Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 18, 1795, Image 4

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    Tames M' Alp in, A'm
T/ir so R der,reJ 1
I A I U UK, the coun
N°. 3 Four lb persons i
RBTURNS bis grateful acknowledgements /• his Frknis andtbt ment to
Public for Heir liberal encouragement, anil begs leaveto foUat - g ]
a continuance of tbeir favors.
At bis Shop gentlemen may le furnijhed with the• ben materials,
and bant tbem m.iJe up and fimfbed in tbc mtjl fajbionable manner. (
Mfe will thankfully receive any order, and pay a prompt ami
OS funftual attention t. them. Oft. IS " w I O.
City of VValhington.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, i
i A m»goificent f so,ooo DolUii, and Views,
dwelling houfc, S calh J®.ood aie ofitsL
i ditto jj,oqo &ca'>i 25.000 40,000
I ditto 15,000 & calh 15,000 30,000 Autlur
1 dilto i®, 000 & calh 10,000 20,000
1 ditto 5,000 & ca!h 5,000 10,000
t ditto 5,00P & cafli 5,000 10,000 1, Tha
, Calh P" te °> 10,000 that
/ 2 ditto 5,00e ««ch, arc iO,o<o of V
,o ditto 1,000 10,00, L ro \
,o ditto S°® lo '° C3 I. Th
100 ditto io« 10,00 j inch
s oo ditto 50 to.Oco of a
400 ditto. e 5 tP,co> me( j
~000 ditto 20 2 °. t " c ' o fcrH
15,000 ditto '• '5-, un j;
. HI. T1
>5i.739 T' l "' ver<
33,261 Blanks vigr
" 50,000 Ticke.t at 8 dol'ari 406,050
Tim Lottery will aiTord an elegant fpecimtn of the _ 3ui '
private buildings to be cre&ed in ihe Cuy of Walhingt'.m «">P.
-Two l.eauUful defies are already lelefted f»r the enure er, N*
ronis on two of the public squares ; from tlieie draw, prisci
jugs, it is proposed to erect tvn centre am! l«ur comer . Feb
buildings, as soon as polUble alter this Lottery isiold, and
to convey.lhem-wlicn complete, to I her fortunate adventur
ers, in the manner defcribcd in the fch'eme lor the Hotel
Lottery. A nttt deduai"" «( five per cent, will be m*dt
to defray the nuceffary eifpencos of printwg, itc. and £, IX
the surplus will be made a part ot the fund intended toi the.
National Uuiverflty,, to be eieftcd within the City 01
Wafhingion. LlirJ,
(£3T The drawing will commence as loon as tut 1 ickets j.y 00 j
are (old off. The money, pi uei will be payable
in thirty days after it is ftnilhcd-, <ind anv pnzei for which a fi 3or
fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months J
after tha drawing is clo!ed are to be conlideud as given
towards the fund for the Univerfiiy, » b>ing determin- "»y n
ed to fettle the whole business in a year from the ending g°°
of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu-
° out as
1 The real securities given for the payment of the Prize render
are held by the President and two Directors of the Sank Th
of Columbia, and arc valued at more than Half the amount vition
of Ihe Lottery. *•' ni
The twenty Four gentlemen who by appointment 01 71,
the late Commissioners affiftcd ,n the management of the andojj
Hottl Lottery are reqticfted to undertake this arduous talk
a second time on behalt cf the public ; a fufficient num- Q (
ber of these having kindly acceptcd, it is hoped that the
friends, to a National University and the other federal ob- *J
jeds may continue to favor the design. The synopsis of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
lnllitution, is already in the press, and will be fpesdily
published, together with its constitution. Att
A eompleat Plan of the whoh of this Important in
Institution, compiled from a felecftion of the best. mat^. 1 " »
als, ancient and mddern, will be submitted to the pubu In
whenever the fame may have gone throngh such revisions i.
as may be ncceffary to eftablilh the perfect cpnnacnce and J.
