TO THE PUBLIC. miniature painting. a Limner from Paris refpeAfully inform. the puWic, /V that he paint# Likenesses in Miniature, in lien ftrikine and pleasing a manner, a» will, he hopes, Dusty those who may employ him. His Likenesses are war ranted, his fittings flidrt, and his terms easy. His Room is at No. 2, north Fifth-ftreet. \ n November 11. S«9»- of the P. S. As he shortly intends returning to France, he tics p: invites such I .adies and Gentlemen as may be desirous ol b( , having their Portraits drawn, to take advantage ot the present time. vanta the til l Tnfurancc Company of North-America tifh v INFGRfa the PU BUC, that they make Insurance against term Fire, on Furniture, Merchaodife, a*d Honfes, at the a.l to rate of Two Shillings and Thret-Pcnce for One Hun f ur tb dred Dolbrs for Hazards of the firft class, and for Hazard- f ror j, ous articles, at an advance proportioned to the risk. t ) >{ { November iq. J l "' t ], g 3 AD VER TISEME AT. » n< ?' FROM the firft of December next, the annual fubferip- tint tion for this Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS. i mpc Subs ribers out of the City will pay One Dollar a year in t j c j (| addition, for inclosing and directing their Papers. the ( Remote fnWcribers are requested to pay up arrearages to the above period ; also th« half year s advance from her that time—thole who do not, will be considered as de- tliol cii'ning a continuance of their fubfeription. prod Advertisements ot a square, or Ufs, are published in this ; Gazette once, for half a »»llar ; and continued at one OUARTER or A DOLi-AR for each fubfcqucgt nueition. The Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the iavors of his advertising patrons —He assures thein, that tne en- ihet creased, and encreafing number of his fubfmbe-rs, is con- ac ] o titfually extending the circulation in the city—lts distant J circulation is now equal to that of any othor publication. Philad Iphia, November 3, 1795- an( j TO BE — f , ee .V Second hand strong well made fall-top PKseton, ties with Iron Springs and liamefs for two horl«s. the imp whole being in good condition. add also, the A bright bav carriage horft, about eight years old. fc , s Ebr terms apply at France's Hotel, South Fourtn-ftreet. , or { N. B. The above may be seen in Mr. Thompson s Stable, at the Sign of the Indian Qneea ; and if not , Sold privately on or before the a ill Instant, they will the be offered for Sale at Public Vendue, at the HorL- 1 h Market place, at 11 o'clock 011 the laine day. oTt /rXTperfons "indebted to the Eflate of WILLIAM 'J. 13 XX \*OOD WILKINS, Effl. decsafed, are requested to make payment, to ' ori ISAAC MICKLE, Esq. cur NtvtrwK,Nrw-Jerfey, ( be JOS. BRINGHURST.juii.f . No 29, Unhnjlrctl, J Philadelphia, Nov. 19- eodim. A small Catalogue «f Law Books belonging to the above dill F-ftate, for fait, at low priect—apply to Charles B. Browa, V e( No. 117, south Secoud-ftreet. kn 1 ' " " th( Lc Breton, f„ SURGEON-DEN r rsr, w PM of the celebrated Mr. D.ibw, late Dentifl to the King ani a(J Royal Family of weiuier of tht College and Aca demy of Surgeons at Paris, Keeps a complete assortment of every thing neeeffary to C«i be used for the no Prefervatisn of the Mouth and Teeth. im Patent mineral Teeth, and human and ivory Teath ; Den- 110 trifice in powder; Opiate; excellent Elixir for sweetening f n the mouth, and preserving the teeth. He also furmfhes Brulhes and foft'Spong.s. . D u He li»t»iii Chrfno -ftrcct, No. l 35, above Fourth treat. S&.JQ. . eod. »P Five Dollars Reward. w] STRAYED, on the jist of Ofiober, from Tenth- Street, pear Mulberry-Street, a roan HORSE, about seven years old, has a white spot on his forehead, white feet apd cut tail. Any person who can give information pr of the fame, will riceivt the above reward, and expences, c 0 by applying to BILLON & Co. No. 12, south Third- p . Street. November 14. § IW - m Mr. Walter Robertfon BEGS leave to acquaint the Gentlemen, fubferibers to . the print Portrait of George- Washington, Prefid«nt of the United States of America, engraved by Mr. Fi .ld, qi from an original piSure'paiated by W. Robertfon, tnat 01 the Proofs arc ready for delivery to the several fubferib- ers at John Jamss Barralet's, No. 19 north Ninth-ftre&t; or at J Ormrod't, bookseller, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, . where the fubferibers are requested to fend their address. eod - A COMPLETE printing-office FOR sals, ; Cottfiflirtg of