(fttjefte ' r • 994.] SATURDAY EVENING K 4,„ . 7 -J5- CL " m V "jl —— — .^S 1 ~ 7' ci n..i.K- Ship Charlotte. WILL BE SOLD, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, On Saturday, the 14th inft. At 6 o'clock in the evening, at the MerchantsCoffee-houfe, -At ship Charlotte, As fhc now lays at Mr. Tohn Wilcocks's ■> whirs Tfce Charlotte U a fcitifnl Vailt New « Rnftand (hip, akoat ftt years o!3; ft foptwfad Jf. will carry 1500 barrels or thereahoats ; (he is well found e( [: and fitted in every refpeA; is now ready to receive a car- w j] go on board. Her inventory uny be leen ar\y time pre- N vfoul to the file, and the terms of payment made known, ty JOHN CONNELLY, Aultimeer. November 11. t^s * For Jeremie, (To fail in all this month) p—3 The beautiful new brig Richard & James, ■ Thomas Adams, master, BUILT of live oak and csdar, and is her firft voyage. She i» intended for a eonftant trader, and is particularly well calculated for carrying passengers, having moil excel lent accommodations, and confined for a remarkable fall sailer. For terms apply to the Captain on board at Race-ftret wharf, or to w RICHARD & JAMES POl TER. IVho have cn Hand, _ A large and elegant assortment of Callicoes, Mnilins, •Ribbons, Shawls, Linens, &c. Ac. Nov. 13- d FOR SALE, DT lh IIQ H N C R A I G, /// JJo. 12, L»ecii street, 10 Pipes of the very bejl Madeira IVIN E, 90 quarter caflc* of Sherry wine, Bristol window giafsof different lizes, A quantity of belt Havannah fegajs in boxes, A few caft-5 ef lugar, 4 boxes of yard wide Irish linens, At 4 bales ef do. eauvafs, _$ bales of fed, white, and yellow Sannels; £ wslfe PORTSMOUTH, T! EdRTHEN ibuo barrels, now lying as Mr. IhadJle& wharf, in Southwark. Philadelphia, Sept. 21. §• 1 — H For Charleston, THE BRIG Lovely Rachel, j Henry Rolando, majler y NOW lvinsr at Biekham's wharf. She will positively "" P* '" Nov. 10. § No. 170 south Front-ftr'ett. ~ .—- —— ■ ' at To Madeira, Till BRIO perseverance, , William Richards, maji:r y X WLL*f2i in all next week.' For freight or pafTage ap- fr p ly t0 JESSE S3" ROBERT WALN. so ' November 9. c ' r^" . ft For Falmouth and a Market, * THE SHIP H' S EDGE L r, J JuKn Kodge, mailer, oi SHE will fail with all convenient speed. For freight . Pbilipi, Crgmond 14 Co. j November 9. c '- For LIVERPOOL, ~ * THE BRIG ABIGAIL, v Thomas GiiTord, master, • HA3 a great*part* ®f her cargo engaged, and will fail in df -w days. For freight or passage apply on board at (oTllbi>rXS~i.'liirMAi! s *i KolsU. wharf — Who has for Sai.k, i _ • Coffee. Cotton. Claret ill cases -and hampers; Old Fror.- ttiiniac Wine-iB hoglhcad',, and seven doz. Meus' rui.lci Shirt?. Z2 ' For H AMBURG H, \ HOLLAND, - Christopher Franklin, iun. master, 11A8 <;:icincnt accomraodations for ; wul fail in. all this month ; three-fourths of iter are ready to goon board, a few tons of heavy goods will t;c taken on freight.—For freight or paffitgc apply to - the iVlafltr on boaid> Pi ter Btigbi* or to Pragers & Co. ( September. 21, 1,79J- . JuJ! Arrival per the Snorj Bojlon, James KiripatriJi, * Master, from Liverpool, 113 Crates well-aiTorteil Queen's Ware, ■ 4ocp buihtls beJl lloved tine Salt, & to be fold .at No. 1, Pine-street, by James Campbell. '■ Also, a few boxes well-afTorted It ith Linens. * S N. B. t J—• Said Snow for Freight or Char ter» e ' ther to tjic Weft-lii«.» or Europe. Enquire as above. 18. • i FOR SALE, ENSEL A E R, J. Weadell, master, LYINfr at WUling and Francis's wharf; a flrofig, new vet Tel, five months old, built of rerl cedar, bur then batons, supposed will carry about iipo bar re? of floyr, is of an easy draft of water, and has exce.lent accommodations for passengers. p or If not fold in two «r threedayt, r£*s vessel will pro ceed for the ftatc of New-York. Fbilad. Sept. 29. S \ Ship. Arethufa. Will bs Sold, at Public # Auction, On Wednefdav, the lS:h init. At 7 0 cU>ch in the Evening, at'the Merchants Cojfcc-Hc-ufe (For approved notes, at 3 and 6 monriis) jThe AmericanJb'i> Arethi. 