Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 21, 1795, Image 4

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    James M'Alpin,
N®. 3 South Fourth Strict,
Q ETURNS Lis grateful aeinoivledgements t» bis Friends ajidihe
Public fir their liberal entourage nurd, and. begs leavct* fotlcil
a continuance of their favors.
At his Shop gentlemen may be furnijhed with the aeQ materials,
and have them made up and fnijhed in the mojl fajbionable manner.
Me will thankfuHy receiveyany order* and pay a prompt and
punflual attention to them. Oel. 15 law
No. 60 Sooth Second-Street, PHILADELPHIA,
RESPECTFULLY informj the public, that at hh Store
they may be fupplicd with most of the modern Eu
ropean and other publications of merit, on Politics, Divini
ty, Law, the Belles Lettre% &c. &c. Alio a great vari
ety of ELEGANT PRINTS and Paintings, and every ar
ticle in the Stationary business; which he continues, as
uiual, to dispose of at the lowed prises.
Gentlemen's Libraries furnilhed or purchased ; and the
vtmofl value, in exchange or cash, given for any quan
tify ©f second hand Books.
Wholesale Dealers supplied at the above Store en very
moderate terms.
-May 4. st f.
Now Fijblifhcd,
A 0. 60, south Second-Jlrect,
The curious Prophecies of
CON TAINING great and remarkable things,mot reveal
ed to any other per foil on earth.
I his work is interesting to every one.
Au &»fl '4 §3tu&ftf
Angujl 7\tk, 1795.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or
may be Creditors of the United States, for any
sums of the Funded Debt, or Stock, bearing a present
interejl of fix per centum per annum :
ill, That pursuant to an Ail of Congress, palled on
the third day of March, 1795, intitule.!, " An Ail
making further pravifion for the fopp.jrt of Public
Credit, and for the redemption of the Public Debt,"
there will Ik- reimbursed a;ad redeemed, on the firft day
of January ensuing, the rate or proportion of t-zvo per
nntum of the principal of the deb',or flack, exprefled
in the Certifkatis ilTaed to the said Creditors refpec- J
id, The said reimburfementi will .be made at the '
Treasury of the United States, cr at the Loan Offices '
where the said Stock may (land credited at the close of '
the present year. '
<;d, The laid reimbursements will be made to the '
said Creditors in person, or to their Attorniea duly j 3
oom'lituted j but the powers of attorney which may be
produced mult contain an authority to receive the said *
reimbursement of principal, othcrwife no more than the
ulual dividend of interejl will be paid j and although z
the two per centum of principal to be redeemed, Ihould t
not be demanded, yet t!i« interest thereon will cease
from the said ftrft day of January next. a
4th, Te> prevent the great trouble and expenee which
qrould attend a renewal of the Certificates, in confe
qutnae «f the said reimburfmnent of Principal, it has
been determined that no renewal lhall be rhade: And
that the Certificates which may be lifted dur
ing tht year One thonfand seven hundred and ninety
is, in consequence of any transfers of the said fix per
cent. Stock, (hall notwiihftanding the reimbursement
fcf two per centum, as aforementioned, be exprefled
fcr the refpeilive sumS of the original Capital Stock.
All persons who may negotiate the Funled'ftx per cent.
ltock' of the United States, heart :j a present intereji, 1
are therefore cautioned to observe, that during the year
One thotifand seven hundred anil ninety-fix, the value ?
or true amount of Principal unredeemed of said Debt '
or Stock, will be ninety-eight per centum of the sums '
expressed in the Certificates -j
Given under my hand, at Philadelphia, the day j
and year beforementioned, pursuant to di
rections of the Secretary of the Treasury, r,
Tuajurcr »/ the United State . f.
