Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 18, 1795, Image 3
Philadelphiaj of WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER Ig, 1795. be . so We learn fram Cape Francois, that all is very foi peaceable in that quarter. On many plantations mi the negroes are at work as formerly. Jean Fran- w< cois having heard of hii being demanded by the Con- co vention to undergo his trial hat taken refuge in the an mountains of St. Suzane, whither he has transport- th ca a considerable train of artillery, and has strongly w entrenched himfelf. Aurora. ar — it! Last evening arrived the (hip Camilla, Captain cc Irwin, from F. aouth, which she left the 26th of ve Sept. A letter of the 26th fays- " The Count ei d'Artois has janded in the bay (Qniberon.) No w profp'cK o( a general peace." v« Capt. Irwin informs, that just before he failed th from Falmouth, it was reported and believed, jjiat o\ the Empress of Russia had declared war against w the King of Prussia. tl STOCKS. _ I tix per Cer.t. - - - - - - 18/4 01 Three per Cent. ------ 10/7 h Deferred Six per Cent. - - - - 'J/" f r BANK United States, - - - - 31 to 33 pr. Cent. »ni North \meriea, - -- -- 50 Pennsylvania, - *7 - " « INJU*ANe£ Company North America, 13 45-roo vi Pennfylvania,[lnt. off] 3 h — w Arrivals at this Part. p days. I Ship Camilla, Irwin, Falmouth, (E.) 48 e Henristta,Thornton, Plymouth, (Eng.) 50 f , Aurora, Stevens, Liverpool 60 Dispatch, Hathaway, Havre-de-Grace 56 Bolton Packet, Tenant, London 63 n Perfeverauce, Wheatland, Salem 9 t Brig fair American, Lee, Jeremie 37 n Ariel, Gardner, St. Croix 18 0 Sch'r Madalina Eliza, Pharnix, St. Thomas 20 t Hannah, Phippeu, Jeremie 30 { Sincerity, Hollis, Jeremie 18 Sea Flower, Seely, Richmond, N. H. 11 a Betsey Holton, Bunker, Richmond 8 0 Two Brothers, Howland, New Bedforp 5 e Sloop Industry, Caffin, Bourdeaux 56 r Arabufcade, Rockwell, New Providence 10 Two Brothers, Merchant, Newbury port r» r Arrivals at the IJlt of France. Ship George Barclay, M'Alliflcr, "Philadelphia ] Brig Sfiry, Robinson, do. f Sch'r- 'General Gree ne, Hodge, do. SHIP NEWS. Captain Webb, in the schooner Mary, from Bc'.faft, informs, that a Ihip belonging to Philad Iphia, and a brig to Boston, names unknown, lay there when he failed, which was the 45th of Sept. In the Miry ' came eight pafiengers. 1 Captain Rockwell spoke the Isabella, Stoy, from 1 Philadelphia bound to Jeremie —all well. , The Camilla, Capt. Ir-win, left Falmauth, on th? ] evening of the a6th Sept. —left there the (hip Fair j American ef Boston. The Ship Star, Vaneman, from Liverpool, is ar- ; rived at the Fort. The Slip Hannah, Capt. Bingham, failed from Falmouth, for Philadelphia, 14 days before the Camilla. The brig Mercury, Captain Marshall, of this port, failed for Baltimore the day before— The brig SucVy, Capt. Turner, failed for London Sept. 17, and the ihip Harmony, for Liverpool, the2tft—The brig , Captain Robertlon, of New-York, was carried into Falmauth, Sept. Bth. Capt. Thorton »f the (hip Hennietta, long. 72, jo, spoke the brig Pennsylvania, Welt bound to St. Thomas. By the arrival of Capt. Half, at New-York, in 40 daysfron>. Lilbon, wt learn, that fix French (hips of the line, had taken loglifh vefTels and loPortuguefc. There is evry reason to believe, that the a» fail were Aragglers froaathe Jamaica convoy. TranJlatcJ far the Ga&itr of the United States, From the Courier of France and the Colonies. ExtraS of a Leucr from Paris, gib Sept. 1795. " 1 am not at all Turprifed that you, who are at the distance of 1200 leAfrues fr*m France, (hould be unable to form a judgment r»fpe£ting her real condition ; when wc, who are t he spot, after hearing twenty persona speak on tJ,e fi>bje&, can only fay that we are acquainted with twenty con tradictory opinions. But one thiiij ; s clear, and tlrikes every body, which is, that th. Convention is not pofleffed of the confidence of t' <e people. Unable to extricate affaiis from their-jrefent em barrafiments it leaves all to the spur of th. moment, and goes, on committing blunder after blunder : and while it believes that its own prefenation de pends on the continuation of two of it's number in the ensuing legislature, it att.mpts to perfnade the people that such a measure will be ufe ful; but they arc so incredulous as not to believe > it. '1 he Convention is now divided into two parties; the ThermiJorians, led by Tallien, and the Giroii .lines, at the head of whom are Lotivet, Doucet, '.nd