Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 26, 1795, Image 1

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    Cfwftfte Hwltij Jlfete
For Charter,
BURTHEN about 1 voabarrels of flour:
fails rem -r! ably fail, and 13 now re*dy to receive a cargo
eo board. For terms apply to
Joseph Sime,
Bourdeaux Brandy, in pipes;
Bottled Claret, in cases of I, 2, and 3 dozen each;
Malaga Wine, in quarter calk*;
Shelled Almonds;
Jefnit6 Bark, red and pale; '
Cotton, in bags; • 1
Coffee, in bags and baks ;
Sheet Cork, &c, &c. 13d No*. §
JFor Charleston, (S. C.)
THE ship
gpSa/? U S S E L Z,,
Daniel Reed, raafter,
WILL fail in the course of ten days, and take freight o <c
moderate terms; for which, or paflage, apply to th
Captain on board, at W.Jrint-ft*est wharf, or to
"Joseph Anthony & Son.
November 18. §rot.
! V
For Charter, °-
i John Fleming, raifltr, ■]
BURTHEN 2000 barrels of Flour, is now in compleat
order to take in a cargo. For terms app yto
Gurney & Smith,
Who have for Sale,
Bourdeaux and Cogniac Brandy ;
And a few French Burr Stones. Nov. 14. §
For Jeremie,
(To fdil in all this month)
The beautiful new brig
Richard & James,
' - yptr Thomas Adams, master,
BUILT of live oak and cedar, and is herfirll voyage.
She i; intended for a conftaut trader, and is particularly
well calculated for carrying paflengers, having molt excel
lent accommodations, and conflru&ed for a remarkable
fall sailer. For terms apply to the Captain on board at
Race-ftret wharf, or to
Who ha-ve on Hand,
A large and elegant assortment of Callicoes, Muslins,
" Ribbons,' Shawls, Linens, &c. &c. Nov. 13. d
- j
FOR SALS, by n
No. 12, Dock Street, f
IO Pipes of F
7he very bejl Madeira IVIN E, a
go quarter casks of Sherry wine,
Bristol window gh'. r s of different sizes,
A quantity of bed Havannah fegajs in boxes,
A few casks ef lupir,
4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens,
4 bales of do. canvass,
5 bales of red, white, and yellaw flannels; f
BiSfflENifoo barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's
, wharf, in Southwark.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22. §•
For Falmouth and a Market,
sedgs l r f °
John Hodge, mailer,
SHE will fail with all convenient speed. For freight
«• paflece apply to .
Philips, Cramond & Co.
November 9. d-
Thomas Gifford, mailer, ti
HAS a great part »f her cargo engaged, and will fail in •'
a few days. For freight or apply on board at °>
VVllcock's wharf, or to THOMAS NEWMAN fit Rofs's at
wharf— ° ]
IVho has for Sjlk, f,
Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, Old Fron- tc
tainiac Wine in hogsheads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled Vi
Shirts. Oct. 2,1. § Ir
_ ci
JuJl Arrived per the Snow Bojlon, fames Kirkpatrick, 111
Majler, from Liverpool,
113 Crites well-aflorted QueenVWare, -j
' 4000 bushels best lloved fine Salt,
& to be-fold at No. I, Pine-street, by
James Campbell.
Alio, a few boxes well-assorted Irish Linens.
Said Snow for Freight or Char- 1
ter, cither to the Weft-Indies or
Enquire as above.
Augujl 18. § v ->
_________ dc
F 0 R S A L E, £
iwli'i&fc'-rc ENSELAER, j
J. Wendell, master,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; a strong,
new vriltl, five months old, built of red cedar, hur
;then Ijo tons, supposed will carry about 1200 barrels
of flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent f
accommodations for pafieneers. For terms apply to
If not fold in two or three days, said vt.Tel '\i'i pro- an.
ceed for the state of New-York. th<
Phibd. Sepi. 29. ' y
;o TOfsil m ali this month. For freight er paflage ap
ply io thi Captain at South ltreet wha-f,, or
Peter Blight.
November 13. 5
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
On reasonable terms of credit,
6 Bales of low-priced Flax and Tow Oznaburgs,
6 Bales of English Sail Canvass of the following num
bers, viz. No. 4, .j, 6
Witlings & Francis,
~ November 21. 3taw. Penn-ftreet.
e No. 48, Chefnutflreet,
BEGS leave to inform his Friends, and the Public in
general, that he hasjuft received a fmali quantity of the
Bcjl Fleecy Hojiery Stockings,
_ » which he recommends to those Gentlemen who malie nfe
j of that article to make a fpcedy application for, owing to
the demand there now is. Where they will also meet
with a mod elegant affortment'of
—Every defcziui&n a£ tint*
Noveai :»or 19 • eod ot
To-Morrow Morning will be Landed,
' At Stamper s wharf, from on board the
Jchooner Eliza, T. ArnolJ, majler,
direct from Malaga,
Soo Quarter Barrels frefh BLOOM RAISINS
300 Boxes do. do. de.
| 30c Jars do. do. do.
