Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 26, 1795, Image 4

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    of Washington.
i A mignificent ; 20,000 Dollars, and
dwelling house, i call" 3«,0e0 are t j l(
50,000 -ft
« ditto 15,000 £1 ca'h »5,00e 40,000 g e
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 CI I
1 ditttr ia,ooo fc calh 10,000 so,ooo a]l
1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 to,ooo
i ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 th
t Caih P ,IIC ot . 10,000
a ditto 5,00j e*c!i', are lo.oco
,o ditto >,000 10.sao
20 dino s°° ,o > ooa ;
,oo aitto too 10,000 I*
2 00 ditto 30 io.Ocj co
4 00 ditto '5 l0 ' oa3 f
I.OCO dSttf *® 23 '°^
15,000 ditto >*' 's'i oeo
16,739 Pr ""
33,261 Blaitlts
50,000 TtckeU at 8 1 400,000
This Lottery v/ill afford an elegant fpecimcn of the
private buildings to be erected in the City of W.fhi.igion V.
-Two beautiful design« arc already fele aed for the entire K
>ontson two of the public squares ; the!e draw. V
nigs, it is proposed 10 crest tv»o centre and lour cornci ol
buildings, a. soon as poflible alter this Lottery is fold, and
to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventur.
ers, in the manner described in the fchcme lor the Hotel
Lottery. A ncttdtduSion ol five per cent, will be made
to defray the necessary expcr.ccs of prinuvg, &c. ai H
the fui plus will be made a part ol the fund intended for the I.
National Univeifity, to be ere£le4 within the City of
The drawing will commence as foop as the Tickets
are fold oflU The money will be payable I
in thirty days alter it is (VoUhed»and any prizes for which
fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months
after the drawing is closed are so be confide red as given
towards the land for the University, it being determin
c&-~to fettle tft<T Artrcrte hu fine ft irr a ye»r from-thr ending
of the drawing and ofl'viLc'' up the bonds givcil as fccu-
The rc?l fecuiities Riven for the payment of the Prize
are held by the Prudent and two Diretfors of the Bar k
of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount
of the Lottery.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late CppuniHioners afFifted ;n the management or the *•
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk
a second time on behalf of the public ; a i'ufficient num- P
bcr of tUefe having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
frjgpds to a National University and the other federal ob
jects mjjy continue to favor the design. The synopsis of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
lnftitution, is already in the press, and will be
published, together with its constitution. I
A compjeat Plan of the whole of this Important
lnftitution, compiled from a fele&ion of the bell materi
als, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public
whenever the fame may have gone through such revisions
as may be necessary to eftablifb the perfect confidence and
general approbation, so efTential to its prefect rife and fu-
ture cxiftence for the general good of America,
By accounts received from the different parts of the j
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets i |
have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the _
drawing will speedily commenae, and that the care and
caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe disposal of
the tickets, has rendered the Ittort fufpeafion indispensable.
February 24, 1795.
- Aug 30 eodtf
Tickets may be had at the Bank ot Columbia ;
of J axxjes Well & Co. Baltimore or Gideon Denifon,
Savannah, of Peter Gilman, Bolton; of J<)fep Hopkins J
Richmond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's ferry.
" 4 MILL for SALE.
