Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 13, 1795, Image 4

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    City of Washington.
SCHEME off he LOTTERY, No. 11,
2 A magnificent f 20,000 Dollars, and
dwelling honfe, > cafa 39,000 are
1 ditto 15,000 &cafS 25/300 40,000
1 ditto 15,000 & catH 15,000 30,000.
1 ditto i®,ooo & cafii 10,000 20,000
t ditto 5,000 & calh $,000 4 10,000
v 1 ditto 5,000 & c*ih 5,000 10,000
1 Cafa priie o[ 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 each, ire jc,oco
jo' ditto 1,000 iQ,o®o
*o diuo 500 10,004
100 ditto 100 10,000
too ditto 10,000
400 ditto tf to.coo
i,cco dlito s«i
15,00 o ditto <ajo,o©3
33, £61 BU«<V9
jo,ooo Tickets at 8 dcfZara 400,000
This Lottery wiU afford an elegar.t fpfctmco of the
|>hivace building! to be ere&fd io the City of Wrfriagton
-Two beautiful defif»ns*Te already •felc'&cd for the entire
fronts on two of the . public Iqaares ; from these dra*y-
it is propofod te ere£l two centre and l«ur rorner
buildings, as soon as polfible alter this' Lottery is fold, «md
io convey them when complete, to the fortunate ad Ventur
ers, in the manner described in the fchetne. for the Hotel
Lottery. A nert deduction of five per cent, will be rtUde
W defray the necessary expences of printing, &c. and
the fin plus will be made a parj of the fund intended for .the
National Univerfily, to be ete&cd .within the City ol
(£3* The drawing wiH comraeHce as soon as the Tickets
are »fold off.—————The money will be payable
in thirty d?ys after it is ftniOied, and any prizes for which
fo/tußCie numbers ate »«n produced within tweWj.* months
after tl.c drawing is closed «re to be confi<iet«d as giter.
toward* live I unci for the Oiiiverft'y, it bting deurir.m
rrl 10 (*>>'- w-w.U fcr. "-x—.> ■
oi the drawing an3T9 p Trtf up the bond* given ts lc.ce
The ieal fecuiities given for the y>iywei« 6f the Prize
arc teld by tbe Profidcnt and two Dirc&ors of the Bank
oi Columbia, and are valued at more «na» half the amount
of tUc Lottery .
twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late CommiJiioners affifled in the management: of the
Hotel Lottery are reqnefted to undertake this aTrfaous talk
a focond time on behalf of th* public ; a fu&cient num
ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National University anil the other federal ob
je&s continue to favor the defigji. The synopsis of
oae of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National'
Laftitution, is already in the press, and will be fpecdiiy
published, together with its constitution
A compleat Plan of the \yhoU of this Important
feftimtion, compiled from a fele.clion of the heft materi
als, ancicut and modern, will be fubpiitted to the public
whenever the lame may have gone through fach reyiiioas
as may be noeeffaryt® eftablift) the perfect confidence, and
ganecal approbation, so «fl"ential to its present rife and fu
ture eriftencefor the general good of America.
By accounts - received from the different parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for fade, the public are allured that the
drawing will speedily comrnsn#e, and that tkc care and
emrtion tfmrvrrrdaUly neeefl'ary to imfure a fafi disposal of
February 24* 1795.
Aug 30' eodtf
1 ckcts may be had at the Bank o' Columbia ;
of James Well & Co. Baltimore or G idea 11 Dciiifon,
( Savannah, of Peier GiSman, Boil on • of John Hopkins
Richmond * of Richard Wells, Cooper's ferfv.
Scheme of a Lottery, '
Toraife 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars Deducting 15
prr Cent. from the Prizes—This Lottery confjls of 38,00 V
in vhich there arc 14,539 Prizes, and 23,46:
Blanks, being; about4?te and an half blanks to a prize.
