Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 25, 1795, Image 1

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    €\Brttf Iptmto Hkfe
Number 1003.] WEDNESDAI EVENING, NOVEMBER 25, 1795. . [Tolvats VIII.
For Charter,
BURTHEN about 1700 barrels of flour;
fails remarkably fact, and is now ready to receive a cargo
on board. For terms apply to
Jofqph Sims,
•"?* Bow<temx Brandy, in pipes;
Bottled Claret, in cases of I, 3, and 3 (Jowa-eadi;
Malaga Wine, in quarter cafe ;
Shelled Almonds;
Jefnits Bark, red and pale;
Cotton, iB bags;
Coffee, in bags and bales ;
Sheet Cork, &c- &c. Nov. §
For (S. C.)
U S S E L L,
Daniel Reed, mailer,
WILL fail in the course of t*n days, and take freight o £
moderate terms; for which, or paflage, apply' to th
Captain on board, at Walnut-ft-eet wharf, or to ;'.
Joftph Anthony & -Son.
November 18. I § lot -
For Charter,
v| MART,
John Fleming, mailer,
BUKi'HEN aooo barrels of Flour, is now in compkat
order to take in a cargo. For ierayuyp yto
Gurney iff Smith,
Who have for Sale,
Bourdeaux and Cogniac Brandy ;
And a saw French Buir Stones. Nov. 14. §
For Jeremie,
(To fail in all this month)
The beautiful new brig
Richard & James,
Thomas Adams, mailer,
BUILT of live oak and cedar, and is her firft voyage.
She is intended for a constant trader, and is particularly
well calculated for carrying passengers, having fnoft excel
lent accommodations, and conftrusfted for a remarkable
I fact sailer. For terms apply to the Captain on board at
Race-ftret wharf, or te
Who have on Hand,
A large and elegant assortment of Callicoes, Muslins,
Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. <3cc. Nov. 1,3. d
■ - r .
No. 12, Dock Street,
10 Pipes of
The very be ft Madeira IV IN E,
go quarter cases of Sherry wine,
Bristol window glafsof different sizes,
A quantify of heft Havannah fegajs in boxes,
A few 1 calks of iugar,
4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens, (
4 bales of do. canvass,
5 bales of red, white, and yellow flannejs;
And the SHIP
BJRTHEN 2600 barrels, now lying at Mr.
wharf, in Southwark.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22. §.
For Falmouth and a Market,
*>£ THE ship
s E D G E L T,
Hodge, master,
SHE will fail with all convenient speed. For freight
or pafiage appiy to
Philips, Cramond & Co.
November 9. d-
Thomas Gilford, master,
HAS a-great part of he;- cargo engaged, and will fail in
a few days. For freight or palfage apply on board at !
Wikoek'swharf, or to THOMAS NEiVMAHjit Rofs's
Who has for Sals,
Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, OldFron
taiciac Wine in hogflicads, and seven doz. Ivlens' ruffled
Shirts. Oil. 42. §
JuJl Arrivedper the Snoiu 80/ ion, James Kirkpatrick,
Master, from Liverpool,
nj Crates ivell-aflqrted Queen's Ware,
4CCO bv.fhels best floved fine Salt,
It to be folt! at No. j, Pine-street, by
"James Campbell.
Also, a few boxes well-assorted Irish linens.
k-t?£«KjF~ Said Snow for Freight or Clijr
tCl"* e '- ler 10 WeJt-Indies or
Enquire as above. .
Augvfl j 8. $
LYING at "\Vtilifig; and Francis's wharf; a ftrony,
new vftfTei, five months old, built ol red cedar, bur
then 130 tons* supposed will carry about 1200 barrels
of flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent
accommodatipns for pajfengere. For terms appry to
If not fold in two or three days, said veflel will pro- s
ce-ed for the (late of New-York. '
PliiUd. Sept. 29. s
TO fa ! in all this month. For freight or pafTage ap
ply to the Captain at South street wha"f, or
Peter Blight.
November 23. ' §
for SALE, by the Subscribers,
; On reasonable terms of credit,
6; Bales of low-priced Flax and Tow Qziuburgi,
6 Bales of Enghih Sail Canxafs of the following num
bers, viz. No. 4, 5, 6
Willings & Francis,
November 21. 3. taw - Peim-/lreet.
No. 48, Chefnui-ffreet,
BEGS leave to inform his friends, and the Public in
general, that he has just received a fmjl quantity of the
Bcjl Fleecy Hojiery Stockings,
which he recommends to those Gentlemen who make use
of that article to make a fpcedy application for, owing to
the demand there now is. Where they will also meet
with! a molt elegant assortment of \
Every description of Hosiery.
