> *' *■ ——- - ~ V" s ' 9 fptnitojlfate WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER n, 1795- Nuatbex 991.3 . — f — . *— 4 _ » n /T /• O.R SALE, B T JOHN CRAIG, r No. 12, T>oek Street, 10 Pipes of Joj The very bejl Madeira IVIN E, she no quarter casks of Sherry wine, or P : window glas of different Gzes, ? A rjuanti' y of baft Havannah fegajs m boxw, _N A few casks of l*gar, 4 boxes of yard wide lnfh Ihiens, 4 bales of do. canvass, s bales of red, white, and yellow flannels; FORI S M QUI H, ™ barrels, now lying at Mr. Thaddle s v wharf, in Southwark. , ' Philadelphia, Sept. 22. For Charleston, THE brig '■ Lovely Rachel, p Henry Roland, majler, "NOW lying at Bickham's wharf. She will pofitWely jg fail on Saturday next. For frcigta or paf&ge apply W — the Captain onboard, or c , n Noviio. § No. 170 south Front-ftredt. For AMSTERDAM," <~&71 T H H BR I C mSjl M A R I A Rut John Caffin, mailer, ' at Mr. Wiring's wharf; lhe is ataoft _ 08. 21, 1795' " 5 ' For LIVERPOOL, THE BRIG nc [ s ABIGAIL, and Thomas Giffcrd, matter, Has .f her eargo engaged, and will fail in ?ac a few days. For freight or passage apply on board at at 2 Wilcock's wharf, or to THOMAS NEIVMASfiX Rofs s wharf— T( Who has for S/tit, Coffee. Cotton, Claret in cafcs and hampers, Old Fron winiac Wine in hoglheads, and fevwi doz. Mens ruffled Shirts. Oft-" For HAMBURGH, Christopher Franklin,jun. master, HAS excellent accommodations for passengers ;■ win fail in all this month ; three-fourths of ~er Cargo are ready to go on board, a few tons of heavy goods w II be taken on freight.—rw fnigbror paffageapaVy .0 the Matter 00 board, Peter B igbt, or to Pragers Lo. SepHmber VI, 1795* '' House Coals r Of good quality, for sale on board the Wig Olive Branch, 1 Captain William Moore, Irom Liverpool, laymg • nat-street wharf. Apply to . Philip Nickhn & Co. * WHO HAVE FOR CHARTER, el- THE SAID BRIG LIVE BRAN C ti.j * SHE is a H3\v vessel, burthen about 2,0 c 3 barrels "floor, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a -n k n B These Gent'emen who have Goods on board the j Olive Branch, are requested to fend for them as soon as I pofGble. oSober ijth §_ For Charleston, (S. C.) V the ship R u b r, t[ Capt. Richards, NOW lying the firft wharf below Chefmit-flreet ; an-.l ■will fail in a few days. For freight, which will be taken on low terms, apply to the Captain 011 board, or to Naibro' & John Fruzier, Ofiober 24. §iw. No 95 south Front-street. For Sale, or Charter, IG HVho 'R SE, - Moles Townfcod, master, BURTHEN 266*t08». A very strong, llaunch good vef- j fcl, lying at Rofs's wharf. For particulars apply to the' master on board, or MefCrs. Joftpb Ambon} <3 Son: ' Oilobsr 28. 1 JuJl Arrived per the Snow BoJion, 'fames Kirkpatrick, Majler, fro~m Liverpool* ( 113 Crates well-aflbrted Qneen's Wars, \ 4000 bulhels best floved fine Sak, r & to be fold at No. 1, Pine-street, by e y antes Campbell, t Alio, a few boxes well-aßbrtcd Irilh Linens. . . _ J*?. T3. J-/STZ- Said Snow for Freight or Char ter, either tQ the Weft-Indies or Enquire as above. Augujl 18. FOR SALE, LYJNG at Willing and wharf;'a strong, uew vessel, five months bid, built of red cedar, hur then .30 tons, supposed will carry about I=oo barrels . of flo'ir, is of ar. easy draft of water, and nas r °' Jt'ssste If not fold in two or three days, said vessel will pro ceed for the state of New- ork. Philad. Sept. 29. ■> For Falmouth and a Market, I J E D*G*% L T, sQSnij'&f J»hn Hodge, master, Car' e SHE will fail with ill convenient speed. For freight or passage apply to J , Philips, Cramond IST Co. j qw Knvfinber r>. Loll] To Madeira, ' THE ERla Blue PERSEVERANCE, Bo^ \ijjp4 J&jjp William Richards, mafir, f 0 WILL fail in all next week. For freight or paff»ge ap plyto JESSE Us ROBER.T WALN. November 9. . Ang Jamaica Rum. The Cargo of the brig Peace, Capatin Gray, from the north fidv; of Jamaica, (yill be landed to-morrow morning at Southjlreet "wharf, —— High Proof RUM, Prime SUGAR and COFFEE. Peter Blight. 