orhers. The firlt of these parties, which molt <ireads the restoration of the royal government, from a diffidence of its own fuffioiency, endeavors W) ftrcngthen#tfelf with every man of energy and «alcnts who pofiefTes the fame enmity to the ancient regimen. The Girondines, on the contrary, are full of •confidence in themselves, and believing that tciror is a ufeful instrument in politics, notwithstanding they fulfered so much themselves by the fame fyflem under Robefpicrre, have no objection to fee it re newed, provided they are allowed to direst toe np jjlication. There are only two men in the Convention who polfefs the general elleem—Boifly d'Anglas, and Latijuinais. These men are equally diftniguifiud V fcy their firmnefs and courage, as by a dilintereftcd «ttachnent to their country, and an invariable de tire to rcftore her to the pcacefut enjoyment of ge nuine liberty. In order t» form an opinion of the general spirit the of the departments, it is neceffiry to diftinguith between the towns and the country. In the latter on so dispirited aud indifferent are the people about kef forms of government,' that the conftitutiou of the is a mildell republic, or the despotism of Morocco, would be equally submitted to. In the towns,on the contrary, the dread of terrorism is carried to such an extreme, that, upon an attempt to revive it, to I the inhabitants would instantly dcflroy all who has were known to be its advocates. And so sensible cei are the Girondines of this, and so approhenfive of It its effe&s, that it fufficiently accounts for their un- cei common eagerness to have two thirds of the Con- or vention re ele£led into the legislative assembly. me The towns wi(h for such a share of liberty as will nci ensure to every man th«t portion of happiness t6 wii 1 which he is fairly entitled : and of course it will be far very difficult to persuade (hem to surrender one of T1 1 their most valuable rights, that of ele&ihg their fto own representatives. Those delegates, therefore, who attempt to forbid their confhtuents to exercise this right, canriardly expect to succeed. vei In the mean while, Louis the 18th is at Verona, it. surrounded by the flower of the ancient court.— cei He talks of nothing but the neceflily of an a& of vvl obliovion and pardon for all that is past j of the ed happy effe&s of an union of parties ; and of a m< frank and generous reconciliation with allhiscoun- ac trymen. And in return for all these magnanimous concelfions, all his majeity requires is, that he (hall be permitted to return surrounded with his noblefle, without whom he thinks that the throne would be void of due splendor ; with his parliaments, which he calls the natural prote&ors of his people ; and with the whole feudal economy, without wjuch the people would never resume the flatiop, for, jvhich C< Heaven intended them, nor he be enabled to re- fr< eftablirti the two fuperipr orders in their antient g' rank and importance. Hitherto this reasoning of Louis the 18th has A not made many proselytes in the towns. For al though the inhabitants are quite willing that his majesty should reign over fubjefts, confiding wholly of nobility and clergy ; the third estate, that is, the great mass of the people, fecm to think that l e their happiness does not depend on tb« haughty ; n and futile exercise of certain privileges engrofled f e on parchment, or on any proud preteiWM>n» found ed on a religion which prefcribesfelf-deaul and hu- tl mility to its votaries. yi As all the inhabitants of the towns have been t [ more or less concerned in the revolution, they don't t< seem in the leaf! disposed to give an account of th ir past conduct to Loyis the xßth and his courtiers, h In this city particularly we have such apprehensi ons of being condemned at least to a contribution to rebuild the Baftile, that we seem inftindlivcly to a , be governed by the fame opinions concerning it, ( as prevailed at the time of its dellruftiiw. h The country will always follow the example of n lc the towns. In them relided the governor, the in- r , y tendant, and all the hierarchy of power before the f, revolution ; and tince that period deparmental and e m diftrift officers. From them the country has re ceivcd its laws ; and such will be the dependance so a '5 long as the towns continue to be the feats of power, t lr inflru&ion, and primary offices, in the body po- f r- l' r ' c - n But the present is certainly the moH j m momentous that has occurred for the last (ix years. r lie We are drawing near either to such an ettablifh- e U, ment as, beinjj adapted to the people, will once (■ — more render France an happy country, or to new t in convulsions, that will (hake and rend her to pieces. a >1, But if I may hazard an opinion on a fubjeft of ( n, such magnitude, it is—That the aggravation of it. our past and present evils itfelf, will lead us to t annihilate the cause." t 2, t tC> Late European News by the arrival of a schooner ' last evening fram Belfaft. 