James M'Alpj#* TAYLOR, X ■ N°. s Sow/j Fourth Sin,:, ?erfol] J) ETURNS his**£»/»/ acknenoledgementst, hfirhUc . nWlt IV Public for their liberal encouragement, and * ca'h 3e,000 are of it! 5 3,000 1 ditto 25.000 40,000 i ditto 15,000 & ca(h 15,000 30,000 Autb 1 df'to IB, 000 il Cilh 10,000 20,003 J ditto 5,000 it call 5,000 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & cafli sjooo 10,090 1. T «, Cat* P"* eot 10,000 th o .into s>oc» cuch, are iC,o o 0 | ,0 ditto »,00<1 1-0,080 b , a 0 duio 50° ie »f*> I. 100 unto 100 lo »-' c " 10 200 diuo _ .5° iO.'.'J ol ioo ditto «5 tfi,ci.oo n ,,000 dV.to 20 28,0.0 f( , 15,000 d:tto l ° i 5 -i" JJ u TIT 16,739 Ttntt ' „ 3j ,.61 Blank., 50,000 Tickets at 8 dol' in 400,000 •rim Lottery wtH afford an f *' piivaie vmUlh>£> t*> « erect.J .n the City ol W.ihi. (:», ■ -Two fc>i>autihii dciigns arc aiready leie Aril for the e !nr* . roo-.i on two «f IHe public fquaiei. ; from tht-'.c d «■*■- ! 1112s, 11 is proposed toerofl two centre and fnur ct.rnei buildings, asfontf as polTiblc after this Lottery is l»lc to co.ivey tlicin When complete* to the fortunate ;.uv , ers,in the manner defenbed in the scheme for the Uotc Lottery. A newd.duainn 0i five per cent, w ill lie in.-■ ■ to defiay U» ,receli»ty enperers of pnlitl**, & ( the fu. plus v.-iI! be made a part ol tb. fund intended .... t , National L'pivwfity, to ue eicfted wllon .« Cuf •«» ,j Walhington. | / Thf drawing will comwcoc® as faon as the licftcu ate fold off. Tire money ptmes wtH be t y»&> 10 thirty days alter it is lir.ifhcd, and any p.izesfc< fnrtnnate numbers arc not produced within tweWr alter' the drawinc is cloved are to be confide ud i« *i » j towards .he fun.l for the Univcrfity, it bring <£■'■ [ ' ed to fenle the whole business in a year fro.n I ? en.l '.< of the drawing and to tak-e up the bonds given as !ec«- • rity. The real frcQi(ties ftjven for the payment of irtr Prize | f*n are held by the President and two Direiftori ot the flank of Columbia, and are valued at more thau half the amount vai of the Lottery. The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment or the late Commiilioners afinled in the management of the am Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufHcieiit num- ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National University and the other federal ob jects continue to favor the design. The synopsis of one of the Colleges, to form a branch of t-he National lnftitution, is already in the press, and will be lpeedily publilhed, togetiter with its coiiH-itution. -A A compleat Plan of the whole of this Important rhflltutioii, compiled from a feiewticrt of rive best -materi als, ancient and modern, will be fuhmitted to the public rtvxj nave jevlKons i as may be necessary to establish 'the perfect confidence and general appro7)ation, so efTuntiai to its present rife and f*- n ture exiftenve for tliL-general good of America. f( Bv accounts received fr«m the different parts of the p Continent as well as from .Europe, where the tickets \ have been sent for {ale, the public are assured that the 1 drawing will speedily Gommtftite, and that the care and I caution unavoidably necefTary to insure a fafe disposal of the tickets, has rendered the inur: suspension indifpenl'able. si February 24, 1795. _ SAMUEL BLODBET. f Au£ 30 » eod*f rickets «i?y be had at the Bank of Columbia ; ? of j Mi>,'es W. ft 6c Co. Qabimore or Gideon Denifon, c of Peter G.ilmin, Bufton; of John Hopkins y R»ch;n«,nd : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's ferry. t Andoyer Iron Works \ TO. B£ SOLD, OR LET ON LEASE. 