City of Wafnington. A'ml ___ desired to SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, persons ir FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Modioli FEDERAL CITY. I A magnificent > 20,000 DolI»rs, and "* dwelling house, > e»(h 3«,ooo aie Bellemr s o,»ao Ofl i ditto 15,000 &ca(h =5,000 40,000 1 ditto 15,000 &cash 15,000 30,000 1 di'-to i»,ooo Ic cash 10,000 jo,ooo 1 ditto * 5,000 Si cash 5, 000 10,000 1 ditto .5,000 it c»(h 4,000 ,0,000 1 Cilh ol 10,009 2 ditto 4,000 e«cb, ar« IO.OfO T\V ,0 ditt« »,000 10,9»» . ,o ditto $00 io.oo» Q K Jr E ,eo ditto i'o« 10,000 O Pro soo ditto 5* »o.°o« Views, 1 ico ditto »5 lf>,00» of itsLo ~000 crt.t® »• ditto « , ~=,OOO A^rtj 16,739 t""* 33,161 Blank* ■ ■■ I. That ,0.000 Tickets at 8 doKar« 400,000 that e ' J —; — of vi This Lottery will afford an elegant fpecimea of the brow private buildmp to be ercftcd in the City of Wafci.Jton , -Two beautiful deft R ns are already We tte3 the enure IQch ., front lon two of the public fqnares i from the e draw. of as toizs, it is proposed to rreft twp centre arul our comar nicdii building, as focm as pebble alter this Lottery is so.d, and fcfib< 40 convey them when complete, lo the fortunate auventur. ess. in the manner described in the fc.icuie tor the hcxe Lottery. A nettdoduftmn ot five per cent, will be made • to iriray the neceff.ry expenccs of printug, &c. and the fu.plu. will be made a part of the fund intended to. the *'gn' National U»iverfity, to be erected the City of P=«' W,fl,in ß"' n - ' , . . , Suhfi fcr The drawing will soon as the Tickets are fold off. The money prires will be payable - 1^ in thirty days after it is (inilhed.and any pr izes for which • (ormtatc number> are not produced within twelve nioatlu P I titer the drawing is closed are to be Canhdered a;- g'fen towardt Ihe fund for the Univerflty, it b-tng determin ed 10 fettle the whole bufinef* in •« year horn the ending f of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as leca- The rest fecrtrities given for the payment of the Prue OITI are bcld by the Pvefident and two Oireffors of the B*ik Q D, of Columbia, »nd are valued at more than half the amount f rm ti of the Lottery. - Land, The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of < the late Commiffioflers afiifted in the management of the j on i j tl Hotel Lottery are requeued to undertake this arduous talk „ Jhor, • second time on behalf of the public ; a fufScicnt num- , e u c „t her of these having kindiy act- pted, it is hoped that the , lonvsn: fHends to a National Univerflty and the other federal ob- : ie&t mast continue to favor the design. The synopsis of Clover, one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National „ loflitution, is already in the press, and will be fpeeiUly rtn j, rs publilhed, together with its conftitutiou. j The A compleat Plan of the whola of this Important va iim Ir.ftitution, compiled from a fele&ion of the bed materi- f, i a , »1«, ancient and modern, will be fubtnitted to the public . Baltimore or Gideon Denifon, moU! Savannah, o' Peter GiUnan, Boilon; of John Hopk.i«f [ orm Richmond ; and of Richard Wells, Cooper s ferrv. ptfrc —— ; — Wil Scheme of a Lottery, ™; r« rat's 30,900 Vtlkn. on a66,c00 DilUrs Dtd*f!i*K 15 2 _ per Cent, frtm the Prim —This lottery confifli of i>B,ooo s on ', Tickets, there arc 14,53? Prizes, and »3,401 j n t ) Blanks, being about meatdjrt haij blanks to 1 !