to the Public. = MINIATURE PAINTING. & \ Limner from Paris refpewtfully informs the public, jl\. that he paints Likenelfes in Miniature, in fach striking and ploafinga manner, as will, he hopes, fatisfy those wha may employ him. His LikeneiTes arc war- » ranted, his fittings (hort, and his terms easy. His Room is at No. 2,north Fifth-ureet. November 11. §I9t. P. S. As he ihortly intends returning to France, he t irtvites such I .adies and Gentlemen as may be desirous of a having their Portraits . On the premifts there is a J ten valuable orchard of yonng aftd thrifty apple trees, a fra- j . arisd barn ami fljilt.;, two com houses, a grain loft, and catriiige iiouft quite new, a ntW ftom u-,ik houft, and ,l: near it a well," and a conllant spring of water. For an( ' terms apply to r l homas V.Johnston, Eln ; or to the fubft.nber at J,j n Tufculum. t( j Ann Witherfpoon. I;^^, r*feu!uhi, Nov. ir. *daw 4W - pea Andover Iron Works 'w-. TO KE spij), OR LET ON. LEASE. pari "T~HEY are lltuiite in the comities os-Sussex alid Morris,, enr I "I the State, of New-Terfey : Ihe ore liy<. within a tre; , "•ile of the Fnrnace, i" t ; rt&h'red.of the firft quality of any ArnerKa.'anrt pi rVica'arly adapt--cITor making Steel, j I"'" Tfc. . urrace apd Forgq," to .wivwfj belongbctweejTl l and j ' -,©oo.acrL rol Land, wi;l be fu' iWj or U fj- and ther fcptfitoly or together: thcr are _:Uttant about lWveii {lirrl iniL's fc-om eaei\ other, and are an obi' dl well worth the fjj attention ci Iron Masters. The buildings. &c. ire in eve- , ry refpeet commodif.ns For further jv-rtlculai» apply te ° lisnj miu Chew, or JohnLardner, PiiilaJtlpnia. j. — OS. 2- ;,taw I its t • — g ()vt Five Dollars Reward. j of p Q TRaS £p, oh the oi' Oijlober, fffrhi Terith'- ! dtrrv 3 Street, near Mulbcrry-Strc^t; a"roan HORSE,abiftrt ?By seven years, old, ka ; a'whitefpot on Ji:s forehead, white, j iect And rut %il. .Any pcrfo.i whocau information of the ia«ae, will rcccivtthe above rewa'rd.,ana expeiice6, P ar),r ,by applying to UiLLON & Co, No, la, south '1 hircl- Street. Nsvtniber 14- §tw. geftc STRICTURES on a publication, entitled " Fea ;,;ic, turns of Mr. Jay 1 ! Treaty, from aS. C. paper. fa ell I CONTINUtD.J tisfy The writer of the diilortions proceeds to alarm war " the citizens of the United a thousand chimeras : " What with the eftabli/hment of Bxi lt ti(h colonies and Britilh wirehoufes, the naturaliza ,he tioii of Britilh land holders, and the unqualified is of admission of British fubjefts," he aflures us that the « aa American will hardly be able to find elbow _ room for fiimfelf and family : our merchants will tates dwindie to clerks, our huibandmen will degenerate ;te of into the condition of the feudal rillenage, and in a tree- (hurt courfc of years America will probably exhib c"y it the astonishing fpeftacle of a countiy, pofleffed, ' cultivated and (tpjoytd by aliens." A'i this won awSi derful operation is to be brought about, by fufier :d to ing a few Canadian settlers to reside near the potts, Miy and permitting those British fubjedts only who now ,in S- hold lands in the United States to continue to hold them ! Is it possible that this alarmilt could have had so contemptible an idea of our citizens, as to ffict address foch trash to their underflandings ? He sue- seems to think that the epithet Britilh, which he ' t ' lc so liberally employs, carries along with it at on«e •j. terror and conviction. It is surprising he omitted, — in his enumeration, the British manufa&urcs with which we are cloathed ; it is equally furprifing,that ICa in expressing, his terrors about the Mifiilippi, he unil fofjjot that the j#int right of navigating that river i» secured by the former treaty of 1783; and that ar( i. in trembling at the confrquence of peimitting only those Biitilh fubjefts who now hold lands to cob n. tinue to hold them, he forgot the right which the French have by treaty to hold iands, without limi rip- tation. The feudal villenage he so feelingly deprecates rm exists already,but fortunatciyjonly in a part of Amc- ' iges r ' ea ' to " s lh!iine,to which that alarmilt is supposed rom t-o be warmly attached : in a state which boatts of ' de- its pre-eminent love for liberty, and of its ( exclusive title to patriotism, we (till tind the degra- ' jne ding relictsof the feudal fyltem, an exemption of ' land from the payment of debts, and the exciulive rors rights of citizenlhip vefied in landholders, en- Th's writer betrays too plainly, his views and ' ; on " connedians, by his sympathy for the felt" created J societies, (now abolished even in France) and his 1 aversion to what he calls city