'T~HEY are fttuate in the comities of Sussex and Morris, i 1 in the Stite of New-Jerfsy : The ore lies within * mile of the Furnace, is eftecmed oF the firft quality of aßy i in America, and particularly adiptetf for making Steel. The Furnace and Forge, to which belong between naiv 11,0 50 acres of Land, will be fold together, or leafed ct ' ther lsparately or together: they are distant about fev.-:H j miles fro-.n e.ich pfher, and arc an object well worth the i attention of Iron Matters. The buildings, &c. are in eve ry respect commodious. For further particulars apply to Benj ini.i Chew, or JohnLardner, Philadelphia. '- Oft. 2. 3'av- To be disposed of at private sale, Pursuant to the lail Will and Teitament of Carper. ii4> south Second Jfreet. INFORMS his fo»tmr cuHortlrrs and the public, thai he has begtfii the bufmefs 3gain on an extcn fiveulan. He has 'or ffie x general of FR E S II D RUGS, CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS, and PATENT MEDI CINE. Liketvife, paintfr>'col.iu s, dtv and x ,r iuid in oil, paint hrethrs, wii.d m i"d coi.-li gjjli, dvt Uiitlj, linf.td oil, oil ot nnrtcj co;«l oil varuifh and jap*', -Warrantrtf cd. ' rtlluni. midfjrr, ground rcdwwjdbythe hogs kcad or fmalur quantity. As he nnpn. s the liinpl s.from the nest matket , and makes the comnohtions and prrpji he i, enabled to vouch foi and warrant cverj att.cle fmd out of his Labotatory, and likewise to dispose ol tbem at the moll icafoi.auie rates. He w'fhrs to fell • la*se LOT of GROUND, :In- north-eafl connV of Hrgh and Eleventh ftrre.j,ci>ii( 4 !i,. i,. ;78 feet front »n iirgli-ll'eet, and zoo feet on Eleventh flrtct, opposite Mi. Lciper's new bu'rlduigs—Ard another LOT on the north ftdc ol lligh llrect, nflar tf.e above, 28 tcct front, and »oo feet de-f-. Both 1015 have me pn V | CSCOI a 30 tea alley in the rear. Dec. 13. J-8 . : r ; * ' . ' It - iOO havlag any den.audi oa til- E»1 ate 'j* 2 ■i.M- -v HiwsoN,late of Bucks county, JecealcJ,are i. Sr. dhto apply to WtuiAM Hewsok, near BIHOI, in I UOl { th: county aforefaid, for immediate fettlcuient. And all pecfons i»de'oted tb said Eilate are requested to mak? pay nwit to the said WillWtm Hewfon, who is kereby autho cifcd to revive the fame. _ Elizabeth Executrix. Or, t > Jonathan Williams,-> £ xc[ut ors. " William Hew»9n, ) ' Bellemeade, near Srijlol, ' pa.aiS, 1795. diflau, American Landfca^es. I tem, ; tions. PROPOSALS "• f)R PUBLISH! -O IN ASUATW7A T WENT\-i >1 .hiW o, andp SELECTED i'rom tt 1, , and raterefting olob ; ProfpeAs in the I ' - »ch ©t which Views, will be, accomp -kh > d jicnpttve account si# of its Local, Hiftorieal, ,'her Inc.ieatal Peculiarities By G. . PARKYNS, vince Author of the " Monaflic Remains and Ancient CJilcl in Great V. Britain." veget CONDITIONS. ,'f 3 ' I. That the work {hall be published by Suhfcrmtion • anc 1 i«, that each Sifbfcribcr shall engage to take the whole set mon of Views, and IbaU pay for each engraving, if blat.lt or brown, a Dollars; and if coloured 5 ' . , I. That the dimenfiom of each engraving Ihall_be 24 by I. A inches, cxecatcd in iquatinta, and published qpon paper of a superior qimlity. The publication to comthonce im- 11. A mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub scribers, on the firft Monday of each fucceedtng month, (11. , until the propofodfer.es (hiill be Hnally t !!! I'fiit -."ith the lal' View of tke series, fhallo&deh- V•• . ci rav Iflile-page; as desant charaAenftie ■ u r f 1 lite, connected with the prol courfe of the Work; and an .