FOR Sale, on private contrail, five undivided (kths \
parts of that valuable merchant-mill, called Old
Petinypack Mill, with two dwelling houses, (tables, coop
er's ftvop, calk house,- and other convenient buildings,
with about 40 acrcs of good land, the greatefl part thereof
is excellent watered meadow, the remainper garden, orch
ard, and wootl land; situate ten miles from Philadelphia,
near the Wafliington Tavern, partly on the post-road lead
ing to New-York, and partly on the River road; a re
markably healthy country, and an "excellent neighbour
hood. This mill being on Pennypack creek, a heavy
stream of water, witji about 15 feet head and Fall, and
the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a .vessel carrying
1350 of wheat to lay along fide, and unload int®
the mill with Evans's elevator in about three hours. The
mill house is large and built of stone, founded on a rock,
the walls uncommonly thick and strong, (such a of
mason w,ork is rarely to be found) contains five floors, two
water wheels, and three pair of the bell French bufr stones
all running, double geared, with three boulting reels and
cloths of the firft quality, rolling screen, cylinder, and
fans for cleaning wheat in the belt manner, nnd-paffjng it
afterwards by an elevator into a hanging garner; also,
conveyers, elevators, and hopper boy, all in compleat or
der. There are ttfo large frame buildings adjoining the
mill, which are convenient for storing flour, shorts, cllks,
&c. A corn-kiln is ere&ed within the buildiilj, vrith
boulting, reel cloth, and other necessary fixtures for manu
fa&uring large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The
stream of water is so constant that upwards of 60,000 bush
els of wheat have frequently been manulaflured at this
mill, annually. The tumbling dam was built of stone and
frame about 30 j ears ago, but the late extraordinary ff eflics
have made a breach tkemn, it can easily be repaired alto
gether with stone, the greajeft part of which is already at
hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as
there are fcvcral good quarries of excellent stone on the
premises, and adjacent to the creek; the contiguity of
this very valuable cftate to Philadelphia, and the easy na
vigation for (hallops, with the ahove-mentioned great ad
vantages, and many others not here m ntioned. must be
obvious to any person who may view the premises.
An indilpu'table title, clear of all incumbrances, will be
made to the purchaser on paying part of th money, and
giving fatbfa&ory security for the remainder, payable
With uitereft in lnltalments at I'uch times as may be agreed
•11. for further particulars enquire on the premises of
Frances Lewis, Executrix to the vfta.te of Robert Lewis,
doceafed ; John Swift, near BuHH!-Town ; or Natha
niel Lewis, or David Lewis, in Philadelphia.
Au z"J l 3l- w&r.
D'ijlrtd of Prnnfylvanin, to wit :
' * " rtmeml)tred > th; " 0,1 the ninth day
U of Novcjnbrr, in the twentieth year of
L J the Independent# of the United States of A
-1 ' merica, Samuef Harrifon Smith, of the said
Diilria, hath in this Office the title of a
book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor in
the words' following, to wit:
« A Vindication ot Mr. Randolph's Relignation,"
in conformity 10 the A£ cf the Congress of rile Uni
ted States, intituled, " An aa for the encouragemen'
of learning, by fecttrinpthe copies of maps and charts
r.nd bocks tx> tlie autiiois and proprietors of such co
pits, during the times therein mentioned."
SAM. CALDWELL, Clerk nf the
Nov 11. (»««.) Di/lriff of rennfjlvania.
The Panorama.
SAVAGE refpeAfnlly informs tbj Ladies an 1 [
JLVI Gentlemen of Philadelphia tk»t the PANORAMA
1 !s now opened in High-street, between 10th and I Ith
streets. The Subject is a view of the Cities of Louden
and Westminster, comprehending the three bridges, South- '
wark, Surrey, and St. George's Fields in the Borough,
with every other object which appears from the top of the
Albion mills, at the end of Blackfriars Bridge, opposite
the city of London, from whence this view was taken,
The painting contains nearly 3,000 square feet of caavas. di
Being in a circle gives every objeit its proper bearing, and cc
eihibits it ia its true point of compass, appearing as large te
and ill every refpedl the fame as the reality. ti
Price of admiffiom half a dollai Tickets 'for ths Sealon
dollars. E
Panorama open every day, from ten o'tlock in the w
merning. al
A PRINT of tie PRESIDENT of the U. 8.
18 inches by 14; only a few choice imprcffioris lelt the G
companion is a print of Dr. Franklin. A variety «f choice c '
prints may be at the Panorama.
■August 31-
American Land/cates.
Q ELECTED from the m®ft flriking and interfiling
re O Profpeas in the United ; each #f which '■
i. Views, will be accompanied with a dsftripVive account
cr of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
'.j Author of the " ManajiU Rjma 'mt and Axrien! Caßbs in Gnat
. Britain
ic I. That the work {hall be publilhtd by Subscription; and
of that each Subscriber shall engage to take the whole f«t
of Vinws, and shall pay for each engraving, if blade or
its brown, 1 Dollars ; and if colaured 5 Dollars.