genecal approbation, so effentral to its present rife and fa- mou
ture existence for the gsneral good of America, forn
•By Accounts received from the different parts of tiie pun
Continent a3 well as from Europe, where the tickets Wi
have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the Thi:
drawing will speedily commwiee, and that ,the care and Pot
caution unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafc difpoial ot 2
thetickets, has rendered the Ihort fufpe.uiion indifpcnlable. son
February 24, 1795- ~ L
% Aug 30 eodfrf 3
Tickets inay te had at the Bank of Columbia ; Mo
of lame* Weft & Co. Baltimore Gideon Denifon, cha:
S.vannan, of Peter Oilman, Boston; of JohnHopkin* yea
Riehmord : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's ferlV. tair
: —-— a
Andover Iron Works
THEV are situate in the couuties of Suflcx and Morris, vz
in the State of New-]erfey i The ore lies within a
mile of the Furnace, is eftecmed of the firft quality of any Lo
in America, and particularly adapted for making Steel.
The Furnace and Forge, to which belong between II and
12,003 acres of .Land!, will be Cold together, or leafed ei
ther separately or together i they are diltaut about l'evcn
miles from each other, and are an pbje& well worth the
attention of Iron Matters. The buildings, &c. are in eve
ry refpeel commodious. For further particulars apply to
Benjamin Chew, or John Lardner, Philadelphia.
O&. 1. ' 3 faw
To be disposed of at private sale,
Pursuant to the lall Will andTeftam:nt of Cafpcr Grass,
rpwo two (lory brick Messuages and Lots of Ground,
1 viz. No. 100, north Second, near Race; and No. ni
1 74', north Fifth, near Vinc-ftrcct—both good {lands for fi r
business, particularly the former. For terms apply to in
LAWRENCE SECKEL, or ) E , ecutor , in
CASPER GRAFF, S I: • XecUtor3 •
Niv,m'ier 11, 1795- 21w ' P 1
George Hunter,
Chentifi, 1
At his Laboratory, No. in, south Second JfrtTt. ]
INFORMS bis fonner cuHoonrs and t he public, that v
he has begun the OKOG 'fruftircfi again on an cxtcn- n
hve olan. i]
He has for saW a alioit*nent of n
I *
Vikevvifc, painttrs'colours, dry and ground in oil, paint ;
brullirs, window and conch gla Is, dye ftnlts, linittd nil,
oil nl turpi nunc, coj>l oil varnilh and jaiuv, wariantctj (
g' od. j
Aliirm, eopperas, madder, ground rcdwsodbyihe b"gs
» head or Im-illtT quantity.
Ashe imports the limpid from the Ofll market', and '
makes the and preparations Inmlelt, he it
enatiled to vouch tor and warraut evcrj art.cfe fold nut '
ot his Laboratory, and Ukewite to dispose 'ol them at the 1
molt reafonahlc rates,
(£3* He wilhrs to fell a large LOT of GROUND, i
the north-call corner of High and Elevenilv ftreeis, contain, j
ii,gjß tret front »n Higti-llreet, and 200 feet on Eleventh
ftreer,pppofite Mr. Lcipe-r's new huildijigs— And anmhe r ]
LOT on the north fide of High ilfeei, n«ar the ahrrvr, 28
fectlronr, and 200 feet deep. Butb iots Have ihe pnvi
legeot a 30 feci alley in the rear.
iJtc. 13. 1 »
any iiemands on the EtlaM of
Mary H E wsoN,lats of Bucks oounty.Jecealcd.are
desired to apply to WtLLa.vM Hewsos, near brtfto., m t 110
the county aforefaid, for immediate fsttlement. And a.l
persons indebted to said Eilateare rcquefted to maifi pay
ment to the said William Mewfoa, who is hereby autho- ~
rifed to receive the fame.
Elizabeth HtwsoM, Executrix. Q/-,
Jonathan Williams, ? £ xecu t,rs.
