TO THE PUBLIC. MINI A TUR EPA INT INC. CL A from refpeAfally informs the public', in Miniature, in f«ch %*?* L pleating a manner, a, will, he hopes, fatisfy V. J° - m * 7 e,^'° y h ' m " His war . - ranted, his fittings ihort, and his terms easy. Hi. R*ca is at No. z, north Fifta-ftreet. Norembcr 11. §1?t P. S. A« ha fbortly intends retorning to Francc, he jnvitfs ft.j, l.adie. a»d Gentlemen as may be deuroas of prefeift dme P ° r£riits drawn > t0 uk e advantage of the A Hat, ENTIRELY new, was exchanged lift Erenin? at Mr. "j A "/ pcrfan who has it in "his poffeflion, is re jneiUd to call on the Printer. , * The Hat hid a yarrow baud with a finall bu&le, and a white lining; manufadured by JimetTiffin, Piiilad. NOY - *d 3 t. , Delaware Bridge. • and Managers of tfae Company for e- ! ' re «'"g » Bridge ovar the river Delaware, at the Bo- , rough ofKalton, v Give this Public Notice, { That they will, until the firft day of February next, re ceive propofali of suitable plans or models tor the fcid q Bridge; as al:o for the eredion thereof, and the delivery a f„,ft J"? / 1C a gth ° f the Brid S* wi » k < « the d least Coo feet, and mult not be csmpofed of more than jnrcc archci. rr A.y inclined to engage in the above andertal- b ie!r.T" Ps % lhc ' r pIaHS and propyls to the rt •coretary of the Company at Kafton. j, By-trior % f ti. Pwcjiicnt and Mmarm, m 0 r, r i JOIIM ARNDT, Secretary. ' -g'Aii, Pcnnfylvi,n,,Nov. 12. mw & | tr City Dancing Aflembly. p< W r !I comme ««* '«r the S«aS.n, on te fharfday ireninj, the tjth inlt. W| J rj b Redm.lH, -j H!1 Sam. Stsxrstt, £ Managers. th —*■-»■■■ l -r. Z WANTED TO PURCHASE, P s " Or te tike 011 a Lease of about 3 years, to commence ?/ » oa or aheut ill of April ncxt> A small Farm, mo i ' J° 10 Nacres, with fufficient.building for farm- i? :: «3g the fame, and a. decent heufe for a genteel family en equal proportion of meadow, arable, and woodland, 3 r and a short distance from Philadelphia, Trenton, or Wil- c "" """"y,"' ;;; ' " Notice. £ A LL persons indebted to the late partnerihip ef Web- Tr,-, „ & trb ' t '> are dofired to make payment 1 ?. k * Vj' AOt "'- T ' No - 6 -5. Chefnut-llreet," who E " \i. r n ?i to T "" vc th " Those who hare claims lntc r. rm W present them to hira. Ho Demands on the eilate of the late Ptlrtiab WAfi.r, de- cess I j" 8 t0 u . < " lilibite ' l t»>e fnbfcriber—and thofa f om indebted to the fa.d e*ate, are requested to make par- ' , j RUTH PERIT, Ex.cutrl; 11 QMcr 13. . No. 47fouth Water-street. Portraits. I unif ANY Ladies and Gentlemen, who are desirous of hav- anc * _ 'hjiL-L'kenefTcs taken, mar have tyw k r to the Painter, at ..Jo. 112, coriKr "otUnioa and mily Oaober""' W th ' y Can h ' Ttk " cl 10 r P cci » sn *- mer - " ?9 " cod Spar Le Breton, " c^ u SURG EON-DENTIST, , fufil ./'the ir'elrmted Mr. Dutch, U t Denl :j, tll Xr „ mi ll(Hi Rljal Sam,] mrnirr ./th. C.11.y ,ni An- the C demy of Surgroni at Paris, " the S K«ps a complete aifortment of erery thing neeeffary te un«b be nfed for the j^ no Prefervatisn tf the Mouth and Teeth. Zenl, Jatent mineral Teeth, and human and ivory Teoth ; Den- obtai mice in powder,- Opiate; excellent Elixir lor fweetenin* l Qtlv tho moutn, and preferring the teeth. He alio furn.lhes X Srulhes and foft'Sponges. betWt 5T He lives in Chrfnut-ftreet, No. 135, above Four*- ciofe ■Sift. 19. e od. merci ~ — tcrmii Andover Iron Works ciepar TO BE SOLD, OR LET ON LEASE Contai PHEY'are situate in the counties of Suflex and »!forris ri X in the State u s New-Jersey : The ore lies within a' Laws ■lie of the Furn.ce,,, esteemed of the firft quality of any shewn Tb- C1 ' and J ,ar?lcularl y »J3 P ted for making Steel, of Sp, The Furnace and Forge, to which belon- between i t and P " - —* Rere * of will be foM torr*th<-~: nV JfiCncc m to""".MMflMil diltaht irrega aa-rc?i, tr- 1 rr — land If] 10 be itifpofed of at private sale, addiiio Parfuaat to the last Will and Tefu„ tnt .f Casper ®raff deceafcd, ' ha. , Pl • 74, north Fifth, near Vinc-fir^tl^both t oodfta" d ? rfat kulinelt, particularly |he former. For terms tforl of LAWRENCE SACKED, or ) So 11 CASPER GRAfF, \ E«cutors. of • JW,*,, I7?J . of Co ,„ Notice is hereby given that an at- rt? taehment wa, iifued out o! the inferior/court of Common p . feu in and for the county of Cumberland, i„ lht liate oi P°" u g a Nefcr jersey, returnable on the twenty-fifth day of Fcbru e^e P" ICTWI, jpin« the goods and chattels," rights and cr-dits a p»rt!ci hnds and tenements of George Kutz (not being a resident i tfpeftj v at that time within the state of New lerfev) at the fait r,f f 1 ionathan Bailmger, indorsee of Job butter, whichw» ° levied by.the shenjt of the roa ;: ty of Cumberland «oa . h,ls tcn n certaiu fioopor shallop ca/Jed the Fly of Philadelphia" u,,,m porl yvth its appurtcijartces, «by the return of the fakUh riff Monte appc-.r—and rtotlre if alio hereby colony c. T (l > f 'J !CaiVA y I°. thl direction of an afl of the •« A V,,, Lepflature of the state of Ntw-Terfcv in s uc h c»fr „A' U1 and provided, that ui left tii# fa'd George Htiifft-ir s u " pear and five fphciii bail to answer thc'ftlt so as afore " fed mstituted egar.kt lum by the fUd Jonathna 3alW r «»a!l trad Within luch time as is prescribed bv la"' « r rhat cafe judgment ftafl be entered" tain It t ui£ll ! * th« ihe said ' he " tCn •forefaid fe«ed oa the,faid attachment" will be fold for C,t Y ° r "« ttw fatisficiicn of all " creditors who- fliall acpear to be L»W oi ihat purpose. there ° n ' ; 'K n «>U Dated at Sakm, in the county of Salem, in tie fa'd ' «,te, the thirty first day of M»reh A. V r i ' dents of t L..h, H~ati, SHclh*, ■> ' LU "- ble." Attoi ,ey f»r the lU£f. j" « j t 1 'turn? J cftabiiihed - ; -•l-7JB ;r v r - : -IVr. EPIGBLJU. is the public, — ure, in fach On the mvedives again# the £££SrD£NT. lopes, fatisfy uAnv £fe» are war- at Moon, ye deady dog> of nigh?) She neither heeds your bowl, nor fl> - ' §,9t- === ■ France, he IFROM Trl ./.? 1 s dellroMS of Jtage of the THE DEF] [c Unlike a plan of I }. f . ancicnt governments, .0 re P ll ' ,ltloft 'heir eitii fe oD '" r * beneath their -Vic, and a hc», the Colon, l es of r Phife. Ed with entirely diffc. , 3t - of dependanee on the ■ , ion hai been made fy s f ; .anvfore »!»dl IIM <&## ufelfa - s aii "V*. Colonies, andforthat: ij. eri from trading to them. "" y next, re- fmporta'it political events life and pass in such r the fcid quick succession, that we are liable to Wet facts 1 ' be C «the j familiar to u S in f eriod« within the or- 1 nore than Y V '-"T ° f was ' more cnt.cally exam.ned, or jenerady understood c nndertal- befor ® the American Rerolutlon, than that which t sal» to the relpected the connexion between Great Britain and c her Colonies! alUere then agreed that the Col®, a ■erttary. . lrade j"" 1 navigation were ftibjeft to the res- c w&« ti-Hmtsaud regulations of the parent state. It was f Bot again It this dependence and commercial mono- 5 poly that the Colonies complainol '.