Dire£tt»ri ol 1 tie Society foreftabiidling Ufeful Mj
JL nuta'tures, having resolved to ere6t LOTTERIES tor
raising One Hlnorid Thousand Dollars, agreeably
to an A£l of the Legillnture of the State of New-Jersey,
have appointed the following per Ton's to superintend and
direftthe drawing oi ahe fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, James Watfou, Richard Har
rifon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of
New-York—Thomas Willing, JofepJi Ball, Matihtw M«#
Conoci and Andrew Bayard, ot the city of Philadelphia
—His Excellency Richard Howell, Lf<|. Klt as Boudinot,
N General Llias Dayton, Jimis Patker, John Havaui, Dotl v
01 Lewis Doufrani, Samuel W. Stockton, Jothua M . Wal
lace, Joseph BUomfteld, /.nd itliiha Condinot, of N w
Jcrfey, who ofter the Schctnc <•:•! u Lottcrv,
«nd pledge themfeivc* to public, thai they will.takr
every dlfur'nce and precaution in their power 10 havVth
Monies paid by the (torn Mtxe to time, asfeceiv
' '5 ,l - lNej,*»Xm_k__aiid PM»l«'»?lubn, to
re»;«a;n for* the yai pote ot paying
immediately difcharmed by a check upOn orie of the Baufos
S C H E M E: '
i Prixe of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
1 J 0,000 i^.-000
2 5,000 ; ie,oeo
5 2,000 10,000
10 1,000 10,000
20 500 1 9 10,000
100 100 10,000
303 5° 15.-000
ICOO 20 80,0^0
«600 15 2 0,000
ooco 12 36,e00
8106 10 18^000
j 45539 262,000
23,461 Blanks. fir ft drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,00 c
38000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The driving will commence, under the infpefti"n ol
'Cothu.'iuce oi the iupe-rinteudanu, as soon as the Tick
ets arc fold, ol which timeiy notice wtif bc given.
The Silperniteadants have appointed Jof.n N.
of Newai k, Jaet*b R. Hardenberg, ot New-Bruofwick,
and Jonathan Rhea, of Tt'«nton, as immediate Mauageri
thereof, **ho have given ample security for dtfcfcargmg
the trult rcoofed in them.
In order rolccure the puuftual paymer.t of th.
Prizes, liu Su^cruitendani s of ihe Lottery have dmileii
that the .\ianaj;ers mall carh enter into in ac,0()0
dollars, with trur fußicicnt to perform their in
{liutl .m 5,,4 he iubU»nce oi which is
I. That whenever either olthc Managers (hall receive
the funt ot Thjec Hundrtd Doibri, unnidiately he lhall
place the fame in one of the Banks ol .New-York or- PJu.
ladclfhia,, to tne . rt iuot the Governor ot the ioci(;v»
and luch of the S:i. *. rmtendants as ive inthecny where'
the monies ore pfaccd, :<> rein. in thcie until the Lottery
is cirawn, for ihc < ! the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take iufhcient lerurity for any
Tickets they may tf u H,othCi wife itii oe rcYponnbltrfof tf>em.
111. To keep tegular Vook'4 ot M 0
r.ies received and "paid into the bank, oi wh>c:
(hall he sent, no:uh!y, to ttieGovemor of the Society,
Paterfou, J»*ua/y 1, 1794.
'On t-» enhet of the above ge»i 'envn, infor j
cation wi!< b.c where t. k -ts_ v:,:v bt b?d. ru<4 » !
• ' *■'
ALL psrfxMM any d«mandi oq the Eftase of
Mary Hi wson, late of Bucks
defircd to apply to William Brillol, in
the county aforefaid, for immediate settlement. ail
perlons indabtcd to laid Eftateare requdtad to make pay
ment to the laid William Rewfon, who is hereby autho
riled to re««ive the fame.
'Elizabeth Hewsok, Executrix.
Jonatman Williams, J
BclUmsaie ,ttear Brijiol, . 1
Q&.a6, 1795. «2awi7»_
American Landfcapts.
TWF.nty-FO UR VI E \V; S,
SELECTED from the mt-ft ftrifeing an?. Ivfr.
Profpefts in the Wmfd ; each •/ whieh
Vie*-«, wiJl be aecompanied with a descriptive iccount
of itsLjcal, Hiftoiical, and other Intirfental Peculiarities
Auibtr if tit " Atmaini ,;nl Aneleni C*ilUi in Great
f. That tjie work ftiall be published b-y Subscription; and
that each Stfbfcribcr fhu.ll engage to take the whole set
cf Views, and (hall pay /or each engraving, if lla&k or
brown, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Ddllars.
