Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 24, 1795, Image 1

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    Cf>ajefte States
.Number i 002.1 ■ , ■ —
* *
For Charter,
fdg&i&L about 1700 barrels of flour;
fails remarkably fait, and is n«w ready to receive a cargo
oa board. For terms apply to
JoJcph Sims,
, s~mr y
Bourdeaus Bntfldy, in jCpes;
Bottled Claret,' in cafe? of I, ij and 3 dozen each;
Malaga Wipty Ui fjmartor cafci; '
. Shelled Almonds; 1
Jefnits Bark, red and pale;
Cotton, in bag!;
C»ffee, in bags and biles';
Sheet Cork, &c &c, 13d Nov. §
For Charleston, (S. C.)
THE ship
Ms®lß U S S E L L,
Daniel Reed, master,
WILL fail in the course of ten days, raid take freight
moderate terms; for whieh, or passage, apply to th
Captain on board, at Walnut-ftreet«wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony & Son.
November 18. §*ot.
For Charter,
illik M A R r '
John Fleming, mailer,
BURTHEN 2000 barrels of Flour, is now in complcat
order to take in a cargo. For terms to
Gnrney & Smith,
Who have for Sale,
Bourdeaux and Cogniac Brandy ;
And a few French Burr Stones. Nov. 14. §
For Jeremie,
(To ftiil in tri! this month)
I*" S-, The beautiliil new brig
Richard & James,
Thomas Adams, master,
BUl£.T~ef live oalc and is fierfirft voyage.
She is intended for a confrant trader, and is particularly
well calculated for carry ing pafferigers, having mod excel
lent accommodations, and conflrudted for a remarkable
f?ft faalef. For terms apply to the Captain 011 board at .
Race-ftret wharf, or to
Who have on Hand,
A large arid elegant aflortment of Callicoes, Muslins,
Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. &c.
No. 12, Dock Street,,
10 Pipes of
Ibe very beji Madeira JV I NE>
90 quarter casks of Sherry w inc.
Bristol window glafsof different llzes,
A quantity of bed Havannah i'egoas in boxes,
A few casks ef lugar,
4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens,
4 bales of do. cauvafs,
f bales ps red, white, and yellow flannels;
BURTHEN 2600 barrels, new lying at Mr. Thiddle's
wharf, in Southwark-
Philadelphia, Sept. 22.
For Falmouth and a Market*
s E D G E L r>
John Hodge, master,
SHE will fail with alt convenient speed. For freight
or pillage apply to
Philip),, Cramond & Co.
November 9. d.
TH £ BS.I ft
Thomas Gifford, rtiafter,
HAS a great part »f her cargo engaged, ind will fail in
a few days. For freight or patfage Spply on board at
Wilcock's Wharf, or to THOMAS NEWRniYs
Wht has for Sale,
Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, Old Frr.n
tainiac Wine'in hogsheads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled
Shirts. Oa. 2a. §
'JuJl Arrived per the Snoau Bojlon, "James Kirkpatrick,
Majier, from Liverpool,
113 Crates well-aflorted Queen's Ware,
4000 Mifhels best ftoved fine Sak,
& to be fold at No". 1, Pine-street, by
James Campbell.
Also, a few boxes well-assorted Irish Linens.
Said for Freight or Cliar
-1 cr ' c '^ ler to l ' ie Weft-Indies or
Enquire as-above.
Au*ujl 18. §
LYING at Wilting and Francis's wharf; a strong-,
navr veffcl, five months old, built of red cedar, bur
then t3O tsr.s, ftfppafed will carry iboirt 1200 barrels
of flour, is of an eaf'y draft of water, and has excellent
accommodations fqr paflengers. For terais applv to
If not fold in two qr three days, said vefiel will pro
ceed for the state of New-York.
Fhilad. Sfpt. 29. $
For M A D E I R A,
; TO fail in all this month. For freighter pa&je
ply to the Captain at South street wha-. , cr f
Peter Slight.
November 13.
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
Ort reafondble terms of credit,
6 Bales of low-priced Flax and Tow Oznafeurgs,
6 Bales of English Sail Canvass of the folliwing num-
Tjers, viz. No. 4, 5, 6
Willing* or Francis,
November 21. 3taw. Penn-ftreet.
tf No. Chefmtt-Jlrcet,
BEGS leave to inform his Frieuds, and the Pub Ik in
general, that he hasjuft recrtvcd a small quantity of the
Bcjl Fleecy Hosiery Stockings,
which he recommends to those Gfntlemen who make nfe
" of that article to make a fpe-dy application for, owing to
the demand there now is. Where they will also meet
with a mod elegant assortment of
Every description of Hqsierv.