Aug. 24. lawtji
A MII. L for SALE. *
FOR Sale, on private contrail, five undivided fist lis y
parts of that valuable merchant-mill, called Old t;
Pennypack Mill, with two dwelling houses, (tables, coop
er's (hop, calk house, and other convenient 'buildings,
with about 20 acres of good land, the greatcft part thereof ,
is excellent watered meadow, the remain per garden, orch- '
ard, and wood land; situate ten miles from Philadelphia, v
near the Wafliington Tavern, partly on the pod-road lead'
ing to New-York, and partly on the River road; a r«- *'
nurkably healthy country, and an excellent neighbour
lisod. This mill being on Pennypack dreek, a heavy
A ream of water, with about 15 feet head and fall, and
the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a veiled carrying
13.50 bulhels of wheat to lay along fide, and unload into
the mijl with Evans's elevator in about three hours. The
mill houfc is latge and buili of stone, founded on a rock,
the watts uncommonly thick and strong, (such a piece of
mason work i» rarely to be found) contains five floors, two
water wheels, and three pair of the best French burr (tones
all running, double geared, with three boulting reels and
cloths of tlv firft quality, rolling screen, cylinder, and
fans for cleaning wheat in the bell manner, and palling it
afterwards by an elevator into a hanging garner; alio,
conveyers, elevators, and hopper boy, all in compk'at or- „
dex. There are two large frme buildings adjoining the f,
mill, which are convenient for (Wring flour, iijorts, cades, ; r
&c. A corn-'tiili: is crafted within the building, with' i T
boulting, reel doth, and other necessary fixtures for manu
failuiing large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The p
ft ream ol water is so constant that upwards of 60,000 bnfh y
els of wheat have frequently been manufactured at this
mill, annually. The tumbling dam was built of stone and -
frame about 30 j cars ago, but the late extraordinary frefhes
have made a breach >herein, it cai easily be repaired alto- 1
gethtr with dune, the greeted part of which is already at J
h <nd, and the rejnaj'. Itr cap bfi quarried near the dam, as „
there are several good quarries of cxcsllcnt (tone on 'tlv: ..
premises and adja.-ent to the creek ; the contiguity of ; r
this very valuable estate to Philadelphia, and the eify nan
vigaion for lhallops, witb tke above-mentioned great ad- b
vantage*, and many others not here mentioned, m'uft be t j
obvious to auy person who may view the premises.
An indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, -vfclb: „
made to the purchaser on paying part of th money, ind' ;■
giving fatisfaAcry security f»,r the remainder, payable 0
widi intereft,in inslalments at such times n may be agreed ,j
<-,n. I'"or tun bur p.irtieular? enquire on the premises of r,
Francks Lewis, Executrix to the i-ftateof Robert Lewis
deccalcd ; JoHfi Swtrri near Buffeil-Town ;or Na;ha- •'
niel Lewis, or David Ltwis, in Philadelphia.
A"&"PV- w&f- c<
To be dtfpojcd of at private /ale, *
Purfuaat to the lad Will andTeftament of Cafpcr Grass ll
deceased, ' f u
r yWO two (lory brick Mcfitugcs snd Lots of Ground hi
viz. No. 150, north Second, nt-r Race; and No' ht
1 74, north Fifth, near Vinc-ftieet— both gcod Sands for
UGnefs, particularly the former. For tcrms apply to hi
CASI-ER GRAFF, J • cutOE *» :ic
Nmanber H, 179 J. 2aWi
" A r.erlcan Land/capes.
c " Twenty-Four VIEW S,
l, t Q ELECTED from the moll (hiking and interesting
■r. Profpedts in the United States ; each ef which
nd Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
sf its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Author if the " Monaflic Remains and Ancient Ca/lles'in Great
re I. That the work (ball b# publi(h»d by Subjeription; and
a- that each Sifbfcriber (hall engage to take the whole set
li- of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving, if blai.k or
•i- brown, 1 Dollars ; and if coloured j Dollars,
r- I. That tht dimensions of eacivengraving (hail be 34 by 17
as indies, executed in aquaiinta, and paper
of a superior quality. The publication to commence im
ic mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub
-- fcribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month,
until the propofedferies lhall be finally complied.
