€\Brttf Iptmto Hkfe Number 1003.] WEDNESDAI EVENING, NOVEMBER 25, 1795. . [Tolvats VIII. For Charter, THE BRIG AIR HEBE, BURTHEN about 1700 barrels of flour; fails remarkably fact, and is now ready to receive a cargo on board. For terms apply to Jofqph Sims, IVIIO HAS FOR SALE, •"?* Bow£ THE ship s E D G E L T, Hodge, master, SHE will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or pafiage appiy to Philips, Cramond & Co. November 9. d- For LIVERPOOL, J*. THE BRIG ABIGAIL, Thomas Gilford, master, HAS a-great part of he;- cargo engaged, and will fail in a few days. For freight or palfage apply on board at ! Wikoek'swharf, or to THOMAS NEiVMAHjit Rofs's wharf— Who has for Sals, Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, OldFron taiciac Wine in hogflicads, and seven doz. Ivlens' ruffled Shirts. Oil. 42. § JuJl Arrivedper the Snoiu 80/ ion, James Kirkpatrick, Master, from Liverpool, nj Crates ivell-aflqrted Queen's Ware, 4CCO bv.fhels best floved fine Salt, It to be folt! at No. j, Pine-street, by "James Campbell. Also, a few boxes well-assorted Irish linens. k-t?£«KjF~ Said Snow for Freight or Clijr tCl"* e '- ler 10 WeJt-Indies or Enquire as above. . Augvfl j 8. $ FOR SALE, RENSE L A E R, LYING at "\Vtilifig; and Francis's wharf; a ftrony, new vftfTei, five months old, built ol red cedar, bur then 130 tons* supposed will carry about 1200 barrels of flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent accommodatipns for pajfengere. For terms appry to T.. &J. CLIFFORD. ; If not fold in two or three days, said veflel will pro- s ce-ed for the (late of New-York. ' PliiUd. Sept. 29. s For MADEIRA, THE BRIGANTINIi TO fa ! in all this month. For freight or pafTage ap ply to the Captain at South street wha"f, or Peter Blight. November 23. ' § for SALE, by the Subscribers, ; On reasonable terms of credit, 6; Bales of low-priced Flax and Tow Qziuburgi, 6 Bales of Enghih Sail Canxafs of the following num bers, viz. No. 4, 5, 6 Willings & Francis, November 21. 3. taw - Peim-/lreet. FLEECY HOSIERY. BARTHOLOMEW CONOLLT, AT HIS HOSIERY STORE, No. 48, Chefnui-ffreet, BEGS leave to inform his friends, and the Public in general, that he has just received a fmjl quantity of the Bcjl Fleecy Hojiery Stockings, which he recommends to those Gentlemen who make use of that article to make a fpcedy application for, owing to the demand there now is. Where they will also meet with! a molt elegant assortment of \ Every description of Hosiery. November 19. eod6t To-Morrow Morning will be Landed, At Stamper's . —Apply to No. j§7, louth Third-ijtreet. 4 Or it I®. d For Tale, at low prices, NAILS by the calk, from 3d to rod afTorted, and a vari ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks; Cotton and Wool Cards, froiji No. I to 12; Hatters and fiock Cards ; Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines. ' Also, Mac-hints for cutting and heading Nails, with a va riety of articles suitable for that business, which will be told together. A large stock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on the Card Manufa&ory, with the valuable machines for cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work. And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward nefs for finifhing. Also, A LEASE OF THE STORE, Occupied by the late partnerfliip l»f Webster, Adgate and White. As the flore is convenient for the hufinefs, the machines fixed, and the whole in a cpndition to be work ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to purchafc and foiiow the bulinefs to do it to advantage. Enquire of PET£R. W. GALLAUDIiI, OCt. 20. dim. No. 63 Chefnot-ftreet. For SALE, A PLANTATION about twelve miles from this city, in Montgomery county, containing 70 acrcs; of, which there is a new (lone Haijle, two stories high, two moms 011 a lloor. fire places in each roam : Hone Kiuchen, and stone Spring Hoiife over a never failing fpck on the f'lac.-. ap4 Com in the ground, for timhpr particulars ppply at No, ;■}. A.ch.ftrect. Nov- i?. 3 W - For Sale, Or to be LET for a term of -years, AN eleo-ant House with about forty-two acres of I.and 'and Meadow. The situation is very convenient for a Country Seat, or for a pcrfon inclined to attend the markets. There is an excellent Kitchen Garden, Ice-houle, and a-variety of Fruit—the distance about five miles from the cit\. For further oJ apply to the Printer. 14. r John Miller, .jun. & Co. No- 8, QhefnutJlreet* r . Ih ailditioo to their afibrtment now received, have oa hasd remainmg of the Cargoes of the Three Brother s& Arethufa from India, 1 And for sale by the package only, A variety of Bengal and Coaji Goods, viz. Low pricisd Coflats 4-4 and 6-4 book muslins Long cloths in do. " Humhrniij . Shirting mnflins Baftas Cambricks r Book haodkerchiefs in Mwflin j small bates neatly as- Taffaties a sorted. Blue checks Also—a variety of French Goods, viz. 1 Looking glalTes Feathers and Flowers Angola gloves Paper hangings Linaus and Linau .handkerchiefs, suitable for the I Weft-India market. A few elegant Time Pieces. Oifl. 9th. § Landing, this Day, | From the Brandy wine Miller, from Bourdeaax, at Wil ling and Francis's wharf, . 56 pipes of Cogniac Brandy. : FOR SALE BY 'John Nixon isf Co. or f 3 Philips, Cramond, Js 1 Co. 1 Novem. 18. d6t. t . —; ; e just received in the brig Ariel, from St. Croix, 54-hhds Mul covad o Sugar, 5 2500 bushels of coarse Salt, FOR SAkE BY John Nixon & Co. ' November 18. fames 7 iffin, i WHOLESALE o RETAIL HATTER, Ho. 70, south Second neaV the City Tavern; HAS just received by the late arrivals from London and Briftel, a large and elegant afTortment of Ladies aad'Gcntlemens fashionable HATS.—AIfo, a variety of Ciliildrens HA'TS of different colours, which will be fold T on ths lowcli terms for cash. 2V. B. Ladies Hats trim'-d in tlie newefi: fafhion from London, o