>""■ fwai UitcdtwrsoftheiSociety toreUabltm-no; Uieful Ma- X nufatlurts, having »tfolved torreS LOTTERIES for raifme Okl H u Ntia id Thocia nd Dol i. a as, agreeably ' to an Aft of the ot the State of New-JfrfeV, have appointed the following persons to fup'rintend and T dire£lthe drawing of the fame, via. Nicholas Low, Uulus 11111 Kmc, Herman Le Roy, James Watfo.i, Richard Har- 4 rifon, Abiiah Hammond, and Carnelius Ray, of the city ol Mo New-York—Thomas Willing, Jofepll Hall, Matthew M'» Cos Conncl and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia Thi —His Excellcncv Richard Howell, Esq. Eliat Bourfinot, viz Gencial EliasDayten, Jam. s Parker, John Bayi'd. Doct or Lewis Llonham, Samuel W. Stockton, J.o(hua M. Wal- J, O lace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elilha Eoudinot, of New Terfey, who offer the f»ilowing Scheme »f a Lottery, and pledge themfclves to the public, that they will take every aflnrancc and precaution in tlieir power to have the Monies paid by the Managers Irnm tinae to time, asrccctv cd into the Banks at New-Ycik and Philadelphia, to remain for the perpofe ot paying Prii s which (ball be immediately discharged by a check upon one ol the Banks ' s C H E M E: ! Sriae of so,ooo Dollars is »®,ooo JC,OCO l<\ooo # 4,000 10,000 ' a,too jo.oo® ® i,o*» 10,000 Ic, i co ,0 ' 000 ito ,oo IO.OOu 71 ,05, 5° 'i' 1530 fil 3 , 0 20,00 c in j r 110,00 c ir .0 ' 8 -™° Pj »< ,2 .° 00 » i,461 Blanks; Jirft drawn number, a,OOO - Lafldrawn number, a,OOO 4SOOO Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 366,000 ] The drawing will commence, under the inlpeclton o aVomn.utfe ot the Superintendents, as toon as the Tick- rt! i-rt fold, of which timely notice Will be given. i The Snpciinteadants have ippomlcd John N. ( uirming ot Newark, Jacob R, Hardenberg, ol Xew-Bruofwick, and l.ioatfcju Rhea, of Tunton, as immediate Manager, thereof, who have given ample fecuiity tor dilchtrging the trulf icpoled in them. ' (p" In order lofceure the punctual payment of th> r uea, the Supenniendanls of -.he Lottery have dirctted ' that the M'ahagera lh»l! each eaier i«t? bonds in ■ dollars, witnfouilurtic.eiitfecuiuits, loperfoiui their lu iliudtious, the fobllance of which 1a I Tnat whenever either of the Managers (hall receive the fiim ol ThrCe Hundrtd Dollars, immdiatcly he lhall place the fame in one ol the Banks ol New-York or 1 In. laddchia'i to the ciedii ot the Governor ot thciociety, and such ot the Supenntendantt at ive 111 the city where the monies are placed, 10 remain there until the Lottery is drawn, lor ihe payment ol the Priaes. 11. The Manager* to take lufficieut fccurity for any Tickets they may truft,otberwife to be refpoufible forthem. |jl T 0 keep regular books ef Ticl-ets fold, Mo nu s received and paid int« the Bank, abiti -ds of which (hsll be sent, monthly, to iheGovcrnor Ol the Society. Paterfon, January 1,1794. On application to either of the above gentlemen, infor nation Will be given where tickcts mav be hed. tu&if. r— A IX pfrfoits having any demand: on the B < /V Mja. r HtwaoM.latc of Buck, j. desired to apply to Wu.lia« HawsoN near Bnftol, in I I the count / aforcfaid, for immediate foment. And all persons indebted to said Eft ate arc rcquefte.dl to ""I'cpaj ment to the faidWiil»m Hewfen, who u Werwy aucho rifed to receive fAmc. EIIZAB2TH Hewson, Exefvtn*. Or, a ' Jonathan Williams, ? "" William Hiwjon, 5 -rr —I cording 1 American LanaJ capes. 