40 — 1 f LONDON, September 16. 01 fc. _ ojnuan ■ 1 :re The meeting of Parliament sor } the dispatch of bufinef?, is, according to the most prevalent report, , fixed for Thursday the 29th ofOftober. Intima tion to that effedt is expected jn Saturdays Ga- . ' zitte. A diffohition, it is believed, will take place a bout the middle ar end of November. . at Yesterday information was received Spa jj nifh Admiral, Maztreedo, had failed to join Ad eaj miral Langara in the MediterrinWK;" By this ter junAion the Spanish fleet will be' 32 an fail of the line. hi- September 17. nd We are sorry to acquaint the public, that, by on the last advices, the Cape of Good Hope had not — surrendered. m- ,lt appears that the people wished to form an in nt, dapendent government of their own, and were ma r : king vigorous preparations to oppose any force It- which might be brought against them ; in eonfe t's quence of which Admiral Elphinftone had sent to to St. Helena for reinforcements, and 400 men had fe- failed, or were preparing to fail, in the Arnifton :ve from that place, when the Discovery, Captain Vancouver, left that place. rsj Admiral Elphinftone had anchored in False Bay !m- where he took three Dutch Indiamen, and was e't, waiting for succours. He dispatched a brig for olt Rio de Janeiro, to hasten the fleet with troops, nt, The merchants concerned in the Mediteranean jrs trade had yesterday a meeting at Tom's Coffe house nd to take into consideration the present position of rnt their commerce. The force of the Spaniards in tJiat part of the of world, and the dubiety nt least of their deligns, ex or cited a reasonable alarm in the minds of men, who ng could uot but consider the capture of two vefTels •m bound to Spain by one of our cutters as an aiS of •e- hollility, which with equal promptitude might, p- without a formal declaration, be anfvvcred on their part. bo The minister will be applied to upon the fubjeft. nd ed DUBLIN, September 19. Ed We hear, that the jury who were polled in a le- northern county for acquitting culprits contrary to ;e- dire&ion, have resolved to commence an action for a libel against the fheiifif who put »p ;he paper, and the firft is to commrcce in t'ie court of exchequer, yc The fevernl peHons (defenders) now in Newgate fer on a charge of high treason are heavily ironed and kept in feperate dungeons on bread and water, nor is any person permitted to fee them. he; BELFAST, September 2 f. civ Thi* day's packet brings us Parisian news down am to the 4th inft. inclusive. Nothing of importance rat has occurred. The Convention are occupied in re- wi ceiving the returns from the primary aflcmbiies.— cal It appeal that a considerable majority of tltofe re- wr ceived, ate either silent on the decree of re-ele&ion, or have concurred with the Convention : in the mean time the aflcmbiies of Paris continue perma nent, and are occupying thcmfelves in organizir g gh with the cities in the departmentswhoadhere to the fame opinion, as well as with some of the armies.— The Convention on their part aretaking mcafurcs to JJ, (lop these communications a 9 far as they can by ren- j g c ,dering travelling as difficult as possible. 1 SI. The Parisian papers are mollly against the Con vention, and are extremely free in their remarks on it. Such deputations as confirm the decree are re ceived with enthuliaftic applaofe by the Convention, A whilst thofc who proreft against it are coldly receiv- m; ! e d and refufed the honors of the fitting ; in the 1 mean timt ill parties are almoll unanimous in the if acceptance of the Constitution.' — 1 ! BY THIS DAY'S MAILS. g° | NEW-YORK, flovember., 17. . Yesterday arrived here the Capt. 1 Collins, and the brig from Dublin. There are upward* 3 fill'iOT paffen t gers arrived in these veftels. s A copy of a Letter to his Excellency Governor Chittendon, from John A. Graham, Esq. L. g, 9 L. D. dated Boston, October 7th, 1795. r Refpeflcd and Dear Sir, > I HAVE the plesfure