gßP*'*• , Cffegefte IpiifetJ ||tatx% /7 ~ FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20, 1795. [Vclume VIII. NuitßEß 999.] ——■ For Charleston, (S. C.) THE (HIP _ R u S S E L L, Daniel Reed, matter, WILL fail in the course of ten days, and take freight o e moderate terms; for which, or passage, appiy to th Captain on board, at Walnut-street wharf, or to fofeph Anthony £5* Son. wh November iS. s lot - the For BOSTON, wil • t AS25S^ => ri/£ SCHOONER INDUSTRY, - Captain Barnard, LYING at Joseph Anthony & Son's wharf. Will posi tively fail on Saturday next, wind and weather permitt ing. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or to EDWARD STOW, Jun. Nov. 17. §t3. No. 4 south Water-street. For Charter, THE BRIG Jj|lg» M A R T, • John Fleming, master, BURTHEN 2000 barrels of Flour, is now in compleat •rdcr to take in a cargo. For terms app'y to Gurney iff Smith, Who have for Sale, Eourdeaux and Cogtsiac Brandy ; And a few Frtnch Eurr Stones. Nov. 14. § Ha For Jeremie, 1 j n jhli In HIT Ti'ifi if, I 5_ The beautiful new brTf f- Richard & James, « Thomas Adams, master, a( j BUILT of live oak and cedar, and is her firfl voyage. p ( She is intended for a condant trader, and is particularly pa well calculated for carrying passengers, having mod excel- at lent accommodations, and conftruded for a remarkable fait sailer. For terms apply to the Captain on board at _ Rice-ftret wharf, or to » T t-o np RICHARD & JAMES POT TER. Who ba-vf on Hand, A large and elegant affrrtment of Calhcoes, Muslins, Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. &c. Nov. 13. FOR SALE, BY T O H N C R A I G, No, 12, Dock Street, 10 Pipes of Ike very hejt Madeira IV IN E, 90 quarter casks of Sherry wine, Bristol window glafsof different size., f A quantify of bed Havannah legaas in boxes, A few calks of lugar, 4 bones of yard wide Irifli linens, o: 4 bales of do. cauvafs, 5 bales of red, white, and yellow fiannxrls; PORI S MOU7 H, EjaffatN 2600 barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's wharf, in Southwark. Philadelphia, Sept. 12. J- To Madeira, PERSEVERANCE, William Richards, miser, WTL.L fail in all next week, for freight or passage ap ply to JESSE & ROBERT WALN. November 9. c^- For Falmouth and a Market, THE SHIP S E D G E L T, 0 John Hodge, master, SHE will fad with all convenient speed. For freight or passage apply to Philips, Cramond & Co. j November g. t For LIVERPOOL, I THE BRIG ABIGAIL, Thothas Gifford, matter, HAS a great part «f her cargo engaged, and will fail in 1 a few days. For freight or pafl'ag'i'apply on board at 1 WilcocVs wlwrf, or to THOAiAS NEIVMAK,at R.fes wharf-- 1 IVho has fir Pal g, Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cases and hampers, Old Fron tainiac Wine in hogflieads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled Shirts. Oct. 22. § ■ s :— ——•_ J Jnfl Arrived per the Snow Hoflon, fumes l.irkpatrick, Majler, from Liverpool, re j Crates well-assorted Queen's Ware, I 4ceo bnlheis best fioved fine Salt, &. to be- fold at No. i, Pine-street, by "J antes Campbell. Also, a few boxes well-aflorted Irifli Linens. J. . N. B. Said Snow for I'reiglit or Char 'er > c 'tTier to the Weft-Indies or , Enquire 3S uDovc. Augufl 13. 1_ FOR SALE, The Schooner E N S E L A E R, LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf ; a strong, now vessel, five months old, built of red cedar, bur then t 3 o tons, supposed will cArry about 1200 narre.s ef flour, is of an easy draft of water, and has excellent accommodations for passengers. For to T. & J. CLIFFORD. not fold in two or three days, said veffd will pro ceed for the ftateof New-Yorfc. Biitid. Sept. l<). fleecy hosiery. BARTHOLOMEW CONOLLT; lB at his hosiery store, Cl No. 48, Chefnut-Jlreet, BEGS leave to inform his Friends, and the Public in . general, that he has just receircd a small quantity of the Bejl Fleecy Hoftery Stockings, which he recommends to those Gentlemen who make use p. of that article y> make a speed y apolicatipn for, owing to g } the . 