Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 18, 1795, Image 1

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Number 997. ] , __
For Charter,
gfgft MAR?,
John Fleming, m'after,
BURTHEN aooo barrels of Flenr, is now in compleat
axdsrto take in a cargo. For terms appyto
Gurnet Smith,
***"*T7T;o have for SaK 1 ,
Bordeaux and Cogniuc Ef'aMly ;
And a few French Burr Ss#3*s. Nov. 14- §
For Jeremie,
(To fail in all tbii month)
J—"Ti— The beautiful new brig
Richard Sc James,
**»• Thomas AJants t mailer,
BUILT of live oak and c-idar, and is h«f firft voyage.
She i> intended for a constant trader, and particular y
well calculated for carrying pafTengers,havmg moil excel
lent accommodations, and conftruilecl for a remarkable
fact fai!er. For terms apply to the Capfein oh board at
Raee-ftret wharf, or to p 1
Who hat' on Han J,
A large and elegant allsK.aCat of Callicoes, Muslin-,
Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. &C. Nov. 13. 1 .
J O ft N 0: R A I G,
Ko. 12, Doclc Street,
IO PipSs of
7be very beji Madeira JV IN
90 quarter cafe of Sherry wiue,
Bristol window glafsof different sizes,
A quantity of best Havannah fegajs in boxes,
A few calks of iugar,
4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens,
4 bales of do. caitvafs,
5 bales of Ted, white, and yellow Sar.nels;
pori sMaui H;
BJRIHKN36OO barrels, sow lying at Mr. Thaddle's
wharf, in Southwark.
Philadelphia, Sept. ai. 'j-
For Charleston,
Lovely Rachel,
Henry Rolando t txajler,
NOW lying at Bfckham's wharf. She v.-ill p' fi'.ively
fail on Saturday next. For freight or a.iply to
the Captain on board, >or Ql.O. SIBBALD,
Nov. 10. § No. »70 south Frout-ftreet.
To Madeira,
— -Ml - - I ' i "
IViUiatn Richards, maji:r y
WILL, fail in all next week. For freight or palf,»ge ap
November 9. dtf.
For Falmouth and a Market,
telpfcs E D G E L T,
John Hodge, mailer,
SHE wr'.l tail with all convenient speed. For freight
or paflage apply to
Philips, Cramond : Jj Co.
November 9. d.
Thomas Giffcrd, miSer,
fiAS a great part »f her cargo engaged, and will fail in
a few days. For freight or pa.sage apply oh board at
Wilcock's wharf, or to *¥>HOJS-lAS NEWAfAN,:it
IVho has for Sal
Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cafcs and hampers, Old Fron
tainiac Wine in hogsheads, and seven do*. Mens' ru filed
Shirts. OA. 22.
| Christopher Franklin,jun. master,
. ■ H&S excellent accommodations for paflfengers; will
-iiail in j&\ this month; three-fourths of her cargo are
ready io go on boaid, a few tons of heavy goods will
he taken on freight.—For freight or paCaoe apply to
tlie Master ou board, Peter H.ight, or to ,
Praters hf Co.
September 21, 1795.
. fufi Arrived per the Snow Boston, James Ktrkpatrick,
Majler, from Liverpool,
11 well-o.Tartcd Queen's Vv r are,
jcoo bushels be it fa ved fine Satt,
& to be ibid at No. 1, Pine-ftrect, by
James Campbell.
Alio, a few boxes weil-aflbrted Irish Linens.
N. D:
> trQbyJfr- ■ Said Snow for Freight or Char
ter, cither to the Wed-liidies or
£$'!s§}££ Europe.
Enquire aS above.
. Auth/1 18. i
0 R S
" ' ENS E L A E R,
J. Wendetl, master,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf'; a strong,
. new vessel, five months 9UI, built o£ red cedar, Imr
* then t tons, supposed will carry about 1200 barrels
of flovr, is of an easy elraft of water, and nas excellent
M? accommodations for passengers. Fortevms apply to
; ' T. &J. CLIFFORD.