11: cm, anv tiofii, PROPOSALS »• A PUBLISHING IK Twenty-Four Vlil. n'V o, and^d C F.LECTED from the moil ftriWrig and wterefting gW •_ . O Profpeas in the Wnited Sutea ; each cf which continei Viewt, will be accompanied with a defcnptive accoun situa . of its Local, Hiftortcal, and other Incidental Peculiarities k By G. I. PARKYNS, vincesa Authtr «/ the " Monape Reiraint an% Aruient Co/Iks to Great V. 1 J Siit.iin." regctab CONDITIONS. s »"'• *!' I. That the work (hall lie publlflied by Subferip.ioo • and ht.c.,^ that each Subfcribcr fltall engage to take the whole set montor of Vi«ws, and fliall pay for each engraving, if blaok or lf brown, z Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollar*. n I. That thedimenfions of oaohengravmg fhallbe I4by 17 1. a « re iiich-i, cxecntcd in ;quatinta, and publilhed upon paper be tic of a superior quality. The publication to commence im- 11. A J " mediately; and cue engraving to be the Sub- ' IJo ' J " d fcribers, on the firft Monday of each month, 111. A until the proposed series fhail be finally completed. " f! HI. That with the last View of the series, Ih.Ubedeli , j vered an engraved title»-page ;an elejjant charailerimc Th vienette: a map of the route, connected with the proi 0f pests exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcrtbert. the l» t < Sulifcriptiont are received by Mr. Marrifon, »t his Print : s fliop, Maidt-nlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-feU- The rJ , er No. 118, Market flreet, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellors ir. the Onitcddtates. February IS. t 1 M 1 n- FOR SALE, 2 Ch 2 A very valuable ESTATE, Called TtrirrKNUJM. Poll te CITUATE in tU ttwnjbip of Upper Derly, a.i county of $ hk J Dfliitvare, J 1-1 miles frum Philadelphia and half ant e wa") II" from the new WeJler, road: containing tjO at res oj cxcelUnl si Rl Land, 4C of -aihieh are good watered MtaJtnu, <)Oof frime ?Sc of Wood Land, and the ret Arable of the frj) quality. There art JEf tbe „ f -,, fremih a good truoHory Brick House, vjtlb 4 " 9 Irt aflc a floor, 'nd Cellars under ihe -whole, -with a Pump 7! eU of "J IO Fr '»»- telle*' Water in front; <2 Urge frame Burn, Stables, av. other II , Sc the , convenient buildings; a SmoLe-Honfe andJlone Spnng H»fe ; two „Sc ob- ZM d Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. T'se Fields area.l in jj of Clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are ft laud H u nal cot to have the advantage of Water in each of them, which Il} G lily rtn J, rs it peculiarly convenient for Crazing. 15 Si ! The fit uat ion i, pliafaat and healthy, andfrom tieoigb cults- p, :ant | rat i a n of the Land, the good neighborhood, and tie vicinity to then- Sj ="■>- i fv, it IS veiy fuiialle for a Gentleman's Country Seat. 18 It blie lh' e foregoing is part of the £fl ate of Jaeob Hatmandeccafed Jg T lons and offered for sale by M 08-DEC A 1 LEWIS %Q A and Surviving Executor. f«- Ofl-9,1795 — ui: the Sale of valuable Property. **ti k ,h! To be Sold, by Public Auclion, and On T«efday, the I oth day of December, 179J, 11 I of At the Tontine Coffee-Houfe in New-York, at II 0 clock ible. m the forenoon, all the right, title, and lßtcrclt ef the Calei AMERICAN IKON COMPANY, tal In the following valuable TRACTS of LAND, jef x> all thattratftof land containing about 1500 acre!, j u p r bia; J\ fttuate in the county of Orange, being part of the Legi i,on i mountain lots. No. 21 and ah, in the patent of Cheefecock, ] U J, >kt«' f orm(:r ly laid out by Charts Clinton, Ef-j. deceafcd, and p ep ptrrchafed by the Agent ot the American Iron Company ot Dep Wi Ham Smith, Efq- on the Bth day of November, 1766. Co „ This traiS contains fame plough land and swamp; alio offi Potuckeit Pond and the outlets thereof. Rev £15 % All that trad of land situate on the welt fide of Hud -B,ooc fon'"s river, near Buttermilk Falls; containing 1000 acres. 