Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, November 11, 1795, Image 4

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    City of Washington. A L m
- dcfired •
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. n,
] A magnificent f 20,000 Dol't'S, and
fs dwelli«£ house, ca ih 3C,009 are Sellen
<Z s®'®-° o
» ditto 15,000 &cash >5,000 40,000
i ditto 15,000 & ctfh 15,000 30,000
1 diuo i», 000 Si calh 10,000
i ditto 5,000 Jccaih s>eoo to,c^o
1 rfitta 5.000 dt caih 5,000 iß,ei>o
1 C»ih pme ot 10,800
2 ditto S>oo» <*ch, are i 0,0( o
10 Uliro ',°°° l °' oan Tv
a o ditto i<x> 'o.° c » J *
,00 ditto 100 »o,ooc QEL
S oo ditto «o io.Ooj p r
4 eo ditto '5 l °' oo:> Views:
~000 rii.w of its I
45,-00 ditto »• 'J 9 . 0 * 3
16,739 p "' f ' Aether
33,461 fiUita
50,000 Ticket! U 3 dollar® 400,000 j
This Lottery will afford an elegant fpecitncn of ihr of ,
private building* to be erf,3,d iB the City of VV «lhin S ton broi
—Two keauttlu! defigin are already felt cted for the entire
fronts on two of the publit fq»"e« i from the.e draw
iligs, it is proposed to ere£l two centre and tour corner
building*, as Toon at poCftble after this Lottery is lold, «*n»
to convey them when complete, toihe lortunate adventm
erj, i„ the manner described in the fclietne for the Hotel »«
Lottery. A nett d. duSion of five per cent, iH be m»«e W
to defray the neeelfaiy expences of printi.j;, ic. and 111.
the fui plus will be made a part ol the fund intended for ihK ver
National Univeifity, to be eicfted wiihiu the City ol v.g
Walhingion. P e ~
(£3* The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets I
art fold off. The money pri*e» will be payab e u
in thirty days after it is fmifhed, and any p. lies .or which mop,
fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months I
.Iter the doled -re to be confide) rd as Riven prmci
towards iliciuud sot the University, it detcrnnn- It.
Ed to fettle the whole bulinefs in a )ear from the ending
of the drawing and to take up ike bonds given as ltcu
• ity. „ ■
The real fecuiities given for the payment of the Prize
are held by the prcfident and two D'rc&ors of the R<*ik qj-j
of Columbia, and aie valued at more ihau halt the amount j
of the Lottery. front
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment ot i tafU j }
the late Conjmiflioners aflifted :n the management of the Wmd
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talx m
a second time on behalf of the public ; a iufiicient aura- f j loCj
her of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the , lr n art
friends to a National University and the other federal ob- j
tonvc J
jeAs may continue to favor the defigu. The fynophs of g oo j
•me of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Qi ove
Inllitution, is already in the prefe, and will be speedily gut a
published, together with ::s confutation. rend*\
A compleat Plan of the whole of this Important
Institution, compiled from a feleAion of the best materi- va t' lol
als, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public - t
whenever the fame may have gone through such revisions q
as may be ncceffary to eftablifb the perfect confidence and art jg_
general approbation, so eiTentialto its rife and fu
ture existence for the general good of Amcrica, - q
By accounts received from the different parts of the ,—
Continent as Weil as from Europe, where the tickets
have been Cent for laia, the public are allured that the
drawing will speedily commenae, and that tke care and |
caution unavoidably necellary to insure a lafe disposal cf i_
thf tickets, has rendered the injure suspension indifpeniajie. Pen
- Febritary 34, 1795. 6r s ,
Aug 30 . V* 5 *
vs. s wt\iy c> ha 'a' he Bank ol CjlufftuM; ara,
0 i V v (V Co'<. Bti im)ie or Gideon Denifon, neai
S" 'o Peer- (iiitni i, B >;ton; o( John llopkini iRg
»; 1 *? ch»«d Wr'!s. Copper s leffv. mat
————— — h#o
.-tilcine ot a Lottery, f h "
%c- Dtllfrt, m n65,000 lUlU't Vciu&ini, 15 13.'