--They were u willing to submit to them—J: was t l, c un L ft (j taSan, on te . m P l tutax them, to raise a revenue from them, h f .wn out tIK-ir consent, which firm it and fpintca oppofuion, which c^chd a X+Xbto of n "'gf- r - f '"'" rg ~ thu "- b - c^a^afc Of tr 7S i im!, Ult li — pwi...,, 1 an.™« ~, , ""™ l =»"»"«. J/,™ the commercial advances .f the JU L-pL to the Tt&r !ry ' r* rt i>» ti ir farm rL :P c< V lve members ! excluding every iV ca „f t . x c i amily— n ln t«rnal or external for the purpose of raisin ot lodland, * ""evenue on the fnbjedls rn America without their D orWil- consent The " colonial of other naticm, fit «i 7 ' pe thus Portugal shuts out all foreigners from th : Br.,- ca ■ *.ls a. well as from her Asiatic poffefi.r, s , Spaio to ,f WA V , m T 3 J ,nd I,er, up armfnt T^?/ 1 F °?'S. ner » her At',a, J ch t, who oß ®' a " d limits within narrow bounds their ly 1 claims mtereourfe with her colonics in the Weitindie, ' Holland guards with the mifcr's vigilance the ar! on "ioft ? f r' Ce lflar ' dS ' aDd ' m:tatf3 ,ho "S !l wilK uni e n m u Wt rT ,r C r liCy oflhe ° lher : ,o w« to tn*, h " Wcft-lndia polfeflions.—And England, by sim (lre«. b« »« navigation, which has been in operation jrul for more than a century, aflcrted, and hitherto ha, of i uniformly adhered to the like fr of exclu&w of, f hav- a "d Monopoly. in ( the LVcloiaH all/s: r t. e ys; ■ >j, r* zzrft ] '":r •" «Jt £ ;2E cod Zl 7B ° bee ," " blet ° P i- fti.u intothe in , Spamdj col»aial Territoriee where fl le m i ght have cial immense wealth by the sale of her manu- Th, tafturcs, her wines, and ker Brandies— Holland dy though a part ofthe Spanish monarchy long *f« r enc, - T d,fco . v "y of A." 1 "'"' and tke of her the Spanr/h power tn that quarter of the world wa, and .ry t. unable after her feparat.on from Spain and the ac- judi th T rl ,nde P en -' c "«. "en in the ving De'„ obtain K -f*' power upon th. ocean, to past enint , on t / " l™? 2 ' inT . ' O"! H , ond,,ra -'> to form eftablifttmerflj at hulk ™ — land! (land and more recently at Nootii Son r l,r '• 0 • additional proofs of the si/eH . a(r> the fuhjedf of her Colony Trade. U ' V T '!7 Portugal, whose political fafetv nore than ' nd,, has appeared to deocm! >» ,1, chmm f- Great' Britain LX'ield t o^ 'hf^ 0 " ° f Certa ''' eaeh of these powers and Crcn T twetil Wnder - a ~ • |»riicip,i,'„„ , r . d ™2 SZ" nt refpedbve colonics the AsH-it r' are P ri ~ unimportant and Mir.arv «« ? epA4, w }' »^ c "« ff Monteffj::,eu t*fo ;},«• Law r < . ■ cou y colony commerce to the benefit of ?