% 1 City of Wafnington. j j — fc c »fh 5,000 10.000 1 Cjt'n P r >' ,; " ta.coo ?. ditto $,o©» ench, are iS,oro 10 dirto i,oco 1 o,©q • t© ditto 500 10,00® 100 ditto too io,ooo 200 <:iuo 5« io,Ooo 4 $CO Mtto *,5 10.000 * 1,000 cHtr a? aoo *5> ocr> Ul ' s 130^00 1 rri«?j BUiiki ' rc.obo Ticfyr.i at 8 ddEa/s 400,000 j This Lottery will afford avi elegant fperimen as ihr *.o [jt erased In the City of *— Tw& lit .tun tu i de(ij»n>. iic »lrc>«r3s the hind foi the UnM't-rfny, it being determin ed to frith* (He vrhole business in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fccu- THV. The real fer.tjrities/iven for the payment of the Pri*e ■r. lacld b\ Ihe Preiident and two i)tr<&ors of the iJj'nk or ColnmtMa, and a«c Valued ar more half ihe amount j C? thr I "Mm y . . The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late Commiflioner# aflifted .n the maragemaftt of the ( licr«l Lottery are requeued to undertake ardaous task ! c a fctond time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num- a er of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the o friends t» a National University and the other federal ob- t je*st« continue to favor the deiign. "l'hc fynopfi>» of one of the CoHegt-s, to form a branch of the National *j tnfiitution, is already in the press, and will be i'peedily 1 6 yublifhed, together with its conflitution. f A compleat Plan of the whole of this Tnaportant Institution, compiled from a feleAion of the bell matcri- Jils, ancient and modern, will be submitted to the public , f whenever the fame may have goae through such reviftons as may be ncceffary t» eftablift» the perfect confidence and t gt.neral approbation, so essential to its present rife and f«- tilrc eriftencefor the genera} good of Ameritfa. By accounts received from the difiercnt parts of the Continent as well a« from Europe, where the tickets have been i'eiit. for sals, the public arc assured that the ' drawing will speedily commen««, and that the care and | caution unavoidably ftccelfary to iauire a fafe disposal of tli" tickets, has rendered the mor: fuipenftqji indilpciifable. j ] Fcbruai y a4 # 1795. « SAMUEL RLODQET. An{ 30 rodt*" i '1 lckrts iray br h*H at the Bank ot Columbia ; 1 J o r J;*inesi Welt jk. C<*. lial imore or Gtdewa D,eniion 9 | \ Sot ot Pe-tr GHmi.t, B »llon ; of John Mopkuis j i R 'Ch'noi d : and of R 'ch »' n WrlU. Cooper's tcrf v . ! 1 Scheme or a Lottery, ; To *+if: Do- -;ry, on 266,000 l)ai/ars DcJutlinz 15 p.'t Cent, from the Print—this Lottery con fifty of 38,60 c 1 Ticket*, in ivhich there am 14,535 rriia, and ] blanks, beifi>> *hout one ar.d an haij blanks to a prue. \ THE Jjiiectoiuot the soc;< tv foi «tlatjiifn 04 Ufrtul Mj ] nufailum, t > C rr£l LOTTERIES tor . One HuNpafci. Thousand Dollars, agn.eably . to in Att of tHe Lt-giil »tuie ol the Slate 01 Kcw-jcifey, ( } i>vt appointed ih- perious t«> fuperintrnd and j divert the drawing o 1 the fawe, viz. Nicholas Low, Rutiu . Kitig, Herman Le Hoy, James Wat ten, Richard Har» rifon, Abijzh Han.mond, in>; CHmelius Ray, ot the city o't New-York-—Thomas Willing, Jofcpk Uall, Mattbrw >4'- Conftel »mt Andrew Bayard, oi the city of Philadelpnie iiis ixcclleney Ktchard Howell, Lfq. R|» a s Boudinot, General EliaS Dlyton, J^ nri- s John Bavafd, Dost ©r Lcwfs Oonham, Samuel W. StoektOn, Jothua M . Wal- Iree, Joseph Jiloomheld, and Bondinot, of N w Jeriey, who oHer the tollowinjr Scheme et a Lottery 1 and pledge ihetnielvcs to the puimc, that they wvll take every akumscc and inthetr power to