TO THE PUBLIC. MINIATURE PAINTING. ALimarr fram Paris rafpe&fally informs lit pailic, ik.i he p; nu Likaaefles ia Miniatara, 1a fach ft tiling iad pleating a manner, as arili, he hopes, Cicisfy x tkofit wha may employ kim. His LiktEcffea arc war- K - nauj, kis fi-.angs Pvort, acd his trrms cify. His Rmb is at Na. a, aaith fiftk-ftrtet. Marember 11. jl)t 7. 9. As ka IkarUy intends rrtoraiag • • 7ran ea, he isrtu faak Traits aad Gtatlemtn as aif* deftreas of having ihcir Portraits draws, to tait advantage of the fitful tiaae. No. 60 South Second Street. T J 'HI mti JhttU SUrt fm 100SS, STAT*9*.t*T, X wane, rtiiTs, oiii VAiaTJsros, snwm iwu, mi Fancy articles. A THOMAS STEPHENS, /if tk* frtator tf ci*d*3r*w kxjirtfs txtrt^eey, has frmm AV 57, to Sit. 4© /«<» Strstt, m /*r * jWr—ttttrt it kts re*m W ii.' Arfi arriaait, am exUmjr— rtl'liM ujtful3—is. ami At hejt Statimz-ry. yfy«, 1 maritty tf iVrti Bmimry's turitsu Ctr.taU.rt:, Prints, Oi/ Ptzat* fcj;, Dmaiv B—ks t 3T<. if'*. **/ laiut it 10HI ftU y ts ujusl, f*r a fmaU frtft. T. S. rmirmtt* ttu tfbwiaai+i to Mtimt a At ISitral K fY-rMrsmsnt it bat «/«iTJ cxperiewdfram At atrscr; tf Pbtla- Aifia riimrtu Us m+fimtart Aamkt y ami flaiats ti-fJf J» Jk \ rxtrOmt to mtrzi ttnfinasJ mif> *uyfrrr A ftrdtrami ami •y : - J . o aceommodata the pur ' r rework. Thr imw nf Iditor. jiwin. ad Co? " -w.-. -1 5 . Mtnageri. Tao.jy. Fuattt, J K.rwaW 4. Jtt9th. HTAXTED TO PURCHASE, \ Or t» take ** a tn6 as abont j tiid, to tommenat na a- aha-it ift of April next, 111 mj 1 ■ — Ti~a»««ii -a«mf~» —^»-j TROM js to io acrca, with fuftcient buildiaj far farM iag rite fame, and a a--sat kaafe for a family aa aqaal propartlaa of oitiitv,, arable, and woodland, and 1 fcort aiftance fram Philadelphia, Treaton, ar Wil- ' ?aiagten, will be the mare dafirable. Apply ta Ho. lij, I fsatk Thlid-ftrtat. % Not. 4. Jit. { Notice. ALL perfißS indebted ta the lat: p\r;arrJiis as tfri <«r, Si }FUit, ara desired to make psymra; , to Pin* \V. o. eftremtd of the firft qaaiity of any Mor m America, and parte"'jrly adapted for nviinp Steel, barb lhe Faraice a;id r»rje. •' which ixtwstn 11 Jn d . . 114*00 aerei of Land, wilt c~. foid together, cr leiied ci- , (*-er fepsrately or tajethe thry are difta»t aboat feaea frosr. r-ck ether, _rd -re an objeA wellthe !^ut ittert cn of Iron Mafte.i Tbttaildings, lei. irrmeat- '.rith tt refpeft e-mmadioT Fcr fartkrr par-icaian appiy ta u 3on Sesj.uain Chew, ar Jcha Lar~aer, Pkiiadeiphia. f a" ©«-*• 3isw -'1" C - fcctir To bt disposed cf at private sale, To ' ur Parfaiat to die lall Will aad Te.taniat sf Cifpcr •raf. ctcealed, W TWO two bricl; Msfmps and Lots ef Grooad, *f bl t:x. No. too, north iecofsd, naar Slave; and No ran*; 1 74, r.orth Fifth, nesr—both good ftmds for l * , bi&aefr, partieslarly tha farmer. For tcxmi apoly tc LAWRLNCE SECJLEL, or) « CAtPEA. GRAFF, J Zxeentors. f oinl 1 r,m *' r I', 1795- law. pohat A good Cook, Srir d Srdl meet with eonkaat employmesst, aad raceiat feaa- zn T c( (•as vrajaa. Apply mam Fna'.tr. Wat. ij. wet d 1. Frtm ATtfi Willixmi'* LETTERS, pailic, wtiTTtM in ItAUta, Where Ae wis a pril'oner, during the tyuns j of Ra re war- befpitrre the UU. ■ 0 u dj"Mifi W. has !arj brrn 1 decide. Vatirefs *f Liberty. She hat been celebrated foi tb* ele :rt, L; gince «t herftyle, aad »k« tcrity of h*r narTati»e r . • of'the f**! aurfeliet ucuier obb'pt-'or* to the gtmlemaa, bj whose p*i»t, wre arc fir&red tri:h — extract from tkc hi.l rsLat that hes fouad iu war to tbc United States, j Ce7._ Cm. iw.iaT, — loexs, IN tise prifoct tforrng of eontinaef M:f« Williimi, tae prifo-rrrt • tre embittered by oae hoor of aournfol roelanci. -iy, rh'h' aad one oftrembl::ig tenor: The firj? when she ',** eaening paperarnrei, aed the liils ofthe \mr.Ky , ® le rrroiutiouary trtbansl was trad caer, among "hornthe prifoaert feidom failed to find io»t friend j *jvl, or acquaintaitce 16 lamest. But this wai a ferfa t:oa of gentle fadaefi, compared to that tmbolent *h"* ddmi J br the hoarse raice of the turnkey, • u founding at midnight, through the long galleries— ■hrtii* tße knell of firne dctoud riftisn who was called u pon to rile in order to b« led to the Coneiergerie f 6y Ceadarmei sent for that purpal'e from revo lationary trib.taaL Still bowtrer, amldlt the trail £ which the priioncri shed oaer th«ir'loft compani on mi»y of them cherished the fuad hape that they e e i e . themfelaea fliould escape, in ax- Ibe law of the *jd Prairial tort »way erery il tt.l as iufioa of the imaginatioa as the heart, a-.d dtfp'tyed tkrea the general proscription of tha prif *trt t« all itt e pur- ext«Rt of horror. It wai no longer s fa'itarr in noan. dividual who wai called to death ; rrfbhitwJet went 1 fammoned at ence. E»cry ScttirniaJ long I m covered carta dtavrn ha four Itorfet eatarec faeces- t ■ - lfca. Cftti-' «tsrrriH fH"»• " tVimji 1 .j- *- rT--: -:tari the nnnners ptepafT-djKijaifrtTrs l>i oc. t.. T'-ie names of the vi&unt marked far bere 1 it might literals jbe said " hope itererccirei,tßst f. ccmes t« all." jtti. I have feea the Coaciergeric, that aaede of hor ror, that antichamber of the tomb. 1 'rate feea c )th. thofa infsfiious where the prifoneri breathed a ~~~ contagion, where the walls are ia feme plres ftaia- ei ed with the blood of tke raafTaeret of S()tcaber. f, 6L L he CDt tk« trcffcj cf /hey out trial i, beauty, and whsre he tied bcr tender kaai behind " her waifl with cords. A 1 ?""" ' " r d m ° n S wl >o Lave fc Wko , , Wtrf P r '^ onfr s to whom cir heatt sr mw" - ound b 7 "« of fWendlkip and affefion. Tor W me the world has loft its illufire colouring; its fai- ha , de- ry Ipclli, its light enchantments hare ranihej ; ana T We death the idea the mo!t familfer to my itioa, ar -si?" t0 " r wnnti f P int *te oo> point of tit itt. "'I.- t Tl -he ufaal pretext for the murders inmsfj which -o wet* praclifed at this period, was tks or a cor.- ! ) (piracy ia the pnfon ; a ragut and wilc'teim which th< the tn ' C l na ' l m, s kt 'nterpret at their jlcafure, and , rr ' h E IYe !hlßl power, of including whiteaer to perfoiii and r.haterer rniabcrs thev fe r , per. Spies were plascd in erery piiica, v.few »f ;cr om: their lifts of profcriptica si tKe- j, t mi td tyrant, thit a co&fpltacv ttit. t ek.*ed, of which taofe nsa; Led 00 tis« Jidi, WCl ' t J m , the aatborj cr accsmj&cc*. - T _ Wot heard of ! other onti. that moment, were niien UnSlim Tc- 1 - • I different pMons-td takc ditiments wsie made oat, one pcrfonwit mistaken th-' _ for another. Tbc d«tchefrof Biron amongother infixes, tvfco so \: went tc. thstubonal with an a3 ofaccufation which and s was ccfliiied for her ilcward. The difference of tranl a the tribunal with refpeft to fach errors enabled y Monf. Loucrollcs at 60 Teats of a ge to d-ceire hi. wa« L barbaroas judges, by dying for his son, * Tooth in f, a hit twentf firft year. . ■ , I "™ #Wt "ed that this genertßrt'pare.r whr, aIX . J..ut a fec*.a time give life to hi; ch id a.