T. STEPHENS, / BOOKSELLER jxd STsfrIONER, ,f ei An. 60 Sooth Sicown-S-raerr, P/fILADET.P HTA, RESPECTFULL' V inform# th' puW&e, that at Win Smre they may be applied with moil 0/ the modern iu y ropem tnd other publication «f merit, onrf'iiitice, Divini- \ ty, taw, the Belle* Lettres, Ac. -See. AICo a great vsri • / of ELEGANT PRINTS and Painting*, and every ar ticle in the Stationary business; which be eoatiaoes, ae nfual, to dispose of at the lowest prioea. Gentlemen's Libraries furnifhed or pnrchafed; and Ae ■t-noft *»Ih', in exchange or cjih, given for any (Quan tity as feconrf hand Book.?. Wholesale DeaWrs l'applisd »t die above Store on very moderate term*. May ». <*£ George Hunter, Cbemiti, ". Jt his Laboratory, -S?. 114, south Stand /net. Vj ISFOUVfS hio former follomtu and the pu»iic, ,i»t of he has begun t.,e DStDCi buiuiefs Jgain on an cXtcn- Ave pU*. At He ha* tor f*lr a <*-nrr»l affiwrtment 1 F R E S H I) RUGS, C2«ZMICAL Fft£?Aß A'TIONS, and FATE ST MEDI- L Cltf Like wife, fWftifers'colmin. dry and ground ; n ms, kfiifliW, wixUd. A lum, tf'vjprrjK, midder, ground rcdw*odbythe hogs head or fillitiiF quantity. A%be import# ihe mnpi * from the Dcfi market", ind mak** the compel isnj ..ud jecparotwds limfclh, he ii mated to roucH tor #nd warrant ever} art.cle foid. iu; HI his Laborat®ry f and Kitew ifctq dtifpvtt ot then* at tire most r«a finable races. jrr He wi flies co fril a i*r 2 e LOT of the norih-eaft coru«r ftf a«d EievcmTv-flrraa, enmam feet front *n H;e;i, a«d aco 'ret cn Eleventh ftrc/r, ©ppofite Mr. Lcipei'* bcw f.sliding—-Aftd mother tor o* trte north fi<*. 12- _ *-r TREASURY tht UNITED aTATEi, >#( ■ 7g£- NOTICE is kerehy given tr, alt perftns who are ar < ~ m„y t»e Creditors of the United States, for any , ot' tht Fu*d-d IXi&t, ar Stock, karijr a prcfewt ' WfUrtfi >f fixper centum per ana-• *: lit, That purf.iant loan Anl of the debt or flick, exprefTecf out in the Certificates issued to th« said Creditor* refpec- ra hv*ly. id, TTie fiid reimharfrmetiM will 'r-t made at the v* Treaftfry of the United States, or at the Loan Offices *}, where the (aid Stock ta-iy stand credited at the elofe of the present year. " •<}, The said f«imhnrfemenra will be made to th« said Creditors in person, or to their Attorak* duly •onftituted 1 but i. e powers of attorney wh.cfc may be pt-»daced rnuil eantain an kbttiority to receive the said rcimhrirftment of principal, otherwise 00 more than the ofu.il dividend of ixtenjl will be pai'f ; and alihaugh the two p«i' centam of principal to be redeemed, Ihould not be demanded, yet the interest thereon will cease from the said firft day of January next. 4th, To prevent tiiegrc it troable and expenee which WOtild attend a renewal of the Certificates, in confer quenoc of the said reimb jrfemcnt of Priacipal, it has been determined that no renewal (hall be made: And m f irther, thir the Certificates which may be iflued dur- 1 so ing tht year One thousand ["even hundred and ninety- j p fix, in confeqaence of any transfers of the said fix per V cent. Stock, fhail mtwitiiftandifig the T of two per centum, as aforementioned, he exprefled P for the refpeflive