cohorts and prastorian ' bands: thus vainly attempting to ftigmaiize thof* ' valuable associations of worthy citizens, who have ' done so much honor to true republicanism by their « and fuppert tto their government and laws againit the J parricidal attacks of the fjftious. ' The treaty, he tells us, is "to rejudge the so- 1 'to lemn judgements of our courts of justice." Can ; he have read the treaty ?It expressly confines the r •n. eomm '''' oners to cases, to which the ordinary ' ; nj? coorfe of judicial proceedings cannot extend :it is f [hes expressly limited to cases of insolvency, occasioned 1 by legislative a which, in spite of malignant predictions, our un to ien and oitr liberties have yet survived. But the great and strong argument of the Alarm ist, is, that the treaty and the conltitution of the tr United States are at war with each other; now tii — f this circumllance, one wmtkl instead of 1;, ! alarming, ought to convey to him the highell th of ; gratification, for, in that cafe, the treaty must ed ;be null and void : whatever is at war with lei -11 | the confiitution mult yield to it, that being para- of ns j mount. It is however curious to follow the llrange ro : contradictions between this writer and himfelf, and tti ' ; ! between himfelf arid other writer* of the fame rit x, . Hamp. It the treaty be so clearly repngnant to si c ty J the conftitntion frorti beginning to end, a^he pre- T | tends to demojiltiate, what Beceflity was there for pa 'j his endless catalogue «f abomination* contained in tr. •id 't: he had only to prove its unconftitutionality, th , r and the bulincfs was done : his afling otherwise is an v. a contiadiclion of his own doftiine. Other alarm- th " iits, in 'oppolition to this writer, have exclaimed, tal •' the impending treaty, for it is not TI like a cfimmon aft of legislation which can be re- ve pealed at our will ; when ratified it is the supreme fflii) of the land, by the Conflitutiou, and cannot he !»e altered but by war, or the cor.sent of the other G. party to it." This writer asserts, confidently, that to a, enrgtel's alone can, •' by the constitution, make a 3 treaty, lecaufe it is a legflati-ve aft." Other oppofi- f OI f_! iron writers complain of the caiftitutiwn, for hav- thi d j ing I'ficJ the treaty-making p*«tling« and cbarafter of Americans is ii, to compare t>is ignorant and enslaved valla's o> Polwid to the fict I |rm and enlightened citizensof this country, w I*o know sand 'brir rights, and have capacity to discern t;iat their j!,;. true interests lie between the extremes ot 'icentiauf jj z!l _ ness and a govei ninent unconlrouled by coiiiiitution ified a ' rellriftiens. tj la t After a vevbofe exordium on the chacafter of a b ovv limited government, he Hates a cafe, which proves w ;[j at once an ignorance of the federal canftitution. ■rate endeavour to (hew that the treaty making a power, as he terms it, cannot be paramount to a [lib- legislative - aft, he ailcs the fol'lswinjr ridiculous queltion : " Can tile Senate and President propose ~o n' an amendment, by way of treaty, to the conllitu fj- er . tion ? And if they can,'in this way, original:, □ Its might they not ejffi-ctuate alterations iu the funda nmy mental points of our government, and make in tact t)o ij a new eonftitution V It is almost incredible that lave such absurdities (hould escape the pen of a man, sto who profeffes to write giavely on constitutional points. What connexion is there between the pow j | cr »f making treaties and that of proposing arnend >ntc ments to the eonftitution ? The one is expressly ta l veiled in the President and two thirds of Ihe Senate ; v j ( jj the ether, as expressly, in two thirds of both hou ,|iat fe« of Congress: In the one cafe, the House of j )e Reprefeiitativcs has no ageucy ;in the other, the _ j ver President has npne :In the former, the is fi nal ; in the other, it only recommends to other ' )n ]„ authorities, who are to decide. What opinion must , on this writer have entertained of the i»tellefts of his : readers, when Ve afited this question ? And what 1 j m ;_ opinion mull they entertain of his designs, when ! they read it ? 