•' If not fold in two or three days, said veffei will pro
wed for the state of New-York. j
■ Philad. £<pt. 19. V j
, To-Morrow Morning will be Landed,
At Stamper s wharf, from on board the
fchatner Eliza, T. Arnold, mafler, j
direct from Malaga,
800 Quarter Barrels frelh BLOQM RAISINS
300 Boxes do. do. do.
300 Jar 3 do. do. do.
400 Boxes do. Mufeatel do.
lie Quarter Barrel* FIGS
13; Itoxe* PRUNES \
SO jars GRAPES ®
94 Sacks Shelled ALMONDS
100 Quarter MOUNTAIN WINE 1
. sth November.
Has just received by the late arrivals from England,
is now opening at his STORE,
N°* 134,
Market-flreet, corner of Fourth,
Al.arge allortment of broad and narrow Cloths; Elaf
tie do. Kcrfeymeres; Coatings j Blankets; Flan
nels, &c. &c.—Also, an elegant afiortment of London 1
andManehefter printed Callieoes of the newest patterns,
adapted for the season, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and - a
Pullicats, Pins, &e. which he will fell by the Piece or (
Package on the lowest terms tor Calh or approved note* t
at 2, 4, 6 months. flswuii 3d' - .■.
Novembers- .it dtf; I
c : 1 '■ ' -
Irish Limns* ro *-,\ •
„ . •>
James & Henry Fi.iher,
No. 8, JVatnut-frtct,
Have' imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a large
assortment of
7-8 and 4-4 white Linens,
7-8 brown do.
4-4 half white Sheetings,
9-8 brown and white do.
3-4 brown and white Lawns,
7-8 Dowlas;
Which they will dispose of on reafonahle terms, by the 1
package, for calh or appfOwd Notes, at 60 and 90 days.
N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the
Manufafiories, it is prefumtd they will be found' worthy
of notice. Oift. %(>. }
For SALIi, by the Subscribers,
The fotloiving articles of the lafl importation from China.
160 Quarter Chcfts Hyson Tea, 1
120 Quarter Chest.«? Sowchong Tea,
4CO Ecxcs Chin.:, containing r l*ea Setts,
4500 Pieces Nankeen*.
WMings & Francis.
September 14. 3taw
The hi'gluift price in Calli, will be given for
A. preference will he given to Claret Bottles,—Apply fio
No. 187, ioy-iJi. Third-street. .
Atril I©. d
Hare\ Patent Floor Cloth,
THE manufatflurer has jnft imported by the LIGHT
HORSE FROM BRISTOL, an elegant assortment
of the newest and belt Patterns, which are in excellent
preservation, from 9 feet square to 18 by 15 feet; like
wise, for Stairs, Entries, and Halls, from J yard to 2
yards wide.
The fubferiber rcfpectfully informs pur chafers, that
Floor Cloths laid under woollen Carpets during the win
ter, will be in a state of improvement till the i'pring, and
render rooms warfci by preventing air from pafiing be
tween the boards. JOHN BROWNE,
No. 145 north. Second-street.
A quantity of Remnants to lay before the fire for thepr^
fervation Gi woollen Carpets;
Dipt anJ mould Candles, with fine cotton wick;
Browh and white Soap, of a quality, in
i'mall boxes suited for families; pucjjijft , r
White Red Lead; o.range Mine
t ral, &.c, &c. November 10. eod.
For lale, at,low prices,
NAILS by the calk, from 3d to iod aborted, and a vari- |
cty of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
' Cotton and wool Cards, from No. Ito ld;
I Hatters and flock Cards ; , • :
j Cards set in calf, suitable for c6ttttn./jjji,q[chinc6 f
Also, Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles suitable for that which will
be fold together. 7 ' •'
A large {lock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on
the Curd Manufactory, with the valuable .machine j for
cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward
nefs for finilhing. Also,
Occupied by the late partnership of Webftcr, Adgatc and
' White. As the flore is convenient for the bulinels, the
machine.-, fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work
ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to
purchase and follow the bulinefs to do it to advantage.
Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDKT, |
( Oct. jo, dim. No. 63 Chefnut-flreet.
FROM the firft of December next, the annual fubferip
tion for this Gazette will be EIOHT DOLLARS. I
gubferibers out of the City will pay One Dollar a year in ]
addition, for inclosing and direiling their Papers.