*y.ai.. .bfcribsrs. . _' thel i by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print ork, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell- 1' . . , Philadelphia, and by all the • 1 ;d Booit-iciLri ■" tile United itatas. -ici «ir>- _ - 1 ' ".>• 0 :i SAL E, 2 ' A rery aable ESTATE, tst r* • - fl'AJf- ' i~M- W~.—^ c IT' ATE n a of Vff-t Derby, and county of ; ; the * t . ;; t , f rmn PlilaJelfhia, and half a vn.e . w '• 1 : j-i. r id: containing £30 acres of excellent , £ l'/ ' ri.hici ar good metered JHeadoiv, 90 cf prime y "; s , pidtbe r-? Arable of the JirJi quality. There are g '/' < a put ■ oMory Brick House, • with 4 rooms on "Cellars n, ;cr the whole, with a Ptrmp Well of ex\ ' '' J ... ,f. a large frame Bam, Stai'is, and otuer [J» \ cr.ni I'm ild t soie-Hou/i andJione.Spring Hoife ; tw» j n mt'Atf* f-.'. ■ •<, und "f Peac! -'- Tie Fields are all t,. ,3 : tu . ! SUxvr t If :hofe mediately under tillage, and are ft tatd j; ! a , to ve . ■ rtage of Water in each of them, -which J^ ia« -enurs lenient for Grazing. ; j 5 1(1 ; f■ f : ■. ! ' fant and healthy, and from the otyh culti- j6 unt nation oj tlx * d, : good neighborhood, and the vicinity to the ci- r tv, it is very suitable for a Gentleman's Country Seat. jg tof " 'The fmcrointis part of the EJlate of Jacob Has mat, % leccafed Jf th* andofjed forjauty M ORDECAI LEWIS £ Surviving Executor. 1 um- Oil. 9, 1795 '"V - 1 % c . Sal eof valuable Property. "• To be Sold, by Public Autlion, e * :dily OnTaefday, the 10th day of December, 1795, At the Tontine Coffee-Hotife iu New-York, at II o'clock rtant in the forenoon, all the right, title, and interest of the Ca lt eri- AMERICAN IRCfK CQMpANrr--- üblic Xa 'b* £nlWvl»g valuable TRACTS of I.AND, viz. Kins 1. \ LL that trait of land containing about 1509 acres, Su : and J\ situate in the county of Orange, being part of the Lc i fu- mountain lots. No. 22 and aj, in tfce patent of Cheefecock, j u formerly laid out by Charfcs Clinton, Esq. deceased, and y, f the purchased by the Agent oi the American Iron Company of £, ckets William Smith, Esq. o» the Bth day of November, 1766. c< the This tratft contains fame plough land and swamp; also D i s and Potuckeit Pond and the outlets thereof. R il of 2. All that trad of land situate ou the weft fide of Hud- jj able, fon'sriver, near Butternailk Falls; containing 1000 acres. 0 In this tract there is said to be a valuable mine, some good u swamp and timber land. E d»f 3. All those two trade Etuat* on the north fide of the jj ibia; Mohawk river, being part of the Manor of Coftxy, pur- _ lifon, chafed by the Agent of the American Iron Company in the j) pkins years 1765 aid 176 7, of Oliver Delaney, Esq. the one con taining 294<>acres, the other 3815 acres. 4. All that trad of land situate on the north fide »f the q Mohawk river, near the German Flats; adjoinin j part of Colby's manor, and bounded on the eaftby Canada creek. This trad will be divided, and fold in the following Lots, !orris, viz, v» .... i . * thin 4 A: Acres, if 3#y Lc. 1 .cant >nirg' 98 Lot 14 containing 1000 Stee.l. a OS 15 1000 I an-' S 16 529 'ed ci 17 412 E f« u --» ; 762 18 1160 th t'jt i $Qg jooo E ne ~' c " 57 > 20 loco p!> to . / 21 Idoo J' -j - 22- 39 0 V __ lo< 23 750 } I iw: 24 930 ' , !L 45 . J 0 ■ -t, , , jq. 4 h :., ; efl-y beach, maple, baft a:id ebia. j ro . ' i'H'p-' be paid by the following in(tal- j |J Mo. me L-,v'-.l irt.. . le Joy of sale; one-fourth on the . ads for fi r ji l'ti 1 ; cne-fourth on the firft Tuefelay f yto in .Jt> -, - yO;' a-!.' remainder on the firft Tuesday utors m April, i;v;;. .vkc." s .villbe given to the purchaser. Plans of the different tracts of land may lie foen by ap- f 2aw. plying to Mr. Peter (Society one of the trustees, in New- — York; or to Mr. Ed-ward Rewards, in Philadelphia. November 4. m&t. . Forty Dollars Reward. 