400 Boxes do. Muscatel do.
115 Quarter Barrels FIGS
137 Boxes PRUNES
s o Jars ©RAPES I
94 Sacks Soft Shciied ALMONDS ,
100 Quarter Caiks MOUNTAIN WIRE
! sth November. ' dtf
Has just received by the hte tffivajs from England, ar?d
isnvJiV opening at STORE,
N°- 134,
, Market-Jlreeti corner of Four thy
A Large aifertraerit of broad and narrow Cloths; Elas
tic do. -Kcrfjyjnsres; Costings: blankets Flan
nels. &c Slc.—Alfo, also ci" Loudfifl
nnd Mancheftcr printed of th<i ncweft patterns,
adapted for the fcaien, priritedCof-toa »i int!i-.erchie>s and
Pullicate, Pins, &c. which he will fell by the Picce of
Package on the lowest terms for Caih or approved notes
at 2, 4, & 6 months.
' November 5. dtf.
Irish Linens.
James & Henry Fisher,
No. 8, IValnut'Jireety
Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a ktge
assortment of
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens,
7-8 brown do.
4-4 half white Sheetings,
6 9-8 brown and white do.
3-4 brown and white Lawns, '
7-8 Dowlas ;
Which they will dispose of on reafbsable terms, by the
package, for cash or approved Notes, at 60 and 90 days.
N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the
Manufactories, it is prefumsd they will be found worthy 1
of notice. Ocl. 36. {
The highefl price in Cash, will be given for
A. preference will be given to Claret Bottles.—Apply ft© i
No. 187, south Third-street.
Airil le. d
To be Sold,
THAT handsome feat near Princeton, the property of
the late Rev. Do<stor John Witherfpoon, known by u
the name of TfJSCULUM. It confrSs of a neat well
, -inilhed stone House, two Tories high, with four rooms
on each floor, and a cellar under the \Vhole There are
i attached to it one hundred and fifty acr«s of Land, more
or less, and chiefly inclosed with g«od and durable stone
fences. Of these about eight acres are natural meadow,
fix acres artificial sown with red clover, and from twenty
to thirty acres woodland. Or the premises there is a
valuable orchard of yonng and thrifty appl9 trees, a fra
med barn and stables, two corn houses, a grain loft, and
carriage house quite new, a new stone milk houf«, and
near it a w«ll, and a constant spring of water. For c
terms apply to Thomas V. Johnston, Esq. or the Rev.
Samuel S. Smith, in Princeton ; or to the fubferiber at -
Tufculum. ,
Ann Witherfpoon. \ p
Tufculum, Nov. ai. *d4w. a
For SALE, i'
A PLANTATION about twelve miles from this city, in | 1
Montgomery county, containing 70 acres; or which j c
there is a new stone House, two stories high, two rooms on i
a floor, fire place* in each room ; stone Kitchen, and stone
Spring House over a never failing spring of water; a Barn, 3
Stable. Sheds, Barracks, &c. a large Apple Orchard, and a
variety of other Fruit Trees; about 12 acres of good Mea- o
dow, and to of Wood Land. Possession will be given the ci
firft of April, of sooner if wanted, when the will ti
have (he opportunity of buying the Stock on the Place, and ci
Com in the ground. For further particulars apply at No.
7. Arch-street. Nov. 17, *iaw. 3W.
For Sale, i
Or to be LET for a term of years,
AN elegant Honfe with about forty-two acres of Land e;
and Meadow. The situation is very convenient for g
a Country Seat, or for a person inclined to attend the
markets. There i< an excellent Kitchen Garden, Icc-houfe, t (
and a variety of Fruit—the diflance about five mile» from 7
the cit) . For further information apply to the Printer.
November 14. 2awtf. h
John Miller, jun. & Co.
AV B', Che/nut Jtrest,
'a atfiitisj? ti> fiieir aflerttnsntnow rccfcived, have on hand
remaining of the
iftgttt vf lThttMrct bert r 3Arakzfafrom India,
)- And lcr sale by the package only,
A variety of. Bengal and Coaji Goods, viz.
Low priced Caffies 4-4 and tf-4 book j&ofHns
Long cloths in do.
- Patna handkerchiefs Humhumi
Shirting muslins Bafias
Blue romals Cambriiis
Book handkerchiefs in Mafliu
l'mall bales neatly as- Taffaties
sorted. Blue checks
Alfo-a variety of French Goods, viz.