Remote ftibfcribers are requested to pay up arrearages I
to the above period; also the half year's advance from j
that time—those who do not, Will be considered ,as de
ciinmg a continuancc of their fubfeription.
Advertisements ot a square, <jr less, afe published in this |
Gazette •nee, for haxf a eollas ; and continued at on e j
qUAUTER or a dollar for each ftibfequent insertion.
The Editor acknowledges, With'gratitude, the favors
of his advemiing patiins—He. assures them, that the eii
treafed, and encrtaimg number of his fubfcribcrs, is con
tinually extending the circulation in the city—ltjdiftant
circulation is now equal to of any oth»r publication.
Philadelphia, November 3, 1795.
For Sale,
Or to be LET for <1 term of years,
AN elegant Hcufe with about forty-two acres of Land
ar.d Meadow. The Atuation is very convenient for
a Country Seat, or for a perfcn inclined to attend the
markcta. There is an excellent Kitchen Garden, icc-houle,
and a variety of r ruit—the distance about five miles from
I the cit). For further information apply to the Printer.
November 14. aawif.
» V " /-T Wcctm>. _ .
John Miller, jun, & Co.
No. 8, Chcfuutfirect, » .
Ib addition to their aflbrtmsnt novy recaived, feava on /.jr.4
remaining of the t
Cargoes of ths 7hrtt Brothers isf Areihufu from India,
And for laic by the package only,
A variety tf Bsngal and Coaji Goods, vi;z.
Low priced Cotfaes 4-4-and 6-4 book aiuiKo*
eifAtli in <io. " , .
Patna handkerc-biffs Hurjihumi
Shirting muslins j Baftas
Blue romais Camhricks ' J
Book handkerchiefs in Muslin C
frtiall bales neatly as- Taffaties I'
fortcd. Blue cheeks a.
Also—a variety of French Goods, viz.
■ Looking glalles Feathers and Flowers
Angola gloves Paper hangings
Linaus anu Linau handkerchiefs, iuitaUie for the
' Weft-India market. . I]
A few elegant Time Pieces. Oft. 9th ■
James Tiffin,
No. 70, south Second the City Tavern,
1 T TAS just received by the late arrivals from London
» XJL and Ifriftol, a large and elegant alTortment of Ladies j
and Gentlcmens fafhionable HATS.—AIfo, a variety of
of different colours, wliich will be fold
! on ths lowcft terms for calk.
N. B. 'Ladies Hats trjmH in the newest falhion from
London. Oct. ia. § f
1 " " FORS AX E, ~ I
Imported, in lie Jbip Jlrethufa, from 'Sikulta and j.
Madrafs, a -variety of <j
, Guar* ails, a .
Bvrfti, —
Handkerchiefs, I
Calicoes. j
To be Sold by the Package, sot approved notes at j
e tUree and four months, bv
e No. 41 Dock Street, or ]
v Gentian Pafj'trtgers
fuft arrived in. the (hip Holland, Captain Franklin, ]
from Hamburgh, now at anchor opposite Vine-flreet, '
whose time is to be agreed for by applying on board,
or to PRAGERjS & Co.
September 10. li.
The CARGO of the ship Harmony,
Ezra Loiveil, rfrafter-—from BOURDEAUX,
consisting OF
- BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and
in hogflieads, is discharging from on I
board the laid Ihip at Cuthbcrt's wharf, and for fdc by
And; ems & Meredith,
Sap*, ij. '4-' No. 86, south wharv**.
. - -—; • —-
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf,
The QARGQ cf-thc'Jbip Trifitam'y J. Qhnjlie, mafler, from Prince,
p — OF—
lt 120 and ) Mu s cova do SUG AR,
it 72 barrels *>r )
*- 45 barrels of COFFEE.
George Sibbald,
" Oil. 26. d No. j 70loath Front-street.
. . 1
537 Hogsheads,
459 i Coffee, above 600,0001b.
H.\ Bags, 3
l - tts Hegfiieads.of choice Jamaica Sugar.