I. That the dimensions of caoh engraving ihalibe 2 17
ctfeemted in aquatinta, and publiihed upon paper
of a fuperlor quality. The publication to commence im
mediately ? and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub
scriber*, on the firft Monday of each fuccc&ding month
antil the proposed series Ihall be £rjally oompletfd.
HI. That with the lafi View of tJse leries, shall be deli
vered an engraved t^l«*-page; an charaderiftic
vignette; a map of the route, conneeled tJie
pedis exhibited in the the courfc of tje Work ; and ah
Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
Subscriptions are received by Mr. M*»rifon, at his Print
(hop, New-York, by Mr- -Carey, Book-fell
er, No. 118, Market Rreet, Fi/iJadelphia, and by all the
priacipal 3ook-feli<frs in the United itatea.
Fabriiary 28.
- - T E,
SITUATE in the toxunjhip of Upper Qsrkyy cnl Munty if,
DeUivare r 7 1-2 miLt from PbilaJcl' • / Udf et mile
from the netv Wejiern road: contain':*s z*o acrcs of cxctHtnt
Land, 45 of which are good iMtcred M- n'ow, 90.f prime
Wood Land j and the reft Arable of the jityi reality, there axe
on the prtmiftt a good tzuoftory Brick xvitb 4 rooms on
a flour, and Chilars under the whole, 'with a Pump WU of
fcllej.t IVatir in front; a lar;c fi-arte Barn, Stables, aid other
convenient buildings; a Smoke-Koufe andJtone Spring Ho ft ; two
good Apple- Orchards, and one of Peaches. The Fields ere alt in
Clover, except th&fe immediately under tillage, and arifo »aid
out as to have the advantage of tVater in each cf then* vobich
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing. -
The fttuation is fleafant and healthy, and from the hip euld
vation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and ths vicinity r> the ci
ty, it is very fuitablefor a Gentleman s Country Seat.
7he foregoing is part (f the EJlate of Jacob Humat\ s Vcaxfed
ardojfered for sale by M ORDECAI LEVIS
Surviving Executor.
Ofl-9, 17 95 ctf
Sale of valuable Property.
To be Sold, by Public Aufiien,
OnTucfday, the loth day of December, 1795,
At the Tontine Coffee-Houfc ia New-York, a: n o'clock
-1 '»n im fuiuiuuu, att-tht-righr, Title, and intcell of the
In the following valuable TRACTS of I.AND, via.
I. A that tnuSt of land containing; about 2Jooacre«,
jT\. ituate in the coanty o>" bditjo p;rt of th<.».
; mountain lots.No. at and %'y iniUe patent ofiChjefeeoek,
' formerly laid out by Charts Clinton, life, ddceafikl, and
purchased by the Agent oi the American Iron Company of
Wi Ham Smith, Esq. on the 2th day of Novanber, 1766.
This traA contains feme plough .land 4nd ivamp; also
Potuchel't Pond and the outlets thereof.
' 2. All that traiSl oi land fituatc on the weflfide of Hud-
iu:ar Buttermilk Falls; containinj loooaeres
In this trad there is said to be a valuable min', some good
swamp aad tiaibcr land.
3. A'l tliofe two trails fituata on the noth fide of the
Mohawk riv»r, being part of the Minor ot Cofby, pur
chased by the Agent of the American Iron Company in the
ycari 17 65 and 1767, of Oliver Deiancy, Elj. the one con
taining 2./ 40 acres, the other 3815 acrcs.
4. All that trafl of land situate on the forth fide of th:
Mohawk river, near the German Flats; part of
■ Coflny's manor, and bounded 00 the eatt !t Canada creek.
This trait will be diyidsd, and fold in th< following Lots,
■/ z,
... Acres. Acres.
