James IVl'Alpin, A T A r L 0 R, lefil N°. 3 South Fourth Strert, ' RETURN® his grateful acknowledge menh to bis Friends and tbe v:r Public for tbeir liberal encouragement y and begs leavetofolkit a torlinuhnte of their favors. At bis Shop gentlemen may be furnijhed roitb tie be'l materials, and have them rkade up and ftnifbed in the mojl fafbionable manner. Me iv\tt tbankfuHy receive any orders and pay a prompt and pungual attention to them. Off. 15 2aw City of Wafnington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT-OF THE FEDERAL CITY. g i A magnificent ; 20,000 Dollars, and yi< dwelling house, S 3 s i°°° J,e of i 50, 800 1 ditto 15,000 Ac ca!Vi 45,000 40,000 1 dmo 15,000 iic carti 15,000 30,000 Am 1 ditto ie,ooo ?c ca!h 10,0001 20,000 t ditto 5,000 ic cjih 5,000 10,000 j dlUa $,ooo4tc«!h 5,000 10,009 j. • , Cacti pute ot 10,000 , 2 dmo ,5,00s ••ch, are io,ot o ,0 dlii« '.ooi> lO.Mrt a o ditto 50° 10,003 ' [_ ,C 0 onto 100 10,000 ! 200 di'.to 50 io,.ic*>. <4itto «5 iT.soo i.ooo cVun -» ao,oOO 15,000 dim "* 153,0*0 ' . . UI *^>739 §3,161 Blanks . cc.ooo Tickets at 8 dol'.»r« 4 be crecKd in ihe Citv'ol Wasrittglre and leur corner buil.lings, as (Vmmi as p«JTil,lc alter this Lottery is fold, and ~ to.to*.ey them when complete, 10 the fortunate adventm-. ers, ir. the manner delcribed in the fcherae lor the Hotel Lottery. A uctt drduAion ol live per cent, will be made to defray the exprnees ol printing, &c. and j £ the surplus will be mide a pan lit tin fund in:rndeii lot tlte National Uuivei&ly, to be eiefled wiihin the City of , Wifhington. $ST The drawing will coiniaencc as soon as the Tickets are lold off. The money pn.es will b- payable ' ill thirty davs after it is finilhcd,and any prizes for which fortunjte numbers are not produced within twelve months "J alter the drawing is closed ire to be coniidci«d as giycti '■* towards the fund lor the University, it b ing determin ed to fettle the whole business in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as feca- ; CI ritv. 1 The teal fccn'rities given for ihe pavroentof the Prize j ret are held by the Prcfident and two Dirc&ors of the j of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount va of the Lottery. '_*i The twenty fbur gentlemen who by appointment of the late Cor.uniffioners aflifled in the management of the an Hotel Lottery are rcquefted to undertake this arduous talk a fccond time on behalf of the public ; a fuflicient num ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National University and the other federal ob jects mjy continue to favor the design. The fynopGs of one of'the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Institution, is already in the press, and will be speedily published, together with its constitution. -A A compleat Plan of the whole of this Important Institution, compiled from a fele&ion ef the befl materi als, ancient and modern, will be fnbmitted to the public whenever the fame may have gone through such revisions i as may be ncceffary eftablifla the perfed confidence and general approbation, so essential to its present rife and fm- n ture exil'tence t»r the general good of America. f< By accounts received fr*m the difterent parts of the p Contineiit as wefi as from Europe, where the tickets V have been sent for sale, the public are assured that the I drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and F caution unavoidably necellary to insure a fafe uifpofal ot the tickets, has rendered the inor: fufps.uSoxrindifpcnfable% f< February 24, 1795. 1 SAMUEL BLODGET. i Aug 30 eorirf *1 icketi be had at «he ol Columbia; ? of J ame* Wrft r CASPER GRAFF, [ Eicctors. it, 1795- ' WW- George Hunter, Cbcmift, As bis Lzboreticry, A>. li4> Second jlnf- LNFORMS His formic culU»»n«r s and tbe -pufcnr, thai he has ike DRUG butintfs >gam u« a » cxten five plan. He bat lor sale a aff.