Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 20, 1795, Image 4

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    <Jity of Washington.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
l A m»gn!jiccrtt > 20,000 Dollars, and Views
dwelling house, $ calh 3c,c00 ate _. j
50,000 01KS
» ditio 15,000 <\c caih 25,00° 40,000
1 ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 30,000 Author
1 ditto i«,ooo U calh io,odo so,ooo
1 ditto 5,000 si calh 5,000 10,000
1 ditto 5,c00 Jic c»4h 5,000 10,000 j
, Cath p>ne ot io.ocd '
5 ditto 5,00e o«ch, arc ic.oro .
,0 ditto 1,000 10, coo °
ao ditto S CO 10,CO®
JCO aittn 100 10,000 •
duto 50 "v ,cj '7
ago ditto «5 •< 2 ' 003 °'
1,000 dVt'n ™ 2 °» ODO ™
Js,<>oo ditto " 15-I=oo
3 ' unt
>6.739 P»«» U! ve^
33,261 Hlanks .
r.o.cco "tickets al 8 dolvari 400,000 peC
J J Al]
This Lottery will afford an tie,-rant fpcci'nrii of the Sul
privatebuildings to 1,1 tbe Guy "f Vvalliingtpn iliop,
-Two beautiful designs are already ded for the entire e r, N
ronti on two ol ilie public ; t»om ihcfe draw- princ
ii»gs, it is proposed 10 cjc& two centre and tc*ur cornei p e |
buildings, a« soon as poftible alter this Lottery fold, *nd
to convey them when coinpl-rte, to t lie fortunate adveutur- Z\
ers, in thc manner described in the fchemc lor the Hotel
Lottery. A neti otfive pei cent, will be made <£ hre
to detiay the ncceffary expences of fV.ati ••£, &c. and thc c<
the fuioliis will be made a part ot the fund intended for the perio
Nuional UnivertUy, so be ereaed wtthth. the City of ™ent
Washington. nfed
(£3T The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets
are lold otf.— -The money prizes will be payable
in thirty days alter it is^ftniChcd,and any prires for which
fortunate numbers not produced wnhm twelve mon:hs Be,
alter the drawing is cfoied are to he confidetcd as given
lowar»\' the iund tor ti«e UniVt/rfiiy, it bring deterinin- -
ed 'o fettle the whole bufwefs in a year from the ending
of the drawing lake up ihejaonds given as
The real fecpritios ftiven for the payment of the Prize p Ihe President and two Dirtftors of the ft^n*
of Columbia, and arc valued at mure than the amount .
' jt"tn
of tut Lottery. Land
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of '^r' ooi{
the late Cfmmitfioners aflifled :n the management of the °'*
Hotel Lottery are requefled to undertake thic ardaoustalk
a second time on behalf of the public ; a fuiKcient num- j
ber of thefc having kindly aeccpted, it is hoped that the (
friends to a National Univcrfity and the other federal ob- °^
je&s may cpntinue to favor the design. The synopsis of *Qi o^f
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National j a
Institution, is already in the press, and will be fpesdily ;
published, together v/ith its constitution, "
A compleat Plan of the whole of this Important
Institution, compiled from a fele&ion of the bed materi-
als, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public - '
whenever the fame m2y have gone through fach revifigns an
as may be ncceffary t® establish the perfect confidence and J
general approbation, so essential to its present rife and fu-
ture exiftcne'e for the general good of America, .—
By accounts received from the dHlcrent parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for falc, the public are allured that the
drawing will speedily commtmae, and that the care and
caution unavoidably ncceffary to insure a fafe disposal of
the tickets-, has rendered the Mor: fufpenlion mdifpenfable.
February 24, 1795.
Aijg 30 eodtf
*»* Tickets may be had at the Bank ot Columbia ; * ,
of Weft Sc. Co. Baliimote or Gide©n Denifon,
Savannah, ot Peer (iiiman, Boston ; of John Hopkins
Richmond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's f|rr*.