have the 1 ' Monies paid by the Managers from unae to time, asreceiv- ] ed, into ibe dai:ks at New-York and Philadelphia, to ; retnair. so' the psirpolc ot paying Pr\t s which ihall be immcciavcly by a check upon one ol the Bunks S CHE M E: 5 Prise of to,ooo Dollars is «©,ooc 1 1 o,oco x^.ooo f 10,O0C I- «,000 IO.OOC ;Q t.COO 10,000 ac 500 10,000 ic-o 100 10,000 3> - 5° I 20 20,00 c 20O<* " 30,000 , f 1 g6,90C &100 i» 18,000 M»SS9 sba.ooo 23,401 Bhauka. firfl drawn nnmber, 2,000 Laftdrawn number, 2,000 38000 Tickets at j Dollars each is 266,000 Tne drawing will commence, under tk* itffpetti<>« ol • Committee ot the SaperinterxlarKs, as soon as the Tick its are fotdyol which timely notice wiil be given. Tne Superinteudants have a ppointed John N . Cumminp of Newark, Jacob R. H irdenb'-rg, ot New-I4iixilwick, and Jonathan Rlua, of Trtnton, *s immediate Manager* thereof, who have giten ample lccunty tor dttcharguig the truor to pertorm the>r in fr unions, the fobltance of which is I. That whenever cither olihe Managers shall reecive the fuin ot Three Hundred Dollars, immdiately he shall place the fame in One of the Ban l .<.s ot New-York or Phi - ladeljihia, to the ciedifrot the Governor of the Society, and luch ot the Supenmendants as ive in the city where the moaici arc placed, to remain there until the Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the Frizes. 11. The Managers to take fufTiciem (eeoritv for any Tickets they maytruft,nthcrwife to be reipouiible lor them. 111. To keep regular books, of Tickets fold, Mo aies received and paid im«* the ot which (hall be fenr, monthly, to thcGovcrnor ofthe Society. Paterfon, Januai y 1, 17^}. On appl'cation to cither of the above gentlemen, infor Miiinii wvill 'hr ffivrn where ticker* raiv hf- hi>H tn^u ALL ptrfons havi»g any demands on the Kfratd of , Mary He wgov, late of Bucks oouuty, Jecealed,are desired to apply to William Hewson, flcar Brntol, in ; the county aforefaid, for immediate settlement. And all perfoni indebted to said £ tate are requcitcd to mik.: pay niv at to the I'aM William Hiwfon, who is hereby autho rifsd to rectiv-i the Ufllt. Elizabeth Hewsov, Sxeeutrix. ExMhrl . William ) MtUetntaJe y n.'ar Brijlffl) 0&.26, 17 *xaw3«ii.' A ntrican Lanctjcafxcs. PROPOSALS FJR PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A Tw knt\-Fou 11 V I£W S; SELIiCTED frora the mod striking iik! imercrtinp Profpcfls in the United States ; ea>:h ms which Views, wUI be ircompanied with a descriptive acconni of its Local. Hittorical, and other Incidental Peculiarity By G. I. PARKYNS, Author tf tie " Afoitiiflu Xttr.aint and Amient Cm4i*j irt *Griet Britain. CONDITIONS. I. That the work shall lie published by Subfcri^tlon; and that each Subscriber shall engage to take the whole set of View*, and shall pay for each engraving, if blaok or brown, 1 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollar*. I. That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 24 by 17 inchoe, txecutcd in nquatinta, and published upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to commence im mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub scribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month, until the series shall be finally completed. MI. That with the last \ iew of the series, shall be deli vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant chara&erifiic vignette: a map of the route, conneded with the prof peds exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print