William Hkwson, i
Bellemeade, Bear Bristol, Jk
( 1795- . dicta.)
American Land/capes. "m/
■ tions.
• * r r XT' c * r O W ltn
Twenty-Four V lib vv
I r
SELECTED from the molt striking and mtfrefting
Piofpeas in the Wnite.l States ; each ®f which
Views, will he accopipinicd With a descriptive account g . (
of itsLocaL Hiftorieal, and other Incidental Peculiarities
By G. I. PARKYNS >' J vinci
Aulber of the " Monnjlic Remains a:td Ancuut CMcs in Grsal V.
Britain." vege
I That the work (hall be pubbihed by SuMcfmtion; and fities
that each Stfbfcriber lhall engage to take the whole set nion
of Vifws, and lhall pay for cach engraving, il fclat-k or v
brown, 1 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 fiajtors,
I. That the dirfsenfions of each engraving lliall be 24 by 17 »• A
inches, cxec.tcd in aquatinta, and poblifhed upon paper b<
of a superior quality. ■ The publiAtion to commwice im- O. i
mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub- dt
fcribers, on the firft Monday of esck fuceeeding month, HI.
until the propofedferleslhailbe finally coniplettd.
HI. That with the lafl \ ie-.v of tie funcs, lhall be dch
vered an tngnved title-page ; an charaCleriilie
vignette; theiMtte, conneaed with th: prof
pecli exhibited in thd' the coorfe of the Wori; and an
Alph'abittical lift OfAe Sahfcribers. _ r |
... Subferiptions areree«ive4 by Mr. hisPrmt
Ja lhop, Maidcnlane, by Mr Carey, Book-f,d
ire cr, No. ng.Marketiftreet, Fhdaaclphia, and by aM the
v . primcipal Book-fellcri in the United States.
ier Febriwry J?. — .1
nd _ f~O R SALE, 2
!ci A very valuable ESTATE,
dc Called Th'ittf.nham. j
nd OITUATE in the tvumjhip of Upper Derby, and comity of
he. 0 Delaware, l-l mites from Philadelphia, and b.ilj a rr.t.e v
01 from tbeirwWtf#" *3° " cr " '/ 6
Land, 45 of "tehicb «-« good watered Meadow, 90 Cj prime y
e " Wood Land, and tie rh Arable of the firfl quality. There are g
Z K- SULs tnd other
... convenient buildings 1 a Snoh-Houfe andjlone Loaf , -.10 Ti
good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peach.-s. The Ficds are.i.t f, , 3
cu- Clover, except those immediately under tillage, all-- tre jo .uid ]
out as to have the advantage of IVater in each of tbem > which j
ze renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing. jJS
mil The Situation is pleasant and healthy, and from tbe nub cultt- , I( j
lint vbtion rf the Land, the goed neighborhood, and the vicinity lo the cl- , j ?
/v, it is very fuitai'.c for a Gentleman's Country Seat. ] jg
tof "7 be forevoinv is part of the Efiate of Jacob II n mar, s deccafcd I?
the and offered for sale by M ORDECAI LEWIS 20
n Surviving Executor.
im- Oft. 9, 1795 "'f
oh! Sale of valuable Property. "
ni °J To be Sold, by Public Auction, . ex ;
tlily OnTuefday, the loth day of December, 179J,
At the Tontine Coffee-Houfe in New-York, at II o'clock
tant in the forenoon, all the right, title, and intcrrll of the c.