iSoclb. of Type, well assorted; one e!e- ci gant and every other article suitable for an ex- nr tenlivf business—the whole nearly new. Jhe terms of je: payment will be, a fourpi, cai'h; a fourth, at three , months; and the rem/indtr, to accommodjte the pur- j g| chafer, w*ll be taken in printing work. The amount is about I*oo dollars. r For particulars apply to the Editor. O cipher 1 a For hale, Ii \T valuable and well known PLANTATION for- h 1 merly owned by John Evans, at present bv Samusl E- ' j vans; Tuuote in Loudon Briiain to-vnihip, Clwticr county, j < Containing about four hundred and sixty acres—l here are on j ' said Plantation l»o dwelling Houses, one ilone and brick, I 1 forty feet by Jwenty-fi'e, two (lories high, wi'h X large and j , commodious Kitchen; the other a good logg House, suitable { for a tenant; two targe and convenient Barns ; a Hone Spring House; a good Meichar.t Mill, with between la and 13 feet c head arid tall, on a never failing ft;.-am the Whiteclay creek f There are on said Plantation aboir 80 acres of excellent ( Meadow, a large proportion of which is well watered, and more can conveniently be mad*:; about ifio acres is arabie Land, cleared, the residue is Wood Land. The Land, in t general, is of the firft quality in that end of the county. Ihe 1 Plantation is 10 miies irom Newport, 11 from the Head of Eikj 6 from Itaw-London Cross Roads, avid 5 from N'ew- Garden Meeting House, on the nearcft xoad from Lancaster, and on the dircft one from Peach' Bottom Terry to Newport; < the situation el the Mill is suitable for ehher the Llk or Mid- £ trade, which renders it an important stand. /-'.ny person desirous ot jvurchafing will, upon applying t« Mr; BENJAMIN CHAMBERS, within one mile of rhe place, j be rtiewed the lame, and know the terms of laic from the ( (übferiber hereof, in Lancaster county. SAMUEL EVANS November iq, 1*755. «awtf. 1 For SAL E, \ A PLANTATION about twelve miles fr»m this eity, in , Montgomery county, containing 7» acrei; on which (here i« ' new Itone House, two ftoiiea two rooms on a floor, fire places in *»ch room; done Kitchen, and stone | Spring-Houfc over • ucvei failing spring o( water; a Barn, ( gubjc. Sheds, Barracka, 4c. a large Apple Orchard, arid a variety of ather Fruit Treei; about la acrej of good Mca- ; tiuw, and t» ef Wood La»d. Poffelfi « will be given ihe ] uft of April, pr foostr if wanted, wlien the purchaser will ( faie ihe oppoitunity ol baying ihe Stock on the Place, and . Coin in the gtoiuid. foi further particulars apply at No. y,. Asth-ftnet. Nov. ij, 4 »aw 3«. FROM THE ARGUS. — valen THE DEFENCE—NO. XXV. SKoti -i betw T CONCLUDED.J ~ . • objec The *rticle has been further criucifedon account mcnt of the adjullment of the import and tonnage du- w hi c ties payable in this trade, and it has been attempted Ind ; ( to be (hewn that the tooting on which we were to S , (hare in the fame would an this account be di ad- ratk vantageons, and the unequal. What t is theadiuftment ? The article proposes thUt Un- of t ti(T» veficls employed in this trade (hall pay on en- 6 „ t term? ®" r P erts tlie alien to,lna ß® duty P a y ab y for t all foreign vessels, which is now fifty cenrs per ton 5 if) a| further the cargoes imported in Britifl) bottoms te^ ' from the British Weft Indies (hall pay hi our port. and the fame impeft or duties, that QuU be payable on becc tht dike articles imported in Antencan bottoms ; by and on the other fide that cargoes , ">P" rte 1 l " t ® ,he plaii - British Islands in American bottoms fh a.l pay the lame p j ac • impost or duties that ftiall be payable on the like ar- that 1 tides imported in British bottoms—that is to lay, tor> the cargoes ofeach ihall pay in the ports of the o- that ! thcr only native duties, it being undeyttood that the - thofei.nported in the British Weft Indies on our cles productions are small and unimportant, while thole fut .j ' imposed in our ports on theproduftions of the Welt a , t E Indies are high, and important to our revenue onß 5 The vilTels of each (hall pay in the perts of the o- nat j - ther an equal alie'n tonnage duty and our standard is , 0 t adopted as the common rule. ' '* (lip 1 la not this equal: can we expect or allc of liritiln at , '' vetfels to pay an alien tonnage duty in our Ports, l()e _ and that American veflfcls fhuuld enter then ports tn a freely, or on payment only of native tornage da- t | )e ties? Can we in equity require them to pay on the con iz impoitation of