Lot I containing *)66 Lot 14 Coritaining 1000
9®T 1J rcoo'
3 x 6
4 800 17 jfn
J 769 18' ' ' ti66
6 ' *° s
i j 97® io loco
8 '000 tI looo:
9 1300 21 , 9<3
10 1000 *; 750
, 11 1000 J4
It 1030 4j
13 1000
The trift on No. 4 is ohiefly beach, miple, b»fs and »lm.
The purchase money to be piid by the following ; u fUl-'
> nients, viz. one-fourth-on the dnyof fele- one-fourth on the
> firit I'uefday in April next; one-fourtlj on the firflTutfday
in Otftober, y 96; and the rem-inder on the fjr.l Tuefdiy
)in April, x 7J7. when deeds will be to the pirchafcr.
Plan? of the different tracts of hnd may be lccn by ap
' Pty' n i t° Ml '- Pdnr Goeht, one of t]m trustees, in Naw
' York; or to Mr. Kdward Edwutd,, in Philadelphia.
J November 4. > , m&t.
Forty Dollars Regard.
; n AN away from the fubferiber, living at Mordiiwon
IV Mills, near Frederica, ia Kent county, state of Dela
ware, on the night of the 27th of Jnn< last, a (lave nerro
man Htmed BENN, about 27 yesrs old, 5 feet 10 or n
inches high, of a yellow complexion, anil might pass for a
, The clothes he had on cannot, with cxa<Stntfs
Ic described, as he made several breachre of honesty, in'
that way, on his setting out. He is a vtr'y great flovcii
inhisdrefs; has naturally a condemns! Vid iuriy count •-
.nance, altho' he at times afkiSsa ; hi* -rifege
ittKa, T'it'.i !=-ge black wbiftais; offing* -
1 oitiatei : It-i» out recoHeAcd whether lit- &as ao? par
ticular ileib-marks, eictft 011 his back, rierc may-be
set n (tho" light) the so rs as the whip, pis •gy judK-ia,
authority, for hoofc-brsaking, loc!-. brtajng ltcalinir
&.c. as well befcre, as ftnee 1 purchased liH. ° He is pof
feffrd of but a imall lhari of reafan or feubility ; a Teat
1 cow.-.rd, tho'his looks are deviiifh, aad t the fame time
Ineaking. As he took hit flight upward from here at
the cojr.mcrtccififcat of lurvcit, it is prefittd he was p;r
fuadcu t,y feme of the free negroes in make
hi* escape witli them—fhoaia he n*t be iPhiladciphia
he ■ probably i -tv/eerl here" and there.
V. hoev.r tip the f»id negro Ben, and fec»res
him in any public goal, so tiiat his maftemay get him
again, fii-il have the ancve rewwo ; and ibrooght home
additional chargas for r-s;onab)e cx,ien.ces, aid by
■James buglafs.
t 7\ t' T HTT T A T\ ' iVA r,.
rmutDiLPHu, J,*,,. ntim, Sllßoiuii „„ A v
/ .
BOOKS, Printed for ann
f Price Sixteen Dollars•)
{ New Syflem of Modern Geography :
Or, a Geographical, nijforiial exJ Ctmmerehl Crammtr ;
mni frefent JUle if the several Ntfiuutf tie IVirld,
The figures, motions, and culiar to each country,
ijiftaiicefc of the Planets, ac- VIL Observations on th«
c ®rduigi«the Newton Utnfyi- chaaga* that have been any
re;n, and the lattft obferva- where observed upon lfte face
t ; on , »f nature Cnce the meft ear
-11. A gwiural view of the ly p?ri ds of hiltory.
Earth Gnnfidered us a planet; VIII. History a»ld origin
with Aweral «feful de&nitioKS ©f nations; their form* of go
3!i-1 problems. v.rnment, migration, laws,
ft!. Or.,p-i H;«iGan» of the revenuai. taxes, naval and
I,- Globe into Hnd and water, military ttrengah.
~ continaht. and iilands. IX. Genius, manners, r cuf-
Situation a ud'extent of em- torn* and habits of the people,
pires, kingdoms, Hates, pro- X. Th ir language, learn
vincesan J colonies. in;, arts, sciences, raauufac
'> V. Their climates,air, foil, tures and commerce.
vegetables, prpduiSions, me- XI. Chief cities, ftru&ures
tils, minerals, natural curie- ruins, and artificial curiofitiej.
d fities, fcas, rivers, bays, pro- Xfl. Latitude, longitude.
