Jacob johnlon'and Co. 147 MtrMftrin, PfiUa&p&idi HAVE COXS+AX TLY FDR SA L I, \A Vcr y general &Hbrtiucnt of x BOOKS & SI AllO NA R r, Which they ofifsr on the ioweil terms. Tltey bj-vc alfn Sa'; y A large quantity of Demy and Crown PRINT ING PAPER. - -A- liberal dci .Siofi will Be made.to Country Store W'-'-. orders will be thankfully receiv.d.' ?th mo. -afth, i 7?5 . iawt-v. 1 — ___ T. is puuiiihed, j . Br MOZEJU DE ST. MERT, Corner of Front and Wilnut flrieu, AN ESSAY On tU: Manner b£ improving th Breed of HORSES, in America. 1 fPric*, Or.: of a DJlau.] THT3 work is calculttjd for g-ner;U ntiiitj, aa| A: Pu -liher .utteM himfelf that: c :;ue' fajl to meet with • 1 '-•" • iceuiag ■ "lent ot all tfcgfe who are in :he'lca.i i«te- : ! reitcd the fuijie SL -A- 1 * v ' Edition 01 the Work .5 oa.ilifr.cd at the fame 1 fl-.:~, late uj ibid at the fiuce r.. ice. t * 3c>or.. r jo. ' » Js od4t. t a l*tf i- PKINT IN GO FFI C E r PO R SALE,: il Co"uG.»» of i?®:U>.of Type, wc.'i afnYt,cd; e tie- v gant Prefi, »ij*d every other an citiiiuaHle tor an ex.- :i teniivj bufiiiefs. It \.i,i h ibid together. 'Approved '■ noti ja. 2, 4, and 6 m"m(is . : hi yken in payment. , For particulars ap r ly to the Ediur. - ° ' oh 'T fS-" ' ".WJ- Le-Bieroi!, I SURGEON-l) .",Y r \y r Pupil lie teltbraUd Mr. Dui is, latf Of! ■' to ii: Kmv arj ~ Roya! Party tK ; Den- - ) fi-ifiee i . ;«wr; -Opiate; an sir oi-(Wcete«m-t alj'i pr: the cc.rh. H* alfc lurmthcs *' BraftJja ii gi . j< *f lit litfe, ai dii '«tm - r ir jt. No I y,above' w 6ar;T.- J. fl . reat - ■. . >.■■ ! Portraits y\ TAiliejand who are fhiv- JT\. it)g t e.- . ';:cif.s si have :■ .n Hone by £ ' applying.ta ti.e ;-i-.ater, « No. lii corner of Union a a d 1 Fourth ttvettj, wfcre they ear, be n; rred to faeciffler.--. ! bi . >■>. • ■ , 0 James i iffin, . •;.'7J9ts.s. RET'xiz lurirx, t l No. -o, south Second street, li.-ar the City 'J ivert, 1 HAS just received !iy the la:e arrival; fro.ll Loado* ' L ?.mi Bi iftol, a 1 ~-ge aal elejim aiTor'meot o! Ladie« i-i«l • Jeatlciiiens faiJuoiubU IjA i'3;—Alfo, a variety" of 'in Q'aldn-ns HATS of di A ' .-.'fti*j:ii_".its ot a fqaaie, or ltf-', afe pulliflifcd in ihls tin G.ieet'te onc>, for haij oollvk; and continue lat onj ■ /J■) KiULKT-* or \ 03LiA*iar eidi iifvrti^a/ ii at >r aea.no.vitujis, with gra-:ituae,,the favors of Lj! aav IJ patroai—He tffiire^.th;iy..: the en- mr ereaf: i, anisacreafing r.iunS-r of- hi* fubfenbers, :« con- We eat ending the circulation in the teity-4t«^ittkib? d:i cijrcalat"in is.np .- to that f any itkbr {Hiblxitios. PhiLd.lv- is, Nov. mbcr 5, 1755. Gky Dancing ArTembly. - THE AflemVi •sAvifl commence for the Se,if»n, on , Tbarl'day Eteaing, tlie in.L JoS. RfDM.IN, ~) '- 1 S.iu Stekkstt, I Maaag«is. 4 THO. JV. Fkakcis, j i November 4. dt 19th. ] W ANT E D, - „ la On or be'ore -he arft of December next, J! 1 ,, AFurnilheil ROO •!, on :ht firft or feccnd flior, on a notth-rn cr w .t .ra view, 111.J fi'tjtted between ' T Front and Fifth-ftr-jets, and betv/ix: '.V'alnut "and Mulb r-,' : ry-ttrests,for whiih a liberal price will begiTen. Fhe kit furniture required air only table* and-chairs. lid chimney in t apparatus, as it is iuten Jed for Miniatare-Paiatingibuilaefs. t } lu Apply to the Limn : at No. 13, nurth Fourth-Street. r Nevemlicr 2. •Sut. IVANT CD TO PURCHASE, j n,h' Or to take oil a of about 3 years, to commence [ tho oa or about lfl of April orxt, A fmali, Farm, FROM jo to 60 aeres, witii fu!scient.builiing for farai- Q thi ing the fame, and a decent hbule for a genie 1 family lei an equal prop»rtion of keado.v, arable, and woodland, !