1 RAN away from the fybferiber, living at Mordington j Mills, near Frederics, in Kent county, state of Dela ir, that ware, on the night of the2,7th of Jnne last, a Have negro 1 cxtcn- man named BENN, about 27 years old, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, of a yellow complexion, and might pass for a . mulatto. The clothes he Had on cannot, with cxaetnefs, j be described, as he madettveral breaches of honesty, in ( MEDI- that way, on his fettirgout. He is a very great sloven in his dref<;'has naturally a condemned and surly counte nance, he at times affects a finding one ; his visage '• ? a " 1 is thin, with large black whiskers; the whites of his eyes ' ,ld '"'1 Often red: It is not-recalleaed he has any par 'r,an,rcf ticular Hcfb-mafks, except b« his where may be. seen (tho' light) the fe rs ef the placed by judicial ie hojs- aut j lor i t y ) for houfe-breakiog, leck-breaking, itealing, &c. as well before, as since ! purchased him. He is pof- Cl he" 1 fefled of but a linail share of reason oi £o ( and problems. venimcnt, relation la,vs. A 111. Grand divisions of the rc-venuSs. taxes, A»vaJ jnu Globe into land and water, military ilreugth. continsnts and islands. IX. Genius 1 Situation and'extent of em- toms and habits of the people, ! pires, kingdoms, slates, pro- X. Their language, learn vinces and colonies. mg, arts, fciecces, maililfac t V. Their climates,air, foil, tures and commerce. vegetables, produAions, me • _XJ. C wet cit»r. David Ritt*nhob3e. A I;j] n Tq mjhich are odtledy of the late Difcover/es of Dr. Herfchell, and other eminent At! a " Aflronomers. tic The rnt«T amsrican edition, corre&ed, unproved, and fl a 1C greatly enlarged. Containing the following m ; Maps and Plates. Milii 1 Map of the World 13 Hi*doftan wi j Chart of the World 44 Africa ea< 2 Europe *5 United States An a 4 'ComitriesroundtlieNorth a 6 British Dominions in Ar - rr* ll'Difcoveriis made by cap- 45 Copernican fyilom OJI tains Cooke and Gierke. 46 Arnvllwry fph«r« 22 Cliina ~, , . . «» • ent 3 The Maps marked with stars are added to this taiuon, exCiiifive of those in the last London edition. — The United States Register for 17.95, >ck Price 50 Cents. COiYTE NT S. TD 5 Calendar, with the neecflary Boundaries of the United ' ' • • ..i- tables, &c. &c. States. Population of 1 GOVERNMEST. res ' Supreme Executive JLift-of-tht ' the Legislature Statement ot Eaports crs ,ck > Judiciary PubHc Debt er and Department «f Stato Fay, &c. of the arnty wh oo Boji»r«iuctit of War )co State Covirnments. joo New Haraplhir* Sonfh-Carolina ,„ 0 Vermont Georgia .. 0 Massachusetts Order ot time in which the Q Conneilicut federal States adopted the New-York federal Constitution New-Jarfey Table of the Sun's rifinj Ponnfylvanb and setting Delaware Abftrail of goods, wares, a the Maryland and merchandize export ,l * Virginia ed from the United States , Kentucky from the ift of Oelober lafe-r North-Carolina '90, to 30th Sept. 1791* J" ' Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. I 'iwfon, of the ;" v new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second Ameiitan edition— w Price 75' tents. [The rapid sale of the firft edition of this sct5 ct enterefting novel, in a few months is the bell criterion of .