ihlic' In thfrfollowing valuable TRACTS of LAND, viz. 1
ions 1. A LL that tra<ft of land containing about 2500 acres, Sv
and jfx situate in the county of Oramge, being part of the L ,
I fs- mountain lots. No. 22 and 23, in the patent of Cheefecock,
formerly laid out by Charfes Clinton, Esq. deceased, and p
tlie purchased by the Agent ot the Ameriean Iron Company of
:kets William Smith, Esq. on the Bth day of November, 1766. q
the This tra& contains some plough land and swamp; also q
and Potackei't Pond and the outlets thereof. R
los 2. All that trad of land situate on the weft fide of Hud- l
ible. son's river, near Buttermilk Falls; containing 1000 acres 0
In this traa there is said to be a valuable mine, some good jq
swamp and timber land, E
dtif 3. Ail those two ti Ctuata on the north fide of the £
bia ; Mohawk riv»r, being part of the Manor of Colby, pur- _
i (on, chafed by the Agent of the American Iron Company in the 1
ikini years 1765 and 1767, of Oliver Delancy, Elq. the one con
taining 2940 acres, the other 3815 acres.
4. All that trafl of land situate en the north fide of tho (;
Mohawk riycr.ij.eaf the German Flats; adjoining part of
Colby's manor, bounded on the eait by Canada creek.
This wilt Ije jUvided, and fold in the following Lots,
orris, v'z, ■ ■
hin a . a Acres.. _ . 'Acres,
f any Lot l .Containing I.ot 14 containing loco
Steel. % 067 15 1003
I and 3 #41 16 529
:d ei- 806 -'-17 4'2 I
l'even 762 l 3 1160
:h the 5 g 0 5 19 loop 1
leve- y- yyo 20 loco
dI Y t0 8 1,., .1000 21 iooo •
0 y;:'tt IC'O 22 390,
™ 10 IXIOO 23 750 j
II ; ;! 'o«a St'l6Oo 24 930
, 12 ~]!,}45 . ,
Grass, 13 1 I Coo
The traa tin No. 4 is chiefly beach, nvaplp, baft and eta.
round, The purchase money to be paid by the following iiillal
d No. mcnts, viz. one-fourth on the"day of sale: one-fourth on the
ids for firll Tuesday in April next; on;-fourth on tha firfc Tuesday
yto in Oc'itjber, 1796; and the remainder dii th£ firit Fueiday
r „ in April, 1797. when deeds will be given to the purchaser.
Plans of the different trails of land ma* Ve seen by ap
uw. plyin;; to Mr. Peter Goelct, one of'th? trustee;, in New-
York; or to Mr. Edward Edwards, in Philadelphia.
November a. ' ms.t.
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the fubfcriSsr, living at Mordington
Mills, near Frederica, in Kent county, Hate of Dela
c, that ware, on the night of the 27th of Jnnc lail, a {lave negro
cxtcn- man named BENN, abcut 27 old, 5 feet 10 cr 11
inchcs high, of a yellow complexion, andjEiight pass for a
mulatto. The clothes he had on cannot, with cxa&nels,
he described, as ho made several breaches of honesty, in
MF.DI- that way, on his setting out. He is a very great .iloven
in hisdrefs; has naturally a condemned and.iarlyrcmnte
nance, altho' he at times affeels a smiling orte y his vifagß
1, psmi with large black wliilkers; tl'.cvrhites of his eyes
tea nil, o f tenret i. It i 5 iuifrrecolle-aed whether he has ray par
irranted t ; cu i ar Ueib-marks, except on his back, where may be
, seen (tho' light) the la rs of tha whip, placed by judicial
,e ""o s " authority, for houfc-lireakir.g, lock-breaking, Healing,
a d as w before, as since I purchased him. He is poi-
| C he"" fefied of but a l'mall lhirc of rcafon or fenfibSity; a great
old r.ui coward, tho'his looks are devilifli, and at the fame time
nat the fticaking. As he took his flight upwards from here, at
thx commencement of harvclt, it is presumed he was per
suaded by some of the free negroes in tSis quarter to make
OI ND, i-j, ei'tape w ith th#m—lhould he net be in Philadelphia,
contain. h e j s probably between here and there.
Eleventh Whoever takes up the said negro Demi, and fienres
anethc' jjj m m aR j, public gijal, so tkat his mailer may get him
'iv, 20 a g a ; n> {hall have the above r«war.l; and if brought home
t ' rlvl additional charges ifCrroafonable cxper.ces, paid by
i s yames Douglnfs.