'a * NOW laying at Wil'Jng i FriagU'.s '> b.irr?^; N;W-Hami)lhir< br. t, (hci: i» ■ I ed and coppered about 18 months finco. The inventor; will be fecn at the Au&ion Room. Nor. 13. tds. J. CONNELLY, Ati&.'ivet*/ j - ■ — 1 ——— " ~ ■ To-Morrow Morning will be Landed At Stamper's . K Prime SW3AR and COFVLi^ Peter KiigJji. November 9. e 3 * KEARNY WHARTON, HAS FOR SALE, H At the Stores lately occupitrd by Wharton & Greevcs, A FLW PIPIS London s particular Madeira WIN E ; A few quarter casks Old SHERI'V WINE j Russia M ATTS, &c. Thirty hhde. prime St. Croix SUGARS. 6 November 6 f v "GEORGE DOBSON, | Mas jiiH fcicivcd b7 the btc arrivals from England, and * ii now opening at his STOKE, N° : 134, .. Mayktt-fircct, comer of Fourth, A Large affortmcat of broad ana narrow Cloths; Elaf . tic "do. Ksrfcymcrcs; Coatings; Blanket-; flan nels, ice Ac.—Also tin rlrmnt affortnu .it of Londo.-. £ y . |n[l - Callicoes sTTp>nrtir pattt-rni, """ adaptea tor the season, printed Cotton and Pullicats, Pins, &c. which lie will fill by the PWe* or I'ackage on the lowed terms for Caili or approved uotis at 2, 4, 5c..6 moailiSj November Bartholomew Conolly, No. 48, Cheiiiitt-ftreet, RESPECTFULLY informs his fncnds aiidthe public in general, that he has imported in the late ariiVdls 3- from England, an elegaut, extenGve and well ciiofen ".f fortraent of men's and women's hofiery—anioi\g which' t is a very PTMt variety cf beautiful fancy ho fiery—fuch striped and clouded cotton—fine plated fllk and cotton — slsgant patent fancy (Ilk. Tine striped and cloudcd patent wcrftqd, Sic. &e. which are now offered for sale upon his usual low terms, together with every other article of dry good*., suitable to j * B. C. has also imaported a gVeat variety ©f gentlemen's out fiae floe kings. 08. 24. eoim. ["it — The Partnership of SAM. & THO. SHAW BEING diffoived ill Augtifl lad, by mutual consent, . all those indebted, whose accousts ars due, are d» _ fired to make speedy payment ' their Store, cornet of Front and Arcli-ltrcet. The business is now carried on at the fame place, by THOMAS SHAW, ' Whohrsfor sale, on rcafonable t'jrms, for calh, or the usual credit, I A general aflortment of Merchandize, <> Imported by the latt vessels from London,Briftol, and Li- • suitable for the Fall beafon. * s ATTobaccoTirrglHe 'and rial's to-h-fotd-frj-fism. ghaw. jj Oilsber 23. lawjw&tavv do. r i | For lule, at low prices, ' N4JLS by the eaik, from 3d to iod afTorted, and a vari — ety o£ S./rigs, Brads, and Tacks; Cotton and wool Cards, from No. 1 bo 12 ; : Hatters and ft6ch C^t-ds; Cards set m calf, fuitabk for cotton machines. Also. Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va -5 riety of articles suitable for that buftfitfa, which will be fold together. I , i!l A large stock of Wire, and other articles for carrying on ire the Cajrf} with the valuable machines for ( -ill cutting the teetlv, and ether parts of the work. 1 t 0 And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in i'orward r.efs for finifliine:. Also, j A LEASE OF THE STORE, Occupied by the late partnership of Webster, Adgate and ' . Whit«. As the (lore is convenient for the buiinefs, the J "7 machined fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work- L '' cd, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to purcha'fc and follow the bufmefs to do it to advantage. Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDET, OS. ao. dim. No- 63 Chcfnut-ftreet. ADKERTISEMEhT. I7ROM the firft of Leecmber ne«t, the annual fubferip- ' tion for this Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS. ar- Subfcribsrs out of the City will pay One Dollar a year in ' • uv addition, for inclosing and direifling their Papers, Remote lubfcribers are requeftcd to pay up arrearages to th« above period ; also the V :UF year' 6 advance froni that time—those who do not, will be confidcred as de-, , coining a continuance of their fubftription. Advertisements ot a square, or less, are pablifhed in '.his Gazette once, for half a dollar ; and continued at oni quARTEK or a dollar Jor each subsequent insertion. d The Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the favors ' of his advertising patrons —He assures them, that tile #n creafed, and encreaftng number fubfcribars, is con iig, tiuually extending the circulation in the city—lts distant ,ur- cirnilatifc is now equal to that of any other publication. rc j, Philadelphia, November 3, 1705. 3 ent Canal Lottery. tfo. 149,Chefnut-Jln:t,bctiucen Fourth?"?FifthJlrerts. iro- pICKETK examinedgratii, and evety information.giv- L eu refpc6ling faidLptC*ry. Also, Wafljingtoi and J Paterfon Lottaries. Oit. 2i>. t i filer, jun. & Co. GnA ' l> . Clef-tut Rrett, cms now received, have on hand At tl of the _ • in t'kert Arethaftfrom India, A U, C'jnJl Goods, viz. <-,{ 4 and 6Usok mulliu» j v>« , Jjilt ' in do. reaus Hurahurai boar<. Baftas c | !air . 1 • Carribrjcks Mufiin bra!s .n.H «»V TalTaviej lvor > -filue checks < ' . -Uiw yarihf »j French Goods, viz. fpo ' o ; glafies Feathers and Flowers efbrg Angola g!ovis Paper hangings / imail Xjnaui and Linmhandkerchiefs, fuiiabi? fur tlie ware WeA-India marker. o naatr A fe» elegant Time Pieces. Qtn. j brafa "For-SALE, by the Subscribers, > In nm-STREET, ' [ Jiiflu Till fiAlnvinr articles of the lajl mportatiir. front China. vcr6i 160 Quarter Chilis I lyfu'i Tea, t and lip (Quarter Ciit'V; Souchong Tea, | view Boxes Chins, containing Tea Sett 3, 4;co Pieces N;uiketi;s. > Willings & Francis. N SepjemK 'r ' 1, 3 ta ' vV fj ~ *Ho % I "te Oflil tfci, f&m yc.% ti? Grape, vei'l Ceother ea.liii;, esctut-i *t the I • fcor'/ft : li^asrrssj Jioivi 17 t-'wt. to JoollT.- ; Bar Iron, , I Hi- A Quan.'lfy of James River 1 oaaeco, Carohni I' ;rk ferrels, i Kto-dr uical in. Hhds. and Bbii. Rye llour ivcj to be fold - Le-i'i HoUiiigfzaortb b 5 S>n. Ju.,njl \ °-~ :w James Tiffin, J WHOLESALE & RETAIL HATTER, ' I N». 70, h tjth ScCsnd street. near the City Tavern, IMa HA, jul't iective'd by the late atrivals from London I q£ and Briftoi, a large and elegant a£fort|uent ot Ladie-- 1 _ and :.J«itl ine-.is ialhionabli HAI'S. —Alfa, a variety of I j o j. Qliildrem tlATrf of different colours, which wiij be fo}d I o:: tlie lo'.veit tcOTS for c:;lh. 'A'. B. Ladies Hats '/imfl in the neweil failiion from I Loa! OA. IJ. j I Th, FQ Re A irE" ; Imtorttd in tfjc ship Arethufa, from Calcutta and I . jVJatlrnfs, a variety of I r B ii N GAL GOODS;. * Cya.rah.i, ' '~k S|i 4 iiunxhunu,. llaniikertisd'f, I c l'erliafts, | s Catieoes. I f. To b *'■ It! by the Package, for approved notes at I ti three and four months, by WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. No. 42 Dock Street, or j JOHN MILLER, Jun. ... » iL -± —, j 'j. t. f German FajJ'cngcrs Just arris-ed in the (hip Holland, Captain Franklin, I from Hamburgh, now at anchor oppofit- Vine-itrcat, j uliofe time.is to he agreed for bv applying on board, I or to PR AGE <5: Co. I t Septrchber 10. d. I ;; Canal Lottery-Office n Near the, UAAT of the UNITED STATES, ~ October I, 1 795. T -U*. t!rawiag of this Lottery began on Monday, the 7, ie .1 h ult; The sale of Tickets is continued by the fufcfcrltjtT. Yrbm S o'clock in the morning, uEtil .3 o'clod; I 2I iin the -afternoon, atth. ;bove office, and by J. Roberdcm: \ ! ai the St4tea>l«afe, warranted undrawn. j Pt!