-Mmcnt of » FRES H D RUGS, CHEMICAL FREPARATIONS, and PATfcNT MEDI CINtZ. Likewise, painters*colours, dry and giound in o:!, p*m« b'ulhcs, window and toach Rials, dvr Ituil>. imltcd oil, oii ot turpinuue, copal oil varo;!h and japa>, waiKiitcd 8* od. Aiium. c«»ppera«. tricdtr, g:ouno red wxod by the bogs bead or Iraiikr ijttiot.ty. As be imports ibe fwwpW (rom the or It »ia»ket>, ano the comoofcticfts and preparations hunfcil y he is enabled to \ouch lor and war:an: ever) »it*clc fold ou» of his Laboiaiorv* anu likewile (o oifpofe ol tnein at tire molt ieafanaiterates. He wifties to fell a »a*ge LOT of GROUND, the north-cast of H'gh EWveaili »l«ce >..g 78 reet rrt>nt «n High-street, and 200 fcrt on Eleventh theft, vpp*ste Mr. Lctpei's new buildings—Ana ancthc LOT o»»thc north fide of High Ureet, near the above. *8 lect «o«:t, and aoo teet deep. Both lo*a h«vc the puvi I gee: a 30 teci #lk) m ihe tear. Dec. 13. at LL persons hating any deaianJs 00 the Efcw 01 f~\- TVTa*y HeWson, hte ofßuclc? cou'mjr, JeceaL-d,are desired to apply to William Hf.vvson, near iiriftol, in I t the county aforefaid, for immediate fettleaient.- And all persons indebted to said Estate are requeued to mate pay ment to the said William Hewfon, whs is hereby audio rifed to receive the fame. * Elizabeth Hewson, Executrim. c ' Jonathan Williams, > £xecut , rr . William Hewskn, S Bzllemcadi, Bear Brijt.l, 0a.16, 179 S- dift American Land/capes. a tioi PROPOSALS FJX PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A Ea Twenty-Four VI ft WS, £,< SELECTED from the mast striking and raterefiirtg ProfpeAs in the United States ; each «f which Views, will be accompanied with a (Jefcriptive account l of itsLocaL Historical, and other Incidental PecuKanties By G. I. PARKYNS, p v - Author of the " Montif.ic Remains and AnJent CaiUfs in Great Britain." ve; CONDITIONS. tat That the work shall be published by Snbfeription; and fit that each Srfbfcribcr shall engage to take the whole set nu of Vi«sws, and shall pay for each engraving, if blaok or brown, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars; I. That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 14 by 17 I. inches, ixecatcd in 'quatinta, and j.u'uliihedtipon paper of' a superior quality. The pufclicatian to commence ini- .11. mediately; and oneengraving to be delivered to the Sub faribcrs, 0:1 the firft Monday of each succeeding month, | Ifl until the propofedfcries lhail be filially complcijed. j UI. That with the l.itfc View of tke ftries, fhaTlbe deli vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant charaAeriftic vignette; a map of the route, coar:ecled T. r ith the prof j-ecls exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcri'.iers. ,j,, Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harnfon, at his Print , 1 Slop, Maidrnlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-feil -! er. No. 118, Market street, Fililadelphia, and by all the . [ principal Book-fellers k; tfcfc United States. r February 18. j 1 F O ft SALE, a A very valuable ES I ATE, Called 'Th'ittekham. d ! Q ITU ATE h, tbe tci-jnJMp ./ Vf/xn- Dirty, aid county cf , 5 e O DJwarey 7 1-2 miUt frem PbilaJdpbia, ani buff a ;rdc » ' frHl' tlx nrui IVrferit read: containing a.to acres cf eraUcnt g LanJ, 45 of •uoich are good xthiierrd AfezdorVj 90 cf prime S iVtod Land, and tbe rel Arable of tbe frjl quality. There ere ' £ j C on tb: pre- ifes a good ttuodory Brick House, ~citb 4 rooms on jS a floor, and Cellars under the iubc/e y with a Pump f'/dt cf ex* j C n alleat Water in front; a large frame Barn, Stdbies, and other j j !_ C9ttven':er.t buildings; a Swale-House andfone Sprirg Hwfe ; tzvo J2 and one of Peaches. Tbe Fields arc alt in j* 1- Clover, except ibofe immediately under tillage, and are Jo tuid j i out as to have tbe advantage of IVaier in cash of tbem y 'which i j • \ renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing. - j k ! The fixation is' pleasant and healthy, and from tbe high culti- l( , »t nation of tbe La>id\ tbe good neighborhood, and tbe vicinity to tbe ci- j „ /», it is very suitable for a Gentleman's Country Seat. I jj; as The foregoing is part of :te Rftatc of "Jacob deccafed jj, »e jndoffered for sale by M ORDE»CAL LEWIS Surs/fctihg Executor. 