;t montoriesand iAkes. bearings and dillaneesof prin
ir VI. Birds and Beasts pe- crpalplacesfromPhiladelphia
7 1. J. Geographical Index, with the names and place* a pha
:r bttically arranged.
l- -i 11. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in
)- debars and cents.
b, 111. A Chronological Table of remarkable events, from
the Creation to the present time.
ic The Aftrinoniical part by James Fergufcn, F. R. S.
Correifted by Dr. David Rittenhouse.
' To which an added,
f the late Dffcover/es of Dr. Herfchell, an-d other eminent
The first amfrican edition, corre&cd, improved, and
greatly enlarged. Containing the following
Maps and Plates.
I Map of fh<vWorlc! 13 Hindoftan
% "1 Ar -
j £urupa 15 United States
4 'Co»ntriesroundtheNorth 16 Britilh Dominions in A-
Pole. merica
5 Sweden, Denmark, N»r- 27 Will Indies
' -way and Finland. 3$ 'Province of Maine
t Rullia 11)' New Hamplhirc
* -Scothnd 3-o*MalTachufetts
S England and Wales 3l*Conoe<aicut
" 9 Ireland jj'Rhode Iflar.d
■ 10 France 33*Vermo«t
r ir'Seatof War 34*NewYork
0 12 Seven United Provmcos 35' New Jcj-fay
" 13 Austrian, French and 36*Pennfylvania
Dut;h Netherlands 3 7 'Delaware
■' 14 Germany 38"Maryland
1 15 Switzerland 39* Virginia
16 Poland 40"Kentvicky
I! 17 Spain and Portugal 41 'North Carolina
I 18 Italy 4i*Teneffee government
19 Turkey in Europe 43"SoutljCarolina
i ao Alia 44*Geargia
il'DifcoveruM made by cap- 45 Copernican fyllem
tains Cocke and Clerke. 46 Arnail'lary fphore
S2 'China
Th? Maps marked with stars are added to this edition,
exeluliv-e of thoie in the last London edition.
The United Stares Regiftcr for 1793,
' c Prict 50 Cents.—C 0 V TENT S.
j Calendar, with the neceflary Boundaries of the United
II tables, &c. &c. States. Population
Suprcaje ExecutiYc Lift of the Officers
Statement ot Export®
7 Judiciary Vubiic Debt
! )cpartment of St-atc \ Pay, &c. of the army
Department of the Treasury Mint Establishment
C!ommiflioners of Rult« for reducing the cur•
3 Officers of the Customs reiKies of the different
Revenue Cutters ( states to a par with ea«li
Haufes other
' Oilicers of the Excise Tables of the number of
Duties and Dutiable artrtlcs cents and decimal parts
Exemp s from duties in any number of {hillings
Duties on tonnage and pence lefb than a dol
on comeftic Jar in the currencics of
Drawbacks, &c. and regu the different states
lations to be oferved in Tables shewing tho value of
obtaining them dollars in the currcncies
General Abftradl irom the of ditto
revenue laws, relating to Poft-office establishment
the duty of masters of Lift of Boft-Towns, Sep.
vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of
&c. ©f goods, and the the principal towns in the
•officers of the customs; United States
to the paym«nt of duties, Banks
and the importation of Literary Institutions
?°°^ B National Manufactory]
C-xpencos of Government Sessions of the Courts"
for Weltern Territory
l>epartment of War
• - -—- "SrATE Governments.
Hampftic® tioutli-Uaroßß3
Vermont Georgia
Maffachufeets Order of tinw in which the
\ Conncdioit fcveral States adopted the
! New-York federal Conftitut.dn
New-],rfey Table of thc Suu . s fifl
. Penniyivanii and fett ; n
t , Ll4 ", u ' j AbftraS oi goods, wares,
Maryland an( j merchar.diie export
. u 'g' n « ed from the United States
' > en ,K C r- y i- from tl,c of OAobtr
■ N^*-Carok nl 'jo, to 30th Sept. jyqf
Clarlottc a tale of truth—by Mrs. I «wfon, of the
• 1 -natre, PhiUdelphia. Second Amei 4 : : an edition—
I rice 7j cents. [The rapid sale of the firft edition of this
cnttrclhng novel, m a few months is the belt criterion of
- its merit.]
e«r*Afc T r*OKTBI etiTicAL review, arril X70i,p.'458.