7 V [J November 9. _ KEARNY WHARTON, HAS FOA SALE, At the Stores lately occupied by Wlurton & Greeves, A FEW PIPES London particular Madeira WINE; ti A few quarter casks Old SHERRY ; Russia MATTS, &c. Thirty hhds. prime St. Croix SUGARS. f November 6 d6t ~geor"ge!3obson, " J! Hat just rcctived by the late arrivals from England, and is now opening at his STORE, N~'* 134, U Market-Jlreet, corner of Fourth, A Large affortmer.t of broad and narrow Cloths; Elaf- ' N _ d " tic do. Kfrfeymeres; Coatings j Blankets; rlan- Mo ° nols, &c &c.—Also, an elegant aiTortment of I.ondon and Mancheftcr printed Callicoes of the newest patterns, Anc adapted for the fcafon, printed Cotton Handkerchiefs aod PulLats, Pins', &c. which he will fell by the Picce or A k 1 Package on the lowcft terms for Cadi or approved notes : at 2, 4, & 6 moriJis. ' November 5. pye To-Morrow Morning will be "Landed, At Stamper s wharf, from on board the A I schooner Eliza, T. Arnold, majler, direst from Malaga, 800 Quarter Barrels frclh BLOOM RAISINS p rl 300 Boxes dp. do. do. 300 Jars do. do. do. * 400 Boxes do. Mufcutel do. 115 Quarter Barrels FIGS 137 fces PRUNES 50 Kegs ANCHOVIES " co Jars CiRAPES ' nSaeks Soft Shelled Tf^ II 100 Quarter Caffe MOUNTAIN WINE O FOP. BY PETER K T JHN. cth TSTovember. dl. Bartholomew Conolly, No. 43, Chefnut-ftreet, RESPECTFULLY informs his fn.nds and the pnblic ing«n«ral, that he has imported in the l.ite arrivals I.' from England, an elegant, cxtenfive and well ai lortment of men's and women's hosiery—among which is a very great variety ef beautiful fancy hosiery such as ftriptd and clouded cotton- fine plated silk and cotton — elegant patent fancy silk. Fine ftripedand cloudcd patent worsted, &c. &c. which are now offered for sale upon his tifual low terms, together with every other article of I. J dry good-, suitable to the ieafon. >0 iS. C. has also imported a great variety «f gentlemen's a out size (lockings. ' Off. 24. _coxn»_ J v the Partnerlhip of SAM. & THO. SHAW '■ 1; TJEING dissolved in August last, by mutual consent, » as JD a U those indebted, whose accounts are due, are de- or fired to make speedy payment at their Store, corner of _ — Front and Arch-street. The business is now carried on at the fame place, by THOMAS SHAW, ' Who has for sale, on reasonable terms, for caih, or the usual credit, r- A general assortment of Merchandize, Imported by the last vessels from London, Bristol, and Li- fti verpool, suitable for the Fall Season. in 1 A Tobacco Engine and Prcfs to b; fold by Sam. Shaw, at October 23. iaw3-»Sciaw do. — ; d< For iale, at low prices, fu NAILS by the cask, from 3d to iod assorted, and a vari- | P 1 _ ety of Sprigs, Brads, and Tacks; Cotton and wool Cards, from No. I to 12 ; Hatters and ltock Cards; Cards set in calf, suitable for cotton machines. 