November 19. eod6t
To-Morrow Morning will be Landed,
At Stamper's <nMuf, from on beard the
fcbetner E/iaa, T. Arnold, master,
<HreS frm Malaga,
800 Quarter Barrels frefh BLOOM RAISINS
300-60x9$ do. do. do.
300 Jars do. do. do.
400 Boxes do. Muscatel do.
II; Quarter Barrels FIGS
1V; Boxes PRUNES
50 Jars CiRAPES
94 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS
100 Quarter C.afc JIQUNTAIN WINE
sth NoveiTkter. dtf
Has ju{l received hy the lat2 arrivals from and
is now opening" at his STORjE,
N°- U4,
ItyflfiffehjtreeU corner of Fourth*
of broad arKi narrow Cloths; Elas
tic do, .Ksrieynurcs; Eln-lkfts; flan
nels, &c.—Also, an elegant assortment o,f London
and printed Caliko.-.s of the nev/el
adapted for the season, printed Cotton H -mdlierchiefs and
Puliicitt^,'Pins, &c. wJiii'a h- will feUhy the Piece or
Package on the lowed terms ior Ca:h or approved notes
at i t 4, & 6 montjis.
Irish Linens.
James & Henry Fisher,
No 8, IValnutfrest,
Have imported by the fiefeecca, from Dublin, a large
aifortmeiit of
7-8 anfl 4-4 -white Linens,
7-8 brown do.
.4-4 half white Sheetings,
9-8 brown and white do.
3-4 brown and white Lawns,
7-8 Dowlas ;
Which they will dispose of on reasonable terms, ,b,y the
package, for cash or approved Notes, at 60 and 90 days.
N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the
Manufactories, it is prcfuntid they will be found worthy
of notice. Oct. 26. t
The highest price in Cafli, will be given for
A. preference will be given to Claret 3°ttle->. —Apply to
No. j§7, louth Third-ijtreet.
4 Or it I®. d
For Tale, at low prices,
NAILS by the calk, from 3d to rod afTorted, and a vari
ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
Cotton and Wool Cards, froiji No. I to 12;
Hatters and fiock Cards ;
Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines.
' Also, Mac-hints for cutting and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles suitable for that business, which will
be told together.
A large stock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on
the Card Manufa&ory, with the valuable machines for
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward
nefs for finifhing. Also,
Occupied by the late partnerfliip l»f Webster, Adgate and
White. As the flore is convenient for the hufinefs, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a cpndition to be work
ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to
purchafc and foiiow the bulinefs to do it to advantage.
Enquire of PET£R. W. GALLAUDIiI,
OCt. 20. dim. No. 63 Chefnot-ftreet.
A PLANTATION about twelve miles from this city, in
Montgomery county, containing 70 acrcs; of, which
there is a new (lone Haijle, two stories high, two moms 011
a lloor. fire places in each roam : Hone Kiuchen, and stone
Spring Hoiife over a never failing fp<ing of water; a Barn,
Stable. Sheds, Barracks, &c. a larg» Apple Oiciuid, and a
vasiety of other Fruit Trees; about is acres oi good Mea
dow, and to of Wood Land. Possession will be given the
frrft of April, or sooner if wanled, when the pttichafcr will
have the opportunity of buying thf Sts>ck on the f'lac.-. ap4
Com in the ground, for timhpr particulars ppply at No,
;■}. Nov- i?. 3 W -
For Sale,
Or to be LET for a term of -years,
AN eleo-ant House with about forty-two acres of I.and
'and Meadow. The situation is very convenient for
a Country Seat, or for a pcrfon inclined to attend the
markets. There is an excellent Kitchen Garden, Ice-houle,
and a-variety of Fruit—the distance about five miles from
the cit\. For further oJ apply to the Printer.
John Miller, .jun. & Co.
No- 8, QhefnutJlreet* r .
Ih ailditioo to their afibrtment now received, have oa hasd
remainmg of the
Cargoes of the Three Brother s& Arethufa from India, 1
And for sale by the package only,
A variety of Bengal and Coaji Goods, viz.
Low pricisd Coflats 4-4 and 6-4 book muslins
Long cloths in do.
" Humhrniij .
Shirting mnflins Baftas
Cambricks r
Book haodkerchiefs in Mwflin j
small bates neatly as- Taffaties a
sorted. Blue checks
Also—a variety of French Goods, viz. 1
Looking glalTes Feathers and Flowers
Angola gloves Paper hangings
Linaus and Linau .handkerchiefs, suitable for the I
Weft-India market.