pit frm the Prizts—i his L*tttr\ of a8,«»o the
I.<ich, m -niJi Ihere are 14,53? I'rties, uij 83,461 jni
M.antj, aPtinl weandan hd'j blanks le a prize. the
£)jieCt>rsot, tie Society lot 'cllabiifn iir tleful Ma ma
A nufatiures, liaving lefolved to ered LO I'TERIES loi wa
failing O.M Hlnokjo Thousand Dollars, agiceably jjJ
loan Att of 1 lie Lt.gifi.lule ol tke State ol New-Jcifcy, jj u
have appointed the lollowing pertons to fnperinteinl and fun
direa i'lie drawing ol tlvp lame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rulus
king, Hciman Lc Roy, James Walton, Rivhard Har
lifon, Ahijah Ha ninond, and Comeliui Ray, of the city ol d
New-Yoik — 1 nomas Willing, Jnfcph Ball, Matthew M'»
Cnnntf >n.J Audiev. Bavard, ot the cily of Philadelphia
— His txcellency Richard Howell, Esq. K1 i as Boudinot,
Gt. -al LI Its Dayton, .Jam s Pa. ker, John Bayard, D«tl Jj®
or Luwis l)on:i»iii, Sainiul W. Stockton, Jolhua M. Wa!-
1j.,.-, [ ;.c,h Ul.'omfield, and Ehlha liouumot, of N> w " r
jerlcy, wlio of'.er the l*llowing.scbcaie "f a Lottery, els
anc [)"-d;je themfelvcs to the public, that they will t.jke mi
evei v a'-ui .:rcc and piccaution in their power 10 have the fra
Monies paid by iht Irom tirae 10 lime, airecciv- ha
cd, inio the tianks at New-Voik and Philadelphia, to ge
itrinain loi rtic puipolc ot paying Prii s which rtiall be Jia
ii'imtiiiaielydift-harßed by a check upon one ol the Banks t h
S C H E M E: 1-
! Piiicof 20,000 DoJ'.atsit »e,OBO
, ir,cco 10.000 v:
, (SiO»° 10,000 v:1
, 2,c00 io,oce oc
,0 1,090 10,000
t0 rco 10,.>00 , m
ICO 1C« 10,300 gl
3 CJ £0 *
, c ss ac.oco 01
doi 'S 3°>" cc F
3000 12
hico to 18,is® N
/ _
f4* 53 9 P r ' rrßt £b2,occ -
ft*£,4tn Blanks.- ' Fifft !nwn number, 2.000
L-»U'lrawn uutnber, 2,000
Tickets at 7 Dollars rach is 266,000
. Inc drawing will cninmence, under the of
a Coinmiltcic, ui the Suptr •.ntcudaL.'..-, ai foofl as the Tic V
. irs whiv/i timely notice wul b^givcw.
The Sup-i mjeiiiiafrtfr have appwuned Jobfl N. Cumrning
ot Ne v. 3: Jaco'.i K. II ot
and Jonathan tttua, of Trantoo, a»immedtate Manager.- *
tnereot, •.% *<•> have s i*co ample fecunty tor dilcharguVg 1
the trnit in t.icrr..
in order tolecure the pnndual payment of the 1
Prints, uhe bjj;i inumldn.s ol ihe Lottery have direftcd <
that the Mitlagera Inail each en»er into bonds in 46,00 c t
duljais, with tour lut^citnttecurut- s, to pertoim their isi- 1
Lrutltons, ilie fuSitance o\ winch is i
I. Thai wficnever cither ot me Manavtr» (ball receive .
the sum oI Three Hundred Dollars, iTfennliatcly he thall j
p;ace the fame ra-one «»i the Banks ol Ne*-York or I'hi- ,
Ijovfchia, 10 tne ciedtiot the Governor of the society,
i .. the Sur.« ntendants as tve tntnecny whtCre ,
the moma-uc piaccd, " remain (-.ere until the Loilei)
u r. . <», n 1 iht payofcat »i the i t'2fs
tu 4 «'C- Alana-ffc i«> take <urhc»cn» Scanty for zr.y
1 . 1 \ • • 1 ult, iu Ivs i«r to I-f■ iel|;oii'ibic for
fit. r- - regular book* djt 1 ickcu iold, fitp
rtri an.j }~ r. i nu•• nit i.ank. ,m of wniti.