- U> and a ihort distance from' P/iiliuelphia, Trenton, or Wii tnington, will be ths more dJirAbb. Apply to No. IS7, cru l iouth i'hiid-itreet. Nov. i. §.-T 10. aim. No. 47 south Wafcer-fti -t. aila l Canal Lottery. t;on No. 149, Ch:fnut-(lrcet,hitman FourthlyTltlii jlreets. 1 r "|" I ICKETi and every iafortaitiou.giv- . U "' Xcm refpeelingfaid Lottsry. .ilf«, WaKngtor. «ud Paterfon Lotteries. OA. 10. " f in b For Sale, at Auction, At the HORSE MARKRXy or. WEDNESDAY next. *-~ A pair oi targe, w ell-matched . ' I frown HOKS hS, -so a Will trot fail. Tkay ntay be fe nat Bld.vell's Aa'iles, corner of Clufmit ar.d irointii-flreets, at any t.me between this and the day of iifc. Nov. 7. dfn. Canal LotterV Tickets l - POPS A L £, : At No. 153, Chidiiat Street. PhilaJ. Sept. 27. J 5_ .nd d A good C<.ok ; Will meet with conft»st employ:-., r. id rcceive gent- Ev rousweges. pply to the Printer. OCi % lj. every The fm'! wing ariiciiv^QJh-ui u>ha\ bajt Mtempes are rsu .lc to Jeceivr and impo/t upon the public : IY~ Prum ihe Kentiifk) Gazette, dated Sept. 26, Mr. 'Bradford, I have been crediMr i'-iformed, that the very no-, lauie at L?x*i igfon 5111 jq hof Ausjuil, coufiiled of but five men wh > lisve .v pc«teofionf tor " to inf(irrr)a;i6n, not to fay, refpeii, v, and that" ■». tl'Cy wef no; u iwni 1113, as wz; riut. 1 have not yet he rd what was '«» 1 u-rah.. v/itf rcce >• - t and voted tile to the Prehecftl'—p >Hr.!'ly the fame. It Wf;.;' : S--■ th'le sos Tiivvu M el. : t j a;c , ' ' J, r{ •; y uroul 'ie quirr >mt ne -nricy In th -n ; for we cou rtry peo ? lc lln " ol: -■ " s tao/' imp ! upon, as ivel'. 1 on a--*-L»ur.E >.-f t''-ir . amlicrs, ut ! jy their afTer'iixis. I Ae|j —Many coneurri m .-rut m are 'ai .Now -V r , tnsjvy ,jf as tii the country take • ay(f ; r " l f polices iruwi I pray you do not de ceiye He a';y mote in ' 'icfe majtrrt, left you fnuii'.! ' beTFie a .fc (t!.!,■ 1 loceat one) of ■ leading us 'iuw fttaf k-s. T!;eftf town peo- E. 'P ici mi '- e f'.much floife I,.if ye;', fp'ojte io big, and | _ .jpe fij many cotrefpo .dencies, tiiat maay of tit e!e- e Uroll r.eady to jom our h't' h a ei. :n Ihe ijtiier parts of the Unitei.l" S 1 a es, tyed '7 'fwfc ift M..a jjigaSela, A. -j I verily believe if l Iht Uriit«r Slates army not been mi relied u ver the-mnUiitain, wlter. it was, that many of us I 1 have been dr ,vn compleatly into the J,crape If. 1 tnention these thingsto ihow you how much mis- j v ehici ,tuy be done by rf»iircprei"entatioti, calculated " ■ to di lurb our peace, iafl ime our pafTions, and mis lead our J'jdgm.