their cargoes in Bntifli vcffcls an addition of ten per cent on the duties payable en ap j the importation of the like articles in American vel- J " fels, and at the fame- time demand to pay no higher _ : , t- i ortrther duties on the cargoes earned in our vei ' ! fels to the British Iflauds, than thof> payable by ill them on the like articles imported m /B r ' lllh vc(rel * ; e- The very fating of iS^ - Te expect more, expedl, 1 ~ that in a trade in which the opinions and pra&ice of CC I Europe contemplate every privilege granted to a i foreign nation as a favor—we weie hy treaty to fe- i cure a greater advantage to ourfclves than would be enjoyed by the nation which granted the privi* lege. But it is added, that our laws impose a tonnage ve duty of fix cents per ton on the entry of Americau vessels engaged in foreign trade, and it is not t [,j known that British vessels pay any tonnage duty on tat their entry in ports in the Weft Indies! —and so uniting the two entries, that is, the entry in the Well Indies and the entry on a return to our ports, an American vefTel will pay fifty fix cents per al ." ton, when the Britifc vessels will pay only fifty ,s t# cents per ton—lf the British government impose " no tonnage duty on their own reffels, and we do cr . impose a tonnag® duty on ours, this certainly can in- not form an obje&ion against them. They areas at irig free to abstain frona the irapafition of a tonnage du- tIJ ty on their own ftiips, as we are to impose one en ours—lf their policy is wiser than ours in this rc * | " fpeft, we are at liberty to adopt it, by repealing ,u - the tonnage duty levied on American navigation, ° u which it jve please may be confined to the particular *' 1 " .cafe, the effedt of such a measure as far as it flisuld 1 extend, tbo' the duty is small, would be to add a j; 1 ien proportionable advantage to our (hipping in foreign »P competition. But the obje£l of the articles in this | . iriJ " particular is to equalize, not the duties that each j may choose to impose on their own vessels but those !li _ " that they shall impose on the vessels of each ether ; n! and in this refpeift the article is perfe&ly equal—lt '* is perhaps the firft time that the objection of ine- Id, quality was founded on a circumstance depending P 1 hat on the laws of the party affected by it and remove- ™ able at his own option. 1 ;et ' This view of the fubjeft authorizes a belief that c ' in therevifion of the article a modifiaation of it may ,J| i. be agreed to that will prove fatisfa&ory. Indeed - from the short duration of the article, taken in J t; g connexion Vith the exprtffions made ufet>f towards j the close r,f it relative t» the renewsl'tif iht nego- s ' c i £ . ciation, for the p«rp»fe of such ,l ex- ments as (ball c»ndute to the mutual and is of ; extension of this branch of in- " tree ! f cr t h a t Great Britain contemplates a more e-»larg- 'J f ur " :ed and equal adjullment on this point. r >unt The relaxations, which now exill in the color in 1 fyflems, in eonfequence of the neceflities of war, " and which will change to our disadvantage with the 1 return of peace, have been considered by some as the permanent state of things. And this error n 1 for - has had its influence in miflcading the public in re- e ' fpe£t to the terms and conditions on whifh we may a re'Jn : rtafonably expect to participate in the trade of the 1 .rick,, I British Well Indies—But let h be remembered that - a,,a j the refloration of peace will bring with it a reltora- 1 table tion of the laws of limitation and,exclufion, which 1 j lTc* cuviflittite the colonial fyliem. Our effotts there- a creek f,,re fbrtukJ be direetetl to such adjuflment with " clleiit Q rc . at Britain on this point, as will fecuie to us a 1 irabie righ-t »f(er the teturn of peace, to the.greatefl at- c d, in tainable portion of the tiade to her iflando in the ' The Well Indies. v °' It has keen alledged, should the expefled modi- ' after, pcation of this article retain its prelent ftiptilation port; on the fub'i'ft of impost and tonnage duty, that, ' Mid- as France by tieaty may claim to enjoy tho- rights 1 and privileges of the mod favoured nation, Ihe ' place, would demand art from the ten pei cent ' n the on (.he duties upon the prodtnSions of the Weft ' Indies imported in foreign bottoms, and would moreover be free tt» impose an alien tonnage On 1 our. vessels entering their ports in the Weft-Indies ' equal to that imposed on her vessels