to Excel- B; t lency of my fafe returA to Bolton, .London, r in good health and fine spirit9 fcr of I seventy-nine days. rn'fjaiq f■ As to the business of my of th " the Protestant Episcopal Chutcq., lljfill <flrf>t trouble "J yo«r Excellency at this time 011 that fubjefl, since II the politics of the state require your particular at £ tention. I hope soon to have the honour of see r ing your Excellency in person, when 1 lhall be e '• happy to communicate all that is worthy your no l" tice. a, " Inclosed your Excellency will find a copy of my 0 application to his Grace the Duke of Portland > (his Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the home department) relative to the opening of a ca nal from Fort St. John's, to the liver St. Law- si rence, together with his Lordship's answer on the " r e fubjett. I doubt not Lord Dorchester has receiv- J ed dire&ions on the fubjeft previous to this. I _ therefore highly lecommend, that your Excellency 0 and the honourable council address his LordfhipOn r > th's important fuVjcc.t, as it will tend greatly to '• facilitate the plan, and benefit the people ef Ver- | mont —However, your Excellency's and their i ■t Honours judgments in the premises will better di- 5 '• reft. I need not mention to your Excellency my v 3 " exertions for the interest of the people of Vermont " :e during my refidcnce iu England ; only that I have w done every thing in my power (both in my public *■ and private character) that 1 conceived to be con flftent with propriety. I wrote your Excellency when at London ; whe- Lo ther it ever came to hand I think precarious: In that letter I made mention of our minister plenipo _ tentiary from the United States at the English er court, the worthy Thomas Pinckney, Esq. I can- i not fail again to repeat his goodness and polite at- t tention to me, both in my pu lie ami gjivate cha- ' rafter, during my stay in jUo his friendly obliging conduit artd the Americans, Well defervesand merits toe praifeaand rt > thanks of our whole country. ia " But no event, since my return to America, has ' a " afforded me more unhappinrfs, than to fee the weekly, and almost daily channels of het political ' a " information# replete with invedtives, scurrility, and abuse, against the character of our late minister, >a " Mr. Jay ; The combined system of prejudice, in c!" tereft, and power which he had '{«?' I in '' s effecting the present treat/i coWU «j!2ffikps more 3 2 within the ken of my knowfcdjte of my countrymen who have viftted ; being introduced, from my ecclcllafHcaf' , mfffion, to the by highest dignitaries of the church, who are equally lot in the enjoyment of the highest civil and temporal honours. From my other avccations of business, in- beitig acquainted with'what is there called the mid ia- dling, I mean mercantile orders of life, I found a ce general spirit of animosity to pervade through the fe- whole. The lapse of twenty years has not so far to condensed the mantle of oblivion to the eye of Bri ad tain, as not to view with jealousy, envy, and refer.t on ment, her once loyal and obedient colonics, arising, ain andperhaps to rivalempire, in the contemplation of the freedom of her republican constitution ; which, ay by holding up the mirror to monarchical & aritlo i'as cratical pride, discovers the deformity of their form for and figure ; reflecting at the fame time, that the draugfit of freedom (lie is now attempting to make :an her enemies disgorge, was firft tailed at the pools nfe of America. ' A national haughtiness begot from of the conscious fnperiority of their naval ltrength,- travels through every rank and grade of her fub he jeits. ;x- As her resentment and pride have ever governed ho her conduit, more than her policy—war would els have been *h'e fate of this country, had not the of timely intcrpofitioli of Mr. Jay arrelled the arrow, lit, and diverted the storm. Peace, doubtless ought eir to be thepole-ftar of America ; under its umbrage, we are not only secure from the convulsions of the, ft. old world, but from its storms derive wealth sn4 population, the great national sinews of our cohu try. a The agricultural improvement of Great-Britain, to her buildings and curiosities, afford ample enter or taioment to the eye of the naturalist, antiquarian, nd nnd artist. -I «m, much refpefted and dear Sir, /OS your excellency's mod obedient, and very humble servant: Ycftertlay, at 12 o'clock, Mr. Profcflbr Keht began his course of Law Lectures