Num * er 993-3 ' FRIDAT EVENING,. NOVEMBER' 13, 1795. {Volume VIH. m • /~ii f / . -- ■ ■ ■ 1 1 1 Ship Charlotte. WILL BE SOLD, y/7* PUBLIC AUCTION, Oil Saturday, the 14th inft. At 6 o'clock in the evening, at the MerehantsCcfF e-koufc, J3&- ihe ship Charlotte, A s ae now la Y s at Mr. John Wilcpcks'a w harf. iKc C harlotte is a feitVfu \ 1 uilt £n g? an 3 $*?».?SB!6Si y «w» »* fiTppdfUtt .-m- ? * 7 or liiocabout* : ilie is well fouai and fitted in every refpe• St t t Ilj Quarter Barrels FIGS 137 Boxes PRUNES jo Kegs ANCHOVIES 50 Jars GRAPES n/rrvMTtQ 94 Sacks Soft Shell*! A^ O T^T D .^- TXT p 100 Quarter Ca&s MOUN I AIN FOR sal Veter kuhn. ' d' f 1 rtk November. Jamaica Rum. The Tzrgo of the brig Peace, Carit-n Gray.'frora "le , 1f..,., *orth Cdw of Jam;. ~ ,T: 'o-wrrovmomrHg at S v \tMreet whir , High P.-nf RU.Mj J 1 . P'imc SUGAR arid COrF£E : — — -L— $ KEARNY WHARrON, " 1 a HAS FOR sale. At tir stores 'ately occupied by Wliirton i Greeves, A FEW PI pps . -L,cndofi particular Madeira WIN E; A few quarter c.ifks Old SHERRY WINE ; Russia MATTS, &c. Thirty finds, prime St. Croix SUGARS. November 6 GEORGE DOBSON, jaft rec«ived by the late arrivals from England, and \ » now opening at fcis STORE, N°- 134, 1 larkcUjlreet* corner cf I 7 our thy \ Large afTon;r cat of braad an 4 narrow Cloth; Elaf- J-'j*. tic do. Ksrfeymeres; Coaihigs; Blaoketj; Flan- - neh. *ce —Alfc, an elegant aH'ortment of Londoa &na printed Caliitoes of the newe patte -s, adapted lor tap fcifon, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs and Puliicats, Pinr, BccJ ivmch he will fell by the or i Mckage on i.e lowelt terms ior Qafh or approved ntjtcs «.t 4, 6 months. Novc nber f -j - <•„»■ u.. One of Bed tide 'Jo be^'i,, w j to clof: Sales, by Mordecai Lezvij. j : Xovetn - 4. jawiq.. | Bartholomew ,Conoliy, No. 48, Chefnut-ftreet, RESPECTFULLY informs hi 6 fiier.ds and the I in general, that he has imported in the late arrivttk from England, an -elegant, extensive and well chosen as- of men's and women's hofieijy—among which is a very great variety ef beautiful fancy hoiiery—fucn as Sriped and clouded cotton-r-fine plated silk and cotton —r elegant patent fancy lilk. Tine striped an& clouded patent worlted, &c. &c. wh?ch are now offered for sale upon his tifual low terms, together with every other article of dry good', suitable to thefeafon. 3. C. has also imported a great variety «f gentlemen's out size {lockings. oa and Bristol, a large and elegant assortment of Ladies and Gwitlemens fafnicnable HATS,-j—Alfo, a variety of Qhildrens HATS of different colours, which will be fold on the lowest terms for cadi. N. B ¥ Ladies Hats trimM in the newest fafhion from •London, 0&. 12. § ADVERTISEMENT. FROM the firft of December next, the annual fabferip tion fbr this Gazette will be EIGHT DOLLARS. ( Subscribers out of the City will pay One Dollar a year in ' addition, for inclosing and directing their Papers. Remote fubferibers are requested to pay up arrearages ; to the above period; also the half year's advance from that time—those who do not, will be coniidered as de fining a continuance of their fiibfcription. ' Advertisements ot a square, or less, are publilhed in this Gazette once, for ha lf a dollar; and continued at one quARTE* or a dollar for each subsequent infertiou. The Editor acknowledges, with gratitude, the favors of his adremfing patrons—He afTures them, tliat the en creafed, and encreafing number of his fubferibers, it con tinually extending the circulation in the-city—ltsdiftant circulati«i is now equal to that of any other publication. 