PHILADELPHIA, Wvatfj #v JOHN ££NNQ, N T " V 119 Chf,rut.Strut.—Vuct Sll Dollars Pe& Aksch,
BOOKS, Printed fir ana
l* til lifted by MA I HEW CAR&' I •
(Price Sixteen Dollars.) R. 1 C
i New Syfien of Modern Geography : poN
Or, a and Commcrihl grammar ; ed
and pr-'ftiit fljh of the fiverJ Naliim vf tbi IVurU, ITiis
The figures, motions, and culiar to each eoustry.
difl.ajices°oi the Plants, ac- VII. Observations on th
cording to the Newtonian fyl- chafes that have been any And lp<
tem, and the latsil obferva- where observed upon me taw-
t * on3 nature finee the mallear-
It. A gsncral view of the ly periods of hillory. A IT!
Earth, coufidered as a planet; VIII. History and origin ufeful definitions of nations; their forms ot go
, and problems. verniuent, resignation, laws, •
lIS. Grand divlfions of the revenues, taxes, naval and Lifts " t>l
Globe into land and water, military toength. _ - .
continents aad iftands. IX. Uenms, »anner<>,.cui-
Situation and'extent of em- toms and Übits oi the people, . •
aires, kingdoms, ftatcs, pro- X. Their language, learn ~
vinces and colonies. ing, arts, iicience:,, m» t,.;,
V. Their climates,air, foil, tures and commerce.
vegetables,productions, me- XI. Chits cities, (fractures - <■%
tals, minerals, natural curio- ruins, and artificial curmUties. '
fries, fcas, rivers, bays, pfo- Xll. Latitude, longitude.
montoriesand LSkes. bearings«nddiftancesofprm-
VI. Birds and BeaiU pe- cipalplacestromPhiladelplua
I. A Geographical I.idex, with the names and places a phi- jjj '
betically arranged. , . cr lf
U. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their vaiue ill |
doljars and cents.
HI. A Chronological Tibia of r«3nv.irkable events, irom
the Creation to the prcfcnt time. L
The Agronomical part by Jams Fsrgofm, "■ s -
Correal by Dr. Davio Riti emhouse. a jjj
1 , To yjh'ub are ai\dedf _ of 1
th# of I)r. Herfchell, aiid other eminent a tabl
: - ,eynntt» Ailronomers. tioi;
" Tiifl ftirr AMERICAN edition, correiSted, unproved, and slav
. ycßafiy enlarged. Containing the following mal
Map* and Plates. Miiiti
t Map-os the World *3 Hindoftan wit
2 Chart cf the World 24 Africa e.ici
i Europe *5 United States An alj
4"Countri:sroundtheNorth 26 Britiffi Dominions in A- a g r
Pols. mcrica oi'
f 5 Sweden, Depmark, Nor- 27 Weft Indies Amoi
'* way and Finland. of Maine are
'I (y Russia 29* New liampfh re Cufto:
* 7 Scotland 30 'Maffachufects Th:
S England, and, Wales 3 i*Conncaicut
j as wc
" 9 Ireland 32* Rhode Illand year,
:i . 10 France 3j»Vcrmo»t piece,
r 11 'Seat of War 34»NewYork ment,
" ' 12 Seven United Provinces 35' New Jersey ' aet to
•' j 13 Austrian, French and jfi'Pennfylvaftia engra
| Dutch Netherlands 3 7'Delaware does
| 14 Germany 3S*Maryland
15 Switzerland 3 9 *Virgmia pl an ,
; 16 Poland 40"Kentucky _ rat
1 17 Spain and Portugal 41' North Carolina Mapi
l 8 Ita i y 42>-Tene£ree government Avi
'A 1 j Turkey in Europe 43* South Carolina , nt
20 Asia 44* Georgia A'
21 *Difco"veri«s made by cap- 45 Copemican fyflem onsd
tains Cooke and Clerke. 46 Armillury sphere e( j > n
22 China _ . ent,
The Maps marked with stars are'added to this •cfitipn,
excjuCve of those in the lift London edition.