*sYia.-cts will be received ia payment, to the g , ' tiedaffion expresses :n the tnkejts—;Ptice h dollars until furth'.r fiotice, / t .ppr.iVcd .ndt*;r. '.vi j-t.J.I laae.A-.,—|- I'ajable Deeemhcr next, will be received ui payment for tickets amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards. I U ' William ElacLhurn, Agent. " 9heV. Bo'i*' kept .'.t tin Office. Tickets examined at " fliittber, and regift.nd at is-100 each ticket. I N.lt. IoU dur'o f the hoars of drawing. j OFFICE, | *" ff».' (14, fluth SecinJ-fii'itt, j L 111 AN AT. Tjcwts for iale, and caih or tickets givca for r VJ any prizes tW nlay be drawn. j r>n .liiforhiation j{iv|n '*\ r a(hington^lottery, and jlk or eafi: or C.inal titkdts given for pvizss t!>at may bi drawn. I Borh loweries corniieHce Sept jai'v-.r 2Sth. ROOKS will brkcpt of ach day's drawing ia both lot- _ teries, and'open to this enqlurle* oi she poljfeflbrs of j Tickets pur chafed at the Ot'FiCf'.. I nd :£j Halves, qiarters, and eighths of Tickets may be 1 ] he ha iat the CRice. &**/. i(>. § I to ~~ BURR MILL STONES Made by OLIVIR EVANS, at hi. Failory, in the old , wind-mill ia Klmiley's aliey, I'iulb SicjnJ-jtrxi, a little itlorv D'll jlrcet, WHIiRK those ho apply may be supplied with stones I of foch quality as will fait their purpofet. Also, j _ |p. ' stones far gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris. ! He keeps for SALE, ' Ai i,;« ' veli: " Ho. *15 oorthSeeond-ftreet, a Mttle above [ Vinem A eom- 'eW of both imported and American ! 0 manufail'ured for merchant and country work, whichhfi j F warrant* good. his ■ ALSO, 1 7 NE The Young Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE. I Containing a system of mechanics and hydraulics as they j ' [>rs apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all the I 1 !n " iate improvauents on the art of mahufaituring flour &c !' • ,n " intended to le ufeful to ailco'jpcrned in building or using 1 ' int water-mills, which book 1. fold by Matthew Carey and j ,n - Robert Campbell, booliiellers. _ Sept. !.?. 3tdaawtf- 1 Hie htjlielt price in Caih, will be gi*en l»r EMPTY BOTTLES, iv- A proftrenre will be given to Ciaret Bottles.—Apply to j mi No. 187, south Third -street. \ Atril J©. 4 J For Sals, at Public Vendue, On Monday, the 16th day of November, at 9 o'clock is riie forenoon, At the House of Samuel Fruuiues, innkeeper, deceaCed, • In Water-street, between Chcfnut & Walnut-ftritfts, No. 59, A variety of Ecvfhoid is? Kitchen Furniture, G|Onfifting of mahogany dicing tables, in setts of I, *, i, 4, anJ I, pi'T -.nhles, card round table*, bur reaus, v.vViobc, night table, mahogany oeileret fido board, large plain do. mahogany worked backs and other chairs, large glided frame looking glasses, finall do. do. chamber do. mahogany frame looking glufies, plated and brass ihonces and thandclier3, mrhogany knif* cafe* of ivory handled knives and forks, silver plated candlestick«. do. tea urnj, japann'd do. plated cake baCcet, teacady, batter tub and fund, silver tea-pot, milk-pot, fonp lpoons, table-spoons, tsa-fpoons, an elegant silver plated eparg"f and glaSs bowl complete for a dining t'ble, tea and small waiters, setts of tea and table china, glass and queens ware, table cloaths, beds and bedding, hair and common matralles, chintz & ilufl sets of bed and window-curtains, ! brals and bell rattle kettle?, fmokc jack, brass and iron ! andirons, ihovel and tongs, carpets and carpeting, large paint ?d floor clothes, hall and' fide lamps, bells and hangings, large and small iron pots, a fnllfett of disco vers, knives and forks, spoons, a pair of large iron racks, and many other articles not enumerated, which may be