November 19. eodst
To-Mor"rdw Morning be Landed/
t At Stamper s wharf, from on beard the
Jchooner Eliza, T. Arnold, majier,
direß from Malaga,
goo Quarter Barrels frefh BLOOM RAISINS
300 Boxes do. do. do.
£ 300 Jars do. do. do.
I 400 Boxes do. Mufcate! do.
11- Quarter Barrels FIGS
137 Boies PRUNES
50 Jars GRAPES
94 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS
100 Quarter Casks MOUNTAIN WtNE
y sth November. dtf
L : Masjiift received by 'tKe late arrivals from England, and
is now opening at his STORE,
N°- 134,
. MarksUjliicsU corner of Fourth 9
jrrorfmcnt of broad and narrow Cloths; Elaf-.
tic do. K*rfcymeres; Coatings 15 ; flan
nels, &c &c.—Also, an elcgdnt assortment of London
i and Mancheftcr printed Callicoes of -tluL-jtuwel} '
adapted for the leufon, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and
. Puliicats, Pins, See. v/hich he t will fell by the Picce or
. Package on the lowed terms for Calh or approved notes
at 2, 4, & 6 months.
5 November 5. dtf.
drifo Linens.
James & Henry Fisher,
No. 8y IValnut-jired,
Hive imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a large
AfTortment of
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens,
7-B,ljrown do.
a-a half white Sheetings,
's brown atid white do.
3-4 brown and white Lawiis,
7-8 Dottlae ;
- Which they will difppfe of on reafojiable teritis, by the
package, for caih or approved Notes, at 60 and 90 days.
N. 3. The above Goods being immediately from the
Manufa&orics, it is prefum*d they will be found worthy
of notice. o<si. a 6. |
The highest price in Calh, will be given for
A preference Will be given to Claret Bottles.—Apply t«>
No. 187, south Third-llreet.
Abrit IG. d
Hare's Patent Floor Gloth,
THE manufa&urer has jqft imported by the LIGHT
HORSE FROM BRISTOL, an elegant aflortment
of the newefl and best Patterns, which are in excellent
a preservation, from 9 feet square to 18 by 15 feet; Jike
t wife, for Stairs, Entries, and Halls, from j yard to 3
s yards wide.
The fubferiber rcfj>ed.fully Informs purchasers, that
Floor Cloths laid under woollen Carpets during the win
ter, will be in a state of improvement till the spring, and
render rooms warm by preventing from palling be
tween the boards. JOHN BROWNE,
No. 145 north Second-ftrjet.
' A quantity of Remnants to lay before the fixe for the prd
fervation of woollefi Carpets ;
Dipt and mould Candles, with fine cotton wick;
Brown and white Soap, of a very superior quality, in
small boxes suited for families;
White Lead; Red Lead; Spanish Brown; Orange Mine
ral, &c. &c. Norember 10. cod.
For sale, at low prices,
r NAILS by the eaflc, from 3d to iod assorted, and * Vari
ety of Sprigs, Tacks;
7 Cotton and wool Cards, from No. 1 to IJ;
Hatters and stock Cards;
Cards fct in calf, fnitabW for cotton ntachiaesi
Alfa. Maehinesfdr cutting and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles suitable for that business, which will
be feld together.
A large Hock of Wire, ahd other articles for carrying on
> the Card Manufactory, with the valuable machines for
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward
ntfs for Cnilhing. Also,
Occupied by the late partflerfhip of Webfler, Adgate and
White. As the flore is convenient for the business, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work
ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to
purchafc and follow the business to do it to advantage.
Cit. so. disj. No. <>3Chefnut-ftreet.
John Miller, jun. 8c Co.
No. 8, ChefnutJlrect,
In addition to their assortment now received, have on hand
remaining of the
Cargoes of the Thru Arethafa from India,
And for sale by the package only,
-,' of Bengal and Coafi Goods r viz.
Lowpnetfd Ctfhcs 4-4 and 6-4 btftfk
Long cloths ''°-
Patna handkerchiefs Humhiuni
Shirting muslins Baftas
Blue romaj-s Cami.rkks
Book handkerchiefs in Muffin
small bales neatly as- Taffaties
forled, r. Blue checks
Also—a variety of French Goods, viz.
Looking g)afies Feathers and Flowers
Am;ola glovts Paper hangings
Linaus Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the
Weft-Indii market.
