not be composed of more than
three archer
Any person inclined to engage in the above undertak-
ing, will plcafe to direcft their plans and proposals to the
[n ' Secretary of the Company at Eafton.
By order of the President and Managers,
es JOHN ARNDT, Secretary.
m Eafton, Pennsylvania, Nov. 12. mw&'s
e- EU K SAL E, ~ ~
iis A very valuable ESTATE,
ie Called Tii'ittenham.
SITUATE in the tnmjbif of Upper Derby, and county ,/
Delaware, 7 1-2 mile! from Philadelphia, and half a mil:
n- from the new tVefern road: Containing acres rf excel/ ■
11- Land, 45 cf lihitb are goad ■watered Meadow x go cf- prim,
at Wood Land, and the rtQ Arable of the frf quality. There are
n . on the premifet a good two/lory Brick Houje, -v'itb 4 rooms a
" fioor, and Cellars under the -whole, -with a Pump IVell of tx
~ teUat Water in front ; a large frame Barn, Stables, other
convenient buildings ; a Smole-Houfe andJl one Spring House ; tz,.„
gMd Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. The Fields are all 1
or Clever, except those immediately under tillage, and are so
out as to have the advantage of'lVater in each of them, whu'h
nd rendrrs it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
•n. The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culti
vation of the Land, the goad neighbor/mud, and the vicinity to theci.
3t- ty, it is very suitable for a Gentleman's Country Seat.
iOf Ihe foregoing is part of the Ef.ate of Jacob Ha, man s deccaf.-d
and offered for sale by M ORDECAI LK Wit,
be „ „ „ Surviving Xxccator.
0&. 9 ,1195 nts