♦h-ti' ' : co ay, ri t life Governor ol the Society.
P»T< 1 m." januarv 1, 1794.
Oft <tii »ni . ii^i'• oMhe above gen itnicß, infer
* anoa wrii t»e tickets inVv* b< h«d. tud^jf
ALL person! hniep any imanni• on the of 3
Mart Hjtwso*,bt: ofßucks county,deceafed,are
dcfired to apply to WtuuM « I
the county aforefaid, for immediate fetttfment And all
persons indebted to fv.d EiUte are requeaed to ntaie pay
ment to the said William Hewftra, whs ts hereby antho-
rifed to receive the fame.
Elizaktu Hewsoji, Executrix. Ur,
Jonathan WUUAMI,) Exenton.
William S
SeliemeaJe Brijlol,
" w3 "-
American Landf capes. I tion3.
TwentYtFOUß VIE VV S, oi i».
c ELECTED from the most ftrikin; int> ratereftmg coud .
O I'rofpecis in the United State* ; each »i
Views, will be accompanied with a de.criptive accot.n „; reSi
of its Local, Historical', and other Incidental Peculiarities
v nee
By G. I. PARKYNS, v.
Autbtr of the " ManaJTu Remain, and Anient CaHla ta Oreet yegt.
Britain." »?•
I. Th«t the work Ihall lie publiflied br SuWawtion; an VI
that each Subscriber ihall engage t» truce the whole set
bf of Vitws, and Hiall pay for'each engraving, it LUi.k. or
brown, 1 Dollars ; apd if eolonred •
rt I. That th« dimensions ol each engraving Diall be 14 by 17
"* inches, isecuted in ,quatinta, and pablilked upon paper H.A
Z of a fuperior-itMlity. The publication to comrnmc. im;
mediately; and one engraving to beiehvered to the
faibers, on the firft Monday of each fucc« month,
df until the propofod feriea ftiall be finally comple^d.
S Til. That W ith the iaa View of t-e l.nes, del - 1
h, vercd an engraved title-page ;an ele s ant charaaerillic
ol Tignate: am.,? of theroate, conneaed *viith' P rof
peils exhibited in the the court of the Woik , anl an the j.
rtl Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers. l-.p,:-,
.f Suifcriptions arc received by Mr. Harnfon, athi.Prmt
cl Ihop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, BooW U
tr No. 118, Markat street, Philadelphia, and by ail the
.n pri»cip*l Book-fellers in the Uuit«dStates. I I
in- Ftbritary IS. — 1 1 (
,'ig * FO li SA L E, 3 J
A very valuable ESTATE,
ie Called TirnTSNHJM. ' 5 J
" ,k O rTTJATE. in the tiwnjhip of Upper Derby, and county 0/ \ v
aM O Delaware, 7 1-1 "'Ues frm PHUJilfhio, and bdf a <n>U (, ]
r from the'new Wetter* coining IJO acres <sf excellent j j
11 of Lani ac of Vihith ire gotd watered MeaJaiu, <pcs prime g j
the Land, and the rrf Arable rf the f.rfi quality. There are 9
;aCc on the. frtmifes a go*l two/lory Brick Honfe, with 4 "cm, en I 0
,m " a fleer, and Cellart under the whole, with a Pump WcS eJ «3 n .
th ® eellent Water in frent; a Urge frame Barn, Stables, and ether 12 I
ob - I eonven ent buildings; a Smde-Houfe and/one Spruig Hrjfi ! tw<s j,
of toed AppU-Orcbards, and one of Peaches. The Fields are all I
,nal Glover, except th.fc immediately under ullage, and .re Jb W i 4
<±l ! y aut as to have the advantage of Water in each of them, which I 5
renders it peculiarly convenient fer Grazing. l 6
tant The fixation is pleasant and healthy, andfrom theui;h cult,- I?
teri- va ti G/t v f the Land, the geod neighborhood, and the vicinity to the ci- ,jg
lblit ty, it is very fuiiable for a Gentleman s Country Seat. I 19
tons " ' foreroinr is part of the EJlate .f "Jacob Hit mat. K decceifed 10
a,ld andojTctcd "for sale ly M ORDECAI LEW IS tl '
, f*- ' Surviving Executor. (
oa. 9,17 95 • * 2
the —
k «; A MILL for SALE.