!e I. That the dimenljons of each engraving lhall be 14 by 17 -j
■'i' inches, executed iD aquatinta, and published upon paper
of a superior quality. The,publication to commence ini
e" mediately; and one engraving to bedclivered tothe Sub
scribers, on the firft Monday of eaph fuceeedmg month,
"Z until t!ie proposed series ftiall be finsdly compleyd.
u " MI. That with the last View of the series, shall be deli
vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant chara-leMftic
\ vignette; a map of the route, connected with the prol
* petis exhibited ill the the courfc oH the Work; and an
' Alphabetical lift of the Subferibers.
c Subferiptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print
I°. £hop, Maidrnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell-
er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the
* principal Book-fellers ir. the United itates. J
jj C February ig. - 1
Sale of valuable Property. ]
I:' 1 To be Sold, by Public Auttion,
On Thursday, the loth day ofDecember, 1795, '
|At the Tontine Coffee-Houfe ill New-York, at 11 o'clock ]
111 ' ia the forenoon, all the right, title, and interest of the
In the following valuable TRACTS of I,AND, «/a. .
j I. A LL that trail of land containing about 2.500 acres, _
jfi Stuate in the county of Orange, being part of the ;
mountain lot's. No. 22 and 2 3, in the patent of Cheefecock,
1 formerly laid out by Charles Clinton, Esq. deceased, and
" C purchased by the Agent of the American Iron Company of
the Wiliam Smith, Esq. on the Bth day of November, 1766. (
in( j This trad contains some plough land and swamp; also
r Potuckeit Pond and the outlets thereof.
1. All that tra6l of land situate on the weft fide of Hud
' son's river, near Buttermilk Falls; containing 1000 acres (
fn this tracl there is said to be a valuable mine, some good
c swamp and timber land.
. _ 3. AH those tv+o tracts fitnate on the north fide of the
' Mohawk river, being part of the Manor of Cofby, pur
j" I chafed by tlie Agent of the American Iron Canpany in the
" 1765 and 1767, of Oliver Delancy, Esq. the one con-
taining 2940 acres, the other 3815 acres.
4. All that trad of land situate ell the north fide of the
Mohawk river, near the German Flats; adjoining part of
, t ]j S Colby's manor, and bounded on the east by Canada creek,
j This trail will be divided, and fold in the following Lots,
Acres. Acres,
-eof Lot 1 containing 966 Lot 14 containing 1000
•ch- * 9®7 15 100°
hia, 3 844 16 5:9
:ad - 4 806 17 41J
re- $ 76z l 8 n6o
iur- 6 805 19 ioqq
avy 7 970 20 ipco
and 8 1000 ai iooo
ing 9 1000 22 390
into 10 1000 23 750
rhe It leoo 24 930
12 iooo 45
- ot 13 iooo
two t No. 4 chiefly beach, rmjpk, baft and elm.
>ncs The purchase money to be paid Jfcy the following inftal
an(* :nents,viz. one»fourth on the day ©Hale: one-fourth on the
anc * firft ruefday_ in.A^riLjnext; one-fourth eti eh#f T«elUay
Klt in Goober, 1796; and the remainder on,the firft Tuesday
ilfoj in April, 1797. when deeds will be given to the purchaser.
or ~ Plans of the different tra&s of laid may be seen by ap
the plying to Mr. Peter Goclet, one of tha trustees, in Ncw
liks, York; or to Mr.Ed-wardEdzuards> a Philadelphia.
vita November 4.