sums of the original Capital Stock. Ail perf.ir._i who ntynegociatethe Funded fix per cent. ''■ %t',ck of th; United Stiles, braristg a present intereff, are therefore ea jtioneJ to observe, that daring theyeir One thoafand (even hundred and ninety-fix, the valae er trae am-junt of Principal unredeemed of said Debt '* or Stock, will be ninety-eight per centum of the .urns c ' f*prtf£T: J in the Certificates Given unci.r.»y hand, at Philadelpl li the ii-j and rear before mentioned, parfoar.t to dt- \ regions of the Sccrstary of the Treafary, C SAMUEL MERRDJTH, "i Trujurtr of tke Ita'e . v Aug. 14.* lawtji ~~~A IsTILL for SALE. FOR Sale, on privv: cwtncl, live nndWide-T"&r H. part*< of that Vdoable meribaoMniH, raUft Mi Penn,ypi«k Miil, wi:h twodwtllinghoufoa, (tab!«, roop «■'* shop, cifk hoafr, an 1 other convenient buildings, •wrth about %o aci';« of good laod, the greatest part thereof h excellent watered rr »,:orr, the remainper j».rdcr, orch ard, and wood land; fifuwte tefl miles from Philadelphia, - rear the T«va», part'y on the post-road lead ing to New-York, and partly op the-River road; a r»- tr. irkably h-r.lthy enntry, an I an eTcellcnt neighhoor- ' h»od. ') Km mill b'ir-g on pecnypacl «r_tk, a h:i«y ttrmm o{ nd t! ; tide flow it _ a!»o«t6feet, will iJmit a vc!Tel carry 105 Irofh w of wh-it to lay fide, aad unload int > ( «, mill With F.rans's cb. .tor in about j!,ree hours. Thi ! iHill ho'jfe is lartre ati I biiilt of fume, founded.on a rock, ! th' walls uncommoirly thick and ft-ong, '!i a piece of ' triafon work i» rarely to b« found) contain . five floors, two water wheels, and sbr. j pair of th: bed French burr ftr nes ! *il rynirir.f;, double geared, with three bosltmg rctls and /jlot'ti ol th si 1 > quality, rolling scree», tyiiudcr, end f*n» for (leaning wht »« tha beit manner, and paftinf it afterwards by an clsratrr ;r.'o a hanging garner; alio, cynvcycrs, elevators, and hopper boy, all iicomplcat or osr. Tmr« at-. Kto large frame buildings arqoining the null,which art couvanicm for.ftoring flour. fhcrt»j calks, ice. A oorn-kiin is t.x 9.ed within the iiniiding, with boultipg, reel cloth, r.nj other n.:o?flary futures for manti faihiring l»r{(e quantitif -of kiln-dried corn meal. The ItrciHVot water is i'oi*>nlSr.-a-:b therein, it cincafiSy be r-*pjirciT >ito rrthrr wkl. (lone, the grcaicfl part of which is already at ,i«nd, and the rcmaind»r can be quirtied ne«r the dam, a* (here are fev. rill good q«tarrie» of cxcollert Hone on the premises, afi(i i.ijjioerrt M ' trtek ; the contiguity of this very valuar'- eflite to frajadilphii, ar.l the eaf\- as vigjtion for Ihallops, < ,« irh the abo MeStmmic, sear 3njU, Q&.16, 1795 * - 3w *' a - iifl American Lj F3B PUBLISH INO -- Tw EXT : - S ■ ■ QELECTED firom :4e matt «i..f - - Uittrateag ?roi'p«ct3 in the iff cited ilfctte*.. eadl »£ Views, will be accompanied wit die Sub farfters, an die Srft Monday at" cuch iiicc«etl-og month IH iib»B tke proyofedferies &all be finally aorapiipL :H. Thst rrith rise lail VrerrdT tke series, be verrd an engraved tkTe-page r an ek-pnt dt**&K«k Tjgnette; a map of th* route, wxzk '-ie prrf pedbk exhibited in the die ooarfe of tiie Wotk ; ami an Alphabetical fcffcof the 3ufci'cribers. ■ fjubferiptiona are received by Mr. Htffr.wa, as his Prrxst "Jirp, aknc, New-York, by Mr irmy IfeoWcS*- — it, No. Marksst street. zj all tht t prMopul r. the Uoitsd itat?