aad r?OR 9ale, on private coHtraA, five undivided filths
1 of X? parts of that valuable merchant-mill, called Old
ible. Pennypack Mill, with two dwelling houses, stables, coop-
er's Ihop, calk house, and other convenient building?, (
with about 10 act sos good land, the greatcft par; thereof
irf is excellent watered msadow, the r.-mainper garden, orch- gu
,bia! ard, and wood land; fituatq ten miles from Philadelphia,
1 ion, near the Walhington Tavern, part y on-the pott-road lead ing to New-York, and partly on the River road a r.-^
markably healthy country, and an excellent neighbour- D<
h»o<l. Thi> mill bein;- 011 Pennypack ereek, a h avy c<
ftraam of water, with about I j feet head and fall, and Q
the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a veffcl carrying R(
,i 5 , 3 j 0 bulhels of wheat to lay along Gde, asd unload into Lj
B.coc ;nili with Evans's elevator in about three hours. The
3,461 mi 1 house is large and built of stone, founded on a rock,
the walls uncommonly thick and strong, (such a piece of
IMa mason work is,rarely to be found) contains five floors, two '
iSltn wat er wheels, and three pair of the best French burr stones _
cably all running, double geared, with three boulting reels and r ,
Cl rc V' cloths of the firft quality, rolling fcrtee, cylinder, and
' a " d fans for cleaning whe\it ir the bell manner, and palling ,it
Rulus afterwards by an elevator nto a hanging garner; also, G
Ha "' conveyers, elevators, and hopper boy, all incomplcat or
der. There are two large frame buildings adjoining the
" mill, which are convwiiem for lloring flour, fhorto, caflcs,
dinot* Uc - A corc - luln is ereded within the building, with
D „^' boulting, reel cloth, and other ncccffary fixtures for maau
faflurmg large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The
N, w ftreara ol water isl'o constant that upwards of 60,000 Vufh
liter 1, els of wheat have frequently been nianufaftured at this
II t..kc mill, annually. The tumbling dam was built of Hone and p
ivc the frame about 30 jears ago, but the late extraordinary ff-lhes
recciv- have made a breach tkerein, it can easily be repaired alto- f
lia, to get her with stone, the greatest part of which is already at 1
tiall be hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as
Bank, t here are several goal (juarries of excellent Hone on the
premises, and adjawnt to the creek; the contiguity of f
this very valuable cftate to Pliilidelphia, and the'eafy na
**'°°° vigatian for (hallope, with the above-mentioned great ad-
vn o lta _ e5 und many others not here in ntioned, must b« .
|C,ooo ® , -i ,• I
10 oce obvious to any person who may view the ptem l.s.
lo '^ o An indifputabie title, clear of all incumbrance*, wfllbc
tol.'oo made to the pnrchafcr on paying part of th - money, and ,
io|auc giving fatisfaAory security for the remainder, payable
opo withintereft in intlalmeiits at i'udi times a; may be agreed j on. For further particulars enquire on the premises of
30,000 FaAN'ccs Lewis, Executrix, to the eftateof Robert l.ewin, *
j(5,«oo deceased; John Swift, near Buffcll-Town ; or Hatha
iß,oo« NiEt Lewis, or David Lewis, 111 Philadelphia.
— Augufl jr. ; w.Vf
,ba'ooo Forty Dollars Reward.