18 u ——
Forty Dollars Reward.
this D -AN away from the fu,bfcriber, living at Mordington
ant j Ja. Mills, near Frederica, in Kent county, Hate of Dela
(i,es ware, on the night of the 27th of Jone last, a slave negro
man named BENN, about 27 years old, 5 feet 10 or 11
yat inches high, of a yellow complexion, and might pass for a
, a , mulatto. The clothes he had on cannot, with exachiefs,
t ] K be described, as he made several breaches of honelly, in
yo£ that way, on his setting oat. He is a very great sloven
nu _ is his dress; has naturally a condemned and lurly counte
a<j_ nance, altho' he at times aifeisls a Trailing otrt; his visage
t lj a is thin, with large black whilkers j the whites of his eyes
often red : It is not recolletSed whether he has any par
][(jc ticular flelh-marks, except on his back, where maybe
and een (t' lo ' light) the fa rs »f the whip, placed by 'judicial
able authority, for houfe-brcaking, lock-breaking, llealing,
reed c ' as w *" before, as since I purchlfed him. He is pol
,s 0 £ fefTed of but a lmall share of real'on or fenlibility; a great
wis coward, tho' his looks are devilish, and at the fame time
iJA . fneaiing. As he took his flight upwards from here, at
the commencement of harvest, it is preftimed he was per
f_ ftiaded by some of the free negroes in this quarter to make
— his cfcape with them—(hould he net be in Philadelphia,
he is probably between here and there. 1 - -
"'hoevcr takes up the said negro Benn, and feenres
(Jay h' m in any public goal, so that his matter may get him
rof a S a ' n ' ha ve the labove re ward ; and if brought home
"A- a^''ona l charges ferreafonable ekpentcn, paid by
said "James Douvlap.
of a N qv - c. 3taw3\v.
' in 'To be disposed of at private sale,
n>, Pursuant to the lait. Will and Testament of Casper Grass,
j , |WO two story brick Messuages and Lots of Greund,
' viz. No. 100, north Second, near Race; and Na.
1 74, nortn Filth, near Viue-ftreet—both good Hands for
bunriefs, particularly, the lornier. For t,rins apply to
r CASPER GRAFF, J Executors.
niu. Nrvmkcr 11, 1795. law .
PhIL.<il>i:/, rui/t > ißijjTiD b* JOHN FENNO, N°* 119 Chefr.ut-S'.rcct. —Puce Six Dot.labs Per. Annum,
BOOKS, Printed for and'
pullilhcd by MATHEW CAR IT*,
(price Sixteen Dollars.) T
d New Syfom of Modern Geography :
Or, a Geographical y Hijlorual and Commercial Grammar ;
and prefmtJlalt of tic fimtrU H<*h.u »/ *<>' W°< iJ <
containing, _
The figures, motions, and culiar to each country.
diflances of the Planets, «- VII. Observations on Ae
cord ing to the New tonian fyi- changes th* have been any.
tem, and the lauft obferva- where observed upon dhe face
tions « f DatUre m °' l ear " g,
11. 4. general view of the iy periods of history.
Earth.confideredas a planft; VUI. History and origin. fe;
with f&veral ufcful definitions of nations; tfieirfcrirK ot ,
and problems. vernment, rtfignation, laws,
111. Grand divisions of the revenues, taxes, naval and - n
Globe into land and water, military strength. o
continents and .Hands, "X., " nr
Situation and ex trot of em- toms and habits of the people,
pires, kingdoms, ftates,,pro- X. Their language, earn
vinces and colonies. ing, arts, sciences, manufac- „
V. Their climates,air, foil, tures and commerce. fl
vegetables,produaions, me- XI. Chief ftr«ft«res L
tals, minerals, natural curio, rums and ,, seas, rivers, buys, pro- XII. Latitude, longitude. U
montories and Lskes. beanngsand a.ftancesof prin-
VI. Birds and Beasts pe- cipal places fromPhiladelph.a -
I. A Geographical ladex, with the names and places a pha- I
becically arranged.
U. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
dollars and cents.
111. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, trom
the Creation to the present time.
The Agronomical part by Jamci fergufn, F. S. S.
Corrected by Dr. David Rittenhoosi.
To which are acUfd,
the late Discoveries of Dr. Herfchelt, and other eminent .