viewed afly time previous to the day of sale. - By order of the Executor, Wm. Shannon, Auctioneer. November 10. § In LcUlir Sn to the above, will be fold a valuable collea- I tion of Wax Work moulds, of various sizes and imprefk | on; prepared during the life time of the deceased at a . I very great exjience. I | irish Linens. James oc Henry Fifoer, A T o. 8, iValnulftred, ! Haw imported -by the Rebecca, from Dublin, a brgf affortmcnt of I 7-8 and 4-4 white Linens, 7-8 brown do. 4-4 half white Sheetings, 9-8 brown and white do. j 3-4 brown and white Lawns, _ I 7-8 Dowlas; Which they will of on reasonable terms, by thjt I package, for c»!h or approved Notes, at 60 and 90 days. N. B. The above Goods being immediately from tha ' I IVTanufaotorics, it is prefumad they will be found worthy " I oi notice. OA. 26. J; I fohn Miller, jun. and his brother Alexand.-r J. Miller, I have entered intopartneribiji, under thcPirm of „ John Miller, jun. & Co. J They /jjw ret, Lived ly the arrivals front and are new. opening for SALE, »I At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet, A capital aJJ'crtment cf DRT GOODS, Suitable to the feafon—amangfb which arc, I Broad and narrow C'.tjtlu, Plain and fancy Coatings, Baavcrttts ar.d eliftice, -I-———P -^ fl j mlit A variety of coarle W'dolfens, Manchester manufai.t.res, I lrilh Linens, I India Goods, generally, lt I French Goods. All of which they will dlfpofe of for cash cr the j credit. October 9. I Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf, — J jhe Q,AjIGO of tl>t fbip 'Triflrctri, J, Chnftie, majhr, frot& j FQrt~au-Prir.ee, n I —CONSISTING Of— ' 120 hoeft'eads, and) ~ r . ' ' 72 barrels of \ Mufcorado SUGAR, "' I 45 barrels of COFFEE. FOR SALE BV i'-J. T George Sibbald, o*£k. 26. <3 No.: 7ofouth Front-street. I 537 Hogftu-ad3, 459 Barrels, f Coffee, above 600,c001b. 224 Bags, 3 ' e 115 Hogsheads of choice Jamaica Sugir. 211 Bales of St. DoHii.'jo Cotton, ' Will be landed Monday morning, 26th inft. at South , ftreei wharf, h( j Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jamaica $ !, J Brig Polly, and Indnftrj, from Jeremis^ j u ii , Peter Blight. 1 Odlober 22. § The CARGO of the ship Harmony, j Ezra Ltncsllj tnaflcr —from BQURDEAUX, CONSISTING OF ' . BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and . or CLARET in liogfheads, is discharging from on nd board the said ship at Cuthbcrt's wharf, and for sale by Andieias id Meredith, >t I Sept. 15. d. No. 86, south wharvss. ol C L A R E T, be I }n caflcs, suitable for the East and Weft-India market* FRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes. And a few cases if ,id Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs. • FOR SALE BY Rundle & Murgatroyd, jjf s I 0(3. 28. (dlw) No. 11, Walnut-street wharf. Hare's Patent Floor Cloth, JVC I WITHOUT SEAM. I manufaflurcr has imported by the LIGHT 1 J J HORSK FROM BRISTOL, an elegant aiTortment can j of the neweit and best Patterns, which are in excellent i'i_. prefcrvatlon, from 9 feet fquarc to 18 by 15 feet; like j wife, for Stairs, Entries, and Halls, from J yard to % I yards wide. I The fubferiber rcfpe&fully informs purchasers, that hey J Floor Cloths laid under woollen Carpets during the wia. the I '- r > will be in a slate of improvement till tho spring, and &- c I rt'-dcr rooms warm by preventing air from passing be«, Eng I twaen tlic boards. JOHN BROWNE, a nct j No. 145 north Second-Greet,. WHO HAS FOR SALE, A ouartity of Remnants to lay before the fire for thepr# fervaiion ol woollen Carpets; Dipt and mould Candles, with fine cotton wick; Brown and white Soap, of a very fuporior quality, in y ' 0 small boxesfuited for families; White Lead; Redtjad; Spaniih Brown; Oranje Mine ; 4 r»l, &S; November to. eoj.