2 ] 1- OA. 9, 1795 Sale of valuable Property. 3 d To be Sold, by Public Audio, 1, ly On THefday, the loth day of December, 1795, At the Tontine CoiFee-Houfe in New-York, at 11 o'clock nt in the forenoon, all the right, title, and intcrdl of the q ri- AMERICAN IRON COMPANY, tic In th-5 following valuable TRACTS of LAND, vi*. 11s I. A 1.1, that trat9 of land containing about 1500 acres, g id J\. situate in the coaaty of Ora*je, being part of the L a- mountain lots No. a 2 and 23, in the pat.nt of Gheelecock, j formerly laid out by Charts Clinton, Ef The t.-3>X No. 4 iserJeflynoach, maple, ba&and elra. md, 'i'iir purchase money to be paid by the following snftal- N"i> -nvnts . one-fourth on the d.iy of sale; one-fourth on the for firft TuJdayin April next; onc-foarthou th« lint TneKtay n iaOclo'ocr, 1796; an 3 the remainder®n the firil Taefday rs in April, 1797. when deeds will be gircn to the purchaser. Pians of the different traAsof land may be fetn by ap plying to Mr. Piter G*/rf, one of th« trufl»es, ia N«w- York; or to Mr. EJ-wart EJzr.rds, in Piiiladelphie. Novesnbeo 4. n:&t. Forty Dollars Reward. y TJ AN away from the fubfcriher, living at Mordington Mills, near Franca, in Kent eov.nt/, (late of Dela that ware, on the night of the a;th cf Jane last, a ilav? negro ■.en- man named BENN, about a" old, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, of a yellow complexion, and might pais for a mulatto. Th- clothcs he haa ©n cannot, with exa&nefs, be ccfcribed, as he made fcvcral breaches of honesty, in that way, oa his setting out. He is a-very great sloven in hisdrefs; has natwaify ar qd«ri:td ana iurly counte nance, altho* he at rimr» afifits a &n.ling oac ; hi. vikge ,t! "' is thin, with large black whSLcrs; the whites of hu eyes o, '» often red :It is not recolleded whether he has any par- ticular !«efe-marks, exccpt on his back, where may be fcea (tho* the fe rs •! the whip, placed by judicia! Authority, for houie-hroking, lock-breaking, kealing, «s.c. as well before, as since I purchased huu. He is poi ie feCVd of bat a lxnall share of rea'"oil or sensibility; a great ou coward, tho* his looks are dcv.'iih, and at the lame time , fceaking. As he took his iight upwards from here, a: the convmencemeKt of liarvcft, it is prcfumed he wa - per suaded by fonie of the free negroes is this auarter to make his cfoape with thrm—&onld he nit be in Philadelphia, ta'n. }, e Js. probably between here and there. ' er * : Whoever takes up ti.e said negro Benn, and fec*res :i ~ c him xn any public goal, so that his master get him * CijJl have thj above reward ; and if brought home ,CIVI charges for rdaionable expe .ces, paid by * James Dcuglftfs. PHHutDELWIAt I'tiKTia bv joyj, ££ A AO, K 3 * 11 y r.ix.f;:s!Strttt.—Pnc s Sis Dollar: Per Akhom. 800 K S, Printed for ana Vullitbcd by MATHEW CAREY, N°. 118 MARKET STREET. ( Price Sixteen Dollars. J i New Syfom of Modern Geography : p Or, a Geographical) tt/krUat and Commercial Grammar.; vJ andprcfint Jlate of the fcacral Nations of the It urid, i CONTAINING, ' The figwres, motions', and culler to each country. diftauces of the PlanMs, ac~ VII. O'ufervttioas on the cording tetheNewtoniaa fyl- changes that hav* bcui any Kai tern, -nd the latest obferva- where oMcrvcd upon she face tions of nature Gnec tiie most ear -11. A gtineral view of the- ly periods of hi'.lory. / Earth.eonfideredas a planet; VIH. Hiifory and origin with fiweral uleful de£ttitio VI. Birds and Beads pe- cipal places fiomPhiiaa.iphia 1 TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A r I. A Geographical Index, with the names and places a pha- ! r beticaliy arranged. 1 - .11. A Tabic of the Coins of all nations, and their value in ' doljars and cents. , I 111. A Chronological' Table of remarkable event,, from' | the Creation to the present time. 1 - i By WILLIAM C-miIRIE, F./q. T -' The Agronomical part by "James Fergufor, F. R. S. Corre&ed by Dr. David Ritteniiodse. A •7*o vjbich are added, , lite late Difcorer/es of Dr. Herfchell, and other eminent , Allronomers. ~ The rjRST americai? edition, corre&ed, improved, ana • greatly enlarged. CoHtaining the following i Maps and Plates. I Map of the World 23 Hindoftan » Chart df the \V#rld 24 Africa , I 3 Europe 25 United States Ac 4*CountriesroundtheNorth 26 Britilh Dominions in A j Pole. mcrica f \ 5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Weft Indies ' way and Finland. 