MONDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, *795- [VOLUME VHI. Number iooi.j 1 — — ' .. . « t • n Fo* Charleston, (S. C.) * THS SHIP J ■WmL R u S S E L L, 6] Daniel Reed, master, WILL fail in the course of ten days, and take freight o e moderate terms; for which, or passage, apply t0 th Captain on b»ard, at Walmit-ftreet wharf, or to Jofepb Anthony & Son. November 18. 3 10t- i I For Charter, t-l *T H E B* I C -j-, A mart, E John Fleming, inafter, BuJpFfjS 2000 barrels of Flour, is now in compleat sri*r to take in a cargo. For terms appiy to Gurney & Smith, V i Who have for Sale, Beardeaux and Cogniac Brandy ; And a few French Burr Stones. Nov. 14. § — For jeremie, (To fail in all this month) (•—j" The beautiful new brig vSNkh Richa-rd & James, Thomas Adams, matter, BUILT of live dak and cedar, and is heriirft voyage. She i* intended for a constant trader, and is particularly well calculated for carrying pafTengers, having molt excel lenf accommodations, and confirmed for a remarkable fact sailer. For terms apply to the Captain on board at w„« » D J AMES poTTER. Who have tn Hand, A large and elegant affortmeitt of Callicoes, Muflms, Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, fcc. &c. Nov. 13. d FOR SALE, BT H JOHN CRAI G, No. 12, Dock Street, IO Pipes of The very bejl Madeira WIN E, ooqi'arter Catks of Sherry wine, Brillol window glass of different sizes, n A quantity of best Havannah fegaas in boxes, A few calks ef lugar, * 4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens, - 4 bales of do. canvass, p V 5 bales of red, white, and yelltfw flannels; a W&BHP P 0 Itl S M OU7 B JBT HEN Ift jo barrels, new Tying at Mr. ThaJJ!t'» i •wharf, in Southwark. Philadelphia, Sept. 12. *• f To Madeira, PEfcSEVEftANCE, 'jit William kiiharJt, rtajler, WILL fail ill all next week. For freight br passage ap ly t0 JESSE Iff ROBERT WALN. N'ovembtr 9. dtf. p For Falmouth and a Market, * E D G E L t, John Hodge, mailer, SHE will fail with all convenient speed. for freight or pafTafee apply so . Philips, Cramohd t3 Co. November 9. For LIVERPOOL; THE feki'6 A B IG A I L, Thomas Gifford, master, HAS a g:eat part «f her cargo engaged, and will fail in a few days. For freight or passage appjy on board at Wilcoci's Wharf, 6r to THOMAS NEWMAN,AtRofss -wharf — Who has for Sale, Coffee. Cotton, Chftt in cases and hampers, OldFrnK tainiac Wiflt in hogsheads, and seven doz. Metis' rulHe'd Siiirts. 0i1.5 JitJl Arrived per the Snow Bojlort, fame r Kirkpatrick, Majler, front Liverpool, 113 Crates \yej!-*fTorted Queen's Ware, 4000 bushels best floved fine Salt, gc to be fold at No. 1, Pine-street, by James Campbell. Also, a few boxes well-assorted Irifli Linens. N. B. Said Snow for Freight or Cliar ter ' e ' l^er to l^e Weft-Iridies or Enquire as above. 18. ' FOR SALE, and Francis's \tharf; a strong, new vessel, five modths old, built of red cedar, bur then 130 tens, supposed will carry about i.oo barrels of flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has "xcellent accommodations for paJEngm. If not fold in two or three days, said vessel will pro- Seed for the state of New-York, Phllad. Sept. 19. For Sale, Or to be LET for a term of years, AN elegant Honfe with about forty-two acres of Lsuid and Meadow. The situation is very convenient tor a Country Seat, or for a person inclined to attend the markets. There is an excellent Kitchen Garden, Icc.-hou c, and a variety of Fruit—the diflahte about five miles from the city. For further information apply to the Printer. November 14. aawtf " Tor SALE, by the Subscribers, j On t rsfonable terms of credit, 6 Bales of low-priccd Flax and Tow Oznaburjs, In 6 Bales of Englilh Sail Canrafs of the following nuns bers, viz. No. 4, 5, 6. Witlings Iff Francis, November 21. 