— ~ " Wi
James fvrALPiN, ™
N°. 3 South Fourth Street, s on '
RETURNS hisgrat;ful acknoivlcdgcmcnts t* bis Friends and the In t
Public for their liberal encouragement and begs leanetofolicit f wa
a continuance of their favors. 3
At his Shop gentlemen may be furnijhed tuitb the beH materials t
and have them made up and finijbed in the mtjl fafoionable manner. c ha:
M: will thanJfuHy receive any orders and pay a prompt and y ea
. punctual attention to them. Oft. 15 ' 2aw tail
Andover Iron Works
r r HEY are fituatc in the couuties of SulTex and Morris, viz
L in the State of New-Jersey : 'I'he ore lies within a
mile of the Furnacc, is esteemed of the lirft quality of any Loi
in America, and particularly adapted for making Steel.
Thi Furnace and Forge, to which belong between II and
12,000 acres of I>and, will be fold together, 6r leafed ei
ther fcparitely or together: they are dil'tant about seven
miles itom each other, and are an ohjfit well worth the
attention of Iro.i Masters. The buildings, &c. are in eve
ry jefpect ,com;uoiiious For further particulars apply to
Eepjai-.iiu Chew, or JohnLardaer, Philadelphia.
OA. 1. , 3 ,aw
To be disposed of at private J, 'ale, 1
Pursuant to the lail Will and Testament of Casper Grass,
'"pWd two liory brick rvleffuages and Lots of Ground,
i. viz. No. 100, north Second, near Rate; and No. mc
i 74, north Fifth, near Vinc-llreet—both good stands for fi r
bufinwfI',1', particularly the former, for terms apply to i Q
CASPER. GRAFF, executors.
A'.-.vW-.-r li, 179J-. 2aw. pi
— _____ Y ,
George Hunter,
At bis Laboratory, Nn. H4> south Second Jlnet.
INFORMS his fonner cuftomt rs and the public?, that w
he has begun the BKtIG business again mi an txtcn- ir
live plan. ir
He has io* falc a gfnrral aflTortmint «f w
CI N tS. S
Likcwife, painters'colours, dry and ground in oil, paint j,
bruthes, window and coach glals, dye fiufla, lir.l'eed oil, 0
oil-o* turpiniine, copal oil varnilh and japa--, warranted „
od. , r
Allum. copprras, midder, ground redweodbythe hogs
hcad or (malkr quantity.
Ashe import the (r.nph s from the oc ft market , and f
makes the co-.noofitioftiS snd preparations hirnlclf t he is
led t<? vouch for and warrant ever) article (old out c
of his Laboratory, and likewifeto difpole ol them at the 1
molt reafouabic rales.
He v/ifhrs to fell a large LOT of GROUND, \
th< uorth-caft'corn'N- of H and
ing 78 feet front on High. Itieet, and 200 feet on Eleventh
Ir, opposite Mr. LcTper's new building?— And another 1
LOT on the north fide of High Ilreet, near the above, 28
lu-l iront, a-Vfd 200 feet deep. Both lots have the prsvi
-1 rcol a 30 feet iflty in the rear.
Dec. 12. a-s
American Landfcapts.
for publishing in aquatint a
Tvventy-Fo'ur VIE WB, i
SELECTED from the xnoft striking and interesting
Profpefts in the United States ; each ef which
Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
of itsLocaL Hiftorieal, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Authtr of tie " Monajlic Remains and Ancient C Jilts in Great ter
Britain." tio
I. That the work shall he publilh»d by Subscription; an-1 Ea
that each Subscriber lhall engage to talte the whole fct w j
of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving, if bl<u-k or an
brown, a Dollars ; and if coloured j Dollars.
I. That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 24 by Gi
inches, tiecuted in aquatinta, and published upon paper C o
of a superior quality. The publication to comnaonce Im
mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub- pii
fcribcrs, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month, vL
until the proposed series shall be finally comple^d.
til. That with the last View of the series, lhall be deli- V e
vered an engraved title-page; an elegant charaflenuic tal
vignette: a map of the route, connc&ed with the prof- lit
pedis exhibited in the the course of the Work j and an nu
Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
t Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print
1 (hop, Maidrnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fe 1-
c er. No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the
• principal Book-fellers in the CJnitedStates. 11,
1 February 2?.
' \LL persons haviag any demands on the of II!