A frvt elrgim Time Pieeej. Oft. 9th. §
Landing, this Day,
From the Brandywine Miller, from Bourideatix, at Wil
liug and Francis's wharf,
j 6 pipes of - Cogniac Brandy.
yohn foixon Iff Co or
Philips, Crilmond, & Co.
Novem. iS. d(jt.
Just received in the brig Ariel, frbm
St. Croix,
54 hhds Muscovado Sugar,
+ 500 bushels of coarse Salt,
John Nixon & Co.
November 18.
James Tiffin,
No. 70, south Sccond street, near the City Tavern,
HAS just received by the late arrivals from London
and Bristol, a large and elegant assortment; ps Ladies
and Gentlcraens fafliionablfc HATS.—AIfo, a variety of
@hildrens HATS of different colours, which will be fold
on the lowed terms for cash.
N. B. Ladies Hats trim'-d in the newest fafhion frpm
London. Oil. li. §
— ; • FO~K SALE,
Imported in the (hip Afttkufa, from Calcutta and
Madrtfs, a variety of
, CalicOcs.
„ die notes' at;
! three i'.id fiur rr.aiubs, by
No. 41 Dopk Street, or
For SALE, by the Subscribers,
Tiff foUoimng attiJes of to: laji importation from China.
160 Quarter Chests HyiTon Tea,
120 Quarter Chests Soachong Tea,
400 Boxes China, containing Ifea Setts,
4500 Pieces Nankeens.
Willings Ss 3 Francis.
Sepj-'mb r 14. 3taw
459 B I Coffee, above 600,0001b.
224 Bags, J
, 115 l-IpgHieads 6f choice Jamaica Sugar.
211 Bales of St. Domingo Cotton,
Will be landed Monday morning, 26th infw. at Sonth
ftreet wharf,
Being; the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ;
Brig Polly, and Schoonor Induilry, from Jeremie,
Peter Blight.
O&ober 22. §
John Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Miller,
have entered into partnerlhij), under the Firm of
John Miller, jun. Co.
They have received iy the arrivals from Europe, and are nozv
opening for SALE,
At their STOIIE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet,
' A capital ajfertmerit of DRT GOODS,
Suitaole to the season—amongst which ard,
t Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
! B*averetts and elastics,
Rose and point Blankets,
A varitty of coarse Woollens,
Manchester manufa&urcs,
1 Irish Linens,
India Goods, generally, ►
French Goods.
All bf which they will dispose of for caih or the ufaal
credit. Oilober 9. §
Canal Lottery-Office
Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES,
Odoler *, 1795.
THE drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the
18th ult. The sale of Tickets is continued by the
fubferiber, frpm 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'clotfk
in the afternoon, at the above office, and by J. Roberdeau
at the Statc-Houfe, warranted undrawn.
Prise Tickets will be received ill payment, fubjed to the
dedCuSan expressed 111 the ti»kets—Price 11 dollars until
further «otjce. Approved notes, with a good indoffer,
payable 2Qsh De*embcr next, will be received in paymeut
for tic]f cts amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards.
|| William Blacilurn, Agent.
Gheck Book kept at the Office. Tickets examined at
Z-100 each number, and regifterod at 1 a-100 each ticket.
N. B. No tickets fold during the ho«rs of drawing.
N v \ 64,f:vtb Setondfreet,
CANAL Tickets for file, and cash or tieltjts given for
any prizrcs that may be drawn.
Information given refpedling Washington lottery, and
eafh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may be drawn.
Both lotteries commence drawing September aßth.
BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot
teries, and oper. gratis to the enquiries of the poffeflbrs of
Tickets purchased at the OFFICE.
0" Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be
had at the abose Office. Sept. s6. §
Jamaica Rum.
Tlw Cargo of the brig Peace, Cipatia Gr*y, from the
north fade of Jamaica,
/riff landed to-morrow morning at Southjlre.'t woarf,
High Proof RUM,
~ S 7-~ - -L-W A
The Partoerihip of SAM. itTfTO. SHAW
TJElNS'diudW.xi in Aujuft lnf ; by mutual confess,
JD all those indebted, ivhnfe accounts ar. due, are de
sired to make speedy payment at their Store, comet of
Front and Arch-iireet. The bttfixefs is now curried on
at the fame place, by
Who has for sale, on reasonable terms, for cafli, or the
f usual credit,
Ageneral aflortment ofMerchandize,
Imported by the last veflelsfrem London, Briltal, and Li
verpool, suitable for the Fall Season.