-9esior.. Tiie:: un happy persons beiog altogether tgpnrxnt of the as Ri- objfft of the visit, hid no lime to coaxal any *hii%, ind wcr« ft ripped of all ibey had except Sfty livrrs, * in taper, which each prlioner m *i!ewed lo re ,tiref> tain 11 order to to pay tor hi* »uWi*«nee. But tie- from this day famine 'fccnted along these gleony rat ire. ciiffion*, adding to the pang* of mental luiferingt »o the »f debility and disease. The pcifoner* wti* I with nc permitted to receivc tbe:r daily meals It way fwrn their own hoti'.es or from a tivem : but ivere 'rii. - -r(Jered from htacclorth in conformity to the :aw* sf equality, ta eat a 1m ~imel't, but of one ji.fh at i *~ • «c-.-.-r.»a table. Hirir food it provided for them A at ttrate of fob* prr day, by a c?ak placed mi ike p itoa! Their woHiiftwent eor.ii.ied ef out :n the S*aT in 24' Iwurs, often too icsatr to fatisfy the i&irnr ca!!; of liu-gfr. aad fomctimet com po fed of such iirong mufeovf diet at the greater pai tof the prifor.rri friend we-c usable to eat. fecfa- 'A little bread lavtd from thit wretched meal and talent water, wat all that could be obtained during the mkey, day. Even prisoner* of war were obliged to fub riet— crit to this rigorous treatment. Gen. CHarah.* Ikd u- Sret told me, that after havingevoiaed tfcc rjrerie fomt weeks on the plea of iilncls, h: war at length revo- furctd to (hare* the common evil. r teari T> this meal the prisoner* at the Lnxemboorgh, ripaoi- when nine hundred peifont were confined, were t they fjTuiDned ia a fueccffian of three hundred at a time fey a jreat bell which called them i.ito the hall, at rry il- the dear of which Sood a gaoler, who had bcer< thru} ai executioner under Collot d'ljerbois, at Lyons, ill it* 1 his mis wat remarkable tall, big and mafetnar ; ry in- his arms were hare to the elbow ; be wore a fierce were rH cap, which had now become the fyasol of .. ->g bii-od, siid looked as if he were prepared for z '«<< nu.Tacre. !t :• sflj e f - 03 f 0 tunate Jnhi :>1 r d kare fomtiHWi T*t T.iTttrrT TJfT their wo?s; their tyrants blazon tbemfeives, their ' vsiwit er:res to the open Hay, and invite you to read the 1 •ver* efeck catalogue of their enormities—" In destroy- ] T.'it mjr a (fays Collot d'Hetbois) we • 1 wife fijall confoiidate the reft. We must have nothing ' phan bot ashes. We ccmokfh with cannon balls, and ' >neri with explafiotulike thole of_n»ines." When such 1 cpri- rrtre . s ..t prir:,ples, b:» proje&s a»d exploits, it ' t »ic- would be trifling to flop and talk of individual < rated distresses :—to relate, low he ordered three ladiet, < ratet who had prostrated themfelvet at bis feet to im 1 je;n j lore bis ir.erey to b< :!cd for its hours ac the feat ! k " tc - fo'-d. where their hufhir.ds were to be executed ' here ; bat the guillotine it not expeditious, and ia a * ,tnat few days three or four hundred will b« diipatch- « ed at a time. h° r " This was r.o empty menace, tbe tragedian exe- t tcea euted what he had promised : « The guillotine t thed and fu/Ulade do not go ami&," fays he, " sixty, c lab- eighty, two hundred, =t once, are shot." But dill c iber, tbefc n-err ordisary means. Tbi» aew Salmcntivs f, i, a- *1, not contcftwS ir.figtn'a of the god ; i,» r I re- parted to iar. 