Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 16, 1795, Image 1

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    ■; - * S . ' «•. ••••,.. v ' . f ■ • V*" - • "-?r' " t . - " r 'i- . /'
For Charter,
THE brio
JlP® MARY, *
John Fleming, master,
2000 barrela of Flour, is now in compleat
ordiir to take in a cargo. For ternyi app'y to
Gurney if? Smith,
Who havt for Sale, , w -
Eowrdcawt and Cogniac Bcandjr;
And a few French Burr Stones. NOV1 14. §
For Jeremie,
("To fail in all this month)
The beautiful new brig
Richard & James,
-1 -Thomas Adams, master,
BUILT of live oak and cadar, and is her firft voyage.
She i, intended for a constant trader, and is particularly
well calculated for carrying passengers having raoft cxcel
lent accommodations, and conftruSed for a rtmarkable
fa a fai'.er. For terms apply to the Captain on board at
Who have on Han J,
A large and elegant assortment of Callicoes, Muslins,
Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, See. Stc. Nov. 13. d .
No. 12, Dock Street,
XO Pipes of
*Ihe <u£*y best Madeira W/N E,
00 quarter cafcs ofK.ciry wine, n
Briftal window glass of different sizes, a ,
A quantity of bell; Havannah fegajs in boxes,
A few calks of lugar, p
4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens, p
4 baies of do. canvass,
5 bales of red, white, and yellow flannels;
Bdßl HEN a6oo barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle's
wharf, in Southwark.
Philadelphia, Sept. is. §•
For Charleston,
Lovely Rachel,
Henry Rolando, majler,
NOW lying at Bick'ham'i wharf. She will positively
fail on Saturday next. For freight or passage apply to f
the Captain on board, or GEO. SIBBALD,
Nov. io. § No. 170 south Front-street.
To Madeira, "
. IVilliam Richard\, viaf.c,r,
WILL foil in all next week. For freight or paffoge ap
November g. dtf.
For Falmouth and a Market,
S E D G E L r,
J** 1 " o{^S' e ' ma^er '
SHE will fail with all convenient ('peed. For freight .
or pafiaee apply to
Philips, Cramond & Co.
November 9. !
•ft-r. THE BRIG
Thomas GifTord, master,
HAS a crtat 1 art ®f her cargo engaged, and will fail in
u few days. For freight or passage apply on board at
WilcockV wharf, or to THOMAS NEIV MAN fit Rofs s
IVho has for S/tIK,
Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cafps and hampers, Old Fron
teiniac Wine in hogsheads, and seven doz. Mens' ruffled
Shrrts. Oft. 22.
Chrirtopher Franklin, jun. master,
HAS excellent accommodations for passengers; win
fail in all this month ; three-fourths of her cargo are
ready to goon board, a few tons of heavy goods will
be taken on freight.—For freight or pafiage apply to
the Master on board, Peter Slight, or to
Pragers c» Co.
September 21, 179J-
. -—— 11 ' I
Juji Arrived per the Snow Bejion, James Ktrkpatrick,
Majler, from Liverpool,
113 Crates well-aflorted Queen's Ware,
4000 bushels best ftoved fine Salt,
it to be fold at No. 1, Pine-street, by
James Campbell.
Also, a few boxes well-aflcrted Irish Linens.
N. B.
Said Snow for Freight or Char
*er» e ' t h«f to the Welt-Indies or
Enquire as above.
August 18. f ,
Tll<: Scho9Ber
yE N S E L A E R,
j. Wendell, master,
LYING at Willing and Francis's wharf; a strong,
new velTsl, five months old, built of red ce ar, ur
ihen 130 tans, supposed will carry about 1200 barrels
of flour, is of ar. easy draft of water, and has excellen
accommodations for paflengers. For termsanp yto
If not Ibid in two or three days, said velkl will pro
•eeil for the ftateof New-York.
"Fhilid. Sept. 29. '
Ship Arcthufa. ,
Will be Sold, at Public Auttion,
On Wedtoeldav, the iSth inft. la
At 7 q clock in the Evening, at the Merchants Ctffte-Houfe,
(For approved notes, at- 3 and 6 month*) Ci
The American jhip Arethufa,
NOW layifig at Messrs. Willing and A
Y* wharf; bnrthea about 3000 L,
- barrtlt; New-HampSiirs bui t, (heath
ed and coppereii about 18 months 6»ce. Theiaventory p ;
will be ftcß *t the AuSion Room gj
Nov. IJ. t'js. J. CONNELLV, AfOwnetr. j.