I >° oo n AN away'from ths fulfcriber, living at Mordington
" Iv Mills, near Frederica, in Kent county, state of Dela
;r,%,ooo wlre> on t^e n igj, t 0 f t h c 27th of Jnne last, a slave negro '
" l"cV man named BENN, about a; years old, 5 feet 10 or 11 '
c ' " inchcs high, of a yellow complaiion, and might pass for a
n ; n mulatto. The clothes he had on cannot, with exadnefs,
nfwvck defefibed, as he made several breaches of lionefty, in '
, nl , cr : that way, on his setting out. He i« a very great lloven
t'.argmg in his dress; has naturally a condemned and surly counte
nance, altho' heat timesaffeelsa fni'ling one; hiivifage
of thc isthin, with large black whilkers; the whites of his eyes
iirrfted often red : It is not-recollected wheiher he haa auy par
4S,e(io ticular Celh-marks, except oil his back, where may be
heir IB- seen (tho' light) "the so rs of the whip, placed by judicial
authority, for lioufe-breaking, lock-breaking, Healing,
1 rere've Uc. as well before, as Gnce I purchased him. He is pei
ne ihall , lclied of but a imall lharc of rcafou or fenllbility ; a great
or Phi- coward, tho'his looks arc elCYilr.'.i, and at the time
Society, fyeakiiig. As he took his flight upwards from 1 ere, at
t wht'c the commer.cemeat of harvest, it i, prefuajtd he Was per-
LoUu) fu'ided by 10>u« o! the free negroes in thi-i quarter to n. ke
hij cfta| e with them—thou'.u he n*t be in Pliiladelpliia,
zr -> lie is probably bct'..-ee:i l.tre and . '
"t;;w Whyt«.r takes up tiie fa!d negro Benn, and feenrei
l" (*° him in any puliiic gbal, lo"t. r ;at his matter may get him
Socic'tV fliall hate tho abi#ve rawar; ; and if krcpghtliome
auuicioual charges l'6r reafocabrs expe.ices, paid by
, infer James Dotrglafs.
i. tiii't Nov. 5. 3tav. jw.
PuIL/iDELPHIA, Pus tid ay FSNNO, K 3 * 119 Ci>tfnutSirxi<—Flics Six' Dolla&s Pes. Ask.
• BOOKS, j F
Published by MATHSW C.'.REY, I
„<>. J,B market street. .
(Price Sixteen Dollars.) | ii!l
4 New Syflem of Modern Geography :
Or, a Gccgrafhical, »#"<<* iZu ' tke y
a njV/Jj^ e ./ thi jfLrtl AW» Of IV.rU, j
. CONTAINING, | l a tive
J*"<7S.TSS;t *•
JJSS3&SBV •»» ftg ~f.
- ssacsrJssk"
"Tl. A esnerat vicwof the ly prrnds of history. f<
Earth, oonfldcred as :i planet; <■' W- Rates o
with fevcralufefttl definitions of nations; their form' of „ {re
and problems. vernment, rfifignat.on Uws,
111. Grand divisions of the revenue., taxes, naval and
g Globe into land water, »^^^ ulners - cu f- *
h co^^*'^ aitt^{em . Toms and habits of the people, C J
lt p "gdo ms ,ftates, r ro. X. The* language |ra | «
■ s vinces and colonies. mg, arts fc.ences, manufac |
V. Their climates,air, foil, tu "* a ™} 5^ m lir .„ reve
srsssassr jssgsss&r *>«
'"vi. 3irdi and Beasts pe- cipalplacesfroiuPhiladelphia Q ' f 1(
jr I. A, Geographical Index, whh the names and places a pna- -
er Coins of all nations, and their value in
,i dollars and cents. _ Militi;
t HI. A Chronological Table -of remarkable events, from *
V, the Creation to the prcfent time. .
' * GUIHRIE, Esq.
li- The Agronomical past by Ftrpif*, I. &• »•
j e Corre&edbyDr. David Rit tenhovse. * (
>f- To which nre added, I Amou
in the late Difcorenes of Dr. Herfchell, and other eminent lge
Astronomers. J Culloi
nt i The first american eoition, eorreaed, improved, and 1 xhi
" greatly enlarged. Containing the following as we]
he Maps and Plates. j yeer,;
I Map of the World 23 Hindoftaa piece,
_ a Chart of the World 14 Africa ment,
, E . jrope 15 United States . ■«"«
4*Countri=srotindtheNorth 26 British Dominion! in A- c „g ra
Pole, mcrici I aoes c
' 5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Weft Indies
of Stray and Finland. iß*Prorinc« of Maiae j Plans
tilt 5 Russia i9*New Hamplh-r« I ri t
Jail j Scotland * jo'MaffachufatU I Maps
imi j England and Wales 31 "Conneaicut (Aval
*re p Ireland 32* Rhode llland j m e
r«*i 10 France 3j»Vermo«t J tf,
«1 i ix'*Scatof War 34*NewYork I onsd
tier i 4 Seven United Province* 35 "New Jr.rfey cd, a
two !j, Aultrian, French and 36*I'ennfylvania 1 tnt)
rin 1 Dutch Netherlands 37* Delaware
'<•"! ' 14 Germany 38 'Maryland
bick i k Switzerland 39* Virginia •!