21 r Bales Bt" St. Domingo Cotton,
Will be landed Monday niornipg, 26th inft. at South
ftreet whar^
Being the «Htir;. cargoes oF Hriaw Hebe, fromjamaiea ;
ia Brig Polly, and SchooiifflOlJlifuftry, from Jeremie,
• >u .
ji OW ia. '' 7 ' 8* uk;/. . |
' John Miller, ju,n. and hifc'brother Alexander J. Miller,
i- "have entered into partnerdiip, under the Firm of
i John Miller, jun. Ss? Go.
They bai'e received by the cirHifo 'y ff<t vj and are now
packing for S-jLLJ&t
At their STORE, No. 8, .
ill A capital affhrtment of -^RT,GOODS,
Suitable to th,e which aire,
•n Broail and < ttovr
>r Plain and fancy H cp~>
B?avcrctt: ; and eMhcs,.' ••.
i- Rose and point l^lanV'-.t?,'
A variety of coarse Wooilins,
Manchelicr manufailures,
id kiih Linens,
ic India- Goods, geticrally,
Ffencri Goods.
:o ; All of which they will dispose of for ca!h or the ufual>
credit. 9.
I Canal Lottery-Oiiice .
Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES, '
October 1, 1795.
g_ ; HPHE ('.rawing of tliis Lottery began or. Monday, the
n i X 28th ult. The ,I'ale of Tickets is continued by the
1 fubfsriber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'clock
I in'fhe afternoon, at the above office-, and by J. Roberdeau
u 1 at the State-lloufe. warranted undrawn.
Prize Tickets will be received i»j payment, fubjefl Jo the
j deduciliyn in the ti»kets —Price 11 dollars until
j s | further Kotice. Approved notes, with a good indorfer,
E ! payable 10th December next,will bs received,jij, .paymeut
far tickets amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards.
s j| IViUiafn Blackburn, Ajent,
(Sheet Book- kept at the Oifice. 'Pickets exarfiined at
2-100 each number, and regi(lerod at 12-100 each ticket,
t • N. B. No ticket.: ibhl dnving the hours of drawing.
N 9 . 64yfii/th Seconrf'Jlrect,
CANAL Tickets for fsle, And caCi or ticitcts given for
any prize's that may be drawn.
Information given refpecling Walhington lottery, and
<i cash or Canal tickets givep for prizes that may ba drawn.'
r Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
e . BOOKS will be Itept of "ach day's drawing in both lot
-> teries, and open gratis to, the enquiries of the pofl'efforsof
n Tiskets purchased at the OFFICJ?.
£5* Halves, (juartcts, uid ttghths of Tickets. may be
hai at the above OfKef. \ <jiS,pt. 2O; '§
'A< £>ocjr g-,;..
';i WVCr/IKE *
Jamaica Rum.
,te Cargo of the brig Peace, Capatin Gray, from the
, north fide of Jamaica,
"/ ill be hinilcd to-morrow morning ut Southflrset wharf,
HigU Proof RUM,
Peter Blight.
November <). §
The Partnership cf SAM. & THO. Sti.VW
BEING diifolveii in" August lail, mutual coe&nr,
altth&fe indebted, whose accounts are due, are de
sired to make speedy payment it their Store, earlier of
frout and Arch-dlreet. The biiftnefs is now c»rrie(J on
at the fame place, by
Who hss for sale, on reasonable tcraja, for caftl, or the
ufuc.l credit,
Ageneral afibrtment o£ Merchandize,
Imported by the last vefTelsfreni London, Briitol, an-d Li
verpool, fuitabje for the Fall Scafoa. "•
A Tebacco Engine and. Press co be fold by Sam. Shaw.
G&*!>er 23. a&w'Asff&iaw do. '
. . ■ n — - ■ — r-T—
Bartholomew Conolly,
No. 48, Chelnut-ftreet,
RESPECTFULLY info:m > his fiiends and the public
in general, that he has imported in the late animals
from England, an elegant, extensive and wall chosen as- ,
fortment of men's and women's hosiery—among which
is a very great variety cf beautiful fancy hosiery—such as
ftiipod a lid clouded cotton —fine plated silk and cotton
elegant patent fancy silk. Fine striped and clouded patent
worsted, &c. &c. whish are now offered for fjlp upon
his usual low terms, together with every other article of
dry gpode, suitable to tee season,
B. C. has alio imported * great variety of gentlemen's
out fiae stockings. O<J?. 24. eolm.