The FIRST AMERICAN edition, corre6l-ed, improved, and
greatly enlarged. Containing the following j
Maps and Plates.
| I Jvfjp_eLtbe World aj.-HiTvrtnOw — I
'l a Chart of the World 24 Africa
3 Europe 15 United States
4*CountriesroundtheNortli 26 British Dominions in A- i
Pole. merica
5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Weft Indies
way and Finland. alB 'Province of Maine
6 Russia 29' New Hampfhirs
7 Scotland 30' Maflachufetu
S England and Wales 31 'Connecfticat
: 9 Ireland 3 2»Rhode Island •;
10 Franca 33- Vermont
. j I'Seat of War 34»NewYork
12 Seven United Provinces 35* New Jersey j
13 Austrian, French and 36*Pennfylvania
Dutch Netherlands 37* Delaware ,
14 Germany 38* Maryland
15 Switzerland 39»Vipginia
' 16 Poland 40* Kentucky
17 Spain and Portugal 41 *North Carolina ;
ig Italy 4 2«Teneffee government
19 Turkey in Europe 43* South Carolina
• 20 Afta 44*Geor»ia
2X*Difcoveries made by cap- 45 Copernkan system
| tains Cooke and Clerlse. 46 Armillary sphere
f 22 China
The Maps marked with star» arejidded to this edition,
' exefsfive of those in yhc last London edition. I
The United St,ates Register for 1795,
Price 50 Cents. C 0 N T E N T S.
' Calendar, with the necoflary Boundaries of the United
3 tables, &c. &c. States. Population
c Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers
" | Lcgiflaturs Statement ot Exports
L Judiciary Public Debt
Department of Stats Pay, «jcc. of the army
Department of theTreafury Mint Eftabliftment
' Cotnmiffioners of' Loans Rulee for reducing the cur-
Officers of the Caftoms rentes of the different
" Revenue Cutters states to a par with ea«h
' Light Houses other
Officers of the ExcUe Tables of the number of
'• Duties and Dutiable articles cents and decimal part 9
Exemp s from duties in any number of fl.illings
Duties on tannage and pence lefsthan a dol
——on domestic objects feir in the currencies of
Drawbacks, &c. and regu the different states
lations to be oferved in Tables fiiewing the value of
obtaining them dollars in the currencies
General Abftrail from the of ditto
revenue laws, relating to Poft-office eftabliffimtnt
the duty of mailers of Lift of Post-Towns, £cc.
velMs, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of
&c. at' goods, and the the principal towns in the
officers of the customs; United States
to the payment of duties, Banks
, and the importation of Literary Institutions
[_ goods National Manufa&ory]
e Expenc«s ef Government Sessions of the Courts
y lor 1794 Western Territory
y BeparttneHt of War
r State Governments.
Now Hampshire South-Carolina
f _ V ermont Georgia
Massachusetts Order ot time in which the
Conneflicut fcveral States adopted the
— New-York f federal Constitution
New-J«rfey Takle of the Son's rifiHg
Pennsylvania and letting
n Delawaie Abftrail of goods, wares,
4 " Maryland and merchandize export
-0 Virginia ed from the United States
1 Kentucky from the ift of Oitober
a North-Carolioa .. '90, to 30th Sept. 17« -
- Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. I Wvfon, of the
■ n new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second Ames i;an edition—
n Frice 75 cents. [The rapid sale of the firft edition of this
enterefting novel, ill a few months is the best criterion of
! e its merit.]
es extract from the critical REVIEW, ABftlL 468.
r " " It may be a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and
le it is a tale of real distress—Charlotte, by the ajtifice of a
u teacher, reco.nnie;ided to a fchtool, from honunity ra-
J> her than a convi<sfisn of her integrity, or the regularity,
»f her former conduit, isenticcd from her governess, and
lt accompanies a young officer to America—the marriage
le ceremony, if not forgotten, is poftpaned, and Charlotte
lt dies a martyr to the inconltancy of her lover and treach
try of his friend.