1 Philadelphia, November 3, 179 J. Fresh T E A S, Of fuptrior quality, viz. Imperial, or Gunpowder Hyson Gomee, lit quality Hyson, 2d. do. no. Young Hywn, Hylon Skin, and Souchong. A few Boxes of each, for sale at No. 19, Third Street, South. December 10. x eod. Canal Lottery. No. 149, Chefn ut-Jlreet, bet-tveen Fourthly Fifth-fireets. OILKETS examined grain, and every information giv i en refpeAing said Lottery. Alfa, Waihiagton and Paterfon Lotteries. OSt. %%■ f John Miller, jun> & Co. ' le I.'-- t, Chefnutjkrett J' 1 . : -v r?cw'vcd, have ob hand j. remaining of the ' C'a ' 'rothers& Aretha fafrom India, A>; only, 1 •; CoiTaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muflios I - Long efcths in do. r Patna .njnilkerchiefs Humhumi b Shirting muflir.s Baftas cl , Blue romaU Cambricks cl Book Handkerchiefs in MuCia b small -bales ne.ttljr as- Taffaties ' fortcd. Blue checks |4 " Alfo«rt variety of French Goods, viz. Looking glalfes Feathers and Flowers J, AnsroU gloves Paper hangings f n Linaas and Linau handkerchiefs, iuitable for tie v Weil-India market. i„ A few elegant Time Pieces. bi 1 OA. 9th. § w Ffer SALE, by the Subscribers, h< in PIti'.VSTAEET, The followmp mrticUs f ibt las importation from Chi-.a. 160 Quarter Chests Hyson Tea, 1 t 2,0 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea, , 43 o iV: •> Cl;::1a, containing Tea Setts, i Nankeens. IVi/lings & Francis. c -- ■U- 3 taw tl( s H O ~T: :: OTi 11 H le4, executed at the ' [ nc-die, —; - I NaX c»d».' from iod to fpSre, I Hoc iron, of :1 sizes, for c or cutting i«to nails, from .j :' 1 to i d nails, J Aurw.ti, from 17 Cwt. to ioolb. H I Ifc" v :l, | j ty of James RiSrer Tebacco, i | Cariiiia Pork. i Herijjgsin barrels, - Kilp-iried Corn mj in Hhd6. snd Bbl». 1 Rytfl«ur See. to be fold by Levi Hollingjhuorth & Son. fg# 4 2aw ; Just Arrived, and for Sale Frin on bard the k-ig WalterJlor'fF, laying at Iv 3 s the fubfcr.ber s received is payment; fubjeft to the deduction cxpreficd 111 the tickets—Price It dollars until further te.iee. Approved notes, with a good indorfer, payable ic;h Dc«embev next, willbe rcc- ived iSTpaymeut for tickefs amounting to one hundred dollars and upwards. 1 |j tl'illiam Blackburn, Agent, s , A variety tf HouJbot4&Krtch'en Furniture* • at uia.iuji.Bj dining rabies, ;ii letts of 1,», 3, i V> 4, and 5, pier tables, card tables, round tables, bu reaus, warJrobe, night table, mahogany belleret Cde board, large plain do. mahogany worked and other chair,, large gilded frame looking gUiles, small do. do. chamber do. mahogany frame lockinsrvglaffes, plated ani br.ils lconces and. chandeliers, mahogany knif* cases of ivory handled knives aad fork., silver plated eaudiefticks, do. to urns, japann'd do. plated cake baflcct, tea ca ir, butter tub and ftaud, silver tea-pot, milk-pot, soup- JfL-onSj tablc-fponns, Jea-fpoons, an elegant silver plaui eporgne mi glaft hmvl esmplete for a dining tsble, tea and small waiters, setts of tea and tabic china, glass and queens vare, fable cloaths, beds and bedding, hair and common liaatraiies, oc ftufTfctiof bed and windew-curtaius, brass and bell mettle kettles, smoke jack, bras, and iroa iirdirans, (hovel and tangs, carpets and carpeting, larg* painted floor c!ot>es, hall' and, fide lamps, tells and hanging*; large and fni»ll iron pots, a f.Ufett of difli co \ crs, knives and forks, spoons, a pair of large TTon rac£s, and many other articles not enumerated, which may b« viewed any time previous to the day of file. •By order of the Executor, VYm. Shannon, Auctioneer. November io. £ Iti addition to the above, will be fold a valuable collec tion of \fax Work moulds, of various sizes and impreff -011; prepared inuring the life time of {he deceased at a very yrcat cxpence. Jri/b Linens. James & Henry Fisher, 8, IV:llnut-flrect, Have imported by thf Rebecca, from Dublin, a krg# aflortment of 7-8 and 4-4 white Linens, ?