3taw. Penß-ftreet. ton FLEECY HOSIERY. Patt Shir BARTHOLOMEW CONOLLT, J'- at his hosiery store, fl] No. 48, Chejnut-ftreet, . f 0 BEGS leave t» inform his Friends, and the Public in general,that he has just received a small quantity of the - Sect Fleecy Hosiery Stockings, A °° which he recommends to those Gentlemen who make use £ of that article to make a speedy application for, owing to Wt the demand there now is. Where they will alio meet Vith a moil elegant assortment of .— Every description of Hosiery. November <9. eo36t ' Frol To-Morrow Morning will be Landed, At Stamper's vjharf, from onboard the 3 fchdoner Ekta, T. Arnold, majler, direct from Mtflaga, 800 Quarter Barrels freih BLOOM RAISINS 300 Boxes do. do. do. 300 Jars do. do. do. t 400 Boxes do. Mufeatel 'do. J II; Quarter Barrels FIGS 137 Boxes PRUNES c® Kegs ANCHOVIES 50 Jars ©RAPES 9 94 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS 100 Quarter Casks MOUNTAIN WINE FOR SALE BY PETER KUHN. f ' j'th November. GEORGE DOBSON, Has iuft received by the late arrivals from England, and * is now opefiiag at his STORE, jU N°* 134, and Markct-Jlreet, corner of Foufth, Gfti 5 A Laro-e assortment of broad and narrow Cloths; Elnf- ctl f\_ tic "do. "Kerseymeres ; Coatings ; Blankets; Flan- - nels, &c &c.—Also, an elfcgaiit affftrtment of Loiigen . andManchetler printed,Catlicdes of she rtrweft patterns, adapted for the season, -printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and f m Pullicats, Pins, &c. which he will fell by the Piece or Package cn the lowed terms for Cash or approved notes at 2, 4, & 6 months. November 5. Jr'\fh Linens. '* * Tamxrs Fi fiver, Ao '8. lVn!"u!, Have rm'ported by tlie l\efeecca, from Dublin, a large assortment 6f '•]-% and 4-4 white Linens, 7-8 brown do. 4-4 lialf white Sheetiiigs, 9-8 bVown and white do. _ 3-4 lirtiWn aiid white Lawits, 7-8 DoWlas'; ; " Which they will dispose of on reafonible terms, by the package, for cash ei approved Notes, at 60 and 90 days. — N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the L Manufactories, it is prefumvd they will be found worthy Q of notice. OiSl. 26. t For SALE, by the Subscribers, In PENN-STREET, - the followTng articles tf tbc Injl importation from China. IGo Quarter Chefls JHyfiJn Tea, 2 3 120 Quarter Chefls Souchong Tea, 11 460 Boxes China, cohtai'nih'g Tea Setts, 4500 Pieces Nankeens. Willings & Francis. B Sep;ember 14. 3 taw The hifheft price in Calb, will be given for fn EMPTY BOTTLES, at A. prSferfnec fee gtven to Cldret Bottles.—Apply to j c s's No. 187, foiith Third-street. Abril IS. d u. : T rt - Hares Patent Floor Cloth, ed WITHOUT SEAM. Tttfe iManufadl'arcr has just imported by the LIGHT HORSE FROM BRISTOL', ah elegant assortment of the newest and best Patterns, Which are in excellent prefervatibn, from 9 feet square to 18 by 15 fefet; like wise, for Stairs, Entries, and Hails, from J yard to 3 yards wide. The fubferiber respectfully informs purchasers, that Floor Cloths liid under woollen Cir'pets during the Win ter, will he in a tote bf improvement till the faring, and , render rooms Watrh by preventing air from passing be- 1 tween the boards. JOHN BROWNE, ar _ No. 145 north Second-flreet. ' or WHO HAS FOR SALE, c A quantity of Remnants to lay before the fire for the pr»- ; fdrvation of woollen Carpets; Dipt arid mould Candles, with fine cotton wick; Brown and white Soap, of a very superior atiality, in small boxes suited for families; r White Lead; Red Lead; Spanilh Brown; Orange Mine ral, &c. &c. November 10. eod. " ' j; For sale, at low prices, = ig, NAILS by the calk, frotn 3d to iod assorted, and a vari- ( ur- ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks; - f •els Cotton and wool Cards, from No. Ito 12; j ;nt Hatters and frock Cirds; 1 , Cards set in calf, fuitablc for cotton machines. Also, Machines Tor cutting and heading Nails, with a va riety of articles