•y til. That with the lad View of the series, thafl be deli
vered an engraved title-page; an elegant charaflcwftic
vignette: a map of the route, connected with the prof
— peels exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an
Alphabatical lift of the Subscribers.
SubfcriptioßS are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print
{hop, Maidi nlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Book-fellers in the United Statss.
. February 28. d
1- \LL persons having any demands 0:1 the Hftate of
XJL Mary Hewson, late of Bucks county, deceased, are
desired to apply to William Hewson, near Bristol, in
the county aforefaid, for immediate fettlenient. And all
persons indebted to said Edateure rcquelled to make pay
ment to the said William Hevvfjn, who is hereby autho
rised to receive the fame.
r Elizabeth Hewsok, Executrix,
f Jonat#an Williams, ? r
t William J
BdUmeaJe, Bear BriJloJ,
1 06t. 26, 1795. *2aw3w.
1 FO K SALE, '~~
1 A very valuable ESTATE,
r Called 'TwmkNHAht,
Q ITU ATE in the tru;nj}iip of Upper Derby, an I county tf j
1 O Dclau.uare, 7 1-Z miles from Philadelphia, a:tf ha f a mile
. from the ncv IVtfern road: containing %30 acres rf excellent
Latuly 45 of tabicl) are, good loatered JMeadozv y 90 cf pritjie
» IVoci Land, and the reft Arable of the firjl quality. There are
- on the premises a good tivoftory Brick Houfe y ivit.b 4 rooms on j
; a floor, and Cellars under the ivhole i Iwith a Pump Well of ex j; j
cellent Water in front; a.large frame Barn, $tpb!is t and other j ,
; I convenient buildings 1 a Smoke House andJlone Spring Heufe ; two j
' good Apple-Orchards y and one of Peaches. The Fields are al( i M j
Clover, except tbofe immediately under tillage, and are so *aid
out as to have the advantage of tVater in each of them, which j
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culti- ]
vaticn of the Land, the good neighborhoodand the vicinity to the ci
ty , it is very suitable for x a Gentleman s Country Seat.
7he foregoing is part of the Eflate of Jacob Hitmar s deccafed
and offered for sale by M ORDECAI LEWIS 2
Surviving Exccutor. .
Oft- 9' '795 nf
Sale of valuable Property. 5
To be Sold, by Public Auction, e
On Taefday, the ioth day of December, 179J,
At the Tontine Coffee-Houfe ill NewvYork, at ti o'clock
in the forenoon, all the right, title, and interest of the r
In the following valuable TRACTS of LXSjd, hn.
I. \ LL that trail of land containing about 2300 acres, g
f\. situate in the caum.y of Orange, being part of the j
mountain lots Na. 21 and *3, in the patent of Cheefecock, r
formerly laid out by Charlfcs Clinton, Esq. deceased, and f
purchased by the Agent ol the American Iron Company of p
William Smith, Esq. on the Bth day of November, 1766. £
This trail contains fame plough land and swamp; also r
Potuckei't Pond and the outlets thereof. g
2. All that trad of land situate ou the weft fide of Hud- l
son's river, near Buttermilk Falls; containing 1000 acres. ( -
In this tract there is said to be a valuable tnine, fomc good j;
swamp and timber land.
3. A'l tbofe two trails fituato on the north fide of the j
Mohawk river, being part of the Manor of Co/by, pur
chased by the Agent of the Americsn Iron Company in the j
years 1765 and 1767, of Oliver Delancy, Esq. the one con
taining 2940 acres, the other 3815 acrcs.
4. All that trad of land situate on the north fide of the (•
Mohawk river, near the German Flats; adjoining part of
Colby's manor, and bounded on the east by Canada creek.
This trail will be divided, and fold in the following Lots, 1
Acres. Acres.