A few elegant Time Pieces. Oifl. 9th. §
Landing, this Day,
| From the Brandy wine Miller, from Bourdeaax, at Wil
ling and Francis's wharf,
. 56 pipes of Cogniac Brandy.
'John Nixon isf Co. or f
3 Philips, Cramond, Js 1 Co.
1 Novem. 18. d6t.
t . —; ; e
just received in the brig Ariel, from
St. Croix,
54-hhds Mul covad o Sugar,
5 2500 bushels of coarse Salt,
John Nixon & Co. '
November 18.
fames 7 iffin, i
Ho. 70, south Second neaV the City Tavern;
HAS just received by the late arrivals from London
and Briftel, a large and elegant afTortment of Ladies
aad'Gcntlemens fashionable HATS.—AIfo, a variety of
Ciliildrens HA'TS of different colours, which will be fold T
on ths lowcli terms for cash.
2V. B. Ladies Hats trim'-d in tlie newefi: fafhion from
London, o<a. 12. §
- F O R 5 A L I£, ~~
Imported, in the fait* slrethufi, Calcutta atiL
Madrafs, a variety of
Co'fi it's,
n Calicoes.
To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at
d' tlsree and four monil'S, by
s No. 42 Dock Street, or
I ; Or SALE, by the Subscribers,
h PZm."TMST,
The following articles vf tips tajl importation fraii China.
160 Quarter Chcfts Hyson Tea,
120 Chcfts Souchong Tea,
e 400 Boxes China, containing Tea Se^ts,
4500 Nankeens.
Willings & Francis.
September 14. 3taw
53? ldogfheadb.
459 Barrels, s Golfee, above ooo,ooolb.
224 -Bags, J
e 115 I logheads of choice Jamaica Sugar.
2Ti Bales of S'..Domingo Cotton,
Will be landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at South
c ' street wharf,
J' Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ;
•Brig Polly, and Industry, from Jeremie,
Peter Blight.
OAober 22. f
° Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Miller,
have entered into partnerlhip, under the Firm of
John Miller, jun. & Co.
They have received by the arrivals from aud are now
opening for SAjLE,
At their STOKE, No. 8, Chefout-ftreet,
A capital assortment of DRT GOODS,
Suitable to the feafan—amongib which are,
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
Bsaveretts and elastics,
M Rose and point Blankets,
A varsity of coarse Woollens,
1 Mancheiler manufaAures,
r Irish Linens,
India Goods, generally,
French Goods.
All of which they will dispose of for cafli or the usual
credit O&ober 9.
I "J?ROM the firft of December next, the annual fubferip
-0 X tion for this Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS.
1 Subscriber© outof the City will pay One Dollar a year in
addition, for inclosing and diredting their Papers.
Remote fubferibers are requested to pay up arrearages
t® the above period; also the half year's advance from
that time—those who do not, will be considered as de
clining a continuance of their fubfeription.
n Advertisements ot a or less, are publiflied in this
a Gazette once, for half a dollar ; and continued at one
J quarter of a dollar for each subsequent infer tion.
2 The Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the favors
'» of'his advert ifing patrons —He assures them, that the en- j
f created, and ehereafing number of his fubfcribefs, is con
tinually extending the circulation in the city—ltsdiftent
j circulntipn is now equal to that of any other publication. 1
Philadelpliia, November i, 1795,
N 9 . 64yfoutlr Secondfreet,
Tickets for lale,"and cafli or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn-
Info: mation given refpe<sling Washington lottery, and
1 eafh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may be drawn,
r Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
s BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot
, teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the po'lTcfiars of
1 Tickets purchased at the OFFICE.
£5* Halves, Quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
had at the ruioye Office. Sept. 26. §
Jamaica Ruivi.
The Cargo of the brig Peace, Capatin Gray, from tjie
-north (iAJ l o(']SQf*iC±,
IVill be landed to-mor raw morning at Suutkjlreet wharf,
High Prrtof RUM,
Peter Blight.,
November 9.
The Partnerlhip of & THO, SHAW
BEIN4» Ji£blvc<i r. 1 August I if), by mutual Cor<?"iu,
all those tvhdrte accounts are dne, are de
sired to make ; fpeedy payment at their Store, corner of
Front and Arch-street- The bufmefs is now cirrieioif
at th« fame place, by
Who has for fjtle, on reaforvtble tcr»s, for cash, or the
usual credit,
Ageneral assortment of Merchandize,
Imported by the la£t vefiel. from London, Briitol, and Li
verpool, fuitablefor the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine and Prcfs to be fold by Sain. Shaw
October 23. iiwjw&iaw do,
t. ■ ' - 1 ■ 1 , rf. " ■1 ' ■ . .