2- Also Machines for cutting and heading Nails, with a va ' riety of articles suitable for that business, which will be fold together. ef- ] al ge stock of Wire, and other articles for carrying o>n to the Card Manufailery, with the valuable machines for I cutting the teeth, and other parts of the work. And a quantity of Leather, Teeth, &c. now in forward — ness for finilhing. Also, *1 cl A LEASE OF THE STORE, Occupied by the late partnership of Webftcr, Adgate and t( Whita. As the flore is convenient for the business, the ,j machines fixed, and the whole in a condition to be work ed, it affords a good opportunity for any one inclining to purchafc and follow the business to do it to advantage. Enquire of PETER W. GALLAUDET, Oift. 20. dim. No. 63 Chefnut-ilrest. j ar - FrcCh i E A S, 0i * Of fupirior quality, viz. 7 Impetial, or Gunpowder HyfonGomee, I ift quality Hyson, 2d. do. uo. Young Hyion, > Hyion Stiin, and ' Souchong. , - A few Boxes of each, for sale at No. 19, Third Street, South. rc j 5 Piecfn~.be- 10. CQ( '" 1 ent the higliefl price 111 Caih, will be given ior EMPTY BOTTLES, A preference will be given to Claret Bottles.—Apply to ,ro ~ No. 187, iguth Third-itreec, J Atril I®. I i John Miller, jun. & Co. on^ No- 2, Cbcf'iut Jlreet, 3b addition to their aflortment now received, have on hind remaining of the ] a Cargoes of the Three Brothers® Arethufafrom India, And for Me by the package only, _ A variety of Bengal and Coajl Goods, viz. Low priced Coffaes 4-4 and 6-4 book muflics Longcloibs in do. reaus Patna h 'kerchiefs Humhumi boar-. Shirting muflii.i Baftas chair: Blue romals Cambricks cham Book handkerchiefs in Mullin .r $ small bales neatly as- TafFaties l-v ory sorted. Blue checks _ b ° He variety of French Goods, viz. rpootl Looking glasses Feathers and Flowers epargi Angola gloves Paper hangings small Linuis and Linau handkerchiefs, Ah table for the ware Weft-India market. matr; A few elegant Time Pieces. brass Oft. 9th. } _ . —— paint Plaifter of Paris. ' 7 f tons of Plaift rof Paris r«ceived by the brig Crojcr, an(l Philip Sandf,mailer, from Havre-de-Grace,& for sale by view Andrews 8c Meredith, OA. 30. § No. 86,footh wharvas. For SALE, by the Subscribers, Ir,iPINN.*TREET, The following articles of the tajl importation from Chine. on . 160 Quarter Chelts Hylon Tea, very 120 Quarter Chests Souchong Tca, 400 Boxes China, containing Tea Setts, 4500 Pieces Nankeens. Willings ess Francis. Sepiember 14. , 3 taw I SHOT, Hav OHIt 11 sizes, from $1 lb to Grape, CambooleS, Pots, and other catUngs executed at th« fliort -il notice, Nail rods, from iod to spike, ! Hoop Iron, of all Gzes, for cases or cutting into nails, from , a brad lo I id nails, Anchors, from Cwt.to loolfe. I Bar Iron, V r A Quantity of James Rivor Tobacco, p ac ] . Carolina Pork. > Herrings in barrels, Ma: Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls. of | Rye fleur &c. to be fold by _ 5 Levi Hollingfivorth & Son. j o h Au-ujl 4 Juti Arrived, and for Sale From on bsard the brig Lad/ Wa'terjtorjf, laying at the fubferiberi wharf. A cargo of excellent St. Übes SALT, For terms apply to the fubferiber. JOSEPH SIMS. cth November. £ O K SALE, Imbcrtei in the Jhip Arethufa, from Calcutta and Madrafs, a variety of BENGAL GOODS; Guarraha, Baftas, Col Ties, m Huirthums, _ ' c Handkerchiefs, .U PerEass, L '~ Calicoes. L h To be Sold by the Package, for approved notes at as tkree and four months, by WILLIAM MACLURE & Co. Nt No. 41 Dock Street, or of JOHN MILLER, Jun. ,' s German PaJJ'engers full arrived in the (hip Holland, Captain Franklin, — from Hamburgh, now at anchor oppofitc- \ ine-ftreet, — nt, whose time is to be agreed for by applying on board, SI ; e : or to PRAGERS & Co. 4J of September 10. TJ Canal Lottery-Office »; Near the RANK of the UNJTstT) STA'TftS, he Odder I, 1795. B' 'T'HI drawing of this Lottery began on Monday, the , X 18tli ult. The sale of Tickets is continued by the .i- ftibferiber, from 8 o'clock