in the College Hall. His introdu£lory lecture on the hittory civil government, was written with great elegance and perspicuity, and abounded with just and accu rate ideas of government. It is very much to be wi(hed that the Profeflor would consent to a publi cation of this lecture—as it does honour to th< writer, and would be highly ufefal to his country. [ Minerva. J sir rived at this port. Ship Draper, Collins, Dublin Fanilla, , Bordeaux Sally and Betsey, Wheeler, St. Martina > Brig Orange, Carberiy, Dublin • Schr. Swift, Robcrtion, Antigua I Sljop Dependance, Freeman, Boftofi Enterprize, Dates, St. Thoma» Lucy, Wilson, Kingftoa, Jamaica The brig Experiment, Robertfon, is arrived tt Antigua, from this port, with the loss of her main mad, and part of her cargo damaged. The schooner Lucinda is arrived at Antigua in 16 days from this port. , 1 ———* CJTHE faleof the Ship ARETHUSA is poltponed for a few -days—Public notice will bo given previous to the sale. J. CONNELLY, Auflioncer. iticketts' New Amphitheatre, In Chesnvt-striit. THIS PRESENT EVENING, 18th' November, instant. Equejirian Performances, By Mr. Rickettt, Mr. F. Ricketts, Matter Long, and Mr. Sully, Clown to the Horfemanfliip. TIGHT ROPE DANCING. By Mr. Spinacuta—Clown to the Rope, Signior Reano. Majlerly Feats of Horfcbianfhip. . & Particulars of which, and other Entertainments of : the Evening, will be fpecified in the hand-bills, which may be had at the Ticket Office, from ten to three, wher* places for the Boxes may be taken. Boxes, one dollar—Pit, half a dollar. Doors to be opened at ha'f past FIVE, and the r Entertaicmeat to begin at half past SIX. N. B. N® money taken at the doors, nor any admitt ance behind the scenes. Nights of performance—Mondays, Wedntfdays, "Thurf i days and Saturdays, Mr. RICKETTS f> e ? s leave to inform the Ladies - and Gentlemen, that the CIRCUS will be open each moj-n - from 8 o'clock till 10,-forthofe Gentlemen who chufe to take in ilru (51 ions for riding, and from 10 to it for La j dies—at one dollar «ach leffoH. H For Charleston, (S. C.) U th e ship r IS* u S S E L L, i- Dsniel Reed, matter, y WILL, fail in the course of" ten days, and take freight o t moderate terms; for which, or pafiage, apply to tha Captain on board, at Walnut-street wharf, or to Joseph Anthony Son. November iS. §iot. For BOSTON, n THI SCHOONKR >■ INDUSTRY, 3 Captain Barnard, I- LYING at Jofepla Anthony 3c Son's wharf. Will posi t- tively fail on Saturday next, wind and weather permitt 3. ing. For freight or passage apply to tha Captain on i 9 board, or to EDWARD STOW, Jun. Ie Nov. 17. §tS. No. 4 south Water-street. Bankrupt Office. as npME CREDITORS of BANKRUPTS, whose accounts )e X. have been legally proved, may receive their divi aj dends by applying at this Office, every day from 9to II o'clock 4. m. Sundays excepted. l£ By trder of tha CotrtmiJJunert, r » ' JOHN JINNINGS. Clerk. II- Philad. y~mc-Jlrcet, No. 91, in November 17, 1795. jtawlw. iy Landing, this Day, !g From the Brandywine Miller, from Bourdeanx, at Wil |e liug and Francis's wharf, ■y 36 pipes of Cogniac Brandy. " al FOR SALE BY y°^ n Mixsn W Co. or Philip:, Cramond, & Co. a Novem. iS. dgt. he — — - ar Just received in the brig Ariel, from '■* Si. Croix, £ 54 hhdsMufcovado Sugar, ° f 2 500 bushels of coarse Salt, 0 ' FOR. SALE BY • m John Nixon Iff Co. | 1C November 18. §6 t . The Panorama. M R " SAVAGE refpcafally informs the Ladies ani lvA Gentlemen sf Philadelphia that the PANORAMA * '• now opened in High-street, between 10th and nth b- flreets. The Subject is a view of the Cities of London and Wo£minfler, comprehending the three bridges, Soutli ed wark, Surrey, and St. George's Fields in the Borough , , with every other object which appears from the top of the u Albion mills, at the end of Blaclfriars Bridge, opposite *' e ttle rity of London, from whence this view was taken W, The painting contains nearly 3,000 square feet of canvas! ht Bcin f? in a c «' c l« g'ves every objed its proper bearing and re exhibits it in its true point of compass, appearing- as Lrz - • ' and in every refpe<a the fame as tho reality. II e i Price of admiffiu* half a dollar Tickets for tha Seaibn three dollars. u- Panorama op»n every day from ten e'doek in th« morning. la> A PRINT of the PRESIDENT of the U. S. , r IBcht * b y >4 ; only a few choice impreffioas lelt • the ' ' companion is a pnr.t ®f Dr. Pranklia. A variety «f tioic. ' » prints may be had <4 die Panorama* ir, AuoyJ! it,