1 ltc . s He proceeds to inform us that, by the conftitu- Te _ tion, congress is empowered to boirow money— >fed " Suppose," fays he, "it wis deemed expedient | 0 f to fublidize Portugal, instead of building frigates, ' could two thirds of the Senate and the President 1 rra . either borrow or guarap.tee a loan for that purpofc < "of h ,reat y ?" In anfwaring in the affirmative, I 1 live w '" t or- Is > tlfey admit by treaty what is expressly c in- f°rbid fey th« eonftitution ? Their power of mak- ' 0 tas !n S treaties being derived alone from that inftru- ], (jy ment, how could they aft in direst opposition to t 3t y it? A treaty, like a law, must be confarmable to ji for eonftitution to be binding ; every part repug- f ca- na:l ' to it, is a dead fetter. As well might he aflc, f ials whether the President and Senate can regulate by u ;^e treaty that the citizens of America shall eat but a ca- one mea ' a day ? reasoning may suit the me ridian of Pittjlurgh, but it mull excite the con- & la- ,em P l or derision of every rational citiren. c b« ('To be continued.) I «r, „ a ut- . ~ -7 } to- Philadelphia, November 23, 1795. v 'P- foreign intelligence. > *1 the Ann & Mary, Captain F.ggar, from Lendon, 'j we have been favored with a series of Papers in u- September, from which the following articles (not j] !s, publiftied here) are copied : n September 15. g r>- In a matter which so nrarly reg al ds the public >e tranquility, we think it our particular duty tQ no- Cl 'w tice th« reports which have been so generally circu- ir «slated through the country bv difaffefted persons, P rrt that thefeveral regiments which have lately appear- J lit ed in a llateof mutiny on being ordered on Foreign j ll th, were «..lifted under an express stipulation a i a- of not abroad. w ?e \Ve have made very particular enquiry into the fa id t.uth of this report, which, if true, would have mr ie rited the molt severe animadverfinns affainft the of- B 1 to ficers who could enlist men under falfc"pretences d: e- 1 ~ elate mutiny at Cork has been mentioned as a >r particular inftanceof th« soldiers having been thus ■ n tr.panned ; but we Hate fr„m the fir ft authority q> y, that in the letters of service for railing the .octh th 13 a . nd . n 3'h.regnr.ents, it is expressly stipulated, that •»« l '' e . lr recruits should be engaged without any h'mi- 6r ' !p!' 0 " , aSt f. thc P eriod °r place of their ftrvice.— P< >t Ine h« llipulation has been made in ret-ard -to e e- very other corps which has been draughted. a r >te Alter this public declaration, we trust we fiiall vi, >t hear no move animadverfioa, of this nature ti. ;r Government, as they can have no other view\han a it to promote difefFeftion andconfufion. j; t ) forThifw' ,^°°' roops -'«« now under orders T - for the Weft Indies, are not more than fufficfent for of j Si R-Il Ah' " lo'I o ' . xvhiehthc, y a « intended, ne ' b,r . Abercrombie ,s to rcfide at Martinique, th > and have the affairs of the Wind' pi vTr 7l'' ,o° re-cap,„re R y of Guadalonpe and St. Lucia; the can quell of F. n ?°nr g A f W bC ° ng 10 a fepnrate command, wholly d.ft.nft from that of Sir K. Abercrombies! wi A ifiucli large, farce must now be apportioned to an 1 he i nter lervice.than was at firft ibought of • f or be « . may be depended on as a fact, that our Court i to deeded not o peemit the Spaniards to fulfil that ess e partoftfow late tjeaty with the French, which fti- bu r T ,IU ,rpor!io " ° fSt " D <><*i«™, un- e!f • of it Tl" C S l are U , f,taat; ° n >'pcfielHon te, - int «ft ?\P. r ha , vin K tocede their fm ,n the lt3nnd !be French, it nattily sol- th, We lows, accenting to every principle of tl, v . ; 3iv t - £' ngs ilous, that at the expiragun of-the term ii>vj r"' the the cession, it becomes an enemy's count; y "'i'"' ic« we have a mod undoubted right to attack ' V "" ul ow It was intended that Gen. O'Hara Ihc'uld 1,- . ieir the command at St. Domingo; but as he us- yet regularly exchanged, he cannot be I 3 n- It was yetterday reported that f, x o fthe „ w : neers at Cork, who were tried by a Court risW f a have been lentenced to be ihot. ves The Captain of an American vessel, arrived at — Clyie, from Liflwn, informs, thst on his torn ■ • "g he was brought to by two, French frigates, co.Vo,' i , a »ng three large Brazilian merchantmen, richly ! 0 J' ius ed, ftseiing for the port of Biril. jfe According toauthentic lcttcisfrom Vannes writ u ■ tcu'by Gentlemen who were made prisoners at Qvi. heroi-, it seems certain, that the slaughter of ....I^ la- unfortunate men has not been so general aswasfni* ,a announced in the Paris Paper,. The unfortunate lat Sombreuil, and 13 or 14 of his principal officers" in, and the Btfhop of Dol and abVit the fame nun,' ial ber of pneits, are the only prisoners who have iv- been (hot ; and these murders were permitted pur- £j d- fuant to the orders given by before he le ily but for Paris. But these assassinations made so tt.oU ; ; an imprrffion upon the inhabitants of Vaanes, thatE u- the Convention did not dare to fheot any more.