The United States Register for 1795,
:k Price 50 C O N T E N T S.
Calendar, with the ncceflary Boundaries of the AJ'
tables, &c. &c. States. Z Pepulat«.n of tl
Supreme Executive Lift of the Officers
he Legislature Statement ot Exports eri a
-k, Judiciary Public Debt er a
■id jjepartment of Stats Pay, &c. of the array
°f .Department of theTreafury Mint Eftabliihment ___
56. *QoKimillioners of Loans Rules for reducing the cur
lfo Officers of the CHftoms rencies of the different
Revenue Cutters states to a par with eaeli
J< '" Light flcufes other f ,
" cs Officer* of the Excise Tables of the number ot '5 «-
J°d Outies and Dutiable articles cents and decimal parts P u 'l
Exemp.4 from duties in any number of (hillings g°»
the Duties on tonnage und pence i-fsthan a dol-
ur- on (iomeftic objeils lar in the. currencies of priz
the Drawbacks, &c. and regu the different ilates tue
on " hit ions to be oftrved in. Tables Ihewing the value of 1
obtaining them in the cin rcscrfs of 1
the General Abftrait from the ol ditto the
tof re'venut laws, relating to Poft-officc eflrablilhment p1 ie
:ek.- duty of matters of Lift of Poft-iowus, &e, j, an
3tj . veff^s ß ' L^f owners, Latitude and Longitude of | JCC
it?.'/of... goods', and the the principal towns i.i the ac;
fes- officers of the customs; Unitsd States | ue
oo to the paymcn? of duties, Banks
oo and tke impartatisn of Literary Institutions
29 goods National Manufa&ory]
12 Expsuccs of Government Sessions of the Courts
6o for 1794 Weltern Territory
oo Bepartmcnt of War
- 0 State Governments.
New Vlaatpflfir* l " South-Carolina
„A Ve'rmDlt I intxr Georgia
. MaffachufitU Order of tijne in which the
\ QwnadafWfAAeti.c fcveral States adopted t'ne
30 New-York federal Constitution
New-Jwfey , Table of the' Sun's rifi-i^
, Pennsylvania ir.d setting
E „ Delnwar: AWtrail of goods, warc3,
, " Maryland and merchandize export
« Virgiliii <d from the United States
vT y Kentucky from the ift of O^lober
r 3y North-Carolina '90, to 30th Sept. I?qi'
r ' Charlotte a talc of truth—by Mrs. I "jwfon, of the
new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second Ameiitan edition— w i
v " Price 75 cents. [The rapid fale'of the firft edition of this w ,
enterefting novel, in a few montlw is, the l»eft criterion of whs
—hs merit.] m
"It may bs a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and __
:? t ° a it is a tale of teal dillrefs—Charlo te, by the aatiiice of a
lJela * \eachcr, recommended to .a school, from humanity ra- "}
lc S ro 'nw thm a ccmviiSfi*n of her integrity, or the regularity, 01
rll jf her former conduct, is enticed from Jier governess, and
°' r a accompanics a young officer to marnage n'
tne.s, ecrcni g !l y ( Jf 110 £ forgotten, is poitponed, and Chai'loitc i
'in dies a martyr to the inconliancy of-her lover and treach m
lov " i-y of his friend. . tl
unt-.- {jtuatioii; are artlcfs and affeaing—the description o
■'i!ag'- - atural and pathetic ;we should feel for Charlotte if filch a
'■ ~ person ever t'xifted, who for oiic error, ie;:r:ely, perhaps J
''Y" i dcfcrved fodevers a punifhmcnt. If it is a fiClion, poetic „
*? . ' jutiice is not, v e-fkink, properly diflributed." a
I. The Intjuifitor—by Mrs.'Rowfoa. Second Philadel-
phia edition. 87 I 2 cents.