in our ports, which This is true —Bur in order to make this demand, ms on Fiance mull agree by trenly to opeu all her ports in 1 stone the Welt-lndies, to give us a right to import into 1 fncU hread, tobacco, and such other articles' ' Mca- as Gteat-Britain shall permit, and which France by n ihe her permanent fyllcm prohibits ; file mud alfocon ' w '" cede to us a right to purchase in her islands and jNo brirjlaway sugar, coffee, and pimento, which by jw. fie*mi fyllcm she also prohibits; fhc nauft do all thi«, becanfe by our treaty her, flif can only rat entitle herfelf to a fpeeial privilege granted to an- vvhi< o'her nation by granting on her part to us the equi- hun< valent of what was the confutation of our grant, and Should Francc be inclined so to arrange the trade lon between u. and her islands, we certa.nly frail not Car obieft ; becatife, besides the right, such an arrange- and ment would be more advaatageous to us than that ente which now regulates our intercourse with her vVelt lerv Indi-s ' "So much of the twelfth article as refpeds itsdu- in t ration and the renewal of the negociation previous othi to the expiration of two years after the conclut.on wot of the war, in order to agree in a new ariangement (tab on the fubjea of the Welt-India trade, as well as I for the purpose of endeavouring to agree whether the in any, and in what cases, neutral vessels (hall pro- gov left enemy property : and in what cases previous 1 and other articles not generally contraband may fre become such, form a .part of the treaty as ratihed can by the Pielidcut. These clauses fufficiently ex- tie plain themfelvcs, and require no comment in this pre place They however prove one point, which is, to I that after every effort .n the part of our Negocia- tair ' tor, the parties are not able to agree in the doctrine the ' that free bottoms (hould make free goods, nor in per the cases in which alone pravifions and other artt- tori ties not generally contraband (hould be deemed joir ' such. Leaving therefor, both these points precisely in j 1 as they fonnd them, (except in refpea to provih- alo ' ops, the payment for which, when by the law of t e ' nations liable to capture, as conttaband, is secured) Iho ' to be regulated by the exiftinglaw of nations, it js life stipulated to renew the negociation on these points pet 1 at the epoch afiigned for the future adjustment of the ' tl, e Well India trade, in otder then to endeavour ry s to agree in I conventional rule, which, instead of att ' the law of nations fliould thereafter regulate the nei e condua of the parties in these refpeas. i° 1 The nth article has been passed over in silence pri I as being merely introduaory and formal. b CAMILLUS. th< r lot y THE FRENCH CONSTITUTION. t h, r roHU bun 1i" ' '' Ijh -i— rails riarteemed. Different champions (landing re j :, forward boldly in support of their refpeflive if principles anil plans, except the partiians of a royalty, who cannot fafely do more than recom- jul :- mend their system by lndirea hints and oblique .ty d inlinuations. '• M. DECRETELLE j ta Seems to favour this doarine in his pamphlet in , e defence of aristocracy-, where enforcing the necef- as II fity of unity being prefervid in the government of in " that great empire, he evidently glances-at the reflo- re in tation of monarchy. tr. M. DE VAUBLANC, ** Formerly a member of the legislative assembly, ' and long profcribcd by the Jacobins on account of his attachment to the constitution of 1789, has k lately re-appeared to distinguish himfelf in the pre- ' j u sent controvcrfy. This book, is entitled, " Re n. flexions fur les basses d'uae constitution," which he g as at firft presented to the public as the work of ci- , u tizen Briffau, a member of the «onvention. ln After (hewing that the melancholy experience of , c five ycais, mnft convince France that it was not by fublimc theories, by beautiful maxims, and fpeci- ir , n ous declarations, that men were to be governed, c< a ' he a(ks, what reliance they can have in future on the influence of those principles which were so in- a effeaual to refirain the tyrannous career of Robe- p fpierre. i He then proceeds to examine the nature of what n lis called a demosratic republic, and argues from " the authority of history through all ages, that it P r . never produced the happiness of any nation, and T ,j t is peculiarly inapplicable to the foil, the population, le- genius, and manners of the French. Ail the j U