—. of Several prisoners have efcaped"from their keeper* and he joined the Chouans, and the reft remain confined si- at Vannes, but are very kindly treated by the inha er bitants. ift It is certain that M. de Puifaye, with four of lis five other officers, has re-enttred' Morbihan, and at conveyed succours to the Chouans. As he lus to •n atone for great faults, some great effort maybe expe&ed from him. u- Paris, which has hitherto been the certreofthe _ Revolution, and whose motions, it has been im:" nt gined, have in general determined that of tin whole 8, nation—l ans declaies agaiuit the Conventioners .* nt all communication is cut off hetween the Citizens fa and the armies polled round thtm as a guard, atul I who as yet remaia firm to their matters by whom ill they are fed ; but v jr.i they may, in a moment al hurl to their tv iftine nifigniiicaiicc, or bting to their ' Sj deserved punithmei ti II Th« " Gazette Fransciie" makes the following e - remarks on the of the decree againtt emi grants : " Could it be possibly expeded that a eon e" : ftitution deltined to become one day the Gospel of sr ! Frenchmen and the universal pledge of mutual re 's ! conciliation, should be (tain<;d by so barbarous, f<» a immoral, and so unjust a measure ? liuhe reeords of all civilized nations we seek, in vain, after an in llance, that the proscription of a part-oftheir fellow rr eitizens has ever been made a fundamental law of ?• the llate. We shall not attempt to jufrify such 111 Frenchmen as have emigrated since the 2d of Sep tember, j the unanimous voice pi ail Frene^fi : - less reproaches thanthofe whoappioved and decreed 0 the oppression of France, or fuffered this outrage 0 to be committed. Let therefore this article, which >" evidently clashes with all true principles, be eia fed from the Constitution, and if we perln't to lie y unjust, let us at leafk tor decency's fake assume the lt; appearance, as if we did not know it." Berg belongs to the Eledos Palatine. Duffel -1 dei it is the capital which has lately been considerably ftrengthenid and fortified. It is 2d English miles from Cologne, and the only aonfidc,- „ able place on the right bank of the Rhine, from Holland to Manheim. The river is about the . width of the Thames at Chelfea, bHt not very deep, . especially in summer. An hi dorian speaking- of Neufs, which isexaftly opposite to Duffelderf^no. tices an extraordinary fhallownefs cf the Rhine in ' that neighborhood. n The following officers are appointed ta attend 11 the expedition to the Weil-Indies, under the com mand of Sir Ralph Abeicrombie : Major-General* Hunter, Campbell, F. Dundas, Graham, H.Pig gott, and Morfhed. c The late King of Prussia used to express his . contempt of the Philofophets of his time, by fay - i'lg, that if he wifiied to inffifl some extraordinary , plague upon any province, he would place it tin .. der the government of Philosophers. This fevcre judgment, however, Frederick principally aimed again ft Voltaire and other Writers, with whose principles the unbelieving Prince was more 3 familiarly conversant, than with true philcfophy. The grand match of Ciicket, for one thousand . guineas, between Kent and All England, was some . ''ays since terminated at Dandelion, in faveur of } K«nt. A twig- of the law, lately, in Cornwall, left the > quill for an inftrumewt sometimes less offen/ive—. the gun. In a word, he became a feneible ; when, t being incorporated in tht ranks on a field-day, and 6"dered to c!)urge y he inflantly whipped out his . pocket-book, and put down 6s. Bd. On comparing the report made by Rober jof', and infcTtcd in this day's Paper, with the late ad vice cf the German Empire, touching the negocic tions for Peace with France, it feeras evident, that a Peace between Germany and the French Repub- H. lie is obllrudied by almost insurmountable ohftac lts. 1 i The Advice of the Empire infills 011 the integrality « V of the Empire being made the basis of the intended negcciations ; and the above report-, on the con trary, proposes, that that part of the Gemian Em pire, which is fitnafed on the left banks of the Rhine, fliall be tern from it, and incorporated with ' France. To conciliate this ambitious projedl of France with the honour of the Empire is an arduous talk, and in all probability the chance ef war will alone be able to decide this momentous point. In order to bring it to an issue, the French have at length effected the long announced passage of the Rhine ; but the Auflrians will, no doubt, exert their utmoll efforts to make them repent of their hazardous en terprise, which success alone can juflify; and I lie fmal.eft ciieck trui.t render it highly pernicious to the Republicans.