To-Morrow Morning will be Landed, B
At Stamper's viharf, from on board the
fehmner Eliza, T. Arnold, majler,
direß from Malaga, T
800 Quarter Barrels frelh BLOOM RAISINS-
300 Boxes do. do. do.
300 Jars do. do. do.
400 Boxes do. Muscatel do.
Ixs Quarter Barrels FIOS —
137 Boxes PRUNES
50 Jars GRAPES
94 Sacks Soft Shellatl ALMONDS _
100 Quarter Calks MOUNTAIN WINE J
sth November. dtf o:
Has just received by the late arrivals from England, and
is now opening; at his STORE, J
N°- 134,
Market-Jlreet, corner of Fourth,
A Large assortment of broad and narrow Cloths; Elas
tic do. Ksrfeymer^s; Citings; Blankets; Flan
nels, &c fcc.—Alfo, au elegant affoitment of London
and Mancheller printed Callito< of*th; newel patterns,
adapted for the season, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and
Pullicats, Pins, &e. which he will fell by the Picce or
Package on the lowc 11 terms for Calh «r approved notes
at 2, 4, & 6 months.
November 5. dtf.
frifh Linens.
6 James & Henry Fisher,
AV 8, Walnul-Jlrccty
Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a large
assortment of J
7-8 and 4 4 white Linens-, f
7-8 brown do. v
4-4 half white Sl.eetings, e
9-8 brown and white do.
3-4 brown and white Lawns,
7-8 Dowlas ;
Which They will 'dispose cf on reasonable terms, by the
* package, for calh or appfftved Notes, at Co and 90 days.
3 N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the
Manufactories, it is prelum ''.1 they will be found worthy
of notice. o<ft. 26. j
rm 3Atrf~ -by
~ ~Tr, TEXX-*fREET x
The JoWoniuing articles ef the (dfi imperiutisn frtwt IZZ>~
160 Qu.'irter Gkefts Hy»on U ea,
iao Quarter Chests Sowchong Tea,
4®o Boxes China, containing Tea Setts,
Will 1 tigs y Francis.
- September 14. 3ta\v^
rhe highest price in Cash, will be given for
A. preference will be given to Claret Bottles.— Apply to
No. 187, south Third-street.
lt Atrli IS. d
Hare's Patent Floor Cloth,
THE manufa<Surer has jaft imported by the LIGHT
HORSE FROM BRISTOL, an elegant assortment
of the nevvell and bell; Patterns, which are in-excellent
preservation, from 9 feet Square to 18 by 15 feet; like
wise, for Stairs, Entries, and HalLs, from J yard to 3
yards wide.
The fuhferiber rcfpeclfully informs purchasers, that
n Floor Cloths laid under -vyoollen Carpets during the win
it ter, will be in a state of improvement till th« fprLng, and
. render rooms warm by preventing air from paffmg be
tween the boards JOHN BROWNE,
No. 145 north Second-street.
1- A quantity of Remnants to lay before the fire for the pro
d fervation oi woollen Carpets;
Dipt andmou'd Candles, with fine cotton wick;
- Brown and white Soap, of a very superior quality, in
small boxes fnited for families;
White Lead; Red Lead; Spanilh Brown; Orange Mine
ral, &c. &c. November 10. eod.
For Tale, at low prices,
h NAILS by the calk, from 3d to rod assorted, and a vari
ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks;
Cotton and wool Cards, from No. 1 to 12;
Hatters and flock Cards;
to Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines.
Alfa Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va
riety of articles suitable for that business, which will
be fold together.
_ A large flock ef Wire, and other articles for carrying on
t , the Card Manufa<Sory, with the valuable machines for
cutting the teeth, and ether parts of the work.
And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward
nefs for finifhing. Also,
Occupied by the late partnership of Webster, Adgate and
White. As the store is convenient for the business, the
machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work
ed, it affords a good opportunity for a»y one inclining to
purchife and follow the business to do it to advantage,
r- Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDET,
3r Oft. 20. Aim. No. 63 Chefnut-ftreet.
FROM the firft of December next, the annual fubferip
tion for this Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS.
Subscribers Out of the City will pay One Dollar a year in
addition, for inclosing and dire&ing their Papers.
Remote fobferibers are requested to pay up arrearages
J, to the above period; also the half year's advance from
that time—those who do not, will be considered as de
clining a continuance of their fubfeription.