-n's. I'll rcfore 1 hope, fir, that rto ' ol ' nt " --, ' n reprefciit a metjtng of five or fix j peifons, as a general meeting sfthe citizens from * he iflfcreut parts of the Rate, without giving us I n en- ' ) 9 ,J time ago", wasrcmtrfctig in his tour through this ad '• aie » alarming consequences which might pre- j bably ensue from the indulgences that are gta.lted 1 . ' tofiavej, in tfieir M-htly cabals, reveiings, and as- J r ficiat/ons, in di.Terent parts of Virginia. He,in- g f )rin<*d me of the frrioUs apprelienhons which | • they had for Rime time,-and ftili partly labour tin- ' ' tier, from the I'rrpdHiijoii of several free blacks 1 i.s 'fnd mulatt,o«fiom the French Wert India lflands, of iulpiring the creatures with the notions ot dd f eed.>jh, and the poflibie success of an infurrec lion ; yet, from the fp«. irf(Texcrr?shs and vigilance - oi the civil officers in fap|>refEig that attempt in | |i - its infancy, and a ftiiflt p-ohibition to the -further ■' tQ ' importation of pcnplc of that colour, the danger i j°. IS, ' ia 'l "early fublidcd. What would that gentleman j 3 in fay, fh iul lhe fee here refpedable farmers encou- ' . t ; X l l raging Inch meetings of on day* set a part '?* f r3Wl business, and permitting them having barba- j™' te. cue *». haerangumg each oth.'r p-ibii.-'v, exerciling, J* •jipoiuting tiieir offi ers, and in refpetl get 11s ting qualifiedf.tr fofuetlisig-Tifoli# Impifrtinr.flioHTd ' '* ppport'nnity oflei : L .- • .!•/ b.ifinefs of V? e.ci y matter, tl. p- ivcnt his nggrpg auei.di.ig Tuch C ' «wn as p. >ffi ir , ."a-ui. the, iiij:fpenfi u- !>lcs for piopajtaii nof their own eflence and fubllance, '-' vc —m.idilitd to their different depaitments, continue ni^e fuhjeet to the aclivily of light's universal aciii, quit e though with yraduated velocity, (twe t the air. the lefTer in the water, and t|>c lealt in the a "d eanh.) T his 'miter's inclination to accompany the v^r y other two, fpecified in their vclocjfy, incrcafesj"e- aR d lutluantly its retardatKm 4 this concenters its ef- 4te l] lence in its substance, and gives impetuoiity to its eru pfion.' It> condud to beings in i* a vicinity hurts with equal, though flower impreflion, at that - of lightening, (two fpcciSc acids in contact) wit,, the difference, that the latter leaves fcircc Co ' room foi auxiliary application, which the former , in meafufable degrees admits ; is mod favorable to , those, with whon it meets with the lead of its own S: species deposited in their pcrfonal atmosphere ;and New is lead favorable, where such depositions are volu- n ' lls i ! minous in the person's atmosphere. These de- O polilion, originate from the (teamsof arfciiical.&c. aualyfes, ahd prove mortal to chymids. Next, with from great ma(Te» of aggregate matter. kep> in' « fermentation and maceration, until all a ■ humui particles are evaporated, then become sub- on e < jected to the universal kindling, when they afce.id = in iieaVy, yet loyifible clouds, luver no' fix feet A perpendicular above the eatth's furface, are apt to cruif Stve mortal infection to ail near and in it, unhf, capt, dillipited by winds, extir ?11 ifhed Ky win,, or wide f»nably incorporated, with the ft.il as mar-ure. Colb J. G. W. DE B Yi LOW DON, September 10. " fau, fly'.TJ ii OF P-.tRIS. A ■ , know h».iory,norev«nmen, in burg >rd.