" XJL Marv Hewson, late of Bucks county, Jeceafcd,are
c defircd to apply to William Hewson, near Britlol, in
the county aforefaid, for immediate settlement. And all
f persons indebted to said Etlate arc requeued to mak-- pay
t ment to the said William Hewfonj who is hereby autho
rised to receive the fame. th
s Elizabeth Heivson, Executrix.
c Jonathan Williams, > Ex!CuUr! . ; T!
h William Hewsbn, )
s BcP.cmeadc, near Brijlt!,
n pa.i 6, 1795- ,
F O K SALE, ! 3
A very valuable ESTATE, j-j
Called TiriTTENH.iM.
SITUATE in ill toivnjbip »/ Upper Derhy, and county of ■ }
Dcla-ware, 7 1-2 miiei from Philadelphia, and half a mile j
" ff.m the netv IVrfiern road: containing 2sjO acres cf excellent . f
r 45 if which are good watered Mcado-.i'i 90 if prime -
' Wood Land; and the rel Arable of the Jirft quality. There are J
V on the premises a good tyio/lory Brick House, with i rooms cn
a floor, and Cellars under the whole, with a Pump Well of exi Ic
l ~ cellcnt Water in front; a large frame Barn, Stables, and other j
IC 1 convehient buildings', a Smote-Houfe andJione Spring House 1 two j.
r <rood Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. The Field* are all in j
'Clover, except those immediately under tillage, and ire so laid
' 1 o i,t as to have the advantage of IVater in each of them, which j
'' renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing. _ jj
The filiation is pleasant and healthy, and from the oigh culti- . j t
• vatim of the Land, the gold neighborhood, and the vicinity to the ci- 'j.
/y, it is very suitable for a Gentleman s Country Seat. j j{
1C ' The foregoing is part ofthl Eflate if Jamb Hnma\ dcccafed I(
and offered for sale ly M ORDECAI LKWIS
Surviving Executor. 2
J " oa. 9,1795 tcl /
Sale of valuable Property.
v - To be Sold, by Public Auction,
'f On Taefday, the 10th day cf December, 1795,
0 At the Tontine Coffee-Houfe ill New-York, at no clock
e " in the forenoon, all the right, titlf, aud uitereft of the q
In the following valuable TRACTS ot IjAND, viz.
I. A LL that tra& of land containing about 2500 acres, g'
a ' 2\ situate in the county of Oranje, being part of the l
"j mountain lots. No. and a' 3, in the patent of Cheefecock, j
'formerly laid out by Charles Clinton, Esq. deceased, and £
purchased by the Agent ol the American Iron Company of £
Wi'liam Smith, Esq. on the Bth day of November, 1766. c
This trail contains fame plough land and fvvamp; also [
Potuckeit Pond and the outlets thereof. p
1. All that tra& of land fituatc 011 the weft fide of Hud-
son's river, near Buttermilk Falls; containing 1000 acres (
the In this tract there is said to be a valuable mine, foms good j;
kit swamp and timber land. _ I
3. AU those two tracts situate on the north fide of the jr
*I', Mohawk river, being part of the Manor of Cofby, pur- _
ter. chafed by the Agent of the American Iron Company iii the j
and years 1765 and 1767, of Oliver Delancy, Esq. the one con
taining aj 40 acres, the other 3815 acres.
— 4. All that traift of land fiiuate on the north fide of the (
Mohawk river, near the German Flats; adjoining par: of
Colby's manor, and bounded on the ealt by Canada creek.
This trait will be divided, and fold in the following Lots,
ris, v'z,
a Acres. Acres,
iny Lot t containing 966 Lot 14 containing 1000
:el. a 907 15 icoo
md 3 844 16' sf)
ei- 4 806 17 412 -
ten 761 lis 1160
the 5 19 iodo
#e - j 970 20 loco
t0 g 1000 21 1000
9 1000 12 390
10 iooo 23 7J°
it 1000 24 9jo
12 iooo I 45
ass, 13 icoo I
The trail on No. 4 is chiefly beach, maple, Wi anil elm.