4 4 half white SJ.eetings, 9-8 brown and 'white do. 3«i brown and while Lawns, ) 7-8 Dowlas ; Which they will dtfpq(e of 00 reafonab'e terms, by the package, for cash or up-ir ed Notes, at 60 and 9 J days. N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the Manufactories, it is prelnni.d they wall be found worthy ( of notice. Ovst. 26. I For SALE, by" the Subscribers, h ph'N-*TR£ET, The following articles '459 Bared" 1 above 600,c001b. 224 Bags, J lIT Hoglheads of choice Jamaica Sugar. 211 Bales of St. Domingo Cotton, n Will be landed Monday morning, s6th inft. at South- v street wharf, Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ; I Brig Polly, and Schoonar Industry, from Jeremie, t ° FOR SALE BY j 1 t | Peter Blight.. ' I Oflober 22. \ ' . Jolui Miller, jun. and his brother Alexand.-r J. Miller, I ! have entered into partnerlhi?, under the Firm of ' john Miller, jun. iff Co. J Tbcy law rcUived h the arrivals frm Europe, aid art nolo opening for SALE, r At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet, ' A capital ajfartment of DR7 GOODS, c Suitable to the feafon—amongfl vrhich are, 1 Broad and narrow Cloths, Plain and fancy Coatings, I Beavcrctts and elastics, I Rofeand point Blankets, A variety of coarse j ■ Manchester manufailures, Irish Linens, | , India Goods, generally, French Goods. All of which they will dispose of for cash »r the usual I ' - credit. O&ober 9. S Canal Lottery-Office h Near the BANK of the UNITED STATESj , oSober t, 1 795. 1 [1 TfHE drawing of this Lottery began on MonJay, the t JL. Ktli ult. The sale of Tickets is continued by the , fubferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'clodi. i r ■ in the afternoon, at theabove office, and by J. Roberdtau J ! at the State-House, warranted undrawn. Prize Tickets will be received in payment, fubjefi to the deduction expressed in the tickets —Price 11 dollars u::tij further Eoticc. Approved notes, with a good indorfer, I payable 20th Deeember next, will be received in paymeut e ; for tiekcts amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards. I || William Blackburn, Agent. O Gheck Book kept at the Office. Tickets examined at 2-100 each number, and regifterod at 12-100 each ticket, j 1 N. B. No tickets fold during the hours of drawing. 1 : LOTTERY OFFICE, j' N°. 64, faith Second-Jircet, | i CANAL Tickets for iale, and calh or tickets giyen for 1 any prizes that may be drawn. I Information given refpe&ing Walhington lottery, and j d cash or Caniil tickets given for prizes that may be drawn. I r Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th. c BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot- I j, terics, and open gratis to the enquiries of the poflcffors of 1 II Tickets pwrchafed at the OFFICE. I. Halves, iquartcrs, and eighths of Tickcts mafthe I had ctthcabovsOlicc 1 . Se/>t. Is. § Jamaica Rum. The Cargo of the brig Peace, Capatin Gray, from the north fide us Jamaica, ll'ill be landed to-morrow morning at Southflreel wharf, Hijh Proof RUM, , Prime SUGAR and COFFEE. Peter Blight. ' November 9. § The Partnership ef SA\I. St TKO. SHA.W BETNG dissolved in lafl, by mutual cotifent, all those indebted, whose accounts are due arc do Tfred to maks payment at their Stoic, corner of Front and Arch-street. The bu&hefs is row carried cn at the fame place, by THOMAS SHAW, Who has for sale, on reasonable terais, for calh, or the usual credit, Ageneral assortment of Merchandize, Imported by the Lift veffelsfrom London, Bristol, and Li verpool, suitable for the Fall Sfcafon. A Tobacco Engine and Press to be fold by Sam. Shaw. O&eber 23. 2aw3ic&iaw do. r Bartholomew Conolly, I No. 48, Chefnut-ftreet, "O ESftSCTFULLY informs his fiiends and the public I l\» in general, that he has imported in the late, arrivals 1 from England, an elegant, extensive and well chofcn as sortment of men's and women's holiery—among which —li 9 a very great variety ef beautiful fancy hosiery—such as I striped and clouded cotton —fine plated silk and cotton— j elegant patent fancy silk. Fine striped and clouded patent worsted, See. &c. which are now offered for sale upon ( his usual low terms, together with every other article of I dry good', suitable to the season. I Jj. C. lias also imported a great variety of gentlemen's j out size {lockings. 