S 1 ~ A. Adventures of Rodcric Random. 2 vols. I dollar and
'j 1 : 0 "* 50 cents, coarie paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine.
et " ne Notes on the Hate of Virginia—by Thomas Jefferfon.
re, at p r ice neatly bound, one dollar and a half. J.
" P er " .5. History .of the Frcnch Revolution, from its com- j
n.-i.e rnencetncnt to the death 01 the and the execution j .
'pnia, ; collars. j 1
r. Plowden's History of the Empire, from May I 1
genres - I -^j ) to Decembsr 1793. i dollar and a quarter-— — ;
'him £This, is an interesting and valuable publication as has
home appeared for many years.
6. Beattfe's Elements of Mdral Scienae. 2 vols. One doi
'S. lar and three quartets. *od.
■ Now
By T. S T i* H£:: S 3
A6o, fo>':lb-^,'c-yi'ityfrfe!,
The ciirkr.ib rYopheci :•> ot
C »ONT AIMING grjttt suvlremark,iUi tie .js,outrsjta -
4 edto any other perlo.v oivearth ■
'lliis work is i.uereiliujj to every one. ,
Augt<Ji 14 tynSff
A.nd fpesdily pulymjietl*l>y BENJ A\. IN" Dl-'iVJT*>,
, Al 63, H'igb~Jlreei %
American Repository, "r 17965
I A conipieat Calendar for Rules for rcdycjcj; tlw :ic
J the vear. resides o/tfce f. ve* jil
I.ifts ot' tie executive, legif- Table of pouaJs,'&c. ro<!_-
lativeand judicial officers into etudes. & e^uts^
of the tsdfralgoycmment Summary of .the, export* ii
[' of the minifteis and 4 fdecefiive yeajj.
eonfuls to and from the Amount us the Uuredeenied
United States. debt, a'.nual reVenaj: a;ij '
■ 5 A remitter of the land and expenditures.
sea forces of do. A view of the ia'-.inj'fum!.
Rates of pottage, and times An eiKmatr of the import*
] of receiving & closing the ot the United State, ia.
a mail's at Philadelphia. ttfo'fetird yMn.
A lilt of the poft-t owns,with Domctlij dutlf j i.f e-itfes.
the diilances of cash, oti Dr.;-.vbc.cts andbeiniaes.
the main line, as well as lianas, with ruics of
cross roads. during hufiflcfs.
— of the federal court*. Officers of tne'eivil govern
—of the supervisors of the raent of Pafibfylvani...
revenue. £flima:« of rXpcnees of V
The mint, and monies of the 1 one year.
U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government
each {late. of Nsw-\ork.
A lift of the comniHiioncrs Sov.v ign pritSces and ft>
of loans. publics of Europe.
Nt A table,lhswing the proper- Liit of the navy of Gr«t
tion of froe pcrfons to Britain, cTreifted agree- I
id flavjs, and of'tna|ea to fe- able to the Uteil inform.;-
males, &c. in th- U.S. tion.
Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of Prance,
with the proportion of do.
each. State of theair, andadittry
An alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and weather
agreeably to the lalt adt in Philadelphia, dminjjfl a
of Congress. months, cading ill Sept. j
Amount of impofl and tohn- IT)S
-aj*e of one y< ar. Bills of mortality in Philad.
Cuitom-houl'e fees, &c. of one year.
This little volume will contain a much greater campa s,
as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding
year, and will he embcllilhed with an engraved irontis
piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a head orna
ment, to eacil month. The femes depicted in the vig
nettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours olthe year. The
engravings are new, and executed with an excellence that
noes credit to the American fine arts.
At the fame place :r.Oy be hud.
Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, qccu- *
ratcly engraved from a late survey. v
Maps of the United States, and of each Rate ("para; sly.