:e The situations are artless and affeiUng—the description
natural and pathetic 5 we Gsould. feel for Ch>.r!otte if ftich a
fjcifon ever existed, who for one error, perhaps
defcrved so severe a punishment. If it is a fid.ion, poetic
n juflice is not, e think, properly diflributed."
lc I. The Inquisitor—by Mrs. Rowfon. Second Philadel
phia edition. 87 1 2 cents.
i. Adventures of Roderic Random. 2 vols. I dollar and
50 cents, coarl'e paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine.
— 3. Notes on the state of Virginia—hy Thomas Jefferfon.
Price neatly bound, one dollar and a half.
EF, 4. History of the French Revolution, from its com
mencement to the death 01 the Queen and the execution
d, of Briffcf. 2 dolhrs.
a. 5. Plowdten's History of the British Empire, from May
>r 1792, to December 1793. 1 dollar and a quarter
[This is an interesting and valuable publication as has
appeared for many years.
6. Beattie's Elements of Moral Scienoe. 2 vols. One dol
lar and three quarters. cod.
George Hunter,
At bis Laboratory, A>. 114, south Second fireei.
INFORMS his former cutlo<ner* and the fmLiio, at £jj
he has begun the DR.OG business again anvx 1-
iive pian. ••
He ha« for sale a nrral aflVvr;ment us
Likewise, painters'colours, dry and ground 111 oil, p..!.*
brushes, window and coacn glass, dye linfeeu
oil of turpentine, copal oil vatniih and, warr^m^
Alluni, copperas, iruddcr, ground red iio/j
---feead or imallc'r quantity.
~ ' Ashe imports the fimpl s from the t»rft-market. an,]
makes the cojnpofitiorts preparations himieH, u< is f
enabled to vouch for »nd warrant ever) art/cje, (o,ie .ut , a
of his Laboratory, and like wife to cil'pofc of tUeiu
molt reasonable rates.
He wishes to Tell a large LOT of GROVND
the nortfi-eaft cprner of High and Eleventh-firte<* 4 co„ la m!
ing 78 feet front on lligh-ftieet, and 200 /eet o»r fclc vnuti
flreet, opposite Ivlr. Leiper's new buildings—And aiioiher
LOT on the rionh fide of High flrett, near the aix.vt 2 ti
feet front, and 200 feet deep. Both iois have i-hc pn vi
lc§eot a 30 feet alley in the rear.
Dec. 13 , s
* _
A.nd fpecd'tly will be published, by BENJAMIN DA VIES
Ai 68, Hisi.-Jlreet,
American Repository, for 1796;
A compleat Calendar for Rules for reducing the enr
the year. rentiesof thefcverattlatcfi.
Litis of the executive, kg if- Table of pounds, &c. n-uu
lativeand judicial officers ced into dollars & oents.
of the federal government Summary of the expuit-iri
of the ininifters and 4 fucceffivr year,.
consuls to and from the Amount of tile unredeemed
' United States. debt, amnual revenue anil
A regilier of the land and expenditures.
fv'a forces of do. A view of the finking fitnd.
Rates of pofhige, and tijnes An «ftiniata _ of. the imports
of receiving & clofmg the of the United States, ia
mails at Philadelphia. two several years.
Alill of tlte poll-towns,with Domestic duties or exciles.
the distances of each, on Drawbacks and bountie..
the main line, as well as Banks, with rules of coa
crofs roads. duding business.
— of the federal courts. Officers of the civil o-overn
—of the supervisors of the ment of Peniffy lvania.
revenue. f Estimate of expencc» of do.
The mint, and monies of the in one year.
U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government
eachftate. of New-York.
A lift of the commissioners Sovereign princes and re
of loans. publics of Europe.
A table, fhiiwiag the propor- Lift of the navy of Greut
tion of froe persons to Britain, corrected tigree
flaves, and of males to fg- able to the latelt informa
males, &c. in the U.S. tion. *
Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of Fran:?,
with the proportion of do.
each. State of the air, and a diary
An alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and weather
agreeably to the last aiJt in Philadelphia, during 2
of Congress. months, eading ill Sept.