0&. 24. coim. SHOT, _ 1 sizes, from 31 lb to Grape, IhorteiFnotKer ' — 4 - tk ' r caftinirs racuied at the 1 Nail rods, from rod to spike, > Hoop Iron, of all lizes, for cases or cutting into nails, bota 1 I a brad to lid nails, s I Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to iooib. ' I Bar Iron, i I A Quantity of James Riv« Tobacco, I Carolina Pork. si I Herrings in barrels, 1 Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls. 1 Rye fleur &c. to be fold by J I Levi Hollingfworth & Son. J Auji'j/l 4 2am "" Fresh TEAS, Of superior quality, viz. Imperial, or Gunpowder H)fon Gomee, I (t quality Hyson, 1 2d. do. uo. Young Hyion, R j Hyian Skin, and Souchong. ' A few Boxes of each, for sale at No. 19,_Third Soiith^ J Deeainber 10. eod, r ' BURR MILL STONES j Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Faitory, in the old wind-mill iu Elmlley's alley, Stutb SeconJfreet, a little below Djcifreet, on | VTTHERE those who apply maybefupplied with ft ones I VV of such quality as will suit their purpiffes. Also, I stones for gud'geons to run on, and Plainer of Paris. 1 He Jtseps for SALE, si' At his dwelling No. 115 northSecond-ftreet, a Mtcle above Vine flreet, J " Bou/ting Claths, A complete aflortment of both imported and American manufa&ured for merchant and country work, which he L _ I warrants good. ALSO, a . The Younp Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE. » Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics as they apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all thw' late improvements on the art of manufadluring flour &c. 1 intended to be ufeful to all coTicerijecHn building or using water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey ana , Robert Campbell, booksellers. j 25. jtdstawif. Bankrupt Office. r ~pHE CREDITORS of BANKRUPTS,whofe accounts „ X have been legally proved, may receive their divi dendsby applying at this Office, every 'day from 9 to 13 I o'clock it. Sundays excepted. By order of the CorrmiJJioners, JOHN JENNINGS, Clerk. I Philad. Vinc-Jireet, No. 9a, Novewber 17, 1795. 3tawira. Delaware Bridge. I r_ pHE President and Managers of the Company for e- J. resting a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the Bo ua] rough of Ealton, , I Give this Public Notice, — I That they will, until the firft day of February next, re ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for she said I Bridge; as alio for the erection thereof, and the delivery los materials. The leHgth of the Bridge will be at the liaft 600 feet, and must not be composed of more than the I three archei. the I Any person inclined to engage in the above undertak- I ing, will please to direct their plans and proposals to the :au j Secretary of the Company at Eafton. ' By order of the PrefiJewt and Managers, thc JOHN ARNDT, Secretary. 3tin Eafton, Pennfylvania,N©v. ia. mw A s fer, j ™ Notice. I A pcrfons indebted to the late partnerlhip of IVei at I /"■> Adgate, & White, are dafired to malce payment ;et. to Peter W.Gallauoet, No. 63, Chefnut-ftreet, who I is autkorifed to receive the fame. Those who have claims — J on the said Firm will present them to him. 1 Demands on the eilate of the late Pelathb Webjler, de -1 ceased, are to be exhibited to the fubferiber—and t'hofa for 1 indebted to the said estate, are requested to make pav ment to RUTH PERIT, Executrix? md October 20. diM. No. 47fouth Water-ftrect. vn. j — ot Canal Lottery. sof I No.\ 49, Chefnut-flreet,between Fourth's'? Fifth Jlreets. J ACKETS examined gratis, and every information giv e f L en refptaing fiid Lottery. Also, Washington and J Patirfon Letteries. Oil. iS, - t K '