*. Ftcr jarj X?. . J ,r — a A - . ; ; A rer*-sraluabfe £'5 i A i Called firimrHW. SITUATE In the t&mirjkip y U?*r BfSj, cmrty >f ■ ; Ddxtvart, 7 t-X miim frtm w.t. m- .if x mt'U' frrm the n*rv tVifif* nad: mrlmaixs ijc let"* rf rtolm Laml, 4J y ,ratch art *md -mUrtd yCmJ*#. pi cf trine IVocJ Land, utJ the res ArMt of tit Jail qixdJt °V*t: mn 1 im the *rrmjcw m tmnilmj Brmi Hmft, 1 m sjlear, W Cellar; imJer tl:-while, Sfiti n ?»f! FT&tf ex- j/ kTum* Water tit frwtt ■ a Ur-z frame Bam, Suihx, ami tfher {J nmmm* hmUm*; f a Snvdc-Hoje mifieaeSpria; Hsnft ; ttar Is -ltd Apple-Orebxrir, and me if Pmakes. Tie F'ulJt arrjUi. , . Career, txft tiaft under fdtme, art ere si .aid mat as tahme tkeaJvoat.tae of IVuier in etsjr of .tern, vtiu'y |, renders it peeuliarly evx-im.eiil for Grxzi-ir. j . Tie fstuat'vm is plea/Mt mi h.-aUsy, Jiaifrva tee oi l Mid- J latim of tie Lmd, the gad ad the 1 mijto tiro- r , If, it is very faitriile fir a itnt.eaem s CxsMry ■■itni. , ; The fieeroiagis p*rt f tie if Ota of Msemzi\ uceafU j " undowered foe sale iy M ORDECAI LV. »IS — Ssrviaiag Bxeuttr. . J OA. j, I7VS Sale of valuable Property. 1 To be Sold, by Publk a - ei On TaeWay, the loth iay of Dccar. r, 17y, At the Tontine Coffee-Hoof* in ' frw-Y >r ■-, a: 11 o'clotk ia the forenoon, all the right, ti'l-*, aa*» .r. TCtl o: tiv. . - V AMERICAN VGA uCMPJNr, Ia the following valuable ["lACf > or ah.. I. \ LL that trad of lan-d c-snuiticg ibout ijooacres, 5, l\_ J.-oate in the comity of Otaaje, pan; as the l mountain Icta. No. «»and »j, in tie patent of Cheefecoek, j, 1 former'y raid out by Charfcs Cliitoa, Esq. dcceaftd, aad g : purcbafed ->y the Agent of the Aaericaa Iron Company of r Wi lia.n Smith, Ef;. oa the Bth lay of November, 1766. c This traA c-.ntaiss foae plon» land and fwainp; also si Potoekeit P..ad and the outlets feereof. R a. All :hattradl of laad jituac on the weft fide of Hud- son's river, near Buttermilk Pali; loooacrsa q tn this trad there is faivi to be avaluable mine, looc good r f.vamp aai timber 'and. £ j. A"! thofc two traAs Stale on tl»e north F.ie of the £ Mohawk river, being part of he Manor of CO&7, pur- _ chafed by the Agent of the Amirican Iron Company in the j years 1765 aad of OliverDelancy.Efq. the one cor.- ' tair.ing acres, the other jjlj acres. 4. All tiixt trad of lan i feute 4c the north. Me of the 1 r Mohawk river, near the Germa* ?lats; ldjoining part of ' Coiby's manor, aad bounded on th* ti\ by Canada creek. Ti. i tract will be dividtd, aad Mi in tS* r :'Jlswing Lota, A Acrc*. 1 »■ . Acrcs. I Jot 1 containing 966 Lot 14 emUtnir.g tooc ! <5© 7 1) tcoo "4 A '*56 1; si 4't J f 5 76* ■ li liV} 7 , 971 " ia; i j ' 1 t toco ■ 5 1 Ic-,o ' 9 rooo :i 3yo t 1-3 l!W> «.i 7JC | ' if loco 3 9jo , ;; it 13.-0 45 tj I=o3 I The traA on No. 4 iiahiefly bach, mlp'e, Irvianit elra. r The purthafe money to b* pad by the foikming :a!V.I» , viz. one-foarth on the it) of file: on .