fliop, Ma»d«!nlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell cr. No. 118, Market ftreet> rtiladelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellera ir» the United Status. February 28. F 0 K $ A L E, A very valuable EST ATE, Called TmrrKNHAM. SITUATE ut tbc tvwnjbip if Upper Derby, and county cf ; Dtl.rwart, 7 I-Z milts from Philadelphia, snd half a mile from fie neiv IVefiern road: ton tabling 2so acres of excellent Land, 45 of which are good urate red Meadow, 9 O cf prime 1 iVood Land, and the reft Arable of the frfl quality. There are on the premises a good tnvodory Brick House, "with 4 rooms on ( ■ a flbor, and Cellars under the whole, -with a Pump T'r Mof /xjj i ocllcnt Water in front-, a large frame ft amy Stables, and other eonveaicnt buildings ; a Smote-Houfe andJione Spring House ; two good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peach 's. The Fields are alt i* | Glover, except tbafc immediately tinder tillage, and are Jv taid out as tb have tbc advantage of iVater in each ef them, xubich renders it pctubarly eonvenient for Grazing. The ftf nation is pie of ant anil healthy, and from the oigß culti vation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and the vicinity to thed ; fv, St is very fuitjklc for a G erf!em an s Country Seat. Ibe foregoing is part of the Efloite of faeob Ha mar, s decoafed j and offered for sale by JVi ORDECAI LHW IS . Surviving Lkwutor. j Oft. 9, 179S j A MILL for SAL E. FOR Sale, on private coatrait, five undivided frxths parts of that valuable merchant-mill, called Qld ! Pennypack Mill, with |wo dwelling houses, stables, coop* er'a shop, cask house, and Other convenient building*, with about 20 good land, the greatefk part thereof is excellent watered meadow, tlie remainper garden, ©rch* j ard, and wood land; situate ten mill* from Philadelphia, ; neiir the Wafiiiugton Tavern, partly on the poiWoad Uad j ing to New-York, an,cf partly on the River road ; a re markably henlthy country, and an neigHl>our h#od. ThU mill being on Pennypack creek, a h.avy ft ream of water, witii about 15 feet head and fall, atid . the tide flowing about 6 feet, will admit a veflel carrying ; 1350 bufhcls of wheat to lay along fide, and unload into the mill with Evans's elevator in about three hours. The mill house w large and built of ftonc, founded on a rock, the walls uncommonly thick and strong, (such a piece of j mafbn work is rarely to be found) contains five floors, two water wheels, and three pair of the bell French burr ftojles all running, double geared, with three boulting reels and cloth* of th? firft quality, rolling screen, cyiinder, and fans for cleaning wheut sis the beil manner, and pafling it afterwards by an elevator into a hanging garner ; also, conveyers, elevators, and hopper boy, all in complcat or der. There are two large frame buildings adjoining the mill, which are convenient for flcring flour, fhorta, casks, bac. A corn-kiln is erected within the building, >vith boulting, reel cloth, and other neexffary fixtures for manu faCturing large quantities of kiln-dried corn meal. The ft ream ot water is so constant that upwards of 60,000 buth els of wlicat liave frequently been manufadured at this mill, annually. The tumbling dam was built of stone and frame about yo years ago, but the late extraordinary frefhes have made a breach therein, it can eatily be repaired alto gether with ftonc, the greatcft part of which is already *< hand, and the remainder can be quarried near the dam, as there are ievcral good