3>4 61 i n t his trad there is said to be a valuable mine, some good D m , ~ swamp and timber bnd. Exe : 5. All those two tractS situate on the north fide ot the Dut ' S !'' r Mohawk rivar, being part of the Manor of x Coiby, pur- r Y chafed by the Agont of the American Iron Company in the j) rl f. y j years 1 7 6j and 1767, of Oliver Dclancy, Esq. the one con- j j.',''' - taining >940 acres, the other j81 J acrcs. c Har! 4■ All that tria of laud situate on the north Sd: of the Ge , -,t v ot Mohawk river, near the German Flats ; at' w ning part of , M M'» Colby's manor, and bounded on the eail by Canada creek. , eiphin This trad, will be divided, and fold in the iollowi:«g, dinot, viz, . ' Dost Acres. Acres, , • Wal- Lot t containing .966 Lot 14 containing 1000 1 New £ 9©j 15 * 1000 °"« r y, , 844 *6 5*9 I! take g o 4 17 411 li , 7 6X 18 1160 " CCIV * 4 got 19 I0 "t 5 B< hi a, to ® 1 hall be 7 97® *« 10-0 Hanks 8 I0«0 »I v . 9 iopo »» ?9° M 10 1000 *3 "5° Pr B '' ooo XI 1000 »4 930 i; ,O ' o '° 1000 45 ti; 10,000 " JCOO » v 'to coo The'traA on No. 4is chiefly beach, maple, bifc and elm. Q ' so'ooo The purchase money to be paid by the following inftal- M io'ooo mcnts, viz. one-fourth on the d:ty of sale: one-fourth on the y t jleoo fir (I Tuesday in April next; one-fourth 011 the firft Tuesday K 20,00 cin Oaobcr, 1796; and the remainder on the Bra Tuesday N 30,00 c in April, 1797. when deeds will be giveh to the purchaser. 36,t0e. Plans of the different traAs of land may ce fcen by ap- j 18,000 plying to Mr. Peter Goelei, one of the trullees, in New- p ■ York; or to Mr. Bdward &d-jcards, in Philadelphia. e »6a,000 November 4. ' rn&t. '* "1000 • Forty Dollars Reward. 1 TT> AN away from the fubferiber, living at Mordington 366,00 c Mills, near Frederica, in Kent county, (late of Dcla- i( : ft(on ol warC| on the night of t j le J?t h of Jnne last, a Have negro , he 1 tck- maa named jjenN, about 17 years old, 5 feet 10 or 11 f : a " incites high, of a yellow complexion, and might pass for a a uimtiins muiatto -i he clothes he had on cannot, with exaaneft, mil wic defcKbed, as he made several breaches of honesty, in d Iche'cinc that way, on his fctting out. He is a viry great sloven in his dress; has naturally a condemned and surly counte „ of ,h, nance, altho' he at times affeds a fm.Ung one; his vilage s direfterl is thin, with large black whiskers; the whites of his eyes " n .c,ooo often red: It is not recollcftcd whether he has any par- » the.T ;n- ticular ftefh-marks, except on his back, where may be ■ seen (tho' light) the f» rs of the whip, placed by judicial J , II receive authority, lor house-breaking, lock-breaking, stealing, yhe lhall icc. as well before, as since 1 purchased him. He is pof ;or fill, feffed of but a lmail lhare of reason or fenGbility; a great e Society, coward, tho' his looks are devilish, and at the fame time ty when sneaking. A» he took his flight upwards from here, at e Lottery t h e commencement of harvest, it is prcfumed he was per suaded by some of the free negroes in this quarter to make 1 for any his cl'cape with them—should he net be in Philadelphia, : for them. h e is prdbably between here and there. old, Mo- Whoever takes up the said negro Bcnn, and £ec»res of which him in any public goal, so that his maftei may get him : Socicty. a g i i ll) fhill have the above reward ; and if brought hoijie - f additional charges for reasonable expencea, paid by Tt. tiff. James Douglafs. Bißßß^B^^^^^^^^^^M^^M^^WWßWHW3rWsa^rag*f^BHWWj | HßWPWWWßMßNMHißll>y:'gWi».i»t«t •&.§&' "jfvri- BOOKS, Printed for ana. < Pulltlhed by MATHEW CAREY, K°. 