g. philofopliers as antiquity held democracy in abhor- fe . renie : Thucydidcs has exposed tne evil ofwhichit ; is yr»duaive, and Rondeau himfelf dirslared demo- | , at cracy to he a government adapted to ar.geis, fcut'fey « c l3 y uo means for men. e< j History ev f 'B«es, that a mixed governsru t a lone is that which can offer to a great nation, li rds ! t> cr «y without liccntioufnefs,' and all the comforts 0 . and advantages which man can ever hope for in j e . the fecial (late. MK i Hi then elucidates his arguments by hiftomal references. Rome originally was governed by r __ three liranches—the King-, the Senate, and the People. After the overthrow of royalty, the se nate and the peopl* governed jointly ; but of what j , ar internal convulsions and what horrible divisions was ,jj e the alteration not produaive ? .as Sparta had three powers, the People, the Se- ' ror nate, and the Kings. To the eleaion of a fourth , re _ eifate in the creation of the Ephari, the best authors ! M y attribute the decline and subsequent deftruaion of the fytlem ef Lycorgus. \ ), at Solon, the lawgiver of Athens, eftablimed but )ra . two powers, and the eonflitution soon fell beneath the gerius and fortune of a tyrant. The want of cre . a third rftate fubjeaed the government to perpetu kjf|, al innovatior.s ; and Athens was often obliged to JS a trust the management of its affairs to its generals at _ and orators. The fame eontiitutional defea funk t j, c it for thirty years under the tyranny ©f Pericles, who, without assuming the title of a king, pel'. D( ]j_ feffed himfelf of all the power. lion England for a • •ntufy lias enjoyed the highest hat, of ptofpeuty under the three branches of ,-hts " s B»i*«d constitution, and «,]! the recent declama '(lic tions.that have iieen made that government, ;c , n will not outweigh the irrefiftibic teftiniuny of faa«, eft and the penetrating judgment of Moutifquieu. ,uld Sweden poffefl'ed a mix*d constitution in that pe . oa ' riod of its history during which Kouffeau remarks, dies tha ' 11 t- y vvere t ' ne Europe. irts. Having Rated that the American constitution jnd, was framed upon the fi'.me modei, he goes on to is in * lle appficKtion of his prinaiples, and recommends into to Fva-'ce an assembly of representatives, a fenatej icles' eenlors, and an executive power 111 a ptcfuieut, eby whose authoiity is to expire every year. :on- FRESON. and This deputy of the National Convention is re -Iby proachcd ivith having been, for two years, in. all oali . fanguiaary projefls, the rival of the execrab'lc Ma -1 rat—with liaving i;i tbepurna! " Ami dtt'Tc«i»le •• which tie composed, demanded the head# of r\r<> hundred and eighty thousand aniioeratt, m.-dernu *' ' f and rich people—and with having extrciied at T ou .' lon the fame atrocious murders and lobbin.s tV» Carrier did at Nantes, Col'ot D'Herb<>j,at Lvoi't' and Joseph ]e Bon at Arras. Yet 1. J eater the lifts as a conspicuous advocate fur tlic » re let vat ion of property, and the rei t ;n of relm',,,! order and (he law. The trurh prtfbably is M ' t in the ravages of the revolution, lik.- TaliiwV.,l others, he has ;• muffed a fortune v tli which h e would «ow willingly repose under tKe (hade 1 ilable government. The title of his lafl publiiatfon is " Pr<>pe,i T the folc ba£s, and the We guarantee o, ,J government," In ttae difcufiion of this polit, the reafonin.r „f Freron, which, however, is far Fr*£ k*.m K can furniih little novelty to an E«gliih render.— fie reprobates the caumlal virlutj ot their lat* o». prefforj, and holds up moderation ai the true foir.t to be cheiiJhcd by a legislator. Propeity, he aj a ;„ tains, to be the real foundation of patriottfm and the love of order ; States the relation between ?1 „. perty and indullry, between industry and commerce, foreign and domeflic, and between all thnfe n , M ! jointly and national prosperity. All thufe he briii.r, in proof of his two grand politions, that property alone (hould be represented ; and that the offices of the (late if not exclusively confined to the rich fliould at lead be confined to men in that sphere of life which enabled them to- enlarge their minds and pet feft their education. Of all things, he warns themagaiaft the admiiTion of that vile tevolutiona ry maxim, " to place that itppermejl which was »«. dermojl before." An affemblyof proprietors would never have countenanced this dodtrine, norfuffered 100,000 husbandmen to be imraured within the prifons'ef France. Such