-fourth on tire , firil Tucfday in April next; one-sarth n tbe fir.'t'l'utflay j . in O&obcr, 1796) and the reminder on the Rrs. Taefday lin April, 1797. when deeds wiUbe given to the Plans of the different traAs o' land may y c fern by ap .. f lying to Mr. Peter Ccelet, one of tb» truiteej, in fiavr t York; or to Mr. JiJ?uarJ EJ-warx, in Pluladelphis. j November 4. mjtf. . Forty Dollars Reward. n AN away front the fu'ifcriV.r, living at Mordisgton ;c VV Mill", Frcderica, ia Kent county, ilate of Dcla- , 3 ware, on the right of the 27th of Jnne lift, a slave negro rian rsmed BENN, about 17 yesrs oW, 5 feet 10 tr 11 . inches high,.of a yellow csmplesion, and might piss for a ie mulatto. The cloth- she had on cannot, , be defrribed, as he.made Csveral btoacHos of hocedy, in. tlut way k jp« hyfrttinjfaet. IW [ in hitdrefs; h*s naturally •» eonefc: J . w i ; caunto . nance, altlio' he at times s'fj&izup: i?9*V">~'-S e isthih, with large I>iack \vhift.er»; t ' itn ofkittyet .. often red :It is not rccollefled vlisther he has lE7 par ticnlar iltib-marki, except on his k, where maybe J. fcen (tljo' light) the fa rsof the wivp, p'r—iby jadiaal ■ e j authority, for houfc-'oreaking, loeVßreakiog, lUaljDg, &c. ai well*b«fore, as fmce I pv.rehafed him. He is pof j foff'-d'of but a leidll lharc of rtafcu or fenEbility ; a great S j roward, tho' his looks are ilevilift, and at the fame time sneaking. A» he took his flight upwards from here, at the coiamercemeßt ps harvest, it is prcfuaied he was p«r , j fuaded by iome of the free negroes in this quarter :o paakc i j e his cfcape with th«o> —(hould he a»t be ia Philadelphia, e j he is probably between here and t)iere. 0 f Whoever takes up the said fifcgro Bean, and fecares j, him in try public goal, so that his mailer may get him A J again, fha.ll have the above r«»jn-d ; and if iroaght home additional charges for raafonable paid by James Douglafs. * ■ 4 PHILADELPHIA Pimtsa ** "fftflif FEN NO, K°* IGkefnutStrtet.—Puce Six Dm. lass PisjAsnw* BOOKS, Printed for *n* PubKfcd by MATTHEW CARRY, a*, iif rnizmr tncrr.r. f Price Sixte'i Dniiars.) P v i New Sy/itm of Modern Geograpky : /- Or, a Okpafiu*, •«* CammrrM Oramm*, , V andpr'fe* JuU >f *' jmrU Jf tlx Wtr t, COnraraiJiG, Tjle G-"tre*, r.'" ill), and culiar bo each >wiatry. ! iifUuceaat the Planet*. Ac- VII. Obfcnutwa* en v.s nHliij- -o-heNewcwiianfyf- ebaage3 ilwt havj beer, any *< ecm, an*i the iaidffc uiiferjn- where a - xvzd sydn -*' 1 t : or „ at nature lifice rue rnoli ai n. A goicmt view of the ly period* of hiSonr. H; di. FiJi rit 111 a planet; VIII. Hklory vid or pi , T rh aJHai deinitioae of aatiotu; their forms of go »ernsuer:, !iwi. A 3l Srmd -Livillous of the revenues, cues, aa«l and . diobe mm land and water, military lirengA. torauMnr* isd idaoKis. IX. Geaius, xunners,"caf- Sirßatinaaaiestentafem- torn* and habit* of til* people, p*es, itates, pro- 'X. Their language, learn — aiace* and colonies ioy, arts, I'ciecces, macufac- V. Their diniates air, foil, tare and commerce. T?g«*able*, productions, Hie- XI. Chief cirt«s, icrmAures tals, minerals., nrvtanii curie- nxirn, indartilic.ai Ones, fcas, rofervfapt F ro " Xfl - Liritude, imtfkaie. p uwntorie* and iJfcc—s- bcsringsanddiilanceiof prtn- VI. 3irds and Bails pe- cipai pUc**£romPtiriadilpiua. TO WHICH Aii ADOID, A L A Seognphical lidex, wkhthe names and places a fk*- betically arranged. 