A valuable c»lle*ilion ot mwlin 1 Moots, and a general anort*
tnent of Stationary Waras.
jtfote.—Thofe who desire it, may haVe tlie above-menti
oned Maps, or any other, coloured, caiivaflfd, and varnifll
ed, and put up in any manner that may be mod conveni
ent, by applying at directed above.
'^ n > OJt. 2, 1795. law
• Mr. Walter Robertlbn
BEGS leave to acquaint the Gentlemen, fuhferihers ti
the print Portrait of George Wathin.Jtoii, Prcfijgijt
i," H at the Unrttfa-STafeToT Aiucni i, engravctTby Mr.Fnld,
from an original pi-Sure paiated by W. Robcrtfon, that
the Proofs are ready for delivery to the several iiibfcrib
ers at John James Bawakt's, No. Ijnotth Niath-firee«;
or at J. Ormrod's, hookieller, No. 4*l, Chei/4U-Lir.-.'t,
where the fubferibers are requeued to lend ttw a.fdrLJ-..
OSo'ocr zj. . .. -'-'tf - -
rent . \ s
We are informed that the gentleman u l)o i!re\'. the
0 e dollar prize, in tlie Canal lot?- ■», via, t!.e
jarts proprietor of only a tingle 'I ickit—fh's ■ w.filliee <v
anrs good fortune, iliews that ;t U well t- he m i'orUi|ie >>
dol- road; and is the hiore plealhig, as t/fc o-vvt:. r m the
3 of prize is a vefy worthy, though not 1 very aJticct 11-
tizen. . . .
ie cf The Scheme of the Canal litttp* ii certa»i!y om
news of the heft which has appeared—fur, uttle/en.yitt. * , |
the nicfui ohjedlb to which its pri»'-ceds ire t» Tie Jp;
plied, the feheme is lb calculated w routinaal!? ,' ;
:c. hance the value of the Tickets m .'li e «
•«- of because, while the driving progrt-'.ies, Ihe e.i •>*« y
' a capital prize growing greater, a»uft V " J
lue of the undrawn Ticket. ■ . |
The Prizes drawn to the close o.' the drawing
last U'cd.iefday F.vamng, viffe •'■ '
1 of - J " a
of -- - 2,00 °
of ,
4 Of -
11 \i
ii the And there then m the m .seel^
d the 1 of " oro
,• - ,c«auj
riih. i i - ■ -
.-jf - -• S.OOJ
:oort- n - Ot - ,' , . . . .
States 36 of - " '
ioker g ? 'of - " _
14800 °* ," el-ll • tIV
sf the And < fationarv prizes of - » -
tion- wh t h anl the nature of tbofe j liatio-tary |n«s,
of th! ' 1 which are to belosg to the five b?
•Vanti' the drawn to bcreaf,
!of a v y, c -s fall as the drawing proceeds: Antltof
ty ra. "} [j- account far the nuroocr ot
danty, c " etl f or t hs sale of Tielcets, as the pro
iS, aiid whiea ate , - . , ul i j,i iew (lav*: a
■rriage fits mud be djuty ,/u nQ llonht -
fJSf iS'irjol!* "'.nJ m ='* "
•iption of 20,000 ooliars each. 1 ——
such a ~ Ll „ per!ons~mdebteU to u.c r.!tate
erhaps _£\ ItRAUNCES, late of this <?<i y, .nn^tipe'»
P' 3Ct,c ceased, are desired to make to the tuaier! -er ;
, , and all thole who have any demands
biladel- are r£qu6 ftcd 10 bring m their aeeOur.L,,j.» l )er
liar and att , e^ UEL M . FRAUNCES,
e - South W'ater-ilret:, r*.o. 55-
tterfQ ". Oaober 28, —
m May . demand, d MEftate, arc desired to bring in
ter— accounts duly artefted,ior jj2Y SK aM»
Attorney in fitft for Mary Gu»bon., adminiflfatm
3nc do'.- '• o the laid dweaV'!*' Lflate.
«od. 1 Arcii-ftreeiiSSo. ioy, Nov. 4.