Looking piaffes Feathers and Flowers
Angola gloves Paper haagiirgs
Linaus and Linau handkerchiefs, lu it able for the
W eft-India jnarket.
A few elegant Time Pieces. OtTt. pth. ■ §
Landing, this Day,
From the Erandyvine Miller, from Bourdeutx, at Wil
ling and Francis's wharf,
» z6 pipes of CJoffniac Brandy.
John Nixon Zjf Co. or
, Philips, Cramond, 13 Co,
, "Novem. 18. <J*st.
c Just received in the brig Ariel, from
St. Crc:x t .
jCo ongiif,'
, 2500 bulhels of coarse Salt,
John Nixon & Co.
November 18. 451
James Tiffin,
No. 70, south Second street. near the City Tavern,
HAS raft received by the late arrivals from London
and Briitol, a large and elegant assortment 01' Ladies
and GiiififelflMs B&ionabte HATS.—AIfo, a variety of
Childteiis HATS of different coluhrs, winch will be fold
on the lowell terms for calh.
.V. ft. Ladies Hats trmfxi in the newest falhion from
l-08-U::. T\ i? , §
- ~F O K S.'A L?, ~
I,r.i>9ricd m ti; J -: t > j\ J,n Calcutta and
Aladrafs. a variety of
Baftae, •
C 0... s,
Porte* W ■ •(_
r Oiiu-A».' •* x
To !.>■ 1 v tT:e railage,' for ai']srpved notes at
I w - : ..'is, by
No. 42 Dock Street. t?r
i'bt tALi:.; !'• 7 the Subscribers,
Tbe yittfrfifag urtictcs sf the laji vr.pcrtation from China'.
160 Quarter Chefls Hyson Tea,
120 Quarter Chests Tea,
430 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts,
4jeo Pieces Nankeens.
M i.'lings iff Francis.
14. jtaw
Hoe-« Js, )
4 59 Barrels, [Goifee, above 600,0001b.
224 Bags, J
115 HogfheacU of choice Jamaica $ugar.
211 Balos of St. Domingo Cotton,
Will ke landed Monday morning, 26th mil. at South
: street wharf,
Being the entire Cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica;
Brig Polly, and Schooner Industry, fromjeremie,
Peter Blight.
O&ober 28. §
' j Joku Miljer, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Miller,
have entered into partnerlhip, under the firm of
John Miller, jun. & Co.
They have received by the arrivals from Europe, ar.d are now
opening for SALE,
At their No. 8, Chefnut-flreet,
A capital ajfsrtment of DRY GOODS,
Suitable to the feafon—aaionjA which are,
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
Esavcretts atld elastics,
Rofeand point Blankets,
A variety of coarse Woollens,
Mancheiier manufactures,
Irish' Linens,
India Goods, generally,
French Goods.
All of which they will dispose of for calh or the usual
credit. October 9.
FROM the firft of December next, the annual fubferip
tion for this Gazette will be FIGHT DOLLARS.
I Subs ribers out of the City will pay One Dollar a year in'
addition, for inclosing and aireding their Papers.
Remote fdbferibers are requested to pay up arrearages
i to the above period; also the half year's advance frohi
| that time—thole who do not, will be considered as de
cliaing a continoance of their fabfeription.
j Advertifcmetits ot a fijaare, or less, arepuhliflied in this
Gazette once, for ft alf a dollar; and cofttinued at one
quARTE ■*. ay a DOitiß for each fubfequetit infeilion.
The Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the favors
of h ; .s advertifxng patrons —He aflures them, that the en- j
creaf.d, and encrcaCng number of his fubfenbers, it con
tinually extending the circulation in the city—lts diflant
circulation is now equal to that of any other publication.
Philadelphia, November 3, 1795.
N°. 64,foutb Secondylreet,
CANAL Tickets for sale, and calh or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn.
Information given refpefiing Wafcington lottery, and
ea!h or Canal tickets given for prizes that may ba drawn. lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot
teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the poffefforsof
Tickets purchased at the OFFICE.
Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
ha i at the above Office. Sift. it. §
Jamaica Rum.
: The Gtrgooor. r the brig Peac;, Capatin Gray, from the
\ north fide of Jamaica,
IVillle hadedto-morrov/morning aiSiulhlreet wharf,
J > High Proof KLTM,
Piter BUzht.
)s November 9. j
The Pawner(hip n'f SAM. '< T~H6. SHAW
BEING diffilved in At:'(ifl last, by mutual consent,
all those indebted, wioie accounts ar' due, are de
sired to make speedy paftrtent at their Store, corner of
Front and .. eh-flreet. The business is now carried on
at the fame p!:.-e, by
V> ho hes for sale, on t. c.loHitble terms, forcalh, or the
uAfei credit,
A general assortment of Merchandize,
e Imported by the la ft vessels fram London, Briftal, and Li
verpool, suitable for the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine and Press co be fold by Sam. Shaw
Offeber 2y 2awj7ir&iaw do.