suitable for that business, which will , r0 " be fold together. A large stock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on 1 the Card Mahu'fa&ory, with the valuable machines for — cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work. And a Quantity of Leather, Teeth, &x. now In forward nefs for finifhirtrf. Also, A LEASE OF. THE STORE, jid .Occupied by the late partnership of Webster, Adgate and for White. As the store is convenient for the bufmefs, t'ne the machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to he work fe, cd, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to ,m' purchase and follow the bufihefs to do it to advantage. Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDF.T, oa. 20. dim. Ns. 63 Chefnut-ftreet. John Milter, jun. & Co. SVo. 8, Chefnut-Jlreet, The Ih addition to theiriflortanent now received,have da hand ~ remaining '»f the jy\U Cargoes of the Thru Brodcfti? Arethufafrom India, Hi And for fele -ty th« St. Croix, W ori 54hhds MufcovadoSugar, 2 500 bushels of coarse Salt, J*- FOR SAtS BY Jofin Nixon & Co. N»vemberiß. §^ t ' /'A — James Tiffin, WHOLESALE DETAIL HATTER, Nail nd No. 70, south Sccand llrtet, near the City Tavern, Hoo HAS just received by. tie late arrivals from London and Bristol, a large and elegant aflsrtment of Ladies Anc and Gsntlemens falhionable HATS. —Also, a variety of Bar epildrens HATS of different colours, which will be fold A(, ,r on the lowest terms for cash. C ar ' N. B. Ladies Hats trim*, in the newest faihion from H«r i'. 1 " London. 05. 11. _§_ ns, F O Ii SALE, e ind Imported in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta arid or * Madrsfs, a variety of -A BENGAL GOODS; f. Guarrahs, — Baftas, Cofi'aes, . .Hurtihums, Handkerchiefs, Crticoes. ' I . • r S e To be Sold |>y the for approved notis at three and four months, by WILLI A M MAOLURE & Co. No. 4i D !«■ k Stre« t. or JOHN MILLER, Jun. ] Fhe CAIvCO of the fliip liarmony, — Ezra Lowell, majler—front BOtJRDEAUX, u CONSIST JXG »F J tlie imANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and 1 j hy CLARET in hoglheads, is discharging from on Y (,'oird the f.ud Jhip at Cuthbert's whaif, and for file by Andi eivs iaf Meredith, Sept. 15. d. No. g~l ANAL Tickets for file, and cafli or tickets given for V t any prizes that ma)'be drawn. information given reipeding Washington lottery, and e and eafli or Canal tickets given .for jsrizes tliat may be drawn, s, the Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th. ivork- BOOKS will be kept ef ach day's drawiug in both lot ing to teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the poffeffsrsof tge. Tickets purchased at the OFFICE. ST 0" Halyes, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may he had at th: above Oftite. Sept. 26. § Jamaica Rum. The Sarjjo of the brier Peace, Capr.Su Gray, from ths north fid'- «f Jamaica, Will be landedlo-morraiv morning at Southflreet wharf, High Proof.RUM, Prime SUGAR and COFFEE. Peter Blight. November 9. § The Partnership of SAM. 'Si THO. SHAW BEING diffolircd in August Uft, by mutual consent, all those indebted, whose accounts are due, are dc lired tot maka speedy payment ac their Store, corner of Front and Arch-street. The bufmefs is now tarried on at the fame place, by THOMAS SHAW, Who has for sale, on reasonable terms, for calh, or the usual credit, A general assortment of Merchandize, Imported by the last veftclsfrem London, Bjiftol, and Li verpool, suitable for the Fall Season. A Tobacco Engine and Press to be fold by Sam. Shaw O&eber 23. • saw3w&iawdo. Bartholomew Conolly, N0,'48, Chefnut-ftreet, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has imported in the late arrivals from England, an elegant, «xtenfive and well chosen as sortment of men's and women's hosiery—among which is a very great Variety ef beautiful fancy