A Tobacco Engine and Press co be fold by 9am. Shaw
o&©Der 23. 2aw3*<»& i i\v do.
Bartholomew Conol'ly,
No. 48, Chefnut-fireet,
RESPECTFULLY informs his fliends and the public
in general, that he has imported in rht late arrivals
from England, an elegant, extensive and well chofcn as
sortment of men's and women's noficry—among which
is a very variety ef beautiful fancy hosiery—such as
llriped aad clouded cottoij — fine plated filjc and cotton —
elegant patent fancy silk. ' Fjpe striped and ; cloudedpatent
worsted, &c. &c. which are now oifered f«r sale
his usual low terms, together with every other article of
dry good-., suitable to the season.
B. C. has also imported a great variety of gentlemen's
our fixe ilepkings. OS. 24. eoltu.
- Q~^
OFall sizes, from 32 lb to Grape,
Cambooles, Pots, and »ther callings executed at the
fliprteft notice,
Nail rods, from iod to spike.
Hoop Iron,' of all sizes, for ca&os or cutting into nails, from
a brad » lad nails,
Anchors, from 17 100Tb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James River Tobaco®,
Carolina Pork.
Harripgs in barrels,
Kiln-qried.eom meii in Hhds. and Bbl6.
Rye fl»ur &c. to be fold by
Levi Hollingjhvorth £5* Son.
.iu-yjl 4 i joi
Fre'fh TEAS,
Of fupcrisr quality, viz.
Imperial, or Gunpowder
• • H) fort Gomee,
t ft quality "Hyson,
2d. do. UQ.
Young Hyion,
Hylon Skin, and
Souchong. - :
A fevi Doxti of each,' far fait at
No; TO, Tfercf Street, Soifth.
December 10. eod.
Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Factory, in the old
wind-mill ieLlfrJley's alley,
South Seconder :ei, a little beltrtv Du.l J!r:?t,
WHERE those who apply may befupplied with ftonet
of such quality as will suit their purposes. Alio,
stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris.
He keeps for SrfLE,
At his dwelling No. 215 north Second-street, a Ifctle above
'**•*- ' Vineftiett,
Boulting Cfoths,
A complete affbrtment of both imported and American
manufactured for merchant and country work, which he
warrants good.
The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE.
Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics as they
apply to wat«r mills with the whole process of, and all the
late improvements on the art of manufacturing flour &c.
intended to be ufeful to all concerned ia building or using
water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and
Robert Canrpbell, booWellers.
Sept. 2j. 3tdaawtf.
Bankrupt Office.
THE CREDITORS of BANKRUPTS, whose accounts
have been legally proved, may receive their divi
dends by applying at this Office, every day from 9 to 12
o'clock 4. m. Sundays excepted.
By order of the CommiJJioners,
Philad. Vine-flrczt, No. 92,
November 17, 1 795. Stawi**.
Delaware Bridge.
THE President and Managers of the Company for e
recting a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo
rough ofEafton,
Give ibis Public Notice,
That they will, until the firft day of February next, re
ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said
Bridge; as alio for the erection thereof, and the delivery
of materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the
lead 600 feet, and mill not be composed of more than
three archei.
Any perfen inclined to engage in the above undertak
ing, will please to direct their plans and propolals to the
Searetary of the Company at Eaftofl.
By order of the Prejideni and Managers,
JOHM ARNDT, Secretary.
Eaftn, Pennfylvania,Nov. 12. m w %
FOR 6 A L n,
A "very valuable.ESTATE,
Called T^ittenMam*
?0 ITU ATE in the towtjhtp if Upper Derby, and county yf
O Delaware, 7 1-2 miles front Philadelphia, and half a mile
from the new IVefcrn road: containing 2£o acres of excellent
Land, 45 of ivbicb are good toatered JVltadtnv i 90 of prime
Wood Land, and the reH Arable ef the frfl quality. 'There ate
on the premises a good twoH§ry Brick House, -with 4 rooms on
a floor, and Cellars under the ivhole, with a Pump lVelt of ex
celler.t IVafer in front; a large frame Bam, Stables, and other
convergent buildings; a Smote-Houfe andflone Spring House ; two
good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. The Fields are all in
Clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are fa laid
out as to have the advantage of Water in each of them, which
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culti
vation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and the vicinity to the ci
ty, it is very suitable for a Gentleman s Country Seat,
Ibe foregoi/tg is paries the Kflate vf Jacob Hut mar, s deccafed
and offered for sale by M ORDECAI LEWIS
Surviving Executor.
■ 0a.9.17 9.; t; «</