},$L ' - ' e « " A Fundamental law »f «»■ .IMg"!' =* - *• I city or new empire. Thus it is Sill a Fundament ""l"" e al of Europe, that all commerce with a f v° r eign shall b® regarded as a r» r. - I punished by the la ws of a couatry ; an d{„ ' we a;e not to be direfled by the laws and piece ble!" o « not Mai! applet Stfl " It is liicwifc acknowledged th»t , * »m 1 between th. ifitluiia a permiSeß to trade in the colonics ; for H these always continue in a state of prohibition." [Mentefquieu Lir. xxi. Chap. xxi.J ;rNT This subject is of to» gi"cat importance not to be ' \ pursued a little further. Principles coiine&ed with' iit' it, and such as will continue to operate whether we f! fanftioH or condemn them, remain to be diWofed, . It is true that the principal end of the dominion that the European powers hare held over their eol onics, has, beerr the ironopo'y of their commerce, " jince in their exclusive trade, (as has been obferv- ] ed by a fcnfiblc writer on the fubjeft) confiils 'he i principal advantages of colonies which affbid nei- ' j tlier revenue nor fore* for the defence of the parent 1 country;'' but this is not the sole obje&. Some ] nations, and among them Great Britain, hare >i ; «i««ed the exclusive navigatron and trade to their i colonies, in the light in which th»y have seen their ■ si • coalting trade and fifheries ;as a nursery for that 1 body of seamen, whom they have considered not g pnly as neccfTary to the prosperity and prote&ion of I :o commerce, but asefiential to the defence and fafety a of the state. ' g The situation of Great Britain in this refpeft is o peculiar, when csmpared with several of the neigh- si s in such bourtng powers, her numbers and military forces a get fa&s j are manifeflly inferior. The armies kept on foot tl n the or- in peace, as well at those brought into the field in v b/tdl was war, by the great nations in Europe,,are so deci- m iderftood dedly fupeiior to those of Great Britairf, that were - at which she a continental power,her rivals would easily be an g itnin and overriiatch for her. The ocean is her fortification, w lie Colo, and her alone arc the feldier, whoalonecan ci the res- defend it. When Great Britain shall become an in- £ It was ferior maritime power, when her enemy shall «c- h I mono- iquire a decisive superiority oh the lea, what will dt :y were jrevent a repetition of those conquests the examples j m iju.'t at- N« fubjed fr« m them, has been more profoundly thot oil than this has been hi hat firm ii Great Britain. Her policy from the date of her th ►.'/ion of navigation atf, has been guided by these confidera- or e. fa-, s, 'w..'nd«»f'va!l» v »» a maxim as sacred in Britain, asit fro ;imifh in Athens. Her statesmen, her merchants set ula t ions Her manufacturers and her yeomanry, comprehend vai and believe it. I q veto the Is it then furpriling, that we fee her so anxious an, of its to encourage and extend her navigation, at to ex- do of tax elude a, far a, praflicable, foreigners from any (hare be< railing of her fifheries, hercoafting, and her colony trade ? me It their ..'oca not candor require us t* admit, since her na natiof 3 ponai defence reft, upon her navy, which again de . ° R P ?° n h * r f s amcn > whlch an extenfivc navigation 1 t wßr ? - can alone supply, that Great Britain having more den pain to r.fque,.. among the last powers likely to break in it ; lands, upon or materially to relinquish that fyflrm of ex- con Mat.c clufive colony trade, that has so long and uniform- [wi r $ eir , 'y prcva.Jera among the great eolaniring powers. and Indte,.' America ha, her opinion,, prejudge, \Trl j the fubjeft " f commerce : She isf and i 3 ah i with Until file shall become a naval power will continu- the' >owe rs to be, without