Lot t containing 966 Lot 14 containing 1000
z Q»7 15 1000
3 844 16
4 806 17 412 E
5 j8 1160
6 Boj 19 1000 £
7 973 20 ioco
8 1000 21 1000 N
9 1000 22 390 v
to 1000 13 750 &
11 1000 24 930 C
12 1000 4 r N
13 icoo N
The trail on No. 4is ehicdy beach, maple, bafsand elm. ''
The purchase money to be paid by the following D ,
nents, viz. one-fourth on the day of sale: one-fourth on the
firft Tucfilay in April next; one-fourth 011 the firft Tuesday V
inOilober, 1796; and the remainder on the firft Tuesday
in April, 17 97. v.-hen deeds wiH be given to the purcbafcr.
Plans of the different trails of land may be fuen by ap
plying to Mr. Peter Goelit, one of tha trustees, in New- n£
York; or to Mr. Ed-wari E.hvarJt, in Philadelphia. Fl
November 4. m&t. ? n
Forty Dollars Reward. "i
RAN away, from the fu'jfcriber, living at Mordington .
Mills, near Frcderica, in Kent county, (late of i)t ia- 11
ware, on the night of the 2-ch of June last, a (lave negro 1 f :
man named BENN, about 27 years 01d,.5 feet 10 or n .
inches high, of a yellow complexion, and might pass for a
mulatto. The clothes he had on cannot, with ac '
be described, as he made several breaches of honesty, in ce:
that way, on his setting out. He is a very great fhiven
in his drtfs ; has naturally a condemned and surly counte- Lr
. ns M ,ce » altho' he at times affoas a failing one ; his vifaoe
is thin, with large black whiftcrs; the whites of his eyes na
often red : It is not recolleiied whether he has any par- T
ticular fle(b-marks, except on his back, be ? e:
seen (tho' light) the fa rs of the whip, placed by jadioial ' ,al
authority, lor feoufe-breaking, lock-breaking;- Jtealing, *'
&c. as we<l before, as fmce I purchased him. °He is pi l
feffed of but a lmall lharc of reason or fenibility ; a Treat *'
coward, tho'his looks are devililh, and at the fame time
sneaking. As he took his flight upwards from here, at ''
the commencement of harvclt, it is presumed he was pcr
funded by some of the free negroes in this quarter to make
his escape with them—lhould he not be in Philadelphia
he is probably between here and there. ''
Whoever takes up the fiid negro Bean, and fcenres
him in any public goal, so that his master may get him
i.gain, (ball have the above reward ; and if brought home
additional charges fur reasonable expe.ices, paid by
James Dovglafs. 6 '
' 11 e od. Arch-fireet
p w .. JCBN „ 9 cy«-s„«£_r..s p., a^L.
BOOKS, Printed /1r
Published by MATHEW CAREY,
, (Price Sixteen Dollars. J
">■) 4 New System of Modern Geography :
ing Or, a Geographical, Historical and C»mmerciml Grammar ;
licll andprefent jlate of the fevsral Nations of the World,
ties The figures, motions, and culiar to each eountry.
diftauces of the Planats, ac- VII. Observations on the
cording to the Newtonian fyl- changes that havs been any
reat tern, and the iatttH obferva- where observed upon the face
tioas. of nature fuiee the moil ear
-11. A general view of the lyperiods of hiflory.
and Earth, considered as a planet; VJU. Hiilory and origin
s et with foveral ufeful definitions of nations; their forms of go
'» or and prqblems. vernment, resignation, laws,
111. Grand divisions of the revenues. taxes* naval and
'*7 Olobe into land and water, military flrength.
per continents and islands. IX. Genius, manners,*cuf-
Situation and'extento/ cm- toms and habits of the people,
ub- pires, kingdoms, dales, pro- X. Their language, learn
ith, vinces and colonies. ing, arts, sciences, manufac-
V. Their climates,air, foil, tures and commerce.
cli- vegetables, produAions, me- XI. Chief cities,flru<stures
ftic tals, minerals, natural curio- ruins, and artificial curiosities.
"of- fities, seas, rivers, bays, pro- XfE. Latitude, longitude,
an montories and .Lakes. bearingsanddiiiancesQf prin-
VI. Bird? and Beads pe- c 1 pal placesfromPhiladelpliia
I. A Geographical Index, whhthe names and places a pha
beiically arranged.