' Nov. 5.
OFail fires, from 32 lb to Grape,
Cambooies, Pots, and sther callings executed at the
fljorteft notice,
Nail reds, from rod to spike,
Hoop Iron, of allfizes, for calks or cutting into nails, from
a brad *0 1 ad nails,
Amchors, from 17 Cwt. to icolb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James River Tobacco,
Carolina Pork.
Herrings in barrels,
Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls.
Rye flour &c. to be fold by
Levi Hollingjivortb iff Son.
Au»uji 4 a icy
r_ F?dh TEA S,
Of fupcricr quality, viz.
Imperial, or Gunpowder
lit quality Hyson,
2d. do. uo.
Young Hyion,
Hyien Skin, and
. A few Boxes of each, for sale at
No. 19, Third Street, South.
Decembf- to. eod.
Made by OLIVER EVANS, at bis Factory, in the old
wiod-miil iu Elniflcy.'s alley,
, Squib Suvid-freet, a little irelaiv Did Jlrsit,
WHERE those who apply may be fuipplied with stone»
-of such quality us will suit their purpofts. Also,
ftoaes for gudgeons to run on, aud Plail'cer of Paris.
He keeps for SALE,
At his dwelKngNo. 215 north Second-street, a little above
Boultjng Cloths,
, A complete aflbrtment of both imported and American
manufactured for-merchant and country »vork, which ha
warrants good.
The Youii,? Millwright's anu Miller's GUIDE.
Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics as they
apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all the
hte improvements on the art of manufacturing flour &c.
intended to be ufeful to all concerted in building orufing
water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey and
Robert Campbell, boaM'ellers,
Sept. 25. jtd*aw«f.
A Limner from Paris refpeitfully infornjs the public,
that ke paints Likeneifes in Miniature,, in such
ftrifcing and pleasing a manner, as will, he hopes, fatiify
those who may employ him. Flis Likenesses are war
ranted, his fittihgs short, and his terms easy,-
His Room is at No. 2, north Fifth-ftreet.
November 11. . , §(<>t.
P. S. As he Ihortly intends returning to Frauce, he
invites such I .adies and Gentlemen as may be desirous of
Iraving their Portraits drawn, to take advantage of the
prefept rime.
Delaware Bridge.
r pHE Pre fide At and Managers of the Company for e
-1 reding a Bridge oyer the river Delaware,, at the Bo
rqug II ol'Eailoh,
Give ibis Public Notice,
That they will", until the firft day of .February next, re
ceive proposals of suitable plans or models for the said
Bridge; as. al;o for the creition thereof, and the delivery
of materials. The lcjogth of the Bridge will be at the
l-alt 6po seA, and must not be composed of more than
three archei.
Any person inclined -to e-ngage in the above undertak r
ing, will please to direit their plans and propofalt to the
Secretary of the Company at Ealton.
By trder. vf li. Pr ji.ltnt and Manarrcn,
JOHN ARNDT, Secretary.
Eaflon, Pennfylvania,Nov. 14. tn w & •
ALL persons indebted to the late partnerlhlp »f Wd
fier, Afoatc, & White, are dofired to make payment
to Peter W. Galladdet, No. 63, Chefnut-ftreet, who
is authorised to receive the fam-i. Those who. have claims
on the said Firm will prcfent them to him.
Demands on the estate of the late Pelatiab YVebJicr, de
ceased, are to be exhibited to the fubferiber—and those
indebted to the said estate, are requested to make pay
ment to RUTH PERIT, Exicutrix,
OStder 20. dim. No. 47.south Water-street.
Canal Lottery.
■ No. 149, Cbefnut-flrt't,between Fourth'^fFfthflreets.
' examined gratis, and every information giv-
JL en refpe&inj fiid Lottery. Also, Wiftiinjton and
Paterloa Lotteries. OA. ii.