I 16 Poland 40* Kentucky T>fc
" l *i- 17 Spain and Portugal 4l»North Carohna I t
|18 Italy 41'Teneifee government of th
I 10 Turkey in Europe 43»South Carolina from
"fid 20 Asia 4 4* Georgia the 1
S u'Difcoveries made by cap- 4jj Copernican fyflem ers :l
tains Cooke and Clerki. 46'Armillary fphare .r at
■f *2 China * _ .
—- The Maps marked with stars are'added to this •aktion, Ot
excluCive of those in the last London edition.
'•■h; The United States Regifler for 1795, --r
°ld Price 50 Cents. CONTE NT S. 1
'°P" Calendar, with the neccffiiry Boundaries of the United agea
n S'' tables, &c. &c. States. Popslatiou Dec<
rt ° GOVERNMENT. forci
r , ch " Supreme Executive Lift of the Officer* ajif
j' Legiilature Statement ot Ixportt tlec:
e ' J Judiciary Pubßc Debt
T *~ Department of Stata Pay, &c. of the array
l0Ur " Department of tiieTresrfury Mint E.fabliftiment
aV J Commissioners of Loans Rules for reducing the cur-
Officers of the Csftoms rencies of the different
Revenue Cutters states to a par with e««h
~r, Light Houses other V
. Officers of the Excise Tables of the number of
roc ' Duties and Dutiable articlts tents and decimal parts pro
:e ° Exemp s fr»m duties in any number of fliiilings goo
: two Duties on tonnage and pence less than a dol- r oai
I on domestic objeAa lar in the currencies el prn
S JnC , Drawbacks, &C. and regu the different states tize
' Sn . l T lations to be oferved ia Tables shewing the value of
'*?/• obtaining them dollars in the currencitss c f
" General Abftrail trom the ol ditto t ], e
1 revenue laws, relating to Poft-office eftabliffiment jj e
Jl 1, the duty of mailers of Lift of Poft-'l'owns, &c.
C veffels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of
w ' i ' &c. ef joois, and the tlie principal t«wns in tke
officers of the customs; United States
■ A* to the payment of duties, Banks
U , ■ and tin importation of Literary Inftitutionj
-ad good* National Manufactory]
Expenccs of Government Seilions of the Courts
s alt" fcr Western Teriitory
; Bepartmei.t of War
' ' Sxate Governments.
\ New Hampshire South-Carolina
',■ Vermont Georgia
' o Massachusetts Order ol time in which the
ConneAicut several States adopted the
ufl bii New-York federal ConltitutioD
New-Jarfey Table of* the Sun's riling
vW be Penufylvania »d setting
_ Delaware Abstract ol goods, wares,
V, _ Maryland an 1 mercha-.:dite export
' "J Virgina ed from the United states
ifc of Kantucl< y from the ift of October
I North-Carolin l '90, to 30th Sept. If4l~
i'tha- Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. r ,»wfon, of the
new Philadelphia. Second Amev.tan edition—
Price 75 cents. (T'he rapid sale of the tirit edition of this w
entcrciting navel, in a few months is the best. criterion of u
its merit.] w
" It may be a tale of trutJi, for it is not unnatural, and t' l
it is a tile of teal diilrefs—Charlo te, by the ajtifice of a ai
teacher, reeommended to a school, from humanity ra- in
V o . a 'n«rthan a convidfi*n of her integrity, or the regalarity, ci
£ iiefs »f her former conduct, i» enticed from her governtfs, and w
j n ' accompanics a young officer to America —the marriage si
flo'verr cercmon y' Bot forgotten, is pollponcd, and Charlotte 'I
dies a martyr to the incoattancy of her lover and trc»ch rr
Ylia c t: T ° f hw tT,:nd - tl
113 i "' le f' tuatioßS arc an ' ef = and affeding—the description 0
' natural and pathetii: -, we thould feel for Charlotte if such a -
nay be P er ' on ever cii-'cd, who for one error, tcarcely, perhaps
uk'cial <tcl ' ,!rved fc fewe a punilhment. If it is a fi&ion, poetic
jufiica is not, we tk&k, properly distributed."