quarries of excellent stone on the premises, and adjacent to the creek; the contiguity of this very valuable cftate to Philadelphia, and the eaiy na vigation for shallops, with the above-mentioned great ad vantages, and muny others not here m ntioned. must be obvious to any person who may view the premises. An indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, will be made to the purchaser on paying part of th m«n«y, and giving fatisfa4tory feenrity for the remainder, payable with mtereft in inikalments at fitch times a* may be agreed on. .For further particulars enquire on ihe prcmil'es of France* Lewis, Executrix to the eflate of Robert Lewis, deceased; John Swift, near Buffcll-Town ; or Natha niel Lewis, or David Lewis, in Philadelphia. Augujf 31. w3cf- Forty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the fubferiber, living at Mordington Mills, near Frcd«rica, in Kent county, (cats of Dcla. wars, on the night of the 17th of Jnne lalt, a Have negro man named BENN, about 17 years old, 5 feet 10 or ix inches high, of a yellow complexion, and might pass for a mulatto. The clothe» he had on cannot, "with eaadtnefs, be described, a* h« made fereral breaches of honetty, iu that way, on his setting out. He is a very great sloven in his dress; has naturally a condemned and lurly counte nance, altho' he at times affe&s» fmding one ; hit visage is thin, with large black whiflcers ; the whifes of his eyes often red : It is not recollected whether he has any par ticular fiefh-marks, exccpt on his back, whire may br seen (tho* light) the fe rs»f the whip, placed by judicial authority, for lioufe-breaking, lock-breaking, &c. as well before, as since 1 purchafcd him. He is prl feffed of but a miall fharc of real'oll or fenlibility ; a ;;reat coward, tho* his looks are devilifli, and at the fain- time sneaking. As he took his flight upwards from here, at the commencement of harvclt, it is presumed he wa» pe;- fu.idcd by lome of the free negroes m tins quarter to make his cfcape with th«m—lhould he n«t be in Philadelphia, he is probably betwe«n here and there. Whoever takes up the said negro B;nn, and feenres him in any public goal, so that his mailer may g;t him again, fliall have the above rnwar i; and if brought home additional charge, for reiionable expenccs, paid by James Douglafs. pHIh.iDKL I'll IA) Paivrio JQAfN f£ XNQ, N®* 11 cbet'wi Strut.—Pmcs Sm Dollacs Pt» Amvu. go dK S, Printed for ana PublUhcd by MAI Hh,\V CARE\. n". !lfi market street. (?rict Sixteen Dollars.) j { New Sv/lm of Modern Geography : , Or, a Gtofr'-rhhal, Jfi/ttriitl and Cwnerdal Grammar ; and prtfntl Jlr.tr tf I fever al Nations if tie Wtrli, CONTAINING, The figsree, motions, and cuKar to each country. ' diflance* of tne Planets, ac- VII. Observations on the the Newton ian fyi- chau;ge« that have been any teni, and ti.e hfiit oblerva- wher,• oblerved upon the fact < t j oa , ef nature Cucc th<; molt e»r- • B. A |r*n«Rj-*iew of the ly ptri >d« of hiitory. S-i th.confldarrdas a pUnat; VIII. Hiliory. and origin I wilhAweralUfeful definitions of nations; th?irXorm» of g° 2nd problems vernmer.t, relignation, law»j I 111. GrandHivifieii#of the revenues. tax .--5, naval and , Globe into land and water, military ftrengtii. lone'merit* and iflards. IX. Genius, yianners,cuf- i Situation aad c.-twntof em- toms and habits of the people, pires, .kingdoms, itatcs, pro- X. Their language, icarn 5 viricot juid colonic*. inp;, arts, sciences, manufac- V. Their climates,air, foil, turri and commerce. t vegatables, produ6tion«, me- XI. Chief cities, ftrwAuroe tals, milittfald, natural curio- ruins, and artificial curionties. fities, bay«, pro- Xit. Latitude, longitude. 