1 nd, The purchase money to be paid by the following inftal-
No. mcnts, viz. one-fourth on the day of sale; one-fourth on the
for fir It -Tuesday in April next; cne-fourth on the firft T uetiay
0 in October, 1796; and the remainder on the fir.l Tuesday
in April, 1797- when deeds will be given to the purchafcr.
' Plans of the different trails of land may be seen by ap
'. plying to Mr. Peter Go Jet, one of the truftecs, in N«w-
York; or to Mr. Edward Edwards, in Philadelphia.
November 4. m&t.
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the fubferiber, living at
Mills, near Frederica, in Kent county, Hate of Dela
that ware, on the night of the 27th of Jnne lait, a (lave negro
iten- man named BENN, about 27 years old, 5 feet 10 or 11
inches high, of a yellow completion, and pal's for a
mulatto. The clothes he had on cannot, with exailnefs,
be described, as he made several breaches of honesty, in
F-DI- t ' lJt way, on his setting oot. He is a very great sloven
iivhisdrcfs; has naturally a condemned iijttd lurly counte
nance, altho' he at times affeSls a smiling one; his- visage
P alnt isthin, with large black whilkers; the whitfs of his eyes
1 ol1 ; often red :It is not recolleAed whether he has any par
.mtcd tlcu j ar fl-lb-marks, cxcept on his back, where may be
, seen (tlio' light) the fa rs of the whip, placed by jedieial
"®> s authority, fcr house-breaking, lock-breaking, ilealing,
&c. as well before, as since I purchased him. He is pcl
j' c fcfftd of but a lmall (hare of reason or fenlibility; a great
1 nul coward, the' his looks are devililh, and at the fame time
it the (neaking. As he took his flight upwards from here, at
the commencement of harvest, it is presumed he was per
suaded by some of the free negroes in this quarter to make
.ND, his escape with them—(hould he not be in Philadelphia,
main. ; s p rt ,l)ably between here and there.
venth Whoever takes up the said negro Benn, and feenres
loilier , n al; y public goal, so that his mailer may get him
; ' again, filall have the above reward ; ahd if broughtheme
f" :vi " additional charges for reasonable expences, paid by
James Douglafs.
P&iktsh ay JOHN FENftO, N°*' 119 Chefnut-Stre<t. —Price Six Dollars Pe& Ax num.
BOOKS, TrinlcA fir ina [ ,
ihiblilhcd by MATHEV/ CAREY. "
(Price Sixteen Dollars-) i
1 New Syflem of Modem Geography :
Or, a Geographical, Hijiorieal and Commercial Gr.unwat t
and prefentjlate of tie fevcral the IVai tJ,
The figures, motions, and cuiiar to each country.
diflauces*of the Planets, ac- VII. Obfervatiou; on the <
fyi- chaages that hive been any
' tem, and the latuft ofcferva- where oMcrycd uppn the face
t | on3 of nature fuicc the moil ear-
H. A ganeral view of the ly periods of hiiiory. A
1 Earth,confidcred as a planet; Vllf. Hijlory and origin
: with I'iwcral ufeful definitions of nations; their fornn of go Ra
• and problems. vernment, reiignation, laws,
111. Granddivifians of the revenues, taxe;, nav:l and ■
1 Globe into land and water, inilirary strength. Al
r continents and islands. IX. Genius, scanners, cuf-
Situation and extentof em- toms and habits of the peopie,
pires, kingdoms, ftate6, pro- X. 1 heir language, learn
i vinces and colonies. i 1 T> arts, sciences, manuiac-
V. 'l'hcir cliinates,airj foil, tures and commerce. —
vegetables, produdtioiis, me- XI. Chief cities, ftrudlures
- tals, minerals, natural curio- ruins, and artificial curiosities. i.
- lities, seas, river'., bays, pro- XII. Latitude, longitude.
i montoriesand Lskes. bearingsanddiitancesof priii-
VI. Birds and Beasts pe- cipalplacesfromPliiladelphia A
- I. A Geographical ladex, with the names and places A
c becically arranged.
11. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
dollars and cents.
HI. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from M
the Creation to the present time.
[ The Aflronomical part by 'James Fergufon, F. R. S. Al
Corrciied by Dr. David Rittenuouse.
To vjhich are adiled,
the lete Difcover/es of Dr. Herfchell, and other eminent
. The first american edition, corrected, improved, and
greatly enlarged. Containing the following as
Maps and Plates.
. ; I Map of the World 23 Hindoftan •
! 2 Chart of the World 24 Africa mc
i 3 Europe 15 United States _ ne .
i 4*Counti iesroundtheNorth 26 British Dominions in A- eR
Pole. mcrica c 0
f ! 5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Weil Indies
' j way and Finland. jg'Province of Maine pj
' ; 6 Russia 29*Ne\v Hamplh re
7 Scotland 30*Maflachufetts M
" g England and Wiles 31 "Conneflicut
n 9 Ireland 3®*Rhode ISand
1 10 France 3 3 *VermoKt
r 11 •*Seat of War 3 4*New York on
" 12 Seven-United Provinces 35 "New Jcrfey ed
" 13 Austrian, Fn-nch and 36*Peimfylvania fn
■' Duteh Netherlands 37 'Delaware
h 14 Germany 38' Maryland _
15 Switzerland 39* Virginia
15 Poland 40*Kcntucky
! 17 Spain and Portugal 41 "North Carolina r-j
I 18 Italy '41 "Teneffee government J
' 19 Turkey in Europe 43* South Carolina a/I ,
20 Afii 44* Georgia
2l*DifcoTenes made by cap- 45 Copernican fyllom
tains Cooke and Gierke. 46 Armillary sphere
22 China
The Maps marked .with stars are'added to this edition, u '.
exclusive of those in the last London edition. 'J,
The United States Register for 1795,
k Price 50 Cents. CONTEN TS. f"
Calendar, with the necefiary Boundaries of the United
tables, &c. <fcc. States. Population «"
GOTfc K !V1 En 1 — dd
s > Supreme Executive Lid of rfie Officers to '
Legillature Statement of Kxports <"■
ii Judiciary ,—- Pubiic Debt
"J Department »[ Stats Pay, &c. of the array
3' department of theTreafury Mint EftabKlhment
Commifiioners of I.oans Rules for reducing the eur-
Officers of the Customs rencies of tha different
Revenue Cutters states to a par with east j<
Light Heufcs other pi
officers of the Excise Tables of the number of g,
)li Duties and Dutiable articles cents and decimal parts rc
Exemp s from duties in any number of Ihilliags p,
le Duties on tonnage and pence less than a dol- tl
» on domestic objeels Jar in the currencies of
he Drawbacks, &c. and regu the different states 0
3 " lations to be oferved in Tables Ihewing the value of f j
obtaining them dollars in the currencies
he General AMlraet from the ol ditto
revenue laws, relating to Pod-office establishment
; ' c - the duty of masters of Lift of Post-Towns, &c.
; s, vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of j 1
&c, «f goods, and the the principal tow*s in the ' l
-3* officers of the customs; United States
0 to the payment of duties, Banks
o and thj importation of Literary Institutions
<) goods National Manufactory]
2 Expeuccs of Government Seffioos of tlie Courts
o for 1794 Western Territory
O Department of War
0 State Governments.
|Q New Hampfhir* South-Carolina
0 Vermont Georgia
0 Massachusetts Order ot time in which the
Connedlicut l'everal States adopted the
1 New-York federal Conftitr.tion
New-Jersey Table of the Son's riling
I Pennfylvar.k and fettinjf
Delaware Abftrail of goods, wares,
Maryland and merchandize export
j Virginia ed from the United States
Kentucky from the ift of October
North-Carolin» '90, to 30th Sept. ! 7') I'
cr " Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. T snvfon, of the
■ new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second Ameiian edition—
Price 75 cents. [The rapid faie of the firft edition of this
t enterefting novel, ill a few months is the best criterion of
-— its merit.]
EXTRACT FROM Till CRITICAL review, ai»il i 791, p. 468.