is the change of opinion, between FVeron the Man of Fsrtunc, and Freron the Satis Ca lotte ! ! Freron next places before the view of his readers the advaiuaeis » ( * ,v * trgptirftm the one jjiSfSoleTand the other to put its wto on the laws ; —but it would be unneceflary for as tn repeat so trite and familiar a ta rin of'arguments M. HEKEL. This author, an ancient profeffor of hillory, lias ' just published a work which is gaining great celebri ; ty. It is called— " The Tieceflity of organic laws, or the con Hi i tution of 1793 convided of Jacobim'fm." 1 ] This book is written with, great fpirit,-to expoft . and refute that fyltem of universal equality, (o rn f inousto France, and fiich an , wf'.il warning to the . rell of Europe. We (hall tratX} a te one fiiort ex. tract—" The maxim of one man Vieinf as "ood as another, has neither moral nor physical tiutli to support it. Behold the famous wr<-{y er of 'Cro p tona seize in his vigorous arms the luh «f Jopiur, throw him on his (houlder, kill him with a biutfcsf his fift, and afterwards devour him in the space of a single day ; follow him into the lift, and at the e very fight of fche fhipendous Coloflus, a hundred' Syfeaiites, take to flight in"«lifmay, or are emfhed beneath his force : Where is then your equality? j- Turn your eyes to Cato, and fee virtue banished from the reft of the earth, and finding its afvhim in his sublime bread. The universe gave yp tl:e 1 conteftj but the invincible spirit of Cato still (ttug n' gled againlt tyranny. Look to the great orator of Rjpne, the only genius, fays'the venerable Seneca, that it ever poffeflVd equal to its empire. Obfave Bauflct, Mostefquien, Bufiyn, and you will find more moral force in the he: , of any c,f them than was to be discovered in t • uids of tl eh- cuntem • „ poraries." ' M. MERCIEU. Follows the opinion of La CroiHHn recomrciettd ' ing that the primary ftßeiT.blk.-t be called, and tile Bee opi.non of the people at large taTceri.oti the l fox in af/overeoisnt,' which amoiigll all others they may felecl : Ofherwifc he thinks the conftitntiori canpot lie permanent. One indeed may be jssj#tfed >ipon t'iem ; tf« t w«jlW always be in danger, as it sould not be laid to lje S-cor.llitutiori of their.own at,. |. choice. " M. N i. s, for,nerlyHlre warm advo cate of La Fayette, Lag come foi ward a pam phlet, which he calls " On some vyords which have been produtlive of the ci" He con siders very grievous conftquences to have followed from the meaning which the French attach to the word injurreti'ion. It is borrowed, lie fays, from the English language, where it is never afed in a favourable fenfc, but means a pcpn'iar cemmotion, or a revolt of the people, againll part of the peo ple. Montesquieu, in his fpi< it of laws, mentions that in the government of Crete infurreition yas legitimated, and authorized by the government. »s refpedt which the sage Americans had for the writings of Montesquieu, induced them to adopt his intei pietation of the word, and of course in the * 'J" noble refinance to the opprefiive tyranny of Great loj- Britain,ahey ftiled themselves Insurgents, while the court denomitiated them as Rebels. u * La Fayette, dazzled-with the splendor of what was called the American infurreflion, imported the V' phrase into France; "and, speaking in the conftitu ' ent assembly of the oppressions of the people, was L 'y heard to fay, tlrat there was a time when infurrcc u tioh became the most sacred of our duties. Fiom . this time infurrcition became a fort of aiticle of 1 . faith, which several French legifiators even piopu -0 fed to organize into a system. In the hands of the Ila " Jacobins, the clubs and the fcftiiius, it was made r ' the engine of all their cruellies and excefTcs. lS ' After this history of the term itfeff, he proceeds to defctibe emphatically the niiferies it occasioned ; ? e and though he admits it to be proper in times of S ' great extremity, he deprecates condition of a people who are obliged to have recouife to it. lou THE ABBE SYEYES, LOUVET, RHCE \° DERER, and THOMAS PAINE. lcs Maintain opinions very different from tliefe writers, : " J The two lalt in partictilar are their violem oppe ul ' nents, adhering pertinaciously to the principles of utmeifal equality, and representation. They assert. that any man who hat a head upon his fhowlden re- pofTeffes a /utficirnt stake in the proprietary of th: all country—a (lake much wore valuable to him tlun 'la- any other properly.