1 memories and Lafce.l. prin . VI. Bird» and Beads pe- cipalphtiafroniPhiladelphia t© which ap.e add«i>, I. A Geographical ladei, with the name» and places a pha , betically afrranjjed. r U. A Table of the Coini of all nations, and their value in dollars and ceilti. . 111. A Chronological TaM« of remarkable events, from the Creation to the present time. By IVILLIAM GUI URIE, Eft. The Agronomical part by Jumrj frrgtfn, F. &• 5. Corre&ed by Dr. Davio Rittexhouse. To which arc adrfetl, ' the late Difcoven'e« of Dr. Hei fchell, »rui other eminent ' Astronomers. The r»ST »Mt«KAN ioition, correoled, improved, and greatly enlarged. Containing the following Mafi and Platm 1 Map of the World JJ Himloftaa 2 Chart of the Wor Id 24 Africa 3 Europe 15 States 4*CoimtriesroundtheNorth 26 Britiih Demimioin in A- Pol(. merica 1 5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 17 Well Indies ' | way and Finland. vs* Province of Maine ' j 6 Raflia ly'New rlampfli re ' 7 Scotland jo'Maffachiifetts i England-and Wtlet 3l*Connei3icnt ' 9 Ireland jt'Rhode I Hand 1 j 10 France jjlVerm»«t J i u'Seatof War 34* New York " II Sevoo United Province! j.?"Nevr Jersey ®, 13 Austrian, French and 36*Pennfylvania Dotcli Netherlands jy'Delawarc ' 14 Germany jß*Miryiand ' 15 Switzerland 39*Virginit r6 Poland 40*Ke«tucky ■17 Spain and Portugal 41' North Carolina " iS Italy 4 j'Tciwjflve government 19 Turkey in Europe 43' South Carolina ' j 20 Alia 44*Geor» ia il'Dilcovcries madeby cap- 45 Ccprruican system tains Cooke and Clerks. 46 ArrailUry fphore j (2 China The Maps marked with stars are'added to this odition, exclulive of thofeinthe last London edition. The United States Regiftcr for 1795, Price jo Cents. C 0 A' TENT S. Calendar, with the ncccfiiary Boundaria# of the United tables, &c. «3cc. States. Population COVJRKMINT. Supreme Krecutive Lilt of the OfTieers Lcgiiiature Statement ot Kxporto Judiciary Public Debt Department of Stat® Fay, &e. of the army Department of the Treasury Mint y Eftabiiihment I Coanxmififeonefß of Loans Rules for reducing the cur | Officers 01 the Cufioins rencies of the difterunt i Revenue Cutters * ftatcs to a par with oa«Ji Light Haufes oth«r Ofticer» of'the Kxcife Tabloß of the number of Dtities and Dutiable articles ccnts and decimal parts ] Extfrtip s from (fctiee in any number of Ihiliings I Duties on tonnage and pence lefb than a dol- 1 j —uomeflic objeAs lar in the currencics ol ] , Drawbacks, ind Longitude oi j &.c. «f goodn, and the the principal towns in th« officers o? the cufioms; United States vo the payment of duties, Banks 4 aud Vi* 2mportatH>a of Literary Inllitutions j gv#o*.W National Manufactory y g Eipe»res of Government SeHionK of the Conrts for 1794 Wiltern Territory r j Dej>arcment of War STATE Governments. . I j New Sfjutn-Oarolin* j ] Vermont Georgia ; Maflachufetts Order oi time in which the Coone6LiK fcveral States adopted the b New-York - federal Constitution New-Jerrfey Taoif of the bun's rififig c P«nnfylvank ' a ltd f.