'ate hit destroying power, and acord- I ones .ugly force of the miferaUle inhabitant* were pkecd v lead. before batteries of cannon ; by wbiclk ttoey weir n con- fhiltsftd and torn in pieces; tho' the greater part h d to *cre left lobe dispatched the followirg day by the j Nere, fjudrs ef th&fe who came to bary them. Collot "1 bps) hiafdf, in beholding thi* operation:— b limd " AVhat exftacies thou wouldft have felt," adds ,1 the nonfler to hit correfpondeat, •• if thou hadft S save fecn jafticc executed on two hmdrcd I eart and nine tafcals ! What cement for the republic c: II r We have knocked off five huudred, and when we >. Y lil ; T . e dispatched twice at many more, we shall do. n< ana j Thing 1 Hill go forward. The revolutionary army on, j amvet the day after to-morrow, and the., (con- {(. c: .luuet hej I (hall be able to perfurm gteat things.'' b< 1 f TK I! W2S f !" P rivatc correfponc?encc of the oior.ftcr iich 1 :o Robefpierrr. » J "' , The churcl ' or Notre Dane was changed into " j tbe of reason; and the commune, with the Sc lod divinity heTfelf, attended by a fp'rendid train, catre dt v?r ,0 recnrfl the Convention to faiiftifr by their pre- ' "°" * nCC ' J he The god'defs of rcafon, ! p., w 2 8 l De , bloo«i.g d.rnfe! of the Opera House, jN< . d r aa< " d hcr P«t in this comedy .lfo, to the en- ~,, ° ' rf J" r new votaries. From her £ intone, in which (he wa* borne by foui th< (>" t rr.,_fl,e to ,h, right hand of the pre- ,ht fl Cmomusw, aodbyj decree, rcceiv.-d at :: U ::■ 5: ere a.; lats, fnc, a . t/e procured J (t " I' e4 f ma,U " e ' peifft or Ottftcr me £tK^ p ' S announced her negative ard p„ r in » fitivc .. fcrft, that the was not likefbe all 0l ,h * ancl<:nt »»nhip, . cold aad inanimae 3 ~ .«ge; a«d r.cxt that she was a master-piece oi HH , nature, and that her ficrcd fotrr. had so inflamed dul every Wart, that only one miiverfal erv wa* heard f c- no mare prwfls and other gods !" When the de' 7 at the tc,pll the *"1 r- introduced thtm to the goddefj of libeny who • «M.ut of the horfc of philofophv, to rcciive " f ' 1 thcirhaaagc aad beftowfcer rc 7< , ... ne o! :r ' c rcv lotion ercouraged thefeJ which the pa,not disavowed and lamented •] I' h and the have failed at lb , : ; Ca o >f trantrent P ,ter,l,« lti hi(l the> . nM i ' Ahtl res Ton Stat «as a, fieettrg a, the respect tar other , s d s . ,r, 'Vu T C " ertf "' ton d " T "" ,T itMf '- wrr * >«er con- C!cv! ! j '-2 ■ I »a tu; ,w lg£JS£Z ™ ;• fcMfit.f„l, nnd H.nry the IV.,he silver VcW & lßr ° £ i T Ck el! rir drtiinat- -.'.VV 7 i:a at "»r an poitrite w«|." ;' C V. their. coverirg of k:i parents duil. o,i n, n - . laced iSnce, doomed to ioog right, ,b t f nr J 5" onr Ihonfc, and r .,<- t, ' 7 y the preferred ail their origins] force and c!aijfc" t '.' 3 fuc'n Among othc;,, Madsn.e Jjcil-rc w-«j f. _ with ths uirfadnijg fcwom of healthy . d X * oJdage: B»: « the ediSa .i iArt "J ilar.o piiri'egcs comprehended tal. .. 25 v. r 'l as '- 5 the the wife, ss wt.l is the nr.ighty, frfrrr! " ■>' 1 lab- general prefer tptior.s agaii.ll lea !m 10 r„.,. . ■ahas Defcartcs, whc:e, wcie put i- to a bi r .. . mullt carried to the PantHeon, where he is kted to ■fe iigth with the " immortal anddivinc M-:at.'' W crt' Far t t GAZETT£ cf tUNITED STATES. time ~ _ Mr. Femio, "» at beer. . I read with bo left surprise than i dignation a rons. :c your p3per of the 4th in [a i, . T dar ; that '.' e Pandemonium Air-Fur. pee beL-i-Jn.r ; a ierctr :^c r - n.o\i aie compas v, whofc fcrvant ; si