—-— its merit.J w EXTRACT FROM THE CRITICAL REVIEW, ABRli 468. i"ton " n ' a ''' k® a talc of truth, for it is not unnatural, and it is a tale of real diftrefs—Charlo te, by.'the aatifice ol a ?' ieachcr, recommended to a school, from humanity ra- I: ° k«i than a convicSi«n of her integrity, or the regularity, c j nr s Jf her former conduA, is enticed from her governess, 1 and v> Inefs accom panics a young officer to America—the marriage si t j n ' ceremojiy, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte 1 love-' !e3 a m * rt V' r t0 t ' le incoaflancy of her lover and treath n mnte r ' end - tl yifaee Ttlc situations are artless and affeiling—the description o * eves natural and pathetic swe fiiould feel for Charlotte if such a par- P el '°" ever exiled, who for one error, fcarecly, perhaps ar be dc ' ;rved severe a punnhment. If it is a fiction,'poetic idicial '* not > v e think, properly diftributcd." ■din ' l - rhe lnquifitor—by Mrs. Rowfon. Second Philadel- I phiaedition. 87 1 4 cents. 'great • Al ' ventHres °f Rodtric Random. 2 vols. I dollar aad ' c time 150 cellt3 ' coar * e paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine. re a . 3- Notes on tha slate of Virginia—by Thomas JefFerfon. s ' V-itt neatly bound, one dollar and a half. mak~ listor / °f the French Revolution, from its ccm -11. to the death ot the Queen and the execution of Brillot. 1 dollars. ienres 5 " Plowrd*ftt eat) The carious Pr opilc'ciei oV RICHARD BROTHERS. CONTAINING great and \ . edto any othefr person ori eUrth v - -IhU work is ifiterellmg to every ofie. Augjp 14 / S . "LV THE PRESS, A.ad fnccdily v/rll he puMiHicd, by BENJAMIN DA VIES, \ fc-J , At 68, H'lvh-jir'ctt \ THE American Repository, for 17965 containing: ' A compleat Calendar for Rules for reducing the cur ri the year. rencies of'tKe ffveralftstct. Lifts of tie executive, legif- Table of poUiids, re.iu [•_ lative and judicial officers nltd d< iar> £c cqm>. of the federal government Summary of the export. bj of, the ministers and 4 fuccefiive years. consuls to and from the Amount of the tiWfcdeemeH United 6tatcs. debt, annual revenue and , s A register of the land and expenditures. 5 _ sea forces of do. A view ol t)ie linking fund. e Rate's of portage, and times An eClimate of du import# of receiving Sc. cloSng the of the Utiited Stai<», i.i | A mails at Philadelphia. two feyeral ytftrs. A lilt of the poft-towns,with Donjcftic duties or'excifa. a . thedulances of each, ou Drawbacks and bpunies. the main line, as wall as Ban!: :, with rui&f of con ;n cross roads. bufin jfs.. — of the federal courts. Officers of the ch il govern m —of the fupcrvifors of the ment of Penniylvauk,. revenue. Estimate of eipericus of do. ? The niirtf, and menies of the in one year. U.S. and th« currency of Officers of civil government eachftate. of Ne-.V-Yotk. A lift of the commifiioners Sovereign princes and re- " . of loans. publics of Europe, nt A table,(hewing the propor- L'iit of the navy of Great tion of froe persons to Britaia, corrected agrec nd slaves, and of males to so- able to the latest iaforrua males, &c. in the U.S. tion. Militia of the United States, l)o. of the nary of France, with the proportion of do. each. State of the air, and a diary An alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and wratlur A. agreeably to the last a&- - .. inPfllladelpli*'^,Aftrtnawi ot Conjjrefe.;" mouths, ending ill Sept. .... , Amount of impofl and tonn- 1 79.5 ■ age of one year. Bills of mortr.llty in Phitad. Cuft»m-houle fees, &c. of one year. This little volume will contain a much greatsr contpa 9, as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding year, and will be embelliihed with an engraved frontis piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a head orna ment, to each month. The scenes depicted in the vig nettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours ol the year. The , engravings ate new, and executed with an excellsnce that ... aoes credit to tke American fin« arts. At the fame place may be bad, T Plans «f the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, accu rately engraved from a latb survey. Maps of the United States, and of each state feparsUly. A valuable collection of 1 mw/enr Booh, and a gcnclfl ifiort ment of Stationary Wares. ... Note.