" It may be a tale of tr\ith,: for it is not unnatural, and
1? n it is a tale of real dillrt fs—Charlo te, by the ajtiliee of a
c teacher, recommended to a fehool, from humanity ra-
S lO iisrthan a convii?ti«n of her integrity, or the regularity,
II her former eoiiduS, is enticM fror.iher govertiefs, and
" r^ a accompanics a officer: to Anrerica—the marriage
. ' ceremony, if not fcirgotten, is poftponcd, and Charlotte
' dies a martyr to the inconstancy of her lover and treath
ven tiry of his friend.
j?"" The situations are artless and affeAing—the dcfcription
—° e natural and pathetic ;we fliould feel for Charlotte iffuch a
person ever exilled, who for one error, fcsrcely, perhaps
deserved so severe a punilhment. If it is a ficliou, poetic
T. "j juflice is not, m e think, properly distributed."
J. The Inquihtor—by Mrs. Rowfon. Second Philsdel
"'S' phia edition. 87 1 2 cents.
4- Adventures of Roderic Random, 2 vols, t dollar aftd !
time 50 cents, coarl'e paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine.
|. Notes on the state of Virginia—by Thomas Jefferfon.
' Price neatly bound, one dollar and a half.
H: tory of the French' Revolution, from iu cora
rV'.,e mcncemcnt to the death 01 the Queen and the" CMecnsion
5 ' of Briffot. % d»Uars.
5. Plov.dcn's History of the Brifiih Empire, from May
him 1792, to December 1793. 1 dollar and a quarter
lome ' s an interesting and valuable publication as has
appeared for many years.
6. ie»ttie's Elements of Moral Scienoc. 2 vols. One dol
'• lar and three quarters. eod.
J 777£ RRESX
A.iidfpqatiiiy will by UENJAMIU I3AVIE3,
At 6J, tl'ijh'jl/ect,
American Repository, for 1796;
A compleat Cakndar for Rules for r r.kcin j the cur- >
ike year. reneis&of the fevetalfu tei.
Lifts of tUe execntive, legif- Table of pounds, se c . rt hi
lative and judicial officers ced into dollars & ce:its.
of the federal government Summary of the txpenj lit
of the uuniftctt and 4 l'ucccffivs year-.*
eonfuls ;o and from the Amount of the unred-cmM
United States. debt, annual revenue -4
A reg'fter of the land and espenditujes.
fia forces of do. A view of the finiino-'fu" j.
Rates of postage, and times An eilimate of the j". po - 3
of receiving <Sc culling the of the United Stat'ls i,i
mails a: Philadelphia. tuol'everal years
A lift of the poll-towns with Domeitic duties or excifee.
the distances of each, on Drawbacks and Bounties
the main line, a* well as Banks, with rule, of v ,a.
crols roads. ducting business.
of the federal courts. Officers of the civil Govern
—of the supervisors of the ment of Pennsylvania.
revenue, Eiliinate of expence* of <io.
The mint, and monies of the in one year.
U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government
cach date. ' of New-York.
A lift of the coiumjffioners Sovereign princes and re
ef loans. publics oi i-urope.
A table, {having the propor- Lift of the navy of Gri'at
tion of froe perfoas to Britain, corrected
1 Haves, and of males to fe- able to the kteft infornu
males, &c. in the U.S. tion.
Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of ?ran:e,
with the proportion of do.
each. State of the air, and a diary
All alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and' weather
agreeably to the last aft in Philadelphia, durinyifre.
of Congress. months, ending lit Sept.
Amount of import and tonn- 1 795.
age of one yrar. Bills of ljiortalitj in Philad.
Custom-house fees, Ice. of one yiar.
This little volume will contain a much greater compa s,
as well as variety of matter, than that of the ii;g
year, and will be embellilhed with an engraved frontis
piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a htad orna
ment, to each month. The 'scenes depicted in the vig
nettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours ol the year. The
engravings are new, and executed with an exc.'lljncc thag_
Goes credit to the American fine arts.
At the fame place may be bod,
Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, accu
rately engraved from a late fur vey.