o " had ceased blowing for w-:.t of orfanj-. ar a - arr y it on. Now ljr, s1 Co rjt held it io b« j any riolation of my oiEcial ca ii ;,j uil-the trina "ha- | 't redouiidi to rr- c«\ r t .i. their I «•»« the patagraph in qu.'iioc i»notahoir, •the eorreft—l admit however, that the Fnmscc * troy- progrelTed but slowly of late, nay, that on ■ m e ■we <»»y»'t b-» ceased to romit forth a«iv ; o W v a . e hing ut - !r t « dees na; nectTirily foiiow, i| iit be.iiifc and t be fiaisct ha»e been lomewhat fnioi!,. c,', they such "| 3 7 c °i cut owe of these daTs greater >, it T,o!cnc « tbz . n cvcr - I »Jfo gntut tliat thepatr:oti c dual exertions of the company hare teen laitirr aaV-. dies, by the difcoutinuanc« of the foreign fu'nicr in, upo.i w: ch they hare heretofore so mcrefefj v feat traded— Gr, when 1 e to rcfleft upon the" 1 inexhaustible resources which the ccntss-.r Je-Te , from a proper use of their wits, 1 Ice so rrefoo is tch- aeipcnd. ' I' ny peculiar province to eiiiime iato Cx '" tlw "B»w which have operated »o prodnce this " ;ne lensporary derangement ia tie a fairs i.f tie can. "am! ccnlcti ' i ily made ar. ofStial rrpcrt to the 11,11 t>r. the fsbjeS, but as it is too lenMhr :c " a yfpaper, rihal! content myfelf v>i:h icca- 4 >rc- Firstly. of tL'e forefgs fubficy b) the ~ : " c nolent acd sudden dtfTcJutioo of tLe fo.-tr.r -?rt rert nci * : ? of Hobefpk-rre, B»rrere a»d Co.—SecoJ aft ly. The mode of diftri jting their hoHovr ware gratis, during the cobtinmnceof the fiij fabfidy. " ot l"he great fuics nnfaccefifuily espei dcd : .T , ti>C """P"f « :ht bte efrfifoa—And >•,%. cC * Ilc want of pruper agents thfoughou-; the L'j I'trd '-t S:2:ea to give a free em ulation to the holitw ware, red I proceeded to offer my opinion as to the =• cenrfe to be purfned by the company to rcftcre we their credit—l sdvifed thrra in tl' c fi r j t ; n ft. ace tic. to d Icorjtinue the practice of giving sn-rr fflf their meichandiae, but to bring aflfiot i agaiuil =Il #n- those perf.iss at wiiofe dt; rs the i ollow >r?rc i;"d l>«en dropped.—l was fomrwliat dt/nbtful at fi-il iff as to the success of this project frs rn r.n idea it might be tsccdTary to prore the ?f!iie • , Mbt tl m 'so 1 c?tri to refirtt that my oath as k-kee;d he Solicitor to the comp„ny wc;ld f«bsiarti:!?e the ** J ebt. my obiefljens were over 1 ulc«i at «it. [ re- have also recom.TK ' dcd it to my ctt>p.'< rer< to np. >n, point .'•gents nt P-.-itfmouth, BviftcK, Ntw VorS, fe, Norfolk a*id Peter:'>urg, to vrnd their !tC " >wtraie n- upon a c ->aim suo* to be paid 1h ki >d. These, !er .'lr. Printer, »re tSe mofl >u n. rrnt frs'nrcs t U' the repoit which I had the < ■ r to f'. to e- the proprietors of the Pardedjcciiißl Air Fm:»ce at their last meetiwr^ —but, a? the eoftrs of t!:e towpawy «fc (.■ : — v 'J I —7 T.. * - —.1. T I er mediately rtplei- •ti'J, I figgeftct; to t! em :t the u fame time the propriety of I i-Tt.h e ; V,fing of »e all the goods on hand at public J?.]- —ccr..irtin<; rf te * g™ l variety of new an j cur: :s -• :.'eS, the st n>;ht of making and vending rt v h ha? r.rea d duly purchased from the rtfpeCiite ; . rotors. The 3 , following from their novelty .and u;i. :y deferre f- particular notice. Telegraphes upon 3 new conflrcftion—bv rr . -s ° of which, circular ites cac he inilattaiKoufiy con veyed to all parts of the Union : invented by the Hirmony-flrcrt Society. : I Infiruments 10 be used in the