Amount of impost and tonn- 1795.
'> 'age of one year. Bills of mortality in Philad.
Custom-house fees, &c. of one year.
This little' volume will contain a much greater
as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding
, year, and will be embelliflied with an ragraved frontis
piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a head orna
ment, to each month. The scenes depi&ed in thc~vig
uettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours ol the year. The
engravings are new, and executed with an cxc.ilence that
does credit to the American fine arts.
At the fame place may be had,
Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, accu
rately engraved from s late furyey.
~ . Maps of the United States, and of each ftate v fepar*t«ly.
, A valuable ce'leSion of tiiwLrn Backs, and a general aliori
ment of Stationary Wares.
Nott.—Thofe who desire it, may have the a'wve-menti
\ oned Maps, or any other, coloured, canvaffcd, and varnifk
ed, and put up in any manner that may be molt convcni-
j s ent, by applying at directed above.
J. Odl. 2, : 795. law.
For Sale,
valuable and well known PLANTATION for*
X mcrly owned by John Evans, at present by Samuei li
vans; situate in London Britain to.vnlhip, Caefter county,
containing about four hundred aivd ftxty acics—There are.ou
said Plantation two dwelling Houses, one llone and Wrick,
G forty feet by twenty-five, two ilories high, with a arwt
commodious Kitchen ; the other a good logg Houte, luitab e
for a tenant; and convenient Barns; a fione Spring
House; a good Mercnant Mill, with between 12 and 13 fcec
head and fall, on a never failing fl;earn the cret'k
—There are on said Plantation about Bo acres of excellent
Meadow, a large proportion of which is well watered, and
more can conveniently be made; about 180 acres is arable
Land, cleared, the residue is Wood Land. The Land, m
general, is of the ftrft quality in that end of the county. The
Plantation is 10 miles from Newport, 11 from the Head of
Elk, 6 from New-London Cross Roads, and 5 from New
-16 Gardeu Meeting House, on the nearefl road from Lancaftcr,
ie and on the dirtS one froai Pcach Bottom Ferry to Newport;
the situation ©f the Mill is suitable for either the Elk or Mid
dletown trada, which render* it an important Hand. Any
person desirous of purchasing will, upon applying to Mr.
s BENJAMIN CHAMBERS, wiihin one mile of the place,
t ' be fliewed the fame, and know the terms of sale from the
'fubferiber hereof, in Lancaster county.
November 19, 1795. iawtf.
» e Andover Iron Works
oi r l 'HEY ar.e situate in the ceuuties of Sussex and Morri»,
JL in the State of New-Jersey : The ore lies within a
g_ mile of the Furnace, is esteemed of the firft quality of any
j j in America, and particularly adapted for making Steel.
a The Furnace and Forge, to which belong between 11 a:.d
a _ ia,3JO aeres as Land, will be fold together, or leafed ci
») ther separately or together: they are distant about fevea
id miles from each other, and are an object well worth the
Te attention of Iron Masters. The buildings, &c. are in eve
°e ry refptel commodious. For farther particulars apply tu
h Benjumin Chew, or John Laidner, Pluladeiphia.
oa. 1. 3 !a «i
a \LL persons indebted to the EJlate of SAiMUEf
ps xi. FRAUNCES, late of this city,'lnnkfceper, uV
;ic ceased, are desired to make payment to the ftibfcrfc ;
and all those who have amy demands againll the said
d- Eltate, are requsfted to bring in their accounts proper
ly attested.
SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, A«mg Executor.
Pine-llreet, No. iS.
n - Oiftob.T 28, 1795.
n- \LL persons indebted to the Estate of Doctor
on jTJI H. GIBBONS, late of Philadelphia, deceased, are
re<juefl.ed to make payment; and those who have any
ay demand* against said Bftate, are desired to bring in the.r
— accounts duly attested, for fettlemeHt, to
Attorney in fa& for Mary Gibbons, adminiftratra
jl- to the said decea ed's Estate.
Arch-street, No. 307, Nov. 4. 2ait6t