-tting I Delaware of goods, wares, e Marvlaiwi and merchandize exoort j. Virginra. Ed fjpotn the United States f tentushy fiom the ift of OAober North-Caroiins *90, to 30th Sept. I7QI' • Charloue a tale of truth—by Mrs. I uwfo,n, of the new Theatre, Philadelpnia. Second Amtt ;tan edition— Price 75 ccnts. [The rapid sale of the firft edition of thi» - enterefling novel, hi a few months is the bell criterion of it» merit.] EXTRACT FIOM Ttl£ CRITICAL REVIEW, A MIL 1701, p. 465. " It may be a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and it is a tale of real diitrefs—Charlo*tc, by the aatifiee of a teacher, recommended to a school, fronl humanity ra- J»«rthan a conviaion of her integrity, or the it her former conduct, is eaticod from her goVerness, and accompanies a young olHcer tj America—the ' cureniony, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr to the inconliancy of her lover and trea-ch c-*y of his friend. Thr fttuatioii- are artless and affeiling—the description r.utural and •, \vc fnould feel for Charlotte if luch a vpwion ever exilLd, who one error, K*r.ely, perhaps dii'trvcjti lo severe a punishment. Lt it is a ftdion, poetic juiiice is not, v e think, piop.Tlv diftri'uutcd." t. The Inuuifitor—Uy Air,. Kowfon. Second Philadel phia editjon. 87 1 2 crjus. •i. Adventures of Roderic Random. 1 vols. I dollar and 50 camts, coan'e paper — 1 dollar and 75 cents line. !• Norc* on of Virginia Thomas J.Jtr^cn. i'ric;: Jicady bounel, 011 c tUiiWrand .'.half. 4. Hi**cy ot the French Kev«i>.uion, from its cpm u- v.t to tot death oi ti.e Qnecn and the csceusi.on or Bru&kt. a- o liars. 5• P'6wdcw'? tiwiea y el' the Brikp-ib Empvre, from May tc i;\ :rv:; er J i w«liar and a quarter p'his is v i interesting ;-n ets 22. Life of the benevolent Howard, 75 qents Dialogues in G7?ffc> oneatriwr " C 4. 1 rUIS ornie ntlTasTi Weart, 2 vols. 2 dollar* aj. M'Ewen on the Types, 67 i-a cents a 6. Life of God in the- Soul cf Man, 50 cents . J- Ormrod hasjuft received an elegant collec tion of Books from London. Nov. 2. j6t LOTTERY INTELLIGENCE: ~~ We are informed that the gentleman who drew the ijioo® dollar prize, in the Canal Lottery, was the proprietor of oniy a single Ticket—Thi» instance of good fortune, (hews that it is well to be in Fortune's road ; and is the more pleasing, as the owner of the prize is a very worthy, though not a very affluent ci tizen. The Scheme of the Canal Lottery it certainly one of the heft wl.ich has appeared—'-for, independent bf |We uieful objeiis to which its proceeds are to be ap plied, the scheme in so calculated as tr> continually en hance the value of the Tickets remain ir\g in the wheel; because, while the dravting progreflirs» the chmoe of a capital prize growing greater, must imcreafe the va lue of the undr.iAn Ticket. The Prizes drawn to the clofc of the drawing 08 last Wednel'day Evening, were I Of IgiOOO % of - 2,000 5 of - - I,oo® 4 of - JM II of - - • 10® 1700 of - - I* And there then remained in the wheel 1 of 5 0,0 o» 1 of - 30,000 1 of io,oo« 6 of - - »>s°« 9 of - 2,000 15 of - - l»oo® 36 of 500 89 of - xoo 14800 of - - - " And ? stationary prizes of 10,000 dollars eacn ; by which, amd tlit nature of those 5 stationary prizes, which are to ScloHg to the five last drjwn tickets, it will be found, that an undrawn ticket was yeftcrday morning, worth nearly 11 i-j dollars, which, at J the beginning, was worth no more than 10 dollars— and lb the undrawn tickets must continue to increase ' in value, as fact as the draiving proceeds: And thi» circumstance will account for the number of Offices I which are opened for the sale of Tickets, as the pro fits muii '«» daily increasing; and in a few days a Ticket now felling at 11 dollars, will no doubt com mand 15 dollars, and must continue to get higher at the drawing spproximatet to the five stationary prize* of 2G-OOQ