51 Advcrtifements ot a square, or less, are published in this
r " Gazette once, for half a dollar ; and continued at oNp
Is quarter or A DOLLAR for each subsequent insertion.
it The Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the favors
'Of his advertising patrons —He assures them, that the «n
---creafed, and encreafing number of his fubfcribfrs, is con
-- tinually extending the circulation in the city—lts distant
circulation is now equal to that of any other publication.
Philadelphia, November 3, 179J-
John Miller, jun. & Co.
A r o. 8, Chefr.ut-flreet, Upi
In addition to their assortment now received, hate os hand an,
remaining of the Ce,
Cargoes of the Thrx Brothers iff Arethufa from India,
And for sale by the package only, /j
A variety of Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz. the
Low priced Coflaei 4-4 and 6-4 book muflias grc
L ing cloths in do. Sal
Patna handkerchief Humhums
Shirting muflijw Baftae 'h"
Blue roraals Cambrick»
Book handkerchiefs in Muslin
small bales neatly as- Tafiaties ] un
sorted. Blue checks
Alfo-a varietf of French Goods, viz. spy
Looking glasses Feathers and Flowers
Angola gloves Paper hangings
L'naus and Linau handkerchiefs, suitable for the
Weft-India market. f u j
A few elegant Time Pieces. o>st. 9th. § au
Jaraes Tiffin, h d
No. 70, south Sccond street. near the City Tavern, ?
HAS just received by the lste arrivals from London
and Bristol, a large and elegant assortment of Ladies
and Gentleaiens fafliionable HATS.—AIfo, a variety of ■
Qhitdrcns rfATS of different colours, which will be fold an
on the lowed terms for cash. rc
N. B. Ladies Hats trim'tt in the newefl falhion from ou
London. Oft. 12. § of
' FOR SAL E, ««'
Imported in the faip Arethufa, from Calcutta and
Madrafs, a variety of IO
Baftas, it
Coffies, fu
Humhuma, a
Handkerchiefit tfc
Calicoes. "
To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at V
fkrec and four months, by *'
No. 42 Dock Street, or a,
German P a (fengers m
Just arrived in the (hip Holland, Captain Franklin,
from Harabnrgh, now at anchor opposite Vine-street, , t
wbofe time is to Ire agreed for by applying on board, f,
or to PRAGEftfi & Co. v
September ie. <t.
Hie CARGO of the ship Harmony, =
Ezra Liroell, ntaJUr- —from BOURB&AUX, 9
BRANDIES* in pipes and puncheons; and I a
in hogsheads, is discharging from an I o
i ioard theTaW JJjip at Cuthbert's wharf, and for sale by o
" And tews Ess Meredith. J
Sept. ' No. 86, south wbarT«ft-
Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf, ?
The C ARGO •/ ths Jh\p Trijiram, y. Chrtjlie, fr»m
Fort-a u-Prin ce, . c
-i - - r - T -r.-- . - . I
i 7.0 hopf.-eads, snd ) Mufcovldo SUGAR, [
72 barrels or y
45 barrels ef COI'FEE. |
„ George Sibbald,
Oft. 26. d No. 170 south Fr«nt-ftr«et. i
: 1
537 Hogsheads,") ll_ ' '
459 Barrels, i Coffee, above 600,0001b. (
124 Bags, ) t
, 115 Hogsheads of choic* Jamaica Sugar. I
211 Bales of St. Domingo Cotton, j
' Will be landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at Soath
ftreet wharf, j
Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica ; .
3 Brig Polly, and Schooßer Industry, from Jeremie,
* Peter Blight.
d OAober 22. 5 i
t- ' 1 1 "
John Miller, j»n. and his brother Alexander J. Miller,
have entered into partnership, under the Firm of
John Miller, jun. & Go.
They have received hy the arrivals fr9m Europe, and are new
opening fur SALE, » 1
At Aeir STOR*!, No. $, Chefnut-ftreet,
A capital assortment of DRT GOODS,
■■ Suitable to the fcaibn—among* whi;h are,
Broad and narrow Cloths,
Plain and fancy Coatings,
Bsavcretts and rbiftics,
Rose and point Blankets,
A variety of coarse Woollens,
Mancheller manufaAurcs,
Iriih Linens,
India Goords, generally,
[m French Goods.