colonies. But her law. ma„ifcft a id, by fimllar spirit with t >»*>*"« —nations in the ,«■ ration gulations which they prescribe 'to has of her filheties and her coafiing trade. The object | lufiun of these laws is as exclusion of foreign competition I in order to encourage jTydigcteafe her own naviea- I IV rroTT jwrrTSimen ; from which resources, not only avcf(:^, are preferable to any treaty w ger, who ie eluded, and that theie is nr' l e bcjore eon. cerned. hi that the treaty will have a tend" to bc!icT e, the city ''<* agriculture, the commerce, and"the ' 7 •'" ° r ' | our country. ' d thc " av 'gat:on of The 1 j ■ CAMILLUS. "Lt - Sn "' 'iwSi e Mr. Edittir—Stir, Ulte ' » tin l ' 11 " ,C Prff rdent, „ I think there at/ ' bu!Ui »S tl ' btn »S'«- dy to 4i ™ies j for ment maJe with tho« Jentlcmen a lition." cumpenfalion far ai the fcutriiitve'V f'l V*". * p. xxu] wich anonimoufe, bujh fitin* VcnS' -i i ""' c w »b : not to be lode them. I don't like alit c herVJ / to f e f with ' ° {a!lways puu raa -•» ">»■! "' n r ay hether we tyed M Jennetel Put man too h tree -Jl dilcjoied. tommy.hawks at his hed fur fpo-t • i :hc ' s dominion nothiu to defend himfelf with but'hi' " ' haJ their ooi- luvof bit countre. But to cum a ' 4 emraerce, member about 6 veers aifo fwl.r,, i 1 ,r and ' "fl :7 uk "P ,lis «W««ce among loyal a " b J e «'' •"•ght prevent the imminent dangers which «ed ru P " rt f d fjfCty ° f the EJeflorate, if «cd it fliould continue separated from its foverei™ by on- an exte ( nfive sea. s l'!f lh f, Duk , e i Y ° rk ' s intertfl '*6 powerfully slip s leading JBB r^c -,. , r cm, the military officers, the majority of the noble's, and eH F1 A 6 [ \ H'K /Ik '" M bf him- ■ '* i, very probable, the principality our of Gtubenhagen and the diftrid of Hammeln which lan- 'Percept the communication between Branden burgh and the Prussian poffefiions in Weflphalia, — vvfll be given up to his father in-law afi a compenfa u°?, 7 S ood ferv '=«. and the Diftoprick of »ur Hudefheim will at the fame time be divided be «f- tween the Elector of Hanover and the Duke of , ; B r «?fw;ck 1 confequcntly all the north of Germa- Jld ny will in future be under Prussian A.premacy, nit ' he ANLTONA, August 20. ' he Yeflerday a severe edid was ptibh'fhed at Ham te , burgh again ft the Emigrants, who some time since have fee.etly enlisted in that city. The magiflrates er offer a reward of dpllari to any citizcn or ftran :y ger, who Hiall inform against any one of those con n- cernec.. Those found £ uilty shall be banilhed from e, the city and territory, without the'leaft regard to ic rank or titles. >f The furkilh Ambassador who rtfided some time at London, passed through Prague on his return to Conftantmople. = J Ba *» Hogner, the minister of Holiantj at St. ietenburgh, has left tjiat capital with his family and suite. 7 - COPENHAGEN, August ■,b f w d !"e on ° f the comb '*rf fleet detiined fur ' f ' rj y e * (r t*7 the /ound, after - g evetal days waited for a favourable wind. , M 1a„ ; f rT,!l" S rantfd P att of ace of Fredr._ckft.erg to the fufferers dur ate fire. It is hoped that those who arc ing under tents in the Notthfield, will be i wnh lodging, before the winter season co: In many streets they have already comae building the hoafea; forae of wfiich arc Pes r n to rcesive their ormeu. T , : .