11. A Tabic of th« Coins of all nations, and their value in
dojjars and cent«.
of 111. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from
re the Creation to the present time.
ill The Agronomical part by James Fergufon, F. R. S.
y- Corre&ed by Dr. David Hittcxiiouse.
To which are added,
the late Discoveries of Dr. Herfchell, and other eminent
rs. The first American edition, corre&ed, improved, and
greatly enlarged. Containing the following
Maps and Plates.
__ 1 Map of the World 23 Hindoftan
2 Chart of the World 24 Afrjea
3 Europe 15 United States
4*CoHntriesi»undtheN<Jrth 26 Britilh Dominions in A-
Pole. msrica
y 5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Wsft Incites
:,e way and Finland. 28* Province of Maine
I 6 Russia 29* New Hampfh>re
:iC I 7 Scotland 30 "Maflachufett®
re \ S England and Wales 3l*Connedicttt
1,1 \ 9 Ireland 3«2*Rho4e Island
*2 10 France 33*Verm«it
" r n*Seat of War 34*NewYork
10 12 Seven United Provinces 35 *New Jersey
13 Aultrian, French and 36*Pennfylvania
td Dutch Netherlands 37* Delaware
14 Germany 38* Maryland
15 Switzerland 39* Virginia
16 Poland 40*Kent.ucky
*" 1 7 Spain and Portugal 41 *North Carolina 1
18 Italy 42*Tene!Tee government
19 Turkey in Europe 43* South Carolina „
20 Asia 44* Georgia
2i*Difcoveri«s made by qip- 45 Copernican fydom
tains Cooke and Clerke. 46 Armillary sphere
22 China 1
The Maps marked with stars are'added to this edition, 7
exefufive of those in the lad London edition. c
Ihe United States Regifler for 1795, t
k Price 50 Cents. CONTE NTS. _ £
Calendar, with th-e neceflarT i ■ ■" '** l " r '1
——talJfs. <*•- If- States. Population Cl
! > Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers "
c Lcgiflature Statement ot Exports 0
l > Judiciary Public Debt
d department of Stats Pay, &c. of the army
!' Department of the Treasury Mint Eftablifhmcnt
'• Commifiioners of Loans Rules for reducing tlie «ur
' Officers of the Customs rcncies of the different
Revenue Cutters states to a par with eatii i
Light Heufes other p
'j Ofhcers of the Excise Tables of the number of
L Duties and Dutiable at titUs ccnts and decimal parti J;,
Exemp.s from duties in any number of IhiUiajs ~
« Duties on tonnage a«d pence less than a dol- tl
on domestic lar in the currencies of
e Drawbacks, &c. and regu the different ft»te>
latiaos to be oferved in Tables Shewing the value of °.
obtaining them dollars in the currencies 1
z General Abftrail from the of ditto
revenue laws, relating to Poll-office eflablifhnunt h
• _ the duty of matters of Li ft of Poft-Tovvns, !cc. ' J
• vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of a
&c. «f goods, and the the ppincipal towns in the It
officers of the cuilonw; United States
to the payment of duties, Banks la
and ih« importation of Literary Inftitutipns
<;o°Js National MaHufa&orv]
Expences of Government Seffione of the Courts
lo >- 1794 Weftcrn Tenitory
Bepartment of War
Sxats Governments,
New Hatupfhirs Sotitlj-Carolina
Vermont Georgia
Maffachufc*, Or.ier ol time in which the
Connecticut fcveral States adopted the
Ncv or,c federal Constitution
New-J»rfcy Tab!e of the Sun , s r ; fi
. Pennfylyaim and fcttin,;
■ la .T rC , Abftr:.- Of goods, wares,
: J t i * ar i' an a an.l merchandize export
• r g ,n » ed from the United States
' ' , l rom th = Ift of Oitobcr
• nl V lr ° 4 ' ni i r '9°, to 30th Sept. 17QI•
Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. f of the w