3. A Talile of the Caina of all cations, scd tJiiir value in dollars and eeus. 10. A Chronological Table of remark Ale events, from the Greatioo to the pre!'_at time. B- WILLIAM GT77HRTE, Eft. 1 The ASrcnomical psrt by J««o Ptrrwfm, f. It. 3. •| C«rs«aed by Dc. Daviu RrrrENiiOiiii. 7# -•uh 'tcb a't tuidtj, the late Difcoverces of Dr. Herfehell, and other eminent A Ailronoraers. The rurr America* editiom, corre&ed, improved, and grearly enlarged. Coataininydie foilorwuig Maps and Plates. J,' £ of tli« World J J Hiadoia* | ,■.«t of , I-rope — %s Uni&ed State* \ :*C'joiitrk;sn>undth«N Jiioidary Public Dcbi * 1 department of 9«at» Pay, &e. of the array " Department of the Treasury Mint Establishment Commiffiotwrsof Loans Rnle* for reducing the eur ' Officers of the CaQonis recdes of the differert Revenue Cutters ftat«s to a par with eaA " Light Heufea other 1 Omcerj of the Ezcife TabU* of the number of Dktie* aadDutiable artkles Cents and decimal part* t Examp * from duties ill any number cf fliilling* t 0 : Duties on tonnage and pence less than a col- r - oa domeo.c obje-4s lar in the currencies of J e Drawback*, See. and r«gn the different states Irtiou to be ofsrved in Tables (hewing the value of olttsining thtm dollars in the currencies c ■' General Abftraci from the ol ditto t " revenue laws, relating to Pok-office eftablilhment y j the duty of mailer* of Liii of Post-Town?, Sic. '• . vtfllii, of t!ie owners, Latitude and Longitude of j. ic €,? and the the principal town» in the 3 '• oScers ol" the cudnras; United States to the payment of duties. Bank*' » and tie importation of Literary In2itntions good* Kational Manufactory] *C "• ;"l Cqy«uMn«ot tl - inr r f)\ Western Tetiitory 1 of V. r ar c i*■ . State Gov«aNv»r,NT3. New HampQiirx South-Carclina , V ermoat' Georgia MalTachiifet'ts Order ol time in which the I ConncfHcat fcveral States adopted the Mew-York federal Confutation New-J*rfey Table of the Sun'* riling P«nnfylvauia ard setting DcU'varc Abftra'il of goods, wares, ~ Maryland and eiport- Virgink ed from the United State* ' Kentucky from the Ift> of October North-Car»!ini '90, 1030 th Sept. 2JQV Char bete a tale of truth—by Mrs. I »wfon, of the new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second Air.eiican edition— Price 75 cents. [The rapid faie of the firft edition of this eHtereding navel, iu a few mor.tha is the bill criterion of - its merit.] tiTMcrriouTut c*iticai review, abkil 179T, p. 468. " Ir may be a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and 1 i: is a tale of real ditlrcfs—Charlotte, by the aatiiice of a leacher, recommended to n school, from humanity ra ksr than a convidfi»n of her integrity, or the regularity, if her former romiucl, isentictd from her govtrncfi, and aecompanies 1 young officer to' America—the marriage . ' seremcoy, if not forgotten, is poftponcd, and Charlotte die. a atirtyr tflihe inconflincy of her love; and treach US ot ti«H - • 1 Iho fitiiation: are artless and affecting—the defcriptioa r.atural ar.d pathetic ; we Ihould feel for Charlotte if such a ; per foil ever eiiiled, .who for one error, fcsrcely, purhaps defcrved so severe n punishment. If it is a ficlior., poetic n i jj'liee is not, n e think, properly diflributed." X. The Inqsifitot"—by Mrs. Rowfon. Sacond Philadel Htion. 