-r to oe aftoiiifheu at Hie p.citjre which Par is i.os. , r .. r ' exhibits. s-I**1 ** There are merchants who fell as dear as' they can - -n 1 ; wta c-y as-Mui! as they cjtoofc ' 4,chr Every oody complaminj; of milfry, and ev.-rv bodv w ling 0 t,, j •, h .ii!-. • v Every body waybills of the evils of tyranny • but everybody fpciicj wah unbridled liccauoufitifs. ' ITT-- T! - 0 -* a lv:1 war are 40 leaene; rrorn us; but th"S plraft;r.jf < of ih« illaad ot Cal; pto .ire in the em P es Ini' rior -f the to vm *■' Alarms ire ringing ii> all minds; and careleunefs ,(■ in al! hearts. ill things are exposed to astonishing alterations and movcrpents; .but .cai.nneis is ©lifervcd in everytace. y no- Events of the g/eateit-imp°rtancc, and intrigues of l;:u n valets eijft at thcfame time. ,7 Ceremonial dintiffs are given, which seem to reunite , ill tiie chiefs; but c'andcftine iuppers likewile, in 1,1 which proscriptions are fignad. . vr The meeting of Pnrtlary~Aflembli s are approach- J M' • i,m£ and with them the molt profound ignorance *e Frciic ii, who are accustomed to live, to ling, to dif- r _ i! pvte, to fight-r-but wgt to think. t . In the ,-jiidft .of a of men, of whom some are ion*, dying, -others the leaders of J'aris and the » r ht ; different faction?, m«re agree with refpeel to npti- .heir vie -vs hau with refpedt to their mtans, art easily 1 take dift:Birn«fted. I t de- 1 lie leaders in general hare no monay, and (till left £ Odd talents. _ ] . j. 'Alnong all the leaguers of the hill, there is neither ' 1 Duke of Guis , a Cffifar, sr a CrO'uweil. peo- Jfhe Duke of Orleans is dead, and the inheritors of ' and his ambition have not inherited his fortune. j a if in Thefuburbs are difsrmed ; and the Eng!i(h guineas -nts, are not exhauiled, it] u ] ar . Small intrigues of contemptible women, fmalljour-' ] s vc jj- nils to be read in kitchens, and litile epigrams, are not ; jj _ . fufficient to rouse a great pyipie, hatraffed, disarmed, j . . u panting for tranquillity, and after a government. ; lls j A gove niuent canu t l>e the object of the different 8 "tip? j failions; for they wri die a violent death 011 tire day l ' mis- j when a govern*, uit will arifrout of the cbaon. cl ated What ten -do they demand in their desperate ad- 1,- jjj.-f dresses, pronounced by- their oratois, bursting with J, that bo,nbaft r fix PARIS, loth Fru&idor—Sept. 6. y< rom Every day we fee new tills Itm knp at the cor- ttl us nero! the theets, which aie the vph eles c'oien by 'ed by thcpretcuded patriots of 1789. Ev a ery butiy r.ptfted to fee tiie name* of Trflej j.j Beajihveiz, Moajtefquiou, and all the Hue patriots £, | at ''' ''ottom, and were very much a -1 hpiiilhed, oulv to h H those of the patriot* of *92, j* . ari ! 'ven some of the 2d of Sept. We alfo'de ieried the names of lev.-ral weil known IVrroiilis 0 who have recently escaped from prison. Even the 10 " , prudeat Daumale appears on the lilt, who might, " propriety, have called himfelf one of ler errt 's parties : he now prefutres to preach f u j to his !