new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second edition— w
« cen »- ['!><: rapid sale of the firft edition of this u
entcrcflmg novel, in a few montli3 is the bed criterion of n
■ its merir.J
EXTRACT fIOM THE CRITICAL R F.yiE W, A BRIL 1701, p. 468. ?.l
t .t may be a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and ir
_ icisa tale of leal dillrefs—Cliarlo.te, by thcajtiiice of a c i
, f' if' to a fcliool, from humanity ra- u
. h»rthaa aconv.A.n of her wawrity, cr the regularity, r
»f her iormer conduit, i 5 enticed from her governed and '
accompanies a young officer to America—the marriaec I
ceremony, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte
dies a martyr to the inconstancy of her lover and trsach tf
C»y Ol his friend. 01
' "TT ar; 3rtl f aad tlefcription "
, and pathetic ;we ihoulu feel Tor Charlotte if such a ,
person ever exiftcj, who for one error, scarcely, periwps
apferved sb severe a pumfhmcnt. If it fe a fiflioa, pnctic "
V 1 ~, C ls l no, '7 c l H'nk, properly diitributed." 31
I ae' C H U n r by KoWr ° n - Second Philadol- E
pnia eviction. 87 i 2 cents. ly
dvcntur =s of Rodvic Random. , vols. I dollar and
50 cents, coarse paper— i dollar and 75 cents fine
3 ', N ?? n ° n . th = of Virginia—by Thomas JefFerfon.
.ICC neatly bound, one dollar and a half.
4. H.Story of the French Revolution, from its com-
SSissfi* -■" OS-- ~ Sgz, J
«*«- *+
' eod. 1
P'v THE PRfisi
T .laJ fpeaddy will bepublished ,by BENt'> -■-
American Repofnory, f or
CONTAIKina• ' '
A complcat f or Rlllcs . '
t*s year. •, f. t!»».•
Lifts of tic executive, leeif. TaL.C n-' ' ' fcv '-j
Uuve and W ,cul 'mf" s td *•- ■ *
le of the federal government Suiiarrv^tj^ 5 &
iy of the miniftcrt and afu r,' '*?<•«» ia
ce confuk to and from the An™ „"<■ ars '
r- United States. .i.■ * - ""rcdeeniel
A reyfter of die land and vai""'"'' --i
in sea forces of do. Av'w 'r , -
0 Rates of pottage, and times An e ;fiel.
•s, of receiving; & cjofioe the 0 f the I
ul mails at Philadelphia. tunC. i U
Alilt of the poft-tawns,with Cumcaic dufi
f- the diftauccs of c*ch, on DnvWi "'"f ar pre f ;s .
e, the main line, as well as "
j cross roads. . °* con»
>— of the federal co-arts. OfficerVof the tivii
—of the fupervtfors of the m -nt of f / S ° V<T3
:s revenue. EftTm,,. - nDf y lv «"-
s. The mint, and msniesof the in or.i y' X?ca "' o{ <*o
e. U.S. and the currency of Officers or civil
i- each ftutc. ' ,f 7innlat
» A lift of the coaimifiioners Sovereign "prince.
of loans. ouh 1 : -..' >• rt "
L- A table, Wing the propor- Lift, of the' na^rf
tion of fro* pertoiis to Britain, corrcLd
n Saves, and oi uiales to fc- a bie to the
males, &c. in the U. S. tion ' afor:ila
-1 Militia of the United States, Do. of the narv 0 ' F
with the proportion of <10. "* ' ' nce »
was*— asaaaa
t Amount of impofi; and tonn- ijrj\ ' '"a Sept.
; cSs; * c . »"«•
r his little volume will contain a much greater comm «
as well as variety of matter, than that of the p e25Vj
year, and will be cmbeUiihed with an e; craved fr o
p.ece, title page, and a vignette faced with a j,,,/."
ment, to each month. The fctn A. depTilcd in tL [Ti
nettes, allune chiefly to the rural labours ol the year Tl?
engravings are new, and executed with an exceLce that
Goes credK to the Amcncan fine arts.
»i . . the fame place may be had,
Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, a C CH
rately engraved from a late survey.