Maps of the United States, and of each state separately.
A valuable cslleftion of modern Booh, and a general afi'ort
ment of Stationary Wares.
Note.-—Thole who desire it, may have the above-menti
oned Maps, or any other, coloured, canvafTed, and varnil ti
ed, and put up in any manner that may be moil cqfweai
ent, by applying at directed above.
Oct. 1, 1795, law.
No. 60 South Second Street.
THE Wholesale. and Retail Store for BOOKS, STATIONARY,
and Fancy articles. V
For the greater convenience of conducting bis bufmefs extenftvcly,
has removed from No. 57, to Ac. 60 South Second Street, on the
ixejl fide —where be bus received by tbe lajl arrivals, an ext. jive
' cokeHion ofufeful Boots, and the bej} Stationa-ry. Also, a -vu;iff
of New Mujic, Banbury's curious Caricatures, Prints, 0.77':
ings, Draining Soots, Es'c. nil tuhub be will fell, as up J,
for J small profit.
J T. S. embraces this epportnnity to actnoivledge tbe liberal
couragcment be has always experienced from the citizens of PbiU'
deltbia—returns his n:ofl fineere thants, and pledges hjrcP-if to ' 'ftr— —"
eonjlant exertions to meritcmitirnul J.roar, and To hive bisJlaretup
isloce for elegant and ifefnl literature.
June t, 7.
t We are informed that the gentleman who drew the
b 15,000 dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, was the
proprietor of only a single Ticket—This instance of
'f good fortune, shews that it is well to be in Fortune's
road ; and is the more pleasing, as the owner oi the
: s prize is a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci
A The Scheme of tha Canal' Lottery is certainly one
of the belt which has appeared—for, mdepend -nt of
the ul'eful objedls to which its proceeds are to be ap
a plied, the febeme is lo calculated as to continually en
hance the value of the Tickets remaining in tha wheel;
becaul'e, while the drawing prqgreflV, fhs ?h:rt£<j of.
( f a capital prize growing greater, must mcreaic tile va
1C lueof the undrawn Ticket.
The Prizes drawn to the close of the dr'av <; 0.1
lift Wednesday Evuning, were
1 of 15,900
j of - - 2jtoo
5 of » - i)®oo
4 of J OO
II " of ~ —. iso
Ai'd there theij_ remained in the wheel
*go of - 2.000
I, Of - 1.009
es > ,6 of - - s°°
rt " 89 of - - 100
tca 14S00 of - - - 13 , ,
>cr And q stationary prizes of 20,000 dollars each ; '>/
'he which, and the nature of thole 5 stationary prizes,
which are to belong to the five last drawn t.cke«, it
his will be found, that an undrawn ticket was yefte y
of morning, Worth nearly inn dollars, whu-h,
the beginning, was worth no more than 10
68. and so the undrawn tickets mult continue >-' •
md in value, as fact as the drawing proceeds: Andtll..
t a circumstance will account for the number of Often
ra- which are opened for the sale oi Tic es, ' L
W* fits mull be daily increafingi and 111 a few dl}
and Ticket now felling at ir dollars, will no t con
a 2 c mand 15 dollars, and must continue to gtt
* t£ the drawing approximates to the five ftationar> prizes
• cn of 20,000 dollars
! on ALL persons indebted to the Ettate of SAMUEL
:h a A FRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkee Pf ' .
K ceased, are desired to make paymentto tllc \ • j
,et C and all thole who have any demands *6 au^ C
d3l .' Estate, are requsited to bring in their accounts prope
T "''SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, Afling Exetutor.
South Water-street, No. 59-
lon. Oitober 18, 1795- ■
:om- ALL perfoss indebted' to the Estate ofD«J
iiicsn A H. GIBBONS, late of ' fifitay
rcquelled to make payment; " l 0 e in their
May demands against f»id Estate, are desire
— accounts duly attested, l'or H EV6HAM,
Attorney in fad for Mary Gibbon., ad6iii"ft»tr"
del- to the said's Estate.
»d. Arch-iirect, No. 107, Nov. 4* _
—_——— — ""