• e'.low Citizens, though giatitude (liould c ;i, an 3Ye tau^'lt un to ' 3e fileut, that he might not c( j m - "P" fe . e mifcondud of the Committee, in fit- lht . ~t ! htm at liberty. But al! this quaekey, all this j n „ a . 'mpndence, are. now out of the season ; the piib „ p , iio will diltinguilh m giving their votes, as they the k' have -already done in bellowing their esteem, he- 3 rK j iid tween w h(> really piomoted the Revoht- it ; if I tIon * that impure herd of affiflins and pluu- {he . dcrers, who became patriots tbe moment mnrder as s and pillage were confidcred as the l>elt proofs of s up .' h P itr '°tifm. St 3 — TTI 'Ml —I on COLUMBIA, Ottober 23. ' anc The Prcjideui's answer t i the addrejs i,f the c of Re the United Stares, this town on the 4th 1 mei of -dugujl l"Ji, rrfpefling the treaty -with Great j gen Britain. „ | are United Slates, 14th Sept. I 7QC. !ly 1 SIR, . ! one I received the a-Jdrefs of a number of citiiens, ' for inhabitant* ofCambtlen and Orangeburgh diftrifts, bon : . affrmbled at Columbia, on the 4th of Aujiuft, 'J !- v )' h you transmitted. They express their difap- ferv >, probation ol the treaty lately negociated with G. Tht () Brit Kin, and their belief that it would not receive Stat j my .ifTent. ble i My lenfe of the treaty has been manifefted by its* perf ', ratification. The principles on which my fan&ion any j w-j given, have been made public. I regret the II *, ''jverfity of opiniun. But whatever qttalitits ma the c nifefted in a long nd arduons public life, have ac- 1: i, quitedfor me ti»e confidence of my fellow citizens, rlors 1 ie-t til-m be afiured that they remain unchanged; ner 1 c and that they " will continue to be exerted one- oft! e very oeealion in which rhe honor, the happinefi be e . ar.d welfare of our common country are immedi cliiei ". ately involved." ,I IC , s With due rtfpeft, p^in I am. Sir, < 2( t Ydlir obedient, to b ) Go. WASHINGTON. ment Col. Thomas Taylor, ' CHARLESTON, Oftoher 26. Govi ' v a,nvc ! t ' l - li'p Columbus, Lothrop, with J New London, jj day*; fn«w Resolution, Rette whic ■ °™«» 75 Ways. - On his jpa:Tage, Capt. Lothrop fell in witn a have . lchooner fiom Fort-i>auphin, bound to Befton, Prefn , with only »ne living man, the captain, on board ; Bate , the other men, si ein m.mier, al! died of a fever 4 t! 1 afe« days after 1-aWr.g port. Capt. Lothrop put timid . one of h own men on board the fchaoner, and left icalot ' a,?** tn " "M&V ' <:r thk port. 'void A !o arrived the fe-hooner Carmagnole, from a a'.teti , crude; beside* ner prizes which have arrived, (he Comi ' a loaded with iadigo, State which was (hortjy after recaptured by two Guarda- oughi \ efterday arrive,! the f.-Honner Savannah Packet, Fcdei : iTN.v?™4'..' mw- A (h:p li arrived in Savano>H river, from H»m- t-'e'j Wg. with »nc hoiidrtd a d fifty Germa, F affen point, * T} 835? r - Ar t C ' al dars ncgoc V Aux-Caves, ,8 well , Gonaiv-s, 20 Creel Wil'.am, New Voik, iz I t Hazard, A tlx ParM »*Q I % V >>- * ■ if^il , fa CiTiisf) PIERCE BUTIEV ill the Sir, »ft*.**.. efTnefs YOUR fortitude excite* our admiration, ro u v.rue our esteem, and your attention to our irM «» d • s.