in the morning, until 3 0 cloA in the afternoon, at the above office, and by J. Rob«rdc?u w. at the Statc-Houfe, warranted undrawn. Prize Tickets will Ve received in payment, subject to the ~ — deduction exprefled in the tickets—Price II dollars until J further' Botice. Approved notes, with a good indorfer, r ;_ payable loth' Decipher ntxt will be received in payment for tickcts amounting to one hundred dollars ana upwards, jj William BlaeLbiun, Agent. SJh.eck Book kept at the Office. Tickets examined at ( l-ioo each number, and regiftcrod at 12-100 cach ticket. ra- N. B. No tickets fold during the boursof drawing. lottkry" office, N°. 64,foutb Second-Jlreety for ' P ANAL Tickets for sale, and calh or tickets given for V>l any prizes that may be drawn. _j Information given refpe&ing Washington lottery, and eafh or Canal tickets given for prizes thit may bs drawn. Both lotteries commence drawiug September aßth. BOOKS will be kept of ach day', drawitig ia botli lot a"d teries, and open gratis to the enquiries of the poflefforsof t , e Tickets purchased at the OFFICE. Halves, quarters, and eighths of Tickets may be to had at the above Office. Sept. 26. > BURR MILL STOCKS Mide by OLIVER EVANS, at his Faaory, in th« old wind-mill ia ElmGcy's alley, * South Secind-JJrect, a little Mm D.d -Jlreet, WHERE thole who apply may be fupplicd with (tone* of such quality as will suit their purposes. _ Alio, < stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris. ] , He keeps for S ALE? At his dwelling No. zi 5 north Second-fu:eet* a Ifctle above : Vinejlreet, Bcxdting Cloths, A complets affortmcnt of both itr.pcrted and American manufactured for merchaat and ceuatry work, which lie warrants good. ALSO, The Younp Millwright's and Miller's GUIDE. _ Containing a system of mechanics aad hydraulics as they apply to water mills with the whole process of, and all the late improvements on the art of manufacturing Hour c*.c intended to be ufeful to all coi-oerucd in huildmg or using y water-mills, which book is fold by Matthew Carey an Robert Campbell, I d Sept. 25. 3tdtawlf. \ 1 s For 'Sate, at Public Vendue, }On Monday, the 16th day of November, -t 5 o'clock in the forenoon, 1 At the Htufi of Samuel Fraunces, innkeeper, deceaftd, in Watcriftieet, between Chefijut & Waiuut-fireets, No. 59, A variety of HouJhold& Kitchen Furniture f COniiftir.g of mahogany dining tables, in setts of 1,1, 3, 4, add";, pier tables, card table 6, rottad tables, bu reaus, wafdrobe, night table, mahogany beUeret side board, large plain do. mahogany worked backs and other chairs, large gilded«4«ome looking glasses, small do. do. chamber do. mahogany frame lookir.jr gla&s, plated and hrafj fcortce* and chandeliers, mahogany knif. cases of ivory handled knives and forks, iilvcr plated candlefticts, do. tea urni, japann'd do. plated cake bufket, tea cady, butter tub and (land, filvcr tea pot, milk-pot, fonp fpoons, tablc-fpopus, tea-spoons, an elegant silver plated cpurgnc and glali bowl sompleie for a dining tble, tea and small waiters, setts of tea and table china, glass and queens ware, table' cloaths, beds and bedding, hair and common matraffss, chintz & fluff sets of bed and wind»w-curtains, brass and bell mettle kettles, finoke jack, brass and iron andirons, (hovel and tongs, carpets and carpeting, large paintc-d floor clothcs, hall and fide lamps, bells and I hangings, large and small iron pots, afnllfett of dish 09- i vers, knives and fsrip, spoons, a pair of large ilron racks, 1 and many other articljs not enumerated, which may be viewed any time previous to the djiy of f.Jc. (Signed) fly order of the Executor, Wm. Shannon, Auctioneer. November 10. _ $ In addition to the above, will be fold a, valuable collec tion of Wax Work moulds, of various fixes and impreS on ; prepared during the life time of the defeafed at a I very great erpence. Ir'tfh Linens. James & Henry Filher, Nq. 8, lValnut-jlrr.