Bartholomew Conolly,
No. 48, Chefaut-ftreet,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public
in general, that he has imported in the late arrivals
from England, an elegant, oxunfive and well chosen as
sortment of men s and women's hofiery——amoug which
is a.very great variety ef beautiful fancy hosiery—such as
ftnped aad clouded cotton- fine plated silk and cotton—
- -elegant patent fancy silk. Fine striped and clouded patefft
L v*orfl„d, &c. &c. which are now offered for sale upon
-his ufcal low terms, together with every other article of
( ■ vJ- lias Jp/o imparted 3 gy-r r,,,, ... -rilTt.'n.ji's
out fi»e stockings. r* ; — CM. 24. ' coim.
s h cT' r, **"
OFllifizes, from 32 IS to Grape,
Cambooles, Pots, and ether calling? executed at the
fhorteil notice,
Nail rods, from rod to spike,
Hoop Iron, of allfizes, for cases or cutsing into nails, from
a brad to J 2d nails,
Anchors, from 17 icolb.
L Bar Iron,
. A Quantity of Jarais River Tobacoo,
Carolina Pork.
Herrings in barrels,
Kiln-dried eor« meal in Hhds.and Bbis.
Rye fleur See. to be fold by
Levi Holiingfworth & Son.
4 - ~ izw
Fresh T E A S,
Of superior vitality, viz.
Imperial, or Gimpowder
Hyson Gcmee,
1 ft quality Hyson,
2d. do. uo.
Young Hyion,
Hylen Skin, and
■A fcrv Bos each, fur sale a!
No. 19, Third Street, South.
December 10. eoc ],
Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Factory, in the old
wind-mill in Elmlley's alley,
South Second-sir eet, a little below Dock free!,
WHERE those who apply may be supplied with stones
of such quality as will suit their purposes. Also,
stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris.
He keeps for SALE,
At his dwelling No. 215 north Second-street, a Utile above
Vine ftre' t,
Boulting Cloths,
A complete assortment of both imported and American
mannfa&ured for merchant and country work, which he
warrants good.
The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE.
Containing a iyftem of mechanics and hydraulics as ther
apply to water, mills with the whole Tracers of, and all the
; late improvements on the art of manufacturing flour &c.
intended to be ufeful to *11 concerned in building or using
Water-mills, which book • fold by Matthhw Carey and
Robert Campbell, boekfeilers.
Sept. 25. . jtdiawtf.
Bankrupt Office.
have been legally proved, may receive their divi
dends by applying at this Office, every day from 9 to I a
o'clock m. Sundays excepted.
My order of the Commijponers,
-1 „ JOHN J £NN INGS, Clerk.
Philad. Vine-flreet, No. 92,
November 17, 1795. 3 tawu».
Delaware Bridge,
THE President and Managers of the Company for e
refling a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo
rough ofEafton,
Give this Public Notice,
That they will, until the firft day of February next, re
ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said
Bridge; as alio for the ereflion thereof, and the delivery
of materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the
laaft 600 feet, and must not be composed of more than
three archei.
Any person inclined to engage in the above undertak
ing, will please to dire£t their plans and proposals to the
Secretary of the Company at Eafton.
By order of the Prefiiml and Manamrj,
„ JOHN ARNDT, Secretary.
iaPon, Pentifylvama, Nov. n. m w & s
A very valuable ESTATE,
Called Twixtenram.
SITUATE « the of Upper Derby, ami county of
Deli-ware, 7 1-2 mile, from Philadelphia, and half amilt
from the new Weßern road: containimg 230 acres of excellent
Land, 45 ef ich'cb are good watered Meadow, 90 cf prime
IVrnd Land, and the reR Arable if tie frft quality. Tbir- are
on tie fwAfi. a good twolbry Brick House, -with 4 room, an.
a floor, and Cellar, under the-whole, with a Pump Well of ex
cellent Water in front; a large frame Barn, Stable,, ad other
convenient buildings; a Smole-Houfe andJlone Spring Hcfe ■ two
good Apple-Orchard,, and one of Peaches. The Field, ar'alt ;
Clover, except tbofe immediately under tillage, and are A
out a, to have tie advantage ./ Water in each of them, which
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
The ftTuation i, pleasant and healthy, and from the hhb culti
vat,on of the Ldxd, the good neighborhood, and tk.vicnitf to the ci
ty, it,, very suitable for a Gentleman', Country Seat
lie foregoingi, part of the Ef ate of Jacob H„ma„ s dtc:afri
and ye, ,d for sale ij M ORDECAI LEWIS
Oft. 9, 1705 i^ingExeeutor
' ■ . eotf