All of which they will dispose of for eafli #f the usual
credit, Ocftober 9,. §
" Canal Lottery-Office
Near the BANK of the UNITED STATES,
OBoler 1, 1795.
r-pHE drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the
1 58th ult. The sale of Ticked is continued by the
fubferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 o'cloA
e in the afternoon, at the above office, and by J. Roberdeau
at the State-House, warranted undrawn.
0 Prize Tickets will be received in payment, fubjefl to the
deduction expressed in the tickets—Price II dollars until
further notice. Approved notes, with a good indorfer,
payable lot-h Deuember next, will be received in paymeut
for tickets amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards.
William Blackburn, Agent,
©heck Book kept at the Office. Tickets examined at
'' 2-100 each number, and regifterod at J 2-100 each ticket.
'' N. B. No tickets fold during the hours of drawing.
N P . 64ffuutb Second-freet,
CANAL Tickets for sale, and cash or tickets given for
any prizes that may be drawn.
p Information given refpe&ing Washington lottery, and
ealh or Canal tickets given for prizes that may b« drawn,
s Both lotteries commence drawing September 28th.
BOOKS will be kept of ach day's drawing in both lot
-- teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the possessors of
t Tickets purchased at the OFFICE.
£3° Halves, quarters, ar.d eighths of Tickets m.iy be
talat the above Office. Sipt. 26. §
By Mr. Hamilton on the fiikjeS of a late Attack
upon the President of the United States, and the former
and present Secretary of the Tremfury, in relation to the
Ctmpenfation of the Prefident'.
AVEftY virulent attack has reeently been made upon the
President of the United States, the krefent Secretary of
the T'eafuiy, and myfelf as his pfedecelfor in office, an the
ground of extra payments ta the President en account of Wis
1 heclweej ifeinft all the three are less heinous tha*
thufe of 'Mention*! vialatißV of the Constitution, as the Laws
and of their refprflivt oath* of office, r annex the epithet
intentional, feetaule, though mi txprtilv uled in the term*
of the attack, it is implied in every lineaf ii: fiocean invo
luntary errarof construction, if that Could even be mad - out,
wfuld net warrant the imputations " of contemning and de
a/erx principle which the pepple have Hi-', lilhcd for the
Ireuruy cf heif • ifjhts. of fitting at ai; tea! and autho'
rity tifi of fernbf fuimj/fion and compliance with the Uvicjs
tut/ J.ul pleafitre oi a Ptefident "
Were confiaarauons pcifonal ta myfelf alone to be Cos
fulted, ihe picfent attempt woaldifce tieated with no greater
attention than has been (hewn to all the anoriyitieas Handera
by which I have been fa long and so implacably pursued. But
canvinced, byacourfeof obfe'rvatian for more than four
years, that there exists in this country an unprincipled and
daring combination, under the influence cf sinister aims, to
( obflrutt by any means whichJhtll be neujfary andean be command
ed, not short even of force, the due and efficient administration
. as the present government, to make our molt important na
, tional mterefts fubfcrvient to the views of a foreign power,
and, as meant to these ends, to destroy by cal««ny and mif
reprefentatiua the confidence of tht people in the truly virtu
-1 ous men as our country, and ta transfer it, with the power
of the State, to ambitiaus, intriguing and hypocritical pre
tenders to extraordinary merit and patriotilm. Perceiving
llkewife, lhat this infatuated combination, in the belief that
the well earned esteem and attachment of his fellow-citizens
towards'he present Chief Magistrate of the United States is
the principal rcmainiegabftacletothe execution of theirplan,
are maxing the most ftrcnucus and systematic efforts to extin -
guifh tiiolt (entimentsin the breads of :lie people —I think
it a duty to depart from my genera, rjale of conduct, and to
lobmit to the public, with my nam;,, an explanation of the
principles which have governed the Treasury Department oa
the point in q.Miion.
I (hall (late in the fiHt place, that the rule with regard to
expenditures and appropriations which has tniforHiiy regulated
the practice nf the Department, is this s vi*. to ijfue nt money
from the Treasury but for an otjed for which there was a law previ
ously pajjed, making an appropriation andd:/igruting the fund front
which the twney was to arlje. But there being fuck a law and an
adequate fund to fnpport the expenditure, it was deemed jujlipable t
as zvell befoit as aher the service was performed or the f u pp'y ob»
tained for which. the appropriation wat defined, to mat! djbujfo
ments from the Treasury for the abject, if it appearedJiife aniex-
pcdient so to do. If made before, it was aa advance ar tnticipa
' tin tor which the party was charged and heid aceeuntabJe,
'till exonerated by the performanceof the service or by the
furnifhing of thefupply—lt afterwards it was a payment, and
went to (ome general head or accouut as such.