Maps of the United States, and of each (late feparatslv
A valuakl* c».leition of modern Book,, and a general ail'ort
ment of Stationary Wares.
Note.—Those who desire it, may have the abovomcntU
•ned Maps, or any other, coloured, canvassed, an J varnifl.-
ed, and put up m any manner that may be molt conveni
ent, by applying at directed above.
° a - »' law .
No. 6o South Second Street.
T HE Wh " l Retail Store fir books, stationarv
W Fancy'articles.' TS ' I ' AINrI? ' GS, CK ' l '' VliiG BQQK >. V
For the greater c.„yenU„ of cond«ain g ft exteiMy,
bh reyveifrom ho S7 , to No. 6d South t,W X
„ £ has " c " v " 1 h tie lajl .rrivals, „„
fn"" tbe V Statisna-ry. A!fn, a ■v.rict,
oj IVew Mujtc, Bunuurj s cur.wus Cariejturti, Prints, OilßSm't
graving. Booh, iSc. Vc. all „hi.l he v,M fell, a, '
. a profit.
—j j
couragcment he uas ahuays experienced.from tbe citi*,,,, e f
delpbia- ret:: rns his nofifacere O+t,
eonjlnnt exertions to merit continual favor, c.nd tj k*v
dlace for elegant aitd ifefnl kierature.
June 37.. p
We are informed that the gentleman who drew the
r'S,OOO dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, was the
proprietor of only a single Ticket—This in fiance of
good fortune, shews that it is well to be in Fortune's
road and is the more pleafmg, as the owner of the
prize is a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci
The Schemc of the Canal Lottery is certainly one
of the heft which has appeared—for, independent of
the iifeful objects to which its proceeds are to be ap
plied, the fciieme is f» calculated as to continually en
hance the value of the Tickets remaining in the wheel;
because, while the drawing the cii'.nce of
a capital prize growing greater, muil increase the va
lue of the undrawn Ticket.
The Prizes drawn to the close of the drawing oa
last Wedneftlay Evening, were
I of 15,000
i of - - 2,000
5 of - j,«oo
4 of - 500
II of I(J3
1700 of - - ii
And there then reif>-al:ied in tfiewSgii
1 of 50<00
I »f - - 30,000
x of - - . 10,000
6 of - - 2,500
9 of - - <■ 2,000
1? of - - 1,000
36 of - - - 500
89 of - 100
14800 of - 12
And ; stationary prizes of so,ooo dollars each ;by
which, and the nature of those 5 stationary prizes,
which are to belong to the five last drawn tickets, it
will be found, that an undrawn ticket was ysflerday
morning, wo*th nearly 11 1-2 dollars, which, at
the beginning, was worth no more than 10 dollars--*
and so the undrawn tickets mult continue to i"(re- 1 "-'
in valse, as fall as the drawing proceeds: Andjhis
circumstance will account for the number of Oiuee*
which are opened y>r the sale of Tickets, as the pro
fits mult be daily increasing; and in a few days a
Tickct now felling at 11 dollars, will no dotiht com
mand 1; dollars, and mult continue to get higher as
the drawing approximates to the five stationary p r; V - •
ol 20,000 dollars each.
ALL persons indebted to the Eltate of SAMI/EL
FRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkeeper, (ie
ccafed, are desired to make payment to tj*fubfcriber;
and all those who hav# any demands igaifift the fair.
Estate, are requsfted to bring in their accounts proper
ly attested.
SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, Afling Exwutar.
South Water-ftrcct, No. 59-
Oilober 28, 1795.
ALL perfoas indebted to the Estate of Doctor j - H.I
H. GIBJBCNS, late of Philadelphia, dcceafad, are
icqaeftcd to make payment; and those who
demands against said Estate, aredeßred to 111 »
accounts duly adefted, for fettiemenr, to
Attorney in hfl for Mary GiVoons, adminiftratm
to the said deceafeel's Estate. .
Arch-ftrcet, No. 107, Nov. 4« 22 " J