113 MARKET STREET. (Price Sixteen Dollars.) _ I.V 4 New Sy/iem of Modern Geography . a Or, a Gttgmpbical, and Commercial Gra«»™ - At Lis St and pr.feitt JaU ,f the fevcrat Nations«f the World, an J have the CONTAINING, lie ivill The Snrci, motions, and culur to each country. dillancds of the Planets, ac- VII. OW«r~p«» °° £ cording totheNewtonian fyl- changes that have been ay ,em, and the latest obferva- where observed upon tie face J. a d fpesc tioss of nature since the molt ear -11. A zeneral view of the ly periods of history. Earth,confidered as a plan.t; ViU. History and origin Am£ with several uleful definitions ef nations; their form, of go and nroblems. vernmcnt, resignation, laws, 111. Grand divifi.ns of the revenues, taxes, naval and A ' Glo»,e into land and wator, military ftrc-.gth. continents and islands. IX. u tives 1 situation and"extentof em- toms and habits o> the people, lat ves 6 pires, kingdoms, states, pro- X. Their language, learn of the! vinces and colonies. ing, arts,, manufac- _of ./ V. Their climates,air, foil, turas and commerce. conlul. vegetables,productions, me- XI. Chiefcities,ftruAures Bnitec tals, minerals, natural curia- ruins, and artificial euriofities. A regil| ,1 fitie. leas rivers, bays, pro- XII. Latitude, lonptude. sea for .► mont'ories'and l. at ,htr 11 *Scrrt of War 34* New York plete, t > w0 is Seven United Provinces 3 5* New Jexfey merJt) t ' 13 Auftrlan, French and 36*PennfyIvania Bettes '"■d Dutch Netherlands 37* Delaware . engravi '"4 14 Germany 38 'Maryland aocser. 15 Switzerland 39* Virginia 16 Poland 40*Ke»tueky p!uis ( 17 Spain and Portugal 4l*North Carolina l itt i lßltaiy 4 government 19 Turkey in Europe 43*SoutM2aroln;o. A S JO Alia 44*Georfi!> _ men , ii*Difcoveries made by cap- AS Copermcan lyftcna JVJK '/ tains Cooke and Clerke. 46 Armißary fphore onjdW %% China . _ _ ed, ani The Maps marked with stars to tins •®«on, ent) bl exclulive of those in the lafl London edition. q The United States Register for 1795, lock Price 5 o Cents. C ONTENTS. T)EC 16 Calendar, with the necafiary Boundaries of the United 1) tl tables, &c. &c. States. fopulauon t ], e a. GOTBSHMKNT. from : cres, g u p r eme Executive Lift of the Offiiters the Pi I the Legislature Statement of Export* ers at :ock, T u j ic iary Public D«bt sr at and Department of Stat» Fay, &c. of the army where iy of Department of the Treasury Mint Ellablilhment Oft ?66- Commissioners of Loans Rules for reducing the rur- - also officers of the Caftoms rencies of the different Revenue Cutters states to a par with ea*h Hud- L ; gllt Heufes other , „• icres. offieers of the Exiife Tables of the number of r;,oc good Duties and Dutiable articles eents and decimal parts propi Exempts from duties in any number of Ihillmgs good >i the Dutits on tonnage and pence less than a dol- road pur- „ a uomeftic abjeAs l»r in the currencies of prize in the Drawbacks, &C. and regu the different states ti«n con- Utions to be ofoifved in Tablas Biewing the value of 'I i obtaining them dollars ill the currencies Q f t f 5f the General from the ol ditto .the u art of revenue laws, Relating ft> Polt-olhcc eftaolilhment plied :reek. the duty of masters of Lift of Poft-lowiis, icc. hanc Lots, veCfels, of tlic owners, Latitude and Longitude of ice, ef goods, and the the principal towns in the a c ' a[ Veres. ofScers of the customs; United States i ae 0 1000 to the payment of duties, Banks -p [coo and tiw importation of Literary Institutions . 1/1 529 goods National Manufaftaryj 411 Sipaaces of Government Sefiions of the Courts H6O tor 1794 Western Territory 1000 Department of War 10 - 0 ' STATI GovEaKMENTS. 