Thus if a sum was appropriated for provifionsfor the army
~~ for a particular \ ear, it was common to make advances on ac-
T connt 10 the Contractors long before tile supplies were furni(b»
ad. If the law was passed in oue year for the next, there
would be no hesitation to make the advance, iinmediarely
after the passing of the law, and before the year to which the
appropriation was applicable, had commenced. 60 alfofums
won dbe furnilhed to the Department oi War in anticipa'ion
>n of the monthly pay as the officers and soldiers and other items
of expenditure. so likewil'e advances have been nsadfi
fortheufeof the President and of the members of bothhou
f« of Coagrefs in anticipation of their refpeitive compenfa—
— Ir 1 without difficulty be comprehended that this
practice of the Trevlury gn In iimwlu been tffential to
the uue course of the public service.
tm Every good judge will be lenfiblc, thar from the infufnei*
ency of individual Capitals to such largeadvances as the fup
piies of an army require, it was indif|>enfable to the obtain*
tngthcln, that auticipatioas from the Treasury (hould enable
the Contractor, to do what otherwise they would have been
unable to do j and that these anticipations mull also have had
theeffefl of procuring the supplies on cheaper terms to the
United -tates.
When it is eonitlered too that the army has operat
t. Ed for several yearn past at the diftanse of five or fix
— hundred mile* from the feat of Government, and a
, • considerable part of the year, from the rudeness of the
D. country and obftru&ions of wxters, it is iwpradicabls
to trsnfmit monies to the fienes of payment —it will
be perceived that without advances from the Treasury
in anticipation »f their pay, not only a compliance,
l " with the engagements of. he Oavernment would have
be«n impossible, but the troops must have been always
' left unreasonably in arrear. Injuns 1794, Congress
paflied a law declaring that the army ftould in future
be paid in such tnanner as that the arrears fhauld not
exceed two months—Compliance with this regulation
fenders anticipations at certain seasons, matter of Phy
fual necessity j yet that law gave no special authority
tr ' for the purpose.
A particular cafe, by way of example, in whichj
diftmit from general rules, advances or anticipations
r.u in the War Department are neceflary, refpetfls the re
cruiting service, the Officers detached on this service,
who are for a long time diliant from thtir c rps require
§ the accommodation of an advance o pay to be able ta
difeharge their duty. Towards the possibility of en
lilting men. it is iiidifpenfable they ihonld carry with
them the bounty money, and this upon conjecture of
what may be done, and with the possibility that from
not being able to obtain the men, the ultimate expen
diture may not take place. This initance will suggest
to reflexion an infinite number of cases, in the course
of the public service, in which a diiburfement from the
Treasury rrtujl precede the execution of the abjetl and
may exceed the sum finally requiCt* for it.
ual These cases indicate the expediency, and even nt
> ceffity of the conitruiftian which has regulated the
prance of the Treasury—And it might be (hewn, if
neceQary, that it is analogous to the practice under
the former government of the United States and under
other governments; and this too where the theory of
expenditure is, as expressed in our Constitution, that no
money (ball be expended, bnt in eonfequence of an ap»
>dk propriation by law.
;iu It remains to fee whether this rule of conduct, fa
indispensable in the praitice of the Department, be
t j, e permitted by a fair interpretation of the conftituitioa
lt ;J and the laws.
er, The general lnjuntflion of the Ccnftitution (Article
- u t I. § IX.) is that •' no money (kail be drawn from the
ds. Treasury but in eonfequence of appropriations made by
at The qneftion upon the elaufe is whether when an
; et. appropriation has been made for a particular service
or fupply,tbe atflual difcurfement from the Treasury
— must follow the service or supply, in the nature of
payment, or may precede it in the nature ef an ad
~vauci f I hold the last conftru&ion which is that
j- or adopted by the Treasury to be the true one.
The elaufe jest eited appears to me to be exaft
lntj ly equivilent to this ather elaufe— "No money Aall
_, be drawn from the Treasury but for which there is an
appropriation made by law," is other words, before
ot- money can legally issue from the Treafnry for any
so s purpose, there must be ft law authorifmg an expendi
ture and deGgnating the objetft and the fnnd. This
be being done, the diiburfement may be made consist
» aut!y with the constitution, either by way of aduaner