X. The Incjaifitcr—by Mrs. Row Con. Second PJiiladel- ®
a Jeat ph'a edition. 87 i 2 cents. |
'• Adventures of Rodtric Random. 2 vols. I dollar and
1, -J 5° C9'nts, ccirl'e paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine.
as per- * N ' otc, 011 t '* : ,ate °* Virginia—by Thoitias Jcffcrfon.
oni ke *' ric F " eatl s r .one dollar and a half.
L*lpi ia Histor y 0 tke French Revolution, t from it* cora
' mcncemenj to the death 01 the Queen ud tlie ciftccuuou
f of Briflot. 2 . ollari. J
-t him ' Histofy of the Britifli Empire, from May ,
it Lome 1792> t0 Peeember 1753. £ dollar and a quarter
JThis is a 1 interesting and valuable publication as has
appeared £or many years.
J'' 6. Elements of Moral Science. 1 vols. One dol
w. lar -r.U three quarters. eoi
j will bepublilhcd, by 3HNJAMIN DAVIKS,
At 68, liigb-Jlrcct,
American Repository, for 1796;
j A compleat Calendar for Rules lor reducing the car
the year. rencUsof th^fe*cisji®:».
j Lids of the exscutive, legif- Table of pounds, &.t, rcd_-
1 lativeaud judicial officers oed into do , t., &Ct ,
, 1 of the federal government Summary of the c-;;,c.:i _.i
I j of the raioiftert and 4 successive y^ars.
. j conluls to and from the Amount of the u;ircd rem'ssl .
* j United States. debt, annual revolt- . .-.J
j A reg'fter of the land and expenditures.
, j sea forces of do. A view of the Gnkiuo- fund.
j Rates of postage, and times An eftinaate of the mipc .*
. j of rectiving & cbjfing the of the United Sut«, ia
j| mails at Philadelphia. two if,- y Li.
j Alift ©f the poft-towns,with DonteiHc dutrcs or exeifes.
j the distances ef eacis, oil Drawbacks and bouiuic',.
, I the main line, as well as Banks, with rules of coa
*' j eroi's roads. diiAulg Hufincfs.
I of the federal courts. Officers of the civil govcr;-,-
I of the supervisors of the ment of PennfyLvama.
, s revenue. Eflimate of expenee» of
s j The mint, and monies of the in one year.
U.S. and the currency of Officers of civil government
j each llate. of New-York.
A lift of the commiiTioners Sovereign princes ami
! of loans. publics of Europe.
J A table, ffiawingthepropor- Lift of the navy of Great- j
j tion of £roe persons to Britain, corrected agrc.-
slaves, and of males to fe- able to the lateit uii,
| males, &c. in the U.S. tion.
m 1 Militia of the United States, Do. of the navy of France,
I with the proportion of do.
each. State of theair, and a diary
lAn alphabetical lift of duties of the winds and weather
I agreeably to the last adfc in Philadelphia, during!
j of Congrafs. months, ending ift Sept.
I Amountofimpoftandtonn- I79J
it age of one year. Bills of mortality in Phihi.
I Custom-house fees, &c. of one year.
id 1 This littla volume will contain a much greater compa s,
I as well as variety of matter, than that of the preceding
I year, and will be em belli (hed with an engraved frontis
piece, title [.age, and a vignette faced with a otiu
' I ment, to each jnonth. The scenes depicted ii the vig-
I Bcttes, allude chiefly to the rural labours of the year. The
j engravings are nevr, and executed with an excellence that
I ooes credit to tha American tine arts.
At tlx fame place may be had,
J Plans of the city of Philadelphia, and its environs, acca«
engraved from a late survey.
Maps of the United States, and of each state feparatsly.
1 A valuable colle&ionof modern Beth, and a general afi'art-
I ment of Stationary Wares.
I 0 /f. Those who desire it, may have the above-mentl-
I onsd Maps, or any other, coloured, canvassed, and var.ii4r
ed, and put up in any manner that may b« moil eoiiveiu-
I tnt, by applying at directed above.