2s*Provincc of Maine * j 6 Russia 29 "New Hampfh.re ' , 7 Scotland jo'Maflachufetts ' |. 8 England and Wales 3l*Conne te, by the aatitice of a \ teacher, recommended to a school, from humanity ra- Wthan aconti&M of her integrity, or the regularity, ( " if lier former conduct, is enticed iromtier govern els and accompanies a olHcer to America—the marriage cerenaocy, if net forgotten, is pollponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr to the inconitancy of her iovcr and treach ' CZI t.y of his friend. * The Htuations are artiefs and affeil'uig—the defeription a £ e i-atural and pathetic :wc Jhould for Charlotte if such a > * i p«*iion ever exilled, who for one error, fcar:eiy, perhaps ' so iVvere a puaiQmicat. If it is a fid.ion, poetic . , juLiice i» nor, v e tinak, properly diftiiLuted." I. The Inqmutor—by Mrs. Rov.fou. Second Phihdel ' phia edition. 87 1 2 c *«ts. Adventures of Koderic Racdcm. 2 vols. 1 dollar and 50 cents, coarse paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine. " 3. Notes on tkt iiate of Virginia—by* Thomas Jelferion. * " Price neatly bound, one dollar and a half. 4. History of the French Revolution, from its com r to the death ox the and the execution of Uriffot. 2 coUars. 5. Piowdcn's Histcr/ of the Britiib Empire, 2rem May 1792. to December I dollar and a ruartcr JTh?s is sn interesting and valuable publication as has appeared for raasrv years. 6. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science. 2 vols. One dol lar and three quarters. «ed. ' - , JA N>- VMiliefl, Pi T. s T £ P II E N 3, A?. 60»Jo nth Second-Jlreztt The curious Woi>Juci£j» of RICHARD BR'OTH E.l S. CONTAINING groat and rcnmrkaUe rcvtifc. . cdto any other person on earth. » 1 his work is iJterefliitg to every on-. A *g*fi '4 ' l\ r THE PRESS, - And fpeadily will lia publiihad, by BENJAMIN D U" '• q .it 68. Mi. : • the' American Repolitorv, for 1796; contaixjxg; A compleat Calendar for Rules for reducing the'eur the year. '> ikL*-o» s.- Liils of tke executive, l^gif-, TaUe of pom\&, Sec. regu lative and judicial oflic rs ocd ii.to.db iter. & Cciits , oi the federal govern .»u-at Summary of the exporto of the ministers and 4 fucccfiiv; years. consuls to and from the Amount of the unredeemed United States. debt, annual and A remitter of tlie land and exp^naiturx^. sea forces of do. A view of the Unking f UHI {, Rates of pottage, and times An eftinaate of the import* ef receiving cc'cioSng the of die United State*, ia mails at PhiLd:lphia. two fcveral years, x Aliil of thej>oft-t owns, with Domcftsc duties 01 excifea, the dillances of eack, on Drawbacks and bounae;. the main line, as well as Banks, with rules of con l eroi's roads. ducting lrafinds. — of the federal courts. Officers of the civil eovern , of the fupervilors of the meat of Pcrmfylvania. revenue. Estimate of expencea of do. The mint, and monies of the in one year. U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government each fkite. of New-York. A lift of the commHUon-rs princes and £c oi loans. publics of Europe. c A table, fiiewing the propor- Lift of the navy of Great tion of froe persons to Britain, corre&ed a»ree -1 fluves, and of males to fe- able to the late ft informa males, See. irvthe U.S. tion. Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of France, v.ith the proportion of do. each. State of and a diary An alphabetical lift of duties of thj winds and weather agreeably to the last aA in Philadelphia; daring % of Congress. months, ending ift Sept. Amount of impost and tonn- 1795* age of one year. Bills, of mortality in Philad. Ctiftom-houfe fees, &c. of one year. This little volume will contain a much greater compa's, as well as variety of .matter, than that of the preceding year, and wiH b? embcllifhed with an engraved front "s ---piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a head orna ment, to each month. The icenes depi&fed in the vig nettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours olthe year. The engravings are new, and executed with an excellence that aoes credit to the American fine arts. sfi the fame place may be bad, Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its enviroa*, accu rately engraved from a late survey. Maps of the United States, and of each ilate feparitclv. A valuable collection of modern B&cL, and a general aliort ment of Stationary Wares. Note.—Thole who desire it, may have the oned Maps, or any other, coloured, canvaiTed, and varatffc ed, and put up in any manner that may be most conveni? cat, by applying at dire&ed above. '» OA. 2, 1795. law. § Mr. Walter Robertfon Tlt»4_u K ._toj«o«aiut the Gentlemen, l'ubfcribers to d -D the print Pur/fatr m<■ n Fretident of tie United Statesof America, ■ [ < ■ from an original piSare paistcd by W. Robeitfon, that T the Proofs ready for delivery to the fevcral fubferib ersat John James Barralet's, No. 19 north Ni:Kh-ilre« ; er at J. Ormrod's, book;eHer, No. 41, Ch2fnut-ilre*t, where the fubferibers are requested to fen J their addrcls. O&obcray. cod r" LOTTERY INTELLIGENCE. it We are informed tlat the gentleman who drew the „f dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, was the ts proprietor of only a lingle Ticket—This instance of j-i good fortune, Ihews that it is well ts be in Portiaie'j J. road; and is the more plcaflng, as the owner of the of prize is a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci tizen. • of The Scheme of the Canal Lottery is*certain!y one & of the heft which has appeared—fv?r, mdcpend nt cf. t'neufeful objects to which its proceeds;.:, to be ap plied, the scheme is so calculated as to continually en hance the value of theTickcts remaining in tly wheel; °f because, while the drawing progrelfcs, the cb-.nce of ie a capital prize growing greater, Hl'.lil increaie the va lue of the undra.wn Ticket. The Prizes drawn to the close oi the drawing on last Wednefiiay Evening, were 1 of li.ooo t of - I,ooa. 5 of - l,»oo 4 of joo II of - • . IJ CO ot - " he And there then rewair.ed in the wheel he 1 of - - - 50,000 1 of - 30,000 ng a of - lo,oco 6 cf - ' ■ r 2 'S°° es, 9 of . - 2,000 rt- 15 of - - i,003 te» 36 of - - 500 «r 89 of - - 100 14800 of - - 11 And ? ftationanr prizes of a O,OOO dollars ei:h ; by l— which, and the nature of those 5 stationary prizes, which 2re to beloßg to the five last drawn tickets, it ot will be found, that an undrawn ticket was yefterd* 6 o morning, worth nearly 11 1-: dollars, which, H ! the beginning, was worth no more than 10 dollars— and fo C the undrawn tickets mult continue tc incrcifs ra- in valce, as fact as the drawing proceeds: : tT circutr-Cance tvill account for the number of 0:n;r» ia'd which are opened for the file oi Tickets, S3 the pro aje fits must be daily ir.creafmg; and in a few days a sSe Ticket now felling at ii dollars, will no doubt ca:u- Kh mand 15 dollars, and must continue to get fcightr »s the drawing apprsxin.atis to the five flationary piiie* ion of ao,ocodab r; ca h. ' a \LL perlons indebted to the Eltate 01 SAMUfcL a P S J\ FRAUNCES, Ute of this crfy, Innkeeper, de -6110 ceaied, are delired to make payment to the fubfc.-icCT; , , and all those who have any demands agah.ft said _e '" Estate, are requtfted to bring in their accounts prrper ,„j ly atteCed. SAMUEL M. FRAUN'CES, Asing Exetutor. luE South Warer-fireet, N"o. <$• Oiiober aB, 1795. - om- 4 1.1. prrio-i indebted to the ESate 01 Doda: JOHN tion i 1 H. GIBBONS, late of Philadelphia, decesOed, ars reqoelled to make payment; and tiiofe who hare a»f May deuiands agaiuft said E'tlate, are desired to bring m r aciouna duly attfAed, for lettlement, to s has ROBr.RT HEYSHAM. Attorney in fact for Mary GijioaSjadaili-iriti** del- to the fit&d decea t i'i Krtate. A. Arcfc-ftrect,No. jc;, Not. 4. " sa»ft