Bartholomew Conolly,
No. 48, Chefnut-ftreet,
ESPECTFULLY. informs his fncnjs and the public
-£v_ in general, that he has imported in the late arrivals
From England, an elegant, exteflfive and well chosen as
sortment of men's and Women's hoQery—among which
is a very great variety ef beautiful fancy holiery—filth as
striped and clouded cotton —Sne plated silk and cotton—
' elegant patent fancy silk. Fine striped add cloud :d patent v
worsted, &c. 3cc. which arc now offered for lale upon
his usual low terms, together with every other article of
dry good-, suitable ten the season.
B. C. has also imported a great variety of gentlemen's
out size {lockings.' 0(1. 24. eolm.
~S - H O T, .
Oftill lizes, from 35 lb to Otape,
Catn'ooales, Pots, and «ther ciftings executed at fh#
Ihorteft notice, *-
Nail rods, from lod to spike,
Hoop Iron, of allfizes, for calks or cutting into nails, from
a brad to 12d nuils,
Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to Ipolb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James River Tobaceo,
Carolina Pork.
Herrings in barrels,
Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls.
[lye fleni '&c. to be fold by
Levi Hollingjworth Es 3 Son.
Auptji 4 2JW
Fresh TEAS,
Of Jupicrhr quality, viz.
Imperia!, or Gunpowder
li\ son Gomse,
I It qu:-,lity Hyson,
ad. do. uo.
Young Hyion,
Hyl«n Skin, and
A fev) Boxes of each, for file at
No. 19, Third Street, South.
December 10. eod.
Made by CLIVEIV EVANS, ai hisFaitory, in the old
wind-null iB Elmfley's alley,
South Secund-flrect, a little below DockJlreet,
WHERE those who apply may befnpplied with sone»
of such 'quality as will fait their purposes. Alfoj
fto'nes for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris
lie keeps so - SAL
Atkis dwelling No. 215 north Second-street, a little above
Vine i'.rejt,
Bou/ting Cloths,
A complete assortment of both imported and American
manufactured for merchant and country work, which hs
The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE.
Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics as they
apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all the
late improvements on the art of manufacturing flour &c.
intended to be ufeful to all concerned in building or using
wate:-mills, which book is fold,by Matthew Carey and
Robert Campbell, booksellers.
S:pt- 25.
Bankrupt Office.
THE CREDITORS of BANKRUPTS, whose accounts
have been legally proved, may receive their divi
dends by applying at this Office, every day from 9 to n
o'clock \. m. Sundays-cxcepted.
By order of the Commijponers,
Philad. Vine-flreet, No. 92,
November 17, 1795- 3tawl<*.
Delaware Bridge.
THE President and Managers of the Company for e
recting a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo
rough ofEalton,
Give this Public Notice,
That they will, until the firft day of February next, re
ceive proposals of suitable plans or for the said
Bridge; as alio for the erection thereof, and the delivery
of materials. The kngth of the Bridge will be at the
least 600 feet, and must not be composed of more than
three arche'.
Any person inclined to engage in the above undertak
ing, will please to direcft their plans and proposals to the
Searetary of the Company at Eafton.
By order of the Prrfdcnt and Managers,
JOHN ARNDT, Secretary.
Eci.ion, Pennsylvania, Nov. 12. m w <3t s
F U R SAL £',
A very valuable ESTATE,
SITUATE in the towr/hip of Upper Derby, and county of
Delaware, 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile
from the new iVeflern road: containing 2JO acres of exctllent
Land, 45 of cbich are good iintcred Meadow, 90 of prime
Wood Land, and the reH Arable tf (he frfi quality. There are
on the -premise; a good tivoHony Brick House, with 4 rooms ov.
a floor, and Cellars under the whole, with a Pump IVelt of ex
cellent Water in front ; a large frame Barn, Sfrilet, and vther
convenient buildings; a Smoie-Houfe andJfone House ; two
good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. The fields are all i„
Clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are fc tmd
out as to have the advantage of IVater in each of them, which
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
The filiation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culti- '
' vation of the Land, the goad neighborhood, and the vicinity to the ci
ty, it is very suitable for g Gentleman's Country Seat.
Ihe foregoing is part cf tie Eflats of faeob deccafed
andojfered for sale by M ORDECAI LEWIS
Surviving Executor.
9: 1795 eof