^'^o W bß, iolI jE ace. federal senate to the ratification of the titdtv uesof signed at Londoa on the 19th Novembc ' t-ol'l our fuUeft approbation, *iero, our wariest *Jj fe, in P A • a " d , firmeft fl TP 6rt - We, fir, have rained it wulvcare, and anxiously fooght thatteci.i -oach- P™'T which .. so ait fully held u P at thefcafiso* irance f««ndfh»p , hut. to our great fu. prize, o-ly 0•] !2 • . cautiously worded, and wonderfully calcuUd' ,3 nateft deceive the good citizen* of ihtk- kates by ho! V ."Sr. ■*7 , f :: w s "iw ,e are «»»«'* » i.lufory, as ,0 id the " y . C ' ,f ' ble 0r tiiaj C a n rf £ oJt tu . ])e eel to United States as 1 government, or th-.-iV,. eaiiiy thereof as individuals. We are forrv to fey , ! in this treaty we behold om c nlti ution violated r;r:r artmdkiy - our.ii.wJ: nther I 9 ftrU . ft ,re "Wolves.made the sport of caprice and Britilh politics. We think the «of Ut *7 a together nugatory as to the ,„j propofe(i i" d *««««• y »• sovereign flafes meas V V a fament there were no more, vet w- „• '■ l£ I .her, «,c so „„ y , i, ,hi (, „i '4JJ jw-. language and afled the will of the peopl, , 1 This is : out a ,«">te d.e t» patriotism, and w, rejoin, fir ed '|to pay Hto you. While native, forge/ the er£nt XT. and fe 'L" me , nti ° f thc fr - *>°™ citizens of . these Hates, what Jo we behold ! A man bv chance of b.rrt, an Amencan, but one by r , a /on and «S 7 ' " m ° re ?" ached <. you puss thro' life; no. shall hist rT nts, tefftrtl those n.tuous aits bur with edat, a .id fay j to polierity, This man, thisfinntar, deftrved W M the j oj bis country, lore ! _ liy virtue of a refold- of the citizens of Lau ;ng j reus county, met at the court-Kuufe of the f £mc 'Z dayof A ir"' '7W. pnaread'. ; le f "' , y° ur mott ohedicn. arid teiy hum iraiafl Committee v r Lv _i. 1 AUGI'STA, Odober 15. h Ex * raa of a lm < r f'-om tl e Sec.cts.ly of War to His i.xcehenry George Mathews, Esq. Govern. L: or J cor « ia ' dattn any unfair management,in the negotiation. le It is proposed therefore to hold the treaty on a the following principles. •ft- Thc invitation to the Creek chiefs bh'fr war s, riors to attend the ireaty will be given in the man ; ner molt likely to a complete reprefcniation L-. ot the Nation, and every object of the treaty will fa be explicitly mentioned in the invitation 7 ) th?t ihe i chiefs may come prepared to the mind of thena ion aid haven;, grounds afterwards to com p.ain of deception orfurptize. 2d. Ihe negotiation on the part of Georgia is to be confined to the two trafls of land before mentioned. 3d ihe Treaty will be held, conducted and concluded, agreeably to the aft of the General Government, for regulating trade and intercourse » ith the Indian tubes, confequeutly any agreement which shall be made with the Creeks by your Com miffioncrs, will become, part of a Treaty which will a hare no validity m.til ap iroved, and reified by the , :'refident, with thc advice and consent of the Se ; Bate of the United States. r 4th. Every civcumflanee which will tend to in* timidatethe Indians when aiTembled, to excite tbeir t jealousy, or to produce quarrels, mtift be carefully »voided, for this reason no more citizens (Itould 1 ! .. tend the T.caty tban the cor.ienjejice C