1 . n ! ay r , tui ; ; . strutf truth ' for » not unnatural, and
■ if j? 1 diltrefs—Charlotte, by the aatmcc of a
' recomm £ ul ' ;d W a school, fron. humanity ra
in,' f 3 COTm< %" of hei " integrity, or the regularity,
t »f her for.ner couuuft, ls eßtic«l from her governess, and
act.»!ipanics a young offittr to America—the marriaoe
ceremony, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte
T-7 r incoaftancy ®f her,lover and tre^h
i-J Oi lik ?r;e64.
anlcfs lnJ afFeain S—the
-]^, an » pal -'Y ? T e^° Hld feelfor Charlotte if a
lv J<• who sor SOC «ror, icarcely, perhaps
defjrved so Severe a pumlhment. If it ; s a fiaiou poetic
I,u Is . not '.y e th * luk > properly diftributsd."
j , "3 K Mrs. Rowfon. Second Philadel
phia edmon. Bri2cests.
Adventures of Roderie Random. » vols. 1 dollar ad
JO, cents, , coarle paper— r dollar and 75 cents fine.
J. Notes oath, liate of Virginia—by Thomas Jefferfon
PrKj. neatly bound, one doiiar and a half.
4. History of the French* Rcrelution, from its' com
the —"
5 ' i^oTtfn :Hi T y 01 thc Empire, from May
r - 1793 ' 1 at and a <g»arter -
Y ' uable
James M'Alpin,
T A r L 0 R,
N°. 3 South Fourth Street,
D ETURNB aebuwledgemnUl,
XV Puklisftr ibeir liberal encouragement, and
(t contmuancc of their favtrs.
At hi, 3b,J> gentlemen may he furnificd fcij ...
and have tbemvttUeup and Jinijbed in tie m.Jt fafi mai: . „ a J r >
Mi if tit tbinlfuliy retersc any orders and pat a .
puxJiual atieattim t* tltcm. Oil. 11
And fpeadfly wilj be publifljed, by BENJAMIN DAVIEi
-4f 63, Higb-freet,
T tJ K.
American Repository, for iyc.6-
■ A comploat Calendar for Rule, for rechu-ipo- cjr .
the year. rcneiesof thcfeverallt
■ Lifts of tke executive, legif- Table of pounds, &c. rede '
, lative and judicial officers oed into dollar-, k cert
of the federal government! Summary of the exports in
• of the ministers and 4 furceSive years.'
consuls to and from the Amount of the ur,redeem:'
United States. debt, aanual revenue arid
. A reg'fter of the land and expenditures.
sea forces of do. _ A view of the finking fan J
■ Rates of postage, and t!me« An estimate of the ,' r *
of receiving & closing the of the United Su..-,
mails at Philadelphia. two several years.
- Alill ofthe poft-towns,with Domestic diities.or eicife
the didancea of each, on Drawbacks and bounties. "
1 the. main line, as well as Banks, with rules of coa
erofs roads. dudtiug business.
1 —of the federal courts. Officers of the civil "overn
—of the supervisors of the mcnt of Pennfylwni.i.
revenue. Sftimate of expciiee, 0 [ 00.
Them;nt, and m«nicsof the in one year.
U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government
each flat*. of New-York.
A lift of the commrffieners Sovereign princes and rc
of loans. publics of Europe,
j A table, shewing the propor- Lift of the navy of Great
tion of froe persons to Britain, corrcilled agree
flaves, and of males to fa- able to the late!! inform*,
males, Sec. in the U.S. tion.
Militia of the United States. Do. of the P-XX-OC>:!
with the proportion of do.
each. State of the air, and a diar/
An alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and weather
agreeably to the last aft in Philadelphia, during;
of Congress. months, ending JiVSep't,
Amount of imppft and tonri- 1795.
age of one year. Bills of mortality in Philad.