-t, | Have imported by the Rebecca, from Dubliai, affortmait of e I 7-8 4-4 white Linens, 7-8 brown de. 4-4 half white Sheetings, 1 I 9-8 brown and white do. 3-4 brown and white Lawns, 7-8 Dowlas ; Which they will dispose of on reasonable terms, by the I package, for cash ©r approved Notes, at 60 and 90 days. I N. B. The above Goods being immediately from the J Manufa&ories, it is prefumsd they will be found worthy I of notice. o*sl. 26. t I John Miller, jun. and his brother Alexander J. Miller, I have entered into partnerfiiip, under the Firm of John Miller, jun. & Co. I Tbey bjhc received iy the arrivals from Europe t aid are now opening for SALE, At their STORE, No. 8, Chefnut-ftreet, 5 A capital ciffortment cf DR7 GOODS, Suitable "to the feafon—amongH which are, Broad and narrow Cloths, Plain and fancy Coatings, Bsavcretts and elastics, u j 1 Rofeand point Blankets, A variety of coarse Woollens, Manchefler manufactures, Irish Linens, India Goods, generally, I French Goods. All of which they will dispose of for cash or the nfuai 1 credit. O&ober 9. i Landing, at Hamilton's Wharf, I The CARGO of the Jhip TriJlram, J. CbrtJJie, frsifl. J Port-au-Prince, —CONSISTING OF— 1 -° barrelsof' | MufcS. 26. d No. i7ofouth Front-street. rd* I 53' Hogsheads, ' 459 Barrels, £ Coffee, above 600,0001b. 524 Bags, J i 115 Hogsheads of choice Jamaica Sugar. I 211 Bales of St. Domingo Cotton, I Will be landed Monday morning, 24th inft. at South ftreet wltarf, Being the entire cargoes of Snow Hebe, fromjamaioa; th: Brig Tolly, and Schoonor Industry, from Jerenue, the mt silt it . Peter Blight. 011 j o<3ober it. § the j " ' mil The CARGO of the ship Harmony, er » I Ezra ZjOivell, tnajier —from BOURDEAUX t eilt j CONSISTING OF ; ds " BRANDIES, in pipes and puncheons; and lat claret in hogsheads, is discharging from 91J ket " !>oard thefaid Ihip at Cuthbcrt's wharf, and forfale by — Andjews iff Meredith, Sept. 15. d. No. 86, south wharves. for CLARET, and I In calks, suitable for the East and Weft-India markets, ivn. FRENCH BRANDY, in butts and pipes. And a fern cases of bt ' f Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs. FOR SME BY be j Rundle cs 5 Murgatroyd, §, I OA. 28. (di-ui) No. ll,Walnut-ilreet wharf. old Hare's Patent Floor Cloth, WITHOUT SEAM. 1 npHE mannfaflnrer has jaft imported by the LIGHT ona | 1 lIORSt FROM BRISTOL, an elegant assortment VLf O , los the newest and bed Patterns, which mVIh excellent prefcrvation, from 9 feet fquarc to 18 by 15 feet; like, wife, for Stairs, Entries, and Halls, from j yard to 3 jove i yards wide. I The fubferiber refpe&fully informs pnrchafers, that I Floor Cloths laid under woollen Carpets during the win ter, will be in a state of improvement till the spring, aad r,can 1 render rooms warm by preventing air from passing b«- ihke tween the boards. JOHN BROWNE, No. 145 north Second-street, j?_ I WHO HAS FOR SALE, they I A quantity of Remnants to lay before the fire for the prj- II the ! .fcrvation oi woollen Carpets; r &c 1 Dipt and mould Candles, v.-ith fine cotton wick; ufnv [ Brown and white Soap, of a very superior quality, in and I small boxes foitcd for families; I White Lead-; Red Lead; Spanish Brown; Orange Mint n c ! ra l, &e. &c. No-retnber jo. . cod. j"VOLVME VIIL