871 a cent*. J- Adventure* of Roderic Random, s vols. I doHar aad jo ceatj, ccari'e papef —1 dollar and 7J cents fine. 3. Notes 011 ths slate of Virginia—by Thomas Jefferfon. , r _ Price neatly bound, one dollar and a half. 4- History of the French Revelation, from its con. mcncoinentto the death 01 the Queen aad the c:xcu»ion ' ef Briffot. 1 Collars. res J' Plower pcrfoa oa sarti- Tii.'x work it iotereiiung rotrery cos. " Av(rtjt .-4 ,»;r 7^~T^E~presZ *n-l foeedUf will Ltepi:. , h*i,;>7 iElf;_±:vtE{ D-IVB* asr , 'i- t American Repository, 1796; e» vrAjr ixL"? A zomplcK Calendar for Ka!a u - rr/ucinj ri.- tue year. S, r-mric ->• in- :i lt- Ti LLii of tie exmwire, !-~'f- Table ot pcaads, ■fc# a fc*. l*»cVd ar.d jaduua! ofiic rs '«d L.;o uo an A ctnts. of the UdjunX govemni jut Summary of Ac opera :a of tile niiniftars a-. f 4 fucecfiv; year,. conluls to aad fram Aactistof tie •mr:ifn*al United States debt, rcveaac »n 4 of - - s°° 11 of - - • lea I'MS of - 11 be Aad there then retrained in the wheel - 1 of J o t°°* 1 of - JO.OCO Ig a Ot - - " JC,C3-3 t of - - 'iS co :s, 9 of 2,0c0 t- 15 ot - - I,oco ;cs jS of - - J OO cr 89 of 'J* 14830 of - - - :l And ? ftatiocary prizes of so,eoo ao'lars each ; y — which, and the nature of those 5 stationary prizes which are to beloa; to the five last drawn tteUts, 01 will be found, that an undrawn ticket was y«ltcrday 9 morning, worth nearly 11 i-» dollars, wiii«» 3t '®* the beginning, was worth no more than 10 douar*- 1 and so the undrawn tickets mult continue to locrea.e ® in valse, as fact as the drawing proceeds: And"'* rT circumflance will account for the number ot U.lu< u 'd' which are opened for the sale of Tickets, as tks P' 0 * jn fits must be daily and in a few diy>|» tia Ticket now felling a: ir dollars, will no doubt com* :h mand ij dollars, and_muft continue-to the drawing approximates to the five ftanonary prizes oa of 2Q,0c0 doilars each. L—— 1 a ALL perlons indebted to the littate ot l P' Jl\. FRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkeeper, de :tic ceased. are desired to make payment to the lublcnbctl , and all tliofe who have any demands again" the la» Eftatc, are requdfcd to bring in their accounts proper "id ly '"" SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, ASing Ez«utor. , South Water-flreet, No. 59* on. Oifiober zS, 1795. : t~. - - im- ALL perf»*s indebted to tie iilate of Dot&or JOH^ ion A H. GIBBONa, late of Philadelphia, deceai=J. reqaeited to make payment; and thofc >vho kiie **. lay demands again.t said Eflate, arc desired to bring ui tnt' — 1 accounts duly attcScd.for fetlement, to !as , ROBERT KSVRHAM, Attorney in faA for Mary Gaboos, aaaaipiAr*ra Jol- to tio laid deceafid's Eltate. _ . !. Ajcb-frrc«t,No. 107, Nov. 4.