—Those who desire it, may have the'abovi,'-niertfi- J 011 sd Maps, or any other, coloured, can vifled', arid varalli ed, and put up in any manner that may be Woft conveni ent, by applying at dire&ed above. ' 01J > OA. 2, 1795. law ; ' Mr. Walter Robertfon BEGS leave to a«juaint the Gentlemen, fuhfcribcm to the print Portrait of George Walhington, I'rcfids':! , n of the United States of America, engraved by Mr.Fkld, 4 from an original piflurt painted by \V. Robertfon, tSut .040 rtntdy for JeliveiyrO tEeTeveral fuliftrib ers at John James Barralet's, No. 19 north Ninth-street; or at J. Ormrod's, bookleller, No. 41, Chefnut-ftfeet, where the fubferibers are requested tp fend their address. October 37. eoJ ™r - LOTTERY INTELLIGENCE. rent ~' Lja We are informed that the gentleman who drew the 0 f dollar prize, i« the Canal I.nttery, was the tarts proprietor of only a fiagle Ticket —-This inftanc? of inj,s good fortune, fbews that it is wjll to be In' Fortune s dol- road; and is the more pleating, as the owner of tli? s of prize is a vary wotihy, though not a very s'Jvent ci tizen. le of The Scheme of the Canal Lottery is certainly one iciod of the heft which has appeared—for, independent of the ufeful objeils to which its proceeds are to oe ap plied, the fclitme is so calculated as to reritinii.illy en ;c - hance the value of the Tickets remaining in the wheel; e because, while the drawing progrefies, the chince port- of - " ijOOO states of - - 5 00 tober 89 of - - 100 14800 of - - " . 11 , »f the And ? stationary prizes of z O,OOO doHars each ; y l * n 77 which, and the nature of those 5 stationary >f thl5 r which are to belong to the five last drawn - m of will be found, that an undrawn ticket was RW morning, worth nearly iu-l dolUrs,. which) '1 '1 the beginning, wa3 wortk no more than 10 dol Wis ' [ ® and so the undrawn tickets mull contir.ile ... ra '_ in value, as fact as the drawing proceeds: A n d' '« lirkv cirtumfiance will account for the number ot Uitwe. 5 anii' which are opened for the sale ol Tickets, as t, e pro r'riaee fits mull be daily increasing; and in a 'f w3 irlotte Ticket now felling at 11 dollars, will no ooubl. co - rpach mand 15 dollars, and must continue to get higher the drawing approximates to the five stationary P ri?e Iption of 10,000 dollars each. 1. -— such a .LL indebted to the Eltate of SAMUtl irhaps J\ pRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkeeper, de- P 0 " 10 ceased. aw desired to make payment to th-r fu^" , , and all those who hare ally demands agamlt t e Estate, are requested to bring i» their accounts proper ar aad X > ' M. FRAUNCES, Aoling Executor. r£on _ South Watcr-ftreet, No. 59- OjtobeT 18, 179,?. ———j i com- \ l-L pcrloss indebted to the Eftnte ot Doo or J :cution 1\ H. GIBBONS, late of PhiUdetphia, deceased, rooueited to make payment; and those who vc 1 May, demands against said Estate, are desired to bring m er accounts duly attested, for fettl'ement, to . , a, Us ROBERT HEYSHAM, Attorney in fad for« Mary OTsbons, admuuftratr* ne dol- to the said deceased's Estate. . U'd. Arch-ftrtet, No. 107, Nov. 4.