-S brown do. 4-4 half white Sheetings, 9-8 brown and white do. 3-4 brown *nd white Lawr.s, 7-S Dowlas ; hichthey will difpo/e of on reasonable terms, by the pa w C 013 F1>™ VC< * Notes, at 60 and 90 days. - ■ 1 'I®' aboTe . Goods bekg immediately from the Maßufaderics, it is prefum.d they will be fo:iud worthy of notioe. oa. 26. f 7 Jolm Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander T. Miller have entered into partnerlbip, under the Firm of ' John Miller, jun. & Co. They t a ve rece'mi iy the fro* Eurtfe, a. i are „ov> •A"'":' for SALE, At their STOKE; No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet, A capital afartment of DRY C.nn 779, Broid ucd narrow Cloths, Plain and fancy Coating^j Eaaveret's and el^jlics^ •Rofeand point Blankets, A variety of coarse Woollens, Manckctfer minufailuies, Irish Linens, India Goods, generally, French Gooda% All of which they will dispose of for cash or the *fual credit. Oihiber 9. Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf, the CARC ocf the Jhip Triflra:*, J. Cbrif ie, mjjl.-r, frtm, —CONSISTING OF— 120 hogflteads, and?,.* r , „ _ 7 2 barrels of \ Muscovado SUGAR, 45 barrels of COFFEE. FOR SALE BT George Sibbald, 0&. 26. d No. 170fouth Front-street. 53 7 Hog(heads, 4 J9 Barrels, i Coffee, above 600,0001b. 214 Bags, 3 115 Hoglheads of choice Jamaica Sugar! 211 Eilea of St. Doningo Cotton, Will be landed Monday morning, s6th inft. at Sauth ffreet wharf, Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, from Jai\ai*a; Brig Polly, VnJ Schooner frnrn rot sali by Peter Blight. Odlober si. The CARGO of the ship Harmony, Ezra Lowell, mafier—frcm BOURDEAUX, CONSISTING or BRANDIES, in pipes and pyncheons; and CLARET hoglheads, is discharging from on. board the said ship at Cuthbert's whaff, and for sale by Andieivs & Meredith, Sept. 15. d. No. 86, south wharvct. CLARET, ~ In calks, suitable for the East and Weft-India markets. TRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes. And a frw eafet of Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs. FOR. SALE BY Run die £9* Murgatroyd, OA. 28. (d2"jj) No. 11, Walnut-street wharf. Hare's Patent Floor Cloth, WITHOUT SEAM. THE mannfaftarcr has jsft imported by the LIGHT HORSE FROM BRISTOL, an elegant aff.rtment of the ncwefc and best Patterns, which are in excellent preservation, from 9 feet square to 18 by 15 f ee t; like wise, for Stairs, Entries, and Halls, from J yard to 3 yards wide. , The fabferiber refpeftfully informs purchaferj, that Floor Cloths laid under woollen Carpets during the win ter, will be in a slate of improvement till th« fpriiig, and render rooms warnl by preventing air Ircm pafling be r tween the boards. JOHN BROWNE, [ No. 145 north Setond-ftreet. WHO HAS FOR SALE, A quantity, of Remnants to lay before the fire for the pr* • fervation ot woollen Carpets ; Dipt and mou'd Candles, with sip.c eottoa wick; Brown and white Soap, ef a very fuptrior tjuality, jn small boxes suited for families; 1 White Lead; Red Lead; Sp.nilh Brown; Orang* Mint " ul, &c. &c. November 10,