hosiery—such as striped aad clouded cotton —fine plated silk and cotton— elegant patent fancy silk. Fine striped and clouded patent werfted, &c. &c. which are now offered for sale upon his usual low terms, together with every other artieie'of dry good?, suitable to the fe&fon. B. C. has also imported a great variety of gentlemen's out fsze (lockings. Oil. 24. eoim. SHOT, OFill sizes, frem 31 lb to Qrape, Cambonles, Pots, and ether callings executed at the shortest notice, Nail rods, from rod td spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for cases or cutting into sails, from a brad to I2d nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James Rivar Tobacoe, Carolina Pork. Hstrings in barrels, Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls. Rye fieur &c. to be fold by ! Levi Hollirigfwortb iff S n. Au%uji 4 22W M TEA S, Of faperhr quality, viz. Imperial, or Gunpowder Hyson Gomee, 1 ft quality Hyson, 2d. do. ciO. Young Hyion, t Hytsn Skin, and , Souchong. A few Boxes of each, for fait at No. 19, Third Street, South. December 10. cod. 5 ~~ BURR MILL STONES by OLiVER EVANS, ai his Fafiory, in the old tvind-mill in iElmfley's alley, South. Second-fircat, a Utile btloiu Jjui jlrect, n "\T7"HERE those who apply may be supplied with stones VV of such quality as. will suit their purposes. Also, stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris. He keeps fir SA /. !■', £■ At "his dwelling No. 2-13 north Second-street, a Ikt'.e aciovt Vine street, »• Bouliing Girths, A complete assortment of both imported and American manufactured for mierchant and c'ouniry work, which he warrants good. ALSO, The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE. ' Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics a 9 they apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all tl late improvements on the art of majiufadluring flour intended to be ufeful to all concerned is building or ufin - __ water-rtiills, which book is fold'by Matthew Carey an i i, Robert Campbell, boeltfellers. Sept. 25. 3td«awtf. Bankrupt Office. THE CREDITORS of BANKRUPTS, whose account have been legally proved, may receive their div'.- dendsby applying at this Office, every day from 9 to 12 o'clock m. Sundays Kcepted. By order of the Commi/Jioners, JOHN JENNINGS, Clerk. Philad. Vine-Jlrcct, No. 94, November 17, 1795- Jrtawim. Delaware Bridge. THE President and Managers of the Company for e redling a Bridge over the river Delaware, at jhe 80-1 1 rough 01 Eailon, ( Give this Public Notice, That they will, until the firfi. day of February pext, re ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said Bridge; as alto for the ere&ion thereof, and the delivery of materials. The length of the Bridge will-be at the laaft 600 feet, and must not be composed of more than the three arche;. the Any person inclined to engage in the above undertak jdk ing, will please to dire<9: their plans and proposals to the eau Searetary of the Company at Eailon. By order of the Prefideot and Managers, the - JOHN ARNDT, Secretary. ntil F.cpon, Pcnnfylvania.Nov. 12. mw & 8 fer, —.—— " 1 111 1 £ Notice. ALL persons indebted to the late partnerfliip of tVei- Jicr, Adgate, & Whit;, are dofircd to make payment to Peter GaLlaudet, No. 63, Chefnut-ftreet, who is authorised to receive thefanie. Those who have claims —— on t!ie said Firrti will prcfent them to him. Demands on the ellate of the late Pelatiah tVeljlcr, de ceased, are to be exhibited to the fubferiber—and those for indebted to the said estate, are rcquefled to make pay ment to RUTH PERIT, Executrix, and Oaobtr 20. dim. No. 47 south Water-street. wn . —— Canal Lottery. rsof 1 49>Chefnut-Jlrect, between FourthlyFifth-Jlrccts. rICKETS examined gratis, and every information giv en refpesfting said Lottery. Also, Walhington an t Paterfon Lotteries. sS. |