Custom-house fees, Sec. of one year.
This little volume will contain a much greater compa's,
as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding
year, and will be embellished with an engraved frontis
piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a head otna
merit, to each month. The scenes depiited in the vig
nettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours of the year. The
engravings are new, and executed with an excellsnce that
aoe6 Credit to the American fine arts.
At the fame place may b: had.
Plant of the city of Philadelphia, and its enriroiK, accu
rately engraved from a late survey.
Maps of the United States, and of each slate frparatcly.
A valuable c»lle&ion of modem Books, and a general afiVrt
ment of Stationary Wares.
A ate.— Those who desire it, may have the above-mcnti
onsd Maps, or any other, coloured, canvassed, and varnifk.
Ed, and put up in any manner that may be aioil conveni
ent, by applying at directed above.
OA. %, law . 1
Mr. Waiter Rober'tlon
BEGS leave to mquaint the Gentlemen, fubferibers to
the print Portrait of George Waffling ton, Prefidsnt
of the United States of Amenta, ongraved by Miv Field, f
from an original pvfture painted by W. Robcrtfon, that
the Proofs are ready for delivery to the several liibferib
ers at John James Barralet's, No. 19:101 th Ninth-ftrest;
•r at J Ormrod's, bookfaller, No. 41, Cheinut-ftreSt,
where the fubferibers are requeued to fend their address. ;
O&ober ■ cod.
We are informed that the gentleman who drew the
1*5,000 dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, -was the
i proprietor of only a single Ticket—This in si ance of
good fortune, shews thatSt is well to be in Fortune's
road ; and is the more pleaftng, as the owner of the
prize is a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci
The Scheme of tJie Canal Lottery is certainly one
of the heft which lias appeared—for, independsnt of
the ufeful objeifls to which its proceeds are to be ap
plied, the feheme is so calculated as to continual]/en
hance the value of the Tickets remaining in the wheel;
because, while the drawing progreflbs, the clnnce of
a capital prize growing greater, mufl increase the va
lue of the undrawn-Ticket.
The Prizes drawn to the close of the drawing en ,
last Wedaefday Evening, were
I of 15,000
* of - a,ooo
5 of - 1,000
4 of - 500
--yf r~~ - ir' ;
1700 of - - 1%
And there then remained in the whsel
I of 50,503
I of - 30,000
a of IGjOOO
6 of - — 2,500
9 of - - - 1,000
15 of - - I,oos
36 of - - SCO
89 of -' - ico
14800 cf - 13
And ? stationary prizes of 20,000 dollars each ; by
which, and the nature of thole 5 stationary prizes,
which are to belosg to the five last drawn tickets, it
will be found, that an undrawn ticket was' yefteiday
morning, worth nearly 11 1-1 dollars, which; at
the beginning, was worth no more than 10 dollars —
and so the undrawn tickets must continue to merest
in valae, as fall as the drawing proceeds : And this
circumstance will account for the number of Graces
which are opened for the sale of Tickets, as the ,~n>
fiis mull be daily increafinr; and in a few days a
Ticket now felling at 11 dollars, will no doubt com
mand 15 dollars, and must continue to jet higher 23
the drawing approximates to the five stationary prizes
of jO,OOO dollars each. S
A LL perions iiiUe-O.Uci' to the thate or j
* FRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkeeper, de
ceased. are defireit to make paymest to the fubferiber ;
and all those who have any ddpiands agafi.ft the fa'tl
Eflate, are reqiufted to bring in their accounU proper- |
SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES,'Ai9ing E-ietutor,
South Water-fireet, No.;?>
AI.L periovii ihdsfcted to the of Doelor JOHN
H. GIBBONS, late of Philadelphia, deeeaied, :re
rcqaclted to make payment; and those who hav- 1 asy
demands against said Eflate, are desire J to brinj in their
accounts duly atteftcd, for fettleraent, to J •
Attorney in faA for Mary Gibbons, adminiilratrii
to the fiid deceafcd's Estate.
Arch-flreet, No. 107, Noy. 4. i»w6't