I oaf. 2, 179S- la',T
---j Mr. Walter Robertlon
T>EGS leave to a*juaint the Gentlemen, fubferibers to
IJ the print Portrait of George Washington, Prefidar.t
of the United Statesof America, engraved by,
| from an original pi&ure painted by W. P„obcitfon, tha*.
the Proofs are ready for delivery to the several fubferib
ers at John Jamas Barralet's, No. I) aoi til Ninth-ftrect;
•r at J, Ormrod'i, bookseller, No. 41, Che'nut-llreet,
where the fubferibers are requcibad to fend their kddrels.
ion, O&ober 17 eo '''
Public Notice is hereby given,
;> r TO the delinquent Stockholders in the Philadelphia
1 and Lancaster Turnpike Road, to pay up all arrcar
itcd ages and penalties upon their lhares by the firlt day cf
u December next, othcrwife nieafares must he uk; 11 to en
force payment, as the Road is now nearly
and ifce is called upon to mike &n-l i-t
---tlements with the different contrail or.< and workmen,
order of the Board of Manager.',
Tench Franci-s, Treasurer.
November 3
et " il We are informtd that the gentleman who drew the
of r5,000 dollar priie, in the Canal Lottery, wis the
j*rts proprietor of only a single Ticket 1 his instance ' .
good fortune, (hews that it is well to,be in Fortune s
dol- road ; and is the more pleafmg, as the owner of the
s of prize is a very worthy> thongh not a very affluent ci
tizen. . .
le of The g c heme of the Canal Lottery it certainly one
ncii3B of the heft which has appeared—for, independent of
the ufeful ohjeas to which its proceeds are to be ap
plied, the feheme is so calculated as to rojitmual'.y e.i- .
:c ' hance the value of the Tickets remaining in the v iieel;
e " because, while the drawing progrell'tt, the chir.ce ei
1 a capital prize growing greater, must increase the va
lue of the undrawn Ticket.
The Prizes drawn to the close cf the drawing on
last Wednesday Evening, were
j of 15,®00
t of - >'00®
, of ' J"* o9
4 of . . 500
II of - - *
17°° of . " . . 1 14
h the And there then remrained in tne wheel
d the I of 50.00®
l 1 of - " 30,000
rising 1 of 10,000
6 of >.500
vares, of - - * »>ooo
iport- 1 j of - - Ijooa
States of " S°°
ioher go »f - - 102
7\ 1- I4SOO of - - - "
si tne 11c l ? ftationruy prizes of ao,poo dollars ea.n , .iy
;1 » n - which, and the nature of those 5 stationary prizes,
i which are to belong to the five last drawn tickets, it
will be found, that an undrawn ticket was ytfterday
morning, worth nearly 11 i-z dollars, which, at
'l and the beginning, was worth no more than 10 dollars
"'] ' and I'qTthe undrawn tickets mult continue to increase
'ty ra- in vah.e, as fact as the drawing proceeds: And this
ilarity, circumstance will account for the number of Ofiu«
;s, and which are opened for the sale of Tickets, as the p..
irriage fits must be daily increasing; and in a lew days a
arlotte Ticket now felling at 11 dollars, will no doubt com
treach rnand 15 dollars, and must continue to get higher as
the drawing approximates to the five stationary P r;!,es
rlptioa 0 f 10,000 dollars each. -* .-
such a ALL perlons indebted to the Kit Me ot bAMUtD
erhaps FRAUNCES, late of this city, Innkeeper, <ie
poetlc ee.iled, are desired to make payment to the fub.cnfceri
, , and all those who have any demands asamft tne !ai»
1 Estate, are requ»fted {0 bring in their accounts proper
iar and '^ aUL^ UEL M . FRAUNCES, Acting Executor,
ffjrfcn. South Water-street, No. 59-
Ofloher 18, 1795. ' —
:s com- A l_,L perfo*s indebted to the Estate of L'oetui
tccuuou jfV H. GIBBONS, late of Philadelphia, deewfed, are
rcqnelted to make payment; and thole who havaa»;
m May demands agaiuft said Estate, are desired to in t'■
tet accounts duly attclicd, for settlement, to
Attorney in facl for Mary Gibbons, adniiniftra.. ii
)ne dol- to tlie said deceated's Estate.
ecu. No. 107, Nov. 4. 4aw«
■ ■ 1 ' — -