1000 New Hampshire South-Carolina IUJ Vermont Georgia I Maflachufetts Order of time in which the n ' J : Cor» :elicut several States adopted the New-York federal Constitution New-Jcrfey Table of the Sun's rifiag , . Pennfylvar.» ' and setting Delaware Abftraft of goods, wares, inital— \f ar yland and marchandize export -lon' Virginia ed from the United States uefday Ken o [uc ] t y from the ift of Oftobcr "k r North-Caroliai '90, to 30th Sept. A7QI- j chaier. charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. I «Wfon, ,of the j ' new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second Amewtan edition— 1 ew " Frice 75 cents. [The rapid sale of the firft edition of tliis enterefting novel, in a few months is the befl criterion of -—^— its merit.] mc EXTRACT TROM THE CRITICAL REVIEW, ABBIL 179r,p. 4(13- ' ~ " It may be a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and fT?^ 11 a ta ' cof ' CR ' dilttcfs—Charlo:te, by the aatifice of a' ? n< teacher, recommended to a school, from humanity ra- in e negro than a conviiSUn of her mtegrity, or the regularity, cu ' r °l 11 if her former conduct, is enticed from her governess, and wr oJ \. a accompanies a young officer to America—the marnage fit , " le ceremony, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte i i it y, tn dieg a mart yr totlic ineonftancy of her lover and treach m; tflov;n c.y of his friend. . . tn . co "' The situations are artless wd affeSing—the defcnptioa of 'J. v a S e natural and pathetic ;we should feel for Charlotte if such a ~~ f lis eyes p rr f on ever existed, who for one error, scarcely, perhaps e^ so severe a puniihment. If it is a fielion, poetic ce ® jullicc is not, v e think, properly distributed." tic:'.'nil' 1 1 ' In^aifitor —by Mrs. Rowfonx 3econd Philadel- j nit phia edition. 8711 cents. • a .rreat c ' vcr * cures Roderic Random.. 2 vols. I dollar a»d ' ' * ■ 50 cents, coarse paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine. Tercet otcs on ltate of Virginia—by Thomas Jefferfon. was ne l*ric£ neatly bound, one dollar and a half. _ to make 3 ' or y the French Revolution, from its corn , , , . mcncement to the death 01 the Queen and the execution J idelphia, of Erijrot _ a dolkrj . 1 feeares •*' History of the Britifc Empire, from May d hj m 1791, to December 1793. 1 dollar and a quarter a hm ■ [This is ft 1 interesting and valuable publication as has ? u appeared for many years. . p 6. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science, a vols. One dol- j lajs. tar and three quarters. eod. ' J A.MES IVI 4 ALPIK, T A r L 0 R, N°. 3 Soul!) Fourth Strcrt, RETURNS his grateful a; hna -wUdgcments ti his Friends srj tht Public fir their Ither al and lugs leavit, jJ,sj.vif a Kjniinuar'ct of their fa vors. At lis Shot gerttlevrcfi may Is furnijhed uuitlt the befl and have tbetn r/uuL' up and fmjhed in the mzji fafhionabl: vintner. He luiil thankfuhy reeeive any order* and pay a prompt and *~ punsualattention to them. 03. IJ 24W ) IN 'THE PRESS, ~ e .lad fpecdiiy will be published, by BENJAMET IXYVIES, At 68, Higb-freet, TH E ™ American Repository, for {796;. s, containing: d A coßpleat Calendar for Rules for reducing the ear ths year. rencies of tho several flutes. f- Lifts of tke executive, legif-' Table of pounds, &c. redu e, lative and judicial oed into dollars & cent*, a of the federal government Summary of the exports ia C- of the mini iters and 4 i'uccefiivc years. consuls to and from the Amount of the unredeSftied es United States. debt, annual revenue and :s. A regiltcr of the land and expenditures. le. sea forces of do. A view of the finking fund, a- Rates of poitage, and times An eftiinate of the imports •a of receiving & closing ths of the United State*, in mails at Philadelphia. two several years. ,a- Allllofthepoft-towns.with Domestic duties or excises. the diftancrs »C each, on Drawbacks and bountie;. in the main line, as well as Banks, with rules or con erofs roads. during Ituiincfs. im —of the f.'deral courts. Officers of the civil govtra —cf the supervisors of tfie ment of Pennijrl vinia. revenue. Estimate of racpencee of do. The mint, and monies of the in one year. U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government each Hate. < of New-York. A lift of the commiflloners Sovereign princes and r«-> ;Ht of loans. publics of Europe. A table, Slewing the propor- Lift of the navy of Great* tioa of froe persons to Britain, correAed agree flaves, and of males to £s- able to the latest inforiud males, &c. in the U.S. tion. Militia of the United States, Do. of ths nary of France, ■with the proportion of da. each. State of the air, and a diary An alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and weather agreeably to the last a* inPhiladelphia,durinij»ls of Congress. 'months, ending ift Sept, Amountofimpoil andtonn- J795- age of one year. Bills of mortality in Philad. Cuirom-houfe fees, icc. of one year. This little volume will contain a much greater compa's, as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding year, and will be embellished with an engraved frontis piece, title page, and a vignette faced with a head orr.a meiit, to each month. The scenes depiiled ia the rig nettes, allude chiefly to the rural labours oi the year. The • engravings are new, and executed with an excellence that aocs credit to the American fine arts. At the Jame plate may be bad, Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, accu rately engraved from a late survey. Maps of the United States, and of each state separately. A valuable celle&ion of moJtrn Butti, and a general aii'ort onsdMaps, or any ojher,eoloured, canvassed, and varnifV ed, and put up in any manner that may be fioft «o»veuk> 1 " 5 "' en't, by applying at directed above. 'y j OA. a, 17 9-5• I * w> , - Mr. Walter R obertfon BEGS leave to Mquaint the Gentlemen, fubferibers to the print Portrait of George Waihington, Prefidsnt » of the United States of America, engraved by Mr. Field, from an original pi00° , of I ' 9oo ; of - - » °of "- " - ' ch the And there then remained In the whsel :ed the I of - - " f , D I *f 30,000 rifag a of. - * - lo ' c0 ® ' I I,S °l W r - 1, COO wares, q ot m) y iT - 1,000 ;xport- 15 of - ' 1 States of - " ' )itober of - " of the AmU stationary prizes of io.coo do'ilars lition— which? an d the nature of those J ftatioi la, T £ j 1 . of dU f which are to belong to the five last <^ jwn ' f ( cr jjy rion of will be found, that an undrawn ticket was^ 6g morning, worrii nearly II i-x do ' ioUars 'Pi j the beginning, was worth no more than 10 . , SR and fo°the uf,drawn tickets mull contin«: to ma £ aity ra- in val«e, as fact as the drawing offices parity, circumfta.ce will account for t enu«,be cfs, and which are opened for the sale of 1 narriage fits muii be daily increaling; and n 1 1 Ihorlotte Ticket now fellin;.; at 11 dollars, *i" n h - her „ treach mand 15 dollars, and must continue ? „ tlies the drawing approximates to the five . , "criptioa of 10,000 dollars each. -"-TTTSSjEL iffneha LL perlo iis indebted to the Ettate ot perhaps wraUNCES, late of this city, Innk f crib er; '■ P oc " c ceased, are desired to make payment to the 1 „ , , and all thole who have any demand. ' Phdadel- | F itatC) are re qusfted to bring in their accounts j V oUar £«d ly -""sXmUEL M. PRAUNCES, Aflicg Eieeuttr. . South Water-street, No. 5»- jcSfcrioj. prober 1795' -—r^rTToHN iU com- aLL persons indebted to tke_ Eftatt: o dcc;l(c(1) art} execution jLa. H. GIBBONS, late of »r rcqaeftcd to make payment, znlthok rem May demand, against said Estate, aredefired to brmg^ arter accounts duly attested, for o g£ R x HEYSHAM'. IOC " h " Attorney in fad for Mar; Gibbons, adndniftratr- One dol-1 to th; said decealed's Estate. law 6t eod. Arch-ftreet,No. 107, ...