Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 19, 1795, Image 1

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    Alette lliiftd o?iate $ 7 %
For Charleston, (S. C.)
U S S E L L,
Daniel Reed, matter,
WILL fail in the course of ten days, and take freight
moderate terms; for which, or yaffagt, apply to th
Captain on board, at Walnut-ftrcet wharf, or to
Jofcph Anthatry if Son. 1
November jB. $iot.
For B O S T O N,
the schooner
LYING at J ofejili Anthony & Son'» wharf. Will pofi
\ tively Uil ou Saturday next, wind and wiather permits ,
ir». . i*«r freight or passage apply to the Captain on
loir J, or to EDWARD STOW, Jan.
Nov. 17. , §tS. No.4fouth Water-llreet.
For Charter,
Jgili MART,;
John Fleming:, matter,
BURTHEN 2000 barrels of Flour, is now in complcat ;
order to take in a cargo. For tcrnis app yto
Gurney vs° Smith,
Who have for Sale,
Bourieaux and Cogniac Brandy ;
And a few Frenra Buir Stones. Nov. 14. §
J , • * . __ —
For Jc.ciuic,
(To fail in all this triouli)
ji—3_ The beautiful new brig
Richard & James,
Thomas Adams, matter,
BUILT of live oafc and cedar, and is her firfl voyage.
She is intended for a constant trader, and is particularly
well calculated for carrying passengers, having mod excel- ]
lent accommodations, and cenftrucSled for a remarkable
fall sailer. For terms apply to the Captain on board at !
•Race-ftret wharf, or to 1
IVbo ha-ue on Hard,
A large and elegant assortment of Callicoes, Mullins,
f Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. &c. N ov - J 3-
No. 12, Dock Street,
10 Pipes of
The very bejl Madeira IV IN E,
96' quarter casks of Sherry wine,
Brill©! window glass of different sizes,
A quantity of bed Havannah fegaas in boxes,
A few calk's ef lugar,
-1 y<n) wide Irish linens,
4 bale? of ' do. canvass, Zr. .
5 bales of red, white, and yellow flannels;
E, JRI hen iftoo barrels, now lying at Mr'. Thaddle's
■wharf, in Southwark.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22. if
To Madeira,
, TH E B 1G
William Richards,,
WILL fail in all next week. For freight or paffa&e ap
ply t o JESSE & ROiiERT WALN.
November 9. .*
For Falmouth and a Market,
S E D G E L r,
John Hodge, mailer,
SHE will fail with all convenient l'peed. For freighj
or passage apply to
Philipsy Cramond If} Co.
November 9. L '-
Thomas Gilford, mailer,
HAS a great par? sf her cargo engaged, and will fail 1 in
a few days. For freight or passage apply on hoard at
Wilcock's wharf, or to THOMAS NEIVMANfIt Rotes
Who has for S.Aie,
Coffee. Cotton, Claret in gales and hampers, Old Fron
t nnhte JiYine:in hoglheads, and seven cJozj Mens' ruffled
Shirt?. . OA-"
Jujl Arrived per the Srtoiu Bojlon, James Kirkpatrick,
Majler, from Liverpool,
113 Crates wefl-aflbrted Queen's Ware,
4000 bulhels bell lloved fine Sait,
Si to be fold at No. 1, Pme-llreet, by
"James Campbell.
Also, a few boxes well-afiorted IriiJi Linens.
N. B.
4 Said Snow for Freight or Cliar-
ter, either to the Weil-Indies or
Enquire as above.
Augujl 18.
E N S E 'L A E R,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; a strong,
jie\r veflel, five months »ld, built of: red. cedar, bur
then 130 taU9, fuppofcd will carry about 1200 barrels
,» ps of easy draft of water, and has excellent
accommodations for passengers. For terms apply to
If not fold in two or three days, faicl Veflsl will pro
need for the state of New-York.
Philad. Sept. 29. y
To-Morro\v Morning will be Landed,
At Stamper's, ivharf,-from on board tbt
febotner Eliza, T. A maid, mafier, I
, direvl from Malaga, ■ : .
800 Quarter Barrel* frefli BLOOM RAISINS
300 Boxes do. • do. do.
300 Jars do. do. do.
400 Boxes dt. Muscatel do.
115 Qvarter FIGS I
137 Boxes PRUNES I
50 jars ©RAPES
94 Sacks Soft Shelled ALMONDS B
100 Quarter Casks MOUNTAIN WINE B
sth November. dtf
Has jufl received by the late urrivais From England, and
is now opaning at his STORE,
N°* 134,
Markit-ffreet, corner of Fourth,
A Larje assortment of broad ahd narr»\y Cloths; Elaf- F
tic do. K«rfeymeres; Coatings; BUiiketi; flan
nels, &c See.—Also, an elegant assortment of London .
anefManchefter printed Callicoes of the newest patterns, J
adapted for the season, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs ahd
PulKcats, Pitis, Sec. which he" will fell by the Piece or
Package on the lowell terms for Calh or approved notes
at 2, 4, & 6 months.
November 5. dtf.
Iri/b Linens.
James & Henry FiHier,
No. 8, IVMnut-jlrtct, _ /
Have imnortadl !y jJ l *- liHuSauliii, aXtfgt
— assortment of
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens,
7-8 browh do.
4-4 half white Sheetings,
9-8 brown and white do.
3-4 brown and white Lawns,
7-8 Dowlas ;
Which they will difppjfe of on rtafonable terms, by the .
package, for cash or apprtred Notes, at 60 and 90 days; I
N. B. The above Goods being immediately from r'-ir
Manufaiftories, it is prefum#d they will be found worthy j
of notice. Oft. 26. f f
For SALE, by Sublcribers, l
In PENX-t j RMT,
The following articles *>f the lajl importation from China. jl
160 Quarter Chcfts Hyson Tea,
uo (ihiarter Chests Sow'chong Tea,
4®o Boxes Chir. containing T-£a S^tts,
4joo Pieces Nankeens.
WMings Es 5 Francis.
September r,|. 3'taw
The highest price in Cafe, will be given for
A. preference will be - -"'r£iy
No.- rSy, fo'uth Third-firect. r
Ami* I©- d
Hare's Patent Floor Cloth,
manufatfiurcr has just imported by the LIGHT
X HORSE FROM BIUSTOL, an elegant assortment
of the neweil and beih Patterns, which are in excellent
prefcrvation, from 9 feet fquarc to 18 by 15 feet;, like- ]
wife, for Stairs, Entries, and Halls, from J yard to 3 /
yards wide. r
The fubferiber iaforms purchasers, that I
Floor Cloths laid under woollen Carpets during the win
ter, will be in a slate of improvement till the fprkig, and
render rooms warm by preventing air from pacing be-*
tween the beards. JOHN BROWN£,
No. 145 north '
A quantity of Remnants to lay before the fife for die pro- ■
fervation ot wooflsn Carpets;
] Dipt and mou d Candles, with fine cotton wick;
Brown and white Soap, of a very superior quality, in
small boxes fttited for families;
White (Lead; Red Lead; Spaniel Brown; Orange Mine
ral, &c. &c. » Nov«m.b»er to. eod.
For Tale, at low prices,
NAILS by the calk, from 3d .to lod alTorted, arul a'vari- *
ety of Sprigs, Brads,.and Tacks;
Cotton and wool Cards, from No. I to 12;
Hatters and &pck Cards;
Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines.
Also Machines for cutting; and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles suitable for that business, which will
be fold together. 4
A large frock of Wire? and othe 17 articles for carrying on
the Card Manufactory, withithe valuable machines for
{ cutting the. teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forwarJ
nefs for finiftiing. Also,
Occupied by the late partnerihip of Webster, Adgate and
White. ' As the store is Convenient for the bufmefs, the :
' machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work- ;
I ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to ]
purchase and follow the business to do it to advantage.
> Odl. 20. dim. No. 63 Chefnut-ftreet.
FROM the firft of December next, the anmir.l fubferip- !
tion for this Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS.
Subf-ribers out of the City will pay One Dollar a year in !
addition, for inclofmg and directing their Papers. 1 .
Remote fubferibers are reqirefted to pay Op arrearages
to the above period ; also the half year's advance from
that time—those who do not, will be conlidered as de- -
ciining a continuance of their fubfeription. j,
r Advertisements ot a square, or less, are published in I'nis .
Gazette once, for half a dollar ; and continued at one ,
QUARTER of A dollar for each subsequent infeition.
The Editor.acknowlodgrs, with gratitude, the favors
of his advertising patron^ —He afiures them, that the en
crcafed, and number of his fubfenbers, is c<jiW
tinually'extcTidirg the circulation, in the city—lts
circulation is now eriual to that of any othur publicntiou.
> l'iiiladelp!;ia', November .3, 1795.
For Sale,
Or to be LET for a term of years,
' A N elegant Hcufe with about forty-two acres of Land
L £\. md fiteadow. Thtf fit*at£>n is very convenient let
a Country Seat, or for a person inclined to attend the
markets. There is an cxcellcn: Kitchen Garden, Icc-houle,
- and a variety of i-'/uit—the <Uftanee about five mMes from
th* city. For li rth:r information apply to the Printer.
November 14. 4awtf.
John Miller, jun. 8: Co.
Ka S, CJfefr.ut ftr*ti) (
In addition to their affortmcnt now regavcd,Hava on hand '
remiiniv gof the J" 1 ~" v ' jj
Cannes of the Thrtt Bothers Atothufafrom India,
And 1 tale by tltr 1 onty,
A ngal ami Coajt Goods,-viz.
Low pricea coUae'« • 0-4 '• . k tnuflio*
Long-cloth* iadok x _
Patna han4k«vc!iief« , JJumhum.
Shirting muiliut £
Blue rpmals C " . |
Sook hon'lktrctiiefa in 7 '1
finall bales neatly if- 1 .
•fbrted. I
Also—a variety of Ft >•, !.< C • i".
; Looking glafles F 1
! Angola gloves I 1 •
.Lilians and Linau han<J!:erd
W tfi-Indiamarkct.
A few elegant Time Piece ■
Landing, t .
From the Brandy wine Miller .. i. kar; at
liujanci Barin . ■ -v'^rl,
•zG pipes of Co< ;: . j/. . ; -
FOR Si v. '•
Join 'njr. i-J. r
P&Mi f
Novem. iS.
just received inth '' • J, i;o n
St. C ■
5 4 hhds Mu • c,ov st> $n , ar,
-a /?oa buflvek <
FOR. Sj •
7< r^.
November 18. %
T *j " ~ —
James 11 >
WHOLESALE & . . "JJK, .3
Mo. 70, south Second ftr .
HAS. just received by t! •• . »»U <
and Bristol, a large ar . it . JUCjctru -, t v t Ladi. - \
•snd OUntlemens fafhionablt H f".— v j el « ft 3
<!fcUdreri HATS of differe .• wkich 4
en >he foweil terms for cafll
iV. B. Ladies Hats'ttin - it e« t. ; '1:
London. pej, ,i. "rrrr '<> K
FOR SAL E, ' — R
Imported in the flip Arcthuf:, from Calcutta and
Maurtff, a varidy of \ ,
Ho::.!k;;-ch;efs J
-emutoft! — ~ \ ■ ; •_
T» .be by tR- T*.-' > Vsje, for approved nCrtes at
rhree and four mont 1 1; bv ' - . .
, , ..No; 42 Deck Street, or
The CARGO oF the ship Harniony, -
Ezra Lozvcll, majlff— from B f )URDEAUX y
BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and
CLARET in hcgftieads, is difeharjing from on j
board the said Ihip at C'stkbert's wharf, and for fate by
Andrews ll? Meredith^
Sept. 15; d. No. S5, south wharves. J
459 Barrels, 'I CpiTee, above 600,0001b.
214 3 _ . .•
ITS Hngfheads of choice Jamaica ougar.
?,£t Bales of St.Doiiiingo Cotton 5 *
Will be landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at South- 1 wharf, 1
' Being the «ntire cargoes of SrtMv Hcbe. i-o-n J 'ca ; (
Brig Polly, and f ftrf, > >j er '
v il iJLL* it I!
j ', ;>, .\r BTtgkr.
OAoht'r ts. .. __
John Miller, jun. an - r »
hare eat£rc.d into,partnpj^ifr % civ: H
Johix IN ,u,s
Tlcy have received i , nQrw
$bCp't:i*.Jx>r S4-#. --<q
At their ST( - o
1 A capital tijptr
j ' -Suitahle to the* i on- — •. *f<
Bioad aT-d narrc- 7 Clothe/
PUin and fancy - ' • in-;--, •
B«»aycretts and
Rofeand paint
A variety of cb V : W nv
Mnncheiler mi '.at ...
J Irish Linc-is, I
India Goods, generally,
French Qooils."
5 I All ot which will of for calh «r the ufnal
"cr- dit 9. §
Canal -Lottery-Oitice
| Near the BANK of the t/NIT-ED STyiTESy
- ! October l, 1795.
• i r drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the
1 i 1 78th ult. The sale of Tickets is contimied !>y the
fubferiber, fro.n 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'clodt
3 in the afternoon, a( the above office, and by J. Roberdeun
: at tjie Statc-Houl'c, warranted undrawn'.
• ; Prize Tickets w ill be received in payment, fubjeift to the
I deduction expreficd m the tiakets—Price 11 dollars until
s further notice. Approved notes, with a good indorfer,
: payable a«s-Ce«embcr next, will bp received in paymeut
for tickcts amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards.
' || tViUium !}la(ilurn, Ag.ent.
Clieck Book kef t tit ths Office. Tickets examined a J
a-100 each inioabef, and at 12-jooeacn ticket.
>!. B.'No tickets lobl durm-j the hours of drawing.
lottery office,
N®. 64jfijutb Sccynd-flreeti
fl ANAL Tickets for lale, and cafll or tickets given for
V_4 any prizes <hat may be drawn.
Inforni-.tion given rejecting Waßiington lottery, and
1 ealh or Canal tickvts given Xqr prices that may bs drawn,
r Both lotteries commence drawing September aßth.
s BOOKS will be kept of ach rfay's drawing in both lpt
, teries, and open gratis to the enquiries «f the poffefforsof
1 Tickets purchased at.theOi-'FtCE.
f'T Halves, quarters, ' ' .of Tif'.icr* may be j
hafat the above OSi»e. ;
Jamaica Rum.
ihe Car JO of the brig Peace, Capatin Gray, from tl.«
north lid» of Jamaie*.
Will be lanJitl to-tno/rew marmx-r .it S.n<*m iff.
' p'' 1 ' v> '
IN ti d>
. all those indeb . ...-u
to iikiJc ■ fpeeJy payment at their Sifref corner of
'• it and Arch-itreet. The bufcKefs is now carried on
1 place, by
, . o has for sale, on real'onable tuait, for cash, or the
usual credit,
\general assortment of Merchandize,
5 aborted by the.last vcffcU from London, Briltol, uud .Li
verpool, fuit&Wefor the FafTSsafon.
L Tobacco Engine and Frefs to be fold bySam. Shaw.
OctoUer 23. aawjw&iawdo.
Bartholomew Gonolly,
No. 48, Chefnut-ftreet,
I ESPECTF'JLLY informs his friends and the public
v. in jeners'l, that he has imported iu the Ute arrivals
m England, an elegant, «xtenfive and well chosen af
tment #f men's and women's hosiery—among whipjn
1 very, great variety ef beautiful fancy ho fiery—fuch a*
iped and clouded cotton— fine plated silk and cotton—
;gant patent fancy silk. Fine striped and clouded patent
srfted, &c. &c. which are now offered for sale upoi»
5 ttfual low terms, together with evexy other article of
y good-, faitable to the season.
B. C. has also imported a great variety of gentlemtn'»
K nze ttocfeiugs. - Vo> 34. «oim.
Nov. 5.
S. H O T, ' "
~\Fall sizes, from 3a lb to Grape,
Cacibotiies, Pots, and other executed at th«
ftiortefl: notice,
Jail rods, from xod to ipikc,
loop Iron," of all sizes, k>r cailw or xuHkig into nail*, from
a brad *0 I zd nails,
Anchors, from 17 ioolb«
f : Bar iron,
A. Quantity ps James River Tobacco,
; Carolina Pork.
; Herrings in burreU,
.Kiln-dried <iora meal in Hhds. and Bbls.
Rye flour &c. to be fold by
l Levi Son.
Au?.vji 4 taw
Fresh T E A S,
Of fuperlor quality, viz.
Imperial, or Gunpowder
Hyson Goinee,
1 ft nr" 1 !*'" Hrfr"— .
". r ~ 2J. cio, . uO.
t ' . • ■ — .
A ft-M Boxes of each, fcr fttle at
No. 19, Third Street, South.
_ -i Jlactrpfec" 10. cod.
Made by OL.IVER EVANS, at his Faflorv, in th« old
wind-mill in Elmfley's alley,'
Suritb Secnid'freet, a little btl?-r Dori freet,
> n "VTTHERE those who apply may be fuppiied with stones
VV of such quality as will fnit their purposes. Also,
stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifrer of Paris.
He keeps f" r SALE,
1" At kis dwcUir.g.No. 215 northSscoad-ftreit, a Jfttl® abov«
'• Boulting Cloths,
A comiiie'tff assortment of both imported and American
manufa&ured for merchant and country work, which h*
warrant! good.
L. The Yonncr Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE.
Contatnuit; a fyitem of mechanics aad hydraulics as they
apply to water mills with the whole prccefs of, and all the
late improvements on the art of mauufa&uring flour See.
intended, to Ire ufefal to all concerned in building or using
water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and
r, Robert Campbell,boekfcllers.
Sept. 25. 3td2av/*f.
Bankrupt Office.
THE CREDITORS of BANKRUPTS, whose accounts
have been legally proved, may receive their iivi
), dendsby applying at this OfHcs, every day from 9to II
o'clock \. m. Sundays excepted.
By erctfr if the GoMmiJ/icriers,
Philad. Virc-Jtreet, No. 92,
Novei»b«r 17, 179 5. 3tawi«.
Delaware Bridge.
THE President end Managers of the Company for e
refling a Pridge over the river Delaware, at, the Bo
lal rot! gb ofEafton,
Give this Public Notice,
— That they will, until the firft day of February next, re
ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said
Bridge; as alio for the erection thereof, and the delivery
of materials, le»gth of the Bridge will be at the
l«afl 600 feet, and mull not be composed of more than
:hc three a'rchc?.
he Any perfen inclined t« engage in the above undertak
>c% ing, will pleafc to direct their plans and proposals to the Searetiwy of the Company at Eafton.
By order of the President and ,
,1k JOHN ARNDT, Secretary.
itil Eajlon, Pennfylvania,N«v. 12. mw&s
d"! Notice.
AfcL person; indebted to the late partnerfliip of IVeb
fler, Adgatc, St. White, are desired to make payment
„ t to Peter W» Gallaudet, No. 63, Chefnut-ftreet, who
is autkorifed to receive the fame. Those who have claim*
— on the said Firm will present tjiem to him.
Demands on the ellate of the late Pelatiah Webjter, de~
ceased, are to be exhibited to the fufcfcriber—and thof#
for indebted to the said eft.ite, are requested to make pay-t
mcnt to RUTH PERJT, Executrix,
nri Qflober 20. dim. No. 47 south Water-street.
ra. : ———-
Canal Lottery.
,of A r o. \^Cbrfmit-ftreet, between FourthaFifthJlreets